Emily ventura gloco

be bellezza (noun: beauty, belle, loveliness, handsomeness) http://flavors.me/emily_ventu ra#24c

Transcript of Emily ventura gloco

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be bellezza (noun: beauty, belle, loveliness, handsomeness)


Page 2: Emily ventura   gloco

allow me to introduce myself – my name is emily and i have zero, zip, zilch knowledge of the beauty world.

my new job at bellabox means i need to find a way to lift my game and take notice of the cosmetic world around me. i’m here to learn the tricks of the trade and share them with my readers. i am by no means an authority, but hope my back-to-basics tips and discoveries will help us all learn how to expose our inner beauty.

a new year means a new uni course. and with that comes a new addiction to miso soup, along with a subject that requires a blog – so here it is.

i have used this opportunity to learn about the benefits of social media and the ways in which I can use to engage with and invite readers to join me in the beauty conversation. I hope that my readers are able to relate to me through my conversational and easy to join blog posts. I have learnt that maintaining a consistent voice and presence within the ever-expanding social media world is harder than it seems and I bow down to those who have created a career out of blogging.

This course has opened my eyes to the technology that is available to those that wish to make use of it, and if done well, can ensure that any voice is heard.

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Hashtag engagement

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Course tweets

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Positioning statement:My online identity was used to position myself as a professional working within the beauty industry. Although expected to refer to course learning, I primarily wanted the beauty industry to be my main area of interest. Targeting a mixed audience of industry experts as well as those who were beginners like me, my blog aimed to ensure all readers could easily relate to me.

Value proposition:I wanted to offer my audience an insight into the beauty world, giving the feeling of insider knowledge. Instead of offering detailed and expert opinion, I opted to share easy and basic tips learned in my daily experiences at work and by no means presented myself as an authority. This approach differentiated me from the industry experts who tend to have a less personable style.

Brand story:The idea that I was new to the industry and was a beginner was the story I hoped my readers would follow. Admitting to little beauty knowledge, I hoped my readers would join me each step of the way as I shared my daily learnings and that they would eventually look to me for information that may be skipped over by the more established beauty editorials.

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Identity hub

Future platform for


Future platform for ‘how-to’ clips