EMERGING TOOLS FOR CONTINUOUS NUTRIENT ... › view › noaa › 13797 › noaa...reduction plans to...

EMERGING TOOLS FOR CONTINUOUS NUTRIENT MONITORING NETWORKS: SENSORS ADVANCING SCIENCE AND WATER RESOURCES PROTECTION 1 Brian A. Pellerin, Beth A. Stauffer, Dwane A. Young, Daniel J. Sullivan, Suzanne B. Bricker, Mark R. Walbridge, Gerard A. Clyde, Jr., and Denice M. Shaw 2 ABSTRACT: Sensors and enabling technologies are becoming increasingly important tools for water quality monitoring and associated water resource management decisions. In particular, nutrient sensors are of interest because of the well-known adverse effects of nutrient enrichment on coastal hypoxia, harmful algal blooms, and impacts to human health. Accurate and timely information on nutrient concentrations and loads is integral to strategies designed to minimize risk to humans and manage the underlying drivers of water quality impair- ment. Using nitrate sensors as the primary example, we highlight the types of applications in freshwater and coastal environments that are likely to benefit from continuous, real-time nutrient data. The concurrent emer- gence of new tools to integrate, manage, and share large datasets is critical to the successful use of nutrient sensors and has made it possible for the field of continuous monitoring to rapidly move forward. We highlight several near-term opportunities for federal agencies, as well as the broader scientific and management commu- nity, that will help accelerate sensor development, build and leverage sites within a national network, and develop open data standards and data management protocols that are key to realizing the benefits of a large- scale, integrated monitoring network. Investing in these opportunities will provide new information to guide management and policies designed to protect and restore our nation’s water resources. (KEY TERMS: sensors; nutrients; water quality; information management.) Pellerin, Brian A., Beth A. Stauffer, Dwane A. Young, Daniel J. Sullivan, Suzanne B. Bricker, Mark R. Wal- bridge, Gerard A. Clyde, Jr., and Denice M. Shaw, 2016. Emerging Tools for Continuous Nutrient Monitoring Networks: Sensors Advancing Science and Water Resources Protection. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 52(4): 993-1008. DOI: 10.1111/1752-1688.12386 1 Paper No. JAWRA-15-0091-P of the Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA). Received June 9, 2015; accepted November 14, 2015. Published 2016. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA. Journal of the American Water Resources Association published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of American Water Resources Association. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribu- tion in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made. Discussions are open until six months from issue publication. 2 Research Scientist (Pellerin), California Water Science Center, U.S. Geological Survey, 6000 J Street, Placer Hall, Sacramento, California 95819; Assistant Professor (Stauffer), Department of Biology, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, Louisiana 70504; Senior Data Advisor (Young), Office of Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. 20460; Hydrologist (Sullivan), Wisconsin Water Science Center, U.S. Geological Survey, Middleton, Wisconsin 53562; Physical Scientist (Bricker), National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910; Ecologist (Walbridge), Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Beltsville, Maryland 20705; Limnologist (Clyde), Tulsa District, U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74128; and Senior Scientist (Shaw), Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washing- ton, D.C. 20460 (E-Mail/Pellerin: [email protected]). JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION JAWRA 993 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION Vol. 52, No. 4 AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION August 2016

Transcript of EMERGING TOOLS FOR CONTINUOUS NUTRIENT ... › view › noaa › 13797 › noaa...reduction plans to...



Brian A. Pellerin, Beth A. Stauffer, Dwane A. Young, Daniel J. Sullivan, Suzanne B. Bricker,

Mark R. Walbridge, Gerard A. Clyde, Jr., and Denice M. Shaw2

ABSTRACT: Sensors and enabling technologies are becoming increasingly important tools for water qualitymonitoring and associated water resource management decisions. In particular, nutrient sensors are of interestbecause of the well-known adverse effects of nutrient enrichment on coastal hypoxia, harmful algal blooms, andimpacts to human health. Accurate and timely information on nutrient concentrations and loads is integral tostrategies designed to minimize risk to humans and manage the underlying drivers of water quality impair-ment. Using nitrate sensors as the primary example, we highlight the types of applications in freshwater andcoastal environments that are likely to benefit from continuous, real-time nutrient data. The concurrent emer-gence of new tools to integrate, manage, and share large datasets is critical to the successful use of nutrientsensors and has made it possible for the field of continuous monitoring to rapidly move forward. We highlightseveral near-term opportunities for federal agencies, as well as the broader scientific and management commu-nity, that will help accelerate sensor development, build and leverage sites within a national network, anddevelop open data standards and data management protocols that are key to realizing the benefits of a large-scale, integrated monitoring network. Investing in these opportunities will provide new information to guidemanagement and policies designed to protect and restore our nation’s water resources.

(KEY TERMS: sensors; nutrients; water quality; information management.)

Pellerin, Brian A., Beth A. Stauffer, Dwane A. Young, Daniel J. Sullivan, Suzanne B. Bricker, Mark R. Wal-bridge, Gerard A. Clyde, Jr., and Denice M. Shaw, 2016. Emerging Tools for Continuous Nutrient MonitoringNetworks: Sensors Advancing Science and Water Resources Protection. Journal of the American WaterResources Association (JAWRA) 52(4): 993-1008. DOI: 10.1111/1752-1688.12386

1Paper No. JAWRA-15-0091-P of the Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA). Received June 9, 2015; acceptedNovember 14, 2015. Published 2016. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA. Journal of theAmerican Water Resources Association published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of American Water Resources Association. This is anopen access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribu-tion in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.Discussions are open until six months from issue publication.

2Research Scientist (Pellerin), California Water Science Center, U.S. Geological Survey, 6000 J Street, Placer Hall, Sacramento, California95819; Assistant Professor (Stauffer), Department of Biology, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, Louisiana 70504; Senior DataAdvisor (Young), Office of Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. 20460; Hydrologist (Sullivan), Wisconsin WaterScience Center, U.S. Geological Survey, Middleton, Wisconsin 53562; Physical Scientist (Bricker), National Centers for Coastal OceanScience, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910; Ecologist (Walbridge), Agricultural ResearchService, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Beltsville, Maryland 20705; Limnologist (Clyde), Tulsa District, U.S. Army Corp of Engineers,Tulsa, Oklahoma 74128; and Senior Scientist (Shaw), Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washing-ton, D.C. 20460 (E-Mail/Pellerin: [email protected]).





Protecting the quality of water in the nation’sstreams, rivers, lakes, and estuaries is of criticalimportance to sustaining both human and ecosystemhealth. Nutrient enrichment is a particular concern asit can lead to harmful algal blooms (HABs) andhypoxia in freshwater and coastal environments (e.g.,Smith et al., 2006), as well as human health effects(Bryan and Loscalzo, 2011; Brender et al., 2013). Accu-rate and timely information on nutrient concentrationsand loads is integral to efforts designed to minimizewater quality impairment by managing nutrientsources and transport. This is particularly true, giventhe costs of developing and implementing nutrientreduction plans to restore or maintain water quality.For example, the cost of implementing best manage-ment practices (BMPs) developed by states in the Che-sapeake Bay watershed to comply with total maximumdaily loads is estimated at about US$900 million peryear for full implementation (Kaufman et al., 2014).

Much of our current understanding of the patternsand trends in nutrient concentrations and loads (aswell as other water-quality constituents) is based ontraditional monitoring approaches, e.g., discretesamples collected manually at weekly to monthlyintervals followed by days to weeks for laboratoryanalyses to be completed. While this low temporalfrequency approach — coupled with modeling andstatistical techniques — has yielded critical informa-tion, more timely and accurate indications of waterquality impairment could help resource managersand policy makers identify specific causes, assess theeffects of remedial actions, and develop more effectiveresponses. This is particularly important for episodicevents such as floods that are difficult to anticipatebut can have significant and long-term ecological, eco-nomic, and human health effects.

Sensors and associated physical and cyberinfra-structure — the telecommunications, collection plat-forms, data standards, and data management toolsrequired to transform data into information in atimely manner — are becoming increasingly impor-tant for water quality monitoring and associatedwater resource management decisions (Horsburghet al., 2011; Murdoch et al., 2014). Water quality sen-sors allow for nearly continuous (e.g., seconds to min-utes) measurements, thereby reducing the likelihoodthat changes in water quality are missed or obscuredas often happens with infrequent discrete samplingalone (Cassidy and Jordan, 2011). Furthermore, thetransmission and analysis of continuous data in realtime ensures that water management decisions canbe made immediately. The combined temporal and

spatial richness of water quality data from sensorsalso allows for dynamic queries and interactive timedisplays to identify the initiation and termination ofwater quality events that may be transient in timeand/or spatially distinct.

Despite these benefits, the broad adoption and useof water quality sensors remains limited by a varietyof factors including instrument acquisition andmaintenance cost, ease-of-use, and data managementchallenges. Focusing on nitrate sensors as the mostmature of the in situ nutrient sensor technologies, wedescribe the types of applications in freshwater andcoastal environments that are likely to benefit fromcontinuous, real-time water quality data, as well as aframework to accelerate and support their broaderuse. While the authority to manage water resourcesin the United States (U.S.) is largely delegated tostates, tribes, and local municipalities, the consor-tium of federal agencies represented by the authors,and others, have an important role to play in thescience and management of water quality rangingfrom drinking water protection to coastal fisheriesand associated economic sustainability. Integration ofleveraged investments by these and other nationaland international agencies and organizations throughimproved data standards, common methodologies,and guidance and support for deployment and datamanagement activities can both accelerate the adop-tion of promising technologies and ultimately improvethe science and management of our water resources.


Nutrients — primarily nitrogen and phosphorus —are fundamental components of living organisms andcritical to the global production of food and fiber. How-ever, excessive nutrient levels that are largely theresult of the production and use of inorganic fertiliz-ers, animal manure, and discharge of human wastew-ater have dramatically altered and continue to shapeaquatic environments (Richardson and Jørgensen,2013). The effects of excess nutrients in waterwaysrange from human health impacts caused by drinkingwater contamination, to HABs and hypoxia in fresh-water and coastal ecosystems (Heisler et al., 2008;Erisman et al., 2013), all with substantial economicand ecological implications. For example, a recentstudy (Sobota et al., 2015) estimated the potentialhealth and environmental impacts of reactive nitro-gen release to aquatic systems totaled US$210 billionper year in the U.S. in the early 2000s, with estimates



ranging from $19 billion annually due to drinkingwater impacts to $78 billion related to impacts onfreshwater ecosystems.

Despite major federal, state, and local efforts tocontrol their sources and transport, nutrient concen-trations in many rivers and aquifers across thenation have largely remained the same or increasedsince the early 1990s (Dubrovsky et al., 2010).For example, an estimated 14,000 water bodiesnationwide are affected by excess nutrients (State-EPA Nutrient Innovations Task Group, 2009).Coastal eutrophication also remains problematic andwidespread, with 65% of the nation’s major estuariesshowing moderate to high levels of nutrient pollution(Bricker et al., 2007; Figure 1).

Addressing the impacts and costs of nutrientcontamination on water quality can now be greatly

assisted by the new capabilities for continuous moni-toring. The recent emergence of two related areas oftechnology in particular — reliable sensors for mea-suring nutrient concentrations in situ and tools forintegrating and managing large datasets — havepositioned the field of continuous water quality moni-toring to rapidly move forward. Both sensor and datamanagement technology have advanced to the pointwhere sensors will quickly become common andcritical tools not only in water quality research andmonitoring, but also in water resource management.

The Emergence of Nutrient Sensors

Nutrient monitoring in surface water dates back toat least the late 1800s when the reliability of drinking

FIGURE 1. Overall Eutrophic Condition of U.S. Estuaries (from Bricker et al., 2007). Colors represent the overalleutrophic condition while shapes represent the change in eutrophic condition since 1999 (see legend).



water sources for population centers became a con-cern (Myers, 2015). Then, as now, the primary moni-toring approach has been infrequent discrete samplecollection followed by wet chemical analysis in a labo-ratory. The ability to measure nutrientconcentrations in situ using field sensors developedrelatively recently with the application of ion-selec-tive electrodes (ISE) in the 1970s (Langmuir andJacobson, 1970) and the emergence in the last20 years of wet chemical analyzers and nonchemicaloptical sensors that could be deployed in the environ-ment (Jannasch et al., 1994; Finch et al., 1998; John-son and Coletti, 2002). Much of the focus of sensorsdevelopment has been on nitrate, given that it is bothproblematic for water quality and amenable to in situmeasurements by different technologies. However,ISE and wet-chemical sensors for ammonium andorthophosphate also have a history of use for in situmonitoring and research. Wet chemical orthophos-phate sensors, in particular, show promise for quanti-fying high frequency changes in water quality inresponse to hydrologic and biological forcings (Cohenet al., 2013; Gilbert et al., 2013; Outram et al., 2014;Bowes et al., 2015; Sherson et al., 2015).

Different nutrient sensor technologies have advan-tages and disadvantages in terms of accuracy, cost,reliability, and ease-of-use (Table 1). For example,ISEs for nitrate are relatively inexpensive and easy touse, but have much lower accuracy and higher driftthan wet chemical or UV nitrate sensors. However, theprimary benefit from all three is the high temporal fre-quency of the data collection (e.g., seconds to minutes)which captures changes in water quality that occur atshort time scales (Cassidy and Jordan, 2011; Joneset al., 2012). For example, data from the PotomacRiver illustrate the daily, event, seasonal, and annualvariability in nitrate concentrations that can be mea-sured with continuous monitoring but would likely be

missed with traditional monthly discrete sampling(Figure 2). The other primary benefit is in the real-time delivery of data rather than delays of days toweeks common for laboratory analyses and communi-cation of results. This allows for water managementdecisions to be made in real time as is demonstrated bythe use of nitrate sensor data by the Des Moines WaterWorks to determine and anticipate the need for operat-ing costly nitrate removal systems for drinking water(Figure 3).

The current generation of nutrient sensors beingused for water quality monitoring was originally devel-oped for use in specific applications that influencedinstrument design and specifications (Pellerin et al.,2013). For example, UV nitrate sensors were primarilydeveloped for use in either wastewater treatment facili-ties or in the coastal ocean, both of which have specificand unique needs in terms of the sensitivity, linearmeasurement range and anti-fouling components. Sim-ilarly, early versions of wet chemical orthophosphatesensors were primarily developed for applications incoastal settings with reduced fouling and lower sus-pended sediment concentrations than measured inmany rivers and streams. While many of these instru-ments have since been adapted for use in rivers, lakes,and estuaries, the next generation of nutrient sensorswill likely be optimized for freshwater systems byrecent efforts to accelerate the development, produc-tion and use of affordable, reliable and accurate sen-sors in a range of environments (e.g., Nutrient SensorChallenge; www.nutrients-challenge.org/).

Tools for Integrating and Managing the“Data Deluge”

While the continuous monitoring of nutrients is asignificant advance in attempts to understand and

TABLE 1. Advantages and Disadvantages of Commercially Available Nutrient Sensor Technologies.

Type Principle Advantages Disadvantages

Optical (UV)sensors

Spectral absorption by a photometer High resolution, accuracy, and precisionChemical-free

Fast response timeAdditional optical information in spectra

Expensive (>$15,000)High power requirement andmaintenance costs

Only available for nitrate


Wet chemical colorimetric reactionwith detection by photometry

High resolution, accuracy, and precisionPotential for in situ calibrationsRelatively fast response timeAvailable for ammonium, nitrate,and phosphate

Expensive (>$10,000)High power requirement andmaintenance costs

High potential for foulingRequires reagents (generates waste)

Ion-selectiveelectrodes (ISE)

Direct potentiometry between a sensingelectrode and a reference electrode

Inexpensive (<$1,000) and easy to useFast response timeNot influenced by color or turbidityAvailable for ammonium and nitrate

Low resolution, accuracy, andprecision

Subject to ionic interferencesHigh instrument driftLimited shelf life



monitor water quality, improvements in our ability tointegrate, process and analyze large datasets are alsoneeded (Porter et al., 2012). For example, continuousmonitoring of a single parameter at 15 min intervalsresults in over 35,000 measurements per year, withthat number easily increasing by orders of magnitudewhen additional sensors and diagnostic data are alsoincluded. This is in contrast to traditional field sam-pling programs that typically collect 12-18 samplesper year, albeit with rich metadata associated witheach of those discrete data points. Given this “datadeluge” (Baraniuk, 2011; Porter et al., 2012), newand emerging data standards, improved telemetry,and new data management approaches are critical,particularly for the establishment of sensor networksin which data are collected and shared amongst mul-tiple parties.

The Consortium of Universities for the Advance-ment of Hydrologic Sciences, Incorporated (CUAHSI)has demonstrated the potential for sharing sensordata through the CUAHSI Hydrologic InformationSystem (HIS; https://www.cuahsi.org/AboutHIS). The

CUAHSI approach illustrates how defining standardprotocols for publishing data facilitates the discoveryof data from various sources or locations and allowsfor the incorporation of those data into other third-party applications. Since the initial implementationof the HIS, the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)has finalized web service interface standards forsensors as well as standard information models forsharing sensor data (http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/sos). These standards have created the pos-sibility for an interoperable sensor network wheresystems and devices can exchange and interpret datafor not only nutrient sensors, but virtually any sensorproviding information on both water quantity andquality.

The Open Water Data Initiative (OWDI) providesa federal vision for how water data can be made bothdiscoverable and interoperable, and the frameworkenvisioned under OWDI supports the development ofan interoperable sensor network. In order for such asensor network to be successful, however, the princi-ples of the OWDI need to be followed, including: (1) a

FIGURE 2. Time Series of Nitrate for the Potomac River at Little Falls (USGS Station 01646500) Showing the Time Scales ofVariability in Nitrate Concentrations. Continuous (15 min) nitrate sensor data are shown in red circles, while biweekly

and event-based discrete sampling is shown in yellow squares. Note different scales on axes.



maintained catalog of available sensor datasets,including relevant metadata and parameter measure-ments; (2) standard services that provide data in acommon format using common ontologies; (3) acommon geofabric that registers the spatial relation-ships between important hydrologic features andmonitoring points, facilitating the discovery ofsensors through upstream, downstream, or other net-work analyses; and (4) an open marketplace to enablethe private sector, including academia, to discover,analyze, and communicate the data in innovativeways.


Traditional water quality monitoring can be verycostly, especially when time and travel for personnel,specialized field equipment and laboratory analyticalcosts are factored in. Additionally, data with lowspatial and temporal resolution often yield results thatare difficult to interpret and may not adequately sup-port management actions. For example, Kirchner et al.(2004) illustrated the challenges to interpretationposed by the mismatch between temporal scales onwhich hydrologic processes (e.g., flow) and water qual-ity parameters (e.g., conductivity) are measured. Tobest utilize the low temporal resolution data collected

by most traditional measurement approaches, scien-tists and managers have developed statistical model-ing techniques to estimate missing concentration orload data from other observations such as discharge,time and season. Despite the recognized potential forbias (Stenback et al., 2011; Hirsch, 2014) and theinherent difficulty in understanding the drivers andfine-scale processes, management policies and actionsare increasingly dependent on these model outputsand vulnerable to their uncertainties.

As discussed earlier, in situ nutrient sensors offertwo fundamental advantages over these traditionaldiscrete sampling approaches: (1) data are collectedat a much higher temporal frequency; and (2) datacan be disseminated in real time. These improve-ments present significant opportunities in a numberof important applications ranging from real-time deci-sion support to nutrient transport model develop-ment. It is important to recognize, however, that theapplication of continuous nutrient sensors is notwithout significant costs. For example, a one-timenitrate measurement using a sensor would costapproximately US$60,000 when taking the procure-ment cost of a sensor ($20,000-25,000) into accountalong with operation, maintenance, and data valida-tion costs. For comparison, a discrete water qualitysample collected and analyzed by the U.S. GeologicalSurvey (USGS) for nutrients costs approximately$4,400 on average (based on 2013 estimates) once sal-ary, equipment, and laboratory analyses are included(Betanzo et al., 2015). However, sensor data will

FIGURE 3. Time Series of Nitrate Concentrations in the Raccoon River at Van Meter (USGS Station 05484500) and the Des Moines Riverat 2nd Avenue (USGS station 05482000) Used by the Des Moines Water Works for Drinking Water Plant Operations. Shaded areas show

periods where nitrate removal using ion exchange resins was online and the number of vessels operating at a given time (Jeff Mitchell, DesMoines Water Works, personal communication). Blended pretreatment water is a combination of the two river sources and a third gallerysource collecting shallow groundwater. The MCL is the maximum contaminant level for nitrate (as nitrogen, mg/L) allowed in drinking




ultimately be less expensive per data point whenhigher frequency data are needed to quantify stormevent responses (Pellerin et al., 2012; Carey et al.,2014), understand stream metabolism (Heffernan andCohen, 2010; Cohen et al., 2013), and improve theaccuracy of nutrient load calculations (Cassidy andJordan, 2011; Duan et al., 2014; Pellerin et al., 2014;Terrio and Straub, 2015). Cost-benefit analysesshould therefore consider the number and temporaldensity of nutrient measurements needed to describethe process of interest with acceptable accuracy anduncertainty, as well as the added value of data deliv-ery in real time for water management, to determinewhether an investment into continuous monitoring iswarranted. However, other factors such as the rangeof parameters to be measured (many of which cannotyet be measured in situ) and alternative strategiesfor intermittent high frequency sampling such asautosamplers should also be considered.

Advancing Our Understanding of Watershed Processes

Watersheds consist of dynamic aquatic environ-ments and the surrounding land from which waterdrains to a common outlet, and there are many exam-ples of how high frequency data collection benefitsthe understanding of watershed processes andwatershed management. Continuous and real-timestreamflow measurements, for example, are criticalfor supporting flood forecasting and water-resourceplanning, as well as better understanding hydrologyas a driver of water quality (e.g., Hirsch and Costa,2004). At the watershed-scale, continuous nitratemonitoring is proving useful for both calculatingnutrient loading to downstream waters (Pellerinet al., 2014), as well as understanding the drivers ofchanges in water quality (Hensley et al., 2014). Highfrequency measurements are also critical to ade-quately characterize the variability in surface waternitrate and orthophosphate concentrations at somesites, especially during hydrologic events (Pellerinet al., 2012; Bende-Michl et al., 2013; Ferrant et al.,2013; Carey et al., 2014; Outram et al., 2014; Boweset al., 2015; Sherson et al., 2015) and during periodswhen instream biological processing or other factorsproduce, consume, or alter nutrients prior to down-stream export (Pellerin et al., 2009; Heffernan andCohen, 2010; Cohen et al., 2013; Hensley et al., 2014;Snyder and Bowden, 2014). For example, diurnalnitrate patterns similar to those observed in the Poto-mac River (Figure 2) have been used to estimaterates and drivers of primary productivity in bothfreshwater (Heffernan and Cohen, 2010; Cohen et al.,2013) and coastal environments (Johnson et al., 2006;Collins et al., 2013). Recent studies have also

demonstrated the value of high frequency nitratesensors for mapping the spatial variability in riversand lakes (Crawford et al., 2015).

Continuous nutrient monitoring may prove partic-ularly important for assessing and managing nutrientloads delivered across the land-water interface (e.g.,edge-of-field). This is particularly true, given the highcost of implementing BMPs to improve or maintainwater quality (Sharpley et al., 2006). The high tempo-ral frequency of sensor data provides an opportunityto improve the accuracy and reduce the uncertaintyof nutrient load estimates from the edge-of-field. Inaddition, high frequency data — coupled withweather data and information on land management —may help guide the implementation and evaluation ofBMPs at both the field and watershed scales. Finally,high frequency measurements maintained over longperiods of time (e.g., years) may also find broadapplicability in the development and performance val-idation of practices that are implemented as part ofmarket-based water quality trading programs (Wood-ward and Kaiser, 2002; Selman et al., 2009).

Applications of Nutrient Sensors forCoastal Monitoring

Given the importance of nitrogen and phosphorusas drivers of coastal eutrophication (Bricker et al.,2007), hypoxia (Turner et al., 2006), and HABs (Heis-ler et al., 2008), accurately quantifying the loads ofnutrients delivered to coastal environments is critical.Calculating riverine loads to estuaries using continu-ous sensors offers several advantages over traditionalregression-based modeling techniques that rely oninfrequent (typically monthly) discrete nitrate data.The higher rate of sampling ensures that dynamicsoperating across different time scales are captured,thereby largely eliminating bias (Stenback et al.,2011; Hirsch, 2014) and resulting in greater accuracyin concentration and load estimates (Pellerin et al.,2014; Duan et al., 2014; Wild-Allen and Rayner,2014). This is particularly important when discretesampling does not fully capture the concentration-dis-charge (C-Q) range or where the C-Q relationshipvaries significantly over time. For example, C-Q vari-ability in the Mississippi River basin during yearsthat included a drought (2012) and flood (2013)contributed to differences in nitrate loads usingcontinuous sensor data versus regression-based loadestimation models (Figure 4; Pellerin et al., 2014),particularly during spring months critical to the sum-mer formation of Gulf hypoxia. Similarly, calculatingloads from high frequency data results in improvedprecision (Jiang et al., 2014), which enables for moresensitive detection of changes related to basin



management and/or climate variability than what iscurrently possible from models with significantlylarger errors or errors that are not quantified.

Improved nutrient load estimates and enhancedcoastal monitoring are also needed to better under-stand the relationship between eutrophication andHABs in coastal waters. Studies suggest the relation-ships between natural and anthropogenic nutrientloading and the development of HABs in coastalwaters are not universal, but rather that site-specificdifferences in hydrodynamics and environmental andbiological controls on phytoplankton growth play animportant role in determining where and when HABswill develop (Davidson et al. 2014, Anderson et al.2008). However, some of the lack of clear relationshipmay also be due to methodological limitations andcontinued reliance on infrequent nutrient concentra-tion measurements to develop these relationships.For example, measured nutrient concentrations andphytoplankton biomass may be negatively correlatedat a given point in space and time due to recentincorporation of the nutrient into biomass. As aresult, higher frequency estimates of nutrient loadsand/or fluxes may instead be better predictors of phy-toplankton growth and HAB development (Andersonet al. 2008) than infrequently-measured discrete con-centrations.

In coastal systems, sensors have also been used tocharacterize the upwelling of water with high nitrateconcentrations and with significant linkages to phyto-plankton blooms and HABs. For example, a number ofstudies have used continuous nitrate sensors in

estuaries and coastal waters to better characterize thevertical (Alkire et al., 2010; Johnson et al., 2010) andlateral (Lucas et al., 2011) distribution and transportof nitrate, as well as the impact of nitrate availabilityon daily changes in primary production (Johnsonet al., 2006). Additionally, sensors have been used toestimate nitrate fluxes at high temporal resolutionfrom seafloor sediment (Johnson et al., 2011), to betterunderstand nitrate and orthophosphate transforma-tions at the river-estuarine interface (Gilbert et al.,2013), and to test complex estuarine biogeochemicalmodels (Wild-Allen and Rayner, 2014).

Wastewater and Drinking Water Management

Excess nitrate in drinking water is one of the mostacutely harmful effects of nutrient pollution tohumans. High nitrate concentrations in drinkingwater have been linked to a variety of human healtheffects including birth defects (Brender et al., 2013),methemoglobinemia in infants (Fan and Steinberg,1996), and cancers (Townsend et al., 2003; Bryan andLoscalzo, 2011). An inventory of all types of publicwater systems by the U.S. Environmental ProtectionAgency (USEPA) showed nitrate to be the contami-nant that most frequently exceeded a federal drink-ing water standard among organic and inorganiccontaminants (U.S. Environmental ProtectionAgency, 2005). As a result, nitrate is a regulatedcontaminant under the Safe Drinking Water Act witha maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 10 mg/L.









0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000


n D







Mean Daily Discharge (m3/s)

May 2012

May 2013

May 2014

May 2015

% D







20LOADESTComposite Method WRTDS

May 2012 May 2013May 2014

Regression Model vs. Sensor Nitrate Load Comparison

FIGURE 4. Concentration-Discharge (C-Q) Relationships Based on Daily Mean Values for the Mississippi River at Baton Rouge (USGSstation 07374000) from November 2011 to May 2015. Daily values for the entire record are shown as grey circles, while daily values during

the month of May are colored. Inset shows the percent difference in May nitrate loads during different years from regression-basedloads based on the C-Q relationship versus continuous nitrate sensor data (modified from Pellerin et al., 2014).



The ability to rapidly measure nitrate concentra-tions near drinking water intakes and transmit thesedata in real time is beneficial for taking managementactions, particularly in locations where concentra-tions approach regulatory limits. For example, nitratesensor data used by the Des Moines Water Worksprovides real-time decision support for online nitrateremoval (Figure 3), which costs over $7,000 per dayto operate (http://www.dmww.com/). Continuousnutrient monitoring also has a history of use in thewastewater industry, allowing for real-time control ofprocesses in treatment plants (Bonastre et al., 2005;Capelo et al., 2007; Drolc and Vrtov�sek, 2010). Theuse of continuous nutrient sensors for monitoringwater quality in groundwater is also an area ofpromising application given that some wells showchemical variability at time scales much shorter thanthe typical annual cycles for monitoring (Kelly, 1997;Mahler et al., 2011).


The future of water quality monitoring relies onboth traditional discrete sampling approaches andevolving technologies such as remote sensing, wire-less applications and in situ continuous sensors toanswer complex environmental questions. While allof these approaches are important, we have identifiedthree opportunities that will encourage the adoptionof affordable, accurate and reliable nutrient sensors.These opportunities address needs for better instru-mentation as well as the continued integration ofsensor data into sensor networks.

While the focus of this article is on nutrients (andspecifically nitrate), opportunities to improve thescience and management of water resources withcontinuous water quality measurements are muchbroader in scope. For example, regional and nationalnetworks of continuous water temperature measure-ments are being used to assess the implications of cli-mate change on salmonid fish (Isaak et al., 2012) andto aid in stream remediation efforts (Hill et al.,2013). The relative contributions of base flow to sur-face runoff over large regions have been evaluatedusing continuous specific conductance data (Sanfordet al., 2012; Miller et al., 2014). The analysis of con-tinuous dissolved oxygen, fluorescent dissolvedorganic matter, turbidity and other parametersacross regional and national networks will likely con-tinue to yield new insights into ecosystem processes,watershed hydrology, and constituent transport thatare not possible with traditional monitoringapproaches.

Opportunity 1: Guiding the Evolution ofSensor Technology

Technological advancements and innovation areleading to rapidly improving sensors and data manage-ment tools for environmental monitoring. In the caseof nutrient sensors, the increase in freshwater applica-tions has been a primary driver of innovations thatensure high quality data in a variety of challengingmatrix conditions (Alliance for Coastal Technologies,2015). For example, the need to reduce biological foul-ing of sensors in rivers and streams has spawned amarket for chemical and mechanical solutions rangingfrom copper components to integrated or externalwipers. We have identified the following needs as mostcritical for guiding the evolution of nutrient sensorsthat are affordable, accurate, and reliable.

Define Instrument Performance Needs. Defin-ing instrument specifications and data quality needsfor environmental monitoring from a range of poten-tial users is critical to the evolution of the technology.This is particularly true for nutrient sensors becausethe varying needs of the intended market result indesign tradeoffs that affect the data specifications.For example, UV nitrate sensors developed forwastewater often have lower precision and accuracythan those developed for coastal applications, butthey can measure nitrate over a wider concentrationrange and have greater tolerance for interferencesdue to shorter path lengths (Pellerin et al., 2013).Defining and communicating instrument performanceneeds — including those that minimize the lifetimecosts of owning and operating the sensors — is criti-cal for future environmental monitoring applications.Open innovation competitions such as the NutrientSensor Challenge (www.nutrients-challenge.org) areone mechanism available to help guide sensor devel-opment. Indeed, initial activities in the developmentof the Nutrient Sensor Challenge involved capturingfederal and state agency needs for nutrient sensorsand these data were used to further inform marketresearch, identify instrument performance targetsand design third-party verification testing (Alliancefor Coastal Technologies, 2015).

Partnering with Sensor Manufacturers to De-velop, Test, and Bring Sensors to Market. Part-nerships between federal agencies, states, the researchcommunity, and the sensor manufacturers will be criti-cal to bringing sensors, data collection platforms, com-munications tools and software to market more quicklyand at lower cost. This includes providing incentivesand support for innovation (e.g., the Nutrient SensorChallenge) and direct collaboration through formalresearch and development partnerships between



industry and federal, nonfederal, and nongovernmen-tal partners. These partnerships will be critical toaddressing future water quality monitoring needs. Forexample, target reductions in nutrient loading to estu-aries such as Chesapeake Bay are often based on total(e.g., particulate plus dissolved) nitrogen and phospho-rus (Boesch et al., 2001), yet the current generation ofoptical and wet chemical nutrient sensors can onlydirectly measure dissolved fractions (nitrate, ammo-nium, and orthophosphate). To accurately estimateparticulate nutrient loads requires turbidity sensors orother in situ technology as a proxy for suspended sedi-ment concentrations, coupled with discrete samplingto measure total nutrient concentrations in the sus-pended sediment. Similarly, “plug-and-play” platformsfor sensor integration and mobile software tools forsensor management and data display will continue tobe critical to improve the efficiency of deploying andmaintaining sensors. Other opportunities exist to workwith sensor, data logger, and data management sys-tem developers to adopt open standards to facilitatedata compatibility.

Opportunities such as the National Oceanic andAtmospheric Administration (NOAA) Ocean Technol-ogy Transition Project (http://www.ioos.noaa.gov/marine_sensors/ocean_tech.html) and the USGS Inno-vation Center for Earth Sciences (http://geogra-phy.wr.usgs.gov/ICES/) are fostering the developmentand application of new sensor technologies to addressenvironmental problems in water. However, there is aneed to consider supplemental funding mechanismsthat will help to support investments in sensors andwater monitoring infrastructure, as well as mecha-nisms that would enable organizations to collectivelypurchase, maintain, and utilize information fromsensor networks.

Opportunity 2: Develop and Support MonitoringNetworks

Environmental monitoring networks are made upof sampling sites that produce comparable dataacross specific scales of space and time, and have longbeen recognized as critical to understanding complexenvironmental processes (Leopold, 1962; Ficke andHawkinson, 1975). A 2004 report from a presidentialcommission stated that “The nation needs a coordi-nated, comprehensive monitoring network that canprovide the information necessary for managers tomake informed decisions, adapt their actions asneeded, and assure effective stewardship of oceanand coastal resources” (U.S. Commission on OceanPolicy, 2004). The report, however, also recognizedthat no single monitoring design can begin to addressor answer all of the nation’s water resource issues or

questions. Combined with ongoing monitoring net-works, a national network of discrete monitoring andcontinuous nutrient sensors could form a backboneand provide efficiencies in metadata, quality assur-ance procedures, comparable methodology, and datamanagement that allows readily accessible datastorage and retrieval.

There are currently a number of national-scale net-works supported by federal agencies and partners,spanning the continuum from satellite monitoring ofcoastal waters (NOAA CoastWatch, http://coast-watch.noaa.gov/cwn/index.html) to groundwater levels(National Ground-Water Monitoring Network,http://cida.usgs.gov/ngwmn/), all with the goal of pro-viding practical information for policy makers, man-agers, and the public. National networks for river andstream water quality such as the USGS NationalStream Quality Accounting Network (NASQAN,water.usgs.gov/nasqan) were developed to monitor thetransport of nutrients and other constituents fromlarge rivers to coastal waters through time (Ficke andHawkinson, 1975). The NASQAN network relies onrelatively low frequency discrete sampling (12-18 sam-ples per year) and modeling techniques for load esti-mation such as LOADEST (Runkel et al., 2004) toaccomplish this goal. The need for continuous waterquality monitoring sites in an integrated national net-work to assess inland and coastal water quality, evalu-ate changes in nutrient cycling, and protect waterresources has been highlighted in several scientificreviews (National Science and Technology CouncilCommittee on Environment and Natural Resources(Subcommittee on Water Availability and Quality),2007; National Research Council Committee on RiverScience at the U.S. Geological Survey, 2007).

Building a Core Continuous MonitoringNetwork. A core continuous nutrient monitoringnetwork should include stable, long-term monitoringsites with a rigorous program of data collection, qualityassurance, management, archiving, and synthesis sim-ilar to the National Streamflow Information Program(http://water.usgs.gov/nsip/). Such a network wouldnot be independent of a national network of discretewater quality monitoring sites or stream gages, butwould instead enhance our ability to answer funda-mental questions about the sources, timing, and mag-nitude of nutrient transport at key locations throughthe addition of high frequency data. Another importantancillary benefit of such a network is the developmentof common protocols and data standards by technicalexperts from federal and state agencies, academia, andindustry to support the broader collection of continu-ous data. For example, the U.S. Integrated OceanObserving Systems program develops guidance forthe Quality Assurance of Real Time Ocean Data



(QARTOD, www.ioos.noaa.gov/qartod/) that are avail-able to the broader community.

The beginnings of such a network are already inplace, with the USGS currently operating continuousnitrate sensors at over 100 sites in 24 states(Figure 5). However, many of these sites are fundedby cooperators for local studies and are not designedto provide the appropriate spatial context or longevityto answer national — or even regional — scale ques-tions about nutrient transport. Similarly, NOAA cur-rently supports the use of in situ sensors for nitrateand orthophosphate at several estuarine sites (e.g.,http://neracoos.org/nutrientobservatory), where highlyvariable conditions make data collection on the appro-priate spatiotemporal scales difficult using traditionalmethods (e.g., Powell, 1995; Stauffer et al., 2014).

While not focused on continuous monitoring, theNational Monitoring Network for U.S. Coastal Watersand Tributaries (NMN, http://acwi.gov/monitoring/network/) — designed by the National Water QualityMonitoring Council and more than 80 stakeholders —provides a framework for the expansion of a corenetwork, which would include 258 monitoring siteson freshwater streams and rivers if fully imple-mented. Building on these efforts, a core networkcould initially focus on important large rivers, major

tributaries, and estuaries where significant invest-ments in discrete sample monitoring have historicallybeen made by federal agencies (Figure 5).

Leveraging the Network. Even though continu-ous monitoring holds the promise of more cost-effectiveinformation per unit of data, it is, like all monitoring,an expensive undertaking. However, the methods,tools, and data developed for a core network wouldfacilitate continuous water quality monitoring by avariety of users and over a broad spatial scale by lever-aging resources and expertise. For example, open datastandards will lead to increased data sharing whichwill reduce redundancy and optimize site locations.Industry will see gains in sensor design efficienciesand interoperability, leading to reduced instrumentcosts. Acceptance and use of common methodologiesfor sensor operation and maintenance will increasetraining opportunities. Finally, a national networkcould lead to efficiencies in acquisition for all users, asentities pool resources to purchase instruments as wellas other hardware and software.

A leveraged network of nutrient sensors thatbuilds upon prior investments into methods, toolsand infrastructure has the potential to lower costs ina number of ways while filling spatial gaps in the

FIGURE 5. Map of Large Coastal and Inland Basins with Discrete Monitoring by the USGS as Part of National Programs(large circles), As Well As Sites with Continuous Nitrate Monitoring Funded by Federal Programs (small blue circles),

Cooperator Funding (red triangles), or a Combination of Federal and Cooperator Funding (blue squares).



national landscape. For example, the range of sites ina national network could include drinking waterintakes in both surface and groundwater, wastewaterdischarge monitoring, edge-of-field monitoring, andsmaller tributary and stream sites. Organizationsthat operate and manage these sites might includenongovernmental watershed groups, state agencies,academic researchers, other federal partners, andindustry. These new sites, depending on their pur-pose, could provide information at finer scales, orincrease the spatial coverage across the nation.

A number of models for national environmentalmonitoring networks exist that combine long-term corenetworks with leveraged sites operated in comparableways by a variety of entities. One such example is theNational Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP),which is a cooperative effort between various federal,state, tribal, and local agencies, as well as academia,industry, and nongovernmental organizations, tomonitor and make available atmospheric chemicaldeposition data (http://nadp.sws.uiuc.edu/). The NADPincludes several smaller networks that follow similarmethodologies for the collection and quality assuranceof data. A national network of continuous nutrientsensors could operate in a similarly leveraged way toprovide broad spatial coverage of comparable data thatcan be translated into practical information fordecision makers and the public.

Opportunity 3: Advancing Integration across Spaceand Time

An integrated network of nutrient sensors acrossthe country presents a number of new and importantopportunities. The information provided by such anetwork would help assess long-term trends, providean early warning system to environmental and waterquality managers, and enhance evaluations of theeffects of management and mitigation actions acrossmultiple scales. To fully realize this potential, how-ever, standardized sensor measurement protocols,data collection strategies, and common quality assur-ance/quality control (QA/QC) approaches thatincludes periodic discrete sampling and laboratoryanalyses of samples will be necessary to develop aninter-calibrated network of in situ nutrients sensorswith diverse end users. Key to this will be opendata standards, incorporated into the sensors andassociated hardware by manufacturers, accepted bythe water-quality community, and built into datastorage hardware and data processing software.

Develop Common Data Standards andMethodologies. In addition to shared methods forthe operation and maintenance of sensors, a key need

is the identification of data and metadata standardsto more effectively manage and share sensor data.Standards should be developed that can work acrossboth water quality and water quantity data types.Another critical need is to provide an index, or cata-log, for the registration of datasets by various dataproducers, and to make those data queryable viacommon portals. Data management products wouldconform to the standards identified by the monitoringcommunity, and enable data providers to easily pub-lish their data via an integrated network. Followingthe concepts outlined in the OWDI, this standards-based catalog and services approach would also tiethe sensor locations to a common geofabric (e.g., theNational Hydrography Dataset) to allow for queriesbased on the watershed network (i.e., upstream ordownstream). This approach would also allow forthese services and catalogs to be accessible by third-party developers who wish to build applications tomeet specific use cases and needs.

Improve Data Management and Access. Manag-ing and sharing the data collected from monitoringefforts is critical to preserving the value of thosedata. The methods used to collect water monitoringdata can impact what approaches are taken to store,manage, and publish those data. As part of the datastandards development process, the OGC has devel-oped a categorization of water monitoring data types(Table 2). Metadata requirements for each of thesedifferent categories of data may differ significantly.For example, the metadata required for a discretesample (Table 2, data types 1 and 3; i.e., sample col-lection method, laboratory analytical method, etc.)will differ from the metadata required for a sensor(data types 2 and 4; i.e., deployment period, date lastcalibrated, etc.). Additionally, the relationshipbetween metadata and reported data can differgreatly for these two types of data: discrete sampledata contains a wealth of metadata that describe oneor a few results while continuous sensor datarequires metadata to describe a sensor that may beassociated with multiple results. Because of this dif-ference, the approaches needed to store, manage, andshare metadata may be quite different for discreteversus continuous data.

The Water Quality Exchange (WQX) (http://www.epa.gov/storet/wqx) was developed to provide a meansfor partners to share the monitoring data that theyare collecting in a standard format that also allowsthe data to be documented and understandable byothers who are accessing it. Additionally, the WQXstandard has enabled USEPA to collaborate with theUSGS to develop the Water Quality Portal (Portal;http://waterqualitydata.us), which enables easy accessto any water monitoring data collected by USEPA, its



partners, or USGS in a standard format. Partiallyfunded by the NMN, the Portal has been tremen-dously successful, and in 2014 the AgriculturalResearch Service of the U.S. Department of Agricul-ture began publishing water quality data from theSustaining the Earth’s Watersheds: AgriculturalResearch Data System database. Although the Portalhas been successful with providing broad access tothe discrete sample data, it was never designed toaccept and allow sharing of continuous sensor data.Fortunately, data standards have been developed bythe OGC that could function as the equivalent ofWQX for sensors (http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/sos and http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/waterml). A critical component of the cur-rent vision is to make the data-sharing capabilityafforded by the Portal accessible to other federal andnonfederal agencies as well as nongovernmental enti-ties. This is intended to encourage innovation in theprivate sector that makes the adoption of these stan-dards for new partners as simple as purchasing anew sensor, registering it, and plugging it in.


Technology in both sensors and sensor data man-agement has advanced to the point where sensors

will become common in water quality monitoringand realize their potential as a critical tool in waterquality management. We have therefore identifiedthree specific opportunities for the broader commu-nity leadership and that of federal agencies in thenext few years that will help accelerate the develop-ment and use of nutrient sensors for continuouswater quality monitoring. These opportunitiesinclude partnerships with industry to develop thenext generation of sensors; building sustained andleveraged networks for continuous nutrient andwater quality monitoring to inform management andpolicy solutions; and investing in open data stan-dards and data management protocols that are keyto realizing the full benefit of a large-scale, inte-grated network.

Several specific opportunities for partnershipsbetween industry and governmental and nongovern-mental organizations are available at present. TheNutrient Sensor Challenge, for example, haspresented the monitoring community with an oppor-tunity to provide input that guides the evolution ofthe technology. Similarly, opportunities exist forinnovations in data management, analysis, and visu-alization with researchers and third party vendorsthat that can lend expertise in working with the typeof “big data” generated by an expanded network. The“Visualizing Nutrients Challenge” (https://www.innocentive.com/ar/challenge/9933113) sponsored bythe USEPA, USGS, and Blue Legacy International isyet another example that encouraged the use of opendata to create compelling and informative visualiza-tions on nutrient pollution. Workshops that includeusers as well as third party software manufacturerswill provide opportunities for further interaction andcollaboration and spur innovation.

Data and metadata standards, and standard data-collection and data-management protocols are criticalto realizing the full benefit of a large-scale, integratednetwork. Key to this will be open and shared datastandards that are accepted by the water-qualitycommunity and incorporated into the sensors andassociated hardware by manufacturers. Shared datastandards also make possible common data portalsthrough which stakeholders can make available theirdata and in turn access additional data in support oftheir own. This sharing of data will lead to additionalcollaboration in a self-reinforcing cycle where usersdiscover, for example, data that complement theirown and thus allow them to maximize their efforts tofill gaps, minimize duplication, and encourage collab-oration across organizations and sectors.

Following an Open Water Data approach for sen-sors will enable networks to reach their full potentialby allowing different parties to share data, particu-larly along common waterways. It also allows for

TABLE 2. Broad Categories of Water Observations (Open Geospa-tial Consortium, http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/sos).

No Observation Style Description

1 In situ, fixedobservation

Generally temporally dense,spatially sparse, small number ofobserved phenomena. Examples:river level or stage, river discharge,etc.

2 In situ, manualobservation

Temporally sparse (e.g., site visits),but potentially spatially dense.Examples: groundwaterobservations made during pumptests at well sites.

3 Ex situ, complexprocessingobservations

Temporally sparse, spatially sparse,many observed phenomena.Examples: nutrients (N, P, etc.),pesticides, biological, etc.

4 Remote-sensedobservations

Observations collected by a sensornot in direct contact with theproperty being observed. Theseresults can be spatially andtemporally dense.

5 Complex dataproducts

Processed or synthesizedobservational data. Examples:output from models, calculations ofcomplex physics-chemistry,biological indices, etc.



those data to be integrated with other types of data(i.e., discrete water quality samples, water use data,precipitation data, etc.). As part of OWDI, all of thesedatasets would also be related to the same streamnetwork, which will allow for other types of queries,such as “Find any sensors downstream of this dis-charge point”, or “Find any sensors, and their corre-sponding data that are upstream of this drinkingwater intake.” Developing the interoperable sensornetworks described here would be a critical compo-nent of the OWDI, and also would provide substantialbenefit for the water management community andthe public.

Because the science of using water quality sensorsis still relatively young and many organizations arejust beginning to explore the possibilities for monitor-ing programs, the time is right for innovations thatcan be utilized and shared. Investments in sensortechnologies and data management tools will increaseour understanding of the environmental issues aswell as the costs/benefits and tradeoffs associatedwith continuous monitoring. Partnerships betweenfederal and state agencies, nongovernmental organi-zations, and academic researchers have the ability toeffectively leverage investments to build a nationalnetwork for continuous nutrient and water qualitymonitoring which will inform management and policysolutions to continue to protect and restore ournation’s water resources.


The authors benefited from insights and comments from RobertGilliom, Charles Crawford, Donna Myers, Bill Wilber, Gary Rowe,Pixie Hamilton, Mark Nilles, Andy Ziegler, Jeff Lape, and RichardMitchell. We thank Pete Penoyer (National Park Service) and twoanonymous reviewers for helpful comments on the manuscript.This article was supported by the USGS Office of Water Quality,the USGS National Water Quality Assessment Program, and theNational Water Quality Monitoring Council.


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