Emerging as a World Power - cpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com · WORLD WAR I I. Causes of World ... System of...

Emerging as a World Power Important dates Vocab Quiz: april 12 WWii battle Quiz: may 30 Emerging as a world power test: may 3

Transcript of Emerging as a World Power - cpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com · WORLD WAR I I. Causes of World ... System of...

Emerging as a

World Power

Important dates

Vocab Quiz: april 12

WWii battle Quiz: may 30

Emerging as a world power test: may 3


I. Causes of World War I

A. Background causes

1. _________________ – Rivalries developed as nations competed for colonies

2. _________________ – Nations built their armed forces and stockpiled weapons

in preparation for war

3. __________________ – Strong feelings of pride about one’s nation

4. __________________

a. System of alliances developed for mutual defense purposes

b. The Allies versus the Central Powers

c. The _______________: Britain, France and Russia (later the United States

and Italy)

d. _____________________: Germany and Austria-Hungary. (later the Ottoman


B. Immediate cause

1. The assassination of Archduke _________________________

a. Ferdinand was heir to the Austrian throne

b. Assassinated by ___________________, a Bosnian nationalist

2. Alliances take effect

a. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia

b. Russia __________________ her military to protect Serbia

c. Germany declared _______on Russia to protect Austria-Hungary

d. France declared ______ on Germany

e. Germany went through neutral Belgium to get to France

f. Great Britain, Belgium’s protector, jumped into the _______

C. First few years

1. Equal in size and force, the two sides reached a ____________

2. Both sides dug in, and began ___________________________

II. America in World War I

A. America’s initial response

1. America declared itself __________________

2. America attempted to act as a peacemaker in the European conflict

Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

1. German _________________ (submarines) sank the British Ocean Liner

_______________, killing 128 American passengers

2. America protested and Germany agreed not to sink ships without warning

3. German U-boats sank French Ocean Liner _______________

4. American threatened to cut off diplomatic ties with Germany.

5. Germany issued _______________________ promising to warn ships before


6. Within a year, Germany ignored Sussex Pledge and resumed


B. America Moves Toward War

1. Zimmerman Note

a. British intelligence intercepted a German telegram

b. ________________________, Germany’s foreign minister, tried to make a

secret deal (alliance) with_____________

c. If America entered the war, and Mexico attacked the U.S. from the south,

Germany would give them back the land they had lost in Texas, New Mexico

and Arizona.

2. Russian Revolution

a. The _________________ overthrew Tsar Nicolas II in March, 1917

b. Russia pulled ____________ of World War I

c. The U.S. filled the void left by Russia by declaring war


C. America Prepares for War

1. __________________________ – Authorized the “draft” for young men

2. ___________________________________ – America developed its troops force

3. __________________________– Destroyers guarded unarmed ships carrying

troops to Europe

4. Corporal Alvin York – Earned Congressional Medal of Honor

5. _______________________ – The Allies finally achieved this “cease fire”

D. The War at Home

1. Financing the War – The U.S. sold _______________________ to raise money

for the War effort

2. Managing the Economy

a. The government regulated the production of war goods

b. __________________ – Limited the price charged for food

c. _____________________– Regulated the consumption of food and fuel

d. Daylight Savings – Augmented the clock increased daylight hours and thus

conserved ______________

3. Enforcing Loyalty

a. ________________________ – Illegal to interfere with the draft

b. ______________________ – Repression of free speech. Illegal to speak ill of

the U.S., The Constitution or the Armed Forces. CITIZENS COULD NOT


c. Immigration Restrictions – Limited the number of immigrants coming into


E. After the War

1. Treaty of Versailles

a. Ended the _______

b. Germany blamed and forced to pay ________________… payment for

economic injury suffered during the war

2. Wilson’s 14 Points

a. Wilson’s plan for_____________

b. Encouraged “Peace without victory”

c. Suggested all nations join a “_______________________”

3. The League of Nations

a. A group of nations for mutual defense

b. Congress did not want to join the League… it could interfere with their right

to declare war

c. Because of the League, the U.S___________ TO RATIFY THE TREATY


4. _____________________ – U.S. began a policy of staying out of European


1920’s The Red Scare

• Citizens feared Communism – They believed that the U.S. could fall victim to a revolution like Russia

• Schneck v. U.S – Tried under the Espionage Act for attempting to convince draftees not to report

for duty. Supreme Court declared the government did have a right to suppress free speech if it

presented a “clear and present danger” to the nation.

• Schneck v. U.S – Tried under the Espionage Act for attempting to convince draftees not to report

for duty. Supreme Court declared the government did have a right to suppress free speech if it

presented a “clear and present danger” to the nation.

The Harding Presidency

• ISOLATIONISM – Avoiding political or economic alliances with foreign countries

• Immigration Quotas – Set up limits on how many immigrants could enter the U.S. • Teapot Dome Scandal – Secretary of the Interior gave oiling drilling rights on government land to

private companies for payoffs and gifts

The Coolidge Presidency

• Laissez Faire – “Hands Off” policy where government does not interfere with business practices

• Kellogg-Briand Pact – 15 nations (eventually 60) agreed not to use the threat of war in their dealings with each other

The Consumers and the Economy

• The Installment Plan – System which let consumers make partial payments

• FORD and the Assembly Line – Manufacturing process in which each worker had a specialized task

Society in the “Roaring 20’s”




Mass Media:

Newspapers – Radio:


- Music

o Ragtime

o Jazz



The Harlem Renaissance



The Lost Generation




– Organized Crime – – Bootleggers – – Speakeasies – – Al Capone –


- Fundamentalism:

- Scopes Trial:


Ku Klux Klan:

Marcus Garvey:

The Great Depression Hoover

• Elected in 1928 to continue the ____________________________ prosperity of the 1920’s

• Provided relief to businesses to help economic problems

• The Economy

• Continued to grow from ________________________________________________

• Stock values grew from $_____ billion in 1925 to $_____ billion in October, 1929

Danger Signs

Uneven Prosperity – Credit purchases increase (_______________________________) Intense investment in the Stock Market (“______________________________” schemes) Too _________________ goods, too_____________________ demand for them

Causes of Great Depression


• Speculators (stock brokers) _______________________________________________________

• Stock values based on borrowed amounts, not real value

• Stocks bought “________________________”…investors only paid a fraction of the full stock price

Industry over-expands

• Too many goods were being produced

• Wages________________ enough to pay for all the goods being produced

• Bankers made__________________________________ loans

• International trade greatly ____________________________ after WWI

The Stock market Crash

Black Thursday – Black Tuesday – Investors hit first, but the Great Depression soon followed (1929-1941) Economic Cycle

______________________ __________________________

_______________________ ___________________________________

Results of Great Depression

Millions lost their jobs

Banks failed – Businesses failed. Restaurants (as well as many other “_________________” industries) closed

Bottom of the economic ladder hit the hardest Farmers devastated… The _____________________________ worsened their situation

________________________ suffered most Lack of_________________________


Hoover and the Depression

Hoovers efforts

• Asked businesses to freeze wages… later failed when workers’ pay was cut • Passed the ___________________________________

• Raised the cost of foreign goods so people would buy American

• Backfired. Europe raised their tariffs and international trade slowed

• Hoover would not give aid directly to the ___________________________

• Instead, Hoover insisted on providing relief to businesses hoping it will create jobs. Hoover’s Unpopularity Grew

• People lived in shantytowns they called “______________________________”

• People slept under newspapers they called “_______________________________”

• People turned their pockets inside-out and called them


The Bonus Army

• _________________________ World War I Veterans marched on Washington

• They wanted immediate payment of a ________________________ that was promised

to them for 1945

• D. Hoover _________________ the 1932 Election

New Deal Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) Elected in _____________

Promised a “New Deal”… ________________________________________________________

The First 100 Days

The “_____________________” _________________ all banks for a holiday

Only let the “___________________________” re-open

Restored people’s confidence in banks

Established the ____________________________________ (FDIC) to insure people’s investments

The 1st New Deal – Relief and Recovery

Formed the ____________________________________________ (FERA) The _______________________________ (CCC) put young men to work maintaining forests,

beaches and parks

The _________________________________ (PWA) launched public projects such as building dams, bridges, etc.

The _________________________________ (SEC) was developed to regulate the stock market The __________________________________ (TVA) created jobs for farmers and provided

electricity to the area

The _______________________________________________ (AAA) raised farm prices and

lowered production

The Supreme Court eventually ruled the PWA and AAA


2nd New Deal – Reform

______________________________________________ (WPA) improved playgrounds, schools and hospitals

The ______________________________________ (FSA) gave money to farmers and helped migrant workers

The ____________________________________ (NLRA), also called the ________________,

legalized collective bargaining and “closed shops” The ______________________________________ (SSA) gave pensions to the elderly, disabled

and unemployed

Criticism of FDR

Eleanor Roosevelt

Changed the role of the ________________________________________

Helped FDR

______________________________________for her husband

Causes of WWII • Background

– TOTALITARIANISM – Form of government in which the government controls every aspect of life

– FASCISM – The importance of the State (nation) overrides the importance of the individual 2 Fascist Leaders

• Benito “Il Duce” Mussolini of Italy

– Angry about WWI peace settlement – Organized fascist groups

– Used thugs called “blackshirts” to terrorize opposition

– Suspended elections and established a Dictatorship

• Adolf “Der Fuhrer” Hitler of Germany

– Angry about WWI peace settlement

– Joined Nazi Party

– Sentenced to 5 years for trying to overthrow government

– Wrote “Mein Kampf” (My Struggle) while in prison

– Outlined Nazi philosophy

– Defined Germany’s problems

– Detailed plans for the nation

– Blamed Jews for problems and loss of WWI

– Promised to rebuild German empire and stabilize Germany

– Gained power and became head of German state


• Hitler wanted to expand Germany’s borders to include Germans living in other nations

– Marched into the Rhineland

– Annexed Austria

– Demanded Sudetenland (East Czechoslovakia) • European response

– Britain and France (Allies) met with Germany and Italy (Axis), September 1938

– Britain and France chose “Appeasement” – Give into demands to keep peace

• Hitler moves again

– Took the rest of Czechoslovakia

– Warned by Britain and France not to invade Poland

– Hitler invaded Poland, September 1, 1939… Europe went to war

The Lightning War

• Poland

– Germany used a “BLITZKRIEG” (Lightning War) to take Poland in 1 month

– Germany gave East Poland to Russia per an earlier deal • Other Lands

– April 1940 – Hitler took Denmark and Norway

– May, 1940 – Hitler took Belgium and the Netherlands

– June 14th, 1940 – Hitler marched on Paris… Paris fell in 3 days

• Britain

– Hitler turned on the only power left…. Britain

– Sent German Air Force (Luftwaffe)

– Battle of Britain

– 1000 planes a day bombed Britain

– Lasted from December, 1940 to June, 1941

• Japan

– Followed the same steps as the Axis powers in China

– Joined the Axis powers in April 1941

American Response

• Americans did not want to fight in Europe or Asia

• Isolationism led to Neutrality Acts (mid 1930’s) • No weapons or loans to nations at war

• Non-military goods (food and medicine) must be paid for in cash and transported by that nation = “CASH AND CARRY”

• 1939 – FDR moved a built-up Pacific fleet to Hawaii (Pearl Harbor) • 1939 – Neutrality Acts changed to include weapons in “Cash and Carry”

• U.S. slowly helped

• FDR “traded” old destroyers for naval rights

• Wanted to “loan” war supplies to Allies

• “LEND LEASE” Act • Passed by Congress in March 1941

• Allowed FDR to help nations vital to U.S. security

The US and Japan

• The U.S. and Japanese ties became strained

• The U.S. demanded that Japan stop taking Asian lands… put economic pressure on Japan

• Japan decided their goals in Asia could not be achieved as long as the U.S. had a powerful fleet in the Pacific

Dec. 7th 1941… “A day that will live in infamy”

• 180 Japanese “Zeroes” attacked just after 7:00 am

• “Kamikaze” suicide pilots crashed into ships

• 18 Ships sunk or heavily damaged

• 300 planes destroyed

• 2400 Americans killed

• 1200 Americans wounded


A. ATLANTIC CHARTER 1. 2. Outlined the war aims of the U.S. and __________________

B. U.S. Armed Forces – Much Diversity 1. ____________ Mexican Americans 2. _________ Native Americans, Navajo acted as radio operators 3. ____________ Japanese Americans 4. _____________ African Americans

C. Africa and Italy 1. May, 1943 –

_______________________________________________________________ 2. July, 1943 –

_______________________________________________________________ D. Russia

1. After losing the Battle of Britain Hitler turned his forces against __________ 2. The _____________________ made its stand in Stalingrad, January, 1943 3. The Russians surrounded the____________________ Nazi army 4. ________________ German soldiers died, _______________ surrendered 5. The Battle of Stalingrad was the TURNING POINT ON THE

_______________________ E. France

1. June 6th, 1944, Normandy – ______________ 2. The most massive amphibious assault in history 3. _____________ invasion craft 4. _____________ Royal Air Force (RAF) Bombers 5. _____________ American planes 6. _____________ soldiers 7. 2,000 Allied soldiers died at __________________ Beach alone 8. Within one week, _____________________ soldiers had come ashore 9. Within 6 weeks, over 2 ________________ soldiers had come ashore

10. The Invasion of Normandy was the TURNING POINT ON THE ________________________

11. By August, 1944, the Allies had liberated ____________ F. Germany

1. THE BATTLE OF THE BULGE a. December _____________ – In a last-ditch effort to protect their homeland,

Germany launched a counter offensive in Belgium/Luxembourg. b. The Battle of the Bulge was the ________________battle of WWII c. _______________ Allies killed, _________________ Germans killed

2. Closing in a. The Soviets advanced from the East, _______________________ b. The Soviets lost _____________ million men, Germany lost ____million c. By April, 1945, The Soviets had battled their way into Berlin d. April 25th, The Americans and Soviets met up at the Elbe River e. May 1st, Hitler _______________________________________ f. May 8th, ____________________________________________

G. The Yalta Conference 1. The “BIG 3”, _________, ______________ and ___________ met at Yalta 2. The Yalta Conference planned for after the war

II. The War in the Pacific

A. The Philippines fell – Douglas MacArthur vowed “_______________________”

B. The Battle of Coral Sea

1. First battle conducted __________________ by aircraft

2. Both American and Japanese forces heavily damaged

3. Battle was a draw, but Japan lost what it needed to take __________________

C. The Battle of Midway – June 4th, 1942

1. Americans caught the Japanese loading _______________ on planes

2. ____Japanese aircraft carriers were quickly destroyed

3. The 4th carrier was destroyed while trying to escape

4. Japan lost ____ carriers and over ____________planes

D. The Battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa

1. __________________ battles of WWII

2. 75,000 Casualties trying to take the two, small islands

3. Taking Okinawa was the last step before___________________

E. The Manhattan Project

1. Robert J. ________________________ lead team of scientists

2. The ________________ bomb was developed

3. Could shatter windows over 125 miles away

F. Japan

1. Truman ordered the dropping of the A-bomb to save American lives

2. August 6th, 1945 – ________________________________________

3. August 9th, 1945 – ________________________________________

4. August 14th, 1945 – _______________________________________

5. August 15th, 1945 – _______________________________________

September 2nd, 1945 – ________________________________

America During the War

At Home

• A. The office of War Mobilization

• B. Financing the War

Daily Life

• C. Daily life

– People read books to pass the time

– _______% of people attended movies, especially for news updates

– _______________________l was still favorite pastime. Woman’s teams developed to help cover the loss of players due to the war

• D. Shortages

• E. Japanese Americans

Women in WWII • A. ___________________ volunteered for military service • B. ___________________ worked as clerks, typists, air control operators, mechanics,

photographers and drivers • C. ___________________ were Women Air Force Service Pilots (WASP’s) who ferried planes

around the country • D. The Navy had Women Accepted Voluntary Emergency Service (WAVES), 25% were naval


• E. __________________________ (WAC) was the largest group at 100,000 members

• F. “________________________________” – National Icon of Women in the work force

• G. After the war, most women


Study Guide

World War I- 1920’s

1. What are the long term causes of WWI?

2. “no man’s land”:

3. Describe the battles of Verdun, Somme, and 1st battle of the Marne.

4. Sussex Pledge:

5. Lusitania:

6. Why did Russia pull out of the war?

7. Describe the convoy system.

8. What are the causes / reasons for the United States getting into the war?

9. Selective Service

10. What are Liberty Bonds?

11. Espionage and Sedition Acts:

12. What did the Treaty of Versailles call for or do?

13. What are war reparations?

14. Define isolationism:

15. In Wilson’s 14 points he spoke of the League of Nations. What was that? What was to be its


16. Why didn’t the United States ratify the treaty and join the League of Nations?

17. What was the importance of Henry Ford’s assembly line?

18. What are flappers?

19. What is the Lost Generation and Harlem Renaissance?

20. What was the Scopes Trial about?

21. Who led the “back to Africa movement” and what was its purpose?

22. What is prohibition? Bootleggers? (18th Amendment)

23. Mass media:

24. What was “Tin Pan Alley”?

25. Irving Berlin:

26. Red Scare:

27. 19th Amendment:

Great Depression

28. Describe the economy that President Hoover inherited.

29. What are the danger signs that lead to the depression?

30. Describe the stock market crash. Black Thursday – Black Tuesday

31. What is the Dust Bowl? How does it lead to the Migration west?

32. What was the Hawley-Smoot Tariff?

33. What is the Bonus Army?

34. What are the 3 R’s of Roosevelt’s “New Deal”?

35. What happens in FDR’s “1st 100 days”?

36. New Deal Programs


b. PWA

c. SEC

d. TVA

37. 2nd New Deal Programs

a. WPA

b. SSA

38. What is the Wagner Act?

39. Describe the role that Eleanor Roosevelt plays as the “1st Lady”.

40. What is “court packing”? How did Roosevelt try to use it to his advantage?


1. Define Atlantic Charter:

2. What is the turning point in the Eastern Front in WWII? Describe it.

3. What is the turning point in the Western Front in WWII?

4. Describe the Invasion of Normandy.

5. Battle of the Bulge:

6. What is the Yalta Conference and who is the “big 3”?

7. Describe the following Pacific battles.

a. Midway

b. Iwo Jima and Okinawa

c. Hiroshima and Nagasaki

8. What was the Manhattan Project and who worked on it?