EMEP Monitoring Activities – Contributions to and Requirements from GAS Aasmund Fahre Vik, Kjetil...

EMEP Monitoring Activities – Contributions to and Requirements from GAS Aasmund Fahre Vik, Kjetil Tørseth Norwegian Institute for Air Research [email protected]

Transcript of EMEP Monitoring Activities – Contributions to and Requirements from GAS Aasmund Fahre Vik, Kjetil...

Page 1: EMEP Monitoring Activities – Contributions to and Requirements from GAS Aasmund Fahre Vik, Kjetil Tørseth Norwegian Institute for Air Research afv@nilu.no.

EMEP Monitoring Activities – Contributions to and

Requirements from GAS

Aasmund Fahre Vik, Kjetil TørsethNorwegian Institute for Air Research

[email protected]

Page 2: EMEP Monitoring Activities – Contributions to and Requirements from GAS Aasmund Fahre Vik, Kjetil Tørseth Norwegian Institute for Air Research afv@nilu.no.


• What is EMEP• EMEP monitoring strategy• How does EMEP contribute to GAS• What are the needs of EMEP from GAS• Use of satellite products

Page 3: EMEP Monitoring Activities – Contributions to and Requirements from GAS Aasmund Fahre Vik, Kjetil Tørseth Norwegian Institute for Air Research afv@nilu.no.

EMEP overview

• European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme• Funded through UN-ECE since 1979• http://www.emep.int• More than 50 participating countries in larger Europe• Focus on monitoring of transboundary (regional

scale) air pollution for CLRTAP• Aim is to get countries to agree on reductions in

emission of environmental pollutants• Successful in reduction of problems with acidification

in eighties

Page 4: EMEP Monitoring Activities – Contributions to and Requirements from GAS Aasmund Fahre Vik, Kjetil Tørseth Norwegian Institute for Air Research afv@nilu.no.

The Convention for Long-Range Transport of Air Pollution

The EMEP programme relies on three main elements: (1) Collection of emission data(2) Measurements of air and precipitation quality(3) Modelling of atmospheric transport and deposition of air pollution.

Page 5: EMEP Monitoring Activities – Contributions to and Requirements from GAS Aasmund Fahre Vik, Kjetil Tørseth Norwegian Institute for Air Research afv@nilu.no.

27 April 2007

EMEP data overview






”EBAS” – Ref.lab, QAQC, CTM, IAM, AQM

Harmonisation related tomonitoring strategies, methodologies,data flow and assessment

Sites operated for compliance, subject to QAQC by NFPs and NRLs

1970 1980 1990 2000

Page 6: EMEP Monitoring Activities – Contributions to and Requirements from GAS Aasmund Fahre Vik, Kjetil Tørseth Norwegian Institute for Air Research afv@nilu.no.

EMEP Monitoring

• Traditionally focused on acidification and eutrophication – acid rain problems

• Continuously expanding its scope and adapting to new needs

• Consistent long-term time series are maintained to monitor emission reductions

• Current monitoring strategy covering 2004 – 2009

• Revised strategy is under way

Page 7: EMEP Monitoring Activities – Contributions to and Requirements from GAS Aasmund Fahre Vik, Kjetil Tørseth Norwegian Institute for Air Research afv@nilu.no.

EMEP Monitoring strategy2004-2009

• Extended list of parameters to be measured and more formal requirements

• Focus on extension wrt spatial coverage • ”Level” approach • ”Supersites” and the involvement of national

research activities• Monitoring in relation to other frameworks

Page 8: EMEP Monitoring Activities – Contributions to and Requirements from GAS Aasmund Fahre Vik, Kjetil Tørseth Norwegian Institute for Air Research afv@nilu.no.

Main ions in precip PM10 and/or PM2.5 TC, OC or OM

Heavy metals POP VOC

Status 2006, incl intensive data


67 16 17

29 12

Page 9: EMEP Monitoring Activities – Contributions to and Requirements from GAS Aasmund Fahre Vik, Kjetil Tørseth Norwegian Institute for Air Research afv@nilu.no.

Status level 1

• Improved for particulate matter, chemical speciation and spatial coverage

However:• Still need more sites to measure base cations• and more sites in east of Europe

Page 10: EMEP Monitoring Activities – Contributions to and Requirements from GAS Aasmund Fahre Vik, Kjetil Tørseth Norwegian Institute for Air Research afv@nilu.no.

New EMEP sites in the EECCA region

MD: Leovo

KZ: Borovoye

GE: Abastumani

AR: Amberd

UA: Danube delta (in kind)

Support from:CAPACT http://www.unece.org/ie/capact

Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Page 11: EMEP Monitoring Activities – Contributions to and Requirements from GAS Aasmund Fahre Vik, Kjetil Tørseth Norwegian Institute for Air Research afv@nilu.no.

Status Level 2, supersites

• Improved: EC/OC, dust ,Hg and N gas/part (partly intensive periode data)

However• Still need for more sites measuring EC/OC, dust and gas/part regularly• Need better spatial coverage especially of POPs and VOC

Page 12: EMEP Monitoring Activities – Contributions to and Requirements from GAS Aasmund Fahre Vik, Kjetil Tørseth Norwegian Institute for Air Research afv@nilu.no.

Update of EMEPMonitoring Strategy (1)

• Review of current strategy for identification of gaps in 2008

• Need to see EMEP monitoring in relation to:– Climate change– Local air pollution– Intercontinental transport– Agricultural activities– Natural sources (forest fires, dust events, etc.)– New substances

Page 13: EMEP Monitoring Activities – Contributions to and Requirements from GAS Aasmund Fahre Vik, Kjetil Tørseth Norwegian Institute for Air Research afv@nilu.no.

Update of EMEPMonitoring Strategy (2)

• Need to be harmonised with other initiatives (e.g. GMES, GEOSS, IGACO, WMO-GAW)

• Special need for data delivery in Near Real Time (and within weeks/months)

• Still no intention on provision of “Public Awareness”

• New strategy to be finalised in 2009

Page 14: EMEP Monitoring Activities – Contributions to and Requirements from GAS Aasmund Fahre Vik, Kjetil Tørseth Norwegian Institute for Air Research afv@nilu.no.

How does EMEPcontribute to GAS? (1)

• Provides groundbased monitoring network:- Well documented data quality- Sites with large geographical representativeness- Comprehensive list of parameters- Supersites suitable for integrated monitoring and process studies- Long-term and conservative activity- User driven (buttom up), large scientific involvement- Significant ”voluntary commitment”- Combination of ”state-of-the-art” and ”simple-and-reliable”- Open data policy

Page 15: EMEP Monitoring Activities – Contributions to and Requirements from GAS Aasmund Fahre Vik, Kjetil Tørseth Norwegian Institute for Air Research afv@nilu.no.

How does EMEPcontribute to GAS? (2)

• Important driver for reduction in transboundary air pollution – policy connections

• Collects and distributes official emission datasets from members states

• Well established eulerian model developed by met.no - designed to calculate air concentrations and deposition fields for major acidifying and eutrophying pollutants, photo-oxidants and particulate matter

• Provision of Integrated Impact Assessments

Page 16: EMEP Monitoring Activities – Contributions to and Requirements from GAS Aasmund Fahre Vik, Kjetil Tørseth Norwegian Institute for Air Research afv@nilu.no.

What does EMEP need from GAS?

• Better estimation of model uncertainty through ensemble model runs (e.g. GEMS/MACC)

• More integrated monitoring to better characterise hemispheric transport

• Larger spatial coverage – especially in remote areas and over oceans

Page 17: EMEP Monitoring Activities – Contributions to and Requirements from GAS Aasmund Fahre Vik, Kjetil Tørseth Norwegian Institute for Air Research afv@nilu.no.

27 April 2007

Task Force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution

• Organised under EMEP steering body• Co-chaired by EU DG Env and US-EPA• How large is the contribution of

intercontinental transport of Air Pollution to regional-scale Air Quality?

• Data coverage of regular monitoring network not sufficient

• Request for additional data sources such as airborne measurements and satellite data

Page 18: EMEP Monitoring Activities – Contributions to and Requirements from GAS Aasmund Fahre Vik, Kjetil Tørseth Norwegian Institute for Air Research afv@nilu.no.

Use of AATSR and SCIAMACHY data (SYNAER product) for regional scale air quality assessments through EMEP

• The SYNAER product– Provided by DLR through ESA-GSE

PROMOTE Stage I & II projects– Synergistic retrieval of aerosol

properties based AATSR and SCIAMACHY (and ATSR/GOME)

– Radiometer used to estimate AOD as a function of wavelength – gives information on size distribution

– Spectrometer used to estimate aerosol composition and vertical distribution

– Surface levels of PM10, PM2.5 and PM0.5 given for cloud-free pixels on SCIAMACHY-grid

Page 19: EMEP Monitoring Activities – Contributions to and Requirements from GAS Aasmund Fahre Vik, Kjetil Tørseth Norwegian Institute for Air Research afv@nilu.no.

SYNAER v0.9 v.s. EMEP (II)

Page 20: EMEP Monitoring Activities – Contributions to and Requirements from GAS Aasmund Fahre Vik, Kjetil Tørseth Norwegian Institute for Air Research afv@nilu.no.

Improved version, 1.81.8 0.9

Page 21: EMEP Monitoring Activities – Contributions to and Requirements from GAS Aasmund Fahre Vik, Kjetil Tørseth Norwegian Institute for Air Research afv@nilu.no.

Still problems with v1.8PM2.5 All stations

y = 0.27x + 14.13

y = 0.29x + 12.21

y = 0.51x + 11.86

y = 0.80x + 13.14

y = 0.63x + 19.08

y = 0.90x + 20.58








0 20 40 60 80 100 120






Synaer 1.8 2

Synaer 1.8 1

Synaer 1.8 0.5

Synaer old 2

Synaer old 1

Synaer old 0.5

Linear (Synaer 1.8 2)

Linear (Synaer 1.8 1)

Linear (Synaer 1.8 0.5)

Linear (Synaer old 2)

Linear (Synaer old 1)

Linear (Synaer old 0.5)

PM10 All stations

y = 0.33x + 18.91

y = 0.24x + 19.49

y = 0.27x + 20.60

y = 0.08x + 31.81

y = -0.72x + 49.03

y = -1.38x + 64.93







0 50 100 150 200 250






Synaer 1.8 2

Synaer 1.8 1

Synaer 1.8 0.5

Synaer old 2

Synaer old 1

Synaer old 0.5

Linear (Synaer 1.8 2)

Linear (Synaer 1.8 1)

Linear (Synaer 1.8 0.5)

Linear (Synaer old 2)

Linear (Synaer old 1)

Linear (Synaer old 0.5)

Scatterplot of SYNAER data versus EMEP PM10 and PM2.5 values from four stations (Zarra, Payerne, Ispra and Birkenes) for the period 01.07.2005-30.09.2005

• NILU works in close collaboration with the data provider• Further analyses reveals problems with cloud masking algorithm• Data provider improves algorithm based on user feedback• V2.0 shows improvement, especially average values

Page 22: EMEP Monitoring Activities – Contributions to and Requirements from GAS Aasmund Fahre Vik, Kjetil Tørseth Norwegian Institute for Air Research afv@nilu.no.


• EMEP has developed a sustainable and comprehensive monitoring programme for evaluation of emission reductions

• EMEP monitoring system should become an integrated part of GMES

• GMES services are needed in order to fulfil future needs of CLRTAP – EMEP is core user in GAS