Electroforming Article Bead and Button Sherri Haab

I F 1 Test your metal Electroforming s easier than you think and allows you to make your own metal components. ,r Shorri Haab i.:,'l ,|:' 't r.  r @ For Shenfu op 5 tips on elsctrotorming nd plating, ee he r online rticle n our Resource uido at BeadAndButton.com/resources. 20 Bead&Butlo. wwBeadAndBunon m oi rnet,rl n a rrn.nrenllrc r.ircr. \hn\ \r,r1l ,hi(ers rrc uirrhlr tor elc.rn, torminc. Smali ovs,ghss erds. ntl fincc(nre\.rre o\r ., sr f\.,nplcs. l.lceri,iofnrins s sinrilxr o cl.erro plutine, nlr elccrropl.rtimg dds rhin coitins ot nlrr.rl(r'.r nrcr.illic rfiec. hlcctirtorninr.rpplics rrctrl r pl.rstic, sl.ss. o r ()rrrni. ohiccN. ,,r in\iinec. \irh elrc(r.f.,1nins. tr.rNilc c r f h.coDr.\ r d',rihlc fieer ,1 cwrlry. (itprc i s thc mctrlofehoice or el..rr(t('nr)ing (\(lr\ .l'Inf oncn(\. It proridcs srrrDs hrsc hrrcan thcn hc plrretlsnh *riter nrctrls rch.rs srlrcr or pold- FlcetroiorminF s Jrir r h) .rn cl.erric.l.ur..nt thir .tru\cs eopper onr o nrrrc lrom rhc nr c L r urc.o|fer rntc.r tu rhr errhorlf irhc objc.r o bc clcer('fonred) h(nLrh rn elcctroli e clcetrciornring olutior. s..nt .,rnphe.r(ed? rni.f I lcirncJ trhrr rll thrxe vorls ncrnt, clcctnr h,nDng s(mtrl sc.rrrrd,'\(^rhcldlins. lhrn nrt crgincer rsbrnJ. )rn, tlcsrgncJ micro prccess,)r or elc ) lodrrng..rnd wr\ surprisf(l r h{n e.r\r $.r\ ft) u\f. \\',rh \irirflc s.rup .rDd bit ,,t pfu.tr..,I rrn ,rround el.crrot,)rniins \cr\ drnrg: hrnns. nrigs..lricd loscn. setrshclls. r r s Ike Run)tflsrihskr runnin$ mok I quicklv r,und hrt tlcctrrriLrrming s .r .\rrdittA \killi,,Ino\\ .\ r ic\?lfr xftisr, rovidrrrs uIlrque r) r{) crlrr. 1,,u. oM nrchl.('mfoncnrs. The nrrn piece i equrpnrenr o u will reed frr elecrroforming s a porver supply r rc.rifici )in's mi. , procesol. rhr [:] Ft(,.h, s .ndrhe oprion. hr rrtvantase of thn prciuct is ar it hrs materials . (llrhL-r lo v  s nd eye protectro. . snra Daslc. t ass or o,ganic b,ecl t ac'Y c sea Ar f vam sh r lh panlbrush lor arr organc obje.lr ' cofdlclrle Drrnl wnr pahlb.ush . grass r plaslc beaker r gass .6 o 8 galga opper ro o . o , coppcr heel, o tt dsdc lreakor . 26 or 28. la, non coaled rorr- s ated.opper r e . e e.lr.norm olrron.or coDlror . panrn sp't vroode. clropsl|r:jks . povr  r lppy. slch as a rectilrer r ,, $h.i rs.l.(rron)rDring. n $ r r l lilcetroiornring s h c proccss,rf hrildlng up r rchrirclr thiek hver r "brllin rhir kerls rh..urf(nr .r rh, dcsircd crting virlnnrt \ef nrerv.n rion. r's lso rcrv snrill, $trieh s h,1f. ior thc h{me studi(). Regrrttlers i thc mrchrrtc ou ehrr,. bllorv thc;tcps tkrw to l,egin rrr cle rrontrnring.rJf nturrl .l Applying sealer I li 'rrng.rrr r g rrr h;err.,t r r r rhoroushlv .icd f d lcJlld prior n ) .L.rF,h{nrinr. \lrrcriil\ lik( honc.,,: 'hell nr.rr cem on.porrus, but rhcr \rlll rcquir (t1linR. h c c,rl(r vill $rtcrp(r,i illc rurl.r.c.1\ ell.r\ k((f rh( obic.t r(nn hr(.rkins rt.rrr r r{ r i.rnrlnxrirg hcc[.r()n)rn, n)luti(,,. u Iieh nr.rr hrngr hr pfl lcvcl. It $1trkirF ith ,r. orA,rit ol,i( r. eo.ri bc ntifu urtr.f virh r xver,'i .r.fflic t.rl(( sueh r\ \xrcr'hxsed .,,rri.B or Ilod l'( se. () e.u ili, usf xrni\h. L.r rhc obiect rr . 4) Applying conductive paint Z A' i$ ,i,,nr. n,fli.\..,, JL"r,'" ti,ni dik.\ rhe nrii.e oi rh( oblecr  ,)rducrir( ur ht ele.troiltrnrins ro.('. Thcre rc nrinl r) ,fs oi c(,fducri\r p.rirts, ueh s silrrr . eopprr. errphir. liequ.r-. nd $rirr hrsed. u\ rll\ .h,rNc Brxfhite pxinr.s i r t) )fides hish nitiil condu.nyry. l)rini r .r\.r ot .({rdu.ri\ pri.r wh.rever otr Nrni ro rdd.('tller. l he p.tint must surrounLl h e piree n sonrc $.rr or it $';llnor,ldherc.Il inrg in {,rArnic bi cr, oit the scaled avcr $ irh condueny. rinr. cr rh. obje.r .rrr dn: lHc.rring o rprcd rh. p.oces\ n,ry crusc bubbles n the s,rfrce, y , sl,)$ air dr us is h(sr.)-\pply sec{,rlJ Exped Advice  t

Transcript of Electroforming Article Bead and Button Sherri Haab

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TestyourmetalElectroforming s easierthan you think and allowsyou to make your ownmetal components.

,r Shorri Haab



@ ForShenfu op 5 tips onelsctrotormingnd plating, eeheronline rticle n our Resource uidoat BeadAndButton.com/resources.

20 Bead&Butlo.wwBeadAndBunon m

oi rnet , r ln a rrn.nrenl l rc r . i rc r . \hn\

\ r , r1l ,h i (ersrrc ui rrhl r tor elc. rn,

torminc.Smal i ovs,ghss erds. nt l

f incc(nre\ . rreo\ r . , s r f \ . ,nplcs.

l . lcer i , iofnr inss s inr i lx ro c l .erroplut ine, nl r e lccrropl . r t imgdds rhin

coi t ins ot nl rr . r l ( r ' . r nrcr. i l l icr f iec .

hlcc t i r torninr. rppl icsrrc t r l r p l . rs t ic ,

sl .ss.or ()rrrni . ohiccN. , , r in\ i inec.\ i rh el rc(r . f . ,1nins. t r . rNi lccrf

h.coDr. \ rd ' , r ih lc ieer ,1 cwrl ry .( i tprc is thc mctr lofehoice or

el . . r r ( t ( 'nr) ing(\ ( l r \ . l ' Inf oncn(\ .

I t pror idcs srrrDshrsc hrrcan thcnhc pl rret lsnh *r i ter nrc t r ls rch. rs

sr l rcror pold-Flcet roiorminFs Jr i r r

h) . rnc l .err ic . l .ur . .nt th i r . t ru\cs

eopper onr o nrrrc l rom rhc nr cLr urc .o| fer rntc . r tu rhr errhor l f

i rhcobjc . r o bc c lcer( ' fonred) h(nLrh

rn elcct rol ie c lcet rc iornr ingolut ior.

s . .nt . , rnphe.r(ed?rni . f I lc i rncJ

t rhrr r l l thrxe vor ls ncrnt , c lcc tnr

h,nDngs(mtr l sc . rrr rd, ' \ (^ rhc ldl ins .

lhrn nrt crgincer rsbrnJ. )rn,

t lcsrgncJ microprccess, )ror elc ! )

lodrrng. . rnd wr\ surpr is f ( lr h{n!

e. r \ r $. r \ f t ) u\ f . \ \ ' , rh \ i r i r f lcs . rup

. rDd bi t , , t pfu. t r . . , I r rn , rround

el .crrot , )rni ins\cr\drnrg:hrnns.

nr igs. . l r icd loscn. set rshc l ls .rrsIke Run)t f ls r ihskr runnin$ mok!

I quick lv r ,und hrt t lcc t rrr iLrrmings

. r . \ r rdi t tA \k i l l i , ,Ino\ \ . \ r ic \?l f rx f t is r , rov idrrrs uI l rque r) r{)cr l r r .

1, ,u.oM nrchl . ( 'mfoncnrs.

Thenrrn piece i equrpnrenrou

will reed frr elecrroforming s a porver

supply r rc . r i f ic i ) in 'smi . ! , procesol .

rhr [ : ] Ft ( , .h, s .ndrhe!opr ion. hr

rrtvantaseof thn prciuct is ar it hrs

materials. (llrhL-r lov€s ndeyeprotectro.. snra Daslc. tass or o,ganic b,ecl

t ac'Yc sea Ar f vamsh !r lhpanlbrushlorarrorgancobje.lr

' cofdlclrle Drrnlwnr pahlb.ush

. grass r plaslcbeaker r gass

.6 o 8 galga opper ro o . o,

coppcr heel, o tt dsdc lreakor. 26 or 28.!la,!€noncoaled

rorr-s ! ated.opper re. e e.lr.norm olrron.orcoDlror. panrn sp't vroode.clropsl|r:jks

. povr€r lppy. slch asa rectilrerr

, , $h. i rs . l . ( r ron)rDring.n!$ rr l

l i lcet roiornr ings hc proccss, r f

hr i ld lngup r rchr i rc l r th iekhver

r "br l l in rhi r ker ls rh. .urf (nr . r rh,

dcs i rcdcrt ing v i r lnnrt \ef nrerv .n

r ion. r 's lso rcrv snr i l l ,$t r ieh s h,1f .

ior thc h{me studi() .

Regrrt t lersi thc mrchrrtcou ehrr , .

b l lorv thc; tcps tkrw to l ,egin rrr

c le! rront rnr ing. rJ fnturr l

.l Applying sealerI l i ' r r n g . r r r r g r r r h ; e r r . , t r r r

rhoroushlv . icd fd lcJ l ld pr iorn)

.L. rF,h{nr inr. \l r rcr i i l \ l ik ( honc. , , :

'hel l nr . rr cem on.porrus,but rhcr

\ r l l l rcqui r ! ( t1 l inR.hc c, r l ( r v i l l

$r tcrp(r , i i l lc rur l . r .c .1\ el l . r \ k (( f

rh( obic . t r (nn hr( . rk insrt . r rr r r { ! r

i . rnr lnxr i rghcc[ . r()n)rn, n) lut i ( , , .

u I ieh nr. rr hrngr hr pf l lcvcl.

I t $1t rk i rF i th , r . orA,r i t !o l , i ( ! r .

eo. r i bc nt i fu urt r . f !v i rh r xver, ' i

. r . f f l ic t . r l ( ( sueh r\ \x rcr 'hxsed

. , , r r i .B or I lod l ' ( se. () ! e.u i l i ,

us f xrni \h. L. r rhcobiect r r .

4) Applyingconductive paintZ A ' i $ , i , , n r .n , f l i . \ . . , , J L " r , ' "

t i ,n i d ik . \ rhenr i i .e oi rh( oblecr

! , ) rducr i r(ur ht ele. t roi l t rnr insro. ( ' .

Thcre rc nr in l r ) , fsoi c( , fducr i \ r

p. r i r ts , ueh s s i l r r r . eopprr. errphi r .l iequ.r- . nd $r i r r hrsed. u\ ! r l l \

.h, rNcBrxfhi tepx inr.s i r t ) ! ) f ideshish ni t i i l condu.nyry .

l ) r in i r . r \ . r ot . ( {rdu. r i \ pr i . rwh.rever ot r Nrni ro rdd.( ' t l ler . lhe

p. t intmustsurrounLlhe piree n sonrc

$. rr or i t $ ' ; l lnor, ldherc. I l inrg in

{, rArnic bi !cr , o i t thescaledavcr

$ i rhcondueny. r inr . cr rh. obje. r

.rrrdn: lHc.rring o rprcd rh. p.oces\

n, ry cruscbubblesn thes, r f rce,y,

s l , )$ai r dr!us is h(sr. )- \pply sec{, r l

Exped Advice


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2 Attaching the conductorV Anacha non-coatedopper vireto theobjecr y rvrappingt around rlooping r rhrough hc obiect- hewire!vill conducr lectricity uringelectro-fornine andmusrbe n contnctwith thecondrctive aint.Soneconductive aintcanbebrushed nto hewire whcre t

connectso theobjecto ensurchat he*ire andobject ondsct sone.

Thewi.ecanbeanyBauSerwrapped28-gaugeopperwnerround a leafstem n photoa. Youcanuse ervierwire,or wrap heavywireover hinwire o add bulk o theobject ndkccp t from driftingor floatingwhcnsuspendedn rheelectroform olution.Youcanalsoelecroformmultipleobjects f thesame izeby attachingr lvire o eich objecrnd bundlinglhe wires nto a single whtedstem.

Justmakesure heobjects ont toucheach thcror thc coppcr nodcwh;le

thechopsricks,ower heobiect nto thesolurion. heobject houldbecent€redin rhebeaker o har r does ot tou€hrhecopper oil or sbeet, nd hechop-sticks hould esracrosshe op ofthebeake..Whenheobiects properlysuspended,apc hechopsricksogetherro hold r there.Connecrheblack

(neeative,) lead rom hepowersupplyto the wire conductor herc r sticksout ofthe chopsticksphoto ).

7 Introducing he currentt scr hcpuwcrufnlyecurrcnto

low; a good ulr of thumb s o startrvithabout 50 nilliamtspersquareinch mA/sqnch).Adjusr hepowersLrpplyccordingo rhemanufacturer'sinstruct ionso miintain hat urrent.

Check h( obicct fter I5 minuresto scc fli uniformcoating fcoppcr

is ormingon rheob,e€r. r thispoint,thecu.rert c.n bc ncrcirscdo rround100mtsq inch o spcedheprocess,

especiallyor larger bjects. ighercurrents roducc norc granulnr,essshiny urfaceexrurc. lso,sharp rsmallprotruding reas il l cxpcriencehigher urrent ensiry,o you mayseegrainy, rysrallinefowrhsn those reas.

As rhecopper s deposircd,ou maynorice xri.rions n rhcctrrrent ndmayneedo adjust our powc supplyaccordinglyiheE.3-Efoln nitmakesthese djustmcntsutomitically.

Depcnding n bowdrickyou wantto form hemetal, lectroforuringantakeanywhere etwcenwo and t0houn. Removcheobjectwhen hedesiredmeml hicknesss achieved.

Cr€atlng the anodeLin€h€nside f a glass r plasiic

beakeralternatively,oucanusca glasscanning.t wirh coi lof5- o.8-saugecopp€rwire,or use piece f sheetcopp€r itr€d g.inst rhe nsidcw.rllofthebeaker.hiscoppcrwill scrve.stheanoderom whichmetalionswilltransfero your object. enve omecopper ricking trni8hr ut of the ar.

Addlng he solutlonPour hecleetrofornrolurion nro

the beakcr o covcr hecopper oil orsheet,leavingomemet.l cxposed trhe op.Slip hc wircconductor ddedin step3 betweenwo prrtiallr splitchopsricksphotob),nnd vrip ir onceor nvicearoundoneof thc chopsticks.

Fini8hlngI renovedmy e.f.ftcr rhree ou.s

A Suspendlnghs oblect

Lf Clip he ed posrn.c,t cod romthepower upply o thecopper oil orsheer ticking ut of thebe:ker.Holding

{photod). Rinse heobicd wirh distilledwatcr, emovehewi.econducror, ndpatdry.Youcannow usc he inished

copper-coatedbjecro crcate ewelrydesign, r youcanelecrroplatehcobjecrwirh olhcr metals.

ww.BeadAndBunon.cdn Februarv 011 2t

Shetri Haab is a best-se ng author of25 uaft booAs,

She s a L,ell-knou" ifttructot, leadinq craft aid iepelry-bqking wotkshops t'ltenatioka y, and liues with het

fadily ii SPti"gui e, Utah, in the U.S. Contact het at

[email protected], or uisit her website, shettihaab.cont.