El salvador destiny



In this magazine, you are going to notice of the different places that El Salvador offers to the Tourists.

Transcript of El salvador destiny

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Hill !!!







PPAAGGEESS.......... 1133--1144

The ruins of San Andrés



PERQUIN , MORAZANPages\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\



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Tourism is the travel for recreational, leisure, family or business purposes,usually of a limited duration. Tourism is commonly associated with trans- national travel, but may also refer to travel to another location within the same country. Being a tourists could be an amazing experience and mostly if you travel inside El Salvador, it could be your best experience knowing our history, customs, traditions,beaches, festivals, foreign people, different kind of animals, enjoy a spectacular landscape and so on, in this tourist magazines we have selected the best places for travel inside our country

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EELL CCEERRRROO VVEERRDDEE Located in the departments of Sonsonate and Santa Ana, and are approximately 67 kilometers from the capital city San Salvador.

HISTORYThe Cerro Verde is actually an extinct volcano which

last erupted approximately 2500 years ago. On the top of its crater there is one of the few cloud forests in the country, located at 2030 meters abovesea level. The other two impressive volcanoes -Santa Ana and Izalco - can easily be observed from the look-out spots located within the park.

Since its reopening on 15 December 2002offers all tourists with many innovative changes has been satisfactory. It has an area of 54 blocks. 3 Interpretive Trails: The trail Mysterious Flowers, Sendero to Nature, and the Old Hotel Trail Mountain. Walksvolcanoes Izalco (height 1.980 meters abovesea level) and Santa Ana (height 2.381 meters


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• Day 15º/18º •Longitude. -89.6336°

•Latitude. 13.8322°

•It has 54 Acres•Night 4º/9ºC



• By car •By busACCESS ROUTES• Carretera Panamericana, by via el congo.• Road to Sonsonate city by Via Armenia.


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5E l







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Is a mountain in Central America, on the border of El Salvador and Honduras. It is located 12 km (7 mi) from the town of La Palma at a height of 2,730 m (8,957 ft) above sea level, and is the highest point in Salvadoran territory.

From November to February the temperature ranges between −6 °C (21 °F) and 10 °C (50 °F) (lowest recorded, in January 1956) and in the rest of the year the temperature ranges between 5 °C (41 °F) and 20 °C (68

°F). It is the coldest place in El Salvador,

On 13 April 2004, much of the mountain was blanketed by an accumulation of hail during a storm, an unusual event that caused a commotion among the local community

It is one of the most popular tourist draws in El Salvador, with great biodiversity in a wide

altitudinal range containing many endangered species of flora and fauna. The cloud forest has some of the rarest plants and animals in the country, including quetzals and other endangered species.

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If you decide to get there by bus. You have to leave early from the East Terminal in San Salvador to address Route 119 in which will take you to San Ignacio. And then address the route 509 arriving to Las Pilas, but you have to get off before Chiquito River. Then you can decide whether to walk or hire a vehicle to take you up above, and complete the remaining 5 km.

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Perquin was known unofficially as the guerrilla capital during the conflict,Perquín village was founded by Lenca tribes in 1770. In 1870, Perquín was a town of only Indians. Located in the area of guerrilla control during the civil war known as the "red zone", It was often the site of meetings of the leadership of the Frente guerrillas and, after the cease-fire, of important events on the road to a permanent peace.now a peaceful village in the mountains of Morazan. Visit the Museum of the Revolution and climb the Cerro de Perquin. •MOZOTE, NEVER AGAINJust a few kilometers from the Rio Sapo is El Mozote, site of the 1981 massacre of more than a thousand civilians by a U.S.-trained battalion of the Salvadoran army.

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TThhee MMuusseeuumm ooff tthhee SSaallvvaaddoorraann RReevvoolluuttiioonn,, llooccaatteedd rriigghhtt iinn ttoowwnn,, rreeccoouunnttss tthhee eexxppeerriieennccee ooff tthhee gguueerrrriillllaass dduurriinngg tthhee cciivviill wwaarr,, dduurriinngg 1122 yyeeaarrss..,,HHoommaaggee ttoo iittss HHeerrooeess aanndd MMaarrttyyrrss..TThhee MMuusseeuumm iiss ddiivviiddeedd iinnttoo ffiivvee mmaajjoorr sseeccttiioonnss:: tthhee ccaauusseess ooff tthhee wwaarr,, tthhee iinntteerrnnaattiioonnaall ssoolliiddaarriittyy eeffffoorrtt,, lliiffee iinn tthhee gguueerrrriillllaa ccaammppss,, tthhee ppeeaaccee aaccccoorrddss,, aanndd tthhee RRaaddiioo VVeenncceerreemmooss..

PPEERRKKIINN LLEENNCCAA wwaass ddeessiiggnneedd aanndd bbuuiilltt rreessppeeccttiinngg tthhee nnaattuurraall eennvviirroonnmmeenntt,, tthhee llaannddssccaappee aanndd tthhee rreessiiddeenntt ppllaanntt aanndd aanniimmaall lliiffee.. BBuuiilltt oonn aa sstteeeepp hhiillllssiiddee,, eeaacchh ccaabbiinn hhaass aa ggrreeaatt vviieeww ooff tthhee mmoouunnttaaiinnss wwhhiicchh ffaaddee aawwaayy iinnttoo tthhee hhoorriizzoonn,, ccrreeaattiinngg aa ccoozzyy aanndd rroommaannttiicc aattmmoosspphheerree..

Monument of the piece


DDuurriinngg tthhee ffiirrsstt wweeeekk ooff AAuugguusstt tthheeyy aarree cceelleebbrraattiinngg tthhee WWiinntteerr FFeessttiivvaall iinn tthhee vviillllaaggee ooff PPeerrqquuiinn.. TThheerree aarree ffiivvee ddaayyss ooff llooccaall ffoooodd,, sswweeeettss,, ccuullttuurraall pprreesseennttaattiioonnss,, mmuussiicc,, ffoollkk ddaannccee,, ddaanncciinngg,, aanndd tthheeaatteerr.. NNoorrmmaallllyy tthheerree iiss pplleennttyy ooff ssuunnsshhiinnee,, aalltthhoouugghh tthhiiss iinn tthhee rraaiinnyy sseeaassoonn,, bbuutt yyoouu mmuusstt bbee pprreeppaarreedd ttoo eenndduurree aa sshhoowweerr,, oorr ttwwoo..

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JJuuaayyúúaa iiss aa mmuunniicciippaalliittyy iinn tthhee SSoonnssoonnaattee ddeeppaarrttmmeenntt ooff EEll SSaallvvaaddoorr.. JJuuaayyuuaa iiss aa qquuaaiinntt lliittttllee ttoowwnn uupp iinntthhee mmoouunnttaaiinnss,, ffoouunnddeedd iinn11557777.. TThhee ttoowwnn''ss cceennttrraall ppllaazzaaffaacceess aann oolldd wwhhiittee ccaatthheeddrraall tthhaatt ffeeaattuurreess aabbllaacckk CChhrriisstt ssttaattuuee..

CCHHUURRCCHH OOFF SSTT.. LLUUCCIIAAJuayúa is a municipality in the Sonsonate department of El Salvador. Juayua is a quaint little town up in the mountains, founded in 1577.

The parish church of Santa Lucia, also known as Church of the Black Christ of Juayúa, was built between 1953 and 1956, under the auspices of Father José Adolfo Alvarez and Mercedes .The inauguration took place on 26 January 1957.10 Its main altar is lined with marble, and stained glass windows were imported from Europe, as well as images, which in turn were brought from Spain.

Juayúa has a perfectly preserved colonial architecture, art displays notable in their streets and, above all, hismost famous food festival every weekend. In this event, which attracts hundreds of national andinternational tourists, is held outdoors in the central square of Juayúa. And local restaurants offer delicioustraditional dishes.

The surrounding area of Juayua contains numerous coffee farms, including the famous Larin finca. Visit Juayua because it is a growing, thriving village!Culture and Society, The walls of the city’s café’s, restaurants and shops are covered with murals

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LOS CHORROS DE LA CALERA.If you love nature, we invite you to visit "Los Chorros de La Calera" (La Calera Waterfalls), one of the most interesting tourist attractions of Juayúa. You'll enjoy the beautiful crystalline waterfalls and the cool weather. You must also visit "La Laguna de las Ranas"

HOW TO GET ??? • By bus or By car.

205 from San Salvador to Sonsonate249 from San Salvador to Ahuchapan249 from Ahuachapan to Sonsonateor CA- S stree from San Salvador to Juayua.

TRADITIONS: From January 1st to

15 th they live it is Patronales

Celebrations, whith famous

international and national singers,

like Aniceto Maelo, Melao

Ruiz, La Sonora Dinamita and

so on.

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DESTINYThe ruins of San Andrés

SSaann AAnnddrrééss ((ffoorrmmeerrllyy kknnoowwnn aassCCaammppaannaa SSaann AAnnddrrééss)) iiss aapprree--CCoolluummbbiiaann ssiittee iinn EEll SSaallvvaaddoorr,,wwhhoossee ooccccuuppaattiioonn bbeeggaann aarroouunndd tthheeyyeeaarr 990000 BBCC aass aann aaggrriiccuullttuurraall ttoowwnn iinn tthhee vvaalllleeyy ooff ZZaappoottiittáánn iinn tthheeddeeppaarrttmmeenntt ooff LLaa LLiibbeerrttaadd.. TThhiiss eeaarrllyyeessttaabblliisshhmmeenntt wwaass vvaaccaatteedd bbyy tthhee yyeeaarr 225500 bbeeccaauussee ooff tthhee eennoorrmmoouuss eerruuppttiioonn ooff tthhee ccaallddeerraa ooff LLaaggoo IIllooppaannggoo,, aannddwwaass ooccccuuppiieedd aaggaaiinn iinn tthhee 55tthh CCeennttuurryy,,aalloonngg wwiitthh mmaannyy ootthheerr ssiitteess iinn tthheevvaalllleeyy ooff ZZaappoottiittáánn.. BBeettwweeeenn 660000 aanndd990000 AADD,, SSaann AAnnddrrééss wwaass tthhee ccaappiittaall ooffaa MMaayyaa ppoolliittyy wwiitthh ssuupprreemmaaccyy oovveerr tthheeootthheerr eessttaabblliisshhmmeennttss ooff VVaallllee ddee ZZaappoottiittáánn..

AAfftteerr tthhee SSppaanniisshh CCoonnqquueesstt,, tthhee rruuiinnss ooff SSaann AAnnddrrééss llaayy wwiitthhiinn aa ccoolloonniiaall eessttaattee ddeeddiiccaatteedd ttoo ccaattttllee aanndd iinnddiiggoo pprroodduuccttiioonn.. TThhee ssiittee wwaass bbuurriieedd dduuee ttoo tthhee eerruuppttiioonn ooff tthhee PPllaayyóónn vvoollccaannoo iinn 11665588 AADD,, pprreesseerrvviinngg tthhee CCoolloonniiaall iinnddiiggoo pprroodduuccttiioonn aallmmoosstt iinnttaacctt.. IInn 11999966,, tthhee GGoovveerrnnmmeenntt ooff EEll SSaallvvaaddoorr iinnaauugguurraatteedd tthhee AArrcchhaaeeoollooggiiccaall PPaarrkk ooff SSaann AAnnddrrééss,, wwhheerree tthhee vviissiittoorr ccaann cclliimmbb tthhee ppyyrraammiiddss,, sseeee tthhee iinnddiiggoo pprroodduuccttiioonn aarreeaa,, aanndd vviissiitt tthhee ssiittee mmuusseeuumm..


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How to get there:Km 35, Pan-American Highway, La Libertad.

Drive along the Pan-American Highway (CA-1) towards Los Chorros, and continue as if going to

Santa Ana. The entrance is your right at km 35, and is properly labeled.If transported by bus you may board any of them going to Santa Ana or Ahuachapán at the

West Terminal (201 or 202 for example).

MORE:Phone: (503) 2319-3220

Hours: Tuesday to Sunday 9:00 am to 4:00 pmAdmission Rates:

General (Salvadoran and Central American): US$ 1.00

Foreign: US $ 3.00Children under 8 years and senior citizens: FREE

Centres and Educational Complex Public primary and secondary level: FREE Wednesday


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The complex was developed with Capital colombiano and opened in 1979 making it the largest hotel in the Salvadoran coast beach with an area of 270,000 m² and approximately 1 kilometer beach and arena.3 Its construction began with the presence of authorities presidential, considering it is

GGuueessttss ccaann eennjjooyy tthhee bbeeaauuttiiffuull PPaacciiffiicc OOcceeaann;; ssppeenndd ttiimmee iinn aannyy ooff oouurr ffoouurr ffrreesshh wwaatteerr ppoooollss,, oorr eevveenn iinn tthhee ssppeeccttaaccuullaarr ssaalltt wwaatteerr ppooooll ffiilllleedd ddaaiillyy bbyy tthhee oocceeaann ttiiddeess wwhhiillee ttaakkiinngg aaddvvaannttaaggee ooff oouurr aallll--iinncclluussiivvee ddrriinnkkss aatt aannyy ooff oouurr ffoouurr ddiissttiinnccttiivvee bbaarrss..


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TThhee llooccaattiioonn ooff tthhee hhootteell iiss llooccaatteedd oonn tthhee PPaacciiffiicc ccooaasstt oonnllyy 22 hhoouurrss ffrroomm EEll SSaallvvaaddoorr AAiirrppoorrtt aanndd aabboouutt 5500 mmiinnuutteess ffrroomm tthhee ccaappiittaall,, mmaakkiinngg tthhee ttrriipp vveerryy ttiirriinngg aanndd nnoott aacccceessssiibbllee ccoonnssiiddeerraabbllyy,, bbuutt yyeett ttoo rreeaacchh tthhee ssiittee ccaann ccoommppeennssaattee aallll tthhaatt ttiimmee ttrraavveelliinngg.

VViissiittoorrss ccaann eennjjooyy tthhee bbeeaauuttiiffuull sscceenneerryy ooff tthhee PPaacciiffiicc hhaavvee aa vveerryy pplleeaassaanntt eexxppeerriieennccee,, hhaass aa ssaallttwwaatteerr ppooooll ((hheennccee ppaarrtt ooff tthhee hhootteell nnaammee)) tthhaatt iiss ffiilllleedd bbyy tthhee ttiiddee aanndd iittss vvaarriiaattiioonnss..

TThhee rroooommss hhaavvee ddoouubbllee bbeeddss wwiitthh aa ccoott oorr ssooffaa aanndd aa kkiinngg aanndd 22 bbuunnkkss oorr ssooffaa bbeeddss aarree eeqquuiippppeedd wwiitthh:: ssaatteelllliittee TTVV,, bbaatthhrroooomm,, aaiirr ccoonnddiittiioonniinngg,, tteelleepphhoonnee,, ssaaffee,, ccooffffeeee mmaakkeerr..

AAllll iinn oonnee ppaacckkaaggeess iinncclluuddee::

•• BBrreeaakkffaasstt,, lluunncchh aanndd ddiinnnneerr bbuuffffeett •• DDiinnnneerr aa llaa CCaarrttee •• ddaayy aanndd nniigghhtt AAppppeettiizzeerrss •• DDaaiillyy aaccttiivviittiieess pprrooggrraamm

•• NNoonn--mmoottoorriizzeedd wwaatteerrssppoorrttss ((kkaayyaakkiinngg aanndd ppeeddaall bbooaattss)) •• IInnttrroodduuccttoorryy SSccuubbaa DDiivviinngg iinn tthhee ppooooll •• BBeeaacchh ttoowweellss iinn tthhee AAccttiivviittyy CCeenntteerr •• TTwwoo TTeennnniiss CCoouurrttss •• BBeeaacchh VVoolllleeyybbaallll •• NNiigghhttllyy eenntteerrttaaiinnmmeenntt ((sshhoowwss ffoorr aadduullttss aanndd cchhiillddrreenn)) •• AAccttiivviittiieess ffoorr cchhiillddrreenn •• AAmmoonngg ssoommee ootthheerrss..


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Enjoying in our country, with kind people offering their products, knowing our culture, making click with our flora and fauna, achieve this could raise awareness about how important is to know, appreciate, love, caring, being responsible to our country, its landscapes, its most beautiful hotels, animals, food, in this way you could learn to make responsible tourist transmitting this same responsibility to their other relatives,