Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time · 2019-09-18 · Beginning July 1, 2016 you may contact Fr....

St. Genevieve Parish Newsletter Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Genevieve Catholic Church 815 Barbier Avenue, Thibodaux, LA 70301-6533 Ofϔice: 446-5571, Religious Ed.: 446-5127 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.stgenevievechurch.com Join us on Facebook @ www.facebook.com/StGenevieveThibodaux Join us on Flocknote @ ϔlocknote.com/stgenevieve Volume 57, No. 31/July 31, 2016 Administrator: Fr. Eric Leyble Church Ofϔice Hours Associate Pastor: Fr. Alex Gaudet Mon - Thurs 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Deacon: Irving Daigle Friday 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM Religious Education Director: Sr. Lauren Lindee Ofϔice Staff: Justin Rodrigue/Executive Mgr. and Youth & Development Dir. Jackie Hebert/Business Mgr., Scarlet Angelette/Admin. Assist. & Safe Environment Chris Knobloch/Principal, Cheryl Thibodaux/Assist. Principal Weekly Mass Schedule: Monday thru Friday: 7:00 AM Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM (3:00 PM Confessions) Friday School Mass: 9:15 AM Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:30 AM, & 6:00 PM St. Genevieve Parish “ All Are Welcome”

Transcript of Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time · 2019-09-18 · Beginning July 1, 2016 you may contact Fr....

Page 1: Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time · 2019-09-18 · Beginning July 1, 2016 you may contact Fr. Dean and Fr. Simon Peter by the following: Fr. Dean Danos Fr. Simon Peter Engurait

St. Genevieve Parish Newsletter Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Of ice:446-5571,ReligiousEd.:446-5127 E-mail:[email protected]

Website:[email protected]/StGenevieveThibodaux

JoinusonFlocknote@ locknote.com/stgenevieve

Volume 57, No. 31/July 31, 2016

Administrator:Fr.EricLeyble ChurchOf iceHours

AssociatePastor:Fr.AlexGaudet Mon-Thurs8:00AM-4:00PM

Deacon:IrvingDaigle Friday8:00AM-3:00PMReligiousEducationDirector:Sr.LaurenLindeeOf iceStaff:JustinRodrigue/ExecutiveMgr.andYouth&DevelopmentDir.JackieHebert/BusinessMgr.,ScarletAngelette/Admin.Assist.&SafeEnvironmentChrisKnobloch/Principal,CherylThibodaux/Assist.Principal

WeeklyMassSchedule: MondaythruFriday:7:00AM SaturdayVigil:4:00PM(3:00PMConfessions)FridaySchoolMass:9:15AM Sunday:8:00AM,10:30AM,&6:00PM

St. Genevieve Parish “ All Are Welcome”

Page 2: Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time · 2019-09-18 · Beginning July 1, 2016 you may contact Fr. Dean and Fr. Simon Peter by the following: Fr. Dean Danos Fr. Simon Peter Engurait


DearBrothersandSisters, FromtimetotimeIwillbe illinginforFr.Ericinthebulletin.Iwanttotakethistimetotalkaboutthingswemightnotoftengetto.Forthis irstround,Iamwritingaserieson“beingChristian.”ItsgoalistocreatecommongroundthatwecanalluseinourpracticeofChristianity.Anyoneshouldbeabletojoinusatanypointandfol-lowalongwithoutbeinglost.Withtheintroductionsoutoftheway,let’sdivein.BeingChristian:TheResurrection WhatitmeanstobeChristiancangetlostinthenumberandcomplexityofrules,rituals, spiritualties, and personalities that accompany Christianity. However, weshouldbeabletoisolatesomepointssobasictoChristianitythattheycanserveasour common ground. One of themost basic assumptions of the Christian faith isthatthemanJesusofNazarethdiedandcamebacktolife.TheresurrectionisbyfarthemostbreathtakingelementoftheChristianmessage,butwecanbecomedesen-sitizedinitsuniqueness.Ifanyoneofuswentintoapublicspaceandstartedshout-ingthatJesusrosefromthedead,wewouldprobablybecompletelyignored.But,ifoneofusclaimedthatwehadpersonallyseensomeonecomebackto life, Iwagerthat somewouldbe interested inhearingmore. Bluntly,peopledonotordinarilycomebacktolifeaftertheydie.Jesus’resurrectionisspectacular,butclosenesshasdulledthespectacle. Imaginewhat it felt liketohearthistwothousandyearsagobeforeitwascommon.Themessageofresurrectionpropelledtheevangelizationoftheworld.Therehastobemoreherethanwishfulthinking. Maybe the reasonwedonot see the importanceof the resurrection is thatweneedtostarttellingthestorybetter.Welookatbibleasifitjustappearedonedayandreportsthingsthatneverhappenedlikefolktales.However,Iproposethatwelookattheeventsrecordedinthefourgospelsaspasseddownhistory.Jesus,awan-deringpreacherfromruralIsrael,toldpeoplethattheKingdomofGodwascomingandthattheyshouldrepent. Atthispoint,thestoryissimilartomanydeeplyreli-giousteachers.Butthenstrangethingsstartedtohappen.Marvelouscrowdsstart-edtogatheraroundhim.Hestartedbeingrecognizedasaprophet.Now,aprophet,forthepeopleofIsrael,makesknownthemindandwillofGod. Theyasprophetswereaccompaniedbymiraculoussigns. Jesuswasnodifferent. Thesickcame tohimforhealing,andtheywentawayhealed.HismessagechallengedtheestablishedleadershipinIsrael,andtheyconspiredtosilencehim.Whenherefused,theyhadhimexecuted.Butstrangerstill:threedaysafterhedied;peoplewhosawhimdie,sawhimalive! Not justone,or two,but threehundredpeople sawhimaliveandsharedtheirstory.Ithasbeenpasseddownfromgenerationtogenerationuntilthisday.YoursinChrist,Fr. Alex Gaudet

Page 3: Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time · 2019-09-18 · Beginning July 1, 2016 you may contact Fr. Dean and Fr. Simon Peter by the following: Fr. Dean Danos Fr. Simon Peter Engurait



Sunday, July 31 1:00 PM Baptisms/C

7:00 PM 10-11th Confirmation Orientation/FC

Monday, August 1 10:00 AM Helping Hands Interviews/CR

5:30-8:30 PM Catechists Orientation & Mass/School & Church

7:00 PM Come Lord Jesus/CR

Tuesday, August 2 6:00 PM New School Parent Orientation/FC

6:30 PM Baptism Seminar/ER

Wednesday, August 3 9:30 AM Lafourche Nursing Home Mass

Thursday, August 4 7:30 AM-6:00 PM Adoration/C

7:00 Pm Choir Rehearsal/C

Friday, August 5 9:15 AM School Mass

10:00 AM Helping Hands Appointments


July24,2016 $6,545.55

FallenPoliceOf icers $1,154.24


Phil & Lois Chatagnier will

be accepting the Divine Mercy Image on August 7th at the 10:30 AM Mass. ThehostfamiliesareencouragedtomakeapilgrimagetoSt.FrancisCathedralorSt.JosephCo-Cathedral,praytheDi-vineMercyNovenaandchaplet,andperformSpir-itualandCorporalworksofMercy.PleasecallDeaconIrvingDaigleat(985-447-2120)tobookyourweeknow.AsPopeFrancissaid“Maywebe-comeislandsofmercyinthemidstoftheseaofindifference!” *PleasereturntheDivineMercyImagebeforethe4:00PMMassonSaturday.Pleaseplacetheimageonthealtar.

Church Cleaning—Rita Usey

Linen Cleaning—Rita Usey

Adoration Candle—in memory of: Holy Souls in Purgatory

Sanctuary Light—in memory of: Alcide LeBlanc

donated by: His Children

**The linen cleaning committee is in need of new volunteers. Please prayerfully consider joining this ministry. Call Rita Usey at

446-6333 if interested.


Sun., July 31 Col 3:1-5, 9-11/Lk 12:13-21

Mon., Aug 1 Jer 28:1-17/Mt 14:13-21

Tue., Aug 2 Jer 30:1-2, 12-15, 18-22/Mt 14:22- 36

Wed., Aug 3 Jer 31:1-7/Mt 15:21-28

Thurs., Aug 4 Jer 31:31-34/Mt 16:13-23

Fri., Aug 5 Na 2:1, 3; 3:1,6-7/Mt 16:24-28

Sat., Aug 6 Dn 7:9-10, 13-14/Lk 9:28b-36

Join us the first Sunday of each month for coffee, donuts and fellowship as you connect

with your fellow parishioners. Donuts and coffee will be served in Church a er the

8:00 AM Mass.

Page 4: Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time · 2019-09-18 · Beginning July 1, 2016 you may contact Fr. Dean and Fr. Simon Peter by the following: Fr. Dean Danos Fr. Simon Peter Engurait


Prayer List Today we are praying for all of the peo-ple in nursing homes, hospitals, and the homebound. We are also praying for: Shirley Ordoyne, Rose Mary Millet, Mar-tin Stask, Eugene Mignella, Tammy Ordoyne, Edward Legendre, Keith Him-mel, Wilbert Morvant, Dolores Stevens, Wayne Theriot, Anna Louise Rodrigue, Anthony Martinolich, Lois Adams, Cheryl

Francis, Essie Hoffpauir, Shirley Hoffpauir, Larry & Myra Clement, Pat Long, Bobby Mire, Holden Amedee, Andrew Robichaux, Isabella Richard, Sheila Zeringue, Herman Thibodaux, Sr., June Becnel, Jessie Hoffpauir, Derrick Verdun, Annie Ordoyne, Marvin Navarre, Ger-trude Aizen, Danica Rodrigue, Bobby Mire, Susie Trux-illo, Originae Everett, Ronnie Bednarz, Camille France, David Becnel and Patricia Soignet. Please call the church office to have someone new added to the list. Also if you are interested in becoming a prayer line member, please call Barbara at (985) 447-4043 or Veldene at (985) 447-4104.

Beginning July 1, 2016 you may contact Fr. Dean and Fr. Simon Peter by the following:

Fr. Dean Danos Fr. Simon Peter Engurait St. Eloi Catholic Church Christ the Redeemer Church 1335 Bayou Dularge Rd. 702 Talbot Avenue Theriot, LA 70397 Thibodaux, LA 70301 Office: 985-872-2946 Office: 985-447-2013 Cell: 985-271-1548 [email protected] [email protected]

Happy Vaca on and Mass On Demand We pray for our family and friends who will be trav-eling this summer. May God grant them a me for recrea on into his Divine love. May they experience

God’s goodness in the hospitality they receive and bring the Good News of salva on to all those they meet. May God be their protector and guide them safely home. If you are travel-ing this summer, you can find the Mass mes and loca ons by calling 1-734-794-2100 or on the internet at www.mass mes.org



Registra on forms previously issued for CCD clas-ses in grades 1-9 and for Confirma on classes in grades 10-11 are now due. Please complete the forms if you have not yet done so.

New students to our Religious Ed classes can re-quest a form from the church office or access a form from the church website.



Does our Church database have YOUR family membership record correct. Here is your chance to update your record.

It is me for us to update our database with any changes, addi ons, or dele ons that may have occurred in your family recently. Have you changed your phone number? Have you moved? Are you preparing to move soon? Are all of your children s ll at home and are they all included in your membership record? If you have not already informed the office about changes to your records, please let us know by calling the church office at 985-446-5571. Thank you for helping us to keep our parish informa on updated. God Bless!

Registra on packets for new parishioners are available at all the doors of the church. If you would like to join

our parish, please take one. ALL ARE WELCOME!!!

Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux Job Openings

The Catholic Schools Office has an opening for the following posi on: Administra ve Assistant (full-

me posi on) to the Superintendent of Catholic Schools/Suzanne Delaune Trosclair. For more informa on, please visit Job Opportuni es at, htdiocese.org.

There is also a Part-Time Adver sing Sales Execu ve Posi on Available/Bayou Catholic Magazine-Qualifica ons: ● Must like and understand the earning poten al of a primarily commission wage structure. ● Must be a goal-oriented, energe c, self-starter able to work independently and as a team. ● Must be comfortable with cold calls and in-person sales. ● Prior sales experience required. Send resume and references to: Law-rence Chatagnier, editor and general manager, [email protected]. Applica ons will be accepted un l posi on is filled.

Page 5: Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time · 2019-09-18 · Beginning July 1, 2016 you may contact Fr. Dean and Fr. Simon Peter by the following: Fr. Dean Danos Fr. Simon Peter Engurait


CursilloMen’sWeekendSeptember29-Oct.2,2016LumenChristiRetreatCenterRegistrationFee is$120. Noonewillbe denied due to inancial situation!Registration forms can be found onthetable inthecenteraisleofchurchandatthechurchof ice.Adoration & Prayer for our Teachers and the

New School Year

Wednesday, August 3, 2016 8:00 AM to 12:30 PM St. Genevieve Church

Date Correc on! Acadian Mass, August 15

The annual Acadian Mass which is celebrated in conjunc-on with the feast of the Assump on is scheduled for

Monday, August 15, 2016 at 6:00 PM at St. Hilary Church in Mathews. Catholics from across the diocese gather for the Mass which cele-brates the Cajun culture of the bayou area.

1. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6.

MUSIC DIRECTOR WANTED St. Philomena Catholic Church in Labadieville is search-ing for a music director. Responsibili es include leading liturgical music for 8:00 AM and/or 10:00 AM Mass on Sunday morning and conduc ng re-hearsals with choir as needed. Persons must have knowledge and understand-ing of the Catholic Mass and liturgical music. S pends will be discussed upon applica on. Please fax resume to (985) 526-4128 a en on Fr. Paul Gros.

ROME PILGRIMIAGE With the con nued success of the previous Rome Pilgrimages, the diocesan Office of Steward-ship and Development, along with Fr. Simon Peter Engurait as

the spiritual guide, would like to invite all for a pilgrimage to Rome, Italy, including a visit to Florence, January 23rd through 30th of 2017. Highlights of the trip currently include a ending the Papal Audience given by Pope Francis, the Scavi Tour of the excava ons under St. Peter’s Basilica, daily Mass in some of Rome's most beau ful churches, four star hotel accommo-da ons blocks from St. Peter’s Basilica, airfare, daily break-fast, four dinners and much more. Price for the trip is $3,200 per person based on double occupancy.

Reserva ons need to be made by September 15th. If anyone has any ques ons, please contact Jeremy Becker, Director of Stewardship and Development, at 850-3155 or [email protected].


Orientation Welcome to everyone in our Parish to the Reli-

gious Educa on Program! Our Parent/Child Orien-ta on will be held on Monday, August 15, 2016, at 5:30 PM in church. It is necessary for students and at least one parent or guardian to a end.

Wedding Anniversary Celebration Saturday, August 27, 2016,

4:00 Vigil Mass Ifyouarecelebratingyour25th,40th,50thor60th+WeddingAnniversaryin2016,wewouldlikeforyoutoregisterandbeapartofourparishWed-dingAnniversaryCelebration.RegistrationdeadlineisAugust22nd,pleasecallthechurchof iceifyouwouldliketoparticipateinthiscelebration,985-446-5571.

Page 6: Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time · 2019-09-18 · Beginning July 1, 2016 you may contact Fr. Dean and Fr. Simon Peter by the following: Fr. Dean Danos Fr. Simon Peter Engurait



Keeping Our Faith Alive!

Sunday August 21, 2016

1:00 p.m. –7:00 p.m.

Grades 6-12th

Registration Fee is $10.00


AUG. 17, 2016


Next Youth Adoration

August 9, 2016 - 6:30 PM (Celebrant—Fr. Alex Gaudet)

August 17, 2016 6:30 PM

Lafourche Home for the Aged



August 21, 2016

6:00 PM


Saturday, August 13, 2016 7:30 AM at St. Genevieve

We will be trimming trees, weeding and mulching the land-scaping and cleaning up our beau ful campus. Thank you in

advance for your par cipa on! All ARE WELCOME!

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Page 8: Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time · 2019-09-18 · Beginning July 1, 2016 you may contact Fr. Dean and Fr. Simon Peter by the following: Fr. Dean Danos Fr. Simon Peter Engurait



4:00 PM 8:00 AM

10:30 AM 6:00 PM

MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, July 30, 4:00 pm: Remembrance Fund Mass, Adrian "Boo" Legendre, Pamela Blanchard Bordelon, Henrie a & Guy Bernard, Dot & Murvin Bergeron, Gerald Schexnayder, Dr. Stephen L. Guil-lot, Jr., Alex & Pauline Gauthreanx, Mae & Sam Las-seigne, Luc Oncale Family, Alexander Ledet Family, Alcide & Stella LeBlanc, Morvant, Naquin, LeBlanc, Boudreaux Family, Denis & Toudelle Gaubert, Ken-neth LeBlanc, M/M Placide Daigle & Family, M/M Mauray Bergeron & Family, Dave & Audrey D. Ber-geron, M/M LeeRoy Truxillo, Lelia B. Prince, Marie Duet, Mary G. Truxillo

Sunday, July 31, 8:00 am: Shirley Fontanille, Anna Pham Thi Suy, Joseph Nguyen Duc Thai, Anna Ngu-yen Thi Nu, Francis Pham Van Vuong, Mary Nguyen Thi Nhan, Joseph Nguyen Van Quyen

10:30 am: Rose Bazile Daigle, Frank & Rose Ba-zile, Jake & Lena Sciambre, Mary Catherine & Low-ell Fulton, Walter, Eunice & Louise Gallo, William & Be y Mohan, Helen Daigle LeBlanc, Ann Bazile, Ar-thur & Lorina Daigle, Claude & Ma e Hebert, Clay-ton Hebert, Preston & Lois Daigle, Arthur Daigle, Geraldine D. Faucheaux, Eddie Comeaux, Claude Daigle, Jr., Louise Stevens, Junius Hebert, Earl & Noralie Legendre, Oscar Legendre & Family, Thom-as Ordoyne & Family, Junius Hebert, Lo e Dupree

6:00 pm: Brad Ledet, Dan n & Terrebonne Fami-lies, Guy & Lovenia Ledet, Sacred Heart of Jesus, St. Jude, St. Anthony, St. Padre Pio

Monday, August 1, 7:00 am: For the People of the Parish

Tuesday, August 2, 7:00 am: M/M Anthony Cangemi, Anthony Cangemi, Jr., Sal Cangemi, Mike Dennis, Maurice Serpas, Constance Lasseigne, Mur-ray J. Perez

Wednesday, August 3, 7:00 am: For Voca ons

Thursday, August 4, 7:00 am: Cursillo

Friday, August 5, 7:00 am: Louis Dill, Jr., Gerald Dill

ASV Jack Pitre

Eli Pitre



Volunteer COM Geri Caro EM Susan Blanchard/1

Ann Naquin /2

Judy Roger/3


Dale Cooley/5

Rita Usey/6

Kathleen Broggi/7 LEC Barbara Morvant U Donald Barrilleaux, Jr.




ASV Volunteer




Volunteer COM Bernade e Spears EM Dawn Oubre/1

Jim Knobloch/2

Kat Prince/3


Jerry Monier/5

Chris Knobloch/6

Volunteer/7 LEC Sophia Sirois U Cedric Oubre

Ma hew Oubre



ASV Paul Toups

Adrienne Sobert



Volunteer COM KC’s EM KC’s/1






KC’s/7 LEC KC’s U KC’s




CL Ka e Hebert&

ASV Adele Zeringue

Paul Zeringue



Volunteer COM 11th grade Confirma on EM Myra Zeringue/1

Juli Dardar/2



Cindy Adams/5

Woody Falgoust/6

Volunteer/7 LEC 11th Grade Confirma on U 11th Grade Confirma on

11th Grade Confirma on

11th Grade Confirma on

11th Grade Confirma on

Page 9: Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time · 2019-09-18 · Beginning July 1, 2016 you may contact Fr. Dean and Fr. Simon Peter by the following: Fr. Dean Danos Fr. Simon Peter Engurait


NEWSTATUESSt. Genevieve is in the process ofpurchasing statues of some of thesaints for our Decor Committee touse fordifferentoccasionsand feastdays.TheonesthatwereusedinthepastwereownedbyFr.Dean.Ifyouwould like to purchase one of thesein memory of a loved one, pleasecontact Justin at the church of-ice. The statues we are looking topurchaseare:DivineMercy,OurLa-dy of Guadalupe, Fatima, SacredHeart of Jesus, St. Francis and St.Joseph.Eucharis c Ministers


Thibodaux Regional Medical Center is in need of Eucharis c Ministers to distribute communion to the pa ents of the hospital. If you have me and would like to volunteer, please call Dr. Ann Jackson at 985-447-7552 to give your name. Thank you!

God Bless Our Law Enforcement Communities!

Prayer Vigil July 21, 2016

Page 10: Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time · 2019-09-18 · Beginning July 1, 2016 you may contact Fr. Dean and Fr. Simon Peter by the following: Fr. Dean Danos Fr. Simon Peter Engurait



When the LORD was creating police of icers, he was into his sixth day of overtime when an angel appeared and said, "You're doing a lot of iddling around on this one." And the LORD said, "Have you read the spec on this order?" "A police of icer has to be able to run ive miles through alleys in the dark, scale walls, enter homes the health inspec-tor wouldn't touch, and not wrinkle his uniform." "He has to be able to sit in an undercover car all day long on a stakeout, cover a homicide scene that night, canvass the neighborhood for witnesses, and testify in court the next day. He has to be in top physical condition at all times, running on black coffee and half-eaten meals. And he has to have six pair of hands." The angel shook her head slowly and said, "Six pair of hands...no way." "It's not the hands that are causing me prob-lems, said the LORD, it's the three pair of eyes an of icer has to have." "That's the standard model?” asked the angel. The LORD nodded. "One pair that sees through a bulge in the pocket before he asks, "May I see what's in their sir?" (When he already knows and wishes he'd taken that accounting job), another pair here in the side of his head for his partners safety. And another pair of eyes here in front that can look reassuringly at a bleed victim and say, "You'll be all right ma'am", when he knows it isn't so." "LORD", said the angel, touching his sleeve, "rest and work on this tomorrow." “I can't," said the LORD, "I already have a model that can talk a 250 pound drunk into a patrol car without incident and feed a family of ive on a civil service paycheck." The angel circled the model very slowly. "Can it think?" she asked. "You bet," said the LORD, "It can tell you the elements of a hundred crimes; recite Miranda warnings in its sleep; de-tain, investigate, search, and arrest a gang member on the street in less time than it takes ive learned judges to de-bate the legality of the stop...and still it keeps it's sense of humor." "This of icer has phenomenal personal control. He can deal with crime scenes painted in hell, coax a confession from a child abuser, comfort a murder victim's family, and then read it in the daily paper how law enforcement isn't sen-sitive to the rights of criminal suspects." Finally, the angel bent over and ran her inger across the cheek of the of icer. "There's a leak," she pronounced. "I told you that you were trying to put too much on this model." "That's not a leak," said the LORD, "It's a tear." "What's the tear for?" the angel asked. "It's for bottled-up emotions, for fallen comrades, for commitment to that funny piece of cloth called the American Flag, for justice." "You're a genius," said the angel. The LORD looked somber. "I didn't put it there," he said.

—Author Unknown

Pleaseshowyourappreciationtoanof icerwhenyourpathscross,thesmallestgestureofpeaceisastatementofloveandappreciationthatwillstaywithhimorherintheirdailyjourneyofservice.

Page 11: Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time · 2019-09-18 · Beginning July 1, 2016 you may contact Fr. Dean and Fr. Simon Peter by the following: Fr. Dean Danos Fr. Simon Peter Engurait

Informa on Page

Church Name: St. Genevieve Church

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Date: 7/31/16

Contact Informa on: Jacqueline Hebert 985-446-5571

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