Renewal Programs Overview -€¦  · Web viewFacilitators: Msgr. Gervase Mukasa, Fr....

Institute for National Ongoing Formation of Pastoral Agents St. Augustine’s Institute 2019-2021 Activity Program P.O Box 7588, Kampala, Uganda +256 414 268 150 [email protected]

Transcript of Renewal Programs Overview -€¦  · Web viewFacilitators: Msgr. Gervase Mukasa, Fr....

St. Augustine’s Institute Institute for National Ongoing Formation of Pastoral Agents

2019-2021 Activity


P.O Box 7588, Kampala, Uganda+256 414 268 150

[email protected]

Jeremiah 3:15

TABLE OF CONTENTSRenewal Programs Overview................................................2

Counseling Course......................................................................3

Pastoral Use of the Computer................................................5

Priests@Five Years....................................................................7

25 Years Priestly Reunion.......................................................9

Comprehensive Renewal......................................................16

Eight Day Ignatian Retreat...................................................17

Courses: Phillip, John, Moses..............................................19

Other Services of the Institute............................................20

Management and Staff...........................................................21

Download Institute Activity Program, Registration Forms, Year Planners, and find other relevant

information at the institute’s website:


Counseling course

13-31 Jan 12-31 Jan 10-30 Jan

Pastoral Use of the Computer

03-23 Mar 01-21 Mar 07-27 Mar


12-25 May 10-23 May 09-21 May

25 Year Priestly Reunion

16-22 Jun 21-27 Jun 20-25 Jun

8 Day Ignatian Retreat

01-10 Jul 01-10 Jul 01-10 Jul

Comprehensive Renewal

08-28 Sep 06-26 Sep 05-25 Sep

8 Day Ignatian Retreat 2

01-10 Oct 01-10 Oct 01-10 Oct

Course Phillip,

John, Moses

20-26 Oct


18-24 Oct


17-23 Oct


Following a review of the renewal programs at St. Augustine’s Institute by the Episcopal Chairman of Priestly Ongoing Formation, together with the diocesan ongoing formation coordinators and the Management of St. Augustine Institute, a three-year renewal program has been proposed. The same courses will be offered each year for three years, as was the case in 2011-2013. See table below:



Whether they want it or not, whether they are trained or not, somehow priests are required constantly to do counseling work by the nature of their vocation.

The following are some of the benefits of the course:

Deepening of self-awareness, in particular greater awareness of one’s feelings and ability to deal with them

Learning basic counseling skills including listening, empathy, exploration, self-disclosure, summarizing, paraphrasing, constructive criticism, dealing with reluctant and resistant clients, dealing with transference and counter-transference


Facilitators: Msgr. Gervase Mukasa, Fr. Stephen Onyeba, Fr. Simon P. Kyambadde, Fr. Paul Lumala

Dates: 13th – 31st January 201912th – 31st January 202010th – 30th January 2021

Cost: UGX 210,000/-

Improvement of relationships with community members, superiors, subjects and subordinates

Acquisition of conflict management skills Acquiring of ability to develop and facilitate

support groups Receiving the possibility of being counseled

on personal issues (this service is offered only if asked for by a participant)

Profiting from Group Therapy and becoming equipped with skills of how to start and run Growth Groups and support groups

Improvement of basic skills of day-to-day human interaction

Sharing of experiences on selected topics including prayer, liturgy, pastoral work, self-sustenance, caring for dependents in ways that do not jeopardize pastoral ministry, celibacy, transfers, relationships, etc.

Each day participants are exposed to:

a) A one-hour session on basic counseling skillsb) A one-to-one counseling practice session

followed by evaluationc) Growth group sessions, and/or practice of

counseling in small groups



While computer courses can be done anywhere in the country, it is not everywhere that pastoral agents are taught how to apply their acquired computer knowledge to ease and facilitate their pastoral work. The course covers computer basics including:

Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel Microsoft Publisher Microsoft PowerPoint Introduction to Data Base Typing Instructor The Internet Emails Social Media: WhatsApp, Facebook, Skype…

As well as that it helps participants to:

With basic book-keeping knowledge, be able to generate parish monthly, quarterly and annual financial reports with ease


Facilitator: Fr. Gerald LwangaFr. Simon Peter Kyambadde

Dates: 3rd – 23rd March 20191st – 21st March 20207th – 27th March 2021

Course cost: UGX 210,000/

Create registers for baptism, confirmation and matrimonial records on software for co-ordinated storage and easy retrieval of information

Explore the role of the Internet in the New Evangelization: its potential, limitations and dangers

Study the ethical implications of social media

It is of great advantage if participants come with their own laptops. That way they can practice lessons and do assignments in their own rooms. They are also more likely to continue practicing when they get back home. However, there are institute computers available for those who do not come with their own.


Thanks to our generous donors, each course costs Uganda Shilling 10,000/- per day, including accommodation, meals and course fees. You can compute how much a course costs simply by counting the number of days in it, including day of arrival and day of departure.


Every stage in life has its joys and challenges, so do the first five years of priestly ministry. Among the topics covered in this course will be:

The identity of a diocesan priest Community life; parish priest/curate

relationship From seminary to ministry: the transition

from being in formation to becoming a formator

Learning from the job: the challenge of receiving responsibilities for which one was not adequately prepared

Intimacy with Christ: relationship with the Lord as the only basis of an effective pastoral ministry

Self-sustenance and ministry

Like other courses at St. Augustine’s institute this course involves a lot of sharing and exchanging of experience.


Facilitators: Rt. Rev. Joseph Anthony ZziwaSt. Augustine Institute Staff

Dates 12th -25th May 201910th – 23rd May 202009th 21st May 2021

“Ongoing formation is a duty, in the first instance, for young priests. They should have frequent and systematic meetings which, while they continue the sound and serious formation they have received in the seminary, will gradually lead young priests to grasp and incarnate the unique wealth of God's gift which is the priesthood and to express their capabilities and ministerial attitude, also through an ever more convinced and responsible insertion in the presbyterate, and therefore in communion and co - responsibility with all their brethren…

With priests who have just come out of the seminary, a certain sense of "having had enough is quite” understandable when faced with new times of study and meeting. But the idea that priestly formation ends on the day one leaves the seminary is false and dangerous, and needs to be totally rejected…”

(Post–synodal Apostolic Exhortation Pastores Dabo Vobis to the Bishops, Clergy and Faithful on the Formation of Priests in the Circumstances of the Present Day. Number 76)



Meet with your priest-classmates to celebrate together the gift of priesthood: reminisce, relax, share together on various topics: how you chose to become a priest, the joys and challenges you have encountered, the transfers you have had, how you manage with dependents, the ministry of the sacraments, the encounter with the Lord in prayer, just what fires your priesthood.

It must be pointed out that the meeting of the priests celebrating 25 years is not meant to be a retreat. The temptation to talk with comrades not seen in 25 years is far too much! This period is used exclusively for organized sharing on the 25 years of priestly ministry. Participants are at liberty to organize their retreats as usual elsewhere.


Facilitators: St. Augustine’s Institute Staff

Dates 16th – 22nd June 201921st – 27th June 202020th – 25th June 2021

Diocesan priests in Uganda celebrating 25 years in 2019

Name dioceseBr. Fr. Candiga Biajio BIHM AruaFr. Andiaku Marius Arua

Fr. Bilak Onegiu Bernard Arua

Fr. Komakech Michael Lawrence Gulu

Fr. Wambua Damian AJ Lira

Fr. Odongo Bruno Lira

Fr. Ojuka Carlo Lira

Fr. Ouma Ben Kiza Lira

Fr. Owachgiu Godffrey Nebbi

Fr. Ogwokotho Gasper Nebbi

Fr. Odongwun George Nebbi

Fr. Olar Ronald Nebbi

Fr. Mungujakisa Alfred Nebbi

Fr. Kamya Charles Lwanga KampalaFr. Kaweesa Benedict KampalaFr. Kimuli Gyavila KampalaFr. Kizito Matthias Mulumba KampalaFr. Lutaaya Jude KampalaFr. Lwemalika Eustachius KampalaFr. Mayanja K. Achilles KampalaFr. Muhigirwa Sunday Charles KampalaFr. Musisi Ssempijja Leonard KampalaFr. Nsubuga Charles Lwanga KampalaFr. Ssemanda Joseph Balikuddembe KampalaFr. Ssensamba Aloysius Gonzaga KampalaFr. Sserugga Frederick KampalaFr. Kabuye M.V. Rogers KampalaFr. Kamya Charles Lwanga Kampala


Name dioceseFr. Kaweesa Benedict KampalaFr. Kaweesa Ponsiano Kiyinda-Mityana

Fr. Lwanga Charles Kiyinda-Mityana

Fr. Musoke J. Balikuddembe Kiyinda-Mityana

Fr. Ssemyalo S. Daniel Kiyinda-Mityana

Fr. Ssengendo Deogratias C. Kiyinda-Mityana

Fr. Mpoza John Mary Kasana-Luweero

Fr. Kinkumu Lutaaya Emmanuel Masaka

Fr. Ahairwe George Fort Portal

Fr. Nyarwa Charles Light Fort Portal

Fr. Hategek’Imana Sylvester MCCJ Kabale

Fr. Begumanya Joseph Kabale

Fr. Rutaremwa Protase Mbarara

Fr. Warugaba Deusdedit MbararaFr. Ruhangampaire Didacus MbararaFr. Niwagaba Charles MbararaFr. Kabale Matthew JinjaFr. Kabonghe Joseph JinjaFr. Wanjara Frederick KotidoFr. Buyela Paul TororoFr. Kibiye Michael TororoFr. Okoth Sylvester TororoFr. Onyango Andrew TororoFr. Omiel Robert Tororo


Priests in Uganda celebrating 25 years in 2020

Name dioceseFr. Etrima Modesto AruaFr. Olum Moro Paul Nebbi

Fr. Ddungu Kivumbi Josephat Kampala

Fr. Lule Mugagga Kampala

Fr. Kafeero Athanasius Lugazi

Fr. Mulinda Lawrence Lugazi

Fr. Mulindwa Charles Masaka

Fr. Ssekabanja Edward Masaka

Fr. Ssemogerere Edward Timothy Masaka

Fr. Ssempijja Hycinth Masaka

Fr. Mugisa Kaboha Fulgence Fort Portal

Fr. John Mary Vianney Makanda Fort Portal

Fr. Byomuhangi Bruno Sserunkuuma Kabale

Fr. Barigye Methodius MbararaFr. Barugahare Godfrey MbararaFr. Mugaiga John Leonard MbararaFr. Tumusiime Charles MbararaFr. Kutegana John Bosco KotidoFr. Okonye Deogratias Tembo Soroti


Priests in Uganda celebrating 25 years in 2021

Name dioceseFr. Ayiga Lebu Raphael AruaFr. Diku Sabino Arua

Fr. Guma Eyoma Denis Arua

Fr. Onzima Celestine Arua

Fr. Guma Andrew Henry Arua

Fr. Torac Godfrey Gulu

Fr. Agwokotho Alfred Nebbi

Fr. Anwangkane Charles Nebbi

Fr. Ohuro Charles Nebbi

Fr. Manano Grace Nebbi

Fr. Kkonde Wencheslaus Kampala

Fr. Mayanja John Bosco Kampala

Fr. Musajjakaawa B.W. Athanasius Kampala

Fr. Ssebuliba Edward KampalaFr. Kasimbi Mbaaga Tuzinde Kiyinda-MityanaFr. Kasozi Kizito Kiyinda-MityanaFr. Sserunjogi A. Kiwanuka Kiyinda-MityanaFr. Mukasa Michael Kiyinda-MityanaFr. Nkumbi Paul Kiyinda-MityanaFr. Ssekiwala Maximus Kiyinda-MityanaFr. Balagira Anthony LugaziFr. Kiggundu Anatoli LugaziFr. Nzirubusa Emmanuel LugaziFr. Ssempijja Charles Lugazi


Name dioceseFr. Angirio Joachim Kasana-LuweeroFr. Mpanga Francis Xavier Kasana-Luweero

Fr. Bukenya Sylvester Masaka

Fr. Katabaazi Emmuanuel S. Masaka

Fr. Kikabi Joseph Masaka

Fr. Lutaaya Anatoli Kiriggwajjo Masaka

Fr. Matovu John Mary Masaka

Fr. Ssebalamu Charles Masaka

Fr. Ssebanenya Justin Masaka

Fr. Ssenteza Charles Masaka

Fr. Ssettuuma Benedict Masaka

Fr. Ssozi John Mary Muzeyi Masaka

Fr. Ssozi Kizito Masaka

Fr. Tamale Michael MasakaMsgr. Mayombo Nyakoojo Isaiah Fort PortalFr. Bagenda Charles Fort PortalFr. Busobozi John Mary HoimaFr. Kirabo Godfrey HoimaFr. Kyaligonza Matthias HoimaFr. Mbabazi Gerald Majella HoimaFr. Okethi Lawrence HoimaFr. Kagaba Cyprian KabaleFr. Bikorwomuhangi Cerestine KabaleFr. Byomuhangi Deusdedit KabaleFr. Lwanga Charles KabaleFr. Mubangizi Evarist KabaleFr. Musaby’Imana Vincent KabaleFr. Safari Emmanuel KabaleFr. Tumwebaze Gervase KabaleFr. Twesigomwe M. Martin Kabale


Jubilarians are urged to contact each other ahead of the reunion at St. Augustine’s institute, to encourage each other to attend and to remind each other of the dates. If accidentally, some names are not included on the list here, those who know the left-out members are encouraged to inform and invite them. The reunion also serves as an occasion to pray for diseased members of the group, for those who left active ministry, and for those who never made it to the priesthood but chose other vocations.


Name dioceseFr. Mwesigye John Bosco MbararaFr. Mukama Evarist Mbarara

Fr. Mugisha Charles Mbarara

Fr. Kirunda Isaac Jinja

Fr. Nambago M. Joseph Jinja

Fr. Waiswa Joseph B.K. Jinja

Fr. Ochero Joseph Kotido

Fr. Ojacor Alex Gregory Soroti

Fr. Okello Francis Xavier Soroti

Fr. Ipuraale Joseph Soroti

Fr. Ebeu Lawrence Soroti

Fr. Gaffa Kenneth OSB Tororo

Fr. Ochwo Zachary Tororo

Fr. Oidi Maximillian Tororo


This course comprises of a variety of carefully selected topics aimed at renewing the personal and pastoral life of the participant, as well as updating them on pertinent topics and equipping them with the skills necessary for an effective pastoral ministry in contemporary society.


Facilitators: Both internal and externalDates: 8th – 28th September 2019

6th – 26th September 20205th – 25th September 2021


“He who goes about to reform the world must begin with

himself, or he loses his labor.”  - Ignatius of Loyola.

As priests and religious we have embraced a vocation which requires us to “reform the world.” Yet we can spend the whole of our life without serious effort to reform ourselves. Ignatius tells us that this is wastage of time. However, he does more than that: he proposes a program that over many centuries has become time-tested and has transformed numerous ordinary men and women into saints and martyrs, beginning with Ignatius himself and his companions. This is the “Spiritual Exercises”.

Not that we have not tried to reform ourselves, to grow from sin and embrace virtue. How many retreats and recollections we have attended, how many confessions, how many good resolutions! Yet we often have the experience over time, of realizing that we are not much different than before.

There is no guarantee that the Ignatian retreat will transform you; there are many who have attended it and remained the same, or become worse. But that is


Facilitator: Fr. George Ukken SJDates: 1st – 10th July 2019

1st – 10th July 20201st – 10th July 2021

no reason not to give it a trial. The fact that many have been led to sanctity through the Spiritual Exercises is good enough reason to try them. After all, the decision to allow God to transform you depends on you.



Course John was first introduced in 2017 by a member of the St. Andrew’s School of Evangelization in Canada, ( together with their collaborators in Uganda. The St. Andrew School of Evangelization is a Catholic ministry of lay people and clergy, evangelizing, proclaiming the gospel in the model of the apostle St. Andrew. Andrew, upon encountering the Christ, first went to get his brother Simon Peter.  (Cf. John1:35-42)

Their mission states: “We want to bring the 'Simon Peters' of the world to Jesus, who will serve, preach, and love our Lord Jesus more, and better than ourselves, being bold witnesses of the saving message of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ.”

In the years 2019-2021 three courses of this nature are scheduled, namely:

1. Course Phillip which focuses on Personal Encounter with the risen Jesus and receiving new life.

2. Course John which develops the attitude of discipleship of Jesus

3. Course Moses which develops the leadership skills of people who hold posts of responsibility in the Church.

The course will be conducted in collaboration with Koinonia John the Baptist ( a Catholic Charismatic organization based in South Africa at the service of New Evangelization.


Dates: Course Phillip: 20-26 October 2019Course John : 18-24 October 2020Course Moses: 17-23 October 2021

To these three courses lay members are also invited.

OTHER SERVICES OF THE INSTITUTEBesides offering renewal courses, the institute premises and services are also available to other users, for conferences, seminars, workshops, meetings, receptions and accommodation. The following is the complete list of services offered at the institute. Please note: Additional services are available at an extra cost. For the prevailing costs please contact the Secretariat at Tel 0414 268 150 during working hours.

SERVICE COST (UGX)Bed and Breakfast (self-contained) 35,000.00Bed and Breakfast (non-self-contained)


Full board (lodging, breakfast, break tea, lunch, evening tea, supper)


Lunch/supper alone 15,000.00Hire of main hall 180,000.00Hire of smaller hall 100,000.00Hire of board rooms 100,000.00Hire of seminar rooms 50,000.00Hire of gardens 800,000.00In addition:

Wireless internet is available at a modest fee The institute is 36 km from Entebbe airport It is 10 minutes-walk to Kampala city center There are daily masses for those who want

The institute is also the meeting place for the Uganda Episcopal Conference. The bishops normally meet together as a conference three times a year: In


February/March, beginning of June and beginning of November.



St. Augustine’s Institute community comprises of three priests, three religious sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Reparatrix, Gogonya, and 20 auxiliary staff. As well as these there are several facilitators of varied expertise who are invited for the different courses.


Fr. Simon Peter Kyambadde DirectorFr. Stephen Onyeba Assistant DirectorMsgr. Gervase Mukasa Spiritual DirectorSr. M. Gerald Nakabuye Kitchen & DiningSr. M. Norbert Nakayizzi Residences & LaundrySr. M. Stephania Nakabuye Bursar & Reception

…I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a

spirit of timidity, but of power, love, and self-control.”

2 Timothy 1:6-7.