Efficiency in Crane Remote Control Technology



The modern wireless radio remote control service cranes greatly improve job site safety by providing the operator the safest vantage point for effective control of the crane. This is a one-man control crane controlling system that eliminates the need for a second person stabilizing the load while guiding its placement. The operator can also enjoy a freedom to move around the work area while setting the load precisely into position.

Transcript of Efficiency in Crane Remote Control Technology

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Industrial Remote Controls Utilized in Aircraft Refueling

Wireless Dedaman Series industrial remote controls are basically developed for industrial applications requiring positive operator-to-machine contact. A wireless trigger-switch is used in order to send RF command signals to the pump. While using the industrial radio remote control unit the operator is unencumbered by cables and wires normally used in 'deadman' fueling operations.

These wireless remote controllers also incorporate a secure frequency hopping, spread-spectrum radio link that is virtually immune to outside electrical or RF interference. When the system functions all the operations fail safe (shutdown) with any loss of signal from transmitter. The rechargeable transmitter used in the system delivers 30hrs of continuous use between charges. 12/24VDC charger is supplied with the system.

The transmitter of the Deadman series wireless radio remote control is very powerful. The transmitters used in general purpose have a frequency range of 902-928 MHz FHSS. Additional 433.92MHz, 869.7MHz & 2.4GHz radios frequency ranges are also available. The transmitter works within a transmitting power range of 100mW. It can work with the 56 bit DES encryption key transmission method of transmission.

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With the modern innovation in the wireless industrial systems many applications are designed by the reputed manufacturers in order to improve the safety of the operators and the increasing the productivity. Most of these radio remote controls systems are designed in such a way that fits all the industrial needs. The installation of this industrial remote control system is also very easy and requires only a rechargeable battery unit as the main power supply. The system also incorporates the Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum Technology that prevents all types of electrical and radio interferences. During any signal interference related problem the FHSS technology shuts down the whole unit. This prevents the further disturbance in the process.

Crane Remote Control with Hydraulic Power

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The idea of wireless industrial technology was developed and improved in broader extent only a few years ago. However, within these few years, the progress in the wireless industrial technology has moved to the next level. The modern radio remote controls, designed by the reputed manufacturers, are generally used gigantic machines. The use of those powerful remote controls ensures the interference free control of the system. Some of the useful fields where these industrial wireless controls are used are: industrial petroleum, bulk transport, aircraft, propane and anhydrous ammonia fueling, service cranes, tank truck equipment, and many more.

Progress in the Field of Industrial Remote Control Technology