EDMONTON STAMP CLUB The Edmonton Stamp Club T · which I sent my Journal paper route money in...

Regular meetings: May 2, May 16, June 6 St. Joseph High School Cafeteria, 10830 - 109 Street, 6:30 pm see page 18 for program details Summer Meeting & Auction, July 25 Editor: Alan Meech EDMONTON STAMP CLUB Volume 100, Number 4 April 2011 ISSN: 0046-1318 Mailing address: P.O. Box 399, Edmonton AB T5J 2J6 Web site: http://www.edmontonstampclub.com For the very sad story behind this U.S. post card, see page 17. 2 E.S.C. BULLETIN Volume 100, Number 4 The Edmonton Stamp Club The Edmonton Stamp Club dates back to 1912. The Club is Life Chapter #6 of the Royal Philatelic Society of Canada and Chapter #680 of the American Philatelic Society. The editor welcomes communications of all kinds–letters, comment and articles. These may be forwarded to Box 399, Edmonton, Alberta T5J 2J6 or [email protected]. 2010-2011 Executive and Directors Bates, Patricia Secretary 434-9090 [email protected] Dykstra, Ed Vice President 421-0930 [email protected] Ellis, David Director 457-7491 [email protected] Friedenthal, Steven Director 458-1233 [email protected] Hellum, Kåre Director (Programs) 467-7706 [email protected] Kuester, Peter President 451-0520 [email protected] Kluchky, Ken Director 472-2504 [email protected] Kuester, Peter President 451-0520 [email protected] Lockau, Jim Treasurer 467-4825 [email protected] Muxlow,Edwin Director 459-5944 --- Savage, Tom Director 458-8332 [email protected] Schutte, Robert Director 989-1260 [email protected] Spencer, Keith Past President 437-1787 [email protected] Warren, Carol Circuits Mgr. & Director 962-1234 [email protected] Roman Zrobok Auctions 437-1605 wildrosephil@ wildrosephilatelics.com John Attrell Web master [email protected] COPYRIGHT: Articles original to the Bulletin may be reproduced if the full source is given. The Edmonton Stamp Club cannot extend permission to reproduce articles that are themselves reprinted in the Bulletin. Certain articles original to the Bulletin are copyright by the author, showing©+ year, e.g. © 2003). Permission to reprint must be obtained from the author. Write in care of the editors. BULLETIN ADVERTISING RATES: Full page $ 30.00; half page $17.50; quarter page $10.00; other smaller commercial advertisements $7.50; yearly discount 20%; half year discount 10%.

Transcript of EDMONTON STAMP CLUB The Edmonton Stamp Club T · which I sent my Journal paper route money in...

Page 1: EDMONTON STAMP CLUB The Edmonton Stamp Club T · which I sent my Journal paper route money in exchange for paper treasures was that of lucky school kid, Vernon Vaughan of Demerera,

Regular meetings: May 2, May 16, June 6 St. Joseph High School Cafeteria, 10830 - 109 Street, 6:30 pm

see page 18 for program details

Summer Meeting & Auction, July 25

Editor: Alan Meech


Volume 100, Number 4 April 2011 ISSN: 0046-1318

Mailing address: P.O. Box 399, Edmonton AB T5J 2J6Web site: http://www.edmontonstampclub.com

For the very sad story behind this U.S. post card, see page 17.

2 E.S.C. BULLETIN Volume 100, Number 4

The Edmonton StampClubThe Edmonton Stamp Club dates back to

1912. The Club is Life Chapter #6 of the Royal Philatelic Society of Canada and Chapter #680of the American Philatelic Society.

The editor welcomes communications of all kinds–letters, commentand articles. These may be forwarded to Box 399, Edmonton, Alberta

T5J 2J6 or [email protected]. �

2010-2011 Executive and DirectorsBates, Patricia Secretary 434-9090 [email protected]

Dykstra, Ed Vice President 421-0930 [email protected]

Ellis, David Director 457-7491 [email protected]


Director 458-1233 [email protected]

Hellum, Kåre Director(Programs)

467-7706 [email protected]

Kuester, Peter President 451-0520 [email protected]

Kluchky, Ken Director 472-2504 [email protected]

Kuester, Peter President 451-0520 [email protected]

Lockau, Jim Treasurer 467-4825 [email protected]

Muxlow,Edwin Director 459-5944 ---

Savage, Tom Director 458-8332 [email protected]

Schutte, Robert Director 989-1260 [email protected]

Spencer, Keith Past President 437-1787 [email protected]

Warren, Carol Circuits Mgr.& Director

962-1234 [email protected]

Roman Zrobok Auctions 437-1605 [email protected]

John Attrell Web master [email protected]

COPYRIGHT: Articles original to the Bulletin may be reproduced if the full source is given. TheEdmonton Stamp Club cannot extend permission to reproduce articles that are themselves reprintedin the Bulletin. Certain articles original to the Bulletin are copyright by the author, showing©+year, e.g. © 2003). Permission to reprint must be obtained from the author. Write in care of theeditors. �BULLETIN ADVERTISING RATES: Full page $ 30.00; half page $17.50; quarter page $10.00; other smaller commercial advertisements $7.50; yearly discount 20%; half year discount 10%.

Page 2: EDMONTON STAMP CLUB The Edmonton Stamp Club T · which I sent my Journal paper route money in exchange for paper treasures was that of lucky school kid, Vernon Vaughan of Demerera,

Volume 100, Number 4 E.S.C. BULLETIN 3

Greetings, Philatelists!Spring has arrived, both literally and figuratively, and the ESC Spring

Show bloomed before the snow melted. The show was a success all theway round with a number of outstanding exhibits, increased attendanceat the bourse, both with the dealers and at the junior table, and excellentspeakers at the awards ceremony and the BNAPS breakfast. Ray Pinco’sinformative account of the settlement of St. Albert and the reasons for ascarcity of postal history from the area was just as fascinating as DennyMay’s stories of how his father, Wop May, faced incredible hardships todeliver the first mail by plane throughout the MacKenzie delta. It was anenjoyable three-day show, and for that we have many people to thank.

The call for volunteers was heard and answered by many, fromsetting up the tables and frames to staffing the club table, the juniors’table, and the circuit book table. Both Keith Spencer and David Pierceyentertained the room full of judges and visitors with their presentationsand humor. The efforts of all involved made “the work” not seem likework at all, and for that I will have to thank the show committee for anexcellent job of coordinating and delivering a quality weekend. The clubis indebted to the goodwill of its members who volunteer and the moreof it we are able to spread around, the stronger our club will become.

On the topic of quality work from a selfless volunteer, please allowme to thank Bev Spencer for her years of service with the club’smembership lists. For most of us, when we receive the Bulletin in themail, we’ll check out the postage that was used, see whether or not itwas cancelled properly, and then open it to inspect the latest issue. Thesmall label on the cover just gets overlooked because it’s already doneits job. You received your copy of the Bulletin because Bev created themailing list, maintained it, and ensured its accuracy so that we couldenjoy our little philatelic journal. It was a job done well behind thescenes that allowed us to focus on other matters. It will take a while togain your proficiency, but we will always be grateful for the dedicationyou have so freely given.

Spring is also the time when you may find a short announcementconcerning the nominating committee for next year’s ESC executive.The nominating committee will be struck at the next Executive meeting,and will consist of two current executive members, as well as a memberat large. These three will be the ones who will try to encourage freshfaces to try their hand at becoming part of the Executive.

(Continued on p. 5)



Single items ! CANADA, USA, Worldwide and foreign mint or usedbetter single sets, errors, etc.

Covers ! CANADA and Worldwide individual covers, collectionsand accumulations including Postal History, unusualitems including pre-1925 picture postcards.

Collections ! CANADA, USA, Foreign country collections andgeneral Worldwide topical, etc.

Accumulations ! Collection remainders, odds and ends, sheets,Wholesale dealer stocks, quantity lots, postage, PERFINS,

Cinderellas, etc.

Above items required immediately for outright purchase or inquire aboutour attractive consignment details. Illustrated catalogues upon request.Want lists filled.


(tel.) 1-780-437-1605 (fax) 1-780-430-0213E-mail: [email protected]

Web site: www.wildrosephilatelics.com

N E X T A U C T I O N : 7 M A Y, 2 0 1 1Commercial Room, Chateau Louis Hotel, 11727 Kingsway Avenue

Viewing: May 6 (Fri), 12:00 noon - 8 pm; May 7 (Sat), 8:30 am -11:30 am.

Auction at 12:00 noon sharp, Saturday, May 7, 2011

Page 3: EDMONTON STAMP CLUB The Edmonton Stamp Club T · which I sent my Journal paper route money in exchange for paper treasures was that of lucky school kid, Vernon Vaughan of Demerera,

Volume 100, Number 4 E.S.C. BULLETIN 5

Summer Meeting & AuctionOur summer meeting and auction will be in exactly the same format as

last year. The location will be the Chateau Louis Conference Centre(11727 Kingsway Avenue, just south of the main Chateau Louis Hotel).

We’re open at 1630 hrs for you to begin viewing auction lots. Aluncheon will be available from 1645 hrs to 1900 hrs. There will be theusual complimentary sandwiches and vegetable platters, with softdrinks, coffee and tea. Beer will be available on a cash basis.

The auction will begin promptly at 1900 hrs with an expected 350lots. We have an interesting cross section of the world, commonwealthand good quality Canadian material. Bring your want lists so you can fillthose empty spots or upgrade your collection. Circuit Books and theJunior table will be available.

A printed auction list will be available at the meeting. An electronicversion (no illustrations) will be available on request starting 01 July. Itwill be in pdf format, which requires that you have Adobe Readerinstalled on your computer. Please do not ask for any kind of customizedformat. Just e-mail me at [email protected] . You will receive the listas a pdf attachment by return e-mail.

Please join us for a social evening and auction at the Chateau LouisConference Centre on 25 July. �

Richard Barnes

President’s message, continued from page 3.I remember when Joe Liusz asked me if I would consider becoming aDirector. I wonder if he regrets that move by now. Water under thebridge, but seriously, the club will only survive with the enthusiasm ofour membership. Experience is not a requirement, but a desire to see theclub grow and thrive is a must.

Thank you for your support. �President Pete, Edmonton Stamp Club

New MemberWe welcome one new member, Warren Stein, #2406. �

6 E.S.C. BULLETIN Volume 100, Number 4

Richard Barnes: 2011 Distinguished Service Award WinnerRichard was born in Oshawa and raised in Winnipeg. He has a

bachelor’s degree in zoology, which led to employment with Fisheriesand Oceans Canada, where he worked as a biologist on a project led bythe eminent Dr. David Schindler, near Kenora. From there, he went withFisheries and Oceans, as a Fisheries Officer, to Inuvik, where he and hiswife Sandra lived for 21 years.

Stamps entered his life in 1980: She Who Must Be Obeyedsuggested he change hobbies from military history to stamps on theassumption that stamps would cost less and take less room. She has hadcause to be surprised from time to time.

Richard started off collecting Canada, but quickly realized thefinancial constraints of collecting such a locally popular field, so heanswered an ad offering to exchange 500 used Turkey for 500 usedCanada, which has led to a continuing interest in stamps of the MiddleEast and North Africa–anything with funny writing on it. Lured by hisstamp interests and the romance of stories of Sinbad the Sailor, he hasalso pursued his interests on the ground as a traveller in the Middle East.

When it came to deciding where to move upon retirement in 1997,his wife, having followed Richard’s places of employment until then,had the deciding voice in choosing where they would live (Richard ruledout anything west of the Rocky Mountains). So they came to Edmonton.Richard joined the club at that time and since then other club membershave known him as the perennial volunteer, helping out with the varioustasks at the spring shows, giving many presentations as the programspeaker at club meetings and contributing prolifically to the Bulletin. Heacted as Circuits Manager for a couple of years, until he persuadedCaroline Warren to take over. At the moment he is the principalorganizer of the Summer Meeting & Auction.

We are indeed fortunate to have him as a member of our Club. Thisrecognition as recipient of the Distinguished Service Award is trulymerited. �

Mark your calendars for our Summer Meeting & Auction

Monday, July 25, 2011

Page 4: EDMONTON STAMP CLUB The Edmonton Stamp Club T · which I sent my Journal paper route money in exchange for paper treasures was that of lucky school kid, Vernon Vaughan of Demerera,

Volume 100, Number 4 E.S.C. BULLETIN 7

The 1¢ British GuianaMagentaWhen I was a kid, all excited about

stamps from far away places, one of thestories told by the approval companies towhich I sent my Journal paper routemoney in exchange for paper treasureswas that of lucky school kid, Vernon Vaughan of Demerera, BritishGuiana. Young Vern found “the world’s most valuable postage stamp”in someone’s attic and he sold it for the princely sum of $1.50. I knewthat there were more of those valuable stamps hidden away just waitingto be found and sold for $1.50 and for some time, in that pre-dumpsterdiving era, I had it on my agenda to search old attics for such hiddentreasures. I actually did manage to explore one or two attics. I foundscatterings of wood shavings in one and in another, there was acardboard box filled with bundled aerograms sent to a son soldieringoverseas in World War II. I had a momentary feeling that I had enteredprivate, sacred space and I explored no further.

The 1¢ Magenta made Vernon a rich man, but not as rich as thosewho subsequently bought and sold the 1856 British Guiana. Folks likeCounts and Princes and very wealthy business men. Every exchange ofthe stamp won front page headlines in the newspapers. It was last sold toJohn E. du Pont, heir to the chemical fortune. It was April 05, 1980 andMr Du Pont wrote a cheque for $935,000 to pay for his stamp. He was abit of an eccentric and if I recall correctly, he celebrated by hiring ahelicopter to fly him around and around the Statue of Liberty with hisstamp in hand.

John du Pont went from eccentric to weird to totally wacko. Heopened his estate to some Olympic athletes so they could train there. OnJanuary 26, 1996, he shot Olympic wrestler David Schultz to death. Hewas found guilty of murder but mentally ill and remained in aPennsylvania prison where he just died, December 09, at age 72.

The marvellous 1¢ 1856 British Guiana hasn’t been seen since its1980 helicopter ride. I’m still fascinated by Vern’s attic discovery andI’ll be looking in Roman’s next Wild Rose sale catalogue to see if it issquirreled away on page 16 under a heading that reads “Attic Special.” �


8 E.S.C. BULLETIN Volume 100, Number 4

Circuit Material WantedI would really like to find more material for the circuit books, for some

areas are in steady demand. Here is a list of what is needed at themoment.

ChinaGreat Britain (older)Channel IslandsCanada, used, new and oldIrelandSpainFrance, modern, usedEurope, modern, usedSpanish coloniesNorth AfricaMiddle EastAfghanistanIsraelTurkeyGreenlandNewfoundlandCanadian cancelsNetherlands, early cancels

Hungary, newerCook IslandsNetherlands & coloniesBelgium & coloniesLuxembourgSouth West AfricaRussiaCanada, olderBritish Commonwealth, olderBaltic statesPortugal and coloniesBritish Antarctic Terr.French Antarctic Terr.Ross DependenciesSouth GeorgiaBermudaGibraltar

Caroline Warren, Circuits Manager

ElectionsElections of the Executive and Directors of the Club will take place at

the meeting of June 6. The names of members of the NominatingCommittee will be announced at meetings in May. The Committee willhave three members, two drawn from the current executive and one fromthe wider membership of the club. If this is something that wouldinterest you, propose yourself to any member of the executive.

Also, give serious thought to nominating any of your fellow clubmembers, or of proposing yourself! It’s interesting and evenenlightening to be involved in all the workings, especially as we work upto hosting Royal 2012 Royale. �

Page 5: EDMONTON STAMP CLUB The Edmonton Stamp Club T · which I sent my Journal paper route money in exchange for paper treasures was that of lucky school kid, Vernon Vaughan of Demerera,

Volume 100, Number 4 E.S.C. BULLETIN 9

The Bogus R.O.P.i T. Issue of 1918The most dynamic, fascinating and challenging period of philatelic

history was from the end of World War I to 1930. This was a result ofthe political flux and instability following World War I that created aplethora of new stamp issues and new stamp issuers. Today, it isdifficult to recognize the economic importance and therefore thepolitical influence of the steam ship companies prior to air traffic andmetalled roads with internal combustion engines vehicles in a regionwithout a railwaysystem.

The RussianCompany forNavigation andTrade, (R.O.P.i T.)[C.?.A.>G.] wasthe imperialRussian equivalentof the ImperialAustrian DanubeSteam NavigationCompany(D.D.S.G.). If the internet is to be believed, theR.O.P.i T. in 1914 had 105 ships in its fleet.The Offices in the Turkish Empire section ofthe Scott catalogue, #1-26, actually begins with R.O.P.i T. stamps. Theliterature states that in “mid nineteenth century” the R.O.P.i T. wasgiven the rights to prepare special stamps for use on their ships (Fig. 1). Starting in 1900 the Imperial Russian administration issued speciallyoverprinted Russian stamps replacing the R.O.P.i T. stamps (Fig. 2). Thecommencement of World War I, in 1914, resulted in the closure of theRussian post offices in the Levant.

In 1918, former employees of the R.O.P.i T., expecting the return tothe prewar status quo, optimistically reopened their offices. The Scottcatalogue has an uninformative one-sentence note referring to theR.O.P.i T . stamps. Stanley Gibbons catalogue notes that “the RussianOffices were closed down on 30-19.14 and that after the occupation ofConstantinople by the Allies in 1918, some of the R.O.P.i T. agencieswere reopened and, in anticipation of a shipping revival, the Companyoverprinted its stocks of Russian Levant stamps with its initials and most

Fig. 2. Russian stamps

overprinted in 1900 for

use on the ships.

Fig. 1. Stamp specially

prepared for use on

R.O.P.i T. ships.

10 E.S.C. BULLETIN Volume 100, Number 4

of the stamps were then further surcharged in the depreciated Turkishcurrency to correspond with contemporary postal rates. However, theships did not arrive and the Agencies closed after the collapse of theWhite Russian Denikin and Wrangel regimes of Southern Russia. Thestocks of the stamps were sold but they never served any postal purpose,the only used copies having been made to order, and so we no longer listthem.”

The Stanley Gibbons explanation makes sense at face value untilyou look closely at the stamps. Twenty-two different Russian Levantstamps were found in the Odessa stocks of stamps. Only ten differentvalues, 4 para to 100 piastres, were used in the overprinting process(Figs. 3, 4). When you check the variety of the colours in the overprints,there are 124 different stamps. The literature–when you add theerrors–lists a total of 164 different stamps.

E. Markovitch when discussing cancelled stamps states, “It is knownthat all of the above series are private fabrications of two employees ofthe R.O.P.i T. in Odessa who bought large numbers of the remainders ofthe previous issue and prepared overprints for sale abroad. Some ofthese stamps exist cancelled Constantinople R.O.P.i T. in the corners ofthe stamps.” All the cancelled stamps and covers according to Dr. R. J.Ceresa are forgeries including the Wrangel Refugee Post inConstantinople. Because of the tremendous number of different stamps,164 produced around the basic 10 stamps of this series, I personallyagree with the concept that this whole stamp series is bogus from thevery beginning.

Fig. 5. Overprint type

ca. 1918Fig. 4. Overprint type ca.


Page 6: EDMONTON STAMP CLUB The Edmonton Stamp Club T · which I sent my Journal paper route money in exchange for paper treasures was that of lucky school kid, Vernon Vaughan of Demerera,

Volume 100, Number 4 E.S.C. BULLETIN 11

There is a second issue of R.O.P.i T.stamps. This set of stamps was conceived tobilk stamp collectors from their money. Thecon-men got hold of a supply of 20 para on 4kopeck R.O.P.i T. anniversary issue stamp. Anadditional overprint was added, placing ahorizontal line through the original 20 para andsurcharging the stamps with new values of 7 pi,10 pi, 20 pi, 25 pi and 30 pi (Fig 5). I haveleaned heavily on the work of Dr. R. J. Ceresa,The Postage Stamps of Russia when writing thisnote for the Bulletin. �

Richard Barnes

Edmonton Stamp Club Hosts

Royal*2012*RoyaleJune 1-3, 2012, Fantasyland Conference Centre

West Edmonton Mall

Fig. 5. Second issue,

with additional overprint,

for the stamp market.

12 E.S.C. BULLETIN Volume 100, Number 4

Awards: Edmonton Spring National,2011, March 25-27, 2011

RPSC Judges:James Taylor (Chief Judge)Rodney PaigeBrian PlainRob Lunn (apprentice)


Edmonton Stamp Club Awards:Grand Award. David McLaughlin, The Maple Leaf Issue 1897-98Reserve Grand Award. Ian Wright, Great Britain One Penny Red

1854-1856: A Study of Plates in TransitionBest One-Frame: Victor G. Potter, Egypt: Sphinx and Pyramid Issue

1867-1869Reserve One-Frame. Jean-Jacques Tillard, St. Pierre et Miquelon: le

2 F Croix de Langade de 1947Best Post Card Exhibit. Robert Lane, Honouring the 125th

Anniversary of Brandon, ManitobaJunior Grand Award. Matthew Gaiser, 1982 Philatelic Youth Issue

American Philatelic SocietyMedals of Excellence:

pre-1900 material. Ian Wright, Great Britain One Penny Red 1854-1856: A Study of Plates in Transition

1900-1940 material. Sandy Freeman, Lloyd Aéro Boliviano 1924-1945

1940-1980 material. Jean-Jacques Tillard, St. Pierre et Miquelon: le2 F Croix de Langade de 1947

post-1980 material. (Maj) Anthony Fulmes, Sudan–Postal Serviceson Operation Safari July 2007-Feb 2008

Research award(Maj) Anthony Fulmes, Postal Services on OP Reptile Roto 7,

Sierra Leone Jun-Dec 2003

Page 7: EDMONTON STAMP CLUB The Edmonton Stamp Club T · which I sent my Journal paper route money in exchange for paper treasures was that of lucky school kid, Vernon Vaughan of Demerera,

Volume 100, Number 4 E.S.C. BULLETIN 13

British North America Philatelic Society (BNAPS)Best BNA Exhibit. David McLaughlin, The Maple Leaf Issue 1897-

98Research Award (BNA research). Larry Margetish, Canada’s

Caricature and Landscape Issues: Stamps, Markings andUsages

Best 2 x 4 (BNA exhibit between 2 and 4 frames). StevenFriedenthal, Machine Slogan Postal Markings of Quebec andEastern Canada 1897-1919

Best BNA One-Frame. Robert Lane, The West of Winnipeg RPOHammers

Elizabethan Study Group:Corgi Award. Larry Margetish, Canada’s Caricature and Landscape

Issues: Stamps, Markings and Usages

Pacific Northwest Regional Group:Member Award. Larry Margetish, Canada’s Caricature and

Landscape Issues: Stamps, Markings and UsagesJunior Awards:1. Matthew Gaiser, 1982 Philatelic Youth Issue2. Avrille Aiello, Stamps on Stamps

Postal History Society of Canada (PHSC)Best BNA Postal History Exhibit. Kevin O’Reilly, Sovereignty,

Substances, Small Centres and Subs: Closed Post Offices of theNorthwest Territories

KENSINGTON STAMPS & COINS12912 - 127 Street, Edmonton AB T5L 1A9

Buy • Sell • Trade

Stocking stamps, stamp supplies, covers, postcards, postage, etc.; also coins,

coin supplies and bullion.

Open Monday to Saturday at 10:00 am F 780-451-4577

14 E.S.C. BULLETIN Volume 100, Number 4

Rich Toop Award (Best Military). Kevin O’Reilly, United StatesMilitary Post Offices in the Northwest Territories 1942-1963

American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors (AAPE)

AAPE Gold Pins1. Penny Borrowman, Canada’s Birds Fly the Mail22.. Arlene Sullivan, The New Westminster Post Office 1898-1981AAPE Creativity. (Maj) Anthony Fulmes, Sudan–Postal Services

on Operation Safari July 2007-Feb 2008AAPE Youth Award. Matthew Gaiser, 1982 Philatelic Youth IssueTitle Page Award. Norma Nielson,The Story of Lloyd’s: From

Coffee to CommerceWE Award. Michael Peach, Rugby, Warwickshire, England: The

Post Office: 1824- Present

American Revenue AssociationBest Revenue. Earle Covert, 1897 Tobacco Stamps of Canada

Canadian Aerophilatelic SocietySandy Freeman, Lloyd Aéro Boliviano 1924-1945

American Air Mail Society AwardSandy Freeman, Lloyd Aéro Boliviano 1924-1945

American Topical Association AwardsATA First Award (best thematic). Norma Nielson, The Story of

Lloyd’s: From Coffee to CommerceATA Second Award. Robert Lane, Honouring the 125 Anniversaryth

of Brandon, ManitobaATA Third Award. Christopher Dean, The Middle Ages (AD 500-

1500)ATA Youth Award. Avrille Aiello, Stamps on StampsATA Special Gift. Penny Borrowman, Canada’s Birds Fly the Mail

Summer Meeting and Auction, July 25, 2011

Chateau Louis Conference Centre, 11727 Kingsway Avenue

Page 8: EDMONTON STAMP CLUB The Edmonton Stamp Club T · which I sent my Journal paper route money in exchange for paper treasures was that of lucky school kid, Vernon Vaughan of Demerera,

Volume 100, Number 4 E.S.C. BULLETIN 15

RPSC Multi-Frame Exhibits

GoldDavid McLaughlin, The Maple Leaf Issue 1897-1898Larry Margetish, Canada’s Caricature and Landscape Issues:

Stamps, Markings and UsagesKevin O’Reilly, Sovereignty, Substances, Small Centres and Subs:

Closed Post Offices of the Northwest TerritoriesNorma Nielson, The Story of Lloyd’s: From Coffee to CommerceIan Wright, Great Britain One Penny Red 1854-1856: A Study of

Plates in Transition

VermeilPenny Borrowman, Canada’s Birds Fly the MailSandy Freeman, Lloyd Aéro Boliviano 1924-1945Arlene Sullivan, The New Westminster Post Office 1898-1981Kevin O’Reilly, United States Military Post Offices in the Northwest

Territories 1942-1963Donald Wilson, The Travelling Post Offices of the Australian StatesSteven Friedenthal, Machine Slogan Postal Markings of Quebec and

Eastern Canada 1897-1919Kelly Liusz Moser, Christmas in CanadaEarle Covert, 1897 Tobacco Stamps of CanadaRobert Lane, Honouring the 125 Anniversary of Brandon,th

ManitobaDonna Trathen, The Lipizzan Horses of the Spanish Riding School of


SilverJohn C. Rogers, Perfins – Province of Saskatchewan(Maj) Anthony Fulmes, Sudan–Postal Services on Operation Safari

July 2007-Feb 2008(Maj) Anthony Fulmes, Postal Services on OP Reptile Roto 7,

Sierra Leone Jun-Dec 2003

Silver BronzeChristopher Dean, The Middle Ages (AD 500-1500)

Adult One Frame Exhibits

16 E.S.C. BULLETIN Volume 100, Number 4

Adult One Frame Exhibits

GoldJean-Jacques Tillard, St. Pierre et Miquelon: le 2 F Croix de

Langade de 1947Victor G. Potter, Egypt: Sphinx and Pyramid Issue 1867-1869

SilverMichael Peach, Rugby, Warwickshire, England – the Post Office:

1824 – PresentGeorge Constantourakis, Canada’s Leading Figures and Sites (1897

à 1939)David Bartlet, War Savings by Thrift, and Savings StampsRobert Lane, The West of Winnipeg RPO HammersDavid Bartlet, Booklet Varieties of the Admiral Issue

Silver BronzeVictor G. Potter. Germany – Postcard and Letter Rates Jan 1900-

Jul 1923

Youth Exhibits

VermeilMatthew Gaiser, 1982 Youth Philatelic Issue

SilverAvrille Aiello, Stamps on Stamps

ESC Fall Stamp MarketThe Fall Stamp Market (dealers’ bourse only, no exhibits) will

be held Saturday, Sept. 24 and Sunday, Sept. 25 at theFantasyland Hotel Conference Centre, West Edmonton MallFor information contact Peter Kuester, e-mail: [email protected]

Use this space. If you want to advertise your surplus stamps, excesssupplies, or just find somebody who shares your particular (orpeculiar) stamp interests, please send a note to the editor, preferablyby e-mail to [email protected] . After all, it’s free and it helpsmake the pages come out even at the bottom!

Page 9: EDMONTON STAMP CLUB The Edmonton Stamp Club T · which I sent my Journal paper route money in exchange for paper treasures was that of lucky school kid, Vernon Vaughan of Demerera,

Volume 100, Number 4 E.S.C. BULLETIN 17

Great Smoky Mountains Post CardIn early January, the club received a post card showing the beautiful

view of the Great Smoky Mountains that is illustrated on the cover ofthis issue of the Bulletin. The message on the other side explains thesignificance of the item in postal history terms.

And what makes this card sad? Susan Jurczak lost her life to canceron December 30, 2010 at the age of 51. Susan and her husband RussSampson have been members of the club for a decade at least, and evenafter moving to Connecticut in the U.S., have maintained theirmembership and sent us unusual items to share via the Bulletin. We aregrateful for their kind thoughts in sending this interesting item, and wesadly extend our sympathies to Russ and to other family members andfriends.

18 E.S.C. BULLETIN Volume 100, Number 4

Coming ProgramsMay 2 Mystery NightMay 16 Be a Dealer Night (contact Caroline Warren)June 6 Elections

Edmonton Junior Stamp Club, 2011

Where: Londonderry Library, 110 Londonderry Mall(137 Avenue & 66 Street), Edmonton, phone: 780-496-1817

When: 10:00 - 10:30 am. trading time; 10:30 - 11:00 am,program; 11:00 - 11:30 am Questions and trading time

Programs: Winter 2011May 14 There’s always room for stampsJuly 25 Summer meeting. See page 5 for details.Sept 10 Welcome to the club!

For further information on the Junior Club and the Edmonton StampClub, phone Linda Greenley at 780-474-4084 or visitwww.edmontonstampclub.com .

Coming Events 2011Apr 29-

May 1

Winnipeg Philatelic Society, StampShow’11. Valour Community

Centre. For information contact John Salmi; e-mail

[email protected].

May 7 Wildrose Philatelics Auction, Chateau Louis Convention Centre.

See display ad on page 4.

May 13-


Royale 2011 Royal, hosted by Lakeshore Stamp Club (Dorval,

Quebec). See www.Royale2011.com .

Jun 2-4 SPM Exp 2011, la première exposition de niveau national à St.-

Pierre et Miquelon. St. Pierre and Miquelon’s first national level

exhibition. Info from Jean-Jacques Tillard, [email protected]

Sep 2-4 BNAPEX 2011, Clarion Resort, North Bay ON. See BNAPS

web site for details.

Page 10: EDMONTON STAMP CLUB The Edmonton Stamp Club T · which I sent my Journal paper route money in exchange for paper treasures was that of lucky school kid, Vernon Vaughan of Demerera,

Volume 100, Number 4 E.S.C. BULLETIN 19 20 E.S.C. BULLETIN Volume 100, Number 4


We have a great selection of supplies, catalogues, supplementsand reference material. We also have a large selection of worldwide postcards, covers and first day covers, and an extensiveselection of mint and used stamps from A to Z. There are alwaysnew finds in our 5¢ boxes.

We buy and sell stamps, coins, gold, silver and other collectibles.See our friendly and knowledgeable staff to meet your collectingneeds. We also do mail orders.

10% discount on regular priced supplies to E.S.C. members.OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK

Continuing special – 50% off all covers!We are Direct Distributors for the Royal Canadian Mint

Fax. 780-486-5243 Tel. 780-444-1156

2011 Meeting DatesThe Edmonton Stamp Club meets Mondays at 6:30 p.m. in the cafeteria of St.

Joseph High School, 10830 - 109 Street. Park to the north of the school and use

the western entrance on the north facade. For information about the regular club

call 780-451-0520; for junior clubs, phone 780-474-4084.

May 2 & 16, June 6

Summer Meeting: July 25, 2011

Fall Stamp Market, Sept 24-25, West Edmonton Mall

Edmonton Stamp Club hosts


June 1, 2 3, 2012

Fantasyland Conference Centre, West Edmonton Mall

Edmonton BNAPS (British North America Philatelic Society) meets from time

to time. All BNAPSers welcome. 780-437-2771 or Steven Friedenthal at 780-


Page 11: EDMONTON STAMP CLUB The Edmonton Stamp Club T · which I sent my Journal paper route money in exchange for paper treasures was that of lucky school kid, Vernon Vaughan of Demerera,

Volume 100, Number 4 E.S.C. BULLETIN 21