Edgefield advertiser.(Edgefield, S.C.) 1911-10-04.€¦ · MARK Beav #09000000000000000000000004...

Amtim. Oldest Newspaper In South Carolina. VOL. 76. EDGEFIELD, S. C., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4,1911 NO. 35 HOLD YOUR COTTON. Editor of Progressive Farmer Urges Farmers to Market Cotton Slowly. Yield is Not Large. The National Farmers' Union at Shawnee declared that this year's cotton crop should bring 14 cerfts a pound in September and October, and 15 cents later, and urged farm¬ ers not to sell for less. The Mont¬ gomery Cotton Convention fixed 15 cents as a minimum price and ad¬ vised farmers to hold forthat figure. Present prospects are that the cotton crop this year will not be materially larger than was that of last year, most of which sold for 14 and 15 cents a pound. Cértainly the demand this year will be as great as it was last year, for every pound of cotton is going to be need¬ ed by mills at home and Abroad. Despite all these facts, however, cotton (middling) is selling at less than ll cents in some markets, and none over that figure any¬ where. And from nearly all mark¬ ets come reports of heavy receipts; the crop is unusually early in most sections, and is being rushed to , market, it seems, as fast as it can be picked arid ginned. Now, whose fault is it that cot¬ ton is bringing such low prices? It is folly to blame the mill men for wanting u> buy as cheaply as possi¬ ble-they are going to do it every time. It strikes us, too, that it is scarcely worth while to jump on the National Department of Agri¬ culture fer the very favorable re¬ ports as to crop conditions it issued early in the season. We all expect¬ ed a big crop then. Almost every report thîit came to our office told of fine prospects, and w¿ were all nerving ourselves to fight for 10 or 11-cents cotton. The latest figures issued from the Department, how¬ ever, show an almost unprecedented decline in crop conditions, and while we hold no brief for the Sec¬ retary of Agriculture, it strikes us as rather a useless proceeding to at¬ tack him for the low price of cot- ton growers themselves. There are plenty of reasons for a, sharp in¬ crease in the price of cotton: All reports now agree that the crop is going to be below rather than above the average; the demand for the staple is good-manufacturers will probably be fighting ior cotton be¬ fore next year's crop is gathered; Southern farmers through their or¬ ganization have declared for higher prices^ and they are, as a class, well fixed to hold until the market rises. Thers are all these reasons for high prices and only one for low prices- but that one is enough. Farmers know what price is offered and thousands and thousands seem eageJ to sell at that price. It isn't worth while to talk about better prices, to resolute and speechify and denounce everybody and everything, and at the same time haul the cotton to market and sell it as fast as ginned just as if it were a case of necessity. There is just one way-a way as plain as the nose on a man's face- to raise the price of cotton-stop marketing until the price advances. OOOOOOOO&OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOe Newly We want c season o] er fan; cott< w WILL MARK Beav #09000000000000000000000004 Then market slowly and conserva- 'tively, stopping sales again when the market shows signs of weak- ness. Cotton is low only because lots of cotton is being offered for sale. The exporters and manufacturers are, of course, delighted buyers. The price is practically certain to go up with¬ in a few months; but it is not going up as long as plenty of cotton can be had at present prices. If you feel like taking a load of cotton to town-why, don't do it. Take the team and go to the fields and begin plowing or ditching. If your negro tenant is in the notion of going to market, advance him five or ten dollars, take charge of his cotton and put him to work chopping wood, or digging onh stumps. It will be money to both you and him. In short, if ll cents is too little for cotton-and it is-don't sell at that price. Advise your neighbor, too, not to sell; but if he will 'that is his loss. It's partly your loss, too, for every bale rushed on the market prematurely drags, down prices for everybody else; but the man who sells at 10 and ll cents mostly is paying the penalty of his- own folly. We do not believe that any thor¬ oughly well informed man thinks that this year's crop should sell for less than 13 cents; the Farmers' Union and the Montgomery Con¬ vention advise ho'.ding for 14 or 15 cents. In any case, prices are bound to go up, and we believe that any farmer who sells at present figures is cheating himself out jf $10 to $*J0 a bale he would get by holding besides injuring his fellow-farmers. Hold your cotton.-Progressive Farmer.. Opening of the G. F. C. The Greenville Female College has far and away the best opening in all her history. There are now 185 young ladies in the boarding halls, against 143 for all of last year. We did not get the exact figures for the opening of a year ago which was, we believe, up to that d.itp the best, but .ther^are dies1 now in the boarding depart¬ ment than present at this time a year ago. Tne figares we have just given do not include the town patronage which is also very large but which- has not been fully matri¬ culated and can not be given with accuracy. Because of the fact that some girls have gone three in rooms that were intended for two and two in rooms that were intended for one, there are a few rooms in some of the boarding halls that are avail¬ able for new comers; but only a few. The largest expectations of Dr. Ramsay have been more than realized.-Baptist Courier. One Succeeded. A story is told of the daughter of William Jennings Bryan. When a young girl, she started to school one morning, and after a desperate run for a street car finally succeeded in catching it. As she took her seat, she gasped, "Well, I'm glad one of the family can run for something and get it." *oeoo66ooo4O6**oo«0oooaooe0 Equipped >ur customers to kn pened we have insta s and we are now p: on brought to us aiting they have be< in the past. Wo c quick service and as any ginner PAY YOU TH ET PRICE FOR Yours for quick ser er Dam >O04WO4«4O940**4OO4O0OOOO9O ORPHANAGE WORK DAY. Members of Baptist Sunday School Combined Work and Pleasure by Picking Cotton Saturday. September 30th is the day set apart by the Baptists of the state as Work Day for Connie Maxwell Orphanage at Greenwood. Every man, woman and ohild interested in the institution is asked to contrib¬ ute the earnings of that day as a ) special offering for the Orpanage. Mr. W. B. Cogburn, Superintend | dent of the Edgefield Baptist Sun¬ day School, adopted the plan of] providing some way for the Sunday School children to engage in work hy which they could make their) own money for the desired object It was decided that cotton picking would afford the boys and girls more fun and more profit than any other employment. So, accepting an invitation from Mr. J. West Cheatham, thirty or forty merry cotton pickers went in wagons out to his farm early Satur¬ day morning. It was announced by the Super¬ intendent that prises would, be awarded to those who picked the greatest number of pounds of cot¬ ton. This added zest to the day and each one entered into friendly rivalry with another for the reward offered and for the orphans less for¬ tunate than themselves. All worked faithfully until one o'olock when they were called to dinner spread on a table under large oak trees by those who had brought baskets. Mr. and Mrs. Cheatham added a bountiful supply to the din¬ ner of steaming hot chicken pies, fried chicken, lemon pies and other good things. So there was an abun¬ dance to refresh the hungry cotton pickers whose labors gave them good appetites to enjoy their well- earned meal. After dinner all went back to the fields and worked until sundown. Each one's cotton was then weighed and the prizes of $1.00 each were.j ay^aá^as Mlaws':. Jüädies' prize, Miss Bessie Wood- son. Girls' prize, Lailie Peak. Boys' prize, Oscar Cheatham,, Miss Woodson picked fifty-nine pounds. Miss Charlotte Parks was a close competitor, having fifty-two pounds. The total amount of cotton pick¬ ed was 1200 pounds, which added! to a generous gift from one of the number present, made twelve dol-1 lars lor the Orphanage fund. There was no age limit in the cotton picking contest. Little tots and grown-ups worked side by side. Mrs. D. B. Hollingsworth, Mr. C. E. May, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. B. Ken« nerly, Mrs. J. T. Pattison, Mr. E. J. Norris and Mr. W. B. Cogburn deBbi v c honorable mention and com¬ mendation for faithful service in the harvest field. There were others, too, who worked well and all on that day were laborers worthy of their hire who earned a goodly sum for the Orphanage besides spending a pleas¬ ant day at Mr. Cheatham's home. Gin house insurance, system gins, steam gins, water gin machinery. E. J. Norris, Agt. 00000000000900000000000001 Ginnery ow that since the lied new and larg- repared to gin all without the long 3n accustomed to an give you as as large turnout y in the State. E HIGHEST YOUR SEED vice, Mills 00000000000001 PLUM BRANCH NEWS. Many Young People Off For) College. Wide-Awake Merchants and Cot¬ ton Buyers. Editor The Advertiser: .We are in the swim. Ginning and. Selling cotton are the order of tíhe day. The capacity of our ginnery-is fifty bales and often they, are (Repelled to run into the night as laic as 12 o'clock. We have as good "¿harket as there is ontne C. &"WTfe, Rail¬ road. Our merchante pab* good prices for all kinds of country pro¬ duce. The cotton raarkefir jr^tf a lit¬ tle sluggish to-day. ^erjt&g dis¬ tance phone was in much demand to-day with the cottonboyejsa,. We can boast of our seven local buy¬ ers and once in a while a factory buyer drops in to make thé'ijiarkf lively. Our crops, i. e., the cotton crop, is not what we expected some weeks back. Most of it is nearly ajl open but there is a shortage of hands and the fields are white. The corn crop ia very good and tkere is an increase in the acreage over last year. Plum Branch is patting oh/town airs and if some of our neighbors don't look out we will bo in the lead. The vim and push of some one or two of our Piam JJçanch citizens has created oonsidiaihle jealousy in our nearby towns. Our high school has opene&up in good shape with a good corps of teachers-three in tie literary de¬ partment and one in the art departments. Miss Dorothy Miller haß °Sne to school at Orangeburg, add Hilled ge Sturkey has gone back to Glenison to continue his studies tn civil en- gineering. Miss Lucile Sturkey has gone to Greenwood to enter Lander female college as a btudent, which leaves the old folks with the two small boys to look after the farm and all the paraphernalia thereto I jug¬ ing. 1 get the extra length of side Crock finished ap in two or three days and the long pass track will be com¬ pleted soon which will add mach to our town. Mr. Hawthorn Banks has gone to the S. C. C. t at Edge- field to resume his studies at that institution, and, knowing Brother Bailey as we do, we will guess that he will pat him through a course that will make a man of him. Mr. Editor, if the long lost chain gang will come up and give our public roads a good working, I don't know whether we would care whether we went into Greenwood after all the noise that has been made. If we miss the waste basket we will come again. The Rambler. Increase in Gold Mining in South Carolina. The mine production of gold in Sooth Carolina in 1910 was 1,853.92 five ounces, valued at $38,324, ac¬ cording to H. D. McCaskey, of the United States Geological Survey, an increase in value over the outpit of 1909 of $27,271. The silver pro¬ duction was 46 fine ounces, valued at $25, in 1910; as against 182 ounces, valued at $97, in 1909. There was a small output of copper reported from South Carolina in 1909, but not in 1910. The value of the total production of precious metals in South Carolina was $38,- 449 in 1910 as against $11,076 in 1909. The yield of gold and silver re¬ ported from South Carolina in 1910 was from 10 placers and 2 deep mines. The total quantity of ore reported from the deep mines in 1910 was 24,153 short tons, all of siliceous gold ore, with an average recoT érable value of $1.50 per ton. The placers yielded 100.42 fine ounces of gold in South Carolina, and the remainder of the produc¬ tion,-1,753.50 fine ounces,-was from deep raines. Copies of Mr. McCaskey's report can be had on application to the Director, U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. One For Each Face. A Western politician had quite a reputation in his own town for sue cessful duplicity. It was generally believed that his idea of party prin¬ ciples was to work and vote with the winning side. He once entered tho store of a druggist who happen¬ ed, at the time, to be opposed to him politically * I want a jar of face cream," he said. "Be sanitary, Tom," replied the druggist. "Get two jars." JOHNSTON LETTER. Young People Off For College. New Century Club to Give Banquet. Mrs. Turner Entertained. Judge J. G. Mobley and Mr. Wm. Lee Coleman attended the Red Shirt com ention in Columbia last week. Among those who left for college last week were Misses Marion Mob- ley, College for Women Columbia; Ida Satcher, Limestone; Maggie Derrick, Frances and Kate Pruitt, Coker college; Martha Watson, Hollins Institute, and .Messrs. Geo. Yonce, Junius Bailey, Grady Yonce, Newberry college; Willie Ouzts, Auburn Moyer and Loami Smith, Wofford, and Archie Lewis, Fur- man. Mesdames J. W. Marsh and J. H. White have been elected dele¬ gates to the state convention, W. C. T. IL, which meets at Manning, October 6-8. While playing recently on the piazza, little Charlie Carson, fell over the banisters and broke one of his legs, just above the knee. At present he is resting well, and it is thought that the fractured bone will soon knit together. The New Century club will give a banquet on the evening of Octo¬ ber 10th at Turner hall, and it is expected to be an elaborate affair. Each member has the privilege of inviting one, and several other guests will also be included. Miss Mary Spann Harrison has gone to Fairfax to teach music in the graded school. Misses Lillian and Ella Mobley are at home from a visit to the Ap¬ palachian Exposition, Knoxville, Tenn. Master Joe Smith, who lives near town has made a record for himself as a cotton picker, having picked 276 pounds in one day and is only 12 years of age. Dr. T. C. Bomar, of Georgetown, is visiting his mother, Mrs. M. De- Loach, near town. ^gggg^^SWfe^ <:?; wood, has been here for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Neely, of Au¬ gusta, spent last week here. Mr. L. B. Asbell has returned from a visit to Ellenton. Mr. McMillan, of Dillon, has been visiting his sister, Mrs. H. D. Grant. Mrs. M. T. Turner entertained with a five o'clock tea on Friday afternoon, and the occasion was a most pleasant one to all. Besides the young lady teachers of the high school, a number of. the young ladies of the town were present. Mrs. Smyly Stevens, a guest in the home, stood with Mrs. Turner as ahe received the guests, in the hall¬ way, and the incoming ones were refreshed with fruit punch served by Misses Frances and Bessie Ford Turner. A spirited game of Pro¬ gressive Travel was enjoyed, and the score cards were minature suit jases, and as each couple travwere up to a higher table the cases f the tagged, and at the conclusion o suit- game, Miss Virginia Agnew'smost case proved her to be the she, Lraveletl by so many tags, andelde was presented with the gift, a dain¬ ty little suit case filled with hand kerchiefs. Miss Weinona Lewis was presented with a handbag contain¬ ing mints. The games were played out on the broad veranda and in the vine clad pergola, which leads from here, and at the conclusion, a deli¬ cious repast was served in the tea house and during the while, the guests enjoyed the pretty flower garden surroundings, and the gol- den sunset, which seemed to form a back ground to all. Visitors here this week from Meeting Street were Mr. and Mrs Smyly Stevens, Mrs. Ida Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Allen and Miss ¡ Mary Lewis. ' The heaviest rainfall of the sea- ¡ son was on Sunday morniug. The streets and side walks were flooded, ind several small bridges were 1 vrashed out of place. During the * rain the electrical storm was severe. ( Mr. Irwin Welling, of Darling¬ ton, spent Sunday here with friends. < Two promoters of the Greenville and Hamburg railway were in town 1 last week, and it is understood that 1 they are prospecting with a view of Bxtending their road by Johnston. ' Improvements are being planned ( for the town in the way of water 1 works, and the election on the 10th ' will make the decision. §20,000 is 1 the bond to be raised and if this is J passed the taxpayers will have an additional $.005 on the dollar. _ t He-I told your father I could not live without you. She-What did he say? Ho-Oh, he offered to pay my funeral expenses. Feet Growing Larger. Shoe manufacturers claim that the American woman's foot is grow¬ ing larger. The number two shoe is almost obsolete, they say, and sizes four and five are much com¬ moner than three. The explanation seems to be that the phenomenon is due to the increased use of the fem¬ inine foot as a means of locomotion. The constantly increasing number of women engaged in industry and the growth in popularity of tennis, golf and walking have, had their in¬ evitable result, and common sense has done much to abolish the wear¬ ing of pinching shoes. The tradi¬ tio n' that small feet are an excellent thing in women has persisted long and will not die without a struggle. Conservatives need not fear that women will carry this matter too far; they know when to stop.- Success Magazine. South Carolina Farmers Also Agree Upon Fifteen Cents For Cotton. Columbia, S. C., Sept 28.-Sev¬ eral hundred farmers, business men and bankers meeting here to-day, discuseed plans to keep the cotton crop from the market and agreed upon 15 cents as the price for cot¬ ton. The action of the Southern Cot¬ ton Congress at Montgomery was endorsed. Representative bankers from several cities of the state, pledged the support of the banks in financing the crop. E. J. Watson, president of the convention, announced that C. S. Barrett, head of the National Far¬ mers' Union, stated to him tonight in a telegram that a definite an¬ nouncement as to the French loan of $75,000,000 to finance the crop would be made in a few days and that Mr. Barrett expected a rise in the price of cotton soon. A resolution was adopted asking that the South Carolina representa¬ tives in Congress use their efforts to regulate dealing in cotton by the exchanges so that real cotton will be the basis of all contracts and that actual delivery be hacL ' uy, ... a». ..v-*- Farmers' Union showed that 50 per¬ cent of the cotton crop of this state had been picked, and that 30 per cent had been placed on the market. Senator E. D. Smith, of South Carolina, was among the speakers. The sense of the convention was that influence be brought to bear upon the individual farmers of South Carolina, to hold their «cotton for a higher price. Death of Mrs. Wideman. Funds io be Raised For School. Cotton ¡Ginned and Marketed. Mrs. John Henry Wideman died on the 27th inst., and was buried the following day .in the Plum Branch cemetery. The funeral ser¬ vices were conducted at the Baptht church by Rev. Earle Freeman, as¬ sisted by Rev. O. N. Rountree. She leaves a husband and three little children, and also a father. She was just thirty-one years old, and her work looked unfinished, but one wiser than we is back of it all. At a patron's meeting yesterday afternoon steps were taken toward formulating plans for liquidating the debt on the school building, and for supplementing funds for current expenses. The patrons instructed the faculty to adopt the one session plan instead of one in the morning and one in thefafternoon. The patron's meeting was follow¬ ed by an enjoyable social meeting arranged by the teachers and pupils, and for about three hours ice cream was served to a large crowd that tad gathered. The purpose of this meeting was to collect funds for a library, and the nice little sum of 117.50 was the result. The efficient carps of teachers, lided by the trustees, are determined Lo make this one of the best schools possible of its kind. Already houses ire in demand by those who wish ;o move here to educate their chil- Iren. The Sunday school of the Baptist jhurch is observing Orphanage Work Day to-day, and the proceeds will be collected to-morrow for Con- lie Maxwell orphanage. The town is alive to-day with 'armers who have come with their jotton to the ginnery and to the narket. More than six hundred bales lave been ginned here during the nonth of September. Plum Branh, S. C. F. "Ah, my friend," said a clerio ;o a prisoner undergoing a term of imprisonment for burglary, we must not lose sight of the fact that we are here to-day and gone tomor¬ row!" "You may be, sir," replied the burglar, "but I ain't!" PARKSVILLE NEWS, Urges Law Enforcement Diffi¬ cult to Get Cotton Ginned Many Stricken With Ma- lanai Fever. "Law" Baid Geo. D. Tillman, quarter of a century ago, "was not made to be enforced." What is it made for, said I. For the poor, th« timid, the ignorant, said Mr. Till man. Why the first thing the ad¬ ministrators of the law do when a law is passed, is to find a way around it, and as the Col. said this with his characteristic emphasis he made a gesture with his right hand in the form of a circle to enforce his idea of getting around the enforcement of law.- We were younger then than now, and thought the Col's, ideas a little extreme, but experience has taught me that he was nearer right than I then supposed. The only thing I remember about Seab Wright's great speeoh at Edgefield more than a year ago was when he said, "that the great problem before the American people of to-day is the enforcement of law." Let the peo¬ ple who enforce law and want it en- f orced study this statement for there is more in it than you possibly think. Edgefield county is to be con¬ gratulated upon the election of Col. S. B. Mays as president of the Good Roads Association, who will, so I am informed, endeavor to broaden out the offices of this association by enlisting the several communi¬ ties in the different townships mak¬ ing the county. We need some good solid ground work in building up this good roads idea, and Col. Mays is not a recent convert to this idea, but one who h&s been faithful for a score of years. Let every one inter¬ ested help Col. M.\vs, and his assist¬ ants in this good work. Cotton is opening very rapidly, and the people are having som* trouble in getting it ginned. The Plum Branch ginnery I am told, using 4 gins,, turn ed out or ginned 70 bajes one day last wc Iaria for I don't think I ever heard of so many chills. To visit our homes now, you would find capsules lying around in the windows like pindera, Mrs. Pat Robertson, Capt. J. J. Gilmer, T. G. Talbert. Mr. Geo. Parks family, Mr. and Mrs. Dren¬ nan and many others too numerous to mention are, or have been haviag chillis in the face of the fact, that this is practically a preventable dis¬ ease, being disseminated by the pes¬ tiferous mosquito« Keep down the crop of mosquitos, if you want to avoid intermittent fevers. Mr. W. W. Fowler who is an in¬ defatigable worker called together the executive committee of the west side fair association of which he is chairman, Saturday afternoon last to complete the list of cash prises, and other matters pertaining to the association. It was announced, that Clemson would send experts to judge the live stock and that Commissioner Watson of Columbia, would be with us, and possibly Congressman Byrnes and Tom Watson. If all these big guns come we will have the oratorical pyrotechnics as well as an excellent display of exhibits, which will appeal in some of it«- phases, to the taste of the m dst fastidious. So prepare to come one ant» ail. Rev. T. H. Garrett was called yesterday to be pastor of Parksville Baptist church for another year. The B. Y. P. U. last night was well attended, the subject being "The working power of faith." We were glad to shake the hand of Mrs. James A. Dobey from John¬ ston, who is on a visit to her moth¬ er, Mrs. L. F. Dorn. Miss Penn, from Trenton one of the assistant teachers in our school, came in Sunday afternoon. This is certainly good news to Prof. West who has for the last week or two, been on double duty. We were glad to shake the hand of Mr. W. Y. Quartes formerly of Rehoboth now of McCormick last Friday in our town. He was on his way to visit the Burkhalter family who have been so sorely distressed. We told "Uncle Billie" how well he looked and upbraided him for not coming to see us oftener. Mr. O. D. White, the duke of White Town, paid Parksville an honored visit on last Saturday. Ho ought to come oftener than he does. We understand that the Modoo school, with Mrs. Mamie Walker as as principal will begin to-day. Mr. Watson Talbert left us one day last week for the S. C. C. I. of your town. Several days ago the Stoák left a fine boy, named James G., Jr., at the home of Mr. James G. and Mrs. Addie Bell Parks.. They are recei ing the happy felicitations of f rien kins folk and acquaintances.

Transcript of Edgefield advertiser.(Edgefield, S.C.) 1911-10-04.€¦ · MARK Beav #09000000000000000000000004...

Page 1: Edgefield advertiser.(Edgefield, S.C.) 1911-10-04.€¦ · MARK Beav #09000000000000000000000004 'tively,Thenmarket slowly and conserva-stopping sales again when the market shows

Amtim.Oldest Newspaper In South Carolina.



Editor of Progressive FarmerUrges Farmers to MarketCotton Slowly. Yield is

Not Large.

The National Farmers' Union atShawnee declared that this year'scotton crop should bring 14 cerfts a

pound in September and October,and 15 cents later, and urged farm¬ers not to sell for less. The Mont¬gomery Cotton Convention fixed 15cents as a minimum price and ad¬vised farmers to hold forthat figure.

Present prospects are that thecotton crop this year will not bematerially larger than was that oflast year, most of which sold for 14and 15 cents a pound. Cértainlythe demand this year will be as

great as it was last year, for everypound of cotton is going to be need¬ed by mills at home and Abroad.

Despite all these facts, however,cotton (middling) is selling at lessthan ll cents in some markets, andnone over that figure any¬where. And from nearly all mark¬ets come reports of heavy receipts;the crop is unusually early in mostsections, and is being rushed to

, market, it seems, as fast as it can bepicked arid ginned.Now, whose fault is it that cot¬

ton is bringing such low prices? Itis folly to blame the mill men forwanting u> buy as cheaply as possi¬ble-they are going to do it everytime. It strikes us, too, that itis scarcely worth while to jump on

the National Department of Agri¬culture fer the very favorable re¬

ports as to crop conditions it issuedearly in the season. We all expect¬ed a big crop then. Almost everyreport thîit came to our office toldof fine prospects, and w¿ were allnerving ourselves to fight for 10 or

11-cents cotton. The latest figuresissued from the Department, how¬ever, show an almost unprecedenteddecline in crop conditions, andwhile we hold no brief for the Sec¬retary of Agriculture, it strikes us

as rather a useless proceeding to at¬tack him for the low price of cot-

ton growers themselves. There are

plenty of reasons for a, sharp in¬crease in the price of cotton: Allreports now agree that the crop isgoing to be below rather than abovethe average; the demand for thestaple is good-manufacturers willprobably be fighting ior cotton be¬fore next year's crop is gathered;Southern farmers through their or¬

ganization have declared for higherprices^ and they are, as a class, wellfixed to hold until the market rises.Thers are all these reasons for highprices and only one for low prices-but that one is enough. Farmersknow what price is offered andthousands and thousands seem eageJto sell at that price. It isn't worthwhile to talk about better prices, toresolute and speechify and denounceeverybody and everything, and atthe same time haul the cotton tomarket and sell it as fast as ginnedjust as if it were a case of necessity.There is just one way-a way as

plain as the nose on a man's face-to raise the price of cotton-stopmarketing until the price advances.


Newly4» We want c

season o]er fan;




Then market slowly and conserva-'tively, stopping sales again whenthe market shows signs of weak-ness.

Cotton is low only because lots ofcotton is being offered for sale. Theexporters and manufacturers are, ofcourse, delighted buyers. The priceis practically certain to go up with¬in a few months; but it is not goingup as long as plenty of cotton can

be had at present prices.If you feel like taking a load of

cotton to town-why, don't do it.Take the team and go to the fieldsand begin plowing or ditching. Ifyour negro tenant is in the notionof going to market, advance himfive or ten dollars, take charge ofhis cotton and put him to workchopping wood, or digging onhstumps. It will be money to bothyou and him.

In short, if ll cents is too littlefor cotton-and it is-don't sell atthat price. Advise your neighbor,too, not to sell; but if he will 'thatis his loss. It's partly your loss,too, for every bale rushed on themarket prematurely drags, downprices for everybody else; but theman who sells at 10 and ll centsmostly is paying the penalty of his-own folly.We do not believe that any thor¬

oughly well informed man thinksthat this year's crop should sell forless than 13 cents; the Farmers'Union and the Montgomery Con¬vention advise ho'.ding for 14 or 15cents. In any case, prices are boundto go up, and we believe that anyfarmer who sells at present figuresis cheating himself out jf $10 to$*J0 a bale he would get by holdingbesides injuring his fellow-farmers.Hold your cotton.-Progressive


Opening of the G. F. C.The Greenville Female College

has far and away the best openingin all her history. There are now

185 young ladies in the boardinghalls, against 143 for all of lastyear. We did not get the exactfigures for the opening of a yearago which was, we believe, up tothat d.itp the best, but .ther^aredies1 now in the boarding depart¬ment than present at this time a

year ago. Tne figares we havejust given do not include the townpatronage which is also very largebut which- has not been fully matri¬culated and can not be given withaccuracy. Because of the fact thatsome girls have gone three in rooms

that were intended for two and twoin rooms that were intended forone, there are a few rooms in someof the boarding halls that are avail¬able for new comers; but only a

few. The largest expectations ofDr. Ramsay have been more thanrealized.-Baptist Courier.

One Succeeded.A story is told of the daughter of

William Jennings Bryan. When a

young girl, she started to school onemorning, and after a desperate run

for a street car finally succeeded incatching it. As she took her seat,she gasped, "Well, I'm glad one ofthe family can run for somethingand get it."


Equipped>ur customers to knpened we have instas and we are now p:on brought to us v¡

aiting they have be<in the past. Wo c

quick service andas any ginner

PAY YOU THET PRICE FORYours for quick ser

er Dam>O04WO4«4O940**4OO4O0OOOO9O


Members of Baptist SundaySchool Combined Work andPleasure by Picking

Cotton Saturday.

September 30th is the day setapart by the Baptists of the stateas Work Day for Connie MaxwellOrphanage at Greenwood. Everyman, woman and ohild interested inthe institution is asked to contrib¬ute the earnings of that day as a )special offering for the Orpanage.Mr. W. B. Cogburn, Superintend |

dent of the Edgefield Baptist Sun¬day School, adopted the plan of]providing some way for the SundaySchool children to engage in workhy which they could make their)own money for the desired objectIt was decided that cotton pickingwould afford the boys and girlsmore fun and more profit than anyother employment.

So, accepting an invitation fromMr. J. West Cheatham, thirty or

forty merry cotton pickers went inwagons out to his farm early Satur¬day morning.

It was announced by the Super¬intendent that prises would, beawarded to those who picked thegreatest number of pounds of cot¬ton. This added zest to the dayand each one entered into friendlyrivalry with another for the rewardoffered and for the orphans less for¬tunate than themselves.

All worked faithfully until one

o'olock when they were called todinner spread on a table under largeoak trees by those who had broughtbaskets. Mr. and Mrs. Cheathamadded a bountiful supply to the din¬ner of steaming hot chicken pies,fried chicken, lemon pies and othergood things. So there was an abun¬dance to refresh the hungry cottonpickers whose labors gave themgood appetites to enjoy their well-earned meal.

After dinner all went back to thefields and worked until sundown.Each one's cotton was then weighedand the prizes of $1.00 each were.jay^aá^as Mlaws':.

Jüädies' prize, Miss Bessie Wood-son. Girls' prize, Lailie Peak.Boys' prize, Oscar Cheatham,, MissWoodson picked fifty-nine pounds.Miss Charlotte Parks was a closecompetitor, having fifty-two pounds.The total amount of cotton pick¬

ed was 1200 pounds, which added!to a generous gift from one of thenumber present, made twelve dol-1lars lor the Orphanage fund.There was no age limit in the

cotton picking contest. Little totsand grown-ups worked side by side.Mrs. D. B. Hollingsworth, Mr. C.E. May, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. B. Ken«nerly, Mrs. J. T. Pattison, Mr. E.J. Norris and Mr. W. B. CogburndeBbi v c honorable mention and com¬mendation for faithful service inthe harvest field.There were others, too, who

worked well and all on that daywere laborers worthy of their hirewho earned a goodly sum for theOrphanage besides spending a pleas¬ant day at Mr. Cheatham's home.

Gin house insurance, system gins,steam gins, water gin machinery.

E. J. Norris, Agt.


Ginneryow that since thelied new and larg-repared to gin allwithout the long3n accustomed toan give you as

as large turnouty in the State.





Many Young People Off For)College. Wide-AwakeMerchants and Cot¬

ton Buyers.

Editor The Advertiser: .We are

in the swim. Ginning and. Sellingcotton are the order of tíhe day.The capacity of our ginnery-is fiftybales and often they, are (Repelledto run into the night as laic as 12

o'clock. We have as good "¿harketas there is ontne C. &"WTfe, Rail¬road. Our merchante pab* goodprices for all kinds of country pro¬duce. The cotton raarkefir jr^tf a lit¬tle sluggish to-day. ^erjt&g dis¬tance phone was in much demandto-day with the cottonboyejsa,. Wecan boast of our seven local buy¬ers and once in a while a factorybuyer drops in to make thé'ijiarkflively.Our crops, i. e., the cotton crop,

is not what we expected some weeksback. Most of it is nearly ajl openbut there is a shortage ofhandsand the fields are white.The corn crop ia very good and

tkere is an increase in the acreageover last year.Plum Branch is patting oh/town

airs and if some of our neighborsdon't look out we will bo in thelead. The vim and push of some

one or two of our Piam JJçanchcitizens has created oonsidiaihlejealousy in our nearby towns.

Our high school has opene&up ingood shape with a good corps ofteachers-three in tie literary de¬partment and one in theart departments.

Miss Dorothy Miller haß °Sne to

school at Orangeburg, add HilledgeSturkey has gone back to Glenisonto continue his studies tn civil en-

gineering.Miss Lucile Sturkey has gone to

Greenwood to enter Lander femalecollege as a btudent, which leavesthe old folks with the two smallboys to look after the farm and allthe paraphernalia thereto I jug¬

ing. 1

get the extra length of side Crockfinished ap in two or three days andthe long pass track will be com¬

pleted soon which will add mach toour town. Mr. Hawthorn Bankshas gone to the S. C. C. t at Edge-field to resume his studies at thatinstitution, and, knowing BrotherBailey as we do, we will guess thathe will pat him through a course

that will make a man of him.Mr. Editor, if the long lost chain

gang will come up and give our

public roads a good working, Idon't know whether we would care

whether we went into Greenwoodafter all the noise that has beenmade. If we miss the waste basketwe will come again.

The Rambler.

Increase in Gold Mining inSouth Carolina.

The mine production of gold inSooth Carolina in 1910 was 1,853.92five ounces, valued at $38,324, ac¬

cording to H. D. McCaskey, of theUnited States Geological Survey, an

increase in value over the outpit of1909 of $27,271. The silver pro¬duction was 46 fine ounces, valuedat $25, in 1910; as against 182ounces, valued at $97, in 1909.There was a small output of copperreported from South Carolina in1909, but not in 1910. The valueof the total production of preciousmetals in South Carolina was $38,-449 in 1910 as against $11,076 in1909.The yield of gold and silver re¬

ported from South Carolina in 1910was from 10 placers and 2 deepmines. The total quantity of ore

reported from the deep mines in1910 was 24,153 short tons, all ofsiliceous gold ore, with an averagerecoT érable value of $1.50 per ton.The placers yielded 100.42 fineounces of gold in South Carolina,and the remainder of the produc¬tion,-1,753.50 fine ounces,-wasfrom deep raines.

Copies of Mr. McCaskey's reportcan be had on application to theDirector, U. S. Geological Survey,Washington, D. C.

One For Each Face.A Western politician had quite a

reputation in his own town for sue

cessful duplicity. It was generallybelieved that his idea of party prin¬ciples was to work and vote withthe winning side. He once enteredtho store of a druggist who happen¬ed, at the time, to be opposed tohim politically

* I want a jar of face cream," hesaid."Be sanitary, Tom," replied the

druggist. "Get two jars."


Young People Off For College.New Century Club to GiveBanquet. Mrs. Turner


Judge J. G. Mobley and Mr.Wm. Lee Coleman attended the RedShirt com ention in Columbia lastweek.Among those who left for college

last week were Misses Marion Mob-ley, College for Women Columbia;Ida Satcher, Limestone; MaggieDerrick, Frances and Kate Pruitt,Coker college; Martha Watson,Hollins Institute, and .Messrs. Geo.Yonce, Junius Bailey, Grady Yonce,Newberry college; Willie Ouzts,Auburn Moyer and Loami Smith,Wofford, and Archie Lewis, Fur-man.Mesdames J. W. Marsh and J.

H. White have been elected dele¬gates to the state convention, W.C. T. IL, which meets at Manning,October 6-8.While playing recently on the

piazza, little Charlie Carson, fellover the banisters and broke one ofhis legs, just above the knee. Atpresent he is resting well, and it isthought that the fractured bone willsoon knit together.The New Century club will give

a banquet on the evening of Octo¬ber 10th at Turner hall, and it isexpected to be an elaborate affair.Each member has the privilege ofinviting one, and several otherguests will also be included.

Miss Mary Spann Harrison hasgone to Fairfax to teach music inthe graded school.

Misses Lillian and Ella Mobleyare at home from a visit to the Ap¬palachian Exposition, Knoxville,Tenn.

Master Joe Smith, who lives near

town has made a record for himselfas a cotton picker, having picked276 pounds in one day and is only12 years of age.

Dr. T. C. Bomar, of Georgetown,is visiting his mother, Mrs. M. De-Loach, near town.

^gggg^^SWfe^ <:?;wood, has been here for a few days.Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Neely, of Au¬

gusta, spent last week here.Mr. L. B. Asbell has returned

from a visit to Ellenton.Mr. McMillan, of Dillon, has

been visiting his sister, Mrs. H. D.Grant.

Mrs. M. T. Turner entertainedwith a five o'clock tea on Fridayafternoon, and the occasion was a

most pleasant one to all. Besides theyoung lady teachers of the highschool, a number of. the youngladies of the town were present.Mrs. Smyly Stevens, a guest in thehome, stood with Mrs. Turner as

ahe received the guests, in the hall¬way, and the incoming ones were

refreshed with fruit punch servedby Misses Frances and Bessie FordTurner. A spirited game of Pro¬gressive Travel was enjoyed, andthe score cards were minature suitjases, and as each couple travwereup to a higher table the cases f thetagged, and at the conclusion o suit-game, Miss Virginia Agnew'smostcase proved her to be the she,Lraveletl by so many tags, andeldewas presented with the gift, a dain¬ty little suit case filled with handkerchiefs. Miss Weinona Lewis was

presented with a handbag contain¬ing mints. The games were playedout on the broad veranda and in thevine clad pergola, which leads fromhere, and at the conclusion, a deli¬cious repast was served in the teahouse and during the while, theguests enjoyed the pretty flowergarden surroundings, and the gol-den sunset, which seemed to form a

back ground to all.Visitors here this week from

Meeting Street were Mr. and MrsSmyly Stevens, Mrs. Ida Stevens.Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Allen and Miss ¡

Mary Lewis. '

The heaviest rainfall of the sea- ¡

son was on Sunday morniug. Thestreets and side walks were flooded,ind several small bridges were 1

vrashed out of place. During the *

rain the electrical storm was severe. (

Mr. Irwin Welling, of Darling¬ton, spent Sunday here with friends. <

Two promoters of the Greenvilleand Hamburg railway were in town 1

last week, and it is understood that 1

they are prospecting with a view ofBxtending their road by Johnston. '

Improvements are being planned (

for the town in the way of water 1

works, and the election on the 10th '

will make the decision. §20,000 is 1

the bond to be raised and if this is J

passed the taxpayers will have anadditional $.005 on the dollar._ t

He-I told your father I couldnot live without you.She-What did he say?Ho-Oh, he offered to pay my

funeral expenses.

Feet Growing Larger.Shoe manufacturers claim that

the American woman's foot is grow¬ing larger. The number two shoeis almost obsolete, they say, andsizes four and five are much com¬moner than three. The explanationseems to be that the phenomenon isdue to the increased use of the fem¬inine foot as a means of locomotion.The constantly increasing numberof women engaged in industry andthe growth in popularity of tennis,golf and walking have, had their in¬evitable result, and common sensehas done much to abolish the wear¬

ing of pinching shoes. The tradi¬tio n' that small feet are an excellentthing in women has persisted longand will not die without a struggle.Conservatives need not fear thatwomen will carry this matter toofar; they know when to stop.-Success Magazine.

South Carolina Farmers AlsoAgree Upon Fifteen Cents

For Cotton.Columbia, S. C., Sept 28.-Sev¬

eral hundred farmers, business menand bankers meeting here to-day,discuseed plans to keep the cottoncrop from the market and agreedupon 15 cents as the price for cot¬ton. The action of the Southern Cot¬ton Congress at Montgomery wasendorsed. Representative bankersfrom several cities of the state,pledged the support of the banks infinancing the crop.

E. J. Watson, president of theconvention, announced that C. S.Barrett, head of the National Far¬mers' Union, stated to him tonightin a telegram that a definite an¬nouncement as to the French loanof $75,000,000 to finance the cropwould be made in a few days andthat Mr. Barrett expected a rise inthe price of cotton soon.A resolution was adopted asking

that the South Carolina representa¬tives in Congress use their effortsto regulate dealing in cotton by theexchanges so that real cotton willbe the basis of all contracts andthat actual delivery be hacL

' uy, ... a». ..v-*-

Farmers' Union showed that 50 per¬cent of the cotton crop of this statehad been picked, and that 30 percent had been placed on the market.

Senator E. D. Smith, of SouthCarolina, was among the speakers.The sense of the convention was

that influence be brought to bearupon the individual farmers ofSouth Carolina, to hold their «cottonfor a higher price.

Death of Mrs. Wideman. Fundsio be Raised For School.Cotton ¡Ginned and


Mrs. John Henry Wideman diedon the 27th inst., and was buriedthe following day .in the PlumBranch cemetery. The funeral ser¬vices were conducted at the Bapthtchurch by Rev. Earle Freeman, as¬sisted by Rev. O. N. Rountree. Sheleaves a husband and three littlechildren, and also a father. She was

just thirty-one years old, and herwork looked unfinished, but onewiser than we is back of it all.At a patron's meeting yesterday

afternoon steps were taken towardformulating plans for liquidatingthe debt on the school building, andfor supplementing funds for currentexpenses. The patrons instructed thefaculty to adopt the one sessionplan instead of one in the morningand one in thefafternoon.The patron's meeting was follow¬

ed by an enjoyable social meetingarranged by the teachers and pupils,and for about three hours ice creamwas served to a large crowd thattad gathered. The purpose of thismeeting was to collect funds for a

library, and the nice little sum of117.50 was the result.The efficient carps of teachers,

lided by the trustees, are determinedLo make this one of the best schoolspossible of its kind. Already housesire in demand by those who wish;o move here to educate their chil-Iren.The Sunday school of the Baptist

jhurch is observing OrphanageWork Day to-day, and the proceedswill be collected to-morrow for Con-lie Maxwell orphanage.The town is alive to-day with

'armers who have come with theirjotton to the ginnery and to thenarket. More than six hundred baleslave been ginned here during thenonth of September.Plum Branh, S. C. F.

"Ah, my friend," said a clerio;o a prisoner undergoing a term ofimprisonment for burglary, we

must not lose sight of the fact thatwe are here to-day and gone tomor¬row!""You may be, sir," replied the

burglar, "but I ain't!"


Urges Law Enforcement Diffi¬cult to Get Cotton GinnedMany Stricken With Ma-

lanai Fever.

"Law" Baid Geo. D. Tillman,quarter of a century ago, "was notmade to be enforced." What is itmade for, said I. For the poor, th«timid, the ignorant, said Mr. Tillman. Why the first thing the ad¬ministrators of the law do when alaw is passed, is to find away aroundit, and as the Col. said this with hischaracteristic emphasis he made a

gesture with his right hand in theform of a circle to enforce his ideaof getting around the enforcementof law.- We were younger then thannow, and thought the Col's, ideasa little extreme, but experience hastaught me that he was nearer rightthan I then supposed. The onlything I remember about SeabWright's great speeoh at Edgefieldmore than a year ago was when hesaid, "that the great problem beforethe American people of to-day is theenforcement of law." Let the peo¬ple who enforce law and want it en-forced study this statement for thereis more in it than you possiblythink.

Edgefield county is to be con¬

gratulated upon the election of Col.S. B. Mays as president of the GoodRoads Association, who will, so Iam informed, endeavor to broadenout the offices of this associationby enlisting the several communi¬ties in the different townships mak¬ing the county. We need some goodsolid ground work in building upthis good roads idea, and Col. Maysis not a recent convert to this idea,but one who h&s been faithful for ascore of years. Let every one inter¬ested help Col. M.\vs, and his assist¬ants in this good work.

Cotton is opening very rapidly,and the people are having som*trouble in getting it ginned. ThePlum Branch ginnery I am told,using 4 gins,, turned out or ginned70 bajes one day last wc

Iariafor I don't think I ever heard of somany chills. To visit our homesnow, you would find capsules lyingaround in the windows like pindera,Mrs. Pat Robertson, Capt. J. J.Gilmer, T. G. Talbert. Mr. Geo.Parks family, Mr. and Mrs. Dren¬nan and many others too numerousto mention are, or have been haviagchillis in the face of the fact, thatthis is practically a preventable dis¬ease, being disseminated by the pes¬tiferous mosquito« Keep down thecrop of mosquitos, if you want toavoid intermittent fevers.Mr. W. W. Fowler who is an in¬

defatigable worker called togetherthe executive committee of the westside fair association of which he ischairman, Saturday afternoon lastto complete the list of cash prises,and other matters pertaining to theassociation. It was announced, thatClemson would send experts to judgethe live stock and that CommissionerWatson of Columbia, would bewith us, and possibly CongressmanByrnes and Tom Watson. If allthese big guns come we will havethe oratorical pyrotechnics as wellas an excellent display of exhibits,which will appeal in some of it«-phases, to the taste of the mdstfastidious. So prepare to come oneant» ail.

Rev. T. H. Garrett was calledyesterday to be pastor of ParksvilleBaptist church for another year.The B. Y. P. U. last night was

well attended, the subject being"The working power of faith."We were glad to shake the hand

of Mrs. James A. Dobey from John¬ston, who is on a visit to her moth¬er, Mrs. L. F. Dorn.

Miss Penn, from Trenton one ofthe assistant teachers in our school,came in Sunday afternoon. This iscertainly good news to Prof. Westwho has for the last week or two,been on double duty.We were glad to shake the hand

of Mr. W. Y. Quartes formerly ofRehoboth now of McCormick lastFriday in our town. He was on hisway to visit the Burkhalter familywho have been so sorely distressed.We told "Uncle Billie" how wellhe looked and upbraided him fornot coming to see us oftener.Mr. O. D. White, the duke of

White Town, paid Parksville an

honored visit on last Saturday. Hoought to come oftener than he does.We understand that the Modoo

school, with Mrs. Mamie Walker asas principal will begin to-day.Mr. Watson Talbert left us one

day last week for the S. C. C. I. ofyour town.

Several days ago the Stoák left afine boy, named James G., Jr., atthe home of Mr. James G. and Mrs.Addie Bell Parks.. They are receiing the happy felicitations of frienkins folk and acquaintances.