Eco Tourism

Executive Summary Eco-tourism is derived from two words - 'Ecosystem' & 'Tourism'. Together it is made Eco-tourism. To understand Eco-tourism we have to understand our Ecosystem first. The ecotourism has become necessary due to increasing pollution. The tourist come in India they visit different places but at the same time they also become reason for pollution by spreading food packets, water bottles, by creating noise pollution etc. It is needed that along with promoting only tourism it’s needed that we should also concentrate on the environmental aspects. Ecotourism, responsible tourism, jungle tourism, and sustainable development have become prevalent concepts since the mid 1980s, and ecotourism has experienced arguably the fastest growth of all sub- sectors in the tourism industry. India, the land of varied geography offers several tourist destinations that not just de-stress but also rejuvenate you. There are several ways to enjoy Mother Nature in most pristine way. The few places like the Himalayan Region, Kerala, the northeast India, Andaman & Nicobar Islands and the Lakshdweep islands are some of the places where you can enjoy the treasured wealth of the Mother Nature. Ecotourism can be best defined as a nature based tourism that involves education, interpretation of the natural environment and is managed to be ecologically sustainable. Ecotourism has been used by some operators as green marketing for soft adventure products, while giving little consideration to operating practices and impact on the environmental and local community. There are various companies who are concentrating on the ecotourism concept. Here I have done study of Anurayee Ecotourism Company. Anurayee eco farm was started in 2007 with the main objective of rebuilding man’s relationship with nature. Anurayee tourism helps tourist to understand various environmental concepts, make them aware, provide them education and teach them how

Transcript of Eco Tourism

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Executive Summary

Eco-tourism is derived from two words - 'Ecosystem' & 'Tourism'. Together it is made Eco-tourism. To understand Eco-tourism we have to understand our Ecosystem first.

The ecotourism has become necessary due to increasing pollution. The tourist come in India they visit different places but at the same time they also become reason for pollution by spreading food packets, water bottles, by creating noise pollution etc. It is needed that along with promoting only tourism it’s needed that we should also concentrate on the environmental aspects.

Ecotourism, responsible tourism, jungle tourism, and sustainable development have become prevalent concepts since the mid 1980s, and ecotourism has experienced arguably the fastest growth of all sub-sectors in the tourism industry.

India, the land of varied geography offers several tourist destinations that not just de-stress but also rejuvenate you. There are several ways to enjoy Mother Nature in most pristine way. The few places like the Himalayan Region, Kerala, the northeast India, Andaman & Nicobar Islands and the Lakshdweep islands are some of the places where you can enjoy the treasured wealth of the Mother Nature.

Ecotourism can be best defined as a nature based tourism that involves education, interpretation of the natural environment and is managed to be ecologically sustainable.

Ecotourism has been used by some operators as green marketing for soft adventure products, while giving little consideration to operating practices and impact on the environmental and local community.

There are various companies who are concentrating on the ecotourism concept. Here I have done study of Anurayee Ecotourism Company. Anurayee eco farm was started in 2007 with the main objective of rebuilding man’s relationship with nature.

Anurayee tourism helps tourist to understand various environmental concepts, make them aware, provide them education and teach them how to deal with nature and you should not create problems for the environment to the place where you go to visit.

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My objective of doing this project was to understand how eco tourism is helpful to protect nature,

heritage, culture etc. and how eco tourism is the different concept than normal tourism.

This was the new concept that I have heard and I wanted everyone of my classmates should be

aware about it, because it will also make them understand that we should give encouragement to

eco tourism which will be a step in protective environment.

Method of Data Collection:

Primary Source – Interview was conducted with the help of a Questionnaire.

Secondary Data – Internet

The report is based on the interview taken of Mrs. Mangala Singh, who is the part owner of the company. She gave me all the necessary data required to make a project. This helped me to understand the concept deeply.

As well as I have taken help of internet to collect the secondary data. Secondary data gives the more detailed information on the topic which was made available by different users.


Following are the limitations of the study.

Lack of time : Time is a major constraint. Since enough time was not available for me it is

possible I could not study the entire industry in detail.

Since it is the first time I am undertaking a study project chances are there that the study might

not be accurate.

Enough information was not possible to obtain since authorities were restricted to provide

information beyond a certain limit.

Unaccess to resources.

Page 3: Eco Tourism


"An ecosystem is a unit of biological organisation interacting with the physical environment such that the flow of energy and mass leads to a characteristic trophic structure and material cycles."- Eugene Odum "the grandfather of ecology"

What is EcotourismEco-tourism is derived from two words - 'Ecosystem' & 'Tourism'. Together it is made Eco-tourism. To understand Eco-tourism we have to understand our Ecosystem first.

EcosystemEcosystem is the system in which we live - the system which include the earth, the water, the sky and of course the living and the non-living objects in all these systems. It is a dynamic complex of plant, animal and micro-organism communities and their non-living environment interacting as a functional unit.

But, there is no such specific and particular spatial unit or scale to measure an Ecosystem. Thus, the term "ecosystem" does not, necessarily, agree to the terms "biome" or "ecological zone", but can refer to any functioning unit at any scale. It could, for example, be a grain of soil, a pond, a forest, the sea, the river, a biome or the entire biosphere. And, tourism means - 'the practice of traveling for pleasure.' Thus, a tourism which contains a visit to an Ecosystem is known as Eco- tourism. But, that is not all. Eco-tourism is not only travelling to such Ecosystems, but also conserving them.

Basically Eco-tourism means -

"Tourism involving travel to areas of natural or ecological interest, typically under the guidance of a naturalist, for the purpose of observing wildlife and learning about the environment and at the same time focus on wildlife and promotion of understanding and conservation of the environment."This is a conscientious form of tourism and tourism development, which encourages going back to natural products in every aspect of life and help preserve nature. It is also the key to sustainable ecological development.

We & Our Environment The race for becoming the most advanced and most developed state in the world, has led man to destruct the natural resource in our stock and our biosphere. Today, most of the underground and above the ground resources are on the verge of finish, resulting in abrupt climate, natural disaster and more. Now, man is facing two very extreme dangerous conditions - 'Global Warming' & 'Greenhouse Effects', both of which will lead to the total destruction of the Planet Earth. It is now high time, we should (the entire Human Community) start our bit of job to save our Earth from complete destruction. It is now every man's duty to do as much possible to save our Planet Earth.

Today, there are "Green Laws" of conservation, which are making people aware of how man and the environment can live beneficially for more time to come and Eco-tourism is one way to maximize the environmental and social benefits of tourism, not forgetting the economic developments. Everyone is a stakeholder in the process and we clearly need to avoid our past shortcomings and negative impact. In

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India too the movement is gathering momentum with more & more travel and travel related organisation's are addressing the needs of the eco-tourists and promoting eco-tourism in the country.Fundamentally, eco-tourism means making as little environmental impact as possible and helping to sustain the indigenous populace, thereby encouraging the preservation of wildlife and habitats when visiting a place. This is responsible form of tourism and tourism development, which encourages going back to natural products in every aspect of life. It is also the key to sustainable ecological development.

The International Eco-tourism Society defines eco-tourism as "responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people." This means that those who implement and participate in Eco-tourism activities should follow the following principles:

  Minimize impact  Build environmental and cultural awareness and respect  Provide positive experiences for both visitors and hosts  Provide direct financial benefits for conservation  Provide financial benefits and empowerment for local people  Raise sensitivity to host countries' political, environmental, and social climate  Support international human rights and labour agreements

Aware of the Environment - Today the "Green Laws" of conservation are making people aware of how man and the environment can live symbiotically for more time to come and eco-tourism is the only way to maximize the economic, environmental and social benefits of tourism. Everyone is a stakeholder in the process and we clearly need to avoid our past shortcomings and negative impact that they have had. In India too the movement is gathering momentum with more and more travel and travel related organisation's are addressing the needs of the eco-tourists and promoting eco-tourism in the country. Some basic do's and don'ts of eco-tourism are listed below:


  Carry back all non-degradable litter such as empty bottles, tins, plastic bags etc. These must notlitter the environment or be buried. They must be disposed in municipal dustbins only.

  Observe the sanctity of holy sites, temples and local cultures.  Cut noise pollution. Do not blare aloud radios, tape recorders or other electronic entertainmentequipment in nature resorts, sanctuaries and wildlife parks.

  In case temporary toilets are set-up near campsites, after defecation, cover with mud or sand. Makesure that the spot is at least 30 meters away from the water source.

  Respect people's privacy while taking photographs. Ask for prior permission before taking aphotograph.


  Do not take away flora and fauna in the forms of cuttings, seeds or roots. It is illegal, especially inthe Himalayas. The environment is really delicate in this region and the bio-diversity of the regionhas to be protected at all costs.

  Do not use pollutants such as detergent, in streams or springs while washing and bathing.   Do not use wood as fuel to cook food at the campsite.   Do not leave cigarettes butts or make open fires in the forests.   Do not consume aerated drinks, alcohol, drugs or any other intoxicant and throw bottles in the wild.   Do not tempt the locals, especially children by offering them foodstuff or sweets. Respect localtraditions.

  Polythene and plastics are non biodegradable and unhealthy for the environment and must not beused and littered.

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Hector Ceballos-Lascurain popularized (and he would say coined) the term 'ecotourism' in July 1983, when he was performing the dual role of Director General of Standards and Technology of SEDUE (the Mexican Ministry of Urban Development and Ecology) and founding president of PRONATURA (an influential Mexican conservationist NGO). PRONATURA was lobbying for the conservation of the wetlands in northern Yucatán as breeding and feeding habitats of the American Flamingo.

Others claim the term was in use earlier: Claus-Dieter (Nick) Hetzer, an academic and adventurer from Forum International in Berkeley CA, coined the term in 1965 and ran the first ecotours in the Yucatán during the early 1970s.

Ecotourism, responsible tourism, jungle tourism, and sustainable development have become prevalent concepts since the mid 1980s, and ecotourism has experienced arguably the fastest growth of all sub-sectors in the tourism industry. The popularity represents a change in tourist perceptions, increased environmental awareness, and a desire to explore natural environments. At times, such changes become as much a statement affirming one's social identity, educational sophistication, and disposable income as it has about preserving the Amazon rainforest or the Caribbean reef for posterity.

Ecotourism is a form of tourism that involves visiting natural areas -- in the remote wilderness or urban environments. According to the definition and principles of ecotourism established by The International Ecotourism Society (TIES) in 1990, ecotourism is "Responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people." (TIES, 1990). Martha Honey, expands on the TIES definition by describing the seven characteristics of ecotourism, which are:

Involves travel to natural destinations Minimizes impact Builds environmental awareness Provides direct financial benefits for conservation Provides financial benefits and empowerment for local people Respects local culture Supports human rights and democratic movements

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Ecotourism is entirely a new approach in tourism. Ecotourism is a preserving travel to natural areas to appreciate the cultural and natural history of the environment, taking care not to disturb the integrity of the ecosystem, while creating economic opportunities that make conservation and protection of natural resources advantageous to the local people.

In short, ecotourism can be categorised as a tourism programme that is - "Nature based, Ecologically sustainable, Where education and interpretation is a major constituent and Where local people are benefited."

All this together can be called ecotourism. If a travel does not satisfy any one of these constituents, then it is not called a real ecotourism venture.

The Concern for Ecotourism

Since ages, nature worship and the conservation ethics have been an inseparable part of Indian thought and traditions. Traces go back to ancient civilisations of India, when people used to nurture the philosophy of the oneness of life. The Indian tradition has always taught that, humankind is a part of nature and one should look upon all creation with the eyes of a love and respect.

It is tragic that since last few decades, the mad quest for the material end and economical progress in India and abroad has become identical with the exploitation of nature in all its appearances. Today, the entire world is facing a deep crisis and is in the danger of being doomed. The rich forest areas and biological diversities have been relentlessly divested to erect concrete walls. The continuos denuding of forest reserves has led to Global Warming and Greenhouse Effects. Fortunately, this has led to some realisation, and now the world has awaken for new beginnings about human responsibility towards nature.

Ecotourism in India

India, the land of varied geography offers several tourist destinations that not just de-stress but also rejuvenate you. There are several ways to enjoy Mother Nature in most pristine way. The few places like the Himalayan Region, Kerala, the northeast India, Andaman & Nicobar Islands and the Lakshdweep islands are some of the places where you can enjoy the treasured wealth of the Mother Nature. Thenmala in Kerala is the first planned ecotourism destination in India created to cater to the Eco-tourists and nature lovers.

The India topography boasts an abundant source of flora & fauna. India has numerous rare and

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endangered species in its surroundings. The declaration of several wildlife areas and national parks has encouraged the growth of the wildlife resource, which reduced due to the wildlife hunt by several kings in the past. Today, India has many wildlife sanctuaries and protection laws. Currently, there are about 80 national parks and 441 sanctuaries in India, which works for the protection and conservation of wildlife resource in India.

There are numerous Botanical and Zoological Gardens in India, which are working towards the enhancement of the Ecosystem. Poaching has stopped to large extent. There are severe punishments for poachers, hunters and illegal traders of animals and trees. Tree plantation are taking place in several places. There are several animal & plant rights organisation, who fight for the rights of the animals and plants. Numerous organisations and NGOs are coming forward to provide environmental education to the common people at the grass root level.

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Ecotourism can be best defined as a nature based tourism that involves education, interpretation of the natural environment and is managed to be ecologically sustainable. In order to explore the tourism potential of an area, thorough study needs to be conducted to assess tourism  supporting motivational activities, places and basic infrastructural facilities availability like roads, hospitals, and communication. The use of Remote Sensing and GIS has greatly helped in exploring diverse types of natural and cultural attractions to provide base for designing the travel industry for a responsible mass ecotourism.

Assessment, planning and declaration of Ecotourism potential sites is one of the thrust area where the Park has been actively engaged. Categorizing area, on the basis of their history, geographical location,

landscape beauty and indispensable tourist facility and public amenities forms the basis for declaring an area as a tourist potential zone. Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) have

played a vital role by providing customized maps, layouts and information services to the end user.

The North Eastern Region of India comprising eight states, including Sikkim, is a relatively unexplored and unique area, in terms of both geography and cultural diversity as it provides one with a glimpse of not just a ‘mini India’, but also of S.E Asia, all within a space of 265,000

The indigenous people belong to mainly the Mongoloid and Tibeto-Burman stock and have preserved their culture, language and way of life, even in the present century. The rich flora, fauna, diverse topography and ethnic groups have of late, started attracting domestic as well as foreign tourists into the region and recently, community-based tourism has gained importance.While community-based tourism has been used to describe a variety of activities that seek to positively link conservation with economic development, many of the issues involved in the development of a community-based tourist area are not clearly defined.

There are many concerns about managing negative impacts on local environments, while at the same time sufficiently involving local communities in the planning process to receive just benefits from tourism activities. This paper seeks to examine the potentiality of cultural and eco-tourism in the states of N.E India and the steps that need to be taken in order to make the above activity/industry into a sustainable one.

Kerala, of all the states in India, offers the maximum potential for the promotion of ecotourism. Miles and miles of endless serene beaches, tranquil stretches of emerald backwaters, pristine valleys and mountains, exotic species of rare flora and fauna, wild life sanctuaries and national parks, enchanting art forms, magical festivals and cultural monuments are all unique to Kerala and has given it the sobriquet of “Gods own country”. The national geographic traveler has labeled Kerala as one of the 10 paradises in the world. Kerala is thus ideally suited for the promotion of ecotourism and has already initiated several steps in this direction.

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Understanding the nature of eco tourism and the travelers who purchase eco tourism products is the first step in establishing an eco tourism business.

The ecotourism ethic requires adherence to stringent environmental standards. Ecotourism has been used by some operators as green marketing for soft adventure products, while giving little consideration to operating practices and impact on the environmental and local community. Operating in environmentally responsible manner requires additional planning and may increase start up cost. Environmental impact assessment may be required, depending upon the nature of business and its location.

Marketing an ecotourism products differ from that of conventional tourism product. The need of ecotourists are greater in the area of interpretation, variety and quality of experience, and group size. The ability to customize tour and access remote destinations are important factor.

Some market segment may be hard to reach. Wildlife viewers and other natural history enthusiasts are more fragmented and require a broader selection of advertising tools. Daily operations also present special difficulty.

Maintaining the highly trained and diverse workforce requires sound human resource management. The ecotourism product may need several operating seasons to generate a return to investors. This require careful consideration in budgeting, start-up costs, and selection of financing.


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There are many advantages and disadvantages of ecotourism. If done right, there are many more advantages of ecotourism than disadvantages. Unfortunately, ecotourism is still a new field of study and a new sub sector of the tourism industry. And, with most new found industries, many organizations, companies, and countries are taking advantage of it.

Also, a lot of people are still trying to understand exactly what ecotourism is and whether they could trust the brochures or information put out by various sources. The key problem is that so many people are taking advantage of the idea of ecotourism and others trying to do good for the environment.

ADVANTAGESEcotourism is an industry that stands to make a lot of money from tourists that are seeking environmentally friendly vacations or ecologically friendly activities. The money from ecotourism could be used to preserve nature, wildlife, species and earth's natural resources as well as help local people with access to civilization and education.

For example, if a country is prime for ecotourism, the money could be used to preserve the environment in that country so that the natural resources would last longer. Local residents could also benefit from the growth in their economy and no longer have to live poorly. This, however, usually does not happen in reality because the locals rarely benefit from the growth of their economy. The investors and foreign corporations do. And the environment and natural resources rarely get preserved because they are worth more in a theme park attracting ecotourists.


although the concept of ecotourism is a good one and can potentially help the environment, you need to decide if it is worth sacrificing all the natural resources to make room for tourists.

After all, it is impossible to stop people from putting profit first before the environment.

Agreeing on the definition of ecotourism Focusing on tourism to generate income or focusing on improving the environment negative impacts on local communities physical displacement of persons, gross violation of fundamental rights, and environmental

hazards illegally keeping endangered species in captivity to attract visitors money spent on public relation campaigns, rather than actual ecotourism less money spent on other projects that help the environment more damage to the environment disruption of ecological life systems various forms of pollution such as from more tour vehicles less rare species as they are widely hunted down and kept for show foreign investors and corporations benefit from ecotourism, not local communities locals are moved to make room for tourist parks, resorts, etc. exploitation of local communities and tribes



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Since ages, nature worship and the conservation ethics have been an inseparable part of Indian thought and traditions.

Traces go back to ancient civilizations of India, when people used to nurture the philosophy of the oneness of life. The Indian tradition has always taught that, humankind is a part of nature and one should look upon all creations with the eyes of love and respect.

Anurayee ecofarm was started in 2007 with the main objective of rebuilding man’s relationship with nature.Urban living has made man completely insensitive to his surroundings, people and environment. The mad quest for material ends and economic progress in India and abroad has been identified with the exploitation of nature in all its appearances.

Anurayee gives an opportunity to rebuild this relationship & sensitivity to the world around us.Nature has powers to heal in many different ways- mentally , emotionally and physically by turning one's focus inward.

We have been fortunate to have been one of the awardees for the Hirkani Award. Given by Doordarshan Sahyadri Vahini Feb -2009, for our efforts to bring nature & man together again.

Agrotourism and Ecotourism is a natural offshoot of the above concept. India’s topography boasts an abundant source of flora & fauna. Therefore the farm has organically grown vegetables, fruits and flowers.

Over two thousand trees have been planted to make sure the farm has enough of green cover. We build environmental and cultural awareness and respect.

Provide positive experiences for visitors and financial benefits and empowerment of local people. Raise sensitivity to the country’s political, environmental and social climate.

Anurayee is not just a tourist destination that de-stresses you, but will also rejuvenate you.


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1. A  Large open hall for activities and programs2. Amphitheatre3. Clean, self-contained cottages to stay4. Meditation centre5. Peaceful atmosphere in natural surroundings, waterfall, walking trail in the forest and along the


True joy of rural life The joy of lazing in a clean, gently flowing river, getting drenched under a waterfall,In nullahs

and ponds. Learn about organic farming. Understanding of fruit and flower trees and their peculiarities Enjoy the novelty of a bullock cart ride Varied program of rural leisure activities An introduction to spices and medicinal plants Get to see a nursery Enjoy hearty rural meals, both vegetarian and non-vegetarian An opportunity to actually dirty your hands and work on the farm under expert guidance Entertainment programs in the moonlight Plenty of outdoor activity like hiking, nature walks, swimming in the river Tour of an Adivasi village Arrangements can be made for leisure programs(dance,singing,drama) Personalized programs arranged as per your specific requirements

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Agro Tourism

The concept of agro tourism is direct expansion of ecotourism, which encourages visitors to experience agricultural life at first hand. Visitors have the opportunity to work in the fields alongside real farmers.

Eco-Tourism activities:

Farm Tours Tractor /Bullock Cart rides Farm visits Bird Watching Varied programme  of rural leisure activities An introduction to spices and medicinal plants Get to see a nursery and green house Tour of the Adivasi Village Star Gazing

Build environmental and cultural awareness and respect.

Provide positive experiences for both visitors and hosts.

Provide direct financial benefits for conservation.

Provide financial benefits and empowerment for local people.

Raise sensitivity to host countries' political, environmental and social climate.

Support international human rights and labor agreements.

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AOA offers you an opportunity to help the overall development of your child through an integrated programme of exciting outdoor activities and appropriate personality development programmes. Here is an opportunity of participating in non-traditional activities in a rural setting to help your child develop self confidence. This programme will be conducted in a rural setting amidst sylvan surroundings in the vicinity of mountains, forests and an ever flowing river, away from the noise and pollution of city life

Anurayee has tied up with Adventure Extreme to provide you with the best trained and qualified instructors with years of experience in mountain climbing, trekking in the wild, and generally helping your child to begin to appreciate and enjoy the untamed nature. The team of instructors will be led by Rajesh Kateshiya (M.Phil., M.P.Ed), Sports Director, S.K.Somaiya College. Your child’s safety is paramount.The planned programme will enhance the child’s capability through a ‘learning by doing programme’. Your child will learn while he is having fun and even without realizing that he is part of a learning experience. All the planned activities are designed to create in your child a positive attitude to life, perseverance in the face of odds, will power to overcome tough situations, with the net result that you will see a noticeable difference in the confidence level of your child and a ‘can do’ attitude after he has enjoyed the outdoors with us.

This programme will help the child discover dormant talents and skills, improve team building capabilities and inculcate leadership qualities.

As part of this programme we offer you the following:

Tent fitting Night march Commando bridge Ladder climbing River crossing Valley crossing Net climbing Obstacle course Mountain trekking (Mahuli mountain) Rifle shooting Self defence Fire fighting Outdoor cooking Camp fire Fun and games Yoga Personality development Protein enriched meals as prescribed by a nutritionist

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ANURAYEE OFFER’S THEIR GUESTS Amphitheatre which is situated near lush green lawns & scenic waterfall…and has a capacity of accommodating 200-300 Guest at a time…

Come celebrate your Memorable Moments with us

Wedding / Marriage Functions Anniversary Celebrations Birthday Parties Sangeet Programmes Musical Concerts Family Picnics Arrangements done for Leisure programs like dance,

Sangeet & drama

For the above programs we have following facilities available:

• Amphitheatre with Stage

• FloralDecoration

• Micro Phone & Music

• Digital Photography & Video Shooting

Anurayee is an ideal place for Meditation & Yoga Camps…Experts can be arranged

You get to see Nursery – “How lush and lusty the grass looks! How green!”

Enjoy Making Cord marked Pottery - One of the hallmarks of early village life around the world.

Nearby attractions:

Manas Mandir (Jain temple) / Mahuli Hills for trekking / Bhatsa river / Shiv Mandir / Aja Hill (Valmiki ashram) / Dams


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As an eco-tourist, travel, respecting local culture and traditions and encouraging local pride---local cuisine, folk songs and dance, traditional dresses, local etiquette, local architecture. There is a science (gharat) and art (colour) in everything. Be friendly, inquisitive and patient. Respect holy places.

Understand that leakage of economic benefits outside the community due to non-local ownership of tourism business is bad. Give a fair price to rural produce by buying local. Indigenously crafted or value added products provide the right livelihood to the locals and use up less natural resources.

Think eco-systems---Be conservation conscious. Support friendly resource usage—water through rain water harvesting, use of non-conventional energy; if electricity is unavailable, use energy-efficient kerosene stoves.

. Respect carrying capacity of the physical environment and the resources, knowing that overcrowding leads to a lessening of the tranquility and simplicity of life that attracts you in the first place.

Make positive contributions to the conservation of natural and cultural heritage, maintain local harmony.

Keep local water sources clean and avoid using chemical detergents in streams or springs. Conservation of water is vital, especially drinking water. Water from Kitchen waste or rain-water through regular harvesting be used for sanitation and use, where quality of water required is not very high. Water source should not be contaminated in any way.

Firewood is scarce and should be used carefully, whether for heating water (hamam) or for bonfire or for fire-places provided. Avoid making open fires and discourage others from doing so. There should be no carelessness with reference to fire.

Check vehicle travel to reduce for polluting gases/smoke. Pooling for travel is cheaper and lesser polluting. Use bicycles/horses/ponies and wherever possible walk---healthy, non-polluting—stand and stare—there is so much to absorb—the mountain terrain is awesome, serene and educative.

It is illegal to carry fire-arms/nets or any explosives. Do not also carry polythenes or other prohibited plastics.

While taking photographs or shooting with your video-camera (for which there is a prescribed fee) you are encouraged not to disturb the subject you want to capture in any way. Do not use flashes, particularly close up, as this can disturb and annoy wild animals and nesting birds.

Strictly follow the guidelines for personal safety and security taking required precautions.

Wear comfortable clothes with inconspicuous colours like khaki, olive green or grey so as not to disturb environs with bright and gaudy colours. Use good quality trekking shoes—some are rain-proof too. Use hats/caps during hot days and rain gear during rains and jackets/wind-cheaters during cold. Travel light in terms of baggage. Back packers only carry essentials—food, medicines, camera.

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People from around the worl visit India and its natural reserves, the mountains and plains. The more the

human interference, more is the balance of nature disrupted. To curb this over exposure of nature, a new

branch of tourism came into existence called Eco-tourism.

The eco tourism fever has caught up in India recently but it has picked up pace very quickly. India

specifically was in dire need of this sort of tourism owing to the number of tourists it has started

attracting from the world over. When so many tourists visit nature rich destination, they are bound to be

polluted. And when the influx of humans is rapid, the environmental conditions do deteriorate. To bring

back the balance, it is very important to spread awareness which can be done easily through program

like eco tourism.

Hence the country has tried leveraging its natural assets like the Himalayas in the north and east, the

wildlife spread all across the nations, the rich green of down south and a massive forest cover.

In India eco tourism only can go uphill. Stats suggest that each year the revenue grow by 7.7%. In past

there already have been many a successful attempts in promoting eco tourism. Even now the future of

eco tourism is bright as famous projects like Jim Corbett National Park, Ranthambore, Gir Lion Park,

houseboat cruises in Kerala etc that were started a few years back are running successfully.

If you look at these places closely you realize that eco tourism already existed in the minds of people

even before the concept was devised. However the term eco tourism is western which sort of provides a

fancy packaging to an already existing service.

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Tourism has proved to be an engine of growth in many economies in the world. Tourism has proved to have negative impacts as well as the positive ones. It is criticized for contaminating indigenous culture. Due to heavy tourist traffic in some areas, the cultural and environmental assets of the community are under threat. Although this phenomenon is not widespread in India, there is a need to take note of the possible negative influences of tourism so that timely preservation action can be taken and irreparable loss avoided.

The movement towards ecotourism is at once a threat and an opportunity to create more sustainable tourism: by diverting tourist traffic to ensure the carrying capacity of any destination is not exceeded; by planning for regeneration of natural resources; and by generating awareness in the host community whereby they are prepared and forearmed to deal with the negative impact of mass tourism.

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1. Why the concept of green tourism was adopted by your organization? And how it is different than normal tourism?

2. What is the location you take your tourist for ecotourism?

3. What are the activities you engaged in, at this particular destination?

4. Why do people come over here? What are the benefits the get? What they learn?

5. Are there any international/national regulations governing ecotourism?

6. Who are your clients? Do you have any collaboration with corporate, school, travel tourist?

7. Do you have any fixed departure trips?

8. What do you teach you tourist during tour?