eChimes for July 1 & 8

FPC connects The Chimes Newsletter of First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta nline SUNDAY SCHEDULE JULY 1 & 8, 2012 CHRIST AT THE CENTER SUNDAY, JULY 1 INDEPENDENCE DAY SUNDAY • Prayer breakfast for Homeless persons - 6:30 am, Fifield Hall • Communion Service - 8:15 am, Winship Chapel • The Mustard Seed Bookstore - 9:00 am - 12:00 pm • Star-Spangled Celebration - 9:00 am, Fifield • Sunday School for all ages - 9:00 am • Worship Service - 10:15 am, Sanctuary • Popsicle Playground Fellowship - 11:15 am, Playground SUNDAY, JULY 8 • Prayer breakfast for Homeless persons - 6:30 am, Fifield Hall • Communion Service - 8:15 am, Winship Chapel • Sunday School for all ages - 9:00 am • Worship Service - 10:15 am, Sanctuary • Fellowship Hour - 11:15 pm, Fifield Hall P July 1 - Charles Black to preach salm 130 is perhaps one of my favorite. I often find myself crying out to God as the psalmist did. I like the psalmist want God to hear my cry. First of all, the psalm grants me permission to cry out to God. It is so unlike the culture that surrounds you and me. To “cry out” is often considered a weakness and who wants to be considered a ‘weak person.’ I remember the first song that I ever learned in Sunday school, Yes Jesus Love Me, and the words, I am weak but He is strong. The only way that we can approach God is through our weakness. Secondly, the psalm allows me to hear the cries of others as it confirms God’s love for you, me and the whole world. There is plenteous redemption with God. If God kept score, ‘who could stand’? God’s call to each of us is to love him and our neighbor as ourselves and not to defend Him. As I study the scripture lessons designated for July 1st, depicting the nameless woman with the issue of blood and Jarius’ daughter (Mark 5:21-43), I discovered two individuals who fell at the feet of Jesus from different stations in life seeking his presence and power. Neither the nameless woman nor Jarius allow fear to keep them from coming to Jesus, in spite of being told ‘do not trouble the teacher.’ Have you heard the cries of others? I believe the prayer of the psalmist invites each of us to pray for our families, nation, civic, ecclesiastical and world leaders as we celebrate our 236 birthday on July 4th, to be that beacon of hope in the nation and world. Peace of God be with you! Charles D. Black ack in the spring of 1983 Jim Laney, who was then president of Emory University, gave the baccalaureate address to the graduating class, which included his own daughter Susan. One of you gave me this address a few years ago and I keep coming back to it. In his talk, Laney spoke not of the great future and success that was ahead for these well-educated young people. Instead, he spoke of our human vulnerability. He encouraged the graduates not to avoid this “basic condition,” but to embrace it, saying that our human vulnerability is really “the great theme of the Bible” and the way to a compassionate life. It was an extraordinary speech. And I think Jim Laney got it right. And yet we fight it, don’t we? We would much rather feel strong and project an image of self-sufficiency, than admit our frailties, our weakness and our need for help and for strength beyond ourselves. The apostle Paul knew this struggle well. In his second letter to the Corinthians he speaks of having a “thorn in the flesh” that he asked the Lord three times to remove. But the response he received was simply “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” And he concluded, “when I am weak, then I am strong.” (2nd Corinthians 12: 8-10). What about you? Could it be that the “weakness” or vulnerability you are feeling is actually an avenue for God’s grace and power? I hope you will come to worship this Sunday. The sermon title is “The Strength of Weakness.” Faithfully, Craig July 8 - Craig Goodrich to preach B


eChimes newsletter for July 1 & 8

Transcript of eChimes for July 1 & 8

Page 1: eChimes for July 1 & 8

FPC connects

The ChimesN e w s l e t t e r o f F i r s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h o f A t l a n t a



July 1 & 8, 2012 Christ at the Center

Sunday, July 1 Independence day Sunday

• Prayer breakfast for Homeless persons - 6:30 am, Fifield Hall

• Communion Service - 8:15 am, Winship Chapel

• The Mustard Seed Bookstore - 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

• Star-Spangled Celebration - 9:00 am, Fifield

• Sunday School for all ages - 9:00 am

• Worship Service - 10:15 am, Sanctuary

• Popsicle Playground Fellowship - 11:15 am, Playground

Sunday, July 8• Prayer breakfast for Homeless

persons - 6:30 am, Fifield Hall

• Communion Service - 8:15 am, Winship Chapel

• Sunday School for all ages - 9:00 am

• Worship Service - 10:15 am, Sanctuary

• Fellowship Hour - 11:15 pm, Fifield Hall


July 1 - Charles Black to preach

s a l m 1 3 0 i s perhaps one of

my favorite. I often find myself crying out to God as the psalmist did. I like the psalmist want God to hear my cry. First of all, the psalm grants me permission to cry out to God. It is so unlike the culture

that surrounds you and me. To “cry out” is often considered a weakness and who wants to be considered a ‘weak person.’ I remember the first song that I ever learned in Sunday school, Yes Jesus love Me, and the words, I am weak but he is strong. The only way that we can approach God is through our weakness. Secondly, the psalm allows me to hear the cries of others as it confirms God’s love for you, me and the whole world. There is plenteous redemption with God. If God kept score, ‘who could stand’? God’s call to each of us is to love him and our neighbor as ourselves and not to defend him. As I study the scripture lessons designated for July 1st, depicting the nameless woman with the issue of blood and Jarius’ daughter (Mark 5:21-43), I discovered two individuals who fell at the feet of Jesus from different stations in life seeking his presence and power. Neither the nameless woman nor Jarius allow fear to keep them from coming to Jesus, in spite of being told ‘do not trouble the teacher.’ have you heard the cries of others? I believe the prayer of the psalmist invites each of us to pray for our families, nation, civic, ecclesiastical and world leaders as we celebrate our 236 birthday on July 4th, to be that beacon of hope in the nation and world.

Peace of God be with you!

charles D. Black

ack in the spring o f 1 9 8 3 J i m

laney, who was then president of emory University, gave the baccalaureate address to the graduating class, which included his own daughter Susan. One of you gave me this address a few years ago and I

keep coming back to it. In his talk, laney spoke not of the great future and success that was ahead for these well-educated young people. Instead, he spoke of our human vulnerability. he encouraged the graduates not to avoid this “basic condition,” but to embrace it, saying that our human vulnerability is really “the great theme of the Bible” and the way to a compassionate life. It was an extraordinary speech. And I think Jim laney got it right. And yet we fight it, don’t we? We would much rather feel strong and project an image of self-sufficiency, than admit our frailties, our weakness and our need for help and for strength beyond ourselves. The apostle Paul knew this struggle well. In his second letter to the corinthians he speaks of having a “thorn in the flesh” that he asked the Lord three times to remove. But the response he received was simply “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” And he concluded, “when I am weak, then I am strong.” (2nd corinthians 12: 8-10). What about you? Could it be that the “weakness” or vulnerability you are feeling is actually an avenue for God’s grace and power? I hope you will come to worship this Sunday. The sermon title is “The Strength of Weakness.” Faithfully,


July 8 - Craig Goodrich to preach


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J u l y 1 & 82

Care, Growth & events

Pastoral Care Report(As of June 20, 2012)

Hospitalized: Cherri Mathena

Recuperating: Marty Wallace, Betty Downing

Births: Congratulations and many blessings to: Susie (Henson)

and Taylor Marshall following the birth of Laura Catherine Marshall

on June 5th; proud family includes grandmother Cathy Henson and

great-grandmother, Cecile Stockhausen.

Deaths: We extend our deepest sympathy and lift up in prayer: Jim

& Cynthia Brown & family following the death of Cynthia’s father,

F. Woodson Briscoe, on June 5th; Betty Young, and the Young,

Fugitt and Nunnally families, following the death of Betty’s sister,

Edith Fugitt Nunnally, on June 16th; the family and friends of our

long-time member, Grace Goldsmith Cox, who died June 17th.

Prayers for THose IN MILITary serVICe

This is a list of known servicemen/women in our Church family.

To add names, please call 404.228.7719.

Pray for:PVT Forrest “Woody” Bass

Chaplain Capt. Jamison Bowman ABE3 Gregory Bridges

Sgt. Isaiah Bridges Lt. Col. Bradford W. Cousar

LCPL Austin W.P. Eskew Staff Sgt. Kevin Lee

Captain Alexandria Victoria Miller Captain John Warren Robey

Captain Gabriel Rulewicz Ensign David B. Sibley USN

Commander Ryan Tewell Col. Roderick G. Turner III

are YoU traveLInG

thIs sUMMer? or

Sundays 9:00 a.m. & 11:15 a.m. 10:15 a.m. this summer

Don’t forget to take us along.

Worship with us live from any place in the world.


Wednesdays, June 6 thru August 2912:30 – 1:30 pm

Room 156

Lunch provided ($6). Come anytime.

The Gospel According to LUKE Led by Kevin Knab

For more information, call Pam Parrishat (404) 228-7737

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J u l y 1 & 83

ProGraMs & events

LOGOS Arts Camp! in partnership with Eastminster Presbyterian

July 30th - August 2nd, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Join us for a week of fun, fellowship and artistic exploration! During the week campers will participate in music, drama, visual arts, movement, recreation and learning a different Bible story each day. Cost: $135 per child (includes camp t-shirt!) Each child must bring their own lunch and snack in clearly labeled containers. Volunteers? Could you volunteer one day of camp to help in a specific area? Registration available online NOW! Visit or email Lauren at [email protected] to reserve a spot.




November 14 - An Evening with Tom Key

An exciting way to begin the holiday season with readings from The Thanks-giving Visitor and A Christmas Memory by one of Atlanta’s premier actors.

February 3 - Preachers and Leaders

An opportunity to view a portion of Donna and Jim Philips’ Collection of Photography and hear first-hand stories of the collection with an emphasis on leaders of the Civil Rights era.

April - Tour of the WareHOUSE

This evening will offer a glimpse into Sue and John Wieland’s collection of Contemporary Art in their new wareHOUSE gallery.




9:00 - 10:00 am in the Sanctuary“New Series” presented by Bill Lyons,

The Archives Committee

Sunday, July 8First ten years 1848-1858,

Sabbath Sunday School to Marietta StreetHow to view the History Windows

First three Tiffany windows

Sunday, July 15Marietta St. 1858-1898, the move 1898-1914

Healing the relationship with Central50th Anniversary 1898 with

Central & First BaptistOther three Tiffany windows

Sunday, September 2Moving 1914 and 1915

First service 5 Dec 1915, Dedication 1919More windows

Follow in Jesus’ footsteps and discover him anew as we explore Jordan, the Sea of Galilee, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Jerusalem and much more. Led by Rev. Lindsay Armstrong, Rev. Craig Goodrich and Professor Max Miller of Emory University. First come, first serve registration for up to 20 adults.

Deposit required to reserve space. For more information or if interested, please contact Craig Goodrich at [email protected] or (404) 228-7714 or Lindsay Armstrong at [email protected] or (404) 228-7713.


FebruAry 15 – MArch 2, 2013


Sponsored by the FPC Stembler Ministry, Chair Florida Ellis.

ApproximAte Cost: $5550 pArtiAl sCholArships AvAilAble.

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The Chimes

J u l y 1 & 8

Register Online for the School of Fine

Arts Summer Camps!

Join us this summer for special summer activities in Art, Music, Dance and Acting and more!

There will be sessions available throughout the summer for ages 3-6. There will be “after

camps” from 1-2pm in July, as well as two 9am-1pm sessions at the end of July and begin-

ning of August. See our web-site for more information.

New this summer! Youth Sum-

mer Theatre Workshops for ages 10-16. Come learn the

art of improvised comedy with professional comedians Debra Cole and Kenny Johnson. These

two week sessions are from 9:30am-4pm weekdays July 16-27. They will focus on acting, character development, stand-

up comedy and sketch comedy writing.

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t h e s c h o o L o F F i n e

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Summer FellowShip F P C E V E N T S 2 0 1 2

J u N E

Sunday, June 3 - After Worship Sundae SundayFPC Preschool playgroundContact: Katharine Hamer - 404-228-7712 Thursday, June 14 Screwtape Letters at the Alliance Theater Contact: Lindsay Armstrong - 404-228-7713

Friday, June 15 - 7:30 a.m.Men’s Breakfast – Fathers and Sons Contact: Craig Goodrich - 404-228-7714 Thursday, June 28 Men’s Night at the Braves GameContact: Kevin Knab - 404-228-7763

Sunday, July 1 - After WorshipPopsicle SundayFPC Preschool playgroundContact: Katharine Hamer - 404-228-7712 Monday, July 2 - 9:30 a.m. A taste of Zumba Room 230 Contact: Rose Emily Bermudez404-228-7723 Monday, July 9 - 9:30 a.m. A taste of Zumba Room 230 Contact: Rose Emily Bermudez404-228-7723

July continuedMonday, July 16 - 9:30 a.m. A taste of Zumba Room 230 Contact: Rose Emily Bermudez404-228-7723

Thursday, July 19 - BowlingContact: Margaret Evans - 404-228-7739

Saturday, August 4Whitewater Rafting TripContact: Lindsay Armstrong -404-228-7713

Sunday, August 14 After Worship Ice Cream Sunday FPC Preschool playgroundContact: Katharine Hamer - 404-228-7712 Sunday, August 26 - 4:00 p.m. Old Fashioned Potluck Picnic Location TBD Contact: Donna Tabaka - 404-228-7765

J u L Y

A u G u S T

CheCk out what’S going on thiS Summer

Summer at FPC is a great time for fellowship.

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A six week Summer Bible Studyled by Joel Moore Wednesdays:June 13 & 20July 11, 18 & 25August 1 6:30 pm, Room 156Appetizers served.Go out for dinner afterwards.

FEARLESS:Imagine Your Life Without Fear

By Max Lucado

Interested? Please sign up by calling Dottie Hitchcock

at (404) 228-7709.

We are Spiritual beings having a very Human experience... Everyday stress can easily rob us of our peace and joy. Join us as we learn to relax, balance, focus and enter into a deeper connection with God.

Meditation ClassThursdays, 6:30 - 8:00 pm

at the home of Dottie Hitchcock.

Beginners and pros areall welcome.

To sign-up & directionscall 404.228.7709.

Join the summer Choir!

Would you like to sing with the chancel choir this summer?

We would love to have you join us. Rehearsals are Sunday mornings at 9am in the 2nd floor Chancel Choir Rehearsal Room. Please

email Will Breytspraak if you are interested! [email protected]

Save the Date!Attention RISING 5th GRADERS!

Kick off the year with a lock-in @ First6:00 PM, Saturday August 25 - Sunday August

26(we will worship together at 10:15)

Cost: $10

n late April, I sent a letter to the congregation explaining that we were facing a shortfall and ask-ing for your help. As always, you responded

generously, and thanks to your gifts, we have now surpassed $3.7 million in pledges. Thank you! Our work is not finished. To balance the budget, the Session approved spending reductions of $148,500 and included a challenge of an $50,000 in additional gifts. Together with God’s help, we have done more than we could IMAGINE, and there is much to be done. Thanks be to God for what we have been given as we look to the future and what we hope to do together! Tom Shields, Chair Stewardship Council


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nUrserY/PresChooL & eLeMentarY YoUth

JULY 1, 2012 PATH SUNDAY – We need youth to take up offering at the 10:15 AM Worship Service on July 1! Please email Allison or Bradley to sign up.

STONE MOUNTAIN DAY – Sunday, July 1 all youth are invited to join us for a fun day at Stone Mountain Park. Bring money for lunch and all the activities at Stone Mountain! We will ride the tram to the top and hike down the mountain, do the NEW Geyser Tower, see the 4-D Movie and stay late for the Laser Show. Cost is $40.00 for Park entrance, lunch and dinner. Must email Allison or Bradley to sign up. We will leave church around 12 after SS and return about 10:30 PM.


We will leave on Sunday morning at 8 AM to drive to Orlando, Florida for our Combined Youth Mission Trip. Please pray for us as we travel, work and play in Orlan-do. We will return on Saturday, July 14 around 5 PM.

JULY 15, 2012 BRAVES GAME AND LUNCH All Youth are invited to join us for a fun day at the Braves Game. We will depart church after “Faith in Films” and return about 5:00 PM. Bring money for the game and lunch! Don’t miss out on this chance to catch up with FPC Friends during the Summer.

JULY 21-28, 2012 YOUTH FAMILY MISSION TRIP TO ROATAN, HONDURAS We are very excited about our Honduras Mis-sion Trip. Again, this year we will combine our

efforts with our Honduran friends and build a home in the Colonia District. This year we have 24 youth and family

members going. Please pray for a safe journey and lots of good work and great spiritual growth and fellowship.

JULY 29, 2012 SIX FLAGS DAY! All youth are invited to join us after “Faith in Films” to go to Six Flags. We will depart church about noon and return about 8:00 PM. Watch Chimes and Youth Email for details!


Don’t miss outon SummerElementary

Sunday Schoolin the Temple

at 9:00 am!

See you there!Contact

Lauren withany


Learn about



Join us for Popsicles on the Playground Sunday July 1st following worship!

ELEmEntarY SUmmEr SUndaY SchooL! ALL 1ST - 5TH GRADERS join us in the Temple every Sunday to study HEROES!

ELEmEntarY FrozEn YogUrt gathEring Wednesday July 11th at 3pm ~ email Lauren for details!

LogoS artS camp! SAVE THE DATE July 30th - August 2nd, 9am - 1pm.Register online:

Sr. High Youth worked hard

in Joplin, MO!

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The Chimes

J u l y 1 & 8

adULt sUndaY sChooL




A Star Spangled Sunday SchoolFife and Drum, Patriotic Music

Prayers for our Country

Exploration of the painting “Washington Crossing the Delaware”

by SCAD Professor Dr. Anne Leader

July 19:00 – 10:00 am, Fifield Hall;

Breakfast will be served

History of our Congregation andStories Behind FPC’s Stained Glass

A new series by Bill LyonsThe Archives Committee

July 8 & 15 and Sept. 29:00 – 10:00 am, The Sanctuary

The Internationals Class9:00 – 10:00 am, Room 327

July 1America’s Independence: How It Came to Be

Led by Bob Kyle

July 8Reflections on FPC’s Interfaith Trip to Cuba

Led by Larry Galindo and other participants

2012 Presbyterian Women’s Bible Study Training

Dispatches to God's Household:

The General EpistlesInstructor:

Nancy Benson-Nicol

8/6/12 - 8/8/12 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

9:00 AM - 3:00 PMor

8/10/12 - 8/11/12Friday, 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM and Saturday,

8:30 AM - 3:00 PM

Location:Columbia Theological Seminary

Harrington Center

For additional information and to registerplease contact: Carla Ferrell,

404-228-3825 or [email protected]

A Star Spangled Sunday SchoolFife and Drum, Patriotic Music

Coordinated byMeg Granum

Poetry and Prayers for our Country

Exploration of the painting “Washington Crossing the Delaware”

Led by SCAD Professor Dr. Anne Leader

July 19:00 – 10:00 am, Fifield Hall

Breakfast will be served

Washington Crossing the Delaware by Emanuel Leutze, 1851

Page 8: eChimes for July 1 & 8

The ChimesBi-weekly Newsletter of


1328 Peachtree Street, NeAtlanta, GA 30309-3209

hOW tO COntACt uSPhone/404-892-8461

Fax/404-228-7760e-mail: [email protected]


WORShIP Sunday communion Service - 8:30 am

Sunday Worship Services -9:00 am & 11:15 am

Sunday School 10:05 am

WeeKLy BROADCAStSSundays live at 9:00 am & 11:15 am

On demand anytime

AIB cable Network (comcast channel 5; Smyrna channel 22)

Wednesdays at 8:00 p.m.

Music for July 1

Music for July 8

The Mustard Seed

The Mustard Seed is closed July 8 through August 14 for inventory and restocking. Have a wonderful summer.SundayS 9-12 (through July 1)(404) [email protected]

Prelude Concerto in C Major, BWV 595 J.S. Bach

Anthem Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child - Darian Clonts, Soloist

Offertory Come Sunday - Duke Ellington

Kate Breytspraak, Soloist

Ben Resp Cooper “The peace of God be with you every day until we meet again.”

Postlude Fantasia on “St. Anne” Alfred V. Fedak

Prelude Variations on America – Max Reger

Anthem Battle Hymn of the Republic

Ben Resp His Truth Is Marching On

Postlude Toccata on The Star Spangled Banner – Sue Mitchell-Wallace

N e w O r l e a N s M i s s i O N T r i pOCTOBER 14-20, 2012

Contact Dick Leslie or Rose Emily Bermudez for details! 404 373-9535 • [email protected]

404-228-7723 • [email protected]