eChimes for March 4 & 11

FPC connects The Chimes Newsletter of First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta SUNDAY SCHEDULE SUNDAY, MARCH 4 SECOND SUNDAY IN LENT • Prayer breakfast for Homeless persons - 6:30 am, Fifield Hall • Communion Service - 8:15 am, Winship Chapel • The Mustard Seed Bookstore - Open 9:00 - 1:00 • Worship Service - 9:00 am, Sanctuary • Sunday School for All Ages - 10:05 am • Fellowship Hour - 11:00 am • Worship Service - 11:15 am, Sanctuary • Fellowship Hour - 12:15 pm, Reception Room • Five @ First Worship - 5:00 pm Reception Room • Officer Training - 5:00 pm • Partnership Bible Study - 5:30 pm SUNDAY, MARCH 11 THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT • Prayer breakfast for Homeless persons - 6:30 am, Fifield Hall • Communion Service - 8:15 am, Winship Chapel • The Mustard Seed Bookstore - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm • Worship Service - 9:00 am, Sanctuary • Sunday School for All Ages - 10:05 am • Fellowship Hour - 11:00 am • Worship Service - 11:15 am, Sanctuary • Fellowship Hour - 12:15 pm, Reception Room • Five @ First Worship - 5:00 pm Reception Room • Officer Training - 5:00 pm • Partnership Bible Study - 5:30 pm MARCH 4 & 11, 2012 CHRIST AT THE CENTER Dear Everybody, As I write these two Lenten worship reflections for March 4 and 11, our FPC group of 24 Holy Land Pilgrims is in Israel. We have seen these Biblical places with our own eyes, heard the words of scripture with open ears, and it is truly inspiring to walk where Jesus and His first disciples once were two thousand years ago! Our text for Sunday, March 4 takes us to the Judean desert where Jesus was tempted by Satan in the wilderness. The Rembrandt drawing for our sermon series depicts Jesus and the devil during “the time of testing”, and in each of the three temptations, Jesus quotes scripture to overcome the forces of evil. So may the words of the Bible strengthen us during our Lenten journey, as we “Seek The Face of Jesus” and a closer walk with the Lord. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday at 9 or 11:15am in the sanctuary! The Sea of Galilee is a large lake in northern Israel, prone to sudden storms because of cross-current winds. Our FPC group of Holy Land Pilgrims was out in a boat three days ago and we actually experienced some of that turbulent weather...but not as severe as what Jesus and His disciples faced as their boat almost capsized! Jesus was able to calm their fears and renew their faith, until the storm finally ceased. So it still is today, as His Holy Spirit ministers to us and through us, saying “Do not be afraid - I am with you every step of the way!” My hope and prayer for each of us is to take hold of that promise by faith as we follow wherever the Lord leads us. And looking at the Rembrandt painting, let’s resolve to all stay in the boat together with Jesus! That’s the focus of our sermon this Sunday, entitled “A Storm At Sea”. See you in church! Faithfully Yours, George B. Wirth March 20 & 27 - George Wirth to preach MARCH 4, “Seeking the Face of Jesus Tempation in the Wilderness” (Luke 4:1-13) MARCH 11, “Seeking the Face of Jesus A Storm at Sea” (Luke 8:22-25)


eChimes newsletter for March 4 & 11

Transcript of eChimes for March 4 & 11

Page 1: eChimes for March 4 & 11

FPC connects

The ChimesN e w s l e t t e r o f F i r s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h o f A t l a n t a


Sunday, March 4

Second Sunday in Lent • Prayer breakfast for Homeless

persons - 6:30 am, Fifield Hall

• Communion Service - 8:15 am, Winship Chapel

• The Mustard Seed Bookstore - Open 9:00 - 1:00

• Worship Service - 9:00 am, Sanctuary

• Sunday School for All Ages - 10:05 am

• Fellowship Hour - 11:00 am

• Worship Service - 11:15 am, Sanctuary

• Fellowship Hour - 12:15 pm, Reception Room

• Five @ First Worship - 5:00 pm Reception Room

• Officer Training - 5:00 pm

• Partnership Bible Study - 5:30 pm

Sunday, March 11

third Sunday in Lent • Prayer breakfast for Homeless

persons - 6:30 am, Fifield Hall

• Communion Service - 8:15 am, Winship Chapel

• The Mustard Seed Bookstore - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

• Worship Service - 9:00 am, Sanctuary

• Sunday School for All Ages - 10:05 am

• Fellowship Hour - 11:00 am

• Worship Service - 11:15 am, Sanctuary

• Fellowship Hour - 12:15 pm, Reception Room

• Five @ First Worship - 5:00 pm Reception Room

• Officer Training - 5:00 pm

• Partnership Bible Study - 5:30 pm

March 4 & 11, 2012christ at the center

Dear everybody,

As I write these two l e n t e n w o r s h i p

reflections for March 4 and 11, our FPc group of 24 holy land Pilgrims is in Israel. We have seen these Biblical places with our own eyes, heard the words of scripture with open ears, and it is truly inspiring to walk where Jesus and His first disciples once were two thousand years ago! Our text for Sunday, March 4 takes us to the Judean desert where Jesus was tempted by Satan in the wilderness. The Rembrandt drawing for our sermon series depicts Jesus and the devil during “the time of testing”, and in each of the three temptations, Jesus quotes scripture to overcome the forces of evil. So may the words of the Bible strengthen us during our lenten journey, as we “Seek The Face of Jesus” and a closer walk with the lord. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday at 9 or 11:15am in the sanctuary!

The Sea of Galilee is a large lake in northern Israel, prone to sudden storms because of cross-current winds. Our FPc group of holy land Pilgrims was out in a boat three days ago and we actually experienced some of that turbulent weather...but not as severe as what Jesus and his disciples faced as their boat almost capsized! Jesus was able to calmtheir fears and renew their faith, until the storm finally ceased. So it still is today, as his holy Spirit ministers to us and through us, saying “Do not be afraid - I am with you every step of the way!” My hope and prayer for each of us is to take hold of that promise by faith as we follow wherever the lord leads us. And looking at the Rembrandt painting, let’s resolve to all stay in the boat together withJesus! That’s the focus of our sermon this Sunday, entitled “A Storm At Sea”. See you in church! Faithfully Yours,

George B. Wirth

March 20 & 27 - George Wirth to preach

March 4, “Seeking the Face of Jesus Tempation in the Wilderness”(Luke 4:1-13)

March 11, “Seeking the Face of Jesus A Storm at Sea”(Luke 8:22-25)

Page 2: eChimes for March 4 & 11

The chimes

M a r c h 4 & 1 12

Care, Growth & events

Pastoral Care Report(As of February 21, 2012)

Hospitalized: Al Griffin

Hospice Care:

Recuperating: Elizabeth Izard, Lindsay Hughes

Births: Congratulations and many blessings to Michael and Amy Crawford following the February 16th birth of Mary Greer Elizabeth Crawford; big brothers are Clark and Price.

Deaths: We extend our deepest sympathy and lift up in prayer: Iris Eskew & family following the death of her husband, our long-time member, Robert E. (Bob) Eskew, on February 11th; Rebekah & Joel Le Mon and family following the death of Rebekah’s uncle, Isaac Sher-rill Parker, on February 12th; the family and friends of our member, Samuel Noble Roberts, on February 15th; the family and friends of our member, Samuel Noble Roberts, who died February 15th.

Prayers for THose IN MILITary serVICe

This is a list of known servicemen/women in our Church family.

To add names, please call 404.228.7719.

Pray for:Forrest “Woody” Bass

Chaplain Capt. Jamison Bowman ABE3 Gregory Bridges

Sgt. Isaiah Bridges Lt. Col. Bradford W. Cousar

LCPL Austin W.P. Eskew First Airman Kevin Lee

Captain Alexandria Victoria Miller Captain John Warren Robey

Captain Gabriel Rulewicz Ensign David B. Sibley USN

Commander Ryan Tewell Col. Roderick G. Turner III

Sundays, February 26 – April 8

10:05 - 11:00 amFifield Hall

EYEWITNESSES IN JERUSALEMThe Trial of Jesus in Context

Attorney, teacher, and Trinity Presbyterian Church elder, Mac Irvin, will explore the events and the setting of Jesus’ final week through the viewpoints of men and women who played roles in the narrative leading to the Cross. The class will focus on their char-acters as evidenced in scripture, history, art, music, and literature.

March 4

The Galilean Encounters Jerusalem:the Final Week in Context

March 11An Arresting Story of Simon Peter

& Judas Iscariot

March 15The Trials before the Jerusalem Leaders

and Pontius Pilate

March 25The Roman Centurion & the Marys: Improbable Witnesses at the Cross

Room 21810:05 - 11:00 AMAll are Welcome

Adult Sunday School

FOOD DRIVEFebruary 26 - April 1

Demand is high and supplies are low.Please give as you are able.

Items most needed:bTunab Canned Fruit or VegetablesbHearty Soupsb Peanut Butterb Canned Pasta Sauceb Breakfast Cereal

Drop-Off locations: Marked Bins@FPC and in your Sunday School classroom.

Your gifts feed hungry people through FPC’s Venable Food Pantry.

Page 3: eChimes for March 4 & 11

The Chimes

M a r c h 4 & 1 13

ProGrams & events

W E D N E S D a Y @ F I r S T

March 7 & 14

WEDNESDAYthe MuStard Seed 9:00 aM - 1:00 pM, 4:30 - 6:30 pM Books, gifts and cards for all ages.

dinner 5:00 - 6:30 pM Adults and Youth :$8 Children 3-12: $4

PreSchooL 5:30 - 8:00 pM Bible, crafts & fellowship. Childcare available.

eLeMentary activitieS 5:00 - 7:30 pM LOGOS: recreation, dinner, musical rehearsal.

youth 5:30 - 7:30 pM B111 All youth are invited to join us for Fellowship, Food and Bible Study.

WedneSday night choirS5:30 - 6:25 pM Handbell Choir6:00 - 6:45 pM Archangel Choir (Grade 1 -2) 6:45 - 7:30 pM Archangel Choir (Grade 3 -5) 6:30 - 7:25 pM St. Cecilia Consort7:30 - 9:00 pM Chancel Choir

WedneSday night StudieS & WorShiP

March 7“Thinking about Word & Sacrament”

Led by Rev. Kevin KnabReception Room, 6:30 - 7:30 pM

March 14Taizé Worship

A service of contemplation and prayerLed by Rev. Kevin KnabWinship Chapel, 6:30 - 7:30 pM

Al-ANON Group MeetingThursdays, 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.

lunchtime group in Midtownin room 332

All Are Welcome!

ILLUMINATIONS:Jesus in a New Light, Reflections

featuring Rembrandt’s Art

Sundays, February 26 – April 8

10:05 - 11:00 amFifield Hall

Led by Rev. Lindsay Armstrong

Associate Pastor

Dr. William Eiland Director of The Georgia

Museum of Art

Andi McKenzieAssistant Curator of Works on Paper at Emory’s Carlos


Dr. Anne LeaderArt History Professor at SCAD

Dr. Joel LeMonAssistant Professor of Old

Testament at Emory

Mr. Spalding NixArt Consultantand Appraiser

Seeking the face of Jesus

HoneyBaked carries a vari-ety of offerings, including the World’s Best Ham, turkeys, side dishes and desserts.

Gift Cards come in $10, $25, $35 or $50.

HoneyBaked Gift Cards can be used at any time of the year at any location nation wide.

FPC Youth EastEr FundraisEr

HoneyBaked Ham for Easter Gift Card Sales: February 19 - March 25Gift Card Pick-Ups: March 28 - April 1

All proceeds benefit FPC Youth Missions.

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The chimes

M a r c h 4 & 1 14

Five@First is a new faithful and unique addition to this congregation’s vibrant worship life. This hour-long service is held each Sunday evening beginning at 5PM in the Reception Room and will feature a casual, “come-as-you-are” atmosphere, innovative acoustic music, and spirit-led prayer and preaching.

WhaT? A “new” style worship service with acoustic music, inspired prayer and preaching, and a casual atmosphere.

WhEN? every Sunday eveningat 5PM

WhErE? Reception Room

Who IS ThIS SErvIcE For? Anyone and everyone. All are welcome!

WIll ThErE bE chIlDcarE? Yes!

f i v e @ f i r s t

Please print plainly. The names will be printed in the bulletin exactly as you print them.

Name of Contributor:


Name(s) to be listed:

Amt of contribution enclosed: $

easter memorial flowers

The Easter Memorial Fund is your opportunity to share in the Easter Memorial Flowers. The name

of the person(s) you wish to list will appear in our Easter Worship Bulletin. Complete and return the form to the Church with your check by March 25.

Make checks payable to First Presbyterian Church

and mail to: Easter Memorials /

First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta 1328 Peachtree St NE Atlanta GA 30309-3902


Led by Lindsay Armstrong and Kevin KnabWednesday, March 28

5:30 - 7:30 p.m.Reception Room

A Christian Passover Seder, Dinner Included ~ ReservationsAppreciated. Please call Dottie Hitchcock at 404.228.7709.

Save the Date!


Page 5: eChimes for March 4 & 11

The Chimes

M a r c h 4 & 1 15

Lent, the Upper Room will be discussing Adam Hamilton’s, 24 Hours That Changed the World. Please join us as we discuss the final day in the life of Jesus Christ. All are welcome to join us.

2012 Stewardship Season


Feed the hungry.

Pledge or give

online today at


Sunday is March 25.

Hunger Walk/Run 2012 March 11, 2012

Support First Pres!! Goal: $500.00Let's walk to fight hunger and support our FPC Venable Food Pantry. It's a great way to spend time as a family and serve our community! Link to our First Pres Team home page to check our fun-draising progress and sign up at

Lenten Bible Study

The Partnership Ministry invites you to join us in our annual

Lenten Bible Study as we join with members of Hillside Presby-terian Church to read, study and

discuss Desmond Tutu’s “No Future Without Forgiveness.”

When: The First meeting will be at Hillside Presbyterian Church (1879 Columbia Drive, Deca-tur) on Sunday, February 26 at 5:30pm. We will begin with a

light supper and then move into discussion.

For more information

please contact Rev. Connie Lee at 404-228-7741

or Darryl Payne

at 404-298-5920.

t h e a r t o ff r e D w i s e

“Paintings of Personal Reflections

on Theology and life”

An exhibit of the works of local

artist and minister, Fred Wise

Sunday, March 11 12:30 pm

2nd floor Orchestra Rehearsal Room

Fred Wise is presenting a series of paintings and draw-ings whose subjects range from the theological to the personal. The opening exhibit will be on Sunday March 11th immediately following the 11:15 worship service, and the exhibit will remain for the month of March. This is a special chance to see the works and meet the artist. Fred is Artist in Residence at Oakhurst Presbyterian Church in Decatur. He has been a practicing artist for over 30 years, and holds an Master of Fine Arts from the University of Georgia, Athens.

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The chimes

M a r c h 4 & 1 1

congratulations seniors! We celebrated Senior Banquet on Youth Sunday night and celebrated and honored our 2012 Gradu-ating Class of High School Seniors. These youth have been leaders in our youth program and in our church. Watch your May Chimes to see which high school they will graduate from and where they will go to college next fall.

fellowship opportunity for d-groups!Each Sunday in Lent, we are encouraging our D-Groups to attend “Five @ First” and then go to dinner together. Check with your D-Group leader to see when your group is meeting for fellowship, food

and Bible study! Don’t miss out!

easter youth fundraiser - honey baked ham sale! All youth going on the 2012 Youth Mission Trips need to sell Ham Gift

Cards. We are asking everyone to sell at least $100 worth of cards and more if you can!!! Sale ends March 25!

confirmation weekend! MARCH 23-24 – CONFIRMATION LOCK-IN All 9th Grade students are invited and encouraged to attend this Capstone Lock-In for the Confirmation Class. We will have dinner together, discuss the questions for membership, make our class projects, and much more! Join us for an inspiring evening prior to Confirmation Sunday, March 25.

MARCH 25 – CONFIRMATION SUNDAY EVENTSConfirmation Class will join the church after meeting with the Session at 5:30 PM for dinner and presentation of the Class for Membership. Fol-lowing the vote we will all move to the Sanctuary for worship with Com-munion. Don’t miss this meaningful service! All 9th Graders will have the chance to make their public profession of faith during the worship service.April 1 – Sunday School with 10-12th GradeAfter the Confirmation Celebration on March 25, the 9th Graders will meet with the High School Sunday School Class for the remainder of the Year!

upcoming: Youth Teacher/Leader Appreciation Dinner – April 29, 2012

It’s not too late to join us for Spring LOGOS! We are hard at work on our musical “Life of the Party: the Story of Mary and Mar-tha.” Register online at, contact Lauren if you have any questions ([email protected]).

parents’ morning out registration for the summer 2012 session begins March 5. For more information, please visit the PMO website at or contact Katharine Hamer at khamer@firstpresatl. org or 404-201-6443.

hunger walk to benefit our fpc Venable food pantry! Sunday MaRcH 11tH We will gather in the Temple and caravan to Turner Field. For more info and registration, follow the link on the Elem page,

upcoming eVents:

sunday april 1st Rainbows through 2nd grade will participate in the Palm Sunday Processional!

thursday april 5th Maundy Thursday Dinner, be on the lookout for details!

saturday april 7th Easter Egg Hunt at Winn Park!

saVe the date: may 25th - 28th cRaddocK centeR tRip! We will be going to Cherry Log and working with the Craddock Center and Rev. Trisha Senterfitt. Be on the lookout for more details, contact Lauren if you have any questions!

stay on the lookout!


coMe to you weeKly


fRoM lauRen & KatHaRine!

nursery/PresChool & elementary youth

Looks like a

STRIKE to me!


Page 7: eChimes for March 4 & 11

The Chimes

M a r c h 4 & 1 1

adult sunday sChool

agora Room 322In New Testament Greek, the name means “meeting place,” and we are a vibrant, conversational class of mostly 30-40 somethings. Join us!

Berean BiBLe cLaSS Reception Room

The Bereans join others in Fifield Hall on March 4 and 11 for the “Illuminations: Jesus in a New Light, Reflections featuring Rembrandt’s Art” presentations.

coMMunity BiBLe Study Room B415Taught by the Rev. Charles Black and Rev. Connie Lee, the Community Sunday School Class includes First Presbyterian members and community participants.

covenant cLaSS Room 230Joel LeMon from Candler School of Theology is back on March 4 with a lesson entitled “Psalm 19: ‘The Joy of Lex’”. On March 11, we welcome Miriam Rosenbaum from The Epstein School as she leads us with “Judaism in the First Century AD”.

diScovering god’S Word Room 317 Our class is studying the Gospel of Matthew, using Thomas G. Long’s commentary, Matthew, from the Westminster Bible Companion series. On March 4, we will discuss Matthew 7:1-29 (Long, Chapter 4, p. 76-85); and on March 11, Matthew 8:1-22 (Long, Chapter 5, p. 86-93). Please join us!

eMMauS cLaSS Room 227 Please join us on March 4th and 11th as Craig Goodrich leads us in the discussion of chapters 16 and 17 of Timothy Keller’s book, King’s Cross. All are welcome.

Faith and LiFe Room 218Attorney, teacher, and Trinity Presbyterian Church elder, Mac Irvin, will explore the events and the setting of Jesus’ final week through the viewpoints of men and women who played roles in the narrative leading to the Cross. The class will focus on their characters as evidenced in scripture, history, art, music, and literature. March 4 - The Galilean Encounters Jerusalem: the Final Week in Context. March 11 - An Arresting Story of Simon Peter & Judas Iscariot. Join us for Eyewitnesses in Jerusalem – the Trial of Jesus in Context.

FirSt FoundationS Room 319Join us on March 4th for another of our great discussions! On March 11, Joel Lemon will be our guest, doing a discussion of “Intertestamental Period from a historical perspective.”

ForuM @ FirSt FiField Hall

Our Lenten journey with Rembrandt continues, and on March 4, we welcome Ms. Andi McKenzie, Assistant Curator of Works on Paper at Emory’s Carlos Museum as she joins Rev. Lindsay Armstrong in leading our discussion of “Temptation in the Wilderness.” On March 11, Dr. Anne Leader, Associate Professor of Art History at SCAD, teams up with Rev. Armstrong to study “Jesus Calms the Storm”. All are welcome!

gaLatianS 3:28, Room 323A brand new Bible Study class, we are open, inclusive, and discussion-oriented. Join us for historically informed, biblically grounded conversations about faith issues.

internationaLS Room 327 On March 4, class member (and a new American citizen!) Dr. Francis Olivier Tchikaya of the Rep. of Congo continues his talk of 2/12 “Live or Let Die” relating to the former French colonies in west Africa. On March 11, class member Jamie Cross of the CDC will discuss his interesting trip to Botswana.

Meditation cLaSS Room 320 Is God really listening? Are you? Come join us during Lent as we learn to de-stress so that we can truly listen for what God is trying to say to us.All are welcome!

oPen door Room 156 During the month of March, the Open Door class will join the Faith & Life class for Eyewitness in Jerusalem - the Trial of Jesus in Context. Join us!

ourS For today Room B308On March 4th, we will kick of this year’s food drive by welcoming Rev Charles Black and fellow member Michele Garren to speak about the work of 1st Pres’s community ministries. On March 11th, we are celebrating daylight savings time by running in or cheering for one another in the 5k race to support the Venable Food Bank: sign up at to join the First Pres team.

SPirituaL Living Room B202Please join us for discussions on various topics, primarily centering around spirituality in the second half of life.

the uPPer rooM Room 332Throughout Lent, the Upper Room will be discussing Adam Hamilton’s, 24 Hours That Changed the World. Please join us as we discuss the final day in the life of Jesus Christ. All are welcome to join us.


F P C M i s s i o n T r i P J u ly 1 2 – 2 0 , 2 0 1 2

Come alone, or take one or more members. Of your family to a wonderful experience in Brazil.

An informational meeting will take place on March 18 in Room

156 after the 11:15 Worship.

Rose Emily Bermudez

404-228-7723 [email protected]

www.firstpre satl .org

Don’t forget you can get details and registrations for many of our upcoming events online. Services are available in our online viewer, and the Events page has links to our Lenten Sermon Series materials. You can also pledge, donate, and check your pledge balance in our Members section.

Page 8: eChimes for March 4 & 11

a strfirst presbyterian church of atlanta

t h e s c h o o l o f f i n e

For information about private music instruction and group music, dance, and art classes,

please visit us on the web or call:

Kate breytspraak, Director(404)

“New Name, New logo, same great teachiNg.”

The ChimesBi-weekly Newsletter of


1328 Peachtree Street, NeAtlanta, GA 30309-3209

hOW TO cONTAcT USPhone/404-892-8461

Fax/404-228-7760E-mail: [email protected]


WORShIP Sunday communion Service - 8:30 am

Sunday Worship Services -9:00 am & 11:15 am

Sunday School 10:05 am

WeeKlY BROADcASTSSundays live at 9:00 am & 11:15 am

On demand anytime

AIB cable Network (comcast channel 5; Smyrna channel 22)

Wednesdays at 8:00 p.m.

Non-Profit OrganizationU.S. Postage

PAIDAtlanta, GA

Permit No. 1521

INTROIT When We Gather – Wissinger (Carillon Choir, Chancel Choir)

Kate Breytspraak, soprano

ANTHEM Walking With Jesus – Wagner

(Carillon Choir)

OFFERTORY This Have I Done – Holst

BEN RESP Create in Me a Clean Heart – Hughes

POSTLUDE Fugue in g minor – J.S. Bach

Music for March 4

Music for March 11

PRELUDE Lenten Chorale Preludes – Johannes Brahms

ANTHEM Mass in C: Agnus Dei - Beethoven BEN RESP Help Us To Help Each Other – Wolf POSTLUDE Toccata - Boellmann

The Mustard Seed WEDNESDAyS 9-1, 4:30 - 6:30 SuNDAyS 9-1

(404) [email protected] Stop in

and shop

with us!!

Enrich your Lenten season by reading one of many inspirational books available in The Mustard Seed.