CURES Virus2

About Earth Clinic Earth Clinic Books Healers Submit Post Register Chronic Virus Remedies Last Modified on Dec 15, 2013 << Continued from page 1 Next page >> Table of C INTRODUCTION QUESTIONS & ANS Print Treatment Full Page View Email/Share This Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation to Treat a Virus Home Remedy Ingredients: Hydrogen Peroxide - 3% While it should be undertaken carefully, using an emptied nasal spray bottle to inhale 3% hydrogen peroxide can open up airways and reduce flu symptoms. (Be sure to first sterilize the spray bottle with boiling water.) Point the spray bottle in your mouth and at the back of your throat, and while inhaling sharply pump 4-6 sprays of the hydrogen peroxide. Repeat this treatment 4-6 times a day. [YEA] 08/07/2009: Tom from Boise, Id: "My wife has had breathing problems for years (the dr`s say it is from smoking... not true, it has bubbles in the phlem they pop when you crush them.) I gave her mouth to mouth as her lungs were stuck together and she was suffocating and could not keep from passing out. As she exhaled I breathed some of her air in to my lungs . I have this now, I wheeze when I sleep and have Search Highlight search terms Remedies Ailments Supplements Pet Treatment Ratings & Reviews Page 1 of 16 Chronic Virus Remedies 1/3/2014

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Chronic Virus RemediesLast Modified on Dec 15, 2013

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Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation to Treat a Virus

Home Remedy Ingredients:

Hydrogen Peroxide - 3%•

While it should be undertaken carefully, using an emptied nasal spray

bottle to inhale 3% hydrogen peroxide can open up airways and reduce

flu symptoms. (Be sure to first sterilize the spray bottle with boiling water.)

Point the spray bottle in your mouth and at the back of your throat, and

while inhaling sharply pump 4-6 sprays of the hydrogen peroxide. Repeat

this treatment 4-6 times a day.

[YEA] 08/07/2009: Tom from Boise, Id: "My wife has had breathing

problems for years (the dr`s say it is from smoking... not true, it has

bubbles in the phlem they pop when you crush them.) I gave her mouth to

mouth as her lungs were stuck together and she was suffocating and

could not keep from passing out. As she exhaled I breathed some of her

air in to my lungs . I have this now, I wheeze when I sleep and have


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Apple Cider Vinegar

Coconut Oil

Colloidal Silver

Colloidal Silver, Supplements

Eucalyptus Oil

Human T-Lymphotropic Virus (Htlv)


Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen Peroxide Foot Baths

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation


Multiple Remedies

become very tired. I also cough very hard, three times of taking antibiotics

has not stopped it. I tried your hp by inhaling the fumes from a bottle by

placing on my lips because I had no spray bottle. It is also mixed with

iodine as I can smell it. It stopped the coughing & phlem in less than 18

hours. I and my wife are heavy smokers. It increased my lungs capacity's

to process air. I have recovered lots of the energy I did not know I had

lost. Today is the second day after trying this. Yesterday I could do more

reps of the exercises than before. Hydrogen peroxide works amazingly

well, I am impressed. There is no storm today, so we will buy the real

thing. Hydrogen peroxide and a nasal spray bottle. I and my wife are

feeling much better lots of energy. I would like to thank all the people here

for you information. This will get rid of this virus of that, I have no fear.

Thanks a lot to you all."

[YEA] 04/09/2006: Deirdre from LA, Cali: "After having great luck with inhaling

drug store h202 for viruses and flu in January and February, I switched from

3% to a dilution of food grade. I wasn't sure about how many drops to add to

the inhaler, so I only added 2 drops to filtered water. This wasn't enough! After

a couple of days, I felt the beginnings of a virus, which wouldn't have been the

case if I had enough oxygen (ie., h202) in my blood. I quickly dumped out the

food grade and added back the 3% and pumped 6 times. The viral symptoms

disappeared within about 3 hours. It happened fast because I don't think the

virus had been in my system very long. I am going to stick to the 3% for

viruses and occasionally use the food grade to drink. Since Bill Munro has

used the 3% for 12 years, I am not so worried about the additives!"


03/21/2011: Wendy from Ontario, Canada replies: "I'm not sure this poster worded this correctly. She

"food grade" as if they are 2 things. I assume the 3% she is referring to is store bought?

Please understand that most of us purchase what is referred to as 35% FOOD GRADE hydrogen peroxide. This is

stuff so IT MUST BE DILUTED. In order to obtain the 3% solution you are wanting, you then mix roughly 1 part of the 35%

hydrogen peroxide to 11 parts of distilled water. THIS now becomes exactly the same as the drug

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EXCEPT for it has no stabalizers in it. Please read up on this online. FOOD GRADE hydrogen peroxide is the one

recommended for ingestion. While the other will work in a pinch and many use it, if you can obtain the food grade AND DILUTE

IT- DO NOT DRINK 35%!!! You will have a 3% solution. If you are at all confused, please google

03/21/2011: Deirdre from Atlanta, Georgia replies: "Hi Wendy,

That was my post you are referring to from 2006 when I still lived in Los Angeles. Yes, I was referring

bought and 35% internet-ordered food grade peroxide. I have been using drugstore-bought 3% peroxide for the hydrogen

peroxide inhalation method for at least 5 years now, as needed (viz, a few times a year). I feel quite comfortable using it and

prefer it to food grade. Were I to use this remedy every day, I would probably use food grade h202. I use

there are any contaminants in the drugstore-bought 3% h202. So far, no issues even though I have bought from different

grocery stores and drugstores over the years. The h202 inhalation method is still one of my favorite remedies on Earth Clinic

and has saved me from getting the flu many, many times."

04/02/2012: Sheilamc77 from Campbellsville, Ky replies: "Can you tell me what the method is to test

drugstore bought H2O2? Thank you."

[YEA] 03/06/2006: Robert from Czech Republic: "I also got the sore throat and extreme fatigue the past 2 weeks. Last Friday I started to

inhale the peroxide -- 6 pumps every 2 hours. Within 36 hours I was all better."

[YEA] 02/09/2006: Jonna from LA, CA: "I have been struggling to get over the flu for the past 6 weeks. I have had a recurring sore throat, but

mainly I have been unusually exhausted! I tried everything on your flu page! Nothing helped: vitamin C, zinc,

oregano oil. Finally went to the doc and he prescribed antibiotics (sometimes helps with a virus). Did not do a thing!

Bill's recommendation to inhale peroxide. I have put peroxide in my ear for years (didn't help this time), but never inhaled it.

hurt! Started to inhale the peroxide, per Bill's instructions and it's now been 36 hours. I am not yet back to 100% but feel so

have tons of energy. When I feel a wave of fatigue hit (the virus trying to come back?), I take more peroxide and the tiredness goes away

immediately. Interesting stuff!"

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Approval Ratings

YEA (3) 100%

[YEA] 05/08/2008: Traci from Quincy, MA: "I had horrible flu like symptoms that lingered for over a week. Figured I would try eating whole

lemons as they have natural antibiotic properties. The day after I started eating them I felt the virus lifting from me! Maybe a coincidence, but I

am giving the lemons credit on this one! Good to feel human again."


[YEA] 05/29/2011: Sandra from Glasgow, Scotland, Uk replies: "THANK YOU TRACI! Thank you. I had had a virus

weeks - I had been housebound most of that time as I had VERY little energy. I was getting worn down by not getting any better,

(I was actually getting worse), and rather than go to the doctor and be prescribed antibiotics,

I googled 'natural remedies for a virus' and up popped this page. I read through some cures but was too wary of trying some

suggestions and then I came across 'Lemons', as I had some in my home, I thought I had nothing to lose by trying. Nothing to

'lose'? My oh my, what I didn't know was I had EVERYTHING to gain. I took a whole lemon, halved it in

hand, all the juice into 8oz of warm water and I drank every drop - I used a straw as that made it easier for me. Now, WHILST I

was literally drinking the lemon water I could feel a difference - seriously! - but the best was yet to come, within half an hour I

had SO much energy and felt SO much better. I also read about the pH balance of our bodies and mine

lemons, although acid have an alkalyzing effect on our systems - I had too much acid which leads to not enough oxygen in your

system and the lemon, RAPIDLY corrected the imbalance. That was 4 days ago and since then I have taken the lemon drink

every day AND I am going to continue doing so. It's ONLY a lemon, try it and be amazed!

Thank you Earth Clinic for your forum, I was at my wits' end and now I am tiptop. Coincidence? I don't believe in such things, it

simply was the lemon."

[YEA] 06/26/2011: Lalainlalaland from Los Angeles, Ca, Usa replies: "I know a highly regarded naturopath in the USA. He

advocates the use of lemons for allergies, colds, flus, all types of viruses.

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This are his instructions:

Take a teaspoon full of pure, fresh lemon juice every half hour for two hours, in other words, four times.

Don't drink any liquids for 10-15 mins before or after a dose of lemon. Don't eat either.

I have tried this many times and yes, it works very well! Try to avoid your teeth as lemon can also effect

If the condition is very severe, do this for three hours, or six times.

This naturopath felt it was better than taking lemon as 'lemonade', that is lemon juice and water as it dilutes the lemon, and by

taking it over a couple of hours-- it, to quote him, 'does not give the little buggers time to regroup".

You will find that lemon juice does give you energy as the poster above mentions.

One last thing: I have been using a squeeze of lemon juice instead of deodorant for several years and am thrilled

chemicals under my arms. The juice works incredibly well! I told and a friend, she tried it and liked it so well, she went out and

put a lemon tree in her backyard!

It is a good thing we have TWO lemon trees in my back yard--as we use lemons on everything--they are God's gift to

even come in a bright, attractive packaging! :)

Good luck, hope this helps someone!"

Multiple Remedies

Approval Ratings

NAY (1) 50%


06/03/2009: Greenbeanz39 from Clarkston, Washington: "I just wanted to share my story. For almost a month now I have had a "bug".I

immediately started my regular treatments of acv, oil of oregano, clove oil, taking more vit.c and e. Two weeks

Sunday it hit me like a brick again.To the point of not being able to move off the couch. Extreme chills, loss of appetite and

of utter desperation I tried the h2o2 inhalation which made me vomit. Stopped doing that. I was afraid that I had pneumonia at this point. I

have always warned people on the use of antibiotics and haven't used them myself for close to ten years.I have always been able to heal

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myself.I am ashamed to say the my brother in law gave me his antibiotics and I am on day two of taking

against everything I believe in. Not sure if these stupid things will work since I don't know what I have and I don't go to

to vent this. Has anyone else gone through this? My sense of guilt is huge."


06/03/2009: Greenbeanz39 from Clarkston, Washington replies: "I forgot to mention that I have also been taking baths with h2o2

epsom salt and eucalyptus and taking probiotics."

06/05/2009: Linda from York County, Maine replies: "...gosh, I hope you have a doctor you can go to;

checked....a 'bug' for a month doesn't sound good and not something to try and heal with home remedies. Don't get me wrong,

Greenbeanz39, my doc is my last effort when I'm not right...I'm hugely into trying to heal myself but sometimes the ailment is

bigger than me. Best wishes to you, Linda."

06/06/2009: Tara from Clarkston, Washington replies: "Thank you Linda for your post.You are exactly

to the ER the day after my post because my lungs had filled with fluid to the point that I knew that being stubborn would

be my demise.Come to find out that I have pneumonia.Thankfully I sought care before my five year old rolls over to find that

mommy is blue and cold. I suppose when all else fails, there is a place for the allopathic medicine. I'm just glad that regardless

of my finances I went. You are such a kind woman for caring and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I think I

the natural as usual for colds and such, but for the serious stuff I will stick to the pro's. God bless, Tara"

06/07/2009: Linda from York County, Maine replies: "Hi Tara, I'm sorry to hear about the pneumonia,

ER...for me, more than a week of not feeling well is too long. Natural remedies ROCK and our stubborn streaks can get in the's not easy to know when to 'give in'...just remember how much your daughter needs you!! I hope you get well soon and

enjoy continued good health."

08/18/2009: Angie from Jersey City, NJ, USA replies: "To Dj from PDX,

I would love to hear an update on your Bloodroot therapy. Are you still taking the bloodroot product? How do you feel? Looking

forward to your reply!


03/06/2012: Toyin from Baltimore, Md replies: "Just remember that homeopathics and such are primarily

ailment to get to do some attacking of the problem at the very start. Peace and stay true to our souls' direction

when the unnatural rides along as well."

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[NAY] 02/19/2009: Paul from Sophia, NC: "Have had a virus or something for 2 months. It seems to be getting better but the phlem

continues to build up in my lower throat. I'm continually clearing my throat and coughing. I take a good muti

echinecea, 550 mg of c. Any reccommendations?"


[BETTER BUT NOT CURED] 02/19/2009: Caitlin from Los Angeles, CA replies: "Paul, I am on week 3 of that same virus!

Exactly the symptoms you are talking about. Light plegm, scratchy cough! I have tried high doses of vitamin c,

elderberry extract, homeopathic remedies for coughs, multi vitamins. Would get better, then come back.

Since yesterday I am doing the hydrogen peroxide inhalation method every 3 hours and sipping straight

a little hot water added. Felt better right away. The straight acv has stopped the cough right away. I just need to remember to

keep sipping it. Not so bad if you add hot water."

02/19/2009: KJ from Gary, IN replies: "Raw, unpasteurized Honey...from your local health food store...3x a day 1tsp. Works for

me everytime."

Oil Pulling, Castor Oil Packs

Approval Ratings

SIDE EFFECT (1) 100%

[SIDE EFFECTS] 07/27/2010: Girl from Toronto, Ontario, Canada: "I have been oil pulling 2x/day 4-5x/wk since Jun 14, 2010 and began

using castor oil packs on my stomach Jul 19, 2010. I plan on using 3-5x/wk.

Does anyone have any experience with this? I am looking to rid my body of a virus as well as remove toxins. I am

continue with this. I feel my symptoms are slightly worse but read this is to be expected. Should I continue? Should I choose one

only? Would love any suggestions people may have."

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Pau D'arco Tea, Vitamin C

Approval Ratings

YEA (1) 100%

[YEA] Ryan from Arizona: "Very large doses of Pau D'arco tea (2 bowlfulls a day) for about a month. 5 -

neutralized vitamin C, aka zinc ascorbate, calcium ascorbate, magnesium ascorbate, potassium ascorbate and

sodium ascorbate to provide sodium ions to help with absorption ) to bowel tolerance + Fresh lime juice every day. This combo

CMV. I had brain fog and irritations in my mouth and GI tract. CMV is a virus in the same family as Chicken Pox and Herpes.

If you use Vitamin C, use acid neutral vitamin C or else you'll encounter problems from the acidity of the vitamin C. Sugar in your blood or

intestine slows absorption, so take on an empty stomach or before exercising. Dosage is variable. Some people need 10

people only need 500mg a day. Larger doses (above a gram or so) need to be divided into several smaller doses and taken with large

amounts of water throughout the day.

Drinking alcohol depletes glutathione in the liver and increases the need for vitamin C."

Pau D'arco

Approval Ratings

YEA (1) 100%

[YEA] 03/26/2013: Renee from Bergen Co., Nj: "I had a virus for two days w/ low fever, sinus congestion, headache, achiness, and

tiredness. I tried several remedies, like alkalizing with lemon juice and baking soda and also oil of oregano. I couldn't

Then I tried 2 cups of Pau D'Arco tea, one in the afternoon & another that evening. I immediately felt somewhat better. The

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felt a lot better - more energy, no headache, and just a runny nose. I drank 3 large cups throughout the day (using same teabag) and felt

100% better by evening. Even my nose stopped running. Amazing!"

Remedies Needed

Approval Ratings

YEA (1) 100%

10/02/2013: Gillian from Andalusa, Spain: "I have a low grade infection, not mono, feel exhausted and achey, taking echinacia, it's not

helping, feel hot and very tired any ideas? Thanks Gillian"


10/02/2013: Mama To Many from Tennessee, Usa replies: "Dear Gillian,

Since Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is a great anti-viral, I would consider trying that. As much as one Tablespoon three times a day.

But if you are not used to it, you might want to start with less and see how you do.

Vitamin C to bowel tolerance - Take it until you get loose bowels and cut back a bit. This gets rid of all

teaspoon ascorbic acid plus 1/2 t. baking soda in a glass of water (5 grams of Vitamin C in this) taken several times a

Vinegar Tea - 2 Tablespoons each of Raw Apple Cider Vinegar and 2 Tablespoons Honey in a mug. Add hot water. Drink

several times a day. My teens ask for it because they know it helps them.

If your stomach can tolerate it, 1 clove of garlic crushed up, taken several time a day is a great antibiotic and it is also antiviral.

You can take it in honey, or in hot water like a broth.

Again, if stomach permits, 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper in some water or broth a couple of times a day.

I gave a lot of options so perhaps you will have a couple of things on hand you can try. With my family,

until they get better.

Hope you are feeling better soon!

~Mama to Many~"

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10/02/2013: Lloyd from Charlotte, NC replies: "Hello Gillian,

Low grade infection you say and echinacea didn't help... OK... Try colloidal silver. A tablespoon twice

in sinus you must irrigate with the silver solution."

10/03/2013: Toourlady89 from Hayward, Ca replies: "Another natural cure that I found very effective for viruses is Oil of Oregano

in capsule form. Take 1 capsule twice a day with food. It helps much faster than Echinecea. Viruses are under

days if you start taking it early. Only take it to a max of 3 weeks and only if needed, not as a continuous

10/04/2013: Gillian from Andalusa, Spain replies: "Hi, I was told oregano oil is extremely hard on the stomache, so I did not take

it. I have all kinds of gastric/digestive trouble. I feel completely exhausted and my stomache feels sickish too, loose

achey. I got an immune spray with schisandra, ginger etc. Too soon to tell if it is working. I used magnesium on my skin, sprayed

a solution of half mag oil and half water all over my body, esp neck and shouldres also belly etc. The pain got worse and

digestion is worse. My sleep is awful. Any ideas? Thanks, Gillian"

10/04/2013: Mike from Denver, Colorado replies: "Gillian: You can try a probiotic. Home made water

10/05/2013: Mama To Many from Tennessee, Usa replies: "Dear Gillian,

So sorry you are still feeling poorly.

Whenever my family has any digestive distress, charcoal is our "go to" remedy. It helps settle the stomach, helps with loose

stools and diarrhea. If you have some type of virus or bacteria in the gut, it should help.

You can mix one or two teaspoons of activated charcoal powder in a glass of water and sip it over the course of an hour. (I use a

straw and stir eveyr so often.) Or you can take 4 charcoal tablets or capsules several times a day. Charcoal should always be

taken with plenty of water as it can be constipating, but that is generally not a concern when you have

Please keep us posted.

~Mama to Many~"

10/05/2013: Mama To Many from Tennessee, Usa replies: "Gillian,

I forgot to mention peppermint essential oil. It is cooling to the body. (You mentioned feeling hot. ) You can rub a drop or two

onto the bottom of your feet. I have seen it help reduce fevers. (Lemongrass works well for fevers, too. ) I also like to

peppermint essential oil on the back of my neck when it feels still and it cools me off. (But some like to dilute it some before

using it on the head. )

~Mama to Many~"

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10/18/2013: Gillian from Andalusa Spain replies: "The low grade infections seems to have gone. However, I am still utterly

exhausted and in terrible pain in neck and shoulders. I am still have lots of stomach distress. I tried charcoal and it

loose bowels. I am taking vitamin B and D and probiotics and have started magnesium glycinate and a supplement for my

adrenals, but so far no relief from the pain and still very bad insomnia. I tried Mag oil on the part that hurts and it made it worse.

The worst part is the pain. Any ideas? Gillian"

10/19/2013: Mmsg from Somewhere, Europe replies: "Gillian, maybe you can try Blackstrap Molasses.

the brown, runny one. In Spain the company is called "El Granero" that makes the good stuff. It's very thick and

START SMALL!!! Take maybe 1/2 teaspoon in a hot drink to melt it down (just keep stirring). After a few days of one drink a day,

try 2 a day, and later a whole teaspoon each time.

If it helps, you will feel it probably in less than a week, and if nothing changed in about 2-3 weeks, than

cannot hurt so it's worth a try."

10/19/2013: Mike 62 from Denver, Colorado replies: "Gillian: Enzymes have more electons than protons. Cooking denatures

enzymes. When people eat cooked food all the cells of the body give up electrons so the organs can make digestive enzymes.

This lowers the electrical energy and overworks the organs. Organic and grass fed food have more nutrients and less pollutants

than regular food. The best thing that you can do is eat raw organic produce, raw grass fed animal products,

nuts and seeds, and raw ferments. For pain take herbal extracts that contain cox-2 inhibitors. For insomnia take vanilla

08/10/2012: Angelicam from Barrie, Ontario, Canada: "Do you know of any way to deal with this particular virus


07/21/2011: Abedog from Kirkland, Wa, Usa: "I have a 4 year old daughter who has had rectal strep her entire life. There are times we are

able to get it to go away for a bit with a round of antibiotics, but today, she tested positive for strep while on

for strep, but all of that info is for the throat.

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My issue clearly involves a strep carrier and it involves a different part of the body. I would love to kill this once and for all. But will

an effective way to treat it when it surfaces."


07/21/2011: Sunshine from Somewhere, Usa replies: "Look up info. on LDM-100. It is a great natural

07/13/2011: Meredith K. from San Antonio, Texas, U.s.a.: "Horrible Virus and not getting any better.

I need some advice. I've been in bed for 8 days straight with what is obviously a virus. I've been to the doctor twice and I'm planning to return

tomorrow. I was given a shot of antibiotics on the first visit and it didn't do any good. I have high fevers, followed by violent chills that can last

for hours. Then the fevers break and I'm very sweaty. There has been a little vomiting, but not much. Last night I was back in the urgent care

clinic and my levels were so low, they gave me an IV and forced me to drink potassium. I have had a relentless migraine like headache since

last night and I can't sleep. My body has been aching like I was poisoned but now I feel like I worked out too

alternating Tylenol and Ibuprofen, like the doctor told me too, and downing the Gatorade. I'm miserable, have two small children

Does anyone have any recommendations?"


07/13/2011: Pam from Groveland, Fl replies: "Hello! Hope ur a little better by now, but if not and for future use I reccomend

making a concoction of 2 tbls of each of the following; raw apple cider vinegar, honey and lemon juice evry four hours

add ginger to it, I guarantee recovery a.s.a.p! Always works for my househould and if you can... Buy aloe juice and drink a shot

glass worth every four hours as well or just add it to the concoction as well. This is a no fail system in my house and everyone I

reccomend it to works for them as well! Aloe juice better than gatoraide! You can also turn that concoction into a nice

by adding hot water and drinking slowly, makes you feel cozy! I hope you try this and it works for you! May you feel

07/13/2011: Helpyourself from Houston, Texas replies: "Meredith K. , San Antonio

I take 20 drops of Tabasco in 4 oz or less of water, once per day. I do this for three days. I only use Tabasco.

I don't take 19 drops or 21. I use this for many illnesses.

Good Luck! Hope you feel better in 15 minutes."

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07/13/2011: Oscar from Syracuse, New York, Usa replies: "Dear Meridith, Were you diagnosed with a

which one ? The symptoms you described can be the result of many things. The compound BHT [ butylated hydroxytoluene ]

has proven to be a very effective treatment for LIPID ENVELOPED viruses that include: hepatitis B and C, the different herpes

viruses, the AIDS virus, the flue viruses and others.

I don`t know what is wrong with you. If it is one of the lipid enveloped viruses BHT may help a lot. I encourage people

choose to try BHT to use no more than the 350mg capsules it is often sold in per day with water on an empty stomach. That is

what worked for me for hepatitis C. I used only 200mg per day and I weigh 180 pounds. If you choose

alone, with water on an empty stomach and wait at least 1 hour to allow BHT to be metabolized and for those metabolites to be

absorbed. This is what worked for me.

BHT has also proven to be a remarkably effective free radical scavenger by Dr. Denham Harman and many others in many

studies. A simple way of thinking of that is that it detoxifies a person`s body in many ways. I also suggest doing a sensitivity test

with BHT. Simply open up one of the capsules and lick your finger and daub it on the crystals and lick your finger to test for

sensitivity, any negative side effects. Most people have NO such sensitivity, but some do. Some few get dizzy and a few

reported rashes. But this is almost always at larger doses than I have discussed and mixed with oils and other things. An

effective dose is what is desired and more is NOT better. BHT is a powerful anti-oxidant, a GOOD thing


07/13/2011: Gavin from Manganui, Northland, New Zealand replies: "Those symptoms are strangely

you been abroad recently and live near any mosquito areas?"

07/13/2011: Debbie from Melbourne, Australia replies: "Do you have access to vitamin C (sodium

take 10-18 grams per day to kill the virus for starters (or more vitamin c until you get to bowel tolerance)."

07/13/2011: Gavin from Manganui, Northland, New Zealand replies: "Ive just done some research on

treating malaria.. Apparently grapefruit contains quininne like substances.. And is quite effective. If you want to try some

sure you scrape the white peel from under the skin and eat that as well. Either way it wont do you any harm. Health pros. miss

malaria if its not a usual disease in your part of the woods."

07/14/2011: John from Asheville, Nc replies: "The hydrogen peroxide inhalation method has always

Check it out on this site. Bill Munro's method. Good luck."

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06/22/2009: Vanessa from Los Angeles, CA: "I desperately need help. I'm not sure what I "have" but I have been sick for weeks. What can I

say, when I get sick- I get SICK. I am 26 years old and have gotten sick at least 4 times a year for the past 3

sinusitis, strep throat, sinus infection, throat infection and so on. The doctors always give me anti-biotics and usually it does

better within 3 days. I finished my course of anti-biotics a week and a half ago and still I feel sick. Its very frustrating. I just want to feel

again. My current symtoms:

Sore throat, stuffy nose, sneezing, dry cough, swollen glands in neck, low grade fever, ear aches and head aches every

neck, eyes are gunky when I wake up and red/irratated through the day, Im extremely tired and weak most of the day, and my stomach has

just not been "right".

I've taken anti-biotics, probiotics, ACV at least once a day (2 teaspoons), vitamin C (1000mg daily), multi vitamins. So far

me. I am going to try eating lemons/drinking lemon water and gargling with cayenne next on top of what Im already doing. I know if I go to

doctor they will perscribe steroids and maybe another course of anti-biotics. There has got to be a natural way to cure me. I've been thinking,

should I do a detox? Any ideas?"


06/22/2009: Tavora from Brooklyn, NY replies: "Vanessa - try garlic. A quick blend I like to make when sick is:

- Cut up 6-7 cloves of garlic

- Pit a 1/2 a lemon (with rind) (though in your case a whole lemon would be good)

- Add a tsp of cayenne pepper or turmeric

- 16 oz of spring water

- Kiwi, or green grapes (for vitamin C)

- A tsp of bee pollen

- (Optional: scoop of Acai ___ powder supplement)

Place all in blender and mix until smooth. NOTE: If you use cayenne - it will kick! :0)

If you don't feel up to blending - then try 3-4 drops of Oil of Oregano in 8 ozs of water a day. :)"

06/23/2009: Tilda from Geneva, Switzerland replies: "You might have mono, which requires lots of rest

period. It can take months and months, even years to get back to normal. A blood test can confirm that.

Remember too that anti-biotics will wreak havoc on your stomach, often lead to yeast infections and won't do anything for viral


Also, pro-biotics are good (esp. after a round of anti-biotics - not during though - anti-biotics will cancel them out and it's a waste

of money.) and a generally varied diet, but with lots of raw (must be raw) garlic - in salads or thrown into soups at the

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minute. If you don't want to stink during the day, eat it for dinner, or just crush it into a spoon and swallow it quickly with a big

gulp of juice before going to bed - but not on an empty stomach as it can burn.

Another thing that is good for the immune system and recommended by doctors in Europe is a copper, gold, silver liquid/fluid

complex. You take several drops under your tongue half an hour before eating, usually just for a short period of time, like a week

-long or a month-long "cure", when you're feeling rough, or if something nasty is going around and you want to avoid

Another thought, get your iron levels checked. Recently I had a similar problem and I happened upon a doctor who checked my

iron levels and low iron was my problem (I was a vegetarian for years and low iron affects women more than men because of

our monthly cycles - like a slow death by bleeding!). In theory my iron levels were within the norm, but at the low

doctor happened to be up on the latest research which shows that the standard numbers simply aren't valid for everyone. (I'm

also a worrier, which will sap your energy and isn't good for immunity.)

A final thought, what happened 3 years ago when your problems started? Did you change your diet

Start a new job? Get involved in an unhealthy relationship? Move to LA? Maybe it's pollution!

Finally, rest if that's what your body is telling you to do! Don't fight it. These days, we often don't have time to be sick, which will

prolong illnesses."

06/23/2009: Gaynor from Manaton, Devon replies: "I had a terrible sinus problems for months- I cured myself finally after trying

many different remedies by using a combination of three essential oils thyme oil, cinnamon oil and clove oil. I

each oil into a face steamer with water and inhaled the vapour. I did this every two hours the first couple of days and then just

twice or three times a day when the symptoms started to subside. To maintain my sinuses I continue to do this once a week just

one inhalation - it works very effectively the oils seem to kill the virus and bacteria deep in the sinuses. You can use a bowl with

hot water and a towel over your to do the inhalations this works also. It is quite painful to start with I depress each

as I breathe in sometimes and you can feel the vapour getting to the site of infection. I hope this is helpful."

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