Early River Valley Civilizations

Egyptians create surgery! Beef between Emperor and Confucius. Hammurabi creates new Laws River Valley Weekly News when you want it. 4600BCE


Magazine for Early River Valley Civlizations

Transcript of Early River Valley Civilizations




Beef between





creates new


River Valley Weekly News when you want it.


Egyptian Surgery

Egyptians have found ways to heal broken bones and many other injuries that were not treat-

able before. They call this practice “surgery” and it is very important because we can now

treat things that would normally lead to a lifetime of pain. The Egyptians categorize this into

three categories; treatable, contestable, and untreatable. Treatable means that the surgeons

can heal the injuries quickly and it will be quick. Contestable means that the patient could

survive without the procedure happen-

ing. Untreatable means that the sur-

geons had no chance of helping the in-

juries to the patient and nothing could

be done. The tools that they use are

knives, hooks, drills, forceps, pincers,

scales, spoons, saws, and vases with

burning incense. This practice could be

what we need right now in order to

keep the people healthy and not injured

for the rest of their lives. This could

save the people and even preserve the

people when they die, so that they can

be buried properly. Due to this finding,

the Egyptians can now mummify their

Pharaohs and preserve the Pharaohs’

bodies This practice needs to be taught

to all the doctors so that the doctors

can help patients who have a broken

finger or leg. Surgery can also lead up

to curing infections for diseases that

were not curable before because we

now know more about the human body then we did before. Surgery can finally be the answer

to our problems when someone breaks a bone and needs it to be fixed. Also, surgery can be

used to heal human organs, such as the heart or the liver. Also, many doctors use religion,

which could have a very strong placebo effect and cure the people. Surgery can stop almost

all problems with the humans, unless the injuries are under the untreatable category, but may-

be, the untreatable category will become treatable. Surgery is what we need to advance so

that we can help to cure the sick and the injured.

Hammurabi’s Code Released

Hammurabi’s Code written in the stone

consist of being punished just

as severely as the person you

hurt are fine, but the laws that

involve money are just too

much. Most people do not have

much money, and many people

need to do bad things in order

to get the money. Hammurabi

needs to lighten the

punishments, because no one

would want to live in a world

with such sever punishments

for actions that really do not

matter that much. We all know

that he is a harsh ruler and will

not change his mind, but we

will have to live with these laws

for as long as he lives!

Hammurabi has released a set of laws! He calls these laws

the“ Code of Hammurabi,” and they have now been put into ef-

fect. The laws have been written on a large stone tablet and

there are 282 laws in total. These laws consist of brutal punish-

ments for things such as stealing and murder. The first few laws

consists of punishments for stealing, so you better not go around

and steal goods, or you might be put to death. Many other laws

consist of payback for certain actions, such as the law that states

“If a man knock out the teeth of his equal, his teeth shall be

knocked out.” “An eye for an eye” Hammurabi says. These laws

cannot be changed due to the fact that he wrote the laws in a

stone tablet.

The laws were created to be very harsh, and they are

harsh. These laws are meant to keep the people in order and to

scare people so that they always will follow the laws. Laws that

Bronze Bowl



Interview With Hammurabi

Question- Hammurabi, why was

Larsa your rival?

Answer– We both were near the

Tigris River, so naturally, there

would be conflict between us be-

cause we both want the Tigris

River to ourselves.

Question– Why did you make

most of your laws punishments

for doing certain actions?

Answer– I need to keep my peo-

ple in order, and to do that, I

must make lots of punishments

so that the people do not go out

of hand. This also helps resolve

crimes faster because there is no

need for a case, the law states

what will happen and that will

carry out.

Question– How did it feel to

come into power after your fa-

ther died?

Answer- It felt great to come

into power. I had control over

everyone and knowing that you

have the power to do whatever

you want is simply amazing. On

the other hand, I had a lot of re-

sponsibilities and that was sort of

a burden to me. Another thing is,

I could be assassinated, so I have

to keep my guard up.

Question– Why did you write

the “Code of Hammurabi”?

Answer- I needed to keep the

people in order. Without the

Code Of Hammurabi, the empire

would be in chaos and my rule

would end quickly.

Question– Why did you write

the rules on a stone tablet when

most people can’t read?

Answer– Just because people

can’t read, does not mean that

they don’ t have a friend that can

translate for them. Also, if they

break the rule once, they won’t

Hammurabi’s Biography

Hammurabi was born in 1810 BC in Babylon. This family had ruled Babylon,

so when his father, Sin-muballit died in 1792BC, he became the new king. He

will still very young, but he had already dealt with official duties due to the

fact that he was the king’s son. In the same year, Rim-Sin of Larsa had con-

quered Isin, which made the two rivals. During the start of his rule, Hammu-

rabi spent most of this time building and restoring temples, city walls, and

public buildings. Since the realm had such great size, location, and military

strength, Hammurabi made is one of the major powers in Babylon. Also,

since Hammurabi inherited the Euphrates river, he could use that for lots of

agriculture. This lead to many conflicts with Larsa, which was located down-

stream of the river. For the next 14 years, Hammurabi was involved with

many wars due to the fact that Babylon was close to the Tigris River. After

14 years, he finally won in the battle verses Larsa. Two years after, Hammura-

bi had to fortify the defense of his realm and during that time, he also wrote

Hammurabi’s Code, which was the first written set of laws. A little while

after, he died.

Rivers Supplying Fresh Water

The Tigris River has not only given us farm land, but it has given us fresh water now!

Our people have found out that the Tigris River is supplying us with fresh water and is

drinkable. They say that there is a large supply of water, but we should not waste it for

our selfish needs because we will need this river for a long time. But at the same time,

the Euphrates River also gives us a large supply of fresh water, so we need to take ad-

vantage of this before other civilizations find out about the two rivers fresh water. We

could use this water to bathe in, to drink out of, and even to clean things that that need

to be cleaned. The two rivers can supply us with this water for a very long time, so we

need to use as much of it as we can so that we may thrive and rise over the other civili-

zations that do not have these two rivers. The rivers are our delicacy and we should use

them to our advantage so that we may not die of starvation. We can also now travel to

hot places like the Sahara because we now have enough water for the entire trip. This

discovery is a life saver to our civilization because without it, we would still be strug-

gling to live due to lack of clean water.

Letter to the Editor

Rivers Supplying Farmland

Dear Editor,

I read your story about the Tigris and Euphrates rivers supplying our people with all of

these luxuries like clean water to drink and to bathe in, but let us not forget about the

food that it supplies. I think that you should have been more thankful for the fertile

farmland they give. Without this, we would have no chance of living due to the fact that

we have no food. More importantly, we need farmland to make herbs and plants to

make medicines that saves the people. Yes, I know that the water the rivers supplies is

great, but the farmland that we get are even better. Crops are what keeps us alive right

now, and in your article, you barely even mentioned the crops that we can now grow

due to the fact that the rivers give us such fertile land. We need to turn our focus onto

the fact that we now have good food to eat and that we now can stop worrying about if

we will have food for the day, because we will with the crops that we can grow now.

Music During the Zhou Dynasty, royal families and dignitary officials listened to music made by

chimes and bells. This music was also played as a rare treat for audiences in the Great

Hall of People. The instruments included bells, stone chimes, and gongs. Regular people

would bang rocks and stones to make music when they were fishing or doing some other

chore. Everyone loves music, even the emperors sometimes listen to music. People use

music as their entertainment as well because when they were fishing, working, or any-

thing, they would play music with the tools they had.

Art The Shang Dynasty has now started to build large palaces and tombs out of wood! They

have created these elaborate mazes of tombs that are just fascinating to look at. They

carve many designs into their wood so that each tomb can be different. The Shang Dynas-

ty has also been known for their art of bronze casting. They make dragons and many oth-

er different designs on their bronze and each design they craft will be different, even if it

is using the same animal like a tiger or a swan. They are perfected this crafting and it is

truly something amazing.

Major Invention The Sumerians have created the wheel! The wheel is just wood that has been turned into

a circle so that it can move faster. The wheel has made wagons move around faster and

also allows traders to bring the goods faster and return them back faster. The wheel is

very important because we can now speed up travel and farming because we can collect

the move the crops around faster! The Sumerians have also created a new way of time

keeping! They use the suns shadow to keep time, so when the sun passes a certain mark,

they are going through the noon hours, and when it passes over the other side, they are

going through the twilight hours.

Daily News



a very low social stand-

ing and I feel that it is un-

fair because others who

have higher standings

than me do less work or

have done nothing to de-

serve their social status.

What gives them the

right? -LOW





Most people are born in-


Their social class and do

Not work their way


If you are born into pow-

er, you have power, and if

born into a family with

less means, you will most


be thought less of. Not to

say this gives people the

right to power, but it is the

way things work. –ARUNA

DEAR ARUNA: I was walk-

ing along the street yester-

day and I overheard a father

yelling at his so because the

boy hadn't done something

he was told do to the re-

quirements of his father. His

father said that he was go-

ing to be punished by get-

ting his finger chopped off.

This is very disturbing and

just seems harsh to me. Do

you think it is a reasonable





- This does sounds like a sad

situation, however, this is

punishment is accepted at

this time period. Hammura-

bi’s code states that a pun-

ishment from

the father is allowed. I

personally think that this

punishment was too

harsh and I’m sorry you

had to see that. -



band thinks it is ok to

order me around and

show me off to his

friends like I am proper-

ty of him. I hate it and

feel like it is very unfair;

it makes me feel like less

of a woman. How do

you think I should handle

this situation? – A



AN: I hate to be the one

to have to break this to

you but woman today

are thought as property.

We have rights but they

are little compared to

men. The best advice I

can give you about this is

to talk to you husband

privately about the way

the way you feel. -


Work Cited

Page 2 Egyptian Medicine (Cover Story)





Page 3 Hammurabi’s Code Article






Page 4 Interview with Hammurabi





Page 5 Hammurabi’s Biography




Page 6 Confucius Gossip

All prior knowledge



Page 7 Confucius Gossip cont.

All prior knowledge

Page 8 Tigris and Euphrates River




Page 9 Letter to Editor about Food


Page 10 Article on Art. Entertainment, Music, and a Major Invention




Page 11 Advertisement on War

Prior Knowledge



Page 12 Classified

Prior Knowledge

Page 13 Dear Abby Column

Prior Knowledge