eak Condition Project96bda424cfcc34d9dd1a-0a7f10f87519dba22d2dbc6233a731e5.r41.… · program will...

Peak Condition Project Introduction and Nutrition Plan Your guide to better health

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Page 1: eak Condition Project96bda424cfcc34d9dd1a-0a7f10f87519dba22d2dbc6233a731e5.r41.… · program will show you the best way to lose weight quickly and safely. The path is simple. The






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Introduction and Nutrition Plan Your guide to better health

Page 2: eak Condition Project96bda424cfcc34d9dd1a-0a7f10f87519dba22d2dbc6233a731e5.r41.… · program will show you the best way to lose weight quickly and safely. The path is simple. The

Peak Condition Project

Please read this first before starting this program!

Read the following statement carefully before you follow any of the advice con-tained in this nutritional program.

The nutritional advice given in the Peak Condition Clinic is for information purposes only and is intended to educate the reader and in no way is it a substitute for a consulta-tion with a qualified medical practitioner, registered dietician or nutritionist.

Reference to any products or services, does not constitute or imply its endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation. They are for convenience only.

If you choose to follow the dietary recommendations contained in this program, it is pre-sumed that you are choosing to do so at your own will. If at any time you are feeling neg-ative side effects, you should consult a qualified medical practitioner immediately for advice.


Introduction and Nutrition PlanYour guide to better health

© Angie Jenkins All rights reserved.

Page 3: eak Condition Project96bda424cfcc34d9dd1a-0a7f10f87519dba22d2dbc6233a731e5.r41.… · program will show you the best way to lose weight quickly and safely. The path is simple. The

Peak Condition Project

Hi All,

Welcome to a new beginning! You must be serious about shedding those unwanted pounds if you have taken the time to read my Peak Condition Nutritional Program. The program will show you the best way to lose weight quickly and safely. The path is simple. The key principle is eating fresh whole foods, simple as. Create a healthy body and fat loss is a side effect! This program is about changing your eating habits, your lifestyle and health for the better.

It’s different from other fad diets on the market; it is designed to give you a total body boost and is not just a quick fix! I have assessed many of the popular dietary pro-grams at delivering the results that they are promising and most of them do work, well for a while that is….From calorie restriction to high fat high protein and ‘liquid only’ diets, each of the most popular diets were clearly intended only as a short term quick fix solution to problems that are chronic or long term in nature. I know how frustrating it is to try to lose weight and get fit, I have been though it myself.

Before we get started first let me tell you my story so you know where I’m coming from. My name is Angie Jenkins and I am the founder and managing director of Fit For Life. I’m originally from Canada and started my sports carrier as a competitive gymnast back in the late 70’s. Unfortunately after my carrier had ended I started to gain weight rapidly in my late teens and early twenties. In fact my family health history of diabetes, heart disease and obesity dictated that I had to take ACTION, otherwise I risked the threat of an uncertain future.

I decided that I deserved better and that it was time to finally change my life. I moved across the county initially and enrolled myself in various different anatomy, physiology, weight training and coaching courses and started back doing what I loved…gymnas-tics, this time I was coaching.

I did this until I immigrated to Ireland in 1995. There wasn’t much of a gymnastics program in Ireland back then so back I went to studying exercise and nutrition and qualified as a personal trainer in 1996.

Introduction and Nutrition PlanYour guide to better health

© Angie Jenkins All rights reserved.

Page 4: eak Condition Project96bda424cfcc34d9dd1a-0a7f10f87519dba22d2dbc6233a731e5.r41.… · program will show you the best way to lose weight quickly and safely. The path is simple. The

Peak Condition Project

Although I had lost some weight through exercise and changing my eating habits, I was still not happy with my progress. You see I was taking the wrong approach, which many people still do. The early 90’s was all about ‘low fat’, ‘calorie cutting’ and getting into your ‘fat burning zone’ when exercising.

Although I initially lost a bit of weight (around 4kgs, which was inevitable if you saw what I was eating and drinking before) I found I hit a brick wall and nothing more was shifting and most importantly my body shape wasn’t changing at all. I was running 5 times a week for an hour a session and found my clothes were actually getting tighter! At this stage I was a qualified fitness trainer and couldn’t get results for myself so how on earth was I going to get results for my clients.

I was now starting to realize what I had learned as fitness trainer was very basic and old school and I knew I had to start studying again. I now spend close to €10,000 a year to study with the best coaches in the world. My ultimate goal is to help as many people as possible to get into Peak Condition by educating, motivating and passing on what I have learned over the years.

I do practice what I preach; I myself underwent a dramatic transformation and today in my late forties I look and feel better than I ever did in my twenties! Don’t get me wrong I have faced the same challenges as you! I love my glass of red wine and chocolate but this program will allow you to enjoy your favourite things whilst still losing weight.

It’s not going to be easy but studies show for a new behaviour to take hold in our psyche it takes just 21 days. That’s why it critical to stick with it and give 110% effort and commitment for the first 3 weeks. Once you have passed that marker you will have done the hardest part and you will already be well on your way to a new body!

I have been helping people lose weight for over 20 years now and I can help you too. I've worked with individuals and corporate clients and have shown many people the way to improve their fitness and health and live their life to the fullest.

I invite you to follow the simple principles contained in this program to achieve your dream of getting into shape!

To your success & health

Introduction and Nutrition PlanYour guide to better health

© Angie Jenkins All rights reserved.

Page 5: eak Condition Project96bda424cfcc34d9dd1a-0a7f10f87519dba22d2dbc6233a731e5.r41.… · program will show you the best way to lose weight quickly and safely. The path is simple. The

Peak Condition Project

Nutrition Plan -Your guide to better health

Getting StartedOne of my favourite quotes off all time is “Failing to plan is planning to fail.”

People who are serious about changing their fitness levels are commit-ted to accomplishing what they set out to do regardless of what needs to happen. They plant a stake in the ground and make certain things non-negotiable. They set goals, write them out, look at them each day and do whatever it takes to get the result they want.

Here is where I would like you to write down your goals and set your targets.Before embarking with us on your Peak Condition Program, I would like you to take time to think and dream about what you would like get out of this plan and your life.

Goal Setting Nuggets

Introduction and Nutrition PlanYour guide to better health

© Angie Jenkins All rights reserved.

Create a set of clearly defined goals. This is the first major step to achieving your dreams, hopes and ambitions. Study after study shows that individuals who write down and picture how they want life to be, obtain the goals they so desire.

Believe your goals! Act and think as if you have already attained and received them!

Be specific and clear about your goals!

Adopt a positive mind set, brush negative thoughts and feelings away. Don’t dwell or focus on negative vibes, feelings or thoughts. You have the power to change your thinking!

Be happy now! You have taken an amazing step forward – be excited! View this experience with me as an adventure not as a boring diet plan! You are going through this with hundreds of other people. You are going to feel energized, focused and empowered!

Page 6: eak Condition Project96bda424cfcc34d9dd1a-0a7f10f87519dba22d2dbc6233a731e5.r41.… · program will show you the best way to lose weight quickly and safely. The path is simple. The

Peak Condition Project

Write these down on a separate piece of paper and look at them daily.

Be descriptive and clear:

My perfect weight is?

My body will look like? (describe your ideal shape, muscle tone, even a person you


My energy levels are?

My mind set is?

Next write down everything you hope to get out of this program.

If you would like to share these goals please do.

You should now feel excited and elated knowing you are going to achieve your dreams

and you can turn the above points into reality!

Get Organized Sometimes starting a new programme can be difficult. Try to give it 100% however if you need to pace yourself and do this programme in steps then that is absolutely fine. Whatever you do don’t stress, making small and frequent changes may suit you better than going all out so you decide and we will work with you.

Prior to commencing the programme, spend 2-3 days preparing yourself and your cupboards. Get rid of everything in your house from the ‘Miss’ list, and stock the cupboards and fridge full of foods from the ‘Hit’ list.

The first 4-7 days will be the hardest. Your body is craving for all those addictions that it has been so used to. There will be temptations to eat badly. This is normal and is just your body craving much like a drug addict would. Within the first 2-4 days you may well have slightly decreased energy levels. It is very common and likely that you’ll get headaches and feel a little below par as your body is coming to terms with the big reduction in your daily intake of toxins and chemicals. I know it will be difficult but you’ll come out feeling 10 times better after that initial few days.

Introduction and Nutrition PlanYour guide to better health

© Angie Jenkins All rights reserved.

Page 7: eak Condition Project96bda424cfcc34d9dd1a-0a7f10f87519dba22d2dbc6233a731e5.r41.… · program will show you the best way to lose weight quickly and safely. The path is simple. The

Peak Condition Project

You will find that it is actually easier to learn the principles of the nutrition plan rather than to use a set diet plan. I will provide you with meal plans and suggestions to get you on the right track.

I know it’s difficult when you have to juggle family, work and other responsibilities espe-cially when you are out of the home, at the office or out and about. Let’s face it, if you want it enough you can organize your time better to MAKE IT HAPPEN! No more excuses!

The place to start is by planning your meals for the week every Sunday. Make sure your family and friends know you are going to embark on a lifestyle change and make them commit to supporting you and even get them involved eating the same things as you.

First thing to do is invest in a small soft material cooler bag therefore you can pack everything you need for your day ahead. You will also want to buy containers small enough to hold your food in that will fit into your cooler bag. Prepare enough on the Sunday for even a few days and each night before you go to bed, prepare your snacks and lunch, and pop it into your bag in the morning just before you leave the house.

How it works, the Core Purpose of the ProgramIn order to get the body functioning optimally we first need to:

Jump Start your system by REMOVING any and all foods that the human body treats as toxic, irritating or de-vitalizing in nature for A 2 WEEK PERIOD. The Peak Condition Jumpstart is a stepped plan that takes you from day 1 through to day 14 in a structured way to remove any and all toxins from your diet and to help reestablish a healthier base to build your new diet upon.

The first two weeks of the diet serves to detoxify your body by expelling all unwanted toxins and filling every cell within your body with all the nutrients necessary to achieve optimum health and vitality.

Remember this program is not a “quick-fix,” but is instead designed to help you jump start a long-term healthy lifestyle. Many people feel significantly improved after just two weeks, but the hope is that you will work with us to understand not only how to feel better in the short-term, but also how to make healthy choices for a lifetime.

Introduction and Nutrition PlanYour guide to better health

© Angie Jenkins All rights reserved.

Page 8: eak Condition Project96bda424cfcc34d9dd1a-0a7f10f87519dba22d2dbc6233a731e5.r41.… · program will show you the best way to lose weight quickly and safely. The path is simple. The

Peak Condition Project

A healthy detoxification program is designed to provide additional nutritional support to the organ systems most involved in the removal of toxins from the body. The toxins we are exposed to include ever-increasing pesticides, herbicides, pollution, chemicals in our water, prescription drugs, alcohol use, lotions and many, many more. This is in addition to all the toxins already created as a result of our metabolic processes.

The goal is not to cause or induce detoxification. We are simply supporting detoxifica-tion processes that are always occurring in the body. Detoxification is a very nutrient dependent process handled primarily by the liver, kidneys and skin. If our nutrient status is suboptimal then our ability to remove harmful toxins will also be suboptimal.

The body will instead attempt to hide away or sequester these harmful toxins to reduce the acute damage they can do. These fat soluble toxins will typically be stored in fatty tissues like adipose tissue, the brain, and the membranes of our cells. As a result, we may suffer from chronic toxin exposure which is less likely to manifest as a classically diagnosed "disease," but may instead be present as fatigue, brain fog, gastrointestinal distress, weight gain, “syndromes,” headaches, congestion and much more.

This is not to be confused with the trendy, fad detoxes in the market. Fasting or “juice” detoxification programs (which are inherently very low in nutrients) can unintentionally upregulate the first phase of liver detoxification while not nutritionally supporting the crucial processes of phase II. The result can actually be an increase in symptoms of toxicity rather than an improvement in health. A healthy detoxification program will nutritionally support both phases of liver detoxification by providing complete nutrition with appropriate herbs, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats and protein.

For the Jump Start Programme, one of the key components is the elimination diet.

Why an elimination diet and what is it?

The goal of an elimination diet is to eliminate gastrointestinal triggers that induce systemic inflammation as well as to reduce the level of exposure to food-based toxins.

Many people have negative reactions to specific foods which can have serious health implications, both systemically and directly upon the health of the gastrointestinal system.

Introduction and Nutrition PlanYour guide to better health

© Angie Jenkins All rights reserved.

Page 9: eak Condition Project96bda424cfcc34d9dd1a-0a7f10f87519dba22d2dbc6233a731e5.r41.… · program will show you the best way to lose weight quickly and safely. The path is simple. The

Peak Condition Project

Regarding food sensitivities, gut health is the most crucial component since the gut is such a key barrier between the outside world and our internal environment. When this barrier doesn’t function optimally, substances which shouldn’t be allowed into circulation make their way in and can disrupt normal function causing inappropriate immune responses, elevated inflammation and whole host of health problems. Many times, these health problems are subclinical. The symptoms might include bowel discomfort, brain fog, general fatigue, inability to lose fat and ongoing aches and pains. While these condi-tions are not normal, they would also not rise to the level of disease so they can often go unmanaged or ignored altogether as just an acceptable part of “aging.” Supporting opti-mal gastrointestinal health can have a profound impact on reducing or eliminating these symptoms of suboptimal function.

In addition to gut barrier function, an excessive amount of toxin exposure can cause the body to store these harmful chemicals which have been shown to have a negative impact on health. With elevated levels of pesticides, herbicides, plastics, pharmaceutical drugs and pollutants, our internal detoxification systems are on overload. These internal systems, of which the focus is usually put on the liver and kidneys, are already supposed to be managing the normal day to day functions of the body. The result of this overload is a) The foreign toxins aren’t appropriately detoxified and therefore stored in our tissues causing toxic dysfunction or b) The normal functions of the liver become compromised resulting in organ dysfunction and suboptimal health or most likely c) Both situations occur simultaneously.

As stated before, excess toxin exposure and inadequate toxin removal can reveal itself also as brain fog, fatigue, poor memory, mood swings, congestion and more.So the goal of this elimination diet again is to support both the reduction of intestinal food triggers as well as reducing the amount of voluntarily ingested toxins while simultaneous-ly supplying specific nutrients to support the health and function of the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal system.

Introduction and Nutrition PlanYour guide to better health

© Angie Jenkins All rights reserved.

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Peak Condition Project

Eliminating the foods most likely to be inflammatory and immune triggers gives the gas-trointestinal system a chance to heal itself and improve the integrity and function of the gut barrier. As a result, the overactive immune system and elevated inflammation can calm down, resulting in greater energy, reduced pain and an improvement in overall vitality.

Simultaneously reducing the toxin overload allows the body to begin eliminating previ-ously stored toxins and to restore the liver to its proper physiological housekeeping roles, reducing the toxin-induced dysfunction which can show up as excess fat storage and blood sugar imbalances, altered brain function and what is often described as just feeling “sick and tired” as well as other symptoms.

Introduction and Nutrition PlanYour guide to better health

© Angie Jenkins All rights reserved.

Page 11: eak Condition Project96bda424cfcc34d9dd1a-0a7f10f87519dba22d2dbc6233a731e5.r41.… · program will show you the best way to lose weight quickly and safely. The path is simple. The

Peak Condition Project

Nutritional & Supplement ProgramFollowing this program, you will gradually be removing the foods that are most likely to cause an allergenic or inflammatory response.

Basic Supplement Program- The Foundation 5Supplements, as the name implies, function to supplement your diet. They do not give you super powers; they simply replace what is lacking in your diet. We at Fit For Life want you to function optimally. That is a huge difference!

RDA’s or recommended daily amounts can be misleading. Governments have worked these out by looking at preventing vitamin deficiency diseases such as scurvy (vitamin C deficiency). More over RDA’s are only averages, where you live and how much exercise you get, your stress levels, your gender and your genes can easily alter your needs for various nutrients.

Below is a basic supplement program that most everyone could benefit from. Please consult your GP if you are on any medications.

We stock Poliquin Group Range which manufacture the highest quality supplements available. CLICK HERE to read the Poliquin Groups Quality Statement. You of course can buy your own but be aware of sub optimal products. If you are not sure please ask as we are familiar with what is good quality.

Supplement types (in brief)

1. Fish Oils (DHA & EPA)– Fish oils are proven to increase insulin sen-sitively, promote muscle growth, inhibit fat storage, provide energy, pre-vent muscle breakdown, lower cholesterol, reduce inflammation and lower blood pressure. (ok take a breath now) There are numerous stud-ies on effects of fighting cancers and many diseases as well. This is my number one supplement that everyone should be taking.

2. VITAMIN D3 Excellence - Most people are deficient in Vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 defi-ciency in linked to, osteopenia, osteoporosis, Diabetes (both type 1 and 2), heart dis-ease, cancer, dementia, multiple sclerosis… and the list goes on. In some cases it is not yet clear whether low vitamin D3 in part of the cause of some of these conditions or just makes them more likely but either way there is a link. In fact one study showed that 96% of heart attack victims studied were low in Vitamin D. Due to the very low levels of sun-light in Ireland (sunlight stimulates the production of Vitamin D in the skin), just about everybody would do well do take a Vitamin D supplement.

Introduction and Nutrition PlanYour guide to better health

© Angie Jenkins All rights reserved.

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Peak Condition Project

Introduction and Nutrition PlanYour guide to better health

© Angie Jenkins All rights reserved.

3. Pro-Flora, Probiotics- Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for your health, especially your digestive system. We usually think of bacteria as something that causes diseases. But your body is full of bacteria, both good and bad. Probiotics are often called "good" or "helpful" bacteria because they help keep your gut healthy. They also linked with lowering inflammation, and as a result lowering body fat levels.

4. Multi Intense Multivitamin- Most people who have been eating an average high carb, bad fat diet loaded with simple sugars and refined carbohydrates, will naturally have vita-min deficiencies to some level or other. Therefore when starting a new eating plan, one designed to get your body back to functioning optimally it is always a good idea to build in the basics of good health and vitality right from the start. A good Multi vitamin does just that.

5. UberMag Magnesium - Stress is often accepted as just a part of modern living but stress and more importantly it’s consequences in the body are anything but acceptable. Just about all modern diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease and stroke can be linked to stress and the inflammation is causes in the body. Magnesium is one of nature’s best relaxers and de-stressors. As well as helping to reduce your chances of developing life altering conditions, magnesium also helps the body recov-er from hard exercise and aids with deep relaxing sleep. It is for all these reasons that magnesium makes it into our foundation 5.

Here is the sample supplement schedule:

Supplemens Breakfast Lunch DinnerFish Oil EPA-DHA 720 -€40 Omega 3 6:1 -€35.50 Omega 3 Liquid - €39.50

1-2 softgels

OR 1 tsp if taking liquid

1-2 softgels

1-2 softgels

1 tsp if taking liquid

VITAMIN D3 Excellence €19

5 tabs

Pro-Flora, Probiotics €30

1 tab 1 tab

Multi Intense Multivitamin €33

1-2 tabs 1-2 tabs 1-2 tabs

UberMag Magnesium €13

3 caps 3 caps 3 caps

A 10% discount is offered to all Pro members on the above prices for all 5 supplements.

Page 13: eak Condition Project96bda424cfcc34d9dd1a-0a7f10f87519dba22d2dbc6233a731e5.r41.… · program will show you the best way to lose weight quickly and safely. The path is simple. The

Peak Condition Project

14-day Gut/Detox Jumpstart ‘HIT & MISS LIST’ of foods Try to use organic, free range as much as possible.

© Angie Jenkins All rights reserved.

Hit List Mist list

Day 1 Cruciferous Vegetables Broccoli, Cauliflower, Kale, Cabbage, Brussel Sprouts, Raw Greens Red & Green Lettuce, Romaine Lettuce, Spinach, Endive, rocket, watercress, Chard, Other Veg Tomato, cucumber, courgette, onion, mushroom, Alfalfa Artichokes, Asparagus, Celery, Aubergine Fruits Apples, Peaches, Pears, Cherries, Raspberries, Blueberries, blackberries, lemons, lime Proteins Eggs(chicken & duck), chicken, duck, pheasant, turkey, beef, lamb, venison, quail, any fish such as salmon, mackerel, hake, monk, cod, halibut, trout, shrimp, prawns, scallop, crab Legumes Beans, Peas, Lentils, chickpea Non Gluten Grains Millet, Quinoa, Amaranth, Brown rice, Red rice Fats Cold pressed extra virgin olive oil, Coconut oil (organic, extra virgin), butter, avocado Seeds & Nuts Pumpkin, Sesame, Walnuts, Almonds, Macadamias are best to choose. Dairy Products & Eggs Full fat yogurt & good quality unpasteurized cheeses are best.

All Gluten Grains

Any wheat product, white, brown or wholemeal, oats, rye, spelt, bulgur, barley, corn, couscous, semolina.

This means no pasta, cereal, bread, biscuits, and confectionaries.



Caffeine ( depending on how much you drink, you may cut back rather than eliminating completely)

Introduction and Nutrition PlanYour guide to better health

Page 14: eak Condition Project96bda424cfcc34d9dd1a-0a7f10f87519dba22d2dbc6233a731e5.r41.… · program will show you the best way to lose weight quickly and safely. The path is simple. The

Peak Condition Project

Introduction and Nutrition PlanYour guide to better health

© Angie Jenkins All rights reserved.

14-day Gut/Detox Jumpstart ‘HIT & MISS LIST’ of foods Try to use organic, free range as much as possible.

Day 2 Cruciferous Vegetables Broccoli, Cauliflower, Kale, Cabbage, Brussel Sprouts, Raw Greens Red & Green Lettuce, Romaine Lettuce, Spinach, Endive, rocket, watercress, Chard, Other Veg Tomato, cucumber, courgette, onion, mushroom, Alfalfa Artichokes, Asparagus, Celery, Aubergine Fruits Apples, Peaches, Pears, Cherries, Raspberries, Blueberries, blackberries, lemons, lime Proteins Eggs(chicken & duck), chicken, duck, pheasant, turkey, beef, lamb, venison, quail, any fish such as salmon, mackerel, hake, monk, cod, halibut, trout, shrimp, prawns, scallop, crab Legumes Beans, Peas, Lentils, chickpea Non Gluten Grains Millet, Quinoa, Amaranth, Brown rice, Red rice Fats Cold pressed extra virgin olive oil, Coconut oil (organic, extra virgin), butter, avocado Seeds & Nuts Pumpkin, Sesame, Walnuts, Almonds, Macadamias are best to choose.

All Gluten Grains

Any wheat product, white, brown or wholemeal, oats, rye, spelt, bulgur, barley, corn, couscous, semolina.

This means no pasta, cereal, bread, biscuits, and confectionaries.


Dairy Products Alcohol Caffeine ( depending on how much you drink, you may cut back rather than eliminating completely)

Hit List Mist list

Page 15: eak Condition Project96bda424cfcc34d9dd1a-0a7f10f87519dba22d2dbc6233a731e5.r41.… · program will show you the best way to lose weight quickly and safely. The path is simple. The

Peak Condition Project

Introduction and Nutrition PlanYour guide to better health

© Angie Jenkins All rights reserved.

14-day Gut/Detox Jumpstart ‘HIT & MISS LIST’ of foods Try to use organic, free range as much as possible.

Hit List Mist list

Day 3 Cruciferous Vegetables Broccoli, Cauliflower, Kale, Cabbage, Brussel Sprouts, Raw Greens Red & Green Lettuce, Romaine Lettuce, Spinach, Endive, rocket, watercress, Chard, Other Veg Tomato, cucumber, courgette, onion, mushroom, Alfalfa Artichokes, Asparagus, Celery, Aubergine Fruits Apples, Peaches, Pears, Cherries, Raspberries, Blueberries, blackberries, lemons, lime Proteins Eggs(chicken & duck), chicken, duck, pheasant, turkey, beef, lamb, venison, quail, any fish such as salmon, mackerel, hake, monk, cod, halibut, trout, shrimp, prawns, scallop, crab Legumes Beans, Peas, Lentils, chickpea Non Gluten Grains Millet, Quinoa, Amaranth, Brown rice, Red rice Fats Cold pressed extra virgin olive oil, Coconut oil (organic, extra virgin), butter, avocado

All Gluten Grains

Any wheat product, white, brown or wholemeal, oats, rye, spelt, bulgur, barley, corn, couscous, semolina.

Soy Dairy Products Seeds & Nuts Alcohol Caffeine ( depending on how much you drink, you may cut back rather than eliminating completely)

Page 16: eak Condition Project96bda424cfcc34d9dd1a-0a7f10f87519dba22d2dbc6233a731e5.r41.… · program will show you the best way to lose weight quickly and safely. The path is simple. The

Peak Condition Project

Introduction and Nutrition PlanYour guide to better health

© Angie Jenkins All rights reserved.

14-day Gut/Detox Jumpstart ‘HIT & MISS LIST’ of foods Try to use organic, free range as much as possible.

Hit List Mist list



Cruciferous Vegetables Broccoli, Cauliflower, Kale, Cabbage, Brussel Sprouts, Raw Greens Red & Green Lettuce, Romaine Lettuce, Spinach, Endive, rocket, watercress, Chard, Other Veg Tomato, cucumber, courgette, onion, mushroom, Alfalfa Artichokes, Asparagus, Celery, Aubergine Fruits Apples, Peaches, Pears, Cherries, Raspberries, Blueberries, blackberries, lemons, lime Proteins Eggs(chicken & duck), chicken, duck, pheasant, turkey, beef, lamb, venison, quail, any fish such as salmon, mackerel, hake, monk, cod, halibut, trout, shrimp, prawns, scallop, crab Fats Cold pressed extra virgin olive oil, Coconut oil (organic, extra virgin), butter, avocado

All Gluten Grains

Any wheat product, white, brown or wholemeal, oats, rye, spelt, bulgur, barley, corn, couscous, semolina.

Soy Dairy Products Seeds & Nuts Legumes Beans, Peas, Lentils, chickpea Non Gluten Grains Millet, Quinoa, Amaranth, Brown rice, Red rice Caffeine ( depending on how much you drink, you may cut back rather than eliminating completely)

Page 17: eak Condition Project96bda424cfcc34d9dd1a-0a7f10f87519dba22d2dbc6233a731e5.r41.… · program will show you the best way to lose weight quickly and safely. The path is simple. The

Peak Condition Project

Introduction and Nutrition PlanYour guide to better health

© Angie Jenkins All rights reserved.

14-day Gut/Detox Jumpstart ‘HIT & MISS LIST’ of foods Try to use organic, free range as much as possible.

Day 8- 11

Cruciferous Vegetables Broccoli, Cauliflower, Kale, Cabbage, Brussel Sprouts, Raw Greens Red & Green Lettuce, Romaine Lettuce, Spinach, Endive, rocket, watercress, Chard, Other Veg Tomato, cucumber, courgette, onion, mushroom, Alfalfa Artichokes, Asparagus, Celery, Aubergine Fruits Apples, Peaches, Pears, Cherries, Raspberries, Blueberries, blackberries, lemons, lime Proteins Eggs(chicken & duck), chicken, duck, pheasant, turkey, beef, lamb, venison, quail, any fish such as salmon, mackerel, hake, monk, cod, halibut, trout, shrimp, prawns, scallop, crab Fats Cold pressed extra virgin olive oil, Coconut oil (organic, extra virgin), butter, avocado

All Gluten Grains

Any wheat product, white, brown or wholemeal, oats, rye, spelt, bulgur, barley, corn, couscous, semolina.


Dairy Products

Seeds & Nuts Alcohol

Caffeine ( depending on how much you drink, you may cut back rather than eliminating completely)

Hit List Mist list

Page 18: eak Condition Project96bda424cfcc34d9dd1a-0a7f10f87519dba22d2dbc6233a731e5.r41.… · program will show you the best way to lose weight quickly and safely. The path is simple. The

Peak Condition Project

Introduction and Nutrition PlanYour guide to better health

© Angie Jenkins All rights reserved.

14-day Gut/Detox Jumpstart ‘HIT & MISS LIST’ of foods Try to use organic, free range as much as possible.

Hit List Mist list



Cruciferous Vegetables Broccoli, Cauliflower, Kale, Cabbage, Brussel Sprouts, Raw Greens Red & Green Lettuce, Romaine Lettuce, Spinach, Endive, rocket, watercress, Chard, Other Veg Tomato, cucumber, courgette, onion, mushroom, Alfalfa Artichokes, Asparagus, Celery, Aubergine Fruits Apples, Peaches, Pears, Cherries, Raspberries, Blueberries, blackberries, lemons, lime Proteins Eggs(chicken & duck), chicken, duck, pheasant, turkey, beef, lamb, venison, quail, any fish such as salmon, mackerel, hake, monk, cod, halibut, trout, shrimp, prawns, scallop, crab Fats Cold pressed extra virgin olive oil, Coconut oil (organic, extra virgin), butter, avocado Legumes Beans, Peas, Lentils, chickpea Non Gluten Grains Millet, Quinoa, Amaranth, Brown rice, Red rice

All Gluten Grains

Any wheat product, white, brown or wholemeal, oats, rye, spelt, bulgur, barley, corn, couscous, semolina.

Dairy Products Alcohol

Caffeine ( depending on how much you drink, you may cut back rather than eliminating completely)

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Peak Condition Project

Introduction and Nutrition PlanYour guide to better health

© Angie Jenkins All rights reserved.

Herbs and Spices- Eat every day!Stalk your larder with a wide range of spices

Sea salt or Himalayan rock saltBlack pepper Cayenne pepperCumin seedCorianderGaram masala Turmeric Cardamom pods PaprikaFenugreek seeds Chilli pepperOregano

Hit List Condiments • Balsamic & Apple Cider Vinegar• tamari (wheat free soy sauce)• Mustard

ThymeRosemaryBasilFennel seedCajun spiceBlack mustard seedsCinnamonNutmegClovesGarlic

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Peak Condition Project

Introduction and Nutrition PlanYour guide to better health

© Angie Jenkins All rights reserved.

After the 14 Days- Food reintroduction phase: You have two options:Option 1: You can continue to avoid all the foods from the Miss list, the longer you go without them the better, as mentioned above if you can go for 30 days you will get even better results!

Option 2: You may go for a systematic reintroduction plan. Add back just one of the banned foods over a 3 day period to see how it affects you. If you find that you react to it, you can skip it.

For example have one small piece of cheese in addition to your Peak Condition meals, monitor your body carefully for any reaction. If you don’t notice any adverse effects, the next day have two pieces, increase the amount on the 3rd day and if you are still symptom free you can assume that you are not intolerant to cheese.

Repeat the process for milk, bread, pasta and gluten grains. Observe the effects and only consider the permanent re-inclusion of non-reactive foods. It is obvious that you will not be reintroducing processed foods.

As your body composition starts to change you can start to introduce a ‘treat meal’ meal once every 5 or 6 days. This is just a meal not a day!

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Peak Condition Project

Introduction and Nutrition PlanYour guide to better health

© Angie Jenkins All rights reserved.

Simple facts to remember:

Water is Life

Hydration is important. When we deprive our bodies of water the body reacts by retaining all fluids we currently have available. The best place for the body to retain these fluids is around the waist. So if you are not drinking enough water you will find an increase in your waist. The body also preserves fat in order to protect a valuable food source.

As a guideline you should be DRINK 2- 3 litres of clean filtered water every day. This makes your body releases the extra water it has been storing. When you start drinking enough, you will experience a decrease in your waist.

Coconut is the super-fast fat loss cooking oil

Coconut oil primarily consists of medium-chain fatty acids. This class of fatty acids can speed up the metabo-lism. They are easily digested and converted into energy not stored as fat. Long-chain fatty acids, like those in polyunsaturated oils and vegetable oil are more difficult for the body to break down and use for energy. Instead, long chain fatty acids are usually stored as fat in the body. Coconut oil is also saturated fat which is very stable when heated.

It’s not just what you eat, it’s how you eat!Having healthy eating habits is important to maintain a good health status. Follow them.

1. Drink a pint of warm water with a slice of lemon OR room temperature pint of water with ¼ teaspoon of Himalayan sea salt and the juice of one lime every morn-ing , it helps rehydrate the body and is also cleansing.

2. Always eat when relaxed and not rushed. Never eat in front of the TV. This promotes mindless eating. You are more likely to eat more when sitting in front of the TV.

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Peak Condition Project

Introduction and Nutrition PlanYour guide to better health

© Angie Jenkins All rights reserved.

3. Chew your food thoroughly! It should be nearly liquid before you swallow. You’re stomach doesn’t have teeth. Try to chew at least 20 times per bite when eating and put your fork down every time you take a bite.

4. If you have gas, bloating, reflux or trouble digesting your food, you should consid-er taking a food intolerance test (we can do these tests if requested) and see if the aid of digestive enzymes improves your symptoms.

5. Eat off smaller plates. Research at Cornell University shows that participants using a larger bowls and serving spoons ate just over 30% more than those who had smaller bowls and smaller serving spoons.

6. Drink a glass of water 15 minutes before every meal but not during. Drinking during a meal disrupts your digestive enzymes not allowing you to break down your food properly and possibly causing indigestion and wind.

7. Eat until you are 80% Full. You should be able to comfortably go for a walk after your dinner.

Vegetables & Fruits- Ratio of 4-1Vegetables and fruits are important sources of vitamins and mineral, in particular vitamins A& C, as well as natural sugars, water and car-bohydrates. Fruit is a good substitute for high sugar foods such as sweets, biscuits and cakes that contain very few nutrients.

However even though the sugar in fruits is natural, it’s still sugar and most fruits have been bread over the years to actually be sweeter than they would naturally be in the wild so eating fruit all day that is unnaturally bread to be extra sweet and have more sugar is actually not a good thing no matter how many antioxidants it contains. Sugar is sugar. A simple solution is to eat a ratio of mainly non- starchy vegetables such as broccoli, onions, asparagus (refer to hit list) in a 4-1 ratio with fruits. This means you will still get lots of nutritional benefits from having more vegetables and feel full enough. Vegetables also have a high fiber content. Don’t get me wrong fruit also contains fiber, but you should stick to low sugar fruits as listed above. Fiber doesn’t get digested in the body and helps with elimination by encouraging regular bowel movements.

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Peak Condition Project

Introduction and Nutrition PlanYour guide to better health

© Angie Jenkins All rights reserved.

How Carbohydrates work?Food is broken down by our bodies into 3 basic groups: Carbohydrates (commonly called carbs), proteins and fats. Carbohydrates are predomi-nantly from plant and grain sources. The body stores small amounts of glucose as glycogen in the muscles, liver and spleen for when it is needed. When these stores are full, the body will store all excess as fat.

The following foods are predominantly carbohydrates: sugar, lollies, jams, bread, flour, pastas, pastries, rice, fruit, vegetables, tubers like potatoes and alcohol. There are also carbohydrates in dairy and pulses as well.

A small amount is always circulating in the blood stream and this is referred to as your “blood sugar level” or BSL. Keeping your blood sugar at a steady range are two hor-mones called insulin and glucagon.

Glucagon Glucagon is a hormone released by the pancreas when the level of sugar in the blood drops too low. It causes the liver to convert stored glycogen into glucose and thereby increasing blood sugar levels. The action of glucagon is the opposite of insulin.

Insulin Insulin is released when carbohydrates are eaten and glucose starts to enter the blood stream from your gut. The role of insulin is to remove the glucose from the blood stream (too much is poisonous) into the cells of the liver, muscles and spleen.

Glycemic Index & Glycemic LoadGlycemic Index (GI) rates carbohydrates based on how quickly or slowly they elevate blood sugar levels. Avoiding quick-release carbs with a high GI is vital. GL is another measure that more accurately represents the blood sugar impact of carbohydrates, because it takes into consideration serving sizes. For instance, carrots have a high gly-cemic index, as the carbohydrates in carrots are quickly digested. However carrots are not usually eaten in large quantities so the impact on the blood sugar is low. Therefore, they are a good food choice for fibrous carbs.

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Peak Condition Project

Introduction and Nutrition PlanYour guide to better health

© Angie Jenkins All rights reserved.

Just watch the amount you eat. Glycemic load tells you how much carbohydrate is in a standard serving size of food. It ranks foods according to actual carb content. Basically Glycemic Load (GL) is the application of the Glycemic Index to a standard serving of food.

Improving your Diet for Energy- Eating low GL (Glycemic Load)The foods to eat for high energy are the foods that can be most efficiently turned into energy in the body. In the primitive days of nutritional science it was thought that sugar - effectively pure body fuel - would be the best energy food.

However, we now know that a high sugar diet lacks the micronutrients needed to turn it efficiently into energy and because it is so ‘high octane’, it disrupts blood sugar levels. Today the search is for discovering which foods allow the human body to function effi-ciently, with stable blood sugar control, and an ideal all-round supply of the many nutri-ents involved in maintaining a consistent energy.

This has lead us right back to the very foods we evolved to eat - unrefined, organic, nutri-ent-rich whole foods with an emphasis on lots of vegetables, low sugar fruit, protein and essential fats. These foods have a low Glycemic Load (GL), which means that they release their sugar very slowly into the bloodstream for long lasting energy. Plus, because they are burned up as fuel, they won't be stored as fat - unlike refined high sugar foods which release too much sugar too quickly into the bloodstream.

The body reacts to most starchy carbohydrate foods by releasing insulin, a hormone which shifts any surplus sugar out of the blood and into cells. This process is hard work however, so you end up feeling sluggish and lethargic as well as piling on abdominal fat. While insulin is being released no fat is being burned. Not what we are looking for.

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Peak Condition Project

Introduction and Nutrition PlanYour guide to better health

© Angie Jenkins All rights reserved.

The Exercise Program Regular exercise helps to keep blood sugar con-trolled so you’re less likely to crave sweets and get midday energy slumps. Not only that, weight training catapults your metabolism by increasing lean tissue so you burn more calories at rest. Whatever you do, don’t waste your time with hours of cardio, research shows that steady state cardio is not very effect for increasing metabolism and in fact too much of it causes your body to produce excess stress hormone cortisol which will break down your muscle tissue.

Not what you’re looking for if you want to keep burning calories at rest! Instead you should do a good mix of weight training (get a structured program, trust me it’s worth it) along with an interval protocol. All this involves is varying your pace when you’re on the bike or treadmill or whatever machine you like to use.

In order to take any of the guesswork out of your training choices this course comes with all the programmes you will ever need. Just go to the Fit For Life portal through the com-munity section and there you will get access to the training programs associated with your club or group.

Essentials for the Kitchen- Rules on Shopping

Invest in a:• Food processor, blender or hand blender, with 1 grating and 2 slicing blades

• Good quality sharp knives and knife sharpener

• At least 2 chopping boards- one for meat one for veg

• Ceramic coated frying pan, do not by Teflon as this coating is toxic and can leach into your food

• Stainless steel pots

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Peak Condition Project

Introduction and Nutrition PlanYour guide to better health

© Angie Jenkins All rights reserved.

Sample Meal Plans and Suggestions

Plan your meals for the week ahead. I have provided you with an example 7 days! You will find a few of favourite recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks as well.

Please remember these are just examples, you do not have to follow this exact plan. This is just to give you some ideas to get you started. Tweak it and change it accordingly to your taste. The serving sizes are the minimum you should be eating. Remember that each person’s starting point is different and the servings can be adjusted based on your personal needs.If you experience hunger at any time, increase your fat first, then protein and vegetable serving in one or 2 meals buy one serving. Example, if lunch calls for 3 ounces of turkey then increase it to 4 ounces or add a fat like half an avocado. Eating more good fats and vegetables will not affect your results.

Eating foods that are the foods to avoid list (breads, pasta, sweets etc) will deter you from seeing the results you’re looking for.If you are not hungry at snack times then don’t eat. Remember to use fresh and dried herbs and spices

There is no doubt about it, diet is ultra-important if you want to see top-notch fat loss results. Stick with my sound researched principles and you will be looking at very different person in the mirror in just 4 short weeks!

I know it will be difficult to start but remember consistency gets results.I have been there myself, I have tried and tested everything from low fat to loads of cardio and through years of trial and error have come up with a system that is guaranteed to get you the body of your dreams!

Me NowFit & Fab in my mid 40’s. If

I can do it so can you!

Before Me in 1994,unfit, flabby taking the wrong

the approach to diet & exercise

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Peak Condition Project

Meal Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


6.00- 9.00

2 to 3 egg, spinach and mushroom omelet

3 oz Turkey roll up (recipe included) or slices & ½ an avocado and 10 cashew nuts

4 oz Smoked salmon slices & 12 almonds

2 to 3 poached eggs or scrambled, grilled tomatoes, sautéed mushrooms

Green smoothie (recipe included)

M&S Venison Rusk Free Sausages & grilled peppers and or tomatoes

Rashers & grilled tomato’s

Snack (if needed) 10.00-11.30

Apple & 12 pecans (rotate your nuts and seeds each day and stick to 30 grams a day if you want to lose weight)

Homemade hummus 150gms & carrot sticks (one carrot) or yellow pepper sticks (as many as you want) (recipe included)

2 Hemp surprise (recipe included)

Carrot sticks & 1 -2 Tbsp Guacamole (recipe included)

Pear and 12 macadamia nut


Banana nut muffin (recipe included)

Turkey roll up ½ an avocado & Himalayan Salt with balsamic vinegar

Celery & almond nut butter with pumpkin seeds(recipe included)

Kale Crisps (recipe included)



Vegetable or Pea & Coconut Soup & Green Salad (include all the salad veg, tomato, red onion, cucumber, red pepper, olives etc. with chicken breast)

Quinoa Tabbouleh with Chicken breast

1 lean beef burger (no bun) large salad

Leftovers from dinner the night before

Salmon salad with 2-3 small new potatoes

Crab salad with flax crackers

Quinoa Tabbouleh with Chicken breast

Snack (if needed) Anything from mid-morning list

Evening Meal 18.00-20.00

Baked salmon fillet with green beans, roasted baby tomatoes, with chopped black olives and 1 -2 new potatoes

Grilled lean lamb or steak (6oz for women, 7oz for men) with ratatouille and 45 grams quinoa

Thai green curry with chicken and veg (recipe included)

Turkey Stir Fry – loads of veg, garlic ginger and tamari sauce (this is a wheat soy sauce)

6 oz Steak with roast vegetables (recipe included)

Chicken Garam Masala with Cauliflower & black mustard seeds (recipe included)

Baked Hake, grilled asparagus, with sweet potato mash. (Recipe included)

Introduction and Nutrition Plan Your guide to better health© Angie Jenkins All rights reserved.

Well I hope this will give you a kick start to help you get on the right track. Remember consistency gets results!