E WE ARE THE SOLE a fS X E C Films Mounts II · 2017. 12. 12. · riilJ fi M1i Jff rglfllJffJ oo c...

r < r- o l i f 7i 1 WE ARE THE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE- o E fS X as 4thW E C I a ra a Films PrintingPaper II b i e I h a r Cl a C y I riilJ fi M1i J ff rglfllJffJ oo c ooo ooooooreooooooo o oooo Jil o0000000000000000000 00 0 fJ 7JJffJ oooo + j S 11111111111111111111001100000000000000000QOOOOOOoocooooooo oooooo I MILLINERY I are constantly receiving new hats IWe NOBBY SHAPES and prices I ever before Give us a call hatI t I I caster before Very I I NOEL SISTERS LI J II II 000000oooooeooooo00oooooty RECORDI THURSDAY NOV 15 1900o- IIllooooooooooaooooooeoooooooc r AIJOUT people L I aIOaoeoexaeooolooooo000000000 Ernest G Brown was at home last week to cast his vote Miss White of Mt Vernon is vis ¬ iting her aunt Mrs Hobbs Mr H A B Marksbury was in Lex ¬ ington this week on business Mrs Mattie Duncan leaves this week 1to visit relatives in Kansas City Mo IIUtMiss Grace Kinnaird was storm ¬ a few friends Saturday eve- ning ¬ t Mrs Frank Bacon and little son John left Friday for their home in LouisvilleMisses r Harrisand Alberta An- derson ¬ are in Lexington visiting the Misses EmbryI Mr Jerry Respess of the Southern Railways surveying corps is in town on a short vacation Mr R L Jennings and wife of Paint Lick spent Sunday with Mr J C Thompson and family Stanford JournalMrs A R Denny and Mrs Mattie Duncan of Garrard spent Saturday at Mr J SHockers As we go to press the condition of Dr W N Bush is somewhat improved though he remains in a critical con- dition ¬ y Lancaster people extend a welcome to Mr Alex Doty and family who have rented Mr W J Romans property on Richmond street c Miss Lizzie Hudson entertained in her charming manner Thursday eve ¬ ning in honor of her guest Miss Flor- ence Burnside of Paint Lick Livingston Colonel Mrs T A Gres ham and Mrs Samuel Ward went to Lancaster Wednesday Miss Rhoda White of this place has gone to Lan- caster ¬ where she will spend a few weeks with relatives Mr G S Gaines and family and Mrs Nannie Carpenter moved to Dan ¬ ville Tuesday where they will reside in the future The departure of this excellent family is deeply regretted by Lancaster people All wish them zf much happiness in their new home 100U 1l11111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIQOCi r lIb Rice best10c 1 peck Potatoes 20c 1 can Corn best lOc 1 canTomatoes10c 1 can Oysters lOc 1 lb Coffee none better20c John M Logan is at home from a I trip to the cities Mrs Eason is quite ill at her home on street Mr McKee Rifle of is his brother John Rife Mrs Woods of is the guest of Mrs Wm Miss Allie gave a cinch party to a few friends Miss Bettie Arnold has been a few days with her aunt Mrs Far Mary of Huston ville is her aunt Mrs J A Riffe Mrs Susie Best and son John of are friends met with Miss Nellie Dillon and a son left for Ga to visit Mrs Elkin Mrs W O and Miss have gone to Cincin nati for a few days visit Miss Anna of coun ¬ ty is the guest of her aunt Mrs J M Acton on street Mrs of Ohio is her sister Mi s RA and brother Louis Lan and Mrs J gave a hand ¬ some dinner in honor of Rev and Mrs R R West of ¬ City Dr the opti ¬ cian has been in the city this week for See ad in TilE Miss Emma Hood and brother Tom gave a supper in hon ¬ or of Mr John L of ¬ D C Those were Messrs Cabell John John Farra Prof and John He Didnt Care dear I see a twocol ¬ umn article in the paper about how even flour is being I dont care ner need you We cant git wrong with our if we take Dr Syrup All sell it or see RE Mc ¬ 1m CCI 10c lIb lOc lIb 06c 3 of gffttlllfCIIIIII i We all the for or if you and we the for 80 i We are sole for A W Led Bos ¬ ton the manufacturers of in the a and we our on etc We a line of etc on us r I t I would pleased to have and inspect our zmz s IS Respectfully business Marshal Richmond Hustonville visiting Catharine Chicago George Anderson Friday evening George risMiss Carpenter visiting Milledgeville visiting MrsGeorge FarrisA Monday evening enjoed candypullingMrs Rogersand Joseph Friday Atlanta Simpson Bradley daughter Christine Padgett Lincoln Lexington Charles McGugin Howard visiting Burnside dramMr Joseph Thursday Wash- ington Goldstein celebrated fitting glasses patrons elsewhere RECORD Friday evening Anderson Wash- ington present Denny LearJno Johnston Hampton Anderson HousewifeMy Sunday adulterated nothing stomick Caldwells Pepsin druggists Roberts druggist AOOOiIIIII00IIt140- 011b Crackers large0clib Snaps Sugar cakes SooP06cTotal will give above 100r have eggs bring them along will give above eggs anyonetand agents castle Sons Mass largest shoes United States guarantee price shoes have complete hats shirts underwear prints Call PATTERSON SYMPSON We be you call line HusbandWell Ginger r oeooooo00000000000000000000GENE ooJ 00 00 0 0 a 0009000 000000 Four of the leading officials of China were executed on account of their con ¬ nection with the Boxer outrages Louisville packers say the advance in beef pork and mutton at Chicago is not sufficient to effect on retail pricesQueen Victoria has prohibited the docking of her horses tails and has persuaded the Prince of Wales to fol ¬ low her example The United States War Department is in possession of the secret of the new French artillery and will con ¬ struct a gun on that model Chicagos bi3 drainage canal has been officially tendered to the United States Government R G Dun of the merchantile agency firm of R G Dun Co is dead in New York aged seventyfour years Cotton mill owners of the South will petition Secretary Hay to maintain the existing commercial relations with China Five tribes of Alaskan Indians are said to be slowly dying of starvation due to the fact that white prospectors are killing off all the game in that sec ¬ tionThe exConfederates of Fayette coun ¬ ty have fallen out over politics and a movement is on foot to form a new or- ganization ¬ to be called the indepen ¬ dent Confederate Veterans Associa ¬ tionFrand Mowbray a discharged valet has been awarded 5000 damages against Howard Gould after a suit for breach of contract with developed a scandal upon the part of Gould prev- ious ¬ to his marriage The Postal Department reports the total cost of transmitting the mails by rail during the year to be 33424982 for transportation 4946424 for pos ¬ tal car rents and 8000000 for clerks The rate of cost per mile was 12 cents The President will ask Congress to reorganize the army on a larger basis Senator Proctor expects Congress will provide a regular army of about 55000 or 60000 men with discretion to the President to raise the total to 100000 if he findsit necessary The New Orleans camp of Confeder ¬ ateVeterans has repudiated the pledge of 250 for a monument over the grave of Jefferson Davis made at the Louis ¬ ville reunion declaring the action of the delegation was unauthorized Contracts were let to Louisville jew¬ eler or five handsome and costly sil ¬ ver services to be used as prizes for the competitive drills during the Knights Templars Triennial Conclave in Louisville next August Accounting for the way the FilIpi- nos ¬ stick together Maj Gen MacAr thur says the adhesion principle comes from ethnological homogeneity which induces men to respond for a time to the appeals of consanguineous eadership Dr G H Albright a Barbourville physician was captured by bank rob- bers and left imprisoned in a vault in John A Blacks banking house for seven hours The robbers left after wrecking the bank vault and getting little if any money George W Writ President and R G Aail cashier of the Somerset Na ¬ tional Banking Company have been indicted respectively for false swear ¬ ing and embezzlement Both men have given bond Hails shortage is placed at 1647759 The bank was closed by Bank Examiner R G Gar rett last August when large ove- rdrafts were discovesed The wrapping department of the plant of the Frankfort Chair Company in the State penitentiary was destroy ¬ ed by fire Wednesday The loss to the company is about 5000 and to the State about 2000 Both are covered by insurance The fire was of incen ¬ diary orgin The report of the division of rural freedelivery of the Postoffice Depart- ment ¬ for the Middle division will give Kentucky very pooj showing in this branch of the postal service It is claimed at the department that Ken ¬ tucky is near the foot of the list of States in its section with regard to the number of applications for the in ftallmentof this service 1 COMPRESSED AIR CLEANING The Idea I Centuries Old Mexican Women Utle that Method In VWJhlng Clothe I sometimes wonder said the man from the southwest relates the New York Sun whether the inventor who turned compressed air to cleaning pur ¬ poses thought he had a brandnew idea If so he was much mistaken I saw air used for cleaning years ago If I num ¬ bered my years by centuries instead of scores I think I might have seen it at my birth just the same The older method is primitive of course While the uptodate system stationI of use the original way is to press it on the spot It is less dan ¬ gerous I first saw air used for the next to godly purposes years ago down in Mexico A crowd of women were scattered along the banks of a stream They knelt by flat stones at the edge of the water By the side of each wom ¬ an was the pile of garments to be washed Each article had been thor- oughly ¬ covered with soap from the soapweed Nature is generous down there and grows the article The women took the garments one by one and spread them out on the flat stones Then they flirted and twisted and rubbed them to take the dirt out Perhaps you imagine that they used the stone as a scrubbing board Not at all Mexican matrons dont like to patch and mendior to make new clothes any better than those north of the bor ¬ der The washers took the wellsoaped garments and flung them over the stone with a flirt which caught air un ¬ derneath and puffed them up This motion is similar to that of the spoon eggto wet cloth was kneaded out as the baker kneads the dough It carried with it the dirt The act was repeated again and again until the garment was white The wear wasnt greater than on a mod ¬ ern scrubbing board and the results are as good I know because I have worn shirts washed in that way And this style of using air to clean was an oldstory they tell me when Nero ruled Exhibit His Own Ignorance The man who tries to ridicule an- other only succeeds in exhibiting his own ignoranceChicago Daily News Why He Did It First PickpocketIf you knowed he only had a nickel it was hardly worth while pinchin it Second Pickpocket Oh I tuk it on principle Puck Opera House Rules Manager Hughes has posted the fol ¬ lowing rules for the local Opera House which will be rigidly enforced Curtain rises promptly at 8 oclock Stamping of feet whistling loud talking unnecessary noise eating peanuts loafing in the lobby not al ¬ lowed No one but employes allowed behind the curtain If you leave the house between acts please return to your seat before opening of next act Ladies will please remove their hats when play commences thus confering a favor upon those sitting in their rear These rules will be enforced M D Hughes Mgr What some people know would fill a bookand what they dont know would fill a library It Saved His leg P A Danforth of LaGrange Ga suffered intensely for six months with a frightful running sore on his legbut writes that Bucklens Arnica Salve wholly cured it in ten days For Ul- cers ¬ Wounds Burns Boils Pain or Piles its the best salve in the world Cure guaranteed Only 25c Sold by R E McRoberts druggist If some men were half as big as they think they are the world would have to be enlarged There would be mighty few militia companies if the members were com- pelled ¬ to wear plain clothes on parade A Famous Painting may be worth millions or a big pum kin may take first premium but Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin brings mor > Joy every day as it becomes better known and more generally used for Constipation Indigestion Sick Head ¬ ache and Stomach Trouble Get it at McRoberts drug store 1m dOlI1ar Mounts Flash I Powders Chicken feed for sale by II A T Marksbury G Son This is an extra good quality of feed Society is divided into two parts those who take a paper and those who take their neighbors paper Which are you in Biittlucs For Sale Having made arrangements to en ¬ gage in other business will sell myen tire stock of General Merchandise storehouse and dwelling at cost Any ¬ one wishing a good bargain can secure one here C C Becker- tf Bryantsville Bargains In Suits I am prepared to sell you an excell ¬ ent suit from 1000 to 2000 which will give more service than cheaper suits Quality wear fit and satisfac ¬ tion guaranteed or no sale A com ¬ parison of prices and quality is offered at any time I represent the largest house in America Overcoats of all kinds at low figures Quick sales and small profits is my motto Give me a call M D Aughes- 3t Agent The man who is willing to do as he would be done by always wants to be done by first There is probably no disease more distressing and annoying than piles Tablers Buckeye Pile Ointment is daily curing cases of years standing of itching and bleeding piles The cure begins on the first application a little perseverance makes the cure complete Price 50c in bottles Tubes 75 cents C CC J E Stormes 1m The reason most people give advice so freely is because they are anxious to get rid of itI Bismarcks Iron Serve Was the result of his splendid health Indomitable will and tremendous en ¬ ergy are not found where Stomach Liver Kidneys and Bowels are out of order If you want these qualities and the success they bring use Dr Kingss New Life Pills They develop every power of brain and body Only 25c at McRoberts The man who never forgets any¬ thing never forgets to boast of it to everyone he meets For all fresh cutsor wounds therei on the human subject or on animals Ballards Snow Liniment is excellent while for cornhuskerssprained wrists barbedwire cuts and sores on work ¬ ing horses it cannot be too highly commended Price 25 and 50 cents C C J E Stormes 1m DONT NEGLECTYOUR Dr R Goldstein of Louisville who is known by the people of Lancaster and vicinity has been here several days and will remain for a few days longer to fit glasses to the eyes of all who need them He has made the study of optics a specialty and anyone in need of glass- es ¬ cannot do better than give him a call He can be found at the Mason Hotel Parents of children whose eyes are in any way afflicted should take them to Dr Goldstein and have them examined Too much care can ¬ not be taken in this particular as any neglect on the part of the parents may lead to most serious consequences in after life If the eyes of the child need glasses the doctor can determine it and adjust such glasses as will be most apt to preserve and increase their strength The doctor has been givingsatisfaction for many years and we recommend him as worthy of the patronage of the public Those suff- ering ¬ with their eyes should call on him and if he doesnt give relief it will not cost them anything He can adjust to anv eyes and any age A good glass rightly adjusted is a luxury to a person with failing sight they can ill afford to do without A glass imper ¬ fectly adjusted is worse than no glass Office ot Mason Hotel raQC OC OO OOC c Buy Your I I School Supplies I New and SecondHandI IB O 2i OO ooo OC OO m g roffgLa a jga gaY ftfs GO TO 5DBt1C FOR STOREI School Books General Supplies Fine Sta ¬ tionery of all kinds Engraved Wedding Invitations 100 En ¬ graved Cards and Plate redu ced to 125 c i PURE DRUGS PAINTS OILS- STATIONERY Fine Cigars V Tobaccos Frescriptinns Accurately Com- pounded Garrard County Friends Always Welcome LILLARD STOUT DAlTVILLE 1 ALLKINbSOFlROOFING i i I I GUTTERING I II Our new foreman I H Harris is in rI of our shop and I guarantee all work to I be firstclass I I J B 1 Collier I I Shop over J C Robinsons j CIIIIIIIIIIIOOIIIoJ ESTRAY Red steer good stock weight about fOO or 600 Ibs came to my place about two months ago 3t JAMES CLARK i R 1 KINNAIRDINSURANCE Repsentini Followiisr Companies Aetna QueenPalatine NationalHartford Conneticnt German American Phenix of Brooklyn Milwaukee Merchants New York Underwriters Liverpool London Globe North British Merchautile Aetna Life Ins Go gf HartfordJConn JOHN T JOHNSTON Civil Engineeringand also County Surveyor LANCASTER KY All business promptly attended o 0

Transcript of E WE ARE THE SOLE a fS X E C Films Mounts II · 2017. 12. 12. · riilJ fi M1i Jff rglfllJffJ oo c...

  • r< r-


    l i


    E fS X as 4thW E C Ia raaFilms


    II b i e Ih a r Cl a C y IriilJ fi M1i J ff rglfllJffJ oo c ooo ooooooreooooooo o oooo Jil o0000000000000000000 00 0 fJ 7JJffJ oooo + jS 11111111111111111111001100000000000000000QOOOOOOoocooooooo ooooooI MILLINERY Iare constantly receiving new hats

    IWe NOBBY SHAPES and prices Iever before Give us a callhatI tII caster before Very II NOEL SISTERSLI JI I I I 000000oooooeooooo00oooooty


    IIllooooooooooaooooooeooooooocrAIJOUT peopleLI aIOaoeoexaeooolooooo000000000

    Ernest G Brown was at home lastweek to cast his vote

    Miss White of Mt Vernon is vis ¬iting her aunt Mrs Hobbs

    Mr H A B Marksbury was in Lex¬ington this week on business

    Mrs Mattie Duncan leaves this week1to visit relatives in Kansas City MoIIUtMiss Grace Kinnaird was storm ¬a few friends Saturday eve-ning



    Mrs Frank Bacon and little sonJohn left Friday for their home in


    r Harrisand Alberta An-derson


    are in Lexington visiting theMisses EmbryI

    Mr Jerry Respess of the SouthernRailways surveying corps is in townon a short vacation

    Mr R L Jennings and wife ofPaint Lick spent Sunday with Mr JC Thompson and family

    Stanford JournalMrs A R Dennyand Mrs Mattie Duncan of Garrardspent Saturday at Mr J SHockers

    As we go to press the condition ofDr W N Bush is somewhat improvedthough he remains in a critical con-dition



    Lancaster people extend a welcometo Mr Alex Doty and family who haverented Mr W J Romans property onRichmond street

    c Miss Lizzie Hudson entertained inher charming manner Thursday eve ¬ning in honor of her guest Miss Flor-ence Burnside of Paint Lick

    Livingston Colonel Mrs T A Gresham and Mrs Samuel Ward went toLancaster Wednesday Miss RhodaWhite of this place has gone to Lan-caster


    where she will spend a fewweeks with relatives

    Mr G S Gaines and family andMrs Nannie Carpenter moved to Dan ¬ville Tuesday where they will residein the future The departure of thisexcellent family is deeply regrettedby Lancaster people All wish them

    zf much happiness in their new home

    100U1l11111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIQOCir lIb Rice best10c1 peck Potatoes 20c1 can Corn best lOc1 canTomatoes10c1 can Oysters lOc1 lb Coffee none better20c

    John M Logan is at home from aI trip to the cities

    Mrs Eason is quite ill ather home on street

    Mr McKee Rifle of ishis brother John Rife

    Mrs Woods ofis the guest of Mrs Wm

    Miss Allie gave a cinchparty to a few friends

    Miss Bettie Arnold has been a fewdays with her aunt Mrs Far

    Mary of Hustonville is her aunt Mrs J ARiffe

    Mrs Susie Best and son John ofare

    friends met with Miss NellieDillon and a

    sonleft for Ga to visitMrs Elkin

    Mrs W O andMiss have gone to Cincinnati for a few days visit

    Miss Anna of coun ¬ty is the guest of her aunt Mrs J MActon on street

    Mrs ofOhio is her sister Mi s R A

    and brother Louis Lan

    and Mrs J gave a hand ¬some dinner in honor ofRev and Mrs R R West of ¬

    CityDr the opti ¬

    cian has been in the city this weekfor See ad

    in TilEMiss Emma Hood and brother Tom

    gave a supper in hon ¬or of Mr John L of ¬

    D C Those wereMessrs Cabell John

    John Farra Profand John

    He Didnt Caredear I see a twocol ¬

    umn article in the paper abouthow even flour is being

    I dont care nerneed you We cant gitwrong with our if we takeDr SyrupAll sell it or see R E Mc ¬




    lIb lOclIb 06c3 of

    gffttlllfCIIIIIIi We all the for or if youand we the for 80i

    We are sole for A W Led Bos ¬ton the manufacturers of in the

    a and we our on etcWe a line of

    etc on usrI



    would pleased to have and inspect our

    zmz s IS





    Catharine ChicagoGeorge

    AndersonFriday evening




    Milledgeville visiting MrsGeorge


    Monday evening enjoed

    candypullingMrsRogersand Joseph

    Friday AtlantaSimpson

    Bradley daughterChristine

    Padgett Lincoln


    Charles McGugin Howardvisiting





    Goldstein celebrated

    fitting glasses patronselsewhere RECORD

    Friday eveningAnderson Wash-

    ington presentDenny LearJno

    Johnston HamptonAnderson




    Caldwells Pepsindruggists

    Roberts druggist

    AOOOiIIIII00IIt140-011b Crackers


    Sugarcakes SooP06cTotal

    will give above 100r haveeggs bring them along will give aboveeggsanyonetandagents castle SonsMass largest shoes

    United States guarantee price shoeshave complete hats shirts underwearprints Call


    We be you call line



    roeooooo00000000000000000000GENEooJ00 00 0 0 a 0009000 000000

    Four of the leading officials of Chinawere executed on account of their con ¬nection with the Boxer outrages

    Louisville packers say the advancein beef pork and mutton at Chicagois not sufficient to effect on retailpricesQueen

    Victoria has prohibited thedocking of her horses tails and haspersuaded the Prince of Wales to fol ¬low her example

    The United States War Departmentis in possession of the secret of thenew French artillery and will con ¬struct a gun on that model

    Chicagos bi3 drainage canal hasbeen officially tendered to the UnitedStates Government

    R G Dun of the merchantile agencyfirm of R G Dun Co is dead inNew York aged seventyfour years

    Cotton mill owners of the South willpetition Secretary Hay to maintainthe existing commercial relationswith China

    Five tribes of Alaskan Indians aresaid to be slowly dying of starvationdue to the fact that white prospectorsare killing off all the game in that sec ¬tionThe

    exConfederates of Fayette coun¬ty have fallen out over politics and amovement is on foot to form a new or-ganization


    to be called the indepen ¬dent Confederate Veterans Associa¬tionFrand

    Mowbray a discharged valethas been awarded 5000 damagesagainst Howard Gould after a suit forbreach of contract with developed ascandal upon the part of Gould prev-ious


    to his marriageThe Postal Department reports the

    total cost of transmitting the mails byrail during the year to be 33424982for transportation 4946424 for pos ¬tal car rents and 8000000 for clerksThe rate of cost per mile was 12 cents

    The President will ask Congress toreorganize the army on a larger basisSenator Proctor expects Congress willprovide a regular army of about 55000or 60000 men with discretion to thePresident to raise the total to 100000if he findsit necessary

    The New Orleans camp of Confeder¬ateVeterans has repudiated the pledgeof 250 for a monument over the graveof Jefferson Davis made at the Louis ¬ville reunion declaring the action ofthe delegation was unauthorized

    Contracts were let to Louisville jew¬eler or five handsome and costly sil¬ver services to be used as prizes forthe competitive drills during theKnights Templars Triennial Conclavein Louisville next August

    Accounting for the way the FilIpi-nos


    stick together Maj Gen MacArthur says the adhesion principlecomes from ethnological homogeneitywhich induces men to respond for atime to the appeals of consanguineouseadership

    Dr G H Albright a Barbourvillephysician was captured by bank rob-bers and left imprisoned in a vault inJohn A Blacks banking house forseven hours The robbers left afterwrecking the bank vault and gettinglittle if any money

    George W Writ President and RG Aail cashier of the Somerset Na ¬tional Banking Company have beenindicted respectively for false swear ¬ing and embezzlement Both menhave given bond Hails shortage isplaced at 1647759 The bank wasclosed by Bank Examiner R G Garrett last August when large ove-rdrafts were discovesed

    The wrapping department of theplant of the Frankfort Chair Companyin the State penitentiary was destroy ¬ed by fire Wednesday The loss to thecompany is about 5000 and to theState about 2000 Both are coveredby insurance The fire was of incen ¬diary orgin

    The report of the division of ruralfreedelivery of the Postoffice Depart-ment


    for the Middle division will giveKentucky very pooj showing in thisbranch of the postal service It isclaimed at the department that Ken ¬tucky is near the foot of the list ofStates in its section with regard tothe number of applications for the inftallmentof this service


    The Idea I Centuries Old MexicanWomen Utle that Method In

    VWJhlng Clothe

    I sometimes wonder said the manfrom the southwest relates the NewYork Sun whether the inventor whoturned compressed air to cleaning pur ¬poses thought he had a brandnew ideaIf so he was much mistaken I saw airused for cleaning years ago If I num ¬bered my years by centuries insteadof scores I think I might have seenit at my birth just the same

    The older method is primitive ofcourse While the uptodate systemstationIof use the original way isto press it on the spot It is less dan ¬gerous I first saw air used for thenext to godly purposes years ago downin Mexico A crowd of women werescattered along the banks of a streamThey knelt by flat stones at the edgeof the water By the side of each wom ¬an was the pile of garments to bewashed Each article had been thor-oughly


    covered with soap from thesoapweed Nature is generous downthere and grows the article

    The women took the garments oneby one and spread them out on the flatstones Then they flirted and twistedand rubbed them to take the dirt outPerhaps you imagine that they usedthe stone as a scrubbing board Notat all Mexican matrons dont like topatch and mendior to make new clothesany better than those north of the bor¬der

    The washers took the wellsoapedgarments and flung them over thestone with a flirt which caught air un ¬derneath and puffed them up Thismotion is similar to that of the spooneggtowet cloth was kneaded out as the bakerkneads the dough It carried with itthe dirt The act was repeated againand again until the garment was whiteThe wear wasnt greater than on a mod ¬ern scrubbing board and the resultsare as good I know because I haveworn shirts washed in that way Andthis style of using air to clean was anoldstory they tell me when Neroruled

    Exhibit His Own IgnoranceThe man who tries to ridicule an-

    other only succeeds in exhibiting hisown ignoranceChicago Daily News

    Why He Did ItFirst PickpocketIf you knowed he

    only had a nickel it was hardly worthwhile pinchin it

    Second Pickpocket Oh I tuk it onprinciple Puck

    Opera House RulesManager Hughes has posted the fol ¬

    lowing rules for the local Opera Housewhich will be rigidly enforced

    Curtain rises promptly at 8 oclockStamping of feet whistling loudtalking unnecessary noise eatingpeanuts loafing in the lobby not al¬lowed No one but employes allowedbehind the curtain If you leave thehouse between acts please return toyour seat before opening of next actLadies will please remove their hatswhen play commences thus conferinga favor upon those sitting in theirrear These rules will be enforced

    M D Hughes Mgr

    What some people know would fill abookand what they dont knowwould fill a library

    It Saved His legP A Danforth of LaGrange Ga

    suffered intensely for six months witha frightful running sore on his legbutwrites that Bucklens Arnica Salvewholly cured it in ten days For Ul-cers


    Wounds Burns Boils Pain orPiles its the best salve in the worldCure guaranteed Only 25c Sold byR E McRoberts druggist

    If some men were half as big as theythink they are the world would haveto be enlarged

    There would be mighty few militiacompanies if the members were com-pelled


    to wear plain clothes on parade

    A Famous Paintingmay be worth millions or a big pumkin may take first premium but DrCaldwells Syrup Pepsin brings mor>Joy every day as it becomes betterknown and more generally used forConstipation Indigestion Sick Head ¬ache and Stomach Trouble Get it atMcRoberts drug store 1m





    Chicken feed for sale by II A TMarksbury G Son This is an extragood quality of feed

    Society is divided into two partsthose who take a paper and those whotake their neighbors paper Whichare you in

    Biittlucs For SaleHaving made arrangements to en ¬

    gage in other business will sell myentire stock of General Merchandisestorehouse and dwelling at cost Any ¬one wishing a good bargain can secureone here C C Becker-

    tf BryantsvilleBargains In Suits

    I am prepared to sell you an excell ¬ent suit from 1000 to 2000 whichwill give more service than cheapersuits Quality wear fit and satisfac ¬tion guaranteed or no sale A com ¬parison of prices and quality is offeredat any time I represent the largesthouse in America Overcoats of allkinds at low figures Quick sales andsmall profits is my motto Give me acall M D Aughes-

    3t Agent

    The man who is willing to do as hewould be done by always wants to bedone by first

    There is probably no disease moredistressing and annoying than pilesTablers Buckeye Pile Ointment isdaily curing cases of years standingof itching and bleeding piles Thecure begins on the first application alittle perseverance makes the curecomplete Price 50c in bottles Tubes75 cents C C C J E Stormes 1m

    The reason most people give adviceso freely is because they are anxiousto get rid ofitIBismarcks Iron ServeWas the result of his splendid healthIndomitable will and tremendous en ¬ergy are not found where StomachLiver Kidneys and Bowels are out oforder If you want these qualitiesand the success they bring use DrKingss New Life Pills They developevery power of brain and body Only25c at McRoberts

    The man who never forgets any¬thing never forgets to boast of it toeveryone he meets

    For all fresh cutsor wounds thereion the human subject or on animalsBallards Snow Liniment is excellentwhile for cornhuskerssprained wristsbarbedwire cuts and sores on work¬ing horses it cannot be too highlycommended Price 25 and 50 centsC C J E Stormes 1m


    Dr R Goldstein of Louisville whois known by the people of Lancasterand vicinity has been here severaldays and will remain for a few dayslonger to fit glasses to the eyes of allwho need them

    He has made the study of optics aspecialty and anyone in need of glass-es


    cannot do better than give him acall He can be found at the MasonHotel Parents of children whoseeyes are in any way afflicted shouldtake them to Dr Goldstein and havethem examined Too much care can¬not be taken in this particular as anyneglect on the part of the parentsmay lead to most serious consequencesin after life If the eyes of the child

    need glasses the doctor can determineit and adjust such glasses as will bemost apt to preserve and increasetheir strength The doctor has beengivingsatisfaction for many years andwe recommend him as worthy of thepatronage of the public Those suff-ering


    with their eyes should call onhim and if he doesnt give relief itwill not cost them anything He canadjust to anv eyes and any age A goodglass rightly adjusted is a luxury to aperson with failing sight they can illafford to do without A glass imper ¬fectly adjusted is worse than no glassOffice ot Mason Hotel

    raQC OCOOOOC cBuy Your I

    I School SuppliesI New and SecondHandI

    IB O2iOO ooo OC OOm g roffgLa a jga gaY ftfsGO TO5DBt1CFOR STOREI

    School BooksGeneral Supplies Fine Sta¬tionery of all kinds EngravedWedding Invitations 100 En ¬graved Cards and Plate reduced to 125


    STATIONERYFine Cigars V TobaccosFrescriptinns Accurately Com-

    poundedGarrard County Friends Always Welcome




    I GUTTERING IIIOur new foremanI H Harris is in rIof our shop andI guarantee all work to I

    be firstclass I

    I J B1

    Collier II Shop over J C Robinsons j


    Red steer good stock weight about fOO or600 Ibs came to my place about two monthsago 3t JAMES CLARK

    i R1


    Repsentini Followiisr Companies




    ConneticntGerman American

    Phenix of BrooklynMilwaukee Merchants

    New York UnderwritersLiverpool London GlobeNorth British Merchautile

    Aetna Life Ins Go gf HartfordJConn


    Civil Engineeringand alsoCounty Surveyor

    LANCASTER KYAll business promptly attended o
