e-Stamp - The Srijan Schoolthesrijanschool.com/.../3-Affidavit-Swift-Securitas.pdf ·...

, ' ...~.~ ~\:'" ",.);:::'., INDIA· NON JUDICIAL :. ':':"';;J'.;'.:j.'.t •• :,:~.•,.,.,.~.,.:,.,.",,:(,, PI . bI h' n -t••,,' •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• easewnte or type e ow t IS me•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••.•. r;l.;,~~ ~ .,:~.~t:.:. . 1' . -, . "~ ... ~,..,.,\")~",,, e-Stamp "' .., Certificate No. Certificate Issued Date Account Reference Unique Doc. Reference Purchased by Description of Document Property Description Consideration Price (Rs.) IN-DL37690000577116P 03·0ct-2017 10:44 AM IMPACC (IV)/ d1705903/ DELHI/ DL-DLH SUBIN,DLDL70590377348126326811 P VA MOSES Article 4 Affidavit NA o (Zero) THE SRIJAN SCHOOL NA THE SRIJAN SCHOOL 10 (Ten only) First Party Second Party Stamp Duty Paid By Stamp Duty Amount(Rs.) tne-Sfl . !\IN DELHI.HOOOg NORTH MODEl. TO~ . ....--. ,::.~" \,.: I -\ ~ .' , ;--: .... ;::i·;.Ji\ ·:)CHOOL ,~·c. \',;0;: ;·J;cdel Town, l),:;ihi-11 0009

Transcript of e-Stamp - The Srijan Schoolthesrijanschool.com/.../3-Affidavit-Swift-Securitas.pdf ·...

Page 1: e-Stamp - The Srijan Schoolthesrijanschool.com/.../3-Affidavit-Swift-Securitas.pdf · 2019-11-19 · AFFIDAVIT----- --- I, V.A. Mosel slo tate R. S. Moses, principal of The srijan

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Certificate No.Certificate Issued DateAccount ReferenceUnique Doc. Reference

Purchased by

Description of Document

Property Description

Consideration Price (Rs.)

IN-DL37690000577116P03·0ct-2017 10:44 AMIMPACC (IV)/ d1705903/ DELHI/ DL-DLHSUBIN,DLDL70590377348126326811 P


Article 4 Affidavit




First Party

Second Party

Stamp Duty Paid By

Stamp Duty Amount(Rs.)

tne-Sfl .!\IN DELHI.HOOOg


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, ;--:....;::i·;.Ji\ ·:)CHOOL,~·c.\',;0;: ;·J;cdel Town,

l),:;ihi-11 0009

Page 2: e-Stamp - The Srijan Schoolthesrijanschool.com/.../3-Affidavit-Swift-Securitas.pdf · 2019-11-19 · AFFIDAVIT----- --- I, V.A. Mosel slo tate R. S. Moses, principal of The srijan

AFFIDAVIT- - - - - - - -I, V.A. Mosel slo tate R. S. Moses, principal of The srijan school(O.P. suri Memorial BiucaUon Society), 4B North Model 'fown,Delhi -110 009.

I I the arove naned deponent, do here~ solemnly affirm alX1statethat I amPrincipal of The Srijan 9011001 and am COmpetel1't:.toswear thi s affidavit.

'~1~ That I an the principal of the abOVe establishment The srijan:.~. I,· . ',-; . ' .

..,.::.'-'"<..~,.(.. School and well conversant with the furjotioning of the"/' /':.::"'.'}'')~"estah1.ishment end state on oathldEPost th.is affidavit.

""\ c'i'D;'2., :}rhat the d'Ponent is Prindpal (as the case maybe) of the-"'1':'':- .• ,. ...-~,:~.' establishment The srijan school (hereinafter referred to as

....,~..:-:;'~':;.~(,r.)'>.' I, the principal Employer) is an indeperXient legal identity ala

principal Employer in eccordenc e with the proq.1sions of thecontract Lab:>ur (Regulation & Al::x:>lition) Act, 1970 and rulesmade ther9.lndet:'.

3. That the establi shment of deponent has el'ltered into anagreement with MIs. Swift securitaa: Pvt. Ltd. for providingthe 8 mem1:::erof workers, .which shall remain in fon!e from01.04.2017 to 31.03.2018.

4. 'fhat tne deponent worker(s) of the contractor shall bedeployed at the premises of the deponent establishment ao%rThat t:lose worker~; deployed shall the deployed by theCleponent am performLng the same similar kind of work asbeing done l:¥ the worker (s) d,irectly euplolled by the Principal/Employer are l:f;:ling/shall be pai<1 the sane wages as applicab~eto the directly employed worker(s) of Principal Bnployer.

...,~the-srtjan scrhool



T:~ North Model Town,, Oelhi-110009

That the deponent un<1ertake that each and every waneraeployed by the deponent is! are l::*inglshall be pa1c:inot lessthan the minimumrate f wages fiXed for their category of

ercployment fromtime 0 .irneby the Govt. of NC'l'/~~N~'~~"." ··r-"- ~ ';

/"'.:J/ .·<··!.~~V ifrI I •.v-' r' .


;f!; Govt. i_l ,,_..~: ~r"\ 00. \"".0'" ~.j* ,\~ I~ (~.,..ZC~VA~¥.·/

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Page 3: e-Stamp - The Srijan Schoolthesrijanschool.com/.../3-Affidavit-Swift-Securitas.pdf · 2019-11-19 · AFFIDAVIT----- --- I, V.A. Mosel slo tate R. S. Moses, principal of The srijan


//-I 2 1-

under the provisions of MinimumWageS .k:!t., 1948 includingovertime/weekly off etc. ao:1it shall be paid throuc;P theaccaunt ppye echequel ECsI Bank Transf er (other th an workersengaged in oonstru:::t1on work/daily paid). The payment of wageswill be made in t.he presence of authorized rEpreSEtltatiee of

/_:-~ ,the deponent (princ.1pal ~loyer) and duly verify by R,i.m!ner.,/ .I\~:' .•,),:t~:; _ '~

;;~j'';\c6~.'--·;<~Ra.t tne d eponent shall ensure that all the <COD't:ractorsprov ide( a)

Ir::; '.,~' Pi··l-'>~' the stat.utory l:;)enef!1:.sunder t.he applicable Lab:)ur Laws in

!;''':\ (:;' :-··'!r ;Pect of all the worker(s) deployecVshall be deployed in the\,~-\ '* t:\t~-,::.~,;rnises of the deponent (principal ~loyer), failing 'WhiCh

"-::_VA.S,:,:~tnesam; shall be prov,Wa:l 1:¥ the deponent as per the provisionsof the Contract Labour (~A) Act, 1970 and rules male t.hereunder.

7. That the process (es)/workl Jobes) on which the contract 'WOrkersare to J:e deployed! engaged is! are not atoli shed by any Authorityor Board under t.he provisions of &ntract 1.,atour (P&A) kt, 1970.

B. That the deponent has uploaded the required i nforIll:ltion anCldocuments as per check list. in their websicl.ewww.thesrijanschool.com and the website is not be passworit prot.ecteC1 and will l::eupdated every roonth, further the requ1eect information ar.adocuments shall Il:)t b:l renoved from tlb:e website without prior

permission and chall2es, if any shall ~ int1mzted t.o theRegist.er! ng Offie ers •

Y,erlficatiol'll the' SfOfll[! M9PEL TOWN, OElHI-ll0009

Verified at Delhi on this 3rd OCtober,2th-, mat the contents of theatove affidavit. are true and correct, no part of it is false andnothing material has been concealed t.herefran.


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., .,~,~'__1.u. 11All!1lNORTH MODEL TOWN, OElHI-l10009

PR\>J,:.,,~ .,;..THE SRIJP>.N SCHOOL4-8. North Model Town,
