DU+ZU+FSU report

LOGO Global Warming Global Warming Report Report EcoPsycho EcoPsycho Canae White Elise Madeleine Kleinsorgen Hans Winkler Marcus Kosak Sofia Farah Stacey Paul Tom Sebastian Tomás Gonzaléz Vidya Thayoor Wei Dai Yang Yang

Transcript of DU+ZU+FSU report

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Global Warming Global Warming ReportReport


Canae White

Elise Madeleine Kleinsorgen

Hans Winkler

Marcus Kosak

Sofia Farah

Stacey Paul

Tom Sebastian

Tomás Gonzaléz

Vidya Thayoor

Wei Dai

Yang Yang

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Disasters brought to us…

There have been many happenings over the past few years that have struck many new attitudes towards the issue. Of the many happenings, the biggest thus far recorded in New Orleans has been Hurricane Katrina.

Destroying nearly the entire city and causing so much damage and devastation in others cities such as Gulfport, Mississippi, it stood as a serious reminder that climate change disasters not only affected the lives of people it directly hit, but it could indirectly have negative implications on the country economically and politically.

In other states there have been other horrible occurrences. In

California it was reported by the associated press that there have been more wildfires this year than any other time in the state’s recorded history (http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/state/20080804-2057-ca-californiawildfires.html).


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www.themegallery.comPsychological and Cultural

Effects Culturally and especially economically, research and reports have shown that the groups of people who are and will continue to be most seriously affected unless action is taken are African Americans. So many lost everything they had and did not have enough money to return to rebuild their homes or their lives. Some did not have their own houses, but lived in housing project that the city is now having torn down, and they have no hope of returning. If the Hurricane Katrina situation was any implication of what would happen to those who are in the lower-working class or live in the poorer parts of cities, then African Americans are at risk (http://news.ccpblogs.com/2008/07/30/blacks-breathing-more-of-the-bad-air/). The less fortunate and other people of color are at risk not only economically, but health wise as well. Asthma and other serious diseases of this kind have been increasing dramatically with the amount of pollution (http://www.fragilecologies.com/jul07_06.html).

Although seriously affected, it seems that these communities are not taking any kind of stand on this issue as a whole. There are those who are trying to make a difference as individuals, but the African American community seems to be taking baby steps on an issue that directly affects them. Without the correlation between Global Warming effects and the African American Community being shown to more people in this community, however, there will continue to be very little progress.


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To share with you :

local initiatives of great impact2

Roles in global warming issues4

local initiatives related to one’s culture


Best methods of public relation33

What should we do?



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www.themegallery.comlocal initiatives related to

one’s culture Green electricity “jenatur”


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www.themegallery.comlocal initiatives related to

one’s culture Jena’s public services have developed a new

initiative of green electricity. The name of the project derives from our city’s name “Jena” as well as the German word for nature (“Natur”) and has been mixed into creative “jenatur”. This environmentally compatible energy is completely extracted from waterpower (hydrodynamic power). Talking about the price it is only 1 cent per kWh more expensive than regular power.

For one household that makes a difference of about 2 Euros in addition per month. What is the outcome? Every single household could reduce its personal carbon dioxide emission by 1. 2 tons per year!


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The Grand Canal of China

local initiatives related to one’s culture


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Water Bus

local initiatives related to one’s culture


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Since Oct. 2006, waterbus in The Grand Canal of China has served as complementary public transportation in Hangzhou, which not only helps to solve the traffic problem in a greener way, but also gives the ancient canal a new lease on life.

The Grand Canal of China (known as Jinghang Canal) is the largest ancient artificial river in the world. Starting north in Beijing and ending south in Hangzhou with a total length of 1,794 kilometers (1115 miles), the Grand Canal was a giant irrigation project of ancient China with a history of over 1,400 years.

The waterbus project is only part of the whole plan. Hangzhou government will continue to build pedestrian street and cycle track, known as the low-speed transportation system, along the riverside, focusing on a multi-dimensional public transportation with less relyance on private cars.

local initiatives related to one’s culture


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www.themegallery.comlocal initiatives of great

impact “Strengthened Economy”

With the implementation of new programs and policies, it is believed that lower-income families and families of color will benefit from a “strengthened economy” among other things (New report: African Americans bear the brunt of climate change ) .

The price of gas for instance, if the country depended on it less, would drop drastically. This would definitely help as the economy suffered a serious blow when gas prices rocketed to nearly more than $5.00 a gallon in some states across the country.

To make sure progression is happening on this issue different things have occurred.


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www.themegallery.comlocal initiatives of great

impact One example would be various the websites encouraging African

American entrepreneurs to “manuafacturing” more economically friendly transportation for their businesses, along with other more efficient ways of operating: (http://www.aaenvironment.com/GlobalWarming2.htm).

There is an organization called the Global Warming Initiatives, Inc. which assists different businesses in their desires to become more energy efficient.

In 2004, the governors of California, Washington, and Oregon all created the “West Coast Governor’s Global Warming Initiative” which is an agreement listing their goals and various individual state and collaborative projects for them to work on as to protect themselves from the affects of Global Warming.


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www.themegallery.comlocal initiatives of great

impact Bush also demanded that Congress produce some sort of bill that would spell

out what principles used to combat this issue. Although it was much to the dismay and disagreement to many people in Congress, the presidential candidates seem to have plans with the “cap and trade system” that is popular in Europe. This system calls for “limits on carbon emissions and allows polluters to buy credits from companies…” (http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2008/apr/14/bush-prepares-global-warming-initiative/).

The Global Green organization, the U.S. branch of the Green Cross International is helping build energy efficient home in New Orleans with the latest technologies which will allow them to use up to 75% less energy that other homes (http://www.2theadvocate.com/news/25885379.html?showAll=y&c=y).

Brown University and Dillard University have both began initiatives so their campuses can begin the process of becoming more economically friendly with recycle campaigns, conferences, and competitions.


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www.themegallery.comlocal initiatives of great

impact “The flower”


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www.themegallery.comlocal initiatives of great

impact The Flower is the symbol of the European Eco-label –

a guide to greener products and services. It is a voluntary scheme designed to encourage businesses to market products and services that are kinder to the environment and for European consumers - including public and private purchasers - to easily identify them.

You can find the Flower throughout the European Union as well as in Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland. The European Eco-label is part of a broader strategy aimed at promoting sustainable consumption and production.

Since 1998 we find the flower in Europe spread over different kinds of products. The success of this project can be seen in the above pictured chart.


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www.themegallery.comlocal initiatives of great

impact No more extra-thin plastic bags!


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www.themegallery.comlocal initiatives of great

impact On Jun. 1st 2008, Hangzhou, along with other cities

through out the country, validated a ban on the production of ultra-thin plastic bags, while shopkeepers are also banned from handing out free plastic bags except for fresh and cooked foods, calling on shoppers to turn to cloth bags and shopping baskets to reduce the use of plastic.

According to an estimate by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), the country's top economic planner, each two people would consume one plastic bag in one day. At least 1,300 tons of oil would be consumed daily to produce the shopping bags for supermarkets alone, which means immeasurable emission of green house gas during the processing. Undoubtedly, the Act is a big step forward in fighting against global warming.


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www.themegallery.comBest methods of public

relation There are so many advertisements littered all over the city of Berkeley, California. Jehova witnesses even hand out pamphlets with their religious views of how we can soften the affects of Global Warming. There are flyers in all of the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART Train/Subway) Stations and on the trains that encourage recycling not only paper, plastic, and glass, but food as well. In New Orleans, in addition to billboards and the attempts of individuals with passing out flyers, there are posters on the sides of buses The clothing line DISEL has released a series of ad campaigns with a globally conscience setting ( http://blog.wired.com/wiredscience/2007/10/are-diesels-glo.html) , however some seem to feel this could be mocking the entire effort as opposed to really raising awareness. And Al Gore with his Alliance for Climate Change organization in 2007 planned to spend $100 million dollars a year to raise awareness in the United States (http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2007/08/26/global-warming-ads-al-gore-coming-soon) although everyone does not seem to be very supportive of his efforts, or believe they are sincere.


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www.themegallery.comBest methods of public

relation Distributing new pupil’s booklets These little booklets called “Biological diversity” and “Renewable

energies” are being distributed throughout schools nationwide. Along with many others these educational materials are being provided by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature

Conservation and Nuclear Safety.


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www.themegallery.comBest methods of public

relation European chemicals regulation

The chemicals regulation REACH, one of the most ambitious environmental projects in the history of the EU, started successfully. In the first month almost 16,000 substances were already pre-registered with the European Chemicals Agency in Helsinki.

Questioning the efficiency of nuclear powers

Some years ago, our government has decided to stop investing in nuclear power. Thus they planned to decline the energy we derive from atomic energy.

Now the discussion has risen again: Was that a clever step? Will we be able to replace that amount of energy we received from nuclear power otherwise and also sufficiently? Shouldn’t we rather invest in atomic energy like other countries do?


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www.themegallery.comBest methods of public


government’s government’s attitudeattitude

People tends to ask: ‘If the government officials are driving private cars every day, why should I abandon mine? If the temperature remains so low in summer in government buildings, why should I turn my ac 2 degrees higher? ’ It is necessary and effective for government to take leading roles in fighting against global warming.

AdvertisementsAdvertisements Not for any individual interest, welfare advertisements work to attract the public, especially when the starring are positive celebrities.

Education Education in schoolsin schools

The young generation means the future, and education is always emphasized in the country.


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www.themegallery.comRoles in global warming

issues In the United States, Global Warming is a controversial topic that

sends many people into various opinions. There are those conservatives who feel that the idea of global warming is nothing more than a liberal myth, others who feel that it would kill the U.S. economy to support such a massive change, and those who want to reduce the effects of this possible tragedy by any means necessary. The awareness of this global issue has begun to rise all over the United States and measures in many forms have been taken to ensure that the government, businesses, and individuals begin to make more changes.

Although people’s opinions in the past have been on either extreme of whole-heartedly attempting to fight global warming or not believing in it at all, the more evidence and happenings that occur in the country seem to be commanding people’s attention and action. Progress is being made and however slow it may be, change is coming.


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www.themegallery.comRoles in global warming

issues In the European Union (EU) almost all environmental sectors

are now covered by Community legislation. With regard to harmonization of targets, policies and measures within the EU Germany often is the driving force for the development of ambitious European environmental standards.

Also, especially in times of increasing globalization, the field of international relationships places considerable importance on global environmental policy. Global environmental problems cannot be solved unilaterally, but instead require a multilateral approach. Thus, our government is very ambitious and involved in the G8-meetings (G8 are the economically most powerful industrialized countries), where small steps towards a better world can be made.


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www.themegallery.comRoles in global warming

issues For a long time, China does not play a leading role in global

environmental issues, because China has long maintained that the established industrial powers need to act first because we built our wealth largely by burning fossil fuels and unfortunately adding to the atmosphere’s blanket of greenhouse gases.

With global warming high on the agenda, China will not assume its responsibilities in responding to climate change. China has released its first national strategy on climate change, a plan that promises to improve energy efficiency but rejects any mandatory caps on greenhouse gas emissions. China has also passed new laws on environmental protection and energy efficiency, while fiscal and tax policies are being revised to reward clean industry and punish high-polluting factories.

Meanwhile, we have to admit that China is still a developing country and needs to balance environmental improvements with maintaining economic growth.


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LOGOCanae White

Elise Madeleine Kleinsorgen

Hans Winkler

Marcus Kosak

Sofia Farah

Stacey Paul

Tom Sebastian

Tomás Gonzaléz

Vidya Thayoor

Wei Dai

Yang Yang
