Dunkin Donuts & Social Media

C on fid en tialin form atio n , co p yin g , d issem in atio n o r d istrib u tio n o f th is in fo rm atio n is strictly p ro h ib ited . David Puner Communications Manager August 31, 2009


Dunkin Donuts Social Media Case Study: Gravity Summit at Harvard

Transcript of Dunkin Donuts & Social Media

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David PunerCommunications Manager

August 31, 2009

Page 2: Dunkin Donuts & Social Media

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Dunkin’ Donuts launched on Twitter in October 2008 to deepen our Dunkin’ Donuts launched on Twitter in October 2008 to deepen our connection to our customers and broaden our brand community.connection to our customers and broaden our brand community.

Dunkin’ Donuts on

Page 3: Dunkin Donuts & Social Media

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Some Words of Twitter:


Know the rules before you break them… And trust Know the rules before you break them… And trust the one who tweets.the one who tweets.

Page 4: Dunkin Donuts & Social Media

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Like Dunkin’ Donuts…… Twitter is fun, fast, no frills and built for people on the go.

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More Words of TwitterA billboard doesn’t talk to you.A billboard doesn’t talk to you.

People do.People do.

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Uncomfortable Words of Twitter?

Get comfortable with the unknown.Get comfortable with the unknown.