DSDN 144 Project 2 - Laura Wallace

e deliciousness of the cupcake Laura Wallace 300252990 Linda Lee [email protected] [email protected]

Transcript of DSDN 144 Project 2 - Laura Wallace

Page 1: DSDN 144 Project 2 - Laura Wallace

The deliciousness of the cupcake

Laura Wallace300252990Linda Lee

[email protected]@gmail.com

Page 2: DSDN 144 Project 2 - Laura Wallace

ProposalFor the second project the brief asks us to explore the concept in time through the use of photography. We have the choice to portray time through a minute stop motion or series of 4-8 images.

For this project I am planning of focusing on the time of baking. From DSDN 101 last trimester I know that the planning and shooting of a stop motion takes more time than expected. From this information I will experiment with a stop-motion or pho-tos. At this point I am leaning towards a series of photos as I feel that I will be able to express my ideas and inspiration to a bet-ter extent.

For this project I would really like to stay clear away from what I consider the cliché movement photography of people (e.g. walking). From wanting to stay away from this cliché I have chosen to focus my project on the time of baking. My ideas are to photo baking e.g. bread rising, cake rising in the oven, etc. I am not sure how the best way to show this at this point in time. I will be researching and experimenting with different food on how to best portray time.

For experimentation to decide on either a stop-motion or photos. I am planning on making a stop motion of me making and decorating my sister’s birthday cake. I am planning on framing this stop motion in a simpler style to Ian Waldie stop motions. He has a very controlled stop-motion photography style. I am going to take the use of the still camera on a tripod contrasted with the movement of people or workers to show the passing of time in stop motion.

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Artist Precedents

Jack Evens

This photo from artist Jack Evens is inspiration for a gradient of cupcake batter through time to a burnt cupcake. The time shown in this image is subtle and I think the process that is taken in making the flowers would be very affective adapt-ed to the making of cupcakes. My idea is to show the cupcake at 5min intervals.

Sophie Calle

The images of ‘The Chromatic Diet’. For six days Calle consumed a diet of a single food colour. Calle asked writer and filmmaker Paul Auster to “invent a fictive character which I would attempt to resemble.” This charactor also served as the model for Maria in Auster’s novel Leviathan (1992). This charactor intrigued Calle that she re-created the charactors week and displayed it as works of art created. Auster had Maria consumme a chromatic diet which includeds a series of color-coordinated meals.

From this series of work I am taking inspiration from the colour. I would like to show and use different colours through the baking to show the passing of time, e.g. light – not cooked to burnt – over cooked.

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EvaluationFrom last project I knew that I needed to have a clear set idea before i started taking photos. One thing that I think was successful in this project was that I defiantly had a clear idea in my mind of how I wanted to show and express time in my photos. This helped mw greatly as I did not waste time like I did last project on decisions that should have already been made. My first photo shoot went well and from this I knew that I could continue with my idea of showing time through baking. My next shoot also went successfully, it was a nice sunny day and the white balance and colours came out very nicely.

After taking a series of photos that was intended to be turned into a stop-motion (third-shoot) I found that this did not fit with the idea in my head of subtle time. I disliked the blatant showing of time, this made the decision that I would be of showing a series of photos for my project.

I found the setting of white balance in my kitchen to be very hard. I struggled with this right through the project and in the end still did not manage to correctly set the balance. When shooting I thought that the balance was almost perfect and would need little adjustment in Photoshop, as the images when previewed on the camera screen look quite good. I was then very disappointed at the final two photo-shoot images when I viewed then on a computer screen as the images turned out to be very different to what they should have been.

If I were to do anything differently I would spend a lot more time correctly setting the white balance and sourcing the cor-rect lighting.