
http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=6x4Zy8EOo14 VIDEO ( Drug addiction ) Name: Abhishek meena Class: IBDP year 1 (batch 2) subject: English B ppt for FA1


a small book about drugs

Transcript of drugs

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VIDEO ( Drug addiction )

Name: Abhishek meenaClass: IBDP year 1 (batch 2)

subject: English B ppt for FA1

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A drug is a substance which may have medicinal, intoxicating,  performance enhancing  or other effects when taken or put into a human body or the body of another animal and is not considered a food or exclusively a food.  

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Types of drugs3.Hallucinogens – These drugs

alter the user’s state of consciousness. (Distort auditory and visual sensations). Examples are LSD, ecstasy, magic mushrooms, marijuana.

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A legal drug or intoxicants are drugs which are not prohibited by the United Nations Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs. This classification therefore enables legal drugs to be sold over the counter in various retail stores or food-suppliers throughout the world and the United States.

Legal Drugs


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Illegal drugs are drugs which have controls on them by a government and are illegal in certain situations (a person is not allowed to have them). A drug is any chemical designed to affect the human body.

Illegal drugs

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Different type of drugs are as follows:


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1.ALCOHOLAlcohol goes directly from your

digestive system into your blood and within minutes spreads to entire body, including brain.

It spreads evenly throughout body-except brain which gets the highest concentration because it gets more blood than any other part of body.

More blood equals more alcohol.Intoxication (drunkenness) starts in

the brain.

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3.Small Intestine




Alcohol reaches in:

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Physical Effects Co-ordination is

impaired, clumsiness, slower reflexes.

High blood pressure, damage to the heart.

Liver damage.If drinking when

pregnant, FASD.Life threatening when

mixed with other drugs.

Mental and Emotional

Behave in ways that you normally wouldn’t.

Increase in aggressive and violent behaviour.

Problems with school and learning.


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Most addictive drug.Causes more long term health

problems than any other drug.Adults are smoking less, younger

people under 18 smoke more.When someone stops smoking they

have 1.strong cravings.2.irritability (everything gets on nerves) thoughts of it-can’t stop thinking about it.


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2.NICOTINE-What it does to your body,

brain and behavior ?Depression.lung cancer.lung diseases.heart disease.skin becomes thinner and wrinkled.

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Marijuana is the most common illegal drug around.

Comes from a plant called “cannabis.”Some people call it pot, weed, grass,

hash, smoke or ganja.Cannabis has the chemical

“tetrahydrocannabinol” or THC.When you smoke a joint the THC goes

into the lungs, then into the heart which pumps into the bloodstream which takes it directly to brain.

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3.MARIJUANAOnly takes few minutes for THC to get

to brain when you smoke marijuana.Eating takes longer to get to brain-

passes through digestive system first.In brain, activates “receptors” gives

you the feeling of being high.Marijuana changes physical and

chemical balance in your brain.

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3.MARIJUANA Short Term Effects:

• Increase in heart rate, lead to anxiety and paranoia.

• Distorted concept of time and space.

• Decrease in concentration skills, short-term memory capacity.

• Feeling tired after the “high” wears off.

• Increase in appetite, weight gain.

Long Term Effects:

Breathing problems.

Lung cancer.Damage cells

and tissues in the body that fight disease.

Lack of motivation.

Difficulty processing new information.

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3.MARIJUANAMarijuana and cigarette smoke have some of the same cancer-causing substances.

Benzopyrene (cancer-producing agent) higher in marijuana.

400 chemicals in marijuana smoke affect lungs, throat and esophagus.

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Ecstasy is a slang term for an illegal drug MDMA

MDMA is synthetic-doesn’t come from a plant but made in secret labs

Other chemicals or substances are added to it such as caffeine, amphetamines, dextromethorphan (in some cough syrups), or cocaine.

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Mind-altering drug.Hallucinogen-acts on the mind to

cause people to see or feel things that aren’t really there.

Hallucinogens mix up pictures in the mind and throw people into scary or sad experiences in the past.

Ecstasy is called “love pill” increases perception of color, sound and sensations.

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“Hit” of ecstasy lasts 3-6 hrs.Once swallowed takes 15 min to

enter bloodstream and reach brain.

45 min later user reaches peak level high.

It’s downhill from there unless user takes more

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Effects Feeling of sadness Anxiety, Depression Memory Difficulties Paranoia Nervousness Insomnia Drug cravings Increased touch of sense Suppresses need to eat or sleep Moist skin or dry mouth.

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5.GHB (gAMMA HYDROXYBUTRATE)Illegally produced.Form of a liquid that has no color or

odour.Known as a designer drug-made for

purpose of getting people high.

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5.GHB (gAMMA HYDROXYBUTRATE)Swallowed in liquid or powder form,

mixed in water, or as tablets.Causes euphoric high-intense rush of

happy feelings and hallucinations.Killed more people than ecstacy.Side Effects:

1.Puking .2.Breathing Problems.3.Dangerously decreased heart rate Seizures.



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6.HEROINProcessed from morphine –

obtained from opium poppy.“downer” affects brain’s pleasure

systems – interferes with brains ability to feel pain.

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white to dark brown powder or tar-like substance.

is cut with other drugs or substances (sugar, starch, powdered milk).

abusers don’t know actual strength of drug or true contents = high chance of overdose or death.

sharing needles and equipment cause other diseases and problems for users.

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6.HEROINleads to flushing of skin, dry mouth,

collapsed veins, liver disease.additives don’t dissolve leading to

clogs in blood vessels that lead to lungs, liver, kidney or brain.

tolerance develops with regular use – user needs more heroin to achieve same intensity.

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People take drugs because they want to change something about their lives.

Here are some of the reasons young people have given for taking drugs:

To fit in To escape or relax To relieve boredom To seem grown up To rebel To experiment They think drugs are a solution. But eventually, the drugs

become the problem. Difficult as it may be to face one’s problems, the

consequences of drug use are always worse than the problem one is trying to solve with them. The real answer is to get the facts and not to take drugs in the first place.


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The brainThe heartThe liverThe lungs

Effect of drugs on human body

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When drugs get into the bloodstream they are carried to all parts of the body and some reach the brain. The quicker the drug reaches the brain, the more intense the effects. The quickest way to get a drug into the brain - and also the most dangerous way of using any drug - is to inject it intravenously, or into the vein. Almost as quick is smoking a drug. followed by sniffing or snorting and then by mouth. Eating or drinking a drug is the slowest route, because the drug has to pass through the stomach first.

Once in the brain drugs affect chemicals called neurotransmitters. These are the chemicals that control the flow of information within the brain between the neurons or brain cells, forming a synapse. 

The brain

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Once drugs are taken and enter the bloodstream the heart pumps blood containing the drug to the brain where it will affect how people feel.

Drugs can also have an affect on the heart directly and exacerbate heart disease. Heavy drinking of alcohol, for example, can weaken the heart's ability to pump blood and lead to heart failure although some studies have suggested that moderate consumption may be better for the heart than not drinking alcohol at all.

The heart

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The liver breaks down or alters the chemical structure of drugs, gradually neutralising the affects of the drug.

Excessive, long term drinking of alcohol can result in damage to the liver, including cirrhosis, which can be fatal.

Suggestions that ecstasy use can damage the liver have been made but research is, so far, inconclusive.

The liver

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Because the lungs provide the oxygen directly and

very effectively to the body, anything that is inhaled similarly enters the blood and ultimately the brain very quickly. This is most promounced in drugs that are normally snorted but are chemically altered to make them more smokable, such as cocaine into crack and amphetamine into methamphetamine. The lungs' ability to absorb large amounts of these drugs in a short space off time, roughly 8 seconds, mean that the effects can be almost instant and very powerful.

The lungs

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Some drug addicted



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Drug addiction

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Realize that abusing drugs may lead to devastating events in people's lives. 

Think about what other things in life you can achieve such as activities that are more fulfilling than drugs

Examine all activities broadly, to help you Discover What You Really Want from a New Career

Compare the results, long term and short term, of your new lifestyle

How can we say "NO" to drugs?


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•Realize that enjoying life and pursuing new interests is more satisfying and EASIER (long term anyway) than abusing drugs.

•Prepare yourself for occasions where strangers may offer drugs to you.•Try to associate with people who do not use drugs, and avoid situations where they will be used and given to you.

•Have a good friend who you can talk to about any situation where you are tempted to take drugs.

•Remember that the future is full of promise and abusing drugs might rob you of those beautiful things in life.

•Look at the list of people who have been destroyed, even killed, by drugs.

•Forgive yourself if you feel you made a mistake by trying drugs.•Just say NOand Walk away

•Change the subject. 

•State a fact. 

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Keep calm And

Say no toDRUGS

Thank You..