DRUG tf STORE! - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · WMKMHMMMM Bxte«(l0ii pf Cjrrm Tatar. * On Friday...

WMKMHMMMM Bxte «(l0ii pf Cjrrm Tatar. * On Friday Innt. pursuant to the sentence of the law, Cjrus Tatur, convictcii qf the Wi#i. r «>l laitau 11. N'eff, twiir ihi* city on the 1 Tlli day of June, sn tiered the ex* tremo penally uf death by htwijjinjj. At 11 o'clock, A. M. Company C, 7th Iowa Cavalry, which had been selected as ft guard, repaired to the j*il where the ptiso:i«-r was confined, ami ab >ut half an hour nfterwiitils Sl»*-rifF Tutlon, assisted by his deputies wild ii-sintHnis, bronchi the doome.l man from I he cell, and pined him inacaria^e which had been provided to remote hi in to ilio'place of execution. The military escort were at once formed jnto a hollow square and moved to the lea Bold two miles north of the city, on the very nte where the fearful trn^edy was enacted for which the prisouer was about to atone with his life. Ati half past 12, the procession reached the place of execution, and the prisoner was at once conducted up the steps and upon the scaffold. lie ascended wiib a- firm stop and dauntless eye, and evinced not the slightest trepidation. The ssime calm and resolute demeanor which lie hna maintained thioughout the trial and dur- ing confinement in prison, remained with him in this last terrible ordeal. After a brief conversation with the officiating Clei'fjyman, (Rev. Mr. Lemon,) the unfor- tunate man stepped forward, and addressed the iar/e audience before him substanti- ally as follows : 4 MY FUIENDS—I PEE before mo a large consource of people. I cannot believe that you have been attracted to this place to witness my MJSeringa, but rather, as I hope, to hear what I may have to say. I have prepared a statement of the ficts hear- ing upon my arrest, confinement, convic- tion and sentence, which I propose to read to you, in order that wh.tt I havo to state will have to ^o before my friends and re< lati. >ns in an authentic form. And here, before 1 proceed to read that statement, I wish to hay, that I call God to witness that God int'i whose presence I shall be ushered in a few moments—that this st ite ment contains the truth. I am an imto cent man. 1 did not murder IsaHc N^fT, and do not know who did the de*d. The gui: ty man is at larjje, while I am here to sufier tin; penalty of his crimes." Sheriff Sutton now pinioned the arms and feet of the prisoner, and drew the black cap over his eyes. Just as he was pet lor'tnin# this last act, the doomed man look hiin l»y the hand and remark*':, in a low tone, but with the utmost composure and self possession : "Sheriff, this is a paiufuMuiy fur von to perform." At pre cisely 1 o'clock the trap door vyas porting and the soul of Cyrus Tator was ushered into the presence of the God who gave it. The drop was about i ix feet, and -the fall evidently dislocated the neck of the un- fortunate man. Frutn the moment of the fall, life seemed to be extinct. Not the lightest tremor could be diseovesyd. ^Af- ter the body had heen suspended for twen- ty minutes, Dr. A.J. W iley, Surgcp:: of the 7ih Iowa Cavalry, upon invitation of the Sb'Tilf. felt the pulse, and pronounced life extinct. At 22 ifiinutes past I n'clock the boJy was !o>«"ered, and all that was mortal of Cyrus Tator was placed in the coflin. Thus ter-iiina'es tho first and only execution which has ever taken place in Nebraska, pursuant to the forms of i>tw. On the verv spot wh»re the awful murder was committed, the guilty mnn paid the penalty with his life.— Omaha JlepuOUcau. all *11 ai*. , Two young ladies of Philadelphia were lately spending the summer in northwest- ern New \ ork. During . their visit thev took several lung rides nith the daughter of their host about the.country*.- On one of these occasions—as they h«d beenlrav-' eling some distance, and the day was w,trin, and as a trough of running water j-tood ir vitingly by the road side—they concluded to £ivg t heir puny a drink. One of the city.|ad!es agreed to get out and tirrange matters for this purpose* The-* others remaining in the carriage, and i.'eeply engaged HI conversation, for some time paid uo attention to the proceedings cf their companion... When, at last, sur- prised at the long delay, they turned to ascertain the cause, they discovered her trying to unbuckle the crupper (this being 1 the' nam?, I beiieve, of the strap which*! passes.ground the horse's caudal appen- dage^) ui amusement they inquired, what in the world are you doing that for? 8he naively replied, "why I'm unbuckling this strap t<» let the horse's head down so he can drink !" Hardware Emporium. Ul Greeley says tho war Democrats have mostly gone to the wir frouj Maine.. Yes, and tiie Republicans hate most Mtaid at home. HEW w.4vi I:I> i on THE i\- 1AUI) COLL 1*0. P HARDWARE^ > a/vo S cirrimxl^ DF.AllK NEW GOODS! CITY Call at the |l|a«C4lMJIILl. MW. AT TH 22,1S"8. ORONINGFR lift, V 18.P J STATR OF WW A, Provost Marshal'* otlice, 6ih 1 >j-Irirt, Fort Dodge, lo\\a,Juiv 1st. O N L\ tliose tail litul au.l'.liera w ho, frcm Wouudi or the hardships uf war, are no longer fit for active lull duly will be received in t Ins Coi ps . f Honor. K ii I i> t IIHII t > \\ i 11 In- lor Unci- years uulci-s sooner discharged. Pity and allowances tin- name as lor ollicers .(ml ir.cn of thv I'nittd States Infau- t :y ; except lh<U no premiums or bounty lor « nlist- rtieiit will lie allowed. 'I Ins will lint invalidate any pensions or homilies which may pe due lor previous services. Th-f«illow!ng|mift»w h*a Jjrca adopted for offi- cer* unit men ot the Invalid Corp.* : l OU Ot t- Iv Kll.s.— Krock coal of sky-bluech Ih with il.irk-nhie vel \ et collar anil 1-nrtn :"ia all ot her r»•^|^^^^ts, lu eortliug to the present pattern for offi- cii * ul iiit'iiDtry, MKMiklcr »traps—Ace•>riling to present regula- tion.*, i iit vnrkeil in Jai k-hliiH velvet. I'.i n tn loo mi (.) I *ky-biiie i ioi h, w il li double si ripe ol il.irk-liliic clot h ilowii the outer titum,each Ktripe one-hall ii.ch wide, with KJIIICO between ol three- eighths of an inch . Ki.in-t* e:i;>—esent regulation. FJlt KMiiM'KIl M KN.—Jacket—Of cky-Mue keisey, Willi dark-hiue 11 iinmin^s, cut like the cuvaliy jacket, to come well down on the abdomen. Truwimrs—Present ic-nlation,*ky.blue. Fttrage c;up -l'r ( seiii regulation." Men who are st ill i II service ami unable to perform -live tle.'d duty, may l>e transferred tothiseorjis. eft A Military Dandy oj' the lion 7Vn.— "\V;il you lake stipper, sir Harry sud a noble hostess to a lieutenant of tho ItUh, who wns toilii ir, and qnizzin^, and utiitu* ditiiziiir; thrfctuii her splendid apartments. '"•N'eo, my Lnddy, I cut all suppers decoid ediv." "You jilay?' ••Net), I cut nil kcrd.i too." ''Tnen you must dance? 1 '"Neo, my dear l,e h.'y Mar), I ab oniintle dartcinj;." ' But y.-u must. Sir Harry, ! have ;t ntitr.ci lbr y.u." trot her out." New York, Sept. —The Rinks of this city have accepted Chase's proposition to land the (jov< rnmcnt 33 mil i m, at six |)er cent, lejjfl tender notes, authorized by the U03 uiiliion loan ot March ia.-t Certain cotidiiion", howevi r, have..b *en made by the Hanks, which i* belinved (.'base ivill hardly acceod to. First, ihe Banks wi.<h the Treasury notes to run on two or three yarn, where it 2;as been deemed ab-olulely essential to (iiuuicial -safety, tnat one year be the extreme limit. Second, tho Dank? stipulate that if they take this first fifty millions of Tre-isury notes, tltose hereafter issurd sh-tll h>» reg ulated through the D ink-, if they snail choo$e to tiikn them. Hliou! 1 the loan -fail to ha negotiated, it is tir^ed timt Chase will be easily able to repleiiirth the Treasury during the next two months, by the i-«sue of fivo-twenHe*, and if necessary a s n.ill amount of ordinary currency. An amount lully adequate may hy these Bieans be raided w ; thout seri us derange- ment to tb« gentr*! tinuuCM of U»« eoantry. Fort fjib'on, rnflntti Terrttorv, 20 h, via fi^ivenwurth, Kept. 5.—<Jni. ! Blunt, with an army 4,500 strong; atid twenty pieces of ariillery, crossed the Ar Variias river on the 22J and offered battle to Stee!« and Cooper who had massed ou his front ll ,()U(). After a show of resrst- arice, the enemy commenced a retreat which soon lurneJ into a disorderly flight. They abandoned all their property. Blunt pursued th-rn a hundred miles south of the Arkansas to IVrrvville, which is only \ * fifty mile« from lied Rivt-r. At this point j ~ he captured and destroyed th«ir cmnmit- | sary depot.. They continued their flight j to Bov'py depot on lied river. The Iixiian j Territory is now clear of n-luds. Gen. j Blunt now marchinsj on Fort Smith, I which will doubtless fall without a stru^i'lo. Vieksburjr, Aug. 2G —Reports from the j •otrth are that •lohtHtoit's army is scattered Medical Inspectors, Surgeoita in rli.ngeof li ( .. s ,| ful-. Jtiliti'ty t;oiiiiiiiiiidei-s, and allot bit' 4 liawiig Hill IK>I ity to ilis.-harge, under EXISTING laws mid r«- unlai ions, are forbidden to gut in di-cliu rjje» to mi v man under their control who may bo lit for service in r he I LI vaI id C;»rps. tor the eoiiVeiiieneA of setvice, tU« men will he ..sclouie.U'or tliroe grades of duty. Those who are in >st efficient and at)le-bodieil. und c.ipable <>t per- orniing guard duty, Ac., will be ai uicd with inns kots, aud asfti^ned to companies of the First 11,it- t lion. Those ot the ne\t degr «i;. i»»m y, it,. eluding those >v!'o b»st a hand or an arm : altd the ieast i llective. jlicluding those «h« have lo«. a foot "i- ieg^ tu the c Iiiipmnes uf the f»innd or i 'liird li.it t a I i< MIS ; they will lie trined with ywords. ihe dutie- wi|l be chiefly to act as provost guard** and garrisoi ft ion itif : guards fn-.b 'Kintals and ot her injblie bailditigs, and an > ler".i«. orderlies, Ac. . It iotind uucojMairy they may t>e assiuneil to f.rts, j Af'tin^j Assistant I'rovost: 3larshals li**neral aro ) anib.,1 i;-e 1 to appoint . Hi. .'i s the K.-nlarSei v or.ot the Invalid t'orps, to administer the oath . enlistment to those men w ho utivo csir ptetely fnl- j II lie 1 flu ji.es -ritied conditions of admis-ion to tho j Inv.i 1 id Corps, v iz : j I. That tlnj applicant is nnflt for servicc in the j noil. I 2. That h<* is fit for the duties, or tome of tUen i indicate.! ati.>\o. | 3 That.it Uot now la the service, ha waa honor- ably dt<e!iarge.j 4 That +ie is merftnron* and deserving. F t eu I ist men t or further int<iriiiiit<on appt» t<> ,)V.e Board i,| Knrollment bn this District Uy otiler Of Coi. JAMES U. F RV, t'rovo-t Marshal Ib neral w A it \ K it LI. ctin'M, july 10-tf Capt. A Pro. Marohal C.tli District. JJf'.T. SIE:UGKB } *. WHOLESALE AND "RETAIL Gr B O O E R, . Sionz City.,Iowa. Kaapa eon^taatly oa baa 4 CROCKRIES, PROVISIONS, TEAS, TGBACGO, CIGARS, WI^ES, LIQUORS.. PAINTS, OILS, &C., &C. And everything pertaining to a flr *t cl.iss Groeei^ and outfitting llouie, all of which will be aold CHEAP FOR CASH. Produce of alt klnda taken in exchange for goods, and the IHK'.• i-t market price paid. Also, Fnrkofull kinds, l»ry iltdea, I'ork. Bacon, and everything available which the farn er »n-iv have to ilispose vi. jati I 6'i D. T. II KDt; KS. CITY . Proclamation. •TO all to whMa these pr,-en»s hhall come, greet- 1 Ing Wh-reas. It is, by an Aet of the General Assem- bly ol the?tate of Iowa, male the duty ' ot' < ! e Governor, at least tiiii ty days before any general eh '-fion. j„ his I ' I n.l.iinntiuii. designating all -the I-Kiivi to be ttlltffl i.y vote of all Ihe electors in the Mate, or by the electors of any Judicial I>is- irtct. NVw therefore, I, S:itn»i r -1 .1. Kirkwood, flovernor the .State ..f |„ w.», , Il f Prui l.uuatii ii, pitliiiah and declare, tlink.14 Mie nex* general elec- tion, to l,e held in the State on the s.e.m.i Tuesday •Of October next, the following oilices are to be till- ed, to wit; The office of HoTernor; J he i>tfie.» i t Lieutenant'. Onverhor: Tfie office ol -tud^e' i f rl.e Swprfure t^urt ^ Also, thi- ottire of fienator in the l ith ^uiiatorlM I)i.-tiiet, compofed of the . ouiily of Keokuk, to till the v«eaiiey o.-."isi„ned by the anwnre ot lion. I |> ; lett: in Ihe service of tiie t'uiled States, j Ab ',- th, uife-e "I ^'« ;t t„r j„ n„. 3,i t |, Senatorial ; lM»tllct composed of the (Minify of Jones, fill , the van« ncy ociMsioned by tbo removal of Hon. W. I II. Holmes i herefrom. I Senator in the 1.1th Senatorial j I.'ls. i jet, composed i/f the county of M< sratine, to j till the vacancy oecasioiied by the rcMi;aat4<*n i'«" f li'I!. Wiu. V. Woodf.ird. j "We# of Scr.ator from th«-t^d t to i fill the vacancy oecaaioned by the absence (In the j L'liittd States service) of lloii M. V. Itnnli^i<. bereol all cilizviis and iMtitirflfi'iiii ; ned, par- ti. ularly the Shi sif!s of the vcral eo-intic*, will take ncitiee and be governed accordingly. 1" testimony whereiif I have hereunto L S. -set niy baud and attixed the (ireat Seal of —- J the State c.f Iowa Done at De* Moine*. th<> 29th day of August, A. D 18 3, of the Indojieii *ence of the I'liited .Sta.es th « 'sghty-eighth, at,'., of "•his (<tat« the seven, teentb. By the U ve in r, , SAMI'BL J KIRKWOOP. - Jams?# Wright, Secretary of sjtate.— td aWd Tobacco an t 'igars. Mac.il oy, b.ippce and Peoteli SiiulTs, I'nre Fr»*neh 1'randy, l*itre I'ort and Stiaj^n Vines, Pure Cin intd Ituin ; ,i ! so, Candies of alt varieties. a large vai iety, emlii; c.ng lllii.i.: ltooka, such as l.ed;jers, Jourualf, Day Books, Ac.. Ac. iw. nrr.tr Approved Srtlool Books, Puch as are now lit n»e in our citv ^ehoota. Wall l'« rer and Bhi ler, and a large and be;j& itui, ri -Mil t nient of t hildiell Toys-. A Iso. ^paulding'a I* re pared Ulue. and lliirr^'s t cmcnt, ' 'hat lie d n i comment to roi niiinieiid them to the notice of every family Bags, as usual, taken in ex- change for go (Is. Pll .VN<€la«»N PrCMCTjplionM Aenrately dispanaeil —All the most popular Patent Medicine* kept junel^!:l reliable and (MIAUf.1:? KENT. 4<!oii€ial Lleitloa, •VfOTI-K 13 II i:i: K H Y CI VKN, til at on the 2nd ll Tuesday of October, it being the 1.1th day ol UctoUT, lbthere will b: an Klection lioldeuin the (litlen iit jirei incts of Woodbury county, I'm the elec ion i t the following comity otileeta, vi/.: :t 'ounry •! wlge ; t'oiiniy Tie<i«urer aud Recorder. tfheritl ; ibrainnge rommlssionir; l oiinty Sniieriiitendeiit of CMMM <tt«pb; County Surveyor ; anil Coroner, A U D V< lVT ,#r mr kU>4 * W " '^Ch day nf *cptembw F. J. I.AMDKRT, *td Sheriff WoodbUry county, l>»*w*', ft . 3 Ml . .'> l'«» 6 To lb* Voters of Wi^dbarr County, Iowa. A T A ll KKTTNf o| the Runt t '>T S"pcrvf*or« of Wood bury i-ounly, Iownr^bl September 8th, IS t the following order adopted : \\ h.'tc,i«, the \\ ai rants of this county are at a depn eiiited value, im-t County largely in debt, and it is desirable t<> ie,|i-eio the cVedit , "of t he same", Therefore it is oi"t»r, •; that the inopi.sitimi to fevy _ a Sjiecial County Tax vf Konr Mil* on the Dolla'r fllotiv tlio r JH<1 O' tweell .fiiC'li.Hiiti and M<>. t i^esKcf value of the property of the County . ~ t ^ ' "ill 1 I lui t ivit l>3'l _> la fk I I I tu jtiln.. it... I a » tr bile for liurHirf<Js <if mil*s»; it is fi>i)ti<I ISO. REIT PIANOS. IS* J OS. I'. II tliK A CO , having removed fo tli^lr 4»N ItroaU iv«)',»te Itooffurto the public a muKUifictai nun pr^piii n^w M R A I < * tali to SUPPORT tli»m all in » IMHIV, l*it't««i tlinti«aii<i cf iVmlvrtotra troop's refuse to report at Dcucipoiis, the rendcz- Voaa for ptiruied troopu. (Jen Mniry, i^ in cnrntr.atul of thf> ftjr- ecs at Mobile. The whole rntilo pupula* tion whitf> «n4 black are at work on the for'ificntiotn. An attempt has boen made is portmrrt of Alabama'to hold meetings to aj;it;if# the subject f)f re-construction. One lie] | Ui (Jreeno county a few day* aince was dispersed ic|th« point cf Ihe bayonet. * for the icur l^3Pla shall be iitiliitiir€•••! to till' Voter* I u' the I 'oiifity. to be voted upon nt I lie ui\\t ^..iier- I al ( l"<-t.-fi. All persoiis votiiiK f'n- the Tax -h <11 have printed or uritteii np .n tln ir halirAs "the fbi- i lowing—"Kor a Sj enal Tax," and th..<e voting ; agatlK-t 'be same «h ill have printed or writreu m>- j "Il th""- b'l llots—"Against a special Tax - an'tfttie 1 "Aftr:4'Cius east shall lie counted and lefuriied ilt lliy I aaoie manner an the votes for County ii!!1fer* j it in also otd«red that the Clerk cause notice bf : th»above to be publistied in the }<iou\City ItegUter j at loaat four weeks prior to the election. ! J. N. I I KKI>, Clerk. wtd Y Octave Rosewood Pfaito, "ntaliiing all inipron. MIK nts known in thirenaa* ry 'or Kurope, oTer-strh^g ha*,- Ft'mith gfaild ction.harp |n-dal, full iron frame, fvr $150 NNTL $IT3 CASir, * Wurranted for 5 yfnrs. Tf h-h mculdlugcAlNa »#0 aud $4ot).all warranted ininle ol /lie »es*j#a ferial, nndto starid better I Inui any sold foi () 0f S.">()(i i. y I be old mef hods of manutiii t ill e We I nvi t Dei li rsand Teacti e rs i n at I pai t f of III con tit ly, t ft' f its flRent* . and to tost thole nnrivallerl flatA wit h Stein iy A Son* Chickeriiifc A Soli*, or an Ar«t-ctaii»mAiiiifarturerN. KH. V. IIALK .V CO.. aot^am 47)* llroad *ay. Mew York. By WM. <J. STKWAItT, Dtpufy, Variuers' Look litre-l A FRMT IX1KA E ANK MILLS for sale 1w T IIW^'K T<»oTtS«S. PAY O P I PAY DP I A M.poriioniilndelftedto tfte nnderf-lfr.eiVIt her by Vote or *• ik account. re i ei|iie>ti d local! at iny shop and mike i mined iafe sett lenien t and MVP ' hein*"lv«*eon>s. as I a..i il"teriiiiii< i: t.nettle np all 'ild itccouiita. I'eritons having accoiinta animal me ire re ( |ueated to present the aauiefor pay Mttnt HHJX-eiTY ftMKTER aztd P#w«f?rei« Jrintinf Establishment SMITH'S BVltiDlMO,' PS4KI. STREET, M (cf Hiiii,) PIONEER TIN & STOVE STORE -OF- CHARLES K. SMITII. T ~*AM now In receipt of my Fall and Winter itock of Stovea and linwarw and take pleasure i n an uoiiucing to the citi/.ens of Northwenteru Iowa. .Nebraska and Hakota. that they can supply themselves with goods in my Hue at astouiahtiigljy low pricne. 1 keep couatautty (A lmnfl a lar^a ansoi tiuant of DRUG tf STORE! Si^n of the nine ^lortar, MttJJ PC Alt I* ITltEBT, Sioux Cliy. Cooking;, Office Stoves, Of the best and most approvod pattern*. !9fjr stock of Cooking titovea consul of Charier Oak, Valley Forge, Shanghai, Plymouth Itoek, Prlxe Premium, Arctic Premium, « aide a Harpfldt T AM now in r <v. Ipt of mv Tall and Winter stock of Dr.iga nuil 3l«<ll< lliek, and every- thing p< -11 a i 111 II ft li ihe I'ruj, bn-inees. Jiy assort- ment is hege and complete, eiiihracii.it evtry article of MeJicine needed in the treatment of the dise^rea 'of fh.s i tin.ate. iu nddttl .ii to tlie regular Drug business, 1 keep tSjF Tin and Japafirxd Ware—a go^fttkiortakMit always on hand which is made in thy n.'o.t dur.ilde •i nner. Also, Kve Trougiis, Condiic'or l'i|H's, Tin Hooting, Ac. CIIAS. K >M1VII. rpo T1IB PKUPLK 6FNEDUA8KA. W s FO lt-Til iu Ui'PEli M1SSO U UI. TH K N"; Oiiialia Dall) XcbraiiliiflNi^ puhlisbed at Omaha, Nebraska T(iritrry, j ia It* ; only Dady .tonriiiil |-ul lis?! d m the Mis; >uri Hiap® tiiat contains fiiil Telegraphic- ll**inrl>. I All news reeeived tip to in id II i^b t o| rh^'inornlng I of publication will be found in its ''leinns, a ml the paper beinn mailed the same n<o: ning enubb s lis to } furni.h snlncribers at f'oirf ••'ry, aud all points ; above Omaha, many bourn in pittance of anv other' j Journal. fa« t»\II,Y NUUUA8KIAK liwver | mijse* tho mails :~&st Teifhtf ( One copy, one twoi'th One copy. tti'iW.Moritlis... O ne copy, sif 'flftolltllS Clubs of »i ( one month a-SuA'tVanre paymeui must be made in every in- •thiice. Address, "Oiutha Nebrnsklan," Omaha, N. T, i^W'20 M. U. CI.AItlv, I'roprietor. call your attention to mv taraa , pf fflfttTert *toek »r Kalmfii^tmpllnitnlt, .... iinproveiio iit- and sfyTes, wWil ulU'tjalcdd rafy n this stuck w ill l>e found fk cd I'O cheap UiiAIN CHAD LBS. scYrns, SNATHS, KA K !•:*», PITCH FOftK?, H^Y K:t.HICS, PLOW'S. CUI/nVATORS, IIOKS, Ac., &e. Aadin fact all neceaeary imptiments for the farm and parden. My motto is gulck Saltj* and Profits" -what this co>iA»ry wA-ita. ?Toir doiTt forget -it Is EyijiARrs RToni, Dakota City, Where you will And these' articles cheap. C. •*. KCKHAKT. Dakota City, X. T , May 3<ith, 18<i2. Si«az Oity r » 99 »•••«( Iowa. •'•tSiVV Look to your Interests. Before you go to Sioux City to buy vonrgooria.Ut me call youi attention ta mylargeand weil#elect'ed 9tLi'k of— DRY r.aona, CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, LJOI) I S, C.UO^KF'Jins, HAHhU'.VHf! &c. t sAsn. nr^^s. AND NAILS, MyOood* wereboajjlst >nr <7V^i'ln St Louicand « ini'innati.Wnd ha \'fng irfopt 'dtjies'fri( Hash l.n»i' Men, thi> enables me to sell mv good.- as low. and a II" I" h»Mi*r than t Vey ^aQ lie boii^li t else\%'iiet e I li the upper country. .All I wan t you t o do is to g ive tti'ii i'.illlicfoVo }*o>« ,(» «o Slain City to vny.itniiif I cannot suit you in price and •in.ility then I .shall aik vmi not to buy. IIv stllinu my 4|i»<il»>ri r cSyil, f aiu enabled toseli Metis''firopnn Shoes at from to *1,75 phr pair; Mem' Cluth (Jait> em and oilier Shoes in pro* portion; MOMS' Kip Boots per l'air, an.l up. wards; Calicoes from 12} to l) ft a, per yaril ; Lawns ceiita atid upwards; ;*1ittiMpe Clniliin/» cheuper thah ahv oilier plact* in the country; (•itOCKUIKS PUOTOli rioNATKLY LOW. would •w o 3=r •* lied, a (lUble, M Having tlie best of material'aRei in tlie art, a nil voniiiantly making additions tu tbe same, is prepared to execute, iu the best maimer, at short orotice, and oa reasonable terms— BU9IVBSS CARDS, VISITING tifRDS, WEDOI^O CARDS. INVITATION TICKETS, *'tbv J ^TY'lfL AVK S, SIIER1KF3' 1ILANKS, BALL TICKETS. JUSTICES' BLANKS, PROTESTS, DKP(>SIT0HS'CIIBCK8, LABELS, ' ''RIKKHTAMINCS.LFI.^T CONCERT BILLS. BILLSOF LADING, CHECKS, i'OsriTits, HAND HI KL8. CIRCll.A^S, DKAF*ff«. KEDS, POLICIES, •nrtifVfr^ADa, WASHES AND JEWELRY or 1 Vm richest jtnd most Fashionable rat* terns, offeri'd at Retail at wholesale prices. TIIK H l' 11IIA UI) HHt»S., Nua. 65 and 07 Nana* Street, .New i ork. t'ity, Jlunul'actwieri and In.jor- ters of all th<- leading, rich and meat popular sty les of Watches mid Jewelry, being determined Mpoii luci eKsmn their but-iiicM* to hii unlimited ei- tent, otter the following ele^iiat oi uuinents (it tha Uiisurpnssed low prices follow iiif;: Magic 'rime Obotrvrr, heiiigaHun(ia| ami open face. or Lady'sor (lent Umun a/Watch In otie ; tho prettiest, niofl coiiveuinit and ( ht'Hj»ea% M"ati*h in the World. Imitation jjold ; effeetetli-y tt patent procesj, w hich renders the appeurasce of ICold perleet, while it does not eost one-third much Priceonly ?34. lietails ntfroiu Sit 0 Hpw arda. Hunting ('on-position Cased I ever* KukIisI' maa- ufaituie .Movement; cupped and fill I jeu ( It d ; l.aa sunk seer nils, and the new est i mprov) mrii t a Heavy casetl «rd Lood nn'tatloti >told. Priceonly f!8. lte- t.iiKat fri ni jr'io to *l«io. . » lluntiiigComio sitioii Cased Army Watcti riJ-hljr euicraved, jeweled and fmiey Murks. VuntirpaMid for Sutler*. Traders,etc. Price JlS. BrtaiUut Iri M jM'to it'.'j). . A preat variety of othar Watches, at lowprlcej.. Ladies' S*>ts of llrooch and Kar Drops to corjea- pond. Imitation Clustei Diano nd, a v< ry rich aat tern, aud outirel.v new, price ?4. Cm al and jTj'fl i etitwiiu d.M wry neat and pretty ornament, Liand- soinely niounted. ?3 *2.". tieiitluiuen's Vest Chains. Tarisien. an ele^att ; at tern, only #4. I'Jie |)»tnoniac, very hoavv. fa. 'Ririev—Piiiiu only, 7 ftr. Scr«>l 1, V( I y pret ty, f 1. C'liiiMil a nent pattern, SI. Seal Signet, i2. Imita- tion 1 >i;rinot>d <*'2. Sleeve ltM!toii«—Patent. Chased, or Knanielle^ new and very handsome pattern, £2,^.0. L01 chased or with *t< lies, ?1.60. . Itosotu Stu4—a variety of new and fasliicr nbl* designs, per set. ®1 50. . Ilosoin ai d f>cn 11 i'ins— Leaf, -.villi Opal and Faa- cy Stones S-. I mil i t ion Diamond, tl ••"•0. l.ocUetN—rouble <.UFS, richly engraved, fl. I'ers us wishing any ol the abow, have only to remit the price in a registered li-tter to ouraddrers, 1. u-1 t b a rj^icle s will be sent by 11 t ucn of mail, frea of eXpeiiS'i, ^ ^""Orders to the amount ,.f tvehe dollars and npwatds will be sent by exjiress to §rjr pirt of the l«yal State®, with bill pnjid v to t'io Express eonip:,Iiv, when the frooils are delivered. Agents, Snt lers slid Country Me re ha lit s, t hrc i:i;h - en t t he eon n t ry . wl, wi-li to inalii inoiiev rn|iiTly, .will do well to obta i 11 oil r 111:1 tnliiol b eat a 1 £ ne ; w* furnish the nir,*t saleable oiitlit at prices uiisui I Bid- ed by any other concern. Address Hl llI!\I!I» UROS. No*. f»5A ' 7 Nassau, near John Street. •' neTlO-3ni New York f'ity." | 'LILE AThANTl€ JIONTHLV .- D CKIII- X niiig ot a uew Volume 'I he No. lot Jai,nary 1M.3, ticuiuB the Uluveu'U Volume ot the AlUiitic Monthly. From the comnieneetnenf i'l 1^57 Ihe Atiti.tic ha* 1 apidl) iticivasi d in e;i> ulation, and it ih.m b«a the largest cl isi of 1 eadera sii.ee its l ( (; 1 tini 1 j;. live years iijjii. Its pi Cap'City steadiiV it i;;-men ts, n». d it coutiuuen. amid all 1'ie tluctuatioi.s and (iati^eta lucidtui to our national niMs, to ^ain gioi.nd in t he e^tItuatio 11 i t I be public A l a tiine so pi>).• rajit with events which tomb the tutuie ii"siiiies if America in every vital i>n 11i< uhir. the pi.i lj-b v is and Editors do no; deem It neecfKiiry topriiuise that its pages will n»ver sv.erve fum tjn- hoijetc path , of loyal patiioiinn end uaivei^aI frM-d< at.— | I ts opinions h ive nlwaj * been mi t in- Mdcol lit ei .y, t pre^re^s, and ri^ht, stoi the com m i t tirst iidop.tid I in itsi-arly carter, » ill ever be fait hfully mail tain* | ed. The stntt f wl iters, 1 ej;u I hrlv coiitribiitini; to i the Jt'intbly,.eii.I»ia«e»all the best known [ aittli--"-' 1 . A inc. ic.m li:'r iture, aad wariai.ta the : i'uoii^hers in proini<iii^ to ita readers, ' The lit at Kssayii Tlie llrnl Storlea, Tlie Ih ul I'ortai, Which Atnerictti t alcj.t car 11, in .»h . ljlat of Itrffiilikr Com ribut ora.—Ia 1 Tro-eand Poet 1 v 1 tn "A 1 tint 11" M.i!i of writ'raja unci | u.i lied. 1 be !• !!.« i h(c not l>oi s a re «till among ' t'i'i 1 e Tii.iir r *iijlrtbut' i * James Umirl bowel!, Louis A '/a^siz. Nathaniel Hawthorne, T. W". Ili..'irins'>n, >Iis Juli* \\ i«: d Mowe, 1 Hiv. r W ll'dmea, K P Whipple. < liarles E Norton. lien vy <J i Ics. Hen 1 1 T. I'uckermae, Mrs. 11. K St. MM., 'hir'. s I'eadn. It..-. T. i 1 y. -rt T. S Lowell, Kd li.. Dvel 11, The r.r.-_'"ine ll«t ^tCflKEIf "Multiply the Means, a'nd you Multiply the returns," is one of the established maxims in bdsinevs, that toC* The poiifiJsVi that have «w*w»en- ct'd With nothintf but their intlividnnl en- terprise to depend upon. The ollice ia 9 upptied aiib one of Uuggte«' celebraVed For the pr&nnjTol Circalar». Bill &c., wliereby thf price of printing! have been materially rc'duced, so that I can now |V«CE8irrLLVCOMPETE To Hie Traveling Public. N OTICE ia hereti" Riven tiiat JOHN C. McltltlHK an old tM, has juat opened a m w and om- i U.ik with oar large cities, and nope can have occasion to go abroad for their wbi-k, when tbey can be aenred at bonbe. F 1 K 11 11 Y A eras »t he n TO > l<: I' X , n t a tint h»|ow theferr^ of '.\u! I'r»|iiette. The eha r.-es on this Kerry wilt he 111 n h 1 >1" w ; h e rat c s w h ic h t ravel lira ic rosy t he n. n. rowLRsaoy. -»«iii #i*f4, Big 11 PoIat.<l««.IM«. Sioux liiivn men -oinpelled topav . MeBltlDl. t respectfully solleit tbe piitmnk^e of the basinet* men of this and'h<i|oininj| eountiea, feeling satisfied that we can gfg§ eatitfactioi both as to style and price II. W I cll^fcllow, Kilj b Waldo hmerton, c. c H.-i/. w 1 Hj . , Author 'Jlarji't *Iow#h.' Mrs. D. T. W'lifney. .'olin <i. W|.it!ier. l'nyard Tav lor. .1 ue S ]| illard, V alter Mitrhell. Ji bn V eir«. Harriet Martineau, "Th«* ('oiln t ry ParaOB,'* Hart iet J'. I'rescott, J. T. Tnet b idjre. Pi o('t «*. 11 A . I'. White, f contributors include* lY« lending writers af America. TKI! MS. -The Atlantic is f r sale by all Dih and Periodical Dealers. Price-J.'i rents a ntimber.- SuKieriptien* for tin year. SS.o'j, po>ta«e ja|il r Year'v sul *cri| 1 ions received, or s unit' numben suppl ied by anvdeal' T 01 by the pubUi-ln-rji *. . -[••cim.'i! number* sent Kratis on appli. ntion to the Pubii~!i"rs. , . - f t .. f. Iiidneentetita fr-r «i»'»«eri!dii(t, listf- r') \ niiitni . Xc., furniahed 00 appli* e"< uto tio- u ioli.-h«ja. 1 Ii'N"t> 15, \ i'i Ll.DS. . n> 15 -3ve L'tS Wa<hini:;i'ii s reet. Itotoo. . _ * ...^ . pKTKKTON'ft M (|(i.t/lK K .... N t I-. £ t be rime t<> K< t up 1 I ib» '.teat in liicemeilti t..r ISi;.',. 'I'bis popula 1 - M«ri:hly n^a;-i:ie contaipa nearly ii'i >0 j .eu 1 K ; tr.jri to'Hn at.-t-l plates : amA «ti..iit m ii „,..'d _et;':ra"it.j;-!>—i.r.d «U tbit f. r i nly Two Dollar* .1 year. Thl« more proportion- * alj than anj J'^.^ i/ine ever pm—bcr.ee ' I'etei fculi' is ''tnph«ti^:.j_,y tiiaAtaa»74a« for thctiui'^ K«< h^:I.* r'titani* a r'usliiuii t'iuto. engravjd 011 »te< ar.tl cob.ltd, also a ih yen or tlioiu now -t> 1^, eutjrn ved on v\ 01 <1. also a pat tern Iri m » h'.cii ^dr r. mini 1 11M . or chi'u - ccstuinc can be int. ,Ui> «_'iit J he aid of a mnntuatr.ajit'r, that each ii".: —ri-i this way, will %•»»(• H year - '' sub«eriptinii Tim Paris, I.ond. n, 1'bilndi ij hia 111.1! New V'oik Fa«hh<ii» are desei iled at leiittk woittbly. . Trnii«...\lw»)ii |u A(lfaucr.»>C|R i-opv one year f .»; (href ccpi( B ii*,. i ople» ; oiuht cop'j'H 51*'; tweSe M|i:.s § I; sixteen copfe* /d.l.c-s, o t paid, ii \s .1 n:Trnc<>N\ n »l.)-3w r.Uii ( lustniit Si , I'hiladelpliia. / t#»»*I8VS 9IAC V7.INK.—The .piiblUber \ J h.e oUHiteiin d ihe v ear v> itli a t. t.-i.n.111(^ to surpass anv thine he has ev r Uef .rc lone, nml m an t^ifne^t ot Jiis i uteut loi.s has aiu^de aa arrai i'i f i !i t he e ! rated writer. 31 n ilo it II i*r.- IHIKI to furui«h au artiete (or e\er\ V> tuber o.l tlie llook lor 18 3, and she w!i! write foi j.„ t .(r, t ., j 11B. Terina, Cnal» tit A(lvance.»Onc fnjiy one yeai. Sd. Two e pi, s one yrar, f5. Tlirua cop'es one \ ear. "0. I'- ur co pie* on year. ( 7. - .. , .-.Jf^ee (.o|»te«, . ne year, and extra copy to the "eraoi seii'i - .n>:the club. §Hi. k Klf'ht co, ie* rue yc«r. and an extra copy to the person ii.-nnj tin- 1 Itib. «|S. Klevcti cot";. « one year, and an extra copy to tne person sending the club, f-.'O. » Adlress, I. A. rODF.T, »oli>.lw Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, HOWARD ASSOCIATION PHlhArtELPllIA. lor the licliij (/;!)>• Sick and Distrtsc- ed. afflicted with Virulent and Vhro m nic Jftsetses, and especial 1 *, for th': Cure of' lh*(<i,scs ij' the Sexual Organs, M I' DICAI j ADA ICKglvengratis- by tlitIctfjlf Snr«eon. » N aluuble Ueportson Sperinatorrhoi a, oiJUanr,*' JJJ'iMti Iies.s, .1 lid other di»f ase» of the Se*m»! >1 (. ml,, I t id oil th',.- NKU li K iil:. 111 K.» employed in the 1>mL peiisery. >enl to tin- att'ictcd in m nle< ! urn 1. | «jf free of chiir *e. Two or three stalu| » for postal* will be acceptable. . , A dij res*. Dr, J. .SK'TU.TN UOI GIITO*. Aefiyt Hurjjeon, Howard Ai*ocitvtioa. Na. 2 Pi nth XuiS* Street.I'hib.delpiiia. Pa. voUr i 44-1 y P IOXRKR III..% XtC BOOK MtHiiAi^ lory nil (I JOB I5INDERY.- Binding o f every description ne in Qi the [latest stylt# at>1he lowest Citsh f 'rit e:. WM. K. KITEIl, UMIS -fi| Council Klnfla Tewa OtV ltmDf«PAHSOS BROwX MtW'N | WONDERFUL BOOK, rtnc volume Cont« in inp upwn-ili uf pnce»#I I ,"t'i'.;.vrior enerav ii.us ;i ri evicll.nt Steel Porlru|t. ! *1'. Itcaiitifnlly printed on li II# w hi te v«f er. a P4 1 handsome! v I'ouinl i u Muslin. Price #1,25. Sel.t j freeon return u allon reo ipt of price. J A K i' 111 n Wn uteri, in everv city. town,v||. a^e and count ' . tos.-ilthis thriUiui: and rroitrt. 1 work. A •' di, - . UKOIti;i'' W . Oil I I.DS. Pnl.H» her, j 6*^8 ai d liau i hesiniit St., I'liiludclphta. ) Ai'PhKtiATK & CO. Cineiiintli I ,P'»hM«hersfor th« » ^rra|»W»pjt*t frUlreehitet b« wei k. K 4 / / «

Transcript of DRUG tf STORE! - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · WMKMHMMMM Bxte«(l0ii pf Cjrrm Tatar. * On Friday...


Bxte«(l0ii pf Cjrrm Tatar.

* On Friday Innt. pursuant to the sentence of the law, Cjrus Tatur, convictcii qf the Wi#i. r «>l laitau 11. N'eff, twiir ihi* city on the 1 Tlli day of June, sn tiered the ex* tremo penally uf death by htwijjinjj.

At 11 o'clock, A. M. Company C, 7th Iowa Cavalry, which had been selected as ft guard, repaired to the j*il where the ptiso:i«-r was confined, ami ab >ut half an hour nfterwiitils Sl»*-rifF Tutlon, assisted by his deputies wild ii-sintHnis, bronchi the doome.l man from I he cell, and pined him inacaria^e which had been provided to remote hi in to ilio'place of execution. The military escort were at once formed jnto a hollow square and moved to the lea Bold two miles north of the city, on the very nte where the fearful trn^edy was enacted for which the prisouer was about to atone with his life.

Ati half past 12, the procession reached the place of execution, and the prisoner was at once conducted up the steps and upon the scaffold. l ie ascended wiib a-firm stop and dauntless eye, and evinced not the slightest trepidation. The ssime calm and resolute demeanor which lie hna maintained thioughout the trial and dur­ing confinement in prison, remained with him in this last terrible ordeal. After a brief conversation with the officiating Clei 'fjyman, (Rev. Mr. Lemon,) the unfor­tunate man stepped forward, and addressed the iar/e audience before him substanti­ally as follows :

•4 MY FUIENDS—I PEE before mo a large consource of people. I cannot believe that you have been attracted to this place to witness my MJSeringa, but rather, as I hope, to hear what I may have to say. I have prepared a statement of the ficts hear­ing upon my arrest, confinement, convic­tion and sentence, which I propose to read to you, in order that wh.tt I havo to state will have to ^o before my friends and re< lati. >ns in an authentic form. And here, before 1 proceed to read that statement, I wish to hay, that I call God to witness — that God int ' i whose presence I shall be ushered in a few moments—that this st ite ment contains the truth. I am an imto cent man. 1 did not murder IsaHc N^fT, and do not know who did the de*d. The gui: ty man is at larjje, while I am here to sufier tin; penalty of his crimes."

Sheriff Sutton now pinioned the arms and feet of the prisoner, and drew the black cap over his eyes. Just as he was pet lor'tnin# this last act, the doomed man look hiin l»y the hand and remark*':, in a low tone, but with the utmost composure and self possession : "Sheriff, this is a paiufuMuiy fur von to perform." At pre cisely 1 o'clock the trap door vyas porting and the soul of Cyrus Tator was ushered into the presence of the God who gave it. The drop was about i ix feet, and -the fall evidently dislocated the neck of the un­fortunate man. Frutn the moment of the fall, life seemed to be extinct. Not the • lightest tremor could be diseovesyd. ^Af­ter the body had heen suspended for twen­ty minutes, Dr. A.J. W iley, Surgcp:: of the 7ih Iowa Cavalry, upon invitation of the Sb'Tilf. felt the pulse, and pronounced life extinct. At 22 ifiinutes past I n'clock the boJy was !o>«"ered, and all that was mortal of Cyrus Tator was placed in the coflin. Thus ter-iiina'es tho first and only execution which has ever taken place in Nebraska, pursuant to the forms of i>tw. On the verv spot wh»re the awful murder was committed, the guilty mnn paid the penalty with his life.— Omaha JlepuOUcau.

all *11 ai*.

, Two young ladies of Philadelphia were lately spending the summer in northwest­ern New \ ork. During . their visit thev took several lung rides nith the daughter of their host about the.country*.- On one of these occasions—as they h«d beenlrav-' eling some distance, and the day was w,trin, and as a trough of running water j-tood ir vitingly by the road side—they concluded to £ivg t heir puny a drink. One of the city. |ad!es agreed to get out and tirrange matters for this purpose* The-* others remaining in the carriage, and i. 'eeply engaged HI conversation, for some time paid uo attention to the proceedings cf their companion... When, at last, sur­prised at the long delay, they turned to ascertain the cause, they discovered her trying to unbuckle the crupper (this being 1

the' nam?, I beiieve, of the strap which*! passes.ground the horse's caudal appen­dage^) ui amusement they inquired, what in the world are you doing that for? 8he naively replied, "why I'm unbuckling this strap t<» let the horse's head down so he can drink !"

Hardware Emporium.


Greeley says tho war Democrats have mostly gone to the wir frouj Maine.. Yes, and tiie w« Republicans hate most Mtaid at home.

HEW w.4vi I:I> i on THE i\-1AUI) COLL 1*0.


a /vo S




Call at the

|l|a«C4lMJIILl. MW. AT TH


lift , V 18.P J

STATR OF WW A, Provost Marshal '* otlice, 6ih 1 >j-Irirt ,

Fort Dodge, lo\\a,Juiv 1st.

ON L\ tliose tail litul au.l ' . l iera w ho, frcm Wouudi or the hardships uf war, are no longer f i t for

active lull duly will be received in t Ins Coi ps . f Honor . K i i I i> t IIHII t > \\ i 11 In- lor Unci- years uulci-s sooner discharged. Pity and allowances tin- name as lor ollicers .(ml ir.cn of thv I 'nittd States Infau-t:y ; except lh<U no premiums or bounty lor « nlist-rtieiit will lie allowed. 'I Ins will l int invalidate any pensions or homil ies which may pe due lor previous services.

Th-f«illow!ng|mift»w h*a Jjrca adopted for offi­cer* unit men ot the Invalid Corp.* :

l OU Ot t- Iv Kll.s.— Krock coal — of sky-bluech Ih with il.irk-nhie vel \ et collar anil 1-nrtn :"ia all ot her r»•^|^^^^ts, lu eortliug to the present pattern for offi­cii * ul iiit ' i iDtry,

MKMiklcr »traps—Ace•>riling to present regula­tion.*, i i i t vnrkeil in Jai k-hliiH velvet.

I ' . i n tn loo mi — (.) I *ky-biiie i ioi h, w il li double si ripe ol il . irk-lili ic clot h ilowii the outer titum,each Ktripe one-hall ii .ch wide, with KJIIICO between ol three-eighths of an inch .

Ki.in-t* e:i;>—esent regulation. FJlt KMiiM'KIl M KN.—Jacket—Of cky-Mue

keisey, Willi dark-hiue 11 i inmin^s, cut like the cuvaliy jacket, to come well down on the abdomen.

Truwimrs—Present ic-nlation,*ky.blue. Fttrage c;up -l 'r (seiii regulation." Men who are st ill i II service ami unable to perform

-live tle. 'd duty, may l>e transferred tothiseorjis. eft

A Military Dandy oj' the lion 7Vn.— "\V;il you lake stipper, sir Harry sud a noble hostess to a lieutenant of tho ItUh, who wns toilii ir, and qnizzin^, and utiitu* ditiiziiir; thrfctuii her splendid apartments. '"•N'eo, my Lnddy, I cut all suppers decoid ediv." "You jilay?' ••Net), I cut nil kcrd.i too." ' 'Tnen you must dance?1

'"Neo, my dear l,e h. 'y Mar), I ab oniintle dartcinj;." ' But y.-u must. Sir Harry, ! have ;t ntitr.ci lbr y.u." trot her out."

New York, Sept. —The Rinks of this city have accepted Chase's proposition to land the (jov< rnmcnt 33 mil i m, at six |)er cent, lejjfl tender notes, authorized by the U03 uiiliion loan ot March ia.-t — Certain cotidiiion", howevi r, have..b *en made by the Hanks, which i* belinved (. 'base ivill hardly acceod to. First, ihe Banks wi.<h the Treasury notes to run on two or three yarn, where it 2;as been deemed ab-olulely essential to (iiuuicial

-safety, tnat one year be the extreme limit. Second, tho Dank? stipulate that if they take this first fifty millions of Tre-isury notes, tltose hereafter issurd sh-tll h>» reg ulated through the D ink-, if they snail choo$e to tiikn them. Hliou! 1 the loan

-fail to ha negotiated, it is tir^ed timt Chase will be easily able to repleiiirth the Treasury during the next two months, by the i-«sue of fivo-twenHe*, and if necessary a s n.ill amount of ordinary currency. An amount lully adequate may hy these Bieans be raided w ;thout seri us derange­ment to tb« gentr*! tinuuCM of U»« eoantry.

Fort fjib'on, rnflntti Terrttorv, 20 h, via fi^ivenwurth, Kept. 5.—<Jni. ! Blunt, with an army 4,500 strong; atid twenty pieces of ariillery, crossed the Ar Variias river on the 22J and offered battle to Stee!« and Cooper who had massed ou his front l l , ()U(). After a show of resrst-arice, the enemy commenced a retreat which soon lurneJ into a disorderly flight. They abandoned all their property. Blunt pursued th-rn a hundred miles south of the Arkansas to IVrrvville, which is only \ * f ifty mile« from lied Rivt-r. At this point j ~ he captured and destroyed th«ir cmnmit- | sary depot.. They continued their flight j to Bov'py depot on lied river. The Iixiian j Territory is now clear of n-luds. Gen. j Blunt i« now marchinsj on Fort Smith, I which will doubtless fall without a stru^i 'lo.

Vieksburjr, Aug. 2G —Reports from the j

•otrth are that •lohtHtoit 's army is scattered

Medical Inspectors, Surgeoita in rli .ngeof li ( . . s , | ful-. Jtil i t i ' ty t;oiiii i i i i i idei-s, and allot bit '4 l iawiig Hill IK>I i ty to i l is . -harge, under EXISTING laws mid r«-unlai ions, are forbidden to gut in di-cliu rjje» to mi v man under their control who may bo lit for service in r he I LI vaI id C;»rps.

tor the eoiiVeiiieneA of setvice, tU« men will he . .sclouie.U'or tl iroe grades of duty. Those who are

in >st efficient and at)le-bodieil . und c.ipable <>t per-orniing guard duty, Ac., will be ai uicd with inns kots, aud asfti^ned to companies of the First 11,it-t l ion. Those ot the ne\t degr «i;. i»»m y, i t , . eluding those >v!'o b»st a hand or an arm : altd the ieast i l lective. j l icluding those «h« have lo«. a foot "i- ieg^ tu the c Iiiipmnes uf the f»innd or i ' l i ird li . i t t a I i< MIS ; they will lie trined with ywords.

ihe dutie- wi|l be chiefly to act as provost guard** and garrisoi ft ion itif : guards fn-.b 'Kintals and

• ot her injblie bailditigs, and an > ler".i«. orderlies, Ac. . It iotind uucojMairy they may t>e assiuneil to f .rts, j Af't in^j Assistant I 'rovost: 3larshals li**neral aro ) anib.,1 i;-e 1 to appoint . Hi. . ' i s the K.-nlarSei v

or.ot the Invalid t 'orps, to administer the oath . enlistment to those men w ho utivo csir ptetely fnl-j II l ie 1 flu ji .es -ritied conditions of admis-ion to tho j Inv.i1 id Corps, v iz : j I . That tlnj applicant is nnflt for servicc in the j noil. I 2. That h<* is f i t for the duties, or tome of tUen i indicate.! ati .>\o. | 3 That.it Uot now la the service, ha waa honor­

ably dt<e!iarge.j 4 That +ie is merftnron* and deserving. Ft eu I ist men t or further int<iriiii i t<on appt» t<>

,)V.e Board i , | Knrollment bn this District Uy otiler Of Coi. JAMES U. FRV, t ' rovo-t Marshal Ib neral

w A it \ K it LI. ctin'M, july 10-tf Capt. A Pro. Marohal C.tli District.



Gr B O O E R,

. Sionz City.,Iowa.

Kaapa eon^taatly oa baa 4









OILS, &C., &C.

And everything pertaining to a flr*t cl.iss Groeei^ and outfitting llouie, all of which will be aold


Produce of alt klnda taken in exchange for goods, and the IHK ' .• i-t market price paid. Also, Fnrkofull kinds, l»ry iltdea, I 'ork. Bacon, and everything available which the farn er »n -iv have to i l ispose vi.

jati I 6 ' i D. T. II KDt; KS.


. Proclamation. •TO all to whMa these pr,-en»s hhall come, greet-1 Ing

Wh-reas. I t is, by an Aet of the General Assem­bly ol the?tate of Iowa, male the duty ' ot ' < ! e Governor, at least t i i i i ty days before any general eh '-fion. j„ his I ' I • n.l . i inntiuii . designating all

-the I-Kiivi to be ttll tffl i .y vote of all Ihe electors in the Mate, or by the electors of any Judicial I>is-irtct.

NVw therefore, I , S:itn»i r-1 .1. Kirkwood, flovernor the .State . .f |„w .», , I l f Prui l .uuatii i i ,

pitli i iah and declare, tlink.14 Mie nex* general elec­tion, to l,e held in the State on the s.e.m.i Tuesday

•Of October next, the following oilices are to be till­ed, to wit;

The office of HoTernor; J he i>tfie.» i t Lieutenant ' . Onverhor: Tfie office ol -tud^e' i f r l .e Swprfure t^urt Also, thi- ottire of fienator in the l i th ^uiiatorlM

I)i.-ti iet, compofed of the . ouiily of Keokuk, to till the v«eaiiey o.-."isi„ned by the anwnre ot l ion. I |>

; lett: in Ihe service of tiie t 'uiled States, j Ab ',- th, uife-e "I ^ '« ; t t„r j„ n„. 3,i t | , Senatorial ; lM»tllct composed of the (Minify of Jones, t» f i l l , the van« ncy ociMsioned by tbo removal of Hon. W. I II . Holmes i herefrom. I Senator in the 1.1th Senatorial j I. ' ls. i jet, composed i/f the county of M< sratine, to j till the vacancy oecasioiied by the rcMi;aat4<*n i'«" f li'I!. Wiu. V. Woodf.ird. j "We# of Scr.ator from th«-t^d t to i f i l l the vacancy oecaaioned by the absence (In the j L'liit td States service) of lloii M. V. Itnnli^i<.

bereol all cilizviis and iMtitirflfi ' i i i i ; ned, par­ti . ularly the Shi sif!s of the vcral eo-intic*, will take ncitiee and be governed accordingly.

1" testimony whereiif I have hereunto L S. -set niy baud and attixed the (ireat Seal of —- J the State c.f Iowa Done at De* Moine*. th<> 29th day of August, A.

D 18 3, of the Indojieii *ence of the I ' l i i ted .Sta.es th « ' sghty-eighth, at, ' . , of "•his (<tat« the seven, teentb. By the U ve in r ,

, „ SAMI'BL J KIRKWOOP. - Jams?# Wright, Secretary of sjtate.— td

aWd Tobacco an t ' igars.

Mac.il oy, b.ippce and Peoteli SiiulTs, I 'nre Fr»*neh

1'randy, l*itre I 'ort and Stiaj^n Vines, Pure Cin intd Ituin ; , i !so,

Candies of alt varieties. a large vai iety, emlii; c.ng lllii .i . : l tooka,

such as l.ed;jers, Jourualf, Day Books, Ac.. Ac.

iw. nrr.tr

Approved Srtlool Books,

Puch as are now l i t n»e in our citv ^ehoota. Wall l '« rer and Bhi ler, and a large and

be;j& itui, • ri - M i l t nient of t hildiell • Toys-. A Iso. ^paulding'a I* re pared

Ulue. and lliirr^'s t cmcnt, ' 'hat lie d n i comment to

roi niiinieiid them to the notice of every family Bags, as

usual, taken in ex­change for go (Is.

Pll .VN<€la«»N PrCMCTjplionM

Aenrately dispanaeil —All the most popular Patent Medicine* kept


reliable and

(MIAUf.1:? KENT.

4<!oii€ial Lleitloa,

•VfOTI-K 13 II i : i : K H Y CI VKN, til at on the 2nd l l Tuesday of October, i t being the 1.1th day ol UctoUT, lbthere will b: an Klection lioldeuin the (litlen iit j irei incts of Woodbury county, I 'm the elec ion i t the following comity otileeta, vi/ . :

:t 'ounry •! wlge ; t 'oiiniy Tie<i«urer aud Recorder. tfheritl ; ibrainnge rommlssionir; l oiinty Sniieriiitendeiit of CMMM <tt«pb; County Surveyor ; anil Coroner,

A UDV < lVT , # r m r k U > 4 *W" '^Ch day nf*cptembw

F. J. I.AMDKRT, *td Sheriff WoodbUry county, l>»*w*',

ft 0© . 3 Ml . . '> l '«» 6 W»

To lb* Voters of Wi^dbarr County, Iowa.

AT A ll KKTTNf• o| the Runt t '>T S"pcrvf*or« of Wood bury i-ounly, Iownr^bl September 8th,

IS t the following order adopted : \ \ h. ' tc,i«, the \\ ai rants of this county are at a

depn eiiited value, im-t County largely in debt, and it is desirable t<> ie, | i-eio the cVedit ,"of t he same", Therefore it is oi"t»r, •; that the inopi.sitimi to fevy

_ a Sjiecial County Tax vf Konr Mil* on the Dolla ' r fllotiv tlio r JH<1 O' tweell .fiiC'li .Hiiti and M<>. t i^esKcf value of the property of the County . ~ t ' "ill1 I lui t ivit l>3'l _> la fk I I I tu jtiln.. it... I a » • tr bile for liurHirf<Js <if mil*s»; it is fi>i)ti<I


J OS. I ' . II t l iK A CO , having removed fo tli^lr 4»N ItroaU iv«)' ,»te

Itooffurto the public a muKUifictai nun pr^piii n^w M R A I < * tali

to SUPPORT tli»m all in » IMHIV, l*it ' t««i tlinti«aii<i cf iVmlvrtotra troop's refuse to report at Dcucipoiis, the rendcz-Voaa for ptiruied troopu.

(Jen Mniry, i^ in cnrntr.atul of thf> ftjr-ecs at Mobile. The whole rntilo pupula* tion whitf> «n4 black are at work on the for'ificntiotn.

An attempt has boen made is portmrrt of Alabama'to hold meetings to aj;it;if# the subject f)f re-construction. One lie] | Ui (Jreeno county a few day* aince was dispersed ic|th« point cf Ihe bayonet. *

for the icur l^3Pla shall be iitil i i t i ir€•••! to till ' Voter* I u ' the I 'oiifity. to be voted upon nt I l ie ui\\t ^.. i ier-I al ( l"<-t.-fi . All persoiis votiiiK f 'n- the Tax -h <11

have printed or uritteii np .n tln ir halirAs "the fbi-i lowing—"Kor a Sj enal Tax," and th..<e voting ; agatlK-t 'be same «h ill have printed or writreu m>-j "Il th""- b'l l lots—"Against a special Tax - an'tfttie 1 "Aftr:4'Cius east shall lie counted and lefuriied ilt l l iy I aaoie manner an the votes for County ii!!1fer* j it in also otd«red that the Clerk cause notice bf : th»above to be publistied in the }<iou\City ItegUter j a t loaat four weeks prior to the election. ! J. N. I I KKI>, Clerk.


Y Octave Rosewood Pfaito,

"ntaliiing all inipron.MIK nts known in thirenaa* ry 'or Kurope, oTer-strh^g ha*,- Ft 'mith gfaild c t ion.harp |n-dal , ful l i ron frame, fvr

$150 NNTL $IT3 CASir, * Wurranted f o r 5 yfnrs. Tf h-h mculdlugcAlNa »#0

aud $4ot).all warranted ininle ol /l ie »es*j#a ferial, nndto starid better I Inui any sold foi ()0f S.">()(i i . y I be old mef hods of manutiii t i l l e We I nvi t Dei li rsand Teacti e rs i n at I pai t f of III con tit ly, t ft ' f i ts flRent* . and to tost thole nnrivallerl flatA wit h Stein iy A Son* Chickeriiifc A Soli*, or an Ar«t-ctaii»mAiiiifarturerN.

KH. V . IIALK .V CO.. aot^am 47)* llroad *ay. Mew York.

By WM. <J. STKWAItT, Dtpufy,

Variuers' Look litre-l

AFRMT IX1KA E ANK MILLS for sale a» 1w T IIW^'K T<»oTtS«S.


AM.poriioniilndelftedto tfte nnderf-lfr.eiVIt her by Vote or *• • • ik account . • re i e i | i ie>t i d local!

at iny shop and mike i mined iafe set t lenien t and MVP ' hein*"lv«*eon>s. as I a..i i l"teriiii i i< i: t .nettle np all ' i ld itccouiita. I 'eritons having accoiinta animal me i re re ( |ueated to present the aauiefor pay Mttnt



P#w«f?rei« Jrintinf Establishment


M(cf Hiiii,)




T~*AM now In receipt of my Fall and Winter i tock of Stovea and linwarw and take pleasure

i n an uoiiucing to the citi/ .ens of Northwenteru Iowa. .Nebraska and Hakota. that they can supply themselves with goods in my Hue at astouiahtiigljy low pricne. 1 keep couatautty (A lmnfl a lar^a ansoi tiuant of

DRUG tf STORE! Si^n of the nine ^lortar,

MttJJ PC Alt I* ITltEBT, Sioux Cliy.


Office Stoves,

Of the best and most approvod pattern*. !9fjr stock of Cooking titovea consul of

Charier Oak,

Valley Forge,


Plymouth Itoek,

Prlxe Premium,

Arctic Premium,

« aide a Harpfldt

TAM now in r<v. Ipt of mv Tall and Winter stock of Dr.iga nuil 3l«<ll< lliek, and every­

thing p< -11 a i 111 II ft l i ihe I 'ruj, bn-inees. Jiy assort­ment is hege and complete, eiiihracii. i t evtry article of MeJicine needed in the treatment of the dise^rea

'of fh.s i t in.ate. iu nddttl .ii to tlie regular Drug business, 1 keep

tSjF Tin and Japafirxd Ware—a go fttkiortakMit always on hand which is made in thy n. 'o.t dur.ilde •i nner. Also, Kve Trougiis, Condiic'or l ' i |H's, Tin Hooting, Ac. CIIAS. K >M1VII.


W s FO lt-Til iu Ui'PEli M1SSO U UI. TH K N";

Oiiialia Dall) XcbraiiliiflNi^ puhlisbed at Omaha, Nebraska T(iritrry, j ia I t*

; only Dady .tonriiii l | -ul lis?! d m the Mis; >uri Hiap® tiiat contains fiiil Telegraphic- ll**inrl>.

I All news reeeived tip to in id II i^b t o | rh^'inornlng I of publication will be found in its ' ' leinns, a ml the

paper beinn mailed the same n<o: n ing enubb s l is to } furni.h snlncribers at f 'oirf •• 'ry, aud all points ; above Omaha, many bourn in pittance of anv other' j Journal. fa« t»\II,Y NUUUA8KIAK liwver | mijse* tho mails :~&st

Teifhtf • ( One copy, one twoi'th

One copy. tti ' iW.Moritlis.. . O ne copy, sif 'flftolltl lS Clubs of »i ( one month

a-SuA'tVanre paymeui must be made in every in-•thiice. Address,

"Oiutha Nebrnsklan," Omaha, N. T, i^W'20 M. U. CI.AItlv, I 'roprietor.

call your attention to mv taraa , pf fflfttTert *toek »r Kalmfii^tmpllnitnlt, — . . . .

iinproveiio iit- and sfyTes, wWil ulU'tjalcdd rafy n this stuck w ill l>e found

fk cd • I'O


UiiAIN CHAD LBS. scYrns,

SNATHS, KA K !•:*»,




Aadin fact all neceaeary imptiments for the farm and parden. My motto is • gulck Saltj* and Profits" -what this co>iA»ry wA-ita. ?Toir doiTt forget -it Is

EyijiARrs RToni,

Dakota City, Where you will And these' articles cheap.

C. •*. KCKHAKT. Dakota City, X. T , May 3<ith, 18<i2.

Si«az Oity r » 99 • • • »•••«( Iowa.

• '•tSiVV

Look to your Interests.

Before you go to Sioux City to buy vonrgooria.Ut me call youi attention ta mylargeand weil#elect 'ed 9tLi 'k of—



C.UO^KF'Jins, HAHhU'.VHf!

&c. t

sAsn. nr^^s. AND NAILS,

MyOood* wereboajjlst >nr <7V^i'ln St Louicand « ini ' innati.Wnd ha\ ' fng i r fopt 'dtjies'fri( Hash l.n»i' Men, thi> enables me to sell mv good.- as low. and a II" I" h»Mi*r than t Vey ^aQ lie boii^li t else\%'iiet e I l i the upper country. .All I wan t you t o do is to g ive t t i ' i i i ' . i l l l icfoVo }*o>« ,(» «o Slain City to vny.itniiif I cannot suit you in price and •in.ili ty then I .shall aik vmi not to buy. IIv stll inu my 4|i»<il»>ri r cSyil, f aiu enabled toseli

Metis' 'firopnn Shoes at from to *1,75 phr pair; Mem' Cluth (Jait>

em and oilier Shoes in pro* portion; MOMS' Kip

Boots per l 'air, an.l up.

wards; Calicoes from

12} to l) ft a , per yaril ; Lawns ceiita

atid upwards; ;*1ittiMpe Clniliin/» cheuper thah ahv oilier

plact* in the country; (•itOCKUIKS PUOTOli rioNATKLY LOW.


•w o 3=r •*

lied, a (lUble,

M Having tlie best of material 'aRei in tlie art, a nil voniiiantly making additions tu tbe same, is prepared to execute, iu the best maimer, at short orotice, and oa reasonable terms—







CHECKS, i 'OsriTits,


CIRCll.A^S, DKAF*ff«.




WASHES AND JEWELRY or1 Vm richest jtnd most Fashionable rat*

terns, offeri 'd at Retail at wholesale prices. TIIK H l ' 11IIA UI) HHt»S., Nua. 65 and 07 Nana*

Street, .New i ork. t ' i ty, Jlunul 'actwieri and In.jor-ters of all th<- leading, rich and meat popular sty les of Watches mid Jewelry, being determined Mpoii luci eKsmn their but-iiicM* to hii unlimited ei-tent, otter the following ele^iiat oi uuinents (it tha Uiisurpnssed low prices follow iiif;:

Magic 'rime Obotrvrr, heiiigaHun(ia| ami open face. or Lady'sor (lent Umun a/Watch In otie ; tho prettiest, niofl coiiveuinit and ( ht 'Hj»ea% M"ati*h in the World. Imitation jjold ; effeetetli-y tt patent procesj, w hich renders the appeurasce of ICold perleet, while it does not eost one-third a« much Priceonly ?34. lietails ntfroiu Sit 0 Hpw arda.

Hunting ( 'on-position Cased I ever* KukIisI ' maa-ufaituie .Movement; cupped and fill I jeu ( It d ; l .aa sunk seer nils, and the new est i mprov) mrii t a Heavy casetl «rd Lood nn'tatloti >told. Priceonly f!8. lte-t.i iKat fri ni jr ' io to *l«io. . »

l luntiiigComio sitioii Cased Army Watcti riJ-hljr euicraved, jeweled and fmiey Murks. VuntirpaMid for Sutler*. Traders,etc. Price JlS. BrtaiUut Iri M jM'to it ' . ' j) . .

A preat variety of othar Watches, at lowprlcej. . Ladies' S*>ts of l lrooch and Kar Drops to corjea-

pond. Imitation Clustei Diano nd, a v< ry rich aat tern, aud outirel.v new, price ?4. Cm al and jTj'fl i etitwiiu d.M wry neat and pretty ornament, Liand-soinely niounted. ?3 *2.".

t ieiitluiuen's Vest Chains. Tarisien. an ele^att ; at tern, only #4. I 'Jie | )»tnoniac, very hoavv. fa.

'Ririev—Piiiiu only, 7 ftr. Scr«>l 1, V( I y pret ty, f 1. C'liiiMil a nent pattern, SI. Seal Signet, i2. Imita­tion 1 >i;rinot>d <*'2.

Sleeve ltM!toii«—Patent. Chased, or Knanielle^ new and very handsome pattern, £2,^.0. L01 chased or with *t< lies, ?1.60. • . Itosotu Stu4—a variety of new and fasliicr nbl* designs, per set. ®1 50. .

Ilosoin ai d f>cn 11 i ' ins— Leaf, -.villi Opal and Faa-cy Stones S-. I mil i t ion Diamond, t l ••"•0.

l .ocUetN—rouble <.UFS, r ichly engraved, f l . I 'ers us wishing any ol the abow, have only to

remit the price in a registered li-tter to ouraddrers, 1. u-1 t b • a rj^icle s will be sent by 11 t ucn of mail, frea of eXpeiiS'i , ^ ""Orders to the amount ,.f tvehe dollars and npwatds will be sent by exjiress to §rjr pirt of the l«yal State®, with bill pnjid v to t ' io Express eonip:,Iiv, when the frooils are delivered.

Agents, Snt lers slid Country Me re ha lit s , t hrc i:i;h -en t t he eon n t ry . wl, • wi-li to inalii inoiiev rn|iiTly,

.will do well to obta i 11 oil r 111:1 tnliiol b eat a 1 • £ ne ; w* furnish the nir,*t saleable oiitli t at prices uiisui I Bid­ed by any other concern. Address

Hl llI!\I!I» UROS. No*. f»5A ' 7 Nassau, near John Street. • '

neTlO-3ni New York f ' i ty." |

'LILE AThANTl€ J I O N T H L V .-D CKIII-X niiig ot a uew Volume — 'I he No. lot Jai,nary

1M.3, ticuiuB the Uluveu'U Volume ot the AlUiitic Monthly.

From the comnieneetnenf i ' l 1^57 Ihe Atiti . t ic ha* 1 apidl) iticivasi d in e;i> ulation, and it ih.m b«a the largest cl isi of 1 eadera sii .ee its l ( (; 1 t ini 1 j ; . l ive years iijji i . I ts pi Cap'City steadiiV it i ; ;-men ts, n». d i t coutiuuen. amid all 1'ie t luctuatioi.s and (iati^eta lucidtui to our national niMs, to ^ain gioi.nd in t he e^tItuatio 11 i t I be public A l a tiine so pi>).• rajit with events which tomb the tutuie ii"siiiies if America in every vital i>n 11i< uhir. the pi.i l j-bv is and Editors do no; deem It neecfKiiry topriiuise that its pages will n»ver sv.erve fum tjn- hoijetc path , of loyal patiioiinn end uaivei^aI frM-d< at.—

| I ts opinions h ive nlwaj * been mi t in- Mdcol lit ei .y, t pre^re^s, and ri^ht, stoi the com m i t t irst i idop.tid I in itsi-arly carter, » ill ever be fait hfully mail tain* | ed. The stntt • f wl i ters, 1 ej;u Ihrlv coiitribiitini; to i the Jt ' intbly,.eii .I»ia«e»all the best known [ aittl i--"- ' 1 . A inc. ic.m l i : ' r iture, aad wariai.ta the : i 'uoii^hers in proini<iii^ to ita readers, ' The lit at Kssayii

Tlie llrnl Storlea, Tlie Ih ul I 'ortai,

Which Atnerictti t alcj.t car 11, in .»h .

ljlat of Itrffiilikr Com ribut ora.—Ia 1 Tro-eand Poet 1 v 1 tn "A 1 t int 11" M.i!i of writ 'raja

unci | u.i l ied. 1 be !• !! .« i h(c not l>oi s a re «till among ' t ' i ' i 1 e Tii.i ir r*iijlrtbut ' i *

James Umirl bowel!, Louis A ' /a^siz. Nathaniel Hawthorne, T. W". Ili . . ' irins'>n, >Iis Juli* \\ i«: d Mowe, 1 Hiv. r W ll 'dmea, K P Whipple.

< l iarles E Norton. l ien vy <J i Ics. Hen 1 1 T. I 'uckermae, Mrs. 11. K St.MM. , • 'hir ' . s I 'eadn. It . .- . T. i 1 y.

-rt T. S Lowell, Kd li . . Dvel • 11,

The r.r.-_'"ine ll«t


"Multiply the Means, a'nd you Multiply the returns," is one of the established maxims in bdsinevs, that toC*

The poiifiJsVi

that have «w*w»en-ct 'd With nothintf but their intlividnnl en­terprise to depend upon. The ollice ia

9upptied aiib one of Uuggte«' celebraVed

For the pr&nnjTol Circalar». Bill &c., wliereby thf price of printing! have been materially rc'duced, so that I can now


To Hie Traveling Public.

NOTICE ia hereti" Riven tiiat JOHN C. McltltlHK an old

tM, has juat opened a m w and om-i U.ik

with oar large cities, and nope can have occasion to go abroad for their wbi-k, when tbey can be aenred at bonbe.

F1 K 11 11Y A eras »t he n TO > l<: I ' X , n t a t int h»|ow theferr^ of ' . \u! I 'r»|iiette. The eha r.-es on this Kerry wilt he 111 n h 1 >1" w ; h e rat c s w h ic h t ravel l ira ic rosy t he

n. n. rowLRsaoy. -»«iii # i * f 4 , • B i g 1 1 P o I a t . < l « « . I M « .

Sioux liiivn men -oinpelled topav . MeBltlDl.

t respectfully solleit tbe piitmnk^e of the basinet* men of this and'h<i|oininj| eountiea, feeling satisfied that we can gfg§ eatitfactioi both as to style and price

II. W I cll^fcllow, Kilj b Waldo hmerton, c. c H.-i/ . w 1 Hj . , Author 'Jlarji ' t *Iow#h.' Mrs. D. T. W'lifney. . 'olin <i. W|.it!ier. l 'nyard Tav lor.

.1 ue S ] | i l lard, V alter Mitrhell. Ji bn V eir«. Harriet Martineau, "Th«* ( 'oiln t ry ParaOB,'* Hart iet J' . I ' rescott, J . T. Tnet b idjre. Pi o('t «*. 11 A . I ' . White,

f contributors include* lY« l e n d i n g w r i t e r s a f A m e r i c a .

TKI! MS. -The Atlantic is f r sale by all Dih j» and Periodical Dealers. Price-J. ' i rents a ntimber.-SuKieriptien* for tin year. SS.o'j , po>ta«e ja| i l r

Year'v sul *cri | 1 ions received, or s unit ' numben suppl ied by anvdeal ' T 01 by the pubUi-ln-rji *. .

-[••cim.'i! number* sent Kratis on appli. ntion to the Pubii~!i"rs. , . - f t . . f.

I i idneentetita fr-r «i»'»«eri!dii(t , l istf- r ') \ niiitni . Xc., furniahed 00 appli* e"< uto tio- u ioli .-h«ja.

1 Ii 'N"t> 15, \ i ' i Ll.DS. . n> 15 -3ve L'tS Wa<hini:;i ' i i s reet. Itotoo.

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pKTKKTON'ft M ( |(i . t / lK K... .N t I-. £ t be rime t<> K< t up 1 I ib» ' . teat in liicemeilti

t . .r ISi;. ' , . ' I 'bis popula1- M«ri:hly .» n^a;-i:ie contaipa near ly i i ' i >0 j . eu 1 K ; t r . j r i to 'Hn at . - t - l p la tes : amA «ti. . i i t m ii „, . . 'd _et; ' :ra"it . j ;-!>—i.r.d «U tbit f. r i nly Two Dollar* .1 year. Thl« l« more proportion- * alj than anj J '^.^ i/ ine ever pm—bcr.ee ' I 'etei fculi ' is ' ' tnph«ti^:.j_,y ti iaAtaa»74a« for thctiui '^

K«< h^:I.* r ' t i tani* a r 'usliiuii t ' iuto. engravjd 011 »te< ar.tl cob.ltd, also a ih yen or tlioiu now -t> 1^, eutjrn ved on v\ 01 <1. also a pat tern Iri m » h'.cii ^dr r. mini 1 11M . or chi 'u - ccstuinc can be int. ,Ui> «_'iit J he aid of a mnntuatr.ajit 'r , that each

ii".: • —ri-i this way, will %•»»(• H year - ' ' sub«eriptinii Tim Paris, I.ond. n, 1'bilndi i j hia 111.1! New V'oik Fa«hh<ii» are desei i led at leiittk woittbly. .

Trnii«.. . \ lw»)ii |u A(lfaucr.»>C|R i-opv one year f .»; (href ccpi(B i i*,. i ople» ; oiuht cop'j 'H 51*'; tweSe M|i:.s § I ; sixteen copfe*

/d.l .c-s, o — t paid, • i i \s .1 n:Trnc<>N\

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/ t#»»*I8VS 9IAC V7.INK.—The .piiblUber \ J h.e oUHiteiin d ihe v ear v> i t l i a t. • t . - i .n.111(^ to surpass anv thine he has ev r Uef .rc lone, nml m an t^ifne^t ot Jiis i uteut loi.s has aiu^de aa arrai i ' i • f • i ! i t he e ! rated writer. 31 n i lo it II i*r.-IHIKI to furui«h au artiete (or e\er\ V> tuber o.l t l ie llook lor 18 3, and she w!i! write foi j .„ t .(r , t . , j1 1 B .

Terina, Cnal» ti t A(lvance.»Onc fnjiy one yeai. Sd. Two e pi, s one yrar, f5. Tlirua cop'es one \ ear. "0. I '- ur co pie* on • year. ( 7. - . . , .- .Jf^ee (.o|»te«, . ne year, and a« extra copy to the "eraoi seii ' i - .n>:the club. §Hi. k

Klf'ht co, ie* rue yc«r. and an extra copy to the person ii.-nnj t in- 1 I t ib. «|S.

Klevcti cot";. « one year, and an extra copy to tne person sending the club, f-. 'O.

» Adlress, I . A. rODF.T, »oli>.lw Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,



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