Drexel Strategic Plan Covering FY2018

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Transcript of Drexel Strategic Plan Covering FY2018

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aTransformational Themes

Transforming the Modern Urban UniversityDREXEL UNIVERSITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2012-2017

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1Drexel University Strategic Plan 2012-2017Transforming the Modern Urban University

ONE UNIVERSITYWithin the past two decades, Drexel’sremarkable journey has taken usinto the ranks of leading researchuniversities in the United States. Wehave found original ways to developunusual breadth, scope, and mindshare.We have created three Philadelphiacampuses; established the Centerfor Graduate Studies in Sacramento;forged new model partnerships withthe Academy of Natural Sciences andregional colleges; acquired a Collegeof Medicine, a College of Nursingand Health Professions, and a Schoolof Public Health; founded the EarleMack School of Law; and continuedthe dramatic expansion of Drexele-Learning. Today, Drexel has all of themakings to dene the great, modern,urban university of the future. Nowwe must ensure that we are alwaysmore than the sum of our parts. As OneUniversity, we will guide each student’spath so that his or her potential may berealized at Drexel. As One University,we will empower our faculty membersto continue to develop elds ofexcellence and hubs of innovation. AsOne University, our professional staffwill work together across units to createeffective, efcient means to supporteducation and scholarly work. Together,we will think and act across boundariesto transform our campuses, ourneighborhood, and our world throughthe power of unfettered intellect.

Cover: Atrium of the Papadakis Integrated Sciences Building

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CO-OPERATIVEEDUCATION Students and their families, government

and business leaders, and the Americanpublic are hungry for a new model ofhigher education that is results-oriented.As an undisputed leader in co-operativeeducation, Drexel is uniquely poised tobreak away from the pack and createthis new model. By aggressivelyexpanding co-operative offeringsregionally, nationally, and globally toinclude mentored research; nonprot,government, and creative work; andopportunities for eld and clinicalexperiences; and by infusing ouracademic priorities into the co-opexperience, we will enable every Drexelgraduate to be optimally prepared for adesirable job or a competitive graduateprogram that leads to a meaningfulcareer. We will move from the nation’sleading co-operative education providerto the world’s preeminent co-operativeeducation provider, working with ourpartners to imagine new, creative, andinnovative co-op models to serve ourstudents and society for the nextcentury. In the process, we will becomethe partner of choice across all sectorsas faculty and students help addresssignicant global problems throughtranslational research, technologytransfer, and creative work.

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ONLINE ANDHYBRID EDUCATION With its strong background in technology,

Drexel began offering degrees onlineas an option for students in 1996. Inrecognition of our success in settingthe bar for online education, Drexel wasone of two recipients of the 2010 SloanConsortium Award for Excellence inInstitution-Wide Online Education. Aswe constantly assess the ways in whichwe educate students and the wayswe can do it better, we now plan todramatically reposition Drexel e-Learningin the marketplace. With renewed focuson program quality, student retention,and graduation, we will explore how theUniversity and Drexel e-Learning canexpand and scale high-quality onlineofferings, enabling Drexel to furtherits reach. At the same time, we willbuild the Drexel Network, including ourseveral campuses and outstanding onlineofferings, to become the premier providerof hybrid academic programs (in-personand online) that will extend Drexel’smarket presence throughout the UnitedStates and globally.

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INNOVATIONNEIGHBORHOOD Positioned to be the preeminent

university located at a major nationaltransportation hub, Drexel will becomeone of the country’s most dynamic andinviting urban universities; an essentialcivic, intellectual, and business partner;and a welcoming physical gateway toPhiladelphia. In a mixed-use settingthat brings robust education andresearch institutions together with thecommercial sector, Drexel will anchora vibrant Innovation Neighborhoodin University City. We will continueto work with citizens, businesses,entrepreneurs, and government leadersto become a centerpiece of innovation,technology, globalization, and economicdevelopment in our region. Our rststep will be to create an attractiveand exciting front door to Drexel’sUniversity City Campus at Philadelphia’s30th Street Station—one of the UnitedStates’ most important train stations,connecting New York, Washington, andthe entire East Coast.

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Our MissionDrexel University fullls our founder’s visionof preparing each new generation of studentsfor productive professional and civic liveswhile also focusing our collective expertise onsolving society’s greatest problems. Drexel isan academically comprehensive and globallyengaged urban research university, dedicatedto advancing knowledge and society andto providing every student with a valuable,rigorous, experiential, technology-infusededucation, enriched by the nation’s premierco-operative education program.

Drexel will be the Philadelphia region’s leading

university excelling in high-quality experien-tial education, online learning, translationalresearch, technology transfer and businessincubation, and urban revitalization. Drexel willuse and leverage all of its assets—outstand-ing faculty; highly motivated students; 130,000alumni; a pragmatic and entrepreneurialculture; co-operative education; Drexel e-Learning; and our superior location at a majortransportation hub—to create an accessible,relevant, and market-leading educational andresearch platform that benets our diversecommunity of students, advances our scholarlywork, and champions economic developmentin our region. Drexel will join the ranks of themost impactful and competitive universities inthe United States at a time when the nation isclamoring for educational value, jobs, and newideas for bolstering our economy.

QUALITY Ensure that an ongoing and perva-sive quest for quality informs the decisionswe make, the people we hire, the students weadmit, the programs we offer, and the way weconduct ourselves.

INTEGRITY Demonstrate integrity through rig-orous adherence to ethical standards; respectfor shared governance; support for work-lifebalance and equitable policies; impartiality andfreedom from conicts of interest; and trust-based relationships with academic, corporate,government, and community partners.

DIVERSITY Create and support a diverseuniversity in all of its manifestations bothbecause diversity has instrumental value—it

makes Drexel’s students, faculty, and Universitycommunity more competitive globally—andbecause diversity has inherent value—it fostersunderstanding, respect, and opportunity—thereby forging a better university for all.

ACCESS Provide access to a Drexel education toas many high-potential students as possiblethrough innovative academic support pro-grams, generous scholarships, nancial aid,and other nancing methods, and supportthose high-potential students to facilitateacademic success and graduation.

STEWARDSHIP Provide exceptional stewardshipover the University’s nancial and physical re-sources while growing these resources throughenrollment, philanthropy, government support,an incentive-driven resource allocation process,and wise investment of our endowment.

INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP Continue to take informed, carefully-calculatedand strategic risks to build upon our successes,start new ventures, and forge a different pathforward. This legacy of innovation and entre-preneurship is the gift of our founder, AnthonyJ. Drexel, and it is a legacy that must be pre-served, celebrated, and continuously renewed.

Our Vision

Our Shared Values

The achievements of the past are only as valuable as the visionthey inspire in us for the future.

That’s why when I was selected to lead Drexel at a time of remarkablemomentum—unprecedented growth in comprehensiveness andreputation, leadership in experiential learning, growing research andcivic enterprises dedicated to improving lives—my rst priority was toconvene the entire University community to discuss what comes next.

The result is “Transforming the Modern Urban University,” ournew strategic plan.

In this inspiring moment, Drexel’s responsibilities as an institutionare perfectly matched by our culture and capabilities:

We must prepare students for success in a world changing morerapidly than ever before…and we can build on a signature co-opprogram that connects them directly to the needs of the profes-sional environment around the globe.

• We must put our intellectual capital in service of a society facinggreat challenges…and we can be proud of a research enterprisethat specializes in translating discovery to real-world impact.

• Finally, we must join our neighbors in the quest for growth,community and a higher quality of life…and Drexel represents aneconomic and social engine with the potential to transform ourneighborhood, city, and region.

Every Drexel constituency had a voice in the process that producedthis document, from students to faculty and professional staff toalumni, trustees, and friends of the University. I am grateful to thehundreds of people who made tangible contributions to the effort.We should all feel a sense of ownership in this plan, and it’s essen-tial that we do: It will take every one of us, working and innovatingtogether, to achieve the ambitious goals laid out here.

We’ve envisioned an exciting trajectory for Drexel University.

Let us not settle for anything short of fully realizing that vision.

From the President Opportunity and Vision


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Strategic Initiatives

These Strategic

nitiatives will guider work over the life

f the Strategic Plan:

1. Invest in Academic Excellence

2. Intensify and Improvethe Student Experience

3. Enhance Drexel’s Global Impact

4. Create an Innovation Nexus forResearch, Technology Transfer,and Economic Development

5. Develop the Nation’s MostDynamic TransportationHub-Based University District

6. Continue to GrowDrexel’s Enrollment

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• Infuse the Drexel Student Learning Prioritiesacross all modes of instruction and all programs—on campus, online, hybrid, undergraduate,graduate, and professional. Create a personalizededucational experience that allows students to

customize their course of study, and track studentoutcomes to measure mastery and achievement,while maintaining our commitment to preparinga diverse, productive, and global citizenry withspecialized knowledge and professional expertisegrounded in a deep appreciation for the arts, hu-manities, and natural and social sciences.

• Focus on experiential education of all forms, in-cluding aggressive expansion of co-operative posi-tions regionally, nationally, and globally to includementored research; nonprot, government, andcreative work; and opportunities for eld and clin-ical experiences. Ensure close alignment betweenacademics and the co-op experience. Invest heavilyin co-operative education and job placementprograms, both domestically and internationally.Build a branding and marketing campaign thatdemonstrates to the public the immense impact ofco-operative education and the success Drexel hasin placing our students in desirable careers upon

graduation and in encouraging and supportinginnovative entrepreneurs. Differentiate co-opsfrom internships, demonstrating how co-op ismore meaningful and valuable. Align programswith projected job growth to ensure that graduates

continue to be prepared to compete in areas withhigh workforce needs, such as engineering, healthcare, energy, sustainability, and other technology-intensive elds. And nally, prepare those studentsembarking upon careers as entrepreneurs with theskills and experience to succeed.

• Engage our faculty as Drexel’s intellectual leadersand provide the necessary resources to develop acadre of talented, pioneering, collaborative, produc-tive, and diverse scholars dedicated to fosteringstudent learning, advancing knowledge, demon-strating excellence in their elds, developinginnovative programs, and working entrepreneurially.

• Direct nancial investment to academic priorities,targeting academic units with the highest potentialfor excellence, key areas of societal concern, andemerging elds in which Drexel can build a criticalmass of talent. An innovative and current exampleis The Center for Visual Decision Informatics, anNSF-approved, corporate-funded national researchcenter developed to address and to solve the prob-

lems of a world drowning in data and starving forknowledge. Through start-up money, resources,self-governance, and the possibility of buildingdegree-granting programs, we plan to encouragefaculty to form hubs that focus on multi-disciplinarywork. Drexel also will initiate a comprehensiveacademic program review and alignment processthat improves and strengthens existing programs,eliminates low-quality or outmoded programs,coordinates and consolidates dispersed programs,and resolves long-standing boundary issues amongacademic units, especially in the health sciences.

1Invest in Academic Excellence

Diverse students the world over who seek rigorous academic preparationgrounded in experiential, co-op enhanced learning will recognize Drexelas the gold standard. Drexel University will:


Co-op students at McNeil Nutritionals, LLC.






The Student Learning

Priorities were developedcollaboratively by employ-ers, Drexel faculty members,and administrators whoset out to identify thosequalities of mind that bestsupport student successduring their education atDrexel and as they moveinto careers or graduateeducation. The LearningPriorities provide a commonlanguage and focus for acontinuous conversationon student learning acrossDrexel University.

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Invest in the current student body to signicantlyimprove retention and academic success throughstronger advising and counseling as well as en-hanced learning environments that personalizeinstruction to play to the strengths of our students.Better coordinate all entities that engage and sup-port our students. Begin retention and academicsuccess efforts at enrollment and focus on the entireDrexel student body, including those residing on ornear our University City, Center City, and QueenLane campuses, commuters, online students, andthose studying at Drexel Network sites.

• Re-imagine residential life, athletic, and recreationalactivities as an extension of experiential learningbeyond classrooms and across our campuses. Bringfaculty together with students in residential settings.Integrate Drexel’s broadly participatory athletic andrecreation programs with an emphasis on fosteringhealthy lifestyles and encouraging robust team-based competition.

Provide better integrated administrative servicesacross all areas and campuses, with particular atten-tion to nancial aid, bursar and registrar services,and academic advising. Ensure that the health andsafety of our students is paramount among ourconcerns, and that Drexel continuously improvesthe full array of services we offer through publicsafety, student health services, psychological andsubstance abuse counseling, victim support and in-tervention, and other resources that promote healthand help students in times of need or distress.

• Create energetic, well-designed campuses withmodern classrooms and laboratory facilities andwelcoming, strategically distributed indoor andoutdoor spaces for group and individual study. Offerready access to authoritative information, researchsupport, and academic advising through a variety oflibrary learning environments. Signicantly increasethe quality and amount of on-campus studenthousing, create a comprehensive student activitiesand entertainment center, and continue to improverecreational facilities and green spaces.

2Intensify and Improve the Student Experience

Drexel students will be among the most academically, socially, andcivically engaged in the nation, participating in a wide range of intensivecurricular and co-curricular offerings that capture their intellects, deepentheir understanding of contemporary challenges, and drive a passionfor learning by doing. Students will draw upon their Drexel educationthroughout their lives while enjoying a rich and memorable collegeexperience that will, in turn, create a loyal and devoted alumni body.Drexel University will:

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17Drexel University Strategic Plan 2012-20176 Transforming the Modern Urban University

• Transform into an international hub of excellenceby preparing citizens of the world who are conver-sant with the broad array of global opportunitiesand challenges. Develop courses that compareand contrast different cultures and foster culturalcompetencies. Offer intensive language study andencourage students to develop prociency.

• Grow global experiential learning by buildingour exchange partnerships, dramatically increas-ing global co-operative education experiences,and expanding opportunities for internationalengagement.

• Develop global platforms for innovation inresearch and education, establishing partnerships,centers, and networks with selected universities,

research institutions, technology parks, andindustries, based on our areas of faculty expertise.Leverage support from public and privatepartners, such as our key collaborations withHebrew University, with the Chinese Academy ofSciences, and through our dual doctoral programthat focuses on translational research withShanghai Jiao Tong University.

• Facilitate faculty collaborations in globalknowledge creation and problem solving througha variety of initiatives, encouraging faculty todevelop and cultivate international networks ofcolleagues to advance their research programs, andinviting preeminent international faculty to workon Drexel’s campuses.

3Enhance Drexel’s Global Impact

Our greatest challenges today—such as urban sustainability, energy,water conservation, and public health—are global, requiringcomprehensive solutions, novel research, and new collaborations.Drexel’s ecosystem of global partnerships and programs will fo cus oncarefully selected countries and international institutions to facilitateproductive, mutually benecial opportunities. Driven by faculty, alumni,and institutional connections, Drexel will partner with a series ofdistinguished universities and research institutes in countries includingChina, Israel, and Turkey, with long-term plans to include India, Brazil, theUnited Kingdom, and select countries in Africa. Drexel University will:

The Joint Drexel-HebrewUniversity Institute forDrug Research Hub

Researchers from both universities

partner in translational biomedical

engineering and science to identify

discoveries likely to produce signicant

innovations in health care and move

these discoveries from bench to market-

place. Hebrew University’s experience in

translating laboratory ndings to patents

and products has helped characterize

Israel as a “Start-up Nation.”

The Joint Drexel-SARI Center atthe Chinese Academy of Sciences

The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)

is the premier academic and research

institution in China. The Shanghai

Advanced Research Institute (SARI) is

a comprehensive nonprot research

organization established by CAS and the

Shanghai municipal government to co-

ordinate a far-reaching, visionary group

of strategies for technological innova-

tion. The Drexel-SARI Center allows for

research collaborations and educational

partnerships with SARI and CAS, access

to the latest technology and innovation

in China, and a presence in Shanghai for

co-op positions, symposia, and executivetraining for scientists and engineers man-

aging and marketing their innovations.

Drexel under the leadership of President John Fry has created and strengthened partnerships with top universities and research centers in both Israel and China.

en-Gurion University, Israel Siemens, Germany Fundación Pachamama,Ecuador

Operation Crossroads Africa, Ghana

T E R N A T I O N A L C O - O P

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19Drexel University Strategic Plan 2012-20178 Transforming the Modern Urban University

• Continue to build a strong foundation in basicand translational research by investing in currentfaculty members, recruiting new faculty members(individually and in clusters), increasing the num-ber of doctoral students, and providing funding,robust support services, and adequate space topromote the most innovative and collaborative re-search environments. Drexel will also leverage ourCoulter Foundation Endowment as a model forcross-campus translational research partnerships.

• Promote pioneering scholarly work that forgesnew approaches to signicant long-standingproblems, such as Drexel’s work in autism thatuses public health science to discover, develop, andimplement population-focused strategies for pre-venting or reducing the morbidity and disabilityassociated with autism.

• Create an Ofce of Corporate Partnerships thatwill signicantly extend our existing externalrelationships developed by the Steinbright CareerDevelopment Center, the Ofce of InstitutionalAdvancement, Drexel e-Learning, and the Ofce ofResearch. At present, there is no capability withinDrexel to manage, in a holistic and strategic way,the relationships we have with leading corpora-tions and to leverage their interests in the same vitalopportunities as those of our other external partnerorganizations, including those in the nonprot andpublic sectors. This new ofce will coordinate amultidisciplinary relationship with the very best ofthese organizations, and maximize the full potentialof these relationships via co-op placements, cus-tomized online learning, philanthropy, and projectfunding for key Drexel initiatives.

4Create an Innovation Nexusfor Research, Technology Transfer,and Economic Development

Drexel faculty and students will help address global problemsthrough engagement in experiential education, pioneering research,and mentored creative and scholarly work that achieves real-worldapplication and impact through technology commercialization andentrepreneurship. Drexel University will:

• Establish Drexel Ventures, a new subsidiary ofDrexel University, to provide support for faculty,students, alumni, and regional entrepreneursseeking to start new companies and to fostereconomic growth and development in the GreaterPhiladelphia region. Drexel Ventures will be man-aged as an independent, wholly owned subsidiaryof the University with an advisory board compris-ing experienced entrepreneurs, venture capitalists,private equity investors, and technical experts inkey elds and professions. Drexel Ventures willprovide funding and expertise to manage theinvention disclosure process, determine patent andmarket viability, accelerate translational research,provide entrepreneurial co-ops, support and part-

ner with area incubators and accelerators, provideseed funding to start-up organizations, expeditelicensing for small businesses, and facilitate theability of Drexel faculty to compete for and under-take contract proprietary research.

• Advance game-changing, multi-disciplinaryinitiatives, leveraging the comprehensive arrayof Drexel’s academic assets. One innova-tive example of this strategy is ExCITe—Drexel’s planned Expressive andCreative Interaction TechnologiesCenter. ExCITe would capitalize onextensive collaboration betweenDrexel’s College of Engineering andthe Westphal College of Media Arts& Design with a broad array ofeducational, commercial, and govern-mental participants from the Greater

Philadelphia region. ExCITe would be a researchcenter providing leadership at the convergence oftechnology and creative expression which could belocated at Philadelphia’s Navy Yard, perhaps on theUrban Outtters campus. ExCITe would focus ondeveloping new instruments and interfaces forcontent creation and human-centered interactionto foster innovation. ExCITe would seek to buildout the intersection of technology and creativeexpression, broadening the traditional core ofScience, Technology, Engineering and Math, or“STEM,” to include the arts, thereby producing“STEAM.” Drexel’s ExCITe Center would be both aresource hub to transform the GreaterPhiladelphia region by bringing together the

technology and cultural communities to catalyzethe local digital creative economy, and a compre-hensive partnership among leading academic,cultural, and civic institutions and industry toenhance education and workforce development.

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• Implement a six-phase, 30-year Campus MasterPlan to unify isolated buildings into an integrated,thoughtfully planned metropolitan campus, sur-rounded by compact green spaces and interlacedwith residential, recreational, and commercialamenities that together help create a thrivingcommunity. Begin a sustained program toimprove, maintain, and, when necessary, replaceexisting buildings to ensure high-quality facilitiesand comparability among our University City,Center City, and Queen Lane campuses.

• Initiate the comprehensive redevelopment of the“superblock” bordered by 30th Street Station to theeast, JFK Boulevard to the north, 32nd Street to thewest, and Chestnut Street to the south, establishinga lively, mixed-use, multi-purpose district featuringacademic, residential, retail, commercial, andtechnology-incubation uses, while setting newstandards for design and environmental sustain-ability. This will also involve the cultivation of a

strong relationship with Amtrak and SEPTA topotentially extend the mixed-use campus district intothe adjacent railroad yards that border JFK Boulevardto the north. This could result in the long-termdevelopment of more than 50 acres of underutilizedproperty in the Penn Coach Yards section of theAmtrak property, creating a mixed-use districtextending to Spring Garden Street and tyingUniversity City to the Art Museum district and theAcademy of Natural Sciences of Drexel Universitylocated on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway.

• Create an attractive and exciting front door toDrexel’s University City Campus at 30th StreetStation and use the redevelopment of thesuperblock to create the physical articulation ofour mission, vision, and values. This InnovationNeighborhood will bring together education,research, and commercial entities such aspharmaceutical companies and technology-basedorganizations. International partners from China,

5Develop the Nation’s Most DynamicTransportation Hub-Based University District

Drexel will become one of the nation’s most engaged, vibrant, andmodern multi-site urban universities, with strong and mutually sustain-ing relationships among our three Philadelphia campuses, surroundingneighborhoods, major transportation hubs, and the Greater Philadelphiaregion. Drexel University will:

Israel, Turkey, and other countries will be invitedto have a presence in this new neighborhood.The development would house interdisciplinaryprograms, innovation partnerships, industrial joint ventures, and incubators in the context of anattractive, densely-developed, mixed-use neigh-borhood of academic buildings as well as retail,residential, entertainment, and hotel properties.Drexel University would be positioned as theconvergence center for the innovation generationin Greater Philadelphia.

• Fulll our aspiration to become the nation’s mostcivically engaged university by implementingall dimensions of our neighborhood initiativesplan. Our initiatives will provide much-neededretail and cultural amenities to the Drexel com-munity as well as targeted development near all ofour Philadelphia campuses. This plan promotesthe creation of clean and s afe neighborhoods;affordable and attractive housing with expanded

opportunities for home ownership; job training andplacement opportunities for community residents;resources to improve health and wellness in thecommunity; and a high-quality innovative K-12ecosystem featuring many educational options.These initiatives will lead to new and innovativeurban solutions, from an “extension center”—modeled in part on Drexel’s thriving 11thStreet Family Health Services located in NorthPhiladelphia—where Drexel knowledge and prob-lem solving will be made available to communityresidents, to an urban farm that will tie food accessand nutrition education to job training and sustain-ability. Whether through a community-based lawclinic, architectural and engineering solutions for

housing development, dance and theater programsfor neighborhood children, hands-on workshopson energy-efcient home repairs, or digital trainingfor local teens, Drexel’s culture and practices will setnew standards for university engagement.

Potential development at 30th and Chestnut Streets

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• Grow enrollment commensurate with studentdemand and academic capacity, initially by add-ing graduate and transfer students, and then, aftera three-year period, gradually growing subsequentundergraduate freshman classes. By 2017, Drexelwill increase enrollment from our current numberof 23,500 to 30,470 students; by 2021, Drexel willincrease to 34,000 students. Develop additional BS/MS options for undergraduates seeking accelerateddegrees, providing more in-depth knowledge andadded value for their nancial investment. Give spe-cial attention to expanding Drexel’s enrollment areabeyond the Mid-Atlantic region, where the Universityenjoys strong brand recognition, to other regions ofthe country and around the globe, focusing initiallyon targeted recruitment of international studentsfrom China, India, South Korea, and Vietnam.

• Further develop Drexel e-Learning and the DrexelNetwork by capitalizing on the University’s strongmarket position in online education and our ex-perience in Sacramento and at Burlington CountyCommunity College in providing hybrid courses(in-person and online). Drexel e-Learning is develop-ing its own strategic plan, and the Drexel NetworkCommittee will build a parallel growth strategy.

• Support our historic commitment to access andacademic success through merit-based and need-based scholarships to attract a diverse student

body of high-potential students by supportingprograms such as National Merit Scholars and ourown Liberty Scholars, early intervention programssuch as Lindy Scholars, and consortia projects suchas the Greater Philadelphia Region Louis StokesAlliance for Minority Participation (PhiladelphiaAMP). Engage in signicant fundraising forendowed scholarships—$50 million is targetedin our ongoing comprehensive campaign—andraise even more signicant funding for need-basedscholarships in subsequent campaigns.

• Expand our academic reputation and marketfootprint through afliations with strategicpartners. The Academy of Natural Sciences ofDrexel University is a prime example of the kindof afliations and partnerships we seek withdistinguished Philadelphia educational, cultural,historical, and health care organizations.

6Continue to Grow Drexel’s Enrollment

Drexel’s recent success has been driven and enabled by our scale.The University’s enrollment growth will be aligned with growth inour academic and residential infrastructure so that the quality of aDrexel education is enhanced. We will undertake a carefully calibratedexpansion, motivated by our desire for greater impact across thenation and around the world, by the need for increased support ofscholarly activity and research, and by a collective understanding of thesignicant role Drexel has in the economic development of the region.Renewed focus on student retention also will ensure that both new andcontinuing Drexel students have the resources and support to thrive and

succeed. Drexel University will:

From the President A Call to Action

Never before has Drexel brought so

many students, faculty, professionalstaff, alumni, friends, parents, andcommunity members to work togetherto imagine this University’s pathforward. Drexel is always at its best when we partner, collaborate, and team up—seeing the big landscape ahead, movinghorizontally and not hierarchically. It isno wonder that the vision outlined hereis truly transformational.

More than a plan, the vision we have

set forth is a call to action. A call toevery Drexel campus, every college,every school, every department, everyprofessor, every student, every graduate,every professional staff member,and every one of our partners andneighbors—it is a call to the people ofDrexel. One of the greatest assets of thisUniversity has always been its humanity.By answering this call with your intellect, your passion, your creativity, yourambition, your philanthropy, and youringenuity, you will help dene whatthe next great, modern, urban researchuniversity looks like, and how such auniversity—Drexel University—engagesits people, neighbors, and partners tomake a better world.

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4 Transforming the Modern Urban University

Administrative Ofcers

John A. Fry President

Mark L. GreenbergProvost and Senior VicePresident, Academic Affairs

Helen Y. BowmanSenior Vice President,Finance, Treasurer and ChiefFinancial Ofcer

Elizabeth A. DaleSenior Vice President,Institutional Advancement

Lori N. DoyleSenior Vice President,University Communications

Michael J. ExlerSenior Vice President, GeneralCounsel and Board Secretary

Brian T. KeechSenior Vice President and

Executive Director,Ofce of the President

Joan T. McDonaldSenior Vice President,Enrollment Management

Daniel V. Schidlow Interim Senior Vice President,Health Affairs and Dean,College of Medicine

James R. TuckerSenior Vice President, StudentLife and Administrative Services______________________

George W. Gephart, Jr.President and Chief ExecutiveOfcer, Academy of NaturalSciences of Drexel University

Kenneth E. HartmanPresident, Dexel e-Learning, Inc.______________________

John A. BielecVice President, InformationResources and Technology

Amy A. BosioVice President, FinancialPlanning and StudentFinancial Services

Robert A. FrancisVice President,University Facilities

Peter FriskoVice President,Institutional Advancement

Deborah Eskridge GlennVice President, Human Resources

Eric J. OlsonVice President, Finance andAssociate Treasurer

James K. SeamanVice President, Internal Audit andManagement Consulting Services

David E. WilsonVice President, Governmentand Community Relations

John ZabinskiVice President,Institutional Advancement,College of Medicine______________________

Janice BirosSenior Vice Provost, Budget,Planning and Administration

Deborah CrawfordSenior Vice Provost, Research

N. John DiNardoSenior Vice Provost,Academic Affairs______________________

Craig N. BachVice Provost,Institutional Research

Janet FleetwoodVice Provost, Strategic

Development and InitiativesLucy KermanVice Provost, University andCommunity Partnerships

Julie Mostov Vice Provost,International Programs

Peter J. FranksSenior Associate Vice Provost,Career Education

Sandra KirschenmannAssociate Vice Provost andDirector, Center for GraduateStudies, Sacramento______________________

Roger J. DennisDean, Earle Mack School of Law

Gloria F. Donnelly Dean, College of Nursing andHealth Professions

David E. FenskeDean, College of InformationScience and Technology

Marla GoldDean, School of Public Health

Joseph HughesDean, College of Engineering

D.B. JonesDean, Pennoni Honors College

William F. LynchDean, Goodwin College ofProfessional Studies

Donna MuraskoDean, College of Artsand Sciences

Banu OnaralDirector, School of BiomedicalEngineering, Science andHealth Systems

Allen SabinsonDean, Antoinette WestphalCollege of Media Arts & Design

George P. TsetsekosDean, LeBow College of Business______________________

Danuta NiteckiDean, University Libraries

David A. RuthDean of Students

Eric ZillmerAthletic Director

David FloodOmbuds

Trustees of the University

Renee J. AmoorePaul “Mel” BaiadaCarl M. BuchholzRobert R. Buckley Randall S. BurkertBarry C. BurkholderHon. Ida K. ChenKathleen P. ChimiclesAbbie DeanNicholas DeBenedictisRichard J. DePianoGerianne Tringali DiPianoRobert J. DrummondBrian R. FordJohn A. FrySean J. GallagherRichard A. Greenawalt, Chair Richard A. HayneCynthia P. HeckscherMary R. “Nina” HendersonPatricia H. ImbesiJoseph H. JacoviniAlan C. KesslerJoel M. KoppelmanJ. Michael LawrieRaphael C. LeeRobert J. LewisHugh C. Long IIJeffrey T. MacalusoRobert J. MongeluzziJohn A. NyheimDenis P. O’BrienC.R. “Chuck” PennoniD. Howard PierceCharles P. PizziWilliam T. SchleyerNicholas S. SchorschStephen A. ShellerStanley W. SilvermanManuel N. StamatakisCharles K. Valutas

Trustees Emeriti

Ervin F. Bickley, Jr.Sylvia Merkel BraslerWilbur C. Henderson, Jr.John G. Johnson, Jr.George F. Krall, Jr.James E. MarksRobert McClements, Jr.

Melba PearlsteinRandolph H. WatereldE. Frederick Wheelock

Trustees of theCollege of Medicine

Atul K. AminElinor H. CantorJoseph M. CapoD. Walter CohenKatherine J. EricksonBrian R. FordJohn A. Fry Wayne T. GattinellaDonald A. GirardMichael P. HalterMary R. “Nina” HendersonCarolyn B. JacksonCaroll H. NeubauerHon. Sandra Schultz NewmanC.R. “Chuck” PennoniD. Howard PierceMarlene E. Rackson

Bryan L. RishforthCorey K. RuthStanley W. Silverman, Chair Manuel N. StamatakisNicholas A. VaganosCharles K. Valutas

Trustees of theAcademy of Natural Sciencesof Drexel University

Peter A. AustenHelen Y. BowmanByron T. Clark Carl S. CutlerAbbie DeanHarvey I. FormanJohn A. FryGeorge W. Gephart, Jr.Mark L. GreenbergCynthia P. Heckscher, Chair David P. Lazar, Sr.R. James MacaleerSandra L. McLeanAllen J. ModelAnthony K. MooreI. Wistar Morris IIIJohn A. NyheimPatrick M. Oates

Seymour S. Preston IIIAnn L. ReedMichael H. ReedGerald B. RorerJudith E. SoltzJohn J. SorokoKenneth J. Warren

Trustees Emeriti

John F. Bales IIIEdward A. Montgomery, Jr.Minturn T. Wright III

Honorary Trustees

Andrew LewisRuth Patrick

his plan is a collaborative product of the Drexel University community, with special thanks due to the following individuals:

ileen Abelsnn Acribieyuwa Aghayerered Allen, Jr.aniela Ascarellintonis Asprakisatricia Austinraig Bacholly Baxterristen Betts

ohn Bielecanice Birosenneth Blackneymy Bosiomelia Bossisa Bowlegelen Bowmanusan Brooksana Brownarbara Bryan

oseph Campbellacqueline Castagnaomenic Ceccanecchionne Cecilhaomei Chenatrina Clark ebecca Clotheylisa Morss Clyne

on Coddingtonohn Cookeean Corbettrances Corneliusose Corriganeborah Crawfordimothy Cunninghamdward Daeschlerlizabeth Daleonna DeCarolisoger Dennisristen DeVrieslese Dicksonaul Diefenbachichardson Dilworth. John DiNardoenevieve Dionloria Donnelly aniel Dougherty obert D’Ovidioori Doyleeffrey Eberly

Michael EdwardsMark Eggerts

ruce Eisensteinrian Ellisugenia Ellis

Melissa EnglundLawrence EpsteinMichael ExlerWilliam EzellJohn FahresDavid FenskeDonna FerrariErin FinnChristopher FinninItzhak FischerCecelia FitzgibbonAdam FontecchioRobert FrancisPeter FranksAlexander FriedlanderPeter FriskoShannon GaryGeorge GephartJason GershCristina GesoMary Ellen SmithGlasgow Deborah GlennYury GogotsiMarla GoldElissa GoldbergKenneth GoldmanRita LaRue GollottiMichael GombolaMaria GritzAnthony GrubesicJanet GuthartCharles HaasEric HaganKenneth HartmanJames HerbertSara HertzLynne HickleWarren HiltonGregory HislopBarbara HoekjeBarbara HornumXiaohua (Tony) HuTimothy HylandRebecca IngallsJoshua JacobsJeremy JohnsonDave JonesStacey KaraJames KatsaounisBrian KeechMichael Kennedy Lucy KermanYoungmoo KimScott Knowles

John KouniosTimothy KurzwegMichele KutzlerKenneth LacovaraDavid LanzaStephen LeesmanPeter LelkesBernard LentzSteve LevandoskiBruce LevineKristine LewisMerril Liechty Teck-Kah LimFrancis LinnehanWilliam LynchPatricia MahonHazem MaragahMichele MarcolongoRita MarkerShannon MarquezAdam MarshRafael MarteMichael McCabeJoan McDonaldDonald McEachronRichard McElroyAnita McEvoy Robert McGrathDonna McVickerKimberly MillerFranco MontaltoOwen Montgomery Karen MooreMary MoranJulie Mostov Donna MuraskoVadake NarayananCraig NewschafferDanuta NiteckiSuzanne NollDennis Novack Kevin OatesLori O’ConnellPaul OhKarl OkamotoEric OlsonBanu OnaralLavonne O’NealMargaret O’NeilMartin Onzik Giuseppe PalmeseSamuel ParrishRobert PeckDarin PfeiferElizabeth Plowman

Kambiz PourrezaiThomas QuinnDavid RaizmanChristopher RedmannMaggie ReganJoanne RobinsonSuzanne RocheleauAnthony RodriguezGail RosenMicheleRovinsky-MayerDebra RubenStephen RupprechtPatricia Henry RussellDavid RuthAllen SabinsonAhmet SacanAleister SaundersLudo SchefferMichael ScheuermannDaniel SchidlowBarbara SchindlerSimoneSchlichting-ArturJames SeamanEitan ShamirAdrian ShiehWesley ShumarKenny SimanskyDenise SmithLindsay SnyderDannielleSolomon-FigueroaDaniel StevensMitra TaheriElizabeth Ten HaveEva Thury Antoinette TorresGeorge TsetsekosJames TuckerJeffery TwissAkhil VaidyaAdele VarenasDavid Velinsky

Daniel VernaAugusta VillanuevaStella VolpeRoberta WaiteRebecca WeidensaulJoan WeinerSeth WellesHeidi WestMegan WeylerDavid WilsonEdward YakovichChristopher Yang

Michael YudellJohn ZabinskiAlex Zahradnik Arthur ZamkoffMona ZeehandelaarEric Zillmer

Thanks to the following groups:

Drexel UniversityFaculty SenateDrexel UniversityAlumni Board ofGovernors

Drexel UniversityBoard of Visitors

Steinbright CareerDevelopment CenterAdvisory Board

Thanks also to our manyexternal friends andcolleagues including: Jason AlexanderRoy CarrikerJohn GradyAlan GreenbergerAndrea JarrellPaul Levy The Powelton VillageCivic Association


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Ofce of the PresidentDrexel University3141 Chestnut StreetPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania 19104

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