Drafts first production changes


Transcript of Drafts first production changes

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Page 2: Drafts   first production changes

Front Cover: Mock-up and Draft

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Front Cover: First Production compared to Draft

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Front Cover – First Production Changes from Draft and Mock-up

• Tagline included in masthead – looked more effective and is more conventional.

• Coverline with competition taken out – didn’t really fit anywhere.

• No box used around splash – I found that I could make I stand out on its own by adding a drop shadow and outer glow

• Coverline on the right is wrapped around image – the image is larger than I thought it was going to be as otherwise there would have been too much empty space.

• ‘featuring’ in the top coverline is Lucida Handwriting rather than Monotype Corsiva – looked more effective.

• Text for top coverline (2015’s newcomers) is Franklin Gothic Medium Cond rather than Arial Narrow as this font was not available on photoshop, but they are very similar.

• Calibri used for coverline on the right rather than Arial Unicode MS which was not available on photoshop.

• Pristina used for ‘The Claoks 2015’ rather than Brush Script MS – looked more effective and the edgy font fits in with the Indie genre.

• Font of ‘How 3 Liverpudlians…’ changed from Dotum as it did not stand out enough. It is also in white rather than yellow to show a slight separation from the splash ‘The Cloaks 2015’.

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Contents Page: Mock-up and Draft

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Contents Page: Draft – First Production compared to Draft

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Contents Page: First Production Changes from Draft and Mock-up

• Last two stories removed from contents on the right – not enough room for them.

• ‘$am Winston on Twitter’ added in sideways next to social media pictures to show what the pictures represent.

• Medium long shot used of Tom rather than a long shot to avoid too much white space.

• Font of ‘Louis Del Grido…’ caption changed from California FB to Microsoft PhagsPa which looked more effective.

• Photo captions of Josh ($am Winston) in the boxes at the bottom have been changed to suit the pictures, and made shorter so that not too much text was crammed into a small space.

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Double Page Spread: Mock-up and Draft

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Double Page Spread: First Production compared to Draft

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Double Page Spread: First Production changes from Draft and Mock-up

• Aligned ‘The Cloaks’ to the right which is more conventional of a double page spread.

• Taken out page numbers from sides of pages because it is more conventional to have the image covering the whole spread – it looked messy to have a white strip with a page number.

• Rockwell Extra Bold used for title rather than Microsoft Himalaya which was not available on InDesign.

• Times New Roman used rather than Caslon for body text – fit better and was more easy reading.

• Rockwell Extra Bold used for pull quote rather than Monotype Corsiva – matches with title which is more conventional.