PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE Dear Dr. Hamilton families, We have been very busy in our classrooms, working on curricular outcomes and on our school plan goals! When I move around our building each day, I am so impressed with the work our staff are doing with our students. Children are actively engaged in learning experiences that include meaningful writing, math problem solving, the use of technology and inquiries in different subject areas. Here are a few pieces to be aware of this month: Our Remembrance Day Assembly is scheduled this month for Thursday, November 6 at 9:30 a.m. Our Christmas Concerts are scheduled for Wednesday, December 3 at 1:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.) Please take a close look at the calendar found on our school website. It outlines important dates coming up throughout the year. As well, consider signing up for our weekly E-Memo, which outlines events occurring in the building each week. Please contact Mrs. Waite in the office if you have not yet signed up but would like to do so. With colder weather on the way, please make sure your child is dressed warmly to enjoy outdoor activities. Students are outside for recess times twice a day (15 minutes each time) and 30 minutes during the lunch recess. We have introduced our new Bus Line Up Matrix, just in time for October’s bus safety focus. Copies of the Bus Line up matrix are posted throughout the building, under our universal matrix, which we still continue to use for areas in and out of Dr. Hamilton School. The Grade 3 provincial classroom based assessments will be completed. Parents of Grade 3 students will be receiving a summary of the results with your child’s November report card. You are welcome to make an appointment to discuss these results with your child’s teacher or you may choose to discuss them at the Student Led Conference at the end of November. Report cards will be sent home on Monday, November 24. Student Led Conferences take place the evening of Thursday, November 27 as well as the afternoon of Friday, November 28 (with regular classes scheduled for students that morning). I encourage each one of you to take the opportunity to meet with your child’s teachers to review his/her growth and development. Please feel free to set up an appointment with any specialist teacher you wish to see. Our school fundraisers have come to a close. We would like to thank students, families, community members and staff for all of their efforts in purchasing Sobeys Gift Cards. We will report on the total funds raised once all the calculations are finalized. We will be making classroom draws for all students that participated in the Sobeys fundraiser to hand out some small prizes on behalf of the school. Finally, a thank you to our students and staff for making the first few months of school positive. As well, a thank you to our Parent Advisory Council, who are busy with many activities that support our students and our school. Thank you to all members for helping to make Dr. Hamilton a great place to be. Sincerely, Mrs. Ziprick DR. F.W.L. HAMILTON SCHOOL NEWSLETTER NOVEMBER [email protected] 3225 Henderson Hwy., East St. Paul, Manitoba R2E 0J2 Phone: (204) 661-2500 Principal: Mrs. T. Ziprick Email: [email protected]



Dear Dr. Hamilton families,

We have been very busy in our classrooms, working on curricular outcomes and on our school plan goals! When I move around our

building each day, I am so impressed with the work our staff are doing with our students. Children are actively engaged in learning

experiences that include meaningful writing, math problem solving, the use of technology and inquiries in different subject areas. Here

are a few pieces to be aware of this month:

Our Remembrance Day Assembly is scheduled this month for Thursday, November 6 at 9:30 a.m.

Our Christmas Concerts are scheduled for Wednesday, December 3 at 1:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.)

Please take a close look at the calendar found on our school website. It outlines important dates coming up throughout the year.

As well, consider signing up for our weekly E-Memo, which outlines events occurring in the building each week. Please contact Mrs. Waite in the office if you have not yet signed up but would like to do so.

With colder weather on the way, please make sure your child is dressed warmly to enjoy outdoor activities. Students are outside for recess times twice a day (15 minutes each time) and 30 minutes during the lunch recess.

We have introduced our new Bus Line Up Matrix, just in time for October’s bus safety focus. Copies of the Bus Line up matrix are posted throughout the building, under our universal matrix, which we still continue to use for areas in and out of Dr. Hamilton School.

The Grade 3 provincial classroom based assessments will be completed. Parents of Grade 3 students will be receiving a summary of the results with your child’s November report card. You are welcome to make an appointment to discuss these results with your child’s teacher or you may choose to discuss them at the Student Led Conference at the end of November.

Report cards will be sent home on Monday, November 24. Student Led Conferences take place the evening of Thursday, November 27 as well as the afternoon of Friday, November 28 (with regular classes scheduled for students that morning). I encourage each one of you to take the opportunity to meet with your child’s teachers to review his/her growth and development. Please feel free to set up an appointment with any specialist teacher you wish to see.

Our school fundraisers have come to a close. We would like to thank students, families, community members and staff for all of

their efforts in purchasing Sobeys Gift Cards. We will report on the total funds raised once all the calculations are finalized. We will

be making classroom draws for all students that participated in the Sobeys fundraiser to hand out some small prizes on behalf of the


Finally, a thank you to our students and staff for making the first few months of school positive. As well, a thank you to our Parent

Advisory Council, who are busy with many activities that support our students and our school. Thank you to all members for

helping to make Dr. Hamilton a great place to be.


Mrs. Ziprick



NOVEMBER [email protected]

3225 Henderson Hwy., East St. Paul, Manitoba R2E 0J2

Phone: (204) 661-2500

Principal: Mrs. T. Ziprick Email: [email protected]


On Thursday, Oct. 16th, I attended a PD session titled “Collaborative Leadership in the Learning

Commons.” This PD brought teacher librarians from all schools levels as well as all 4 metro

school divisions from the city. It is a once a year opportunity to allow those of us in this field to

come together, to discuss together, to plan together and to look to the future of school libraries

in Manitoba, specifically the city of Winnipeg.

Guest speaker, Anita Brooks Kirkland from Ontario, focused on “Leading Learning” and what part

our school library spaces and we, as teacher librarians, play in this. The new term coined to

transform our school libraries to be a part of the future is to make them “learning commons.” She spoke of how teacher librarians can

lead this transformation.

So what is a “Library Learning Commons?” In a new Canadian Library Association document just off the press, it is “a whole school

approach to building a participatory learning community” (CLA, 2014). It involves more than just a physical space in which students

learn and sign out books. Another important aspect is the virtual being of it. The speaker spoke to the library as being the “hub of the

school” where inquiry and project based learning experiences is occurring. She spoke to the importance of higher level thinking where

we have students questioning how and why things are happening during inquiry versus creation of a list of things happening. She

stressed over and over how everybody is a learner and everybody is a teacher working together for the best product and discussion.

At the end of our full day session, teacher librarians from all 4 divisions came together to create a small video of what we believed a

learning commons is! Check out our video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwTNtnkHVfQ

Inquiry at Dr. Hamilton:

Gr. 4’s have started their inquiries on Habitats around the world. We are in the process of looking for answers to those open ended

questions – the how and why’s of inquiry!

Gr. 4/5 students are working on their end products to illustrate their learning. Through the use of an online program called Prezi, the

students will share their new found knowledge.

Gr. 5’s are using many different online programs to share their learning of First Peoples of Canada.


You may have heard about something new happening in the library this year called "Book Cafe". Book Cafe is a drop-in for students offered during morning recess. Students can bring a non-messy snack or water bottle. They can exchange books, read or bring something from their classroom to work on. We have had a great turn out so far and anticipate an increase as the temperatures drop. MYRCA book club is underway for another year. This is a reading list of canadian authors designed specifically for grade 5-8 students. If you are interested in more information about MYRCA please visit www.myrca.ca. You can find book synopsis, author info and previous winners. Thanks, Trish

Watch the new book shelf for all the new titles as they are ready.

The library is a busy place with books coming and going all the time. We are always grateful to our volunteers. If you were interested in

volunteering in the school, please consider if the library is the place for you. Our volunteers usually help return all the books to their

shelves as they come back as well as assist in processing the new books with stamps and book jackets and creating book displays, etc. If

you are a reader, this may be right up your alley. Please speak to Mrs. DeBruyn or send a quick email to [email protected] if you

are interested. We would love to have you.

With the start of a new year we would like to remind you about our library lending policies:

Borrowing period: one school cycle

Number of material sign-outs: kindergarten & Grade 1 - 1 book per student, grades 2 & 3 - 2 books per student, grades 4 & 5 - 3 books per student.

Renewals: Students can renew an item a maximum of 2 times unless it is a new book, or there is a request for it. Students must bring the book in to renew it otherwise it is considered overdue.

Overdues: Students cannot sign out library materials if their book is overdue by more than one school cycle. Notes are sent home for grades K-2 and agendas are used for grades 3-5 as reminders for students to search for missing items. Overdue notices are sent home after a book is 3 school cycles overdue.

Lost books: Students are not permitted to borrow new books until they have reimbursed the library for any lost ones. When it is determined that a book is lost, library staff will inform the parent of the cost of reimbursement.

Should you have any questions regarding library materials or programming, please feel free to contact either Mrs. Klausen at

[email protected] or Mrs. DeBruyn at [email protected].

You can find magic wherever you look.

Sit back and relax, all you need is a book!

Dr. Seuss

Patrols News

Thank you to ALL of the Patrols for being on time and wearing your vest.

We really appreciate all that you do in helping to keep our school safe!

Each month a few patrols will be recognized for their outstanding attitude and effort.

They will each receive a $10.00 movie gift certificate.


September Patrols of the Month are ….

Peyton, Leanne, Aliegha and Lisa

October Patrols of the Month are ….

Matthew L., Tori, Taylor and Will


THANK YOU to MARY BARANYK, Subway co-ordinator, and

To ALL THE VOLUNTEERS who helped with the SUBWAY hot lunch!!

The students and parents appreciate your hard work.

We are currently looking for hot lunch co-ordinators to co-ordinate monthly

hot lunches.

A co-ordinator is responsible, once or twice a year, for the following:

Contact the food provider to book the hot lunch date.

Tally the lunch orders, summarize the hot lunch and provide numbers to the food provider.

Count the money, prepare the deposit slip for the Treasurer and arrange for payment to the food provider.

Arrange volunteers to distribute the food to the classes on Hot Lunch Day.

We will train you and provide assistance. This is also a job that can be shared and is very manageable.

Also, we are in need of volunteers who have completed, or who are interested in completing a Food Handling Course. To offer our

students a hot dog or perogy hot lunch, we are required to have at least 1 or 2 volunteers, who have completed a Food Handling course

supervise the preparation of the food.

If you are interested in volunteering for these positions or have any questions please contact the school.

Thank you for considering this opportunity.

Lori McKnight

Hot Lunch Program

This year PRESENTS FOR PARENTS will take place on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2014

Presents for Parents is a unique gift exchange for our school.

For those unfamiliar with this event, it is a gift exchange that permits our children to “purchase” a gift for their parents on their own.

Participating families donate gifts for their child to purchase for $2 a gift (ie. $2 for Mom and $2 for Dad). The gifts are displayed in the

gym, purchased by the child and wrapped by volunteers. The children have a great time doing their secret Christmas shopping. If your

child is participating, then you will be required to donate gifts equal in number to those being purchased. If your child will buy a Mom

gift and a Dad gift then both a Mom gift and a Dad gift would be donated. All money collected will be donated to a Charity on behalf of

the students. More information will be sent home in November.

Please watch for the consent form that will be sent home with the students in November. The collection box for presents will be in

front of the Office on November 24th

and will remain out until December 10th


Now is a great time to start thinking about the gifts that you may donate. Plan to purchase your gifts early so you can take advantage of

the many sales that the stores have to offer. Remember that you must donate gifts equal in number to those that will be purchased by

your child(ren).

We will be looking for volunteers to help in our Christmas Store and to provide some baked goodies for our volunteers to enjoy

throughout the day. Information will also be sent home with the consent forms. We look forward to your participation in this event.

Lori McKnight

More News from PAC

Hello Dr. Hamilton Families!

Please join me in welcoming Brandy Bjornson to our Parent Advisory Council! Brandy will be our Secretary and we are looking forward

to working with her this year.

Parent Council continues to have opportunities for families to be involved for a onetime event OR regular and ongoing events

throughout the school year. If you’d like to be involved, please feel free to contact the school at 204-661-2500 or your Chairperson

Elena Hallows at [email protected]. If you’ve never been to a Parent Council meeting, we welcome fresh ideas and would be

delighted to see you there! And yes, we still have treats at our meetings.

In other news:

The Minister of Education and Advanced Learning has announced the “Manitoba’s Celebration of Excellence in Teaching”

The categories for nominations are:

*Teaching Excellence *Outstanding New Teacher

*Team Collaboration *Outstanding School Leader

For more information on the nominations process and forms:



Jeannette Aubin

Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning

Phone: 204-945-1902 Fax: 204- 945-1625

E-mail: [email protected]

Deadline for submissions: December 10th, 2014

Hope to see you at our next Parent Council meeting on Tuesday November 18th, 7pm, in our school library!

Elena Hallows,

PAC Chair

Dear Families,

AN OVERVIEW OF THE DR. HAMILTON LUNCH PROGRAM Our lunch program is well underway and is running smoothly. The Lunch Supervisors that are enjoying lunch with your children are as follows:

Kim Shing (M,T,W,TH,F) Co-coordinator Janet Georgison (M,T,W,TH,F) Supervisor Pat Kolody (M,T,W,TH,F) Supervisor Ruth Krevesky (M,T,W,TH,F) Supervisor Tamara Flook (M,T,W,TH,F) Supervisor Rick Petrowski (M,T,W) Supervisor Maureen Johnson (M,T) Marie Mueller (W) Linda Peterson Janna Crerar Nancy Doll

Supervisor Supervisor Treasurer Supervisor Supervisor

Notes for parents and students

In the past few months, our older students in Grades 4 & 5 are given the chance to outside for recess 5-10 minutes earlier than is indicated by the bell if they have finished their lunches and there is an available supervisor. Students that wish to have the full time to eat are encouraged to do so and are supervised until the bell rings. Our younger students are dismissed at the bell (12:40 p.m.), ensuring adequate amount of time for them to finish their meals.

As the weather will be getting colder and there will be more indoor lunches due to extreme temperatures, the lunch program will be providing games and activities during these periods. The younger grade levels, grades 1 & 2 have lunch helpers in their rooms from Grade 5 that will assist them with these games and make sure everyone gets an opportunity to enjoy and have fun.

Did you know…

…that all our students eat lunch between 12:15 and 12:40 and weather permitting have outdoor recess between 12:40 – 1:10?

…in the event that a student is finished before outdoor recess begins, they are able to take advantage of one of many activities offered in their class? Teachers provide a list of appropriate activities for their classes.

…that students eating lunch at school for any reason need to be registered in the lunch program and will pay the daily rate? …that students participating in noon hour activities and eating lunch at school will pay the daily rate and proceed to the extra curricular activity at the 12:40 bell? …that students participating in noon hour activities and eating lunch at home can return to school for 12:35 and go straight to their activity? This is very important as attendance will be taken for safety reasons.


The Dr. Hamilton Lunch Committee is a parent run committee and cannot run without parent volunteers. If you, as a parent, are looking for a way to become more involved in your child’s school, this would be a great way! The committee meets once a month in the evening and is always looking for new members. Thank you for your support. We are looking forward to a year of safe and enjoyable lunch breaks for the students. Sincerely, DHLP Committee

Dr. Hamilton Lunch Program

Music News

Remembrance Day November 6 Christmas Concerts December 3

Winnipeg Music Festival TBA Spring Concert TBA

Remembrance Day Ceremony: November 6, 2014, 9:30 AM

Please join us in a solemn remembrance of the sacrifices that men and women all over world continue to make

for the freedoms we have today. Classes in Grade 3 and 4 will be singing and Grade 4 and 5 students will lead

the wreath layers with Amazing Grace on recorder. A guest speaker from the East St. Paul Legion will also give a


Christmas Concert

Students are in the full swing of things with practices, singing and more singing as they prepare for the concert

on Wednesday, December 3, 1:30 PM and 6:30 PM. Students that auditioned and received a part in play have

been rehearsing feverishly during lunches and before school to get ready to put on the best show Dr. Hamilton

has seen yet! We can’t wait to show you what’s in store!

Why Music?

Take a look at the top ten reasons for music, taken from an advocacy parent group:

1. In a 2000 survey, 73 percent of respondents agree that teens who play an instrument are less likely to have discipline

problems.- Americans Love Making Music – And Value Music Education More Highly Than Ever, American Music

Conference, 2000.

2. Students who can perform complex rhythms can also make faster and more precise corrections in many academic and

physical situations, according to the Center for Timing, Coordination, and Motor Skills- Rhythm seen as key to music’s

evolutionary role in human intellectual development, Center for Timing, Coordination, and Motor Skills, 2000.

3. A ten-year study indicates that students who study music achieve higher test scores, regardless of socioeconomic

background.- Dr. James Catterall, UCLA.

4. A 1997 study of elementary students in an arts-based program concluded that students’ math test scores rose as their

time in arts education classes increased.- “Arts Exposure and Class Performance,” Phi Delta Kappan, October, 1998.

5. First-grade students who had daily music instruction scored higher on creativity tests than a control group without

music instruction.- K.L. Wolff, The Effects of General Music Education on the Academeic Achievement, Perceptual-

Motor Development, Creative Thinking, and School Attendance of First-Grade Children, 1992.

6. In a Scottish study, one group of elementary students received musical training, while another other group received an

equal amount of discussion skills training. After six (6) months, the students in the music group achieved a significant

increase in reading test scores, while the reading test scores of the discussion skills group did not change.- Sheila

Douglas and Peter Willatts, Journal of Research in Reading, 1994.

7. According to a 1991 study, students in schools with arts-focused curriculums reported significantly more positive

perceptions about their academic abilities than students in a comparison group.- Pamela Aschbacher and Joan Herman,

The Humanitas Program Evaluation, 1991.

8. Students who are rhythmically skilled also tend to better plan, sequence, and coordinate actions in their daily lives.-

“Cassily Column,” TCAMS Professional Resource Center, 2000.

9. In a 1999 Columbia University study, students in the arts are found to be more cooperative with teachers and peers,

more self-confident, and better able to express their ideas. These benefits exist across socioeconomic levels.- The Arts

Education Partnership, 1999.

10. College admissions officers continue to cite participation in music as an important factor in making admissions

decisions. They claim that music participation demonstrates time management, creativity, expression, and open-

mindedness.- Carl Hartman, “Arts May Improve Students’ Grades,” The Associated Press, October, 1999.


Go Dragonflies!!!

Run Club ( grades 1--5) Our fall run club ended on a high note. On September 30th Mrs. Debryun and I took 64 runners to the turkeytrot. The turkey trot is held at Bird's Hill Park each year. Each runner did fabulous with many placing in the top 10 in the entire school division. Wow! Well done runners! Thank you to the many parents that came out on turkey trot day to support our runners and helped to keep all of our students safe!!! Flag Football ( grade 4 & 5 ) Our flag football team made up of grade 4 and 5 students participated in a tournament held at the East Side Eagles field on Concordia Avenue on Friday, October 17th. It was a very cold day but all of the athletes had a wonderful time. I saw many great team plays, passing and touch downs by both the girls and the boys. This was my first experience as a coach with this activity and I was very proud of our Dr. Hamilton dragonflies!!! Well done! As well, thank you to the parents that came out to support the athletes and for also bringing blankets etc....to keep everyone warm! Volleyball Club ( grades 4 & 5)

Our volleyball clubs are busy preparing for the tournament on November 13th. Please mark that date on

your calendars! The girls are meeting on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 8:30 a.m. and the boys are

meeting on Monday mornings at 8:30 a.m. and Thursday lunch hours at 12:40. They are learning many skills

such as; the volley, the bump, the serve and rotation. A special thank you to Mrs. Abrahams and Mrs.

Palahnuk who are coaching the girls!! I appreciate your help!!!

Fitness Club ( grades 1---5 ) Beginning on October 29 there will be a fitness club for all interested parents and students at 8:30 a.m. in the gym. We will continue on our quest of reaching the Eiffel Tower. Each participant in this club will add to our total kilometers. Besides running and walking there will be time for some specific fitness activities such as; sit ups, push ups, squats, lunges and planks. I am looking forward to seeing many out for this club! During the month of December this club will pause as many Christmas activities will be taking place. In January w will resume!! Please see Mrs. Castor for a note! There will be many more exciting activity opportunities coming soon to the gym!! Please stay tuned!! Other Important News

Our school total for kilometers thus far is: 1451 KM— Keep it up students! Terry Fox Donations--$ 472.00--thank you for your support everyone!


Congratulations to the following students for making the Eiffel Tower wall of fair play for the month of October:

Gr. 4/5, Caden R., Miela B., Dylan R., Avery P., Ayla F., Katie D., Haley I., Haley C., Griffin R., Peyton H.L.,

Jonathon N., Tyson P., Sophie P., Sophia J., Gr. 3 B., Megan J., Gr. 2/3, Luke S., Tyson P., Bryce W., Luke T.,

Avery P., Jordyn C., Jordan C., Ella H., Aidan C., Jory H.

REMEMBER---TO FEEL GREAT PARTICIPATE!! Kindness is a language the deaf can hear and the blind can see. Cheryl Castor Physical Education Specialist Dr.F.W.L. Hamilton School

News from Mrs. Mehyden’s Grade 4 class

The students from Room 5 have been enthralled in a variety of activities in and out of the classroom. Here are a few snippets of

what they have been up too.

Working collaboratively solving numeracy problems.

No time to chat, too busy researching habitats.

La cour hantee. French class has turned into a spooktacular design project where students

are building haunted yards and houses.

Ms. Coppen’s Grade 1’s and the Grade 4’s have been working so hard in raising funds for

UNICEF. They’ve held multiple successful events in the school and are close to reaching our

goal of $2030.

Tabs For Wheelchairs

Once again Dr. Hamilton School participated in the

Tabs for Wheelchairs program.

Thank you to all of the families that bring in tabs. Tabs for Wheelchairs program has been in existence since 1998 and this year they

presented their 16th wheelchair!

Bryce is the next recipient and he is a charismatic 19 year old who attends West Kildonan Collegiate. He loves guitar and music and is

also a sports fan. He participates on two bowling teams. He also loves watching hockey he collects both sports and novelty hats.

Bryce is a loyal fan of CTV news and has watched their broadcasts since he was young. He enjoys visiting the station and knows many of

the news anchors and reporters. He hopes to one day work at the station.

Please continue to bring in your tabs.

Thank you,

Mrs. Baseraba

Grade 5 Teacher

A note about our website… New information is being added each week. Please continue to check our calendar and announcement areas for the latest information. To access our website, please:

Go to www.retsd.mb.ca

Click on the “Schools” tab at the top of the menu bar Select “Dr. F.W.L. Hamilton School”

Enter our log in information – dhuser, Dragonfly1

EMemo: Would you like to receive valuable school news and dates from Dr. Hamilton?

Please return the form that was sent home OR send an email to the school mailbox at

[email protected] and indicate EMemo on the subject line. Thank you!

November 4 Vision & hearing screening for K, 1, 3, & 5 students

November 5 Early Dismissal 3:15

November 6 Remembrance Day Assembly

November 7 Picture retakes

November 10 Co-ordinated day – No School

November 11 Remembrance Day – No School

November 18 Immunizations (Gr. 4s) – 1:15 pm

November 18 PAC Meeting – 7:00 pm in the Library

November 27 Parent Teacher/Student Involved

Conferences (after school/evening)

November 28 Classes for students – a.m.

Parent Teacher/Student Involved

Conferences – p.m. (No Classes p.m.)

December 3 Christmas Concerts (1:30 & 6:30 p.m.)




Colleen Carswell Ward 1 221-1486

Jerry Sodomlak Ward 1 221-8464

John Toews Ward 2 663-0475

Ron Giesbrecht Ward 2 663-0475

Eva Prysizney Ward 3 668-3501

Wayne Ritcher Ward 3 663-6669

Peter Kotyk Ward 4 668-4181

Brian Olynik Ward 4 668-4181

Michael West Ward 5 663-1925

Kelly Barkman , 667-7130


Jason Drysdale, 667-7130

Assistant Superintendent of Schools