Doc Wellness World Manifesto


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Here is our manifesto, the core beliefs of Doc Wellness World.

Transcript of Doc Wellness World Manifesto

Page 1: Doc Wellness World Manifesto

Our Manifesto

Dezine Management:

Home of Doc Wellness World™


Doc Wellness Formula™

Page 2: Doc Wellness World Manifesto

Life is too short.

So maximize it.

Time is finite.

Use it in the best way possible. Every second.

Health is a gift.

Treat it with the utmost respect.

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If you cannot do it yourself,

Find help.

Standard medicine has its place.

We work with it when needed.

Natural Medicine has a bigger place.

We live it.Every day.

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Exercise is difficult sometimes.

It takes discipline.

Find it. Do it. Lose the excuses.

Eating well can be challenging?

No it is rather simple.

Deciding to live this way is the only challenge.

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The best Health care . . . .

is Self Care.

Educate. Learn. Do.

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Do something courageous.

Your kidneys will love you for it.

You matter.

Even when you think you don't.

Even if someone else thinks you don't

There is always hope.

Even among the hopeless.

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You are enough.

There are ways of learning this.

Find them. Apply them.

Eat something spicy.

Your lungs will love you for it.

Nature has provided the greatest medicines.

The body knows how to heal and correct itself.

Give it that opportunity.

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Live with passion.

Otherwise, what is the point?

Dream big.

Otherwise, what is the point

Quit complaining.

No one is listening.

Instead, take action.

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Watch something inspiring.

Your liver will love you for it.

Eat well 90% of the time.

Your body will love you for this.

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If you are doing something physical

and not artistic, you are living half a life.

If you are doing something artistic and

not physical, you are living half a life.

If you are doing both, you are truly living.

If you are doing neither, best to start now.

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Herbs work.

It doesn't really matter if you believe it or not.

It is OK that you do not know.

It is not OK when you stop looking for the answers.

Be wary of the 4 deadly words:

“I already know that.”

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Learn something new today.

A 90 year old is. Why not you.

Speak your mind peacefully.

Your heart will love you for it.

Be happy.

It is your only real job.

Take care of you.

You are worth it.

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Be aware of others.

They are just like you.

And worth it too.

Be grateful today.

It might be the missing piece you are looking for.

You are not alone.

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Rely on Us.

Thousands already have.

Thousands more will.

All material is copyrighted by Dr. David Orman