Diversity in living organisms by pi yush mishra



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Transcript of Diversity in living organisms by pi yush mishra

Page 1: Diversity in living organisms by  pi yush mishra



Page 2: Diversity in living organisms by  pi yush mishra


Frnds as we all know that every organisms in this world weather a bacteria or any multicellular plant or any human being it is unique itself .This uniqueness is the basis of DIVERSITY.

From the diversity word the term BIODIVERSITY comes and this term simply means

BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY and it was first coined by Sir Walter G.Rosen .

Now lets go to the man part of our chapter the classification of living organisms.

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• As mentioned in the chapter that Sir Earnest Hackel (1894),Robert Whittaker (1959)

• and Carl Woese (1997)classified organisms into broad categories called KINGDOM.

Earnest Hackel Robert Whittaker Carl Woese (1894) (1959) (1997)

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The classification that Whittaker proposed consisted of 5 kingdoms

1 :> MONERA 2 :> PROTISTA 3 :> FUNGI 4 :> PLANTAE 5 :> ANIMALIA and one more thing that these groups were


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These Organisms do not have a well defined nucleus or

organells , nor do any of them show mukticellular designs.

Some of them had Cell wall but some not which effected

their body structure and body designs .

The mode of nutrition is either autotrphic or

Hetrotrophic .

This groups include bacteria ,blue green algae or

cynobacteria and mycoplasm.

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This group includes many kinds of unicellular

eukaryotic organisms.

Some of them have appendeges like cillia or

fllagela for locomotion.

Their mode of nutrition can be autotrophic or


Some of them can be named as –Algae, Diatoms

and protozoans

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They are special hetrotrophic eukaryotic organisms


They use dead and decaying plants and animals as

their habitat and therfore called as Saprophytes.

They have tuff sugar complex as their cell wall

which is known as CHITIN.

Some of the examples are – yeast , mushroom etc.

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They are multicellular eukaryotes with cell walls

present .

They are autotrophs and prepare their food by the

process of photosynthesis.

All plants come under these category of kingdom


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Classification of Kingdom PLANTAE

• 1 > Thallophyta• 2 > Bryophyta• 3 > Pteridophyta• 4 > Gymnosperms MONOCOTS• 5 > Angiosperms DICOTS

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* Sub Division -THALLOPHYTA

*The plants who do not have well defined body design fall in this group.

*These types of plants are commonly called as ALGAE.

*These plants are predominantly (habitualy) aquatic .

*Some of them are Spirogyra,ulothrix,cladophora and chara.

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* Sub Division-BRYOPHYTA

*They are also called as the ampphibians of plant kingdom.

*The plant body is differentiated into root and stem like structures.

*They do not have specified tissue for the conduction of water and food to all the parts of the plant .

*Examples- Moss (Funaria), and Marchantia.

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Some of the Bryophytes

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• This group has plant body differentiated into roots,stem and leaves and also has specialised structures for root stem and leaves .

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The Thallophytes , the Bryophytes and the Pteridophytes all come under this group known as the cryptogames .

This group bear naked embryos called spores and the reproductive organs of these organisms are hidden or are inconspicious.

So they are called as Cryptogames .


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This term is made from two greek words –gymno : means naked and sperma : means seed.

The plants usually in this group bear naked seed and are usually perinnial evergreen and woody .

Some of them are - pines, deodar, ginkgo etc.

Sub division – GYMNOSPERNMS

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Sub divison - Angiosperms

This group constitutes the largest group of plants. Seeds are produced inside an ovary which later becomes the fruit. These are highly evolved group of plants. The plant body is distinctly differentiated into roots, stem and leaves.

Based on the number of cotyledons (seed-leaves) that form the seed this group is divided into:

Monocotyledons (One seed leaf)Example: Rice, Wheat Dicotyledons (two seed leaves) Example: Beans, Mango

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Basic View Of The Plant Kingdom










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Animal Kingdom:- The following classification “telescope” clearly indicates the mechanism behind the classification of the Animal Kingdom

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The word porifera means pores or organisms having holes

in their body .

They are non motaile animals who are attached to a solid

support .

Due to the presence of holes , it leads to a canal system

throughout their body to bring in food and oxygen.

Ostia are present all over the body with a single large

opening at the top called Osculum.

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Some of the Poriferans are as follows -:

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Two layered body which is radially symmetrical Aquatic in habitat which includes both fresh water and marine The outer layer has tentacles armed with stinging cells cnidoblasts which can release venom into the victim. The inner layer encloses a body cavity called gastro vascular cavity Animals in this group exist in two types of individuals called zooids - polyps and medusae. Polyps are fixed and lead solitary or colonial life, while medusae are free swimming Alternation of generation takes place in colonial forms. Polyps and medusae alternate with each other during the life cycle Reproduction is usually asexual i.e., by budding in the polyp form and sexual in medusa form Exoskeleton made of lime is found in corals Example: Hydra, Obelia, Aurelia, Metridium . Sea anemone

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Sea Anemone

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As the names tell us that Plathyhelmintes in which plathy

means flat and minthes means worms alltoghether

Flatworms .Simplest triploblastic organisms showing bilateral symmetry Mostly parasites in other animals Body in dorsoventrally flat and leaf-like or ribbon-like with bilateral symmetry The body cavity has only one opening which serves as both the mouth and the anus .Ex- Planaria , Liverfluke , Tapeworm.

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Some of the flatworms

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This group of organisms have body bilaterally symmetrical

and triploblastic.

They have their body shaped cylindrical rather than flattened .

They have tissues but no real real organs , and they have the

presence of Pseudocoelom.

They are very much familiar to the disease causing parasitic

worms such as filarial worms .

Some of the nematodes are – ascaris ,wucheria etc.

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Occur in moist soil, fresh water and sea Body is soft and segmented, triploblastic with bilateral symmetry First animal with the coelom (body cavity) Body is covered by a non-chintinous cuticle which may have chitinous setae, or parapodia Reproduction is generally sexual, but some may reproduce asexually by rejuvination i.e, by regrowing broken segments Example: Nereis (sand worm), Aphrodite (sea mouse), Pheretima (earthworm), Hirudinaria (leech)

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Some of the ANNELIDs

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This is the largest phylum with almost 80% of the animal kingdom .Body is bilaterally symmetrical and segmented. It is divided into head, thorax and abdomen. Possess jointed legs which may be modified for walking, swimming feeding and feeling .Exoskeleton is chitinous which is shed periodically by moulting .Body cavity is reduced and filled with blood (haemocoel) .Respiration is by lungs, book lung and trachea Example: Apis (honey bee), Araneae (Spider), Palaemon (prawn), Scolopendra (Centipede). 

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Some of the Arthropods

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Aquatic in habitat but some land forms are also seen .Body is soft and divided into three regions (head, dorsal visceral mass and ventral foot). Body enclosed in a hard calcareous .Breathe through gills, land molluscs have lungs .Sexes are separate. Example: Chiton, Pila (snail), unio (fresh water mussel), octopus .

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Pics Of Mollusca

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Marine in habitat 

Body is radially symmetrical, star shaped, spherical or

elongate, Exoskeleton is spiny

Head is absent and five radially arranged arms present

Locomotion is with the help of tube feet 

Sexes are separate

Example: Asterias (star fish), Echinus (sea urchin),

Holothuria (sea cucumber), Antedon (feather star)

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Pics of Echinodermata

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These animals are billiterally symmetrical and their

body is triploblastic and they have a coelom.

The presence of notochord starts from this group

of animals at certain stages of their life.

Example - Balanoglossus

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( Protochordates )

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These are the group of animals who have many

special things and many unique things also.

They all posses

1: Notochord.

2: Dorsal nerve cord.

3: Are Triploblastic .

4: Have Coelomate etc .

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They are Further divided into 5 classes , they are as follows

1 : Pisces 2 : Amphibians 3 : Reptila 4 : Aves 5 : Mamilia

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They all also belong to the fish community .

They all are exclusively aquatic animals.

They are cold blooded too.

They have their hearts 2 chambered .

Some of the pisces are – lion fish , Labeo Rohita,

Sting ray etc .

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They are quite different from the fishes as due to

the absence of scales .

They have Mucus Glands in their skin and have

three chambered heart.

They also have a special quality of laying eggs in

water .

Ex -Frogs toads , salamders etc .

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Some of the Amphibians

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One of the most dangerous Toads

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Mostly terrestrial

Heart is 3 chambered, is cold blooded

Breathe through lungs

Body covered with scales 

Have two pairs of pentadactyl (five digit) limbs which are

absent in snakes 

Example:  Hemidactylus (wall lizard), chameleon, Draco

(flying lizard)

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Pictures Of Reptiles

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Arboreal in habitat i.e, they live on trees

Warm blooded. 4 chambered heart

Body covered with feathers 

Lungs have membranous extensions called air sacs to make

the body light

Mouth is surrounded by a beak. Teeth are absent 

Fore-limbs are modified into wings

Ex- all the bird Family

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Most intelligent of all organisms 

Warm blooded with 4 chambered heart 

Give birth to young ones

The mother suckles her young ones on milk secreted by special

glands called mammary glands 

Body covered with hair

Have two pairs of pentadactyl limbs 

Breathe through lungs 

Ex – Human beings , whales etc .

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ANIMALSCellular Level Organisation

Tissue Level Organisation


No Body cavity Between Gastrodermis And Epidermis

Pseudocoelom Coelomate

Colenterata, Plathyhelminthes Nematoda

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Mesodermal cells form a single cell during the growth of the Embryo

Coloem formed from pouches pinched off from the endoderm

Annelida , Arthrpoda, and Mollusca

No Notochord Notochord Present


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Notochord present at the larval stage , but very rudimentry

Notochord replaced by the vertebral coloumn in adults

Protochordata Vertebrata

Pisces Amphibians Reptilia Aves Mammalia

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• At last all the organisms live on the same earth together as we doo.

• So it is our first and for most duty to protect the biological world and maintain the ecological balance .

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