Diversity for Development, Development for Diversity

Parviz Koohafkan Senior Honorary Research Fellow Bioversity International Diversity for Development Development for Diversity

Transcript of Diversity for Development, Development for Diversity

Page 1: Diversity for Development, Development for Diversity

Parviz KoohafkanSenior Honorary Research Fellow

Bioversity International

Diversity for Development

Development for Diversity

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Land Degradation, Desertification, Climate Change, Poverty and Migration

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Systems at Risk at a Glance

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Unique Agricultural Heritage Systems at risk

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TOWARDS 2050.....



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Projected Population Increase

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Changing Diet, Nutrition, health and biodiversity

• Hidden hunger: missing micronutrients–More than 2 billion worldwide–Mostly women and children

• Double burden: diseases of “affluence”–Type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease,


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Rice (28 %)

Wheat (28 %)

Maize (33.4 %)

Barley (6.4 %)

Sorghum (2.7 %)

Millet(1.4 %)



Rice + Wheat + Maize = 89.4 %

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Food diversity, Nutrition and Heath

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Malezas en floracion de las familias compositae o umbeliferae atraen insectos beneficos en busca de polen y nectar Loss of functional biodiversity

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Towards 2050… food requirements



+100%in developing


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addressingfood security and Poverty


Natural Resources Base

A Paradigm Shift in Development(Agricultural) Policies

The Challenges Ahead Require:

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Best options for the poorest?Great success in the past… but still nearly one billion people are hungry

• Key questions:– to what extent can farmers

improve their food production with low-cost and locally-available technologies and inputs?

–What impacts do these methods have on natural resources and environmental goods and services and the livelihoods of people relying on them?

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A major opportunity: Small holders and Family Farming

• Produce the bulk of the global food

• Are the largest number of stewards for the – environment and its services including biodiversity,

• Higher and sustainable productivity increase at their level will have a major impact on poverty reduction, economic growth and climate change mitigation and adaptation

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Intensificationwithout Simplification

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Investing in All Assets of Rural Systems

(livelihoods, communities, economies)

Financial Capital:money, savings

Natural Capital:nature’s goods and services

(waste assimilation, pollination, storm protection, water supply, wildlife)

Social Capital: cohesiveness of people

and societies - trust, reciprocity, rules and norms,

networks and institutions

Physical Capital:Infrastructure, roads


Human Capital:the status of individuals - health, skills, knowledge

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Linking Global …….. to local

and local …… to global

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Conservation andAdaptive management of


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Was conceptualized and launched in 2002 at the occasion of World

Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg

South Africa

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Local food and livelihood security,

biodiversity and genetic resources

Local knowledge of individuals and community

Cultural Diversity of Agri ”Culture” including products and services diversity

Landscape diversity and aesthetic values

GIAHS selection Criteria :

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THEY ARE UNDER THREAT BCAUSE OF: • Inappropriate policy,

legal and incentive frameworks,

• Industrialization of agriculture and Neglect of diversified systems and local knowledge,

• Low community involvement in decision making,

• Population pressure and cultural change

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Centers of Origin of the agricultural Civilizations

The eight Vavilovian Centers of Origin of Crops

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China Rice Fish

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GIAHS-Satoyama in Japan

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Cultivation in waru-warus


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Maasai pastoral systems Kenya-Tanzania

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Oases System in Atlas Mountains, Morocco

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Lemon Garden, Italy

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MadagascarSaffron, Iran and Kashmir India

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At Global levelby identification, selection and recognition of GIAHSAt National levelby capacity building in policy, regulatory and incentive mechanisms to safeguard these outstanding systems and use them as sustainability bench mark systems At Local Levelby empowerment of local communities and technical assistance for sustainable resource management, promoting traditional knowledge and enhancing viability of these systems through economic incentives

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Recognition of traditional knowledge in Science Congress,

Koraput Agriculture, Orissa India

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Examples of Opportunities for Traditional Farmers through


Natives Dates Oases, Tunisia

Rice-fish culture products , China

Native potatoes, Peru

Ecological Farming Chiloe

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GIAHS is not about the past, it is about the future

California USA

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For more information, visit www.giahs.org