Director General Desiree Schweitzer

Statement CERF Donors Conference, 8 December 2020 Director General Desiree Schweitzer Mr. Secretary General, Excellencies, dear colleagues, Just a week ago the Global Humanitarian Overview for 2021 was launched. Accorduing to the report we are faced with unprecedented levels of human suffering as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic and its devastating social, economic and political effects. The risk of a reversal of the positive trends of past decades in the attainment of our joint development goals is the new reality that we are facing. Austria, in response to this dramatic development, has doubled its Foreign Disaster Relieve Fund in 2020 and is committed to further increase its humanitarian assistance in coming years. In this challenging context CERF has proven to be an indispensable humanitarian funding mechanism with global reach and impact. It provides timely, life-saving funding and strengthens the ability of the UN and the Emergency Relief Coordinator to ensure a coordinated response by the humanitarian system to urgent humanitarian needs in sudden-onset and forgotten humanitarian crises. Austria particularly appreciates the efforts made in the framework of the CERF to address the gender dimension of humanitarian action as COVID-19 has shone a spotlight on the full extent of gender inequality and women’s and girls’ exposure to gender-based violence (GBV). Recognizing the achievements of CERF I am glad to announce the recent decision of the Austrian Government to contribute 1 million Euros in 2020 and pledge a similar amount for 2021. Thank you

Transcript of Director General Desiree Schweitzer

Page 1: Director General Desiree Schweitzer

Statement CERF Donors Conference, 8 December 2020

Director General Desiree Schweitzer

Mr. Secretary General, Excellencies, dear colleagues,

Just a week ago the Global Humanitarian Overview for 2021 was launched. Accorduing to the report we are faced with unprecedented levels of human suffering as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic and its devastating social, economic and political effects. The risk of a reversal of the positive trends of past decades in the attainment of our joint development goals is the new reality that we are facing.

Austria, in response to this dramatic development, has doubled its Foreign Disaster Relieve Fund in 2020 and is committed to further increase its humanitarian assistance in coming years.

In this challenging context CERF has proven to be an indispensable humanitarian funding mechanism with global reach and impact.

It provides timely, life-saving funding and strengthens the ability of the UN and the Emergency Relief Coordinator to ensure a coordinated response by the humanitarian system to urgent humanitarian needs in sudden-onset and forgotten humanitarian crises.

Austria particularly appreciates the efforts made in the framework of the CERF to address the gender dimension of humanitarian action as COVID-19 has shone a spotlight on the full extent of gender inequality and women’s and girls’ exposure to gender-based violence (GBV).

Recognizing the achievements of CERF I am glad to announce the recent decision of the Austrian Government to contribute 1 million Euros in 2020 and pledge a similar amount for 2021.

Thank you

Page 2: Director General Desiree Schweitzer


CERF-OCHA event, New York, December 8, 2020

Thank you, Mr. Under-Secretary-General. Excellencies, distinguished delegates and colleagues, The Basque Government has financed humanitarian projects since the beginning of its policy of international solidarity in 1990. In the last 30 years, it has supported 472 initiatives allocating more than 83 million euros in places such as Palestine, Syria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Western Sahara, and Colombia. Since 2011, the Basque Agency for Development Cooperation plans and manages the development policies of the Basque Government. As part of its commitment to development cooperation policies, the agency has released its Humanitarian Action Strategy for the years 2018 to 2023, to which it will allocate between 10% and 15% of each year’s funds. For the elaboration of this strategy, the commitments included in the Great Bargain document were taken into account. It is important to emphasize that this Strategy seeks a more coordinated and effective response to humanitarian emergencies, as it considers the complexity of contexts and the multiple needs generated by crises. This is why it reserves a percentage of its humanitarian funds to contribute to global funds or appeals such as the one made by CERF. For the first time, in 2019, the Basque Government through the Basque Agency for Development Cooperation contributed 100.000 euros to CERF. I’m pleased to announce, that the Basque Government has decided to increase its contribution for 2020 to a total of 200.000 euros, and we remain committed to make at least the same contribution for 2021. This way, the Basque Government, a regional government, joins the international humanitarian system and renews its pledge to respect the dignity and rights of people who suffer the consequences of humanitarian crises. Thank you, Mr. Under-Secretary-General.

Page 3: Director General Desiree Schweitzer



(2020 年 12 月 8 日,纽约)









组织提供两笔共计 5000 万美元现汇援助。中方领导人并宣布

将向联合国新冠肺炎疫情全球人道应对计划再提供 5000 万美

元支持。中方自 2007 年起每年向中央紧急应对基金提供 50 万





Page 4: Director General Desiree Schweitzer



Le Ministre




New York, 08 décembre 2020

Page 5: Director General Desiree Schweitzer


- Excellences ; - Distingués panélistes ;

La République démocratique du Congo fait face depuis près de 25 ans à des crises humanitaires récurrentes et prolongées. Ce qui a fait de mon pays, un des plus grands bénéficiaires du fonds CERF dans le monde depuis sa mise en place en 2006. Pour cette année, il y a lieu de rappeler que le plan de réponse humanitaire en République démocratique du Congo est resté sous-financé alors que les besoins sont en augmentation. C’est ainsi que l’aide rapide et efficace du CERF, à travers ses trois allocations, d’un montant total de 77 millions de dollars, a été essentielle afin de compléter la réponse aux besoins les plus aigües. En effet, au moment où la pandémie de la Covid-19 a limité les déplacements et l’accès humanitaire, ce qui a imposé un impact socio-économique le plus catastrophique sur les foyers les plus vulnérables, la plupart des ménages n’avaient d’autre choix que de survivre avec le peu qu'ils gagnaient. Et, fatalement, ils ont vu leurs moyens de subsistance largement impactés. Le CERF a, dans sa première allocation, contribué également à préserver les moyens de subsistance de la population en cette période difficile de la pandémie Covid-19. En second lieu, le CERF a sauvé de nombreuses vies des tourmentes de l’épidémie d’Ebola dans l’Est du pays. A cette période, il avait été enregistré 2.267 décès sur les 3.463 cas répertoriés. Le CERF a déboursé 40 millions de dollars pour renforcer l’engagement communautaire et assister 1.4 millions personnes avec de l’aide multisectorielle. Aussi, il y a lieu de préciser que les projets communautaires en faveur des populations affectées, ont également contribué à accroître l’acceptation des travailleurs humanitaires et du Gouvernement. Cette allocation de dollars 40 Millions a encore permis de soutenir les survivants et les mécanismes d'alerte précoce ainsi que le renforcement des services de santé et humanitaires dans 29 Zones de Santé. En dernier lieu, la récente allocation du CERF d’un montant de 7 millions de dollars, a été d’un soutien essentiel pour les familles urgemment en besoin d’assistance alimentaire. En raison des conflits, beaucoup de communautés n’ont pas été en mesure de cultiver leurs terres.

Page 6: Director General Desiree Schweitzer


Cette assistance leur a permis de faire face à la situation d'urgence et de by passer les périodes de distributions des intrants alimentaires. Grâce à la programmation en CASH, nos partenaires ont pu atteindre un plus grand nombre de personnes, plus rapidement et plus efficacement, en comparaison à ce qu’aurait nécessité le transport de plusieurs tonnes de nourriture. Ces allocations rapides ont permis de sauver des milliers de vies et d'alléger les souffrances humaines. Le peuple et le Gouvernement de la RDC en sont reconnaissants.

- Excellences ; - Distingués panélistes ;

Je ne pourrai clôturer mon allocution sans aborder le problème de contribution de mon Gouvernement au Fonds Cerf. En ma qualité de Ministre des Actions Humanitaires et Solidarité Nationale, je solliciterai auprès du Premier Ministre la contribution du Gouvernement de la RDC au CERF ; et je communiquerai, le cas échéant, au Secrétariat du CERF, la hauteur de cette contribution. Le CERF est un fonds « par tous et pour tous » et je saisis cette occasion pour remercier les États membres pour leurs généreuses contributions à ce Fonds. J’espère que cet évènement de haut niveau permettra d’élargir la base des donateurs. S’il y a un moment où nous devrions tous être solidaires et soutenir le CERF, c’est bien maintenant. Ensemble, nous y arriverons. Je vous remercie

Page 7: Director General Desiree Schweitzer

A Su ExcelenciaAA S Senor Presidente, Ante todo, Permítame expresar aquí el agradecimiento de S.E. El Presidente de la Republica de Guinea Ecuatorial OBIANG NGUEMA MBASOGO al Señor Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas, Antonio Guterres, por la invitación que le formulo para participar en esta importante reunión virtual de alto Nivel, sobre promesas de contribuciones al Fondo Común de Respuesta a Emergencias (CERF), y que por razones ajenas a su voluntad, no ha podido participar personalmente como era su deseo y habiéndome designado para representarle. Es pues en representación de S.E. El Presidente de la Republica OBIANG NGUEMA MBASOGO y en cuyo nombre tomo la palabra para hacer la siguiente breve declaración: Señor Presidente, La Republica felicita la acertada iniciativa de celebrar esta reunión virtual de alto nivel, en un momento en que por los efectos nefastos que disemina la crisis sanitaria Covid-19, el mundo necesita de una gran solidaridad y apoyo entre los países del mundo dentro de un espíritu de acentuado multilateralismo, para solidarizarse con los mas vulnerables y apoyarles, a través de la OCHA, para hacer frente a las dificultades que atraviesas.

Misión Permanente de la República de Guinea Ecuatorial ante las Naciones


800 Second Avenue Suite 305 New York, N.Y. 10022

Tel: (212) 223 2324 Fax: (212) 223 2366

Page 8: Director General Desiree Schweitzer

Es en este sentido, que la Republica de Guinea Ecuatorial felicita y encomia la labor de las Naciones Unidas en general y en este caso particular a la noble labor que desde hace años, esta desplegando OCHA, a través del Fondo Central para la acción en casos de emergencia CERF. Es por ello que a pesar de la existente crisis económica y financiera que atraviesa nuestro país al igual que otros muchos países, Su Excelencia el Presidente de la Republica de Guinea Ecuatorial, ha decido responder a la llamada del Secretario General para -dentro de sus escasos medios- apoyar la acción de OCHA y hacer una promesa firme de contribuir con 25,000 dólares USA al fondo CERF durante el próximo ano 2021. MUCHAS GRACIAS

Page 9: Director General Desiree Schweitzer

Annual CERF High-Level Pledging Event Virtual Tuesday, December 8th, 2020 Statement by the Delegation of Flanders to the USA (Secretary-General,) Under-Secretary-General, Excellencies, 2020, with the current Covid-19 pandemic, has magnified already alarming levels of humanitarian needs. CERF has proven once again to be the “go to” to ensure a rapid financial response. That is why Flanders, the Northern, Dutch speaking region of Belgium, doubled its annual allocation this year to 1.2 million EURO, ranking 20th in contributions by donor for the year 2020. With the largest donation from a regional government, Flanders wants to continue to encourage other subnational donors to join this effort in making CERF a fund by all, for all. I’m pleased to announce that the Government of Flanders continues its annual engagement of 600,000 EURO for the year 2021. In this way Flanders will conclude ten years of continuous support to CERF. In line with the Grand Bargain and the principles of Good Humanitarian Donorship, the Government of Flanders is convinced of the need for coordination to obtain an effective system that can respond to the current humanitarian situation. Flanders continues to support both Malawi and Mozambique to increase their responsiveness. This year, we renewed our engagement to support and strengthen the humanitarian sector in Mozambique, with a specific focus on the localization agenda. We are therefore pleased to see that for the first time, CERF is funding front-line NGOs.

Page 10: Director General Desiree Schweitzer

With gender equality being a core value of our Flemish Development Cooperation, we also highly appreciate the specific attention of the fund on supporting women and girls, including reproductive health, empowerment and tackling gender-based violence. This is especially relevant now as the Global Humanitarian Overview clearly states the risk that rights and prospects of women and girls are being set back. Finally, on behalf of the Government of Flanders, I would like to thank the Under-Secretary-General and his team for the results OCHA has realized. We hope 2021 is to become a year with a clear and collective response to counter a potentially devastating grand reversal and find a way out of this pandemic.

Thank you.

Page 11: Director General Desiree Schweitzer

Statement by Archbishop Gabriele Caccia,

Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations

Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) High-level Pledging Event: “A Fund for all, by all”

New York, December 8, 2020

Mr. President,

I welcome this opportunity to address all those who are

participating in today’s High-Level Pledging Event.

Given the ever more dramatic humanitarian situation across the

world, the Holy See would like to lend its voice in support of all those

who, by their presence here today and their generous financial

assistance, manifest the solidarity of the international community

for the weakest and most vulnerable members of our human family,

to ensure that no one is left behind. Sadly, for so many of our

brothers and sisters, the COVID-19 pandemic has added yet another

level of distress.

Pope Francis noted in his address to the Seventy-Fifth Session of the

UN General Assembly in September, “We never emerge from a crisis

just as we were. We come out either better or worse.” While getting

back on track is not impossible, it is not inevitable either. To come

out better depends on the decisions we are making now.

From the outset of the pandemic, Pope Francis has appealed for all

of us to come together and act together. Earlier this year, in fact, he

established the Vatican’s COVID-19 task force, the aim of which is

to translate and concretize the Pope’s pastoral concern for those

most affected, and offer an innovative and well-coordinated

response to this crisis. Through its five working groups, the task

force has been acting with sensitivity to specific local needs,

Page 12: Director General Desiree Schweitzer

avoiding imposed solutions or a one-size-fits-all approach.

Particular attention has been given to those in already desperate

situations caused by conflict, forced displacement, climate change

or scarce resources, which the pandemic has only made more


Mr. President,

Institutions of the Catholic Church on the ground, from the schools

run by religious sisters and brothers to the hospitals, dispensaries

and shelters funded by the charitable donations of Catholics across

the world, have all been actively caring for those most affected by

the pandemic. Together with the generosity of so many others, these

concrete works of sacrifice for others show forth the solidarity the

world so desperately needs at this time. The ongoing global

challenge and its collateral crises affecting so many members of the

human family urge us to set aside indifference and what might be

termed “appeal fatigue” and respond with even greater solidarity.

I thank you Mr. President.

Page 13: Director General Desiree Schweitzer

Statement at the CERF Virtual High Level Pledging Event - Japan would like to commend the strong leadership of Mr. Lowcock for the

humanitarian efforts of the international community.

- We recognize the important role of the CERF in the UN humanitarian efforts and Japan will continue to contribute to it.

- The Japanese Government is now examining the contribution to the CERF for

the year 2021. Therefore, we are not able to pledge at this point, but we will inform at an appropriate timing.

Page 14: Director General Desiree Schweitzer

Permanent Mission of Montenegro

to the United Nations

New York

Address: 801 Second Avenue 7th Floor New York, NY, 10017 tel: +1.212.661.3700 fax: +1.212.661.3755


ambassador Ms. Milica Pejanovic-Djurisic Permanent Representative of Montenegro to the UN

at the High-Level Pledging Event “A fund for all, by all” New York, 8 December 2020

Mr. Under-Secretary-General, At the outset, I would like to thank you convening this important event that has particular significance as we are facing one of the most complex global crises in recent history. The Central Emergency Response Fund remains as critical as ever in ensuring that essential and timely assistance and relief reaches those in need in all parts of the world. Since its establishment Central Emergency Response Fund has been a most pertinent

financing tool that provides rapid humanitarian aid, addressing a wide range of challenges,

from natural to man-made disasters. This year, in response to the COVID-19 crisis, CERF

has once again proven its unique added value by providing fast and high-impact

allocations around the globe.

Member states and partners have gathered at this important event to express their support

and global solidarity, and to ensure that CERF is able to continue to play its role as a key

component of the United Nations humanitarian response. Montenegro attaches great

importance to CERF, as well as to the joint efforts of the international community in

tackling challenges of growing humanitarian needs.

It is, therefore, my pleasure to announce that the Government of Montenegro pledges 3,000 Euros to CERF for the year 2021. While it is a modest contribution, it shows our steadfast commitment to the humanitarian work of the United Nations in providing assistance to those most in need. We believe that in this time of unprecedented challenges, only through collective efforts of all Member States we will be able to reduce the negative impact of crises on the most vulnerable parts of the world population.

Thank you!

Page 15: Director General Desiree Schweitzer

Выступление Д.С.Чумакова,

заместителя Постоянного представителя Российской Федерации,

на Конференции высокого уровня по объявлению взносов в Центральный

фонд чрезвычайного реагирования ООН (ЦФЧР): «Фонд для всех, от всех»

8 декабря 2020

Уважаемый Г-н Председатель,

Уважаемые дамы и господа,

Вопросы оказания гуманитарной помощи являются одним из ключевых

приоритетов в международной повестке дня. Они особенно актуальны в

настоящее время, когда мир столкнулся с беспрецедентным кризисом в области

здравоохранения. По прогнозам ООН, число нуждающихся в гуманитарной

помощи в мире из-за пандемии может утроиться. Коронавирус нанес

сокрушительный удар по финансовым возможностям доноров, но не сломил

главного – их решимости продолжать борьбу с гуманитарными рисками.

Поэтому сегодняшняя Конференция ЦФЧР по объявлению взносов как

никогда актуальна. Фонд является центральным финансовым механизмом

системы ООН по мобилизации средств для оказания срочной гуманитарной

помощи и покрытия дефицита недофинансированных гумпризывов.

В прошлом году совместными усилиями мы вплотную приблизились к

цели достичь наполняемости ЦФЧР в 1 млрд. долл. Уверены, что если бы не

коронавирус, то эта планка была бы достигнута.

Российская Федерация на протяжении десятилетий остается

ответственным и надежным донором. Наши усилия полностью соответствуют

основополагающим гуманитарным принципам, а помощь оказывается как на

двусторонней основе, так и по каналам гуманитарных организаций ООН.

Россия подключилась к работе Фонда в 2010 г. Рады, что наше донорское

участие носит долгосрочный и предсказуемый характер. Наш вклад в бюджет

Фонда на 2021 г. составит 1,5 млн. долл.

Благодарю за внимание.

Page 16: Director General Desiree Schweitzer



Martes, 8 de diciembre de 2020

(Check against delivery)

Secretario General Antonio Guterres, Secretario General Adjunto Mark Lowcock, Ministros, Embajadores y delegados. Me complace participar este año en el Acto de Alto Nivel sobre el Fondo Central de Respuesta ante Emergencias para mostrar el compromiso de España con el multilateralismo efectivo y con el sistema de Naciones Unidas. Una acción humanitaria coordinada, efectiva, multilateral y basada en principios es más importante que nunca. 2021 será un año clave para la humanidad. 235 millones de personas necesitarán ayuda. 160M se encontrarán en situación de mayor vulnerabilidad. Las necesidades humanitarias preexistentes y la recuperación de la pandemia COVID 19 exigirán una respuesta equitativa, coordinada y de justicia social del sistema de Naciones Unidas, de los Estados Miembros, de las Instituciones Financieras Multilaterales, del sector privado, de las ONG y de la sociedad civil. En el último año hemos comprobado una vez más que el CERF ha sido un fondo muy eficaz que consiguió llegar a las personas más vulnerables afectadas por la pandemia COVID 19, especialmente en contextos infrafinanciados, crisis olvidadas o emergencias súbitas. El fondo se comprometió aún más con la localización y activó una línea de financiación directa a ONGs. Ha llegado además a aquellos contextos que vivían difíciles situaciones de inseguridad alimentaria, alejando el riesgo inmediato de hambruna. Agradezco vivamente los esfuerzos para destinar una ventanilla de financiación a la respuesta y prevención de la violencia sexual y de género en contextos humanitarios, una prioridad de mi Gobierno. Saludo asimismo el apoyo de este fondo a aquellos países que además de vivir situaciones de violencia y conflicto se enfrentan a los efectos adversos del cambio climático. La rápida activación del CERF para ayudar a Guatemala y su población en la respuesta a las tormentas tropicales ETA e IOTA sirve de ejemplo. Es muy útil también contar con las herramientas puestas a disposición de donantes como la página web actualizada: COVID 19 data explorer sobre operaciones humanitarias globales. En ella se puede consultar el despliegue del CERF, las necesidades por países, la cooperación con Instituciones Financieras Internacionales, la situación de inseguridad alimentaria o los precios de productos básicos entre otros. No quiero concluir sin agradecer al SGNU su liderazgo y a Marc Lowcock la gestión de este Fondo. El Gobierno de España sigue comprometido y mantendrá su contribución con el CERF en 2021. Quiero destacar también el papel de la cooperación descentralizada española, concretamente, las Agencias Catalana y Vasca de Cooperación, que tomarán la palabra posteriormente.

Page 17: Director General Desiree Schweitzer

Muchas gracias.

Page 18: Director General Desiree Schweitzer

Sri Lanka Statement by

Satya Rodrigo, Charge d’affaires Sri Lanka Permanent Mission to the United Nations

CERF High-level Pledging Event Tuesday, 8th December 2020

Thank you Mr. Chairman, Mr. Secretary General; Under Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator; Distinguished Panelists; Your Excellencies; Sri Lanka commends the vital life-saving aid that the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) provides around the world, and we place great importance on the pivotal role that this global emergency fund has played to respond to humanitarian needs quickly. As the world faces numerous challenges such as forced migration, unparalleled displacements, adverse effects of climate change and natural disasters and now a global pandemic, the CERF has become a valuable mechanism to boost underfunded emergencies and provide rapid support to enable effective humanitarian action in a time of unprecedented turmoil and conflict. Sri Lanka has been a beneficiary of the fund that has helped in rehabilitation, resettlement, during floods, landslides and droughts and assisted in humanitarian de-mining work. As our commitment and continuing faith in and supporting the humanitarian efforts of the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), Sri Lanka has been regularly contributing to the fund since 2006. For the past 5 years our total contributions amounted to USD 110,000. This year as a demonstration of our continued confidence in this crucial UN humanitarian support mechanism, despite financial constraints, as a token of goodwill and appreciation for the dedicated work undertaken through the fund, we are pleased to announce a modest contribution of USD $ 5,000 for the year 2021. I thank you.

Page 19: Director General Desiree Schweitzer

- 1 -

ا�جمهور�ة التو�سية

السيد وز�ر الشؤون ا�خارجية وال�جرة �لمـــة مشروع

والتو�سي�ن با�خارجالإجتماع رفيع المستوى الذي تنظمھ الأمم بمناسبة

المتحدة وا�خاص بالنداء السنوي لإطلاق الت��عات

من أجل تمو�ل الصندوق المركزي 2021 سنة �عنوان

لمواجهة الطوارئ

)2020 د�سم�� 08(

Page 20: Director General Desiree Schweitzer

- 2 -

�سم الله الرحمان الرحيم


السيد الأم�ن العام للأمم المتحدة،

أ�حاب المعا�� والسعادة،

ت السيدات والسّادة، حضرا

مع هذه السنة المركزي لمواجهة الطوارئ ي��امن الإجتماع السنوي للصندوق

، العالم من قبل ها�عرف�خطورة لم ال�ي بلغت درجة من ا 19-إستفحال جائحة ال�وفيد

�عاون وثيق من أجل مجا��ة هذا ع�� إح�ام ا�جموعة الدولية يدفع الأمر الذي

والإجتماعية ال�ي تفرض علينا جميعا تبعاتھ الإقتصادية التوّ�� من و ا�خطر الداهم

و�ناء عالم أفضل ل�جميع. 19-�عد ال�وفيد الإستعداد لمعا�جة ما

الأمن �جلس بطلب عقد اجتماع طارئ تو�س تقدّمت، ورة الوضعووعيًا م��ا بخط

لمناقشة تأث��ات ا�جائحة ع�� الأمن والسلم �� العالم واتخاذ الإجراءات اللازمة

تقدّمت �عد ثمّ ا�جائحة وتطو�ق تداعيا��ا. هذه لتفعيل التضامن الدو�� �حاصرة

أعضاء ا�جلس يوم غرة ذلك مع فر�سا بمشروع قرار تمّ إعتماده بإجماع �افة


حضرات السيدات والسّادة،

من المنتدى الإفر�قي العر�ي ل�حدّ ،2018تو�س، خلال شهر أكتو�ر احتضنت

مخاطر ال�وارث وذلك بالتعاون مع جامعة الدول العر�ية والإتحاد الإفر�قي.

إ�� ��جيع تنمية مستدامة مُطلعة إعلان تو�س الصادر عن هذا المنتدى دعاوقد

ة �شأن وضع لإتخاذ إجراءات عاج فضلا عنر ال�وارث وشاملة ل�جميع بمخاط

من مخاطر ال�وارث. وتنفيذ الإس��اتيجيات الوطنية ل�حدّ

Page 21: Director General Desiree Schweitzer

- 3 -

التعاون مع برنامج الأغذية ، ب2017، منذ سنة وع�� الصعيد الوط�ي، شرعت بلادنا

من ا�خاطر درات الفاعل�ن الوطني�ن ل�حدّ "�عز�ز ق مشروعتنفيذ ��العالمي

الهادفة إ�� "إطار الشراكة العالمية للتحض�� للطوارئ "وال�وارث" وذلك ��

أجل وضع خطة وطنية �جا��ة الطوارئ. نمساندة جهود الدول م

تكثيف آليات تحتّم علينا مز�دعالمنا اليوم يواجههاال�ي يات وا�خاطر التحدّ �نّ و

أك�� و�� والتضامن الإ�سا�ي، وتفعيل العمل متعدّد الأطراف �ش�ل التعاون الد

هو ما و ع�� أمننا القومي الأزمات وال�وارث البيئية وال�حية آثارتطو�ق ل ،نجاعة

أداءيتمكن من لصندوق المركزي لمواجهة الطوارئ ح�ى �عز�ز موارد ا�ستد��

رسالتھ وتحقيق أهدافھ.�الإضافة إ�� و دعم أ�شطة الصندوق بامها ع�� تأكيد إل�� من تو�سوحرصا

عدد من الدول الشقيقة والصديقة ال�ي �عرضت إ�� المساعدات العينية ال�ي قدّم��ا

علن أودّ ل�وارث طبيعية، ُلتمو�ل امساهم�� �ع��م تقديمبلادنا أنّ ، �� ا�ختام، أن أ

.الصندوق هذا

.حمة الله و�ر�اتھور والسلام عليكم ع�� حسن الإصغاء راـــشك

Page 22: Director General Desiree Schweitzer

USG Lowcock and distinguished participants, Every year, we come together to acknowledge the achievements of CERF through its effective response in the face of humanitarian emergencies. While the changing nature of crises and COVID-19 have exacerbated needs, mobilizing donors and humanitarian actors has become more important than ever. As a remarkable success of the international community, CERF remains one of the fastest enablers of humanitarian action. We are glad that last year alone, CERF reached a record level of allocation with more than half a billion US Dollars to support humanitarian efforts in 49 countries. Yemen, Somalia and other countries in Africa, which received the largest levels of funding through CERF are also at the heart of Turkey’s humanitarian action. We welcome CERF allocations to UNRWA amounting to 50 million US Dollars to respond to critical needs of Palestine refugees and assist the Agency in the current cash flow crisis. We should make use of every tool possible for the survival of UNRWA, which plays a key role for the stability of the region. It is also noteworthy that UNHCR and IOM remain among the main recipients of CERF allocations, through projects in more than 25 countries. Refugees, migrants and all vulnerable groups require our attention more than ever at this critical time. On the other hand, we are pleased that CERF has been an important contributor of the pandemic response with allocations totaling 100 million USD.

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Mr. President, According to the Global Humanitarian Assistance Programme, in 2019, Turkey continued to be the leading donor country with 7.6 billion USD worth of humanitarian assistance. In addition to our regular humanitarian programming, as part of the fight against COVID-19, we have responded to the medical needs of more than 156 countries and 11 international organizations. CERF is an important instrument to increase the efficiency of the humanitarian response across the system. As a major donor country hosting more than 4 million refugees and migrants, we witness first hand the life-saving results of its work. Therefore, we attach utmost importance to its critical and invaluable role. With this understanding, I am pleased to announce that for the year 2021, Turkey will continue its contribution of 450 thousand Dollars for the CERF. We strongly support CERF and reiterate our call to expand its toolbox for more flexible and innovative humanitarian financing. In our pursuit for effective remedies and mitigation for global crises, the principle of burden sharing must be upheld and the most vulnerable groups and countries must be protected. In conclusion, l would like to commend the brave and dedicated work of humanitarian workers who risk their lives on a daily basis to help people in need. These unsung heroes touch our lives with their remarkable work. Thank you.

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Statement by H.E. Mr. Rashid Meredov, Deputy Prime Minister,

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan at SERF High Level Pledging Event

(08 December 2020) Dear Secretary General, Emergency Relief Coordinator, Excellences, Ladies and gentlemen, It is an honour for me to be part of this Central Emergency

Response Fund (CERF) High Level Pledging Event. This year marks 15th Anniversary since UN General

Assembly adopted its resolution (A/RES/60/124) to establish the Fund. For years of existance, CERF has proved that it is only globally effective instrument for providing protection and rapid live saving assistance to people affected by humanitarian crisis.

In 2020 when WHO declared COVID-19 a global health emergency and later pandemic, Fund has responded in a timely, efficient and flexible manner. Turkmenistan commends CERF’s approach to adjust its ongoing projects to the changing needs and operational constraints.

Turkmenistan and its President, based on the principles of humanism, on a regular basis provide assistance to countries in need in the region and beyond to overcome difficulties caused by emergencies of a natural, man-made and other nature.

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Noting the importance of a coordinated and systematic

approach to minimize the negative socio-economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and the efforts of the global community to respond to emergencies, our country firmly believes that financial support for CERF by UN member states will intensify the emergency preventive and response mechanism.

In order to support the global activities implemented by the Fund, at the beginning of this year Turkmenistan made a voluntary contribution at the amount of 100,000 (one hundred thousand) US dollars.

In this regard, let me assure you of our intention to further participate in the activities of the Fund and inform that in 2021 Turkmenistan will allocate 100,000 (one hundred thousand) US dollars to the United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund. This was also mentioned in the letter of the President of Turkmenistan addressed to the United Nations Secretary General.

Turkmenistan stands ready to continue close cooperation with the Fund in reaching more people affected by humanitarian crisis.

Thank you very much.

Page 26: Director General Desiree Schweitzer

CERF Pledging Event- UK Intervention

• The CERF plays a critical and unique role in the humanitarian system and the UK is proud to be its largest donor, contributing over $1.5bn since its inception.

• In 2019, faced with a widening gap between humanitarian need and funding, the UK provided an exceptional uplift of £300 million - much of this was used in early 2020, when CERF was one of the first humanitarian actors to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak. Indeed, CERF responded with remarkable speed, rigour and agility. CERF’s recent $100m allocation to tackle the threat of famine in the highest risk countries is an excellent example of this.

• Unfortunately, the humanitarian funding gap continues to widen. Last week, the UK co-hosted a Global Humanitarian Overview launch, which presented a sobering outlook for 2021. Conflict, COVID-19 and climate change have exacerbated existing food insecurity, leaving up to 147 million people facing crisis levels of hunger. There is a real risk of famine materialising in Nigeria, South Sudan, Yemen and Burkina Faso. We must maintain a strong, collective focus on food insecurity and famine risk in order to avert the worst humanitarian suffering.

• 2020 really has been an unprecedented year but 2021 will be even more challenging. We are therefore announcing that the UK will contribute a further £56 million in 2020, on top of the £10m already contributed to the CERF earlier this year. This will bring the UK’s total 2020 contribution to £66 million. This demonstrates that, despite difficult financial conditions, we continue to place extremely high value on the essential work performed by the CERF, and by the wider UN humanitarian system. We urge other donors to similarly prioritise the UN’s lifesaving work, including the CERF, as they make their own difficult choices at home.

• This commitment is a recognition of the size of the need, and the

effectiveness of CERF. Indeed, as the international community continues

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to address this unprecedented situation, CERF remains rapid, lifesaving and effective. We also welcome CERF’s continued work on piloting anticipatory action which we know can help reduce need in the long term. The UK salutes Mark Lowcock, the CERF team and all at OCHA for their unstinting efforts.

• The world needs a high impact, well-resourced and effective CERF as never before. As the UK continues to support the CERF, we encourage all other existing and potential donors to give generously.

• A contribution to the CERF genuinely will save lives. Contributing to the CERF is one of the most effective ways we can help respond to humanitarian need, along with continuing to explore alternative funding sources; and pairing financing with humanitarian diplomacy.

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Uzbekistan PR Bakhtiyor Ibragimov remarks at the

Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) High-Level Pledging Event

Mr. Chair,

First of all, let me commend the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs for convening this Virtual Central Emergency Response Fund High-Level Pledging Event which acquires even more special importance this year given serious challenges to international community caused by COVID-19 pandemic.

Lockdown measures, including travel restrictions and quarantine rules interrupted the supply-side of the economy as productivity fell across industry, agriculture and services almost in every country. Many people lost sources of income.

According to the estimations of the International Labor Organization, global unemployment would increase between 5.3 million and 24.7 million people depending on the severity of the pandemic. It has already adversely affected the well-being of hundreds of millions of people across the globe, especially in developing countries.

Therefore, a consolidated globe response is needed to tackle the negative impacts of the pandemic along with other contemporary challenges such as consequences of climate change, various conflicts, etc. COVID-19 once again reminded all of us about the importance of international community’s cohesion in addressing global challenges under the UN leadership.

In this regard in Uzbekistan we fully shares the view of UN Secretary General António Guterres that “a strong United Nations needs a strong and reliable CERF to reach people trapped in crises and to respond to the needs of those furthest behind.”

The Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan therefore has decided to make to the CERF its own contribution in the amount of US$ 100000. In Tashkent we firmly believe that only collectively we can effectively respond to the growing humanitarian needs.

Thank you, Mr. Chair.

Page 29: Director General Desiree Schweitzer

للأمم المتحدة الس يد أأنطونيو غوتيريس ، الأمين العام

، الس يدات والسادة

اسمحوا لي في البدء أأن أأشكركم على عقد هذه الفعالية المهمة، وأأن أأعرب عن تقديرنا لاهتمام الس يد الأمين العام

نسانية بالوضع في اليمن وعلى جهودهم الحثيثة لمساعدة الشعب نسانية ووكيله للشؤون الاإ اليمني في مواجهة أأزمته الاإ

( CERFالناتجة عن انقلاب الميليش يات الحوثية المسلحة. كما نتقدم بالشكر للصندوق المركزي لمواجهة الطوارئ )

وباء تفشي احتواء ذلك في بما اليمن، في نسانية الاإ للأزمة الحرجة التطورات مواجهة جهود في ساهم والذي

COVID 19 .

نسانية بوتيرة غير مس بوقة في جميع أأنحاء العالم، مع اس تمرار ان و على المجتمع الدولي مواصلة يتحتم تشار التحديات الاإ

.وتغير المناخ ، وتفشي الأمراض ، تحديات الناش ئة عن الصراعات هذه ال تعزيز ودعم أ لياته للتصدي ل

ن نسانية التي لا لتصدي أأحد أأكثر ال ليات الدولية فعالية ل هو الصندوق المركزي لمواجهة الطوارئ اإ للتحديات الاإ

نسانية العاجلة في العديد من البلدان في جميع يمكن التنبؤ بها. وبدون قدرة الصندوق على تمويل الاس تجابات الاإ

.للأسف ت العديد من الأرواح قد فقد ت أأنحاء العالم، بما في ذلك اليمن، لكان

لمساعدة الناس على اإطعام أأنفسهم في البلدان مؤخرا مليون دولار أأمريك 100 نشكر الصندوق على تخصيص

الأكثر عرضة لخطر وباء الجوع المتزايد الناجم عن الصراعات والتدهور الاقتصادي وتغير المناخ ووباء

COVID-19 .

أأولوية عالية والمعرضة ذات مديرية 27في تلبية الاحتياجات الحادة لمليوني شخص في الصندوق في اليمن، ساهم و

مليون دولار 30 تم تخصيص مبلغ كما من خلال التدخلات المتكاملة في الوقت المناسب. ، لخطر المجاعة

طعام الملايين من الناس الذين دفعهم الصراع اإلى حافة المجاعة لاإضافة الى مساهم في مكافحة أ فة با للمساعدة في اإ

نساني في اليمن يحتاج الجراد التي عصفت بالمحاصيل الزراعية لا أأن الوضع الاإ باليمن. وبالرغم من كل هذه الجهود، اإ

للمزيد من الدعم الذي يقدمه الصندوق.

Page 30: Director General Desiree Schweitzer

اإلى أأن متطلعين لصالح الصندوق ة ه كمسا الف دولار 10بلغ بم اليمن ع تب ن ع لأعلن أأود أأن أأغتنم هذه الفرصة

ث جميع ق هدف التمويل الذي حددته الجمعية العامة بمبلغ مليار دولار أأمريك س نويا، ونح يتمكن الصندوق من تحقي

.دعمهم السخي للصندوق تقديم المجتمع الدولي على مواصلة و الأصدقاء

الس يد الرئيس. شكرا