Diocese of New Jersey - Resources for Mission Survey

DONJ Resources for Mission survey - formatted for group discussion.docx Page 1 of 17 Diocese of New Jersey - Resources for Mission Survey This is the text of the DONJ Resources for Mission survey issued April 24, 2019, formatted for group discussion. Please make one response per parish online at bit.ly/DNJ-R4M. A. General 1. Does your parish have all the funding it needs for its mission and all financial obligations for next year? o Yes o No 2. How confident are you that your parish will be financially sustainable for the next generation? o Highly confident o Mostly confident o Know it needs some work o Not confident 3. Name an existing strength in your parish funding, for example, annual stewardship pledges, capital campaign, existing endowment, or future bequests. _________________________________________ 4. Name an area your parish funding could use improvement. _________________________________________ 5. How confident are you in the completeness and accuracy of your parish member list, including emails and other contact information? o Highly confident o Mostly confident o Know it needs some work o Not confident

Transcript of Diocese of New Jersey - Resources for Mission Survey

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Diocese of New Jersey - Resources for Mission Survey

This is the text of the DONJ Resources for Mission survey issued April 24, 2019, formatted for group discussion. Please make one response per parish online at bit.ly/DNJ-R4M.

A. General

1. Does your parish have all the funding it needs for its mission and all

financial obligations for next year?

o Yes

o No

2. How confident are you that your parish will be financially sustainable for

the next generation?

o Highly confident

o Mostly confident

o Know it needs some work

o Not confident

3. Name an existing strength in your parish funding, for example, annual

stewardship pledges, capital campaign, existing endowment, or future

bequests. _________________________________________

4. Name an area your parish funding could use improvement.


5. How confident are you in the completeness and accuracy of your parish

member list, including emails and other contact information?

o Highly confident

o Mostly confident

o Know it needs some work

o Not confident

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6. How frequently do you update your parish member list, including emails

and other contact information?

o Continuously

o More than once a year

o Once a year

o Every 1-2 years

o Less than every 2 years

7. What forms of e-giving, if any, does your parish use?

o Credit/debit cards (for example, PayPal, Square, bank-based

commercial payment processing)

o Electronic fund transfers (for example, ACH)

o Auto-debit (parishioners schedule regular electronic fund transfers to

parish, for example pledge payments)

o Venmo, Facebook payments, other social media-based payments

o None

o Other (please specify) ___________________________

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B. Annual Giving

8. How many total pledging units do you have? ___

9. How many people do you have who regularly give but don't pledge? ___

10. On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being completely unimportant, 10 being highest

importance), where does stewardship fall in your congregational priorities?

o 1 Completely unimportant

o 2

o 3

o 4

o 5

o 6

o 7

o 8

o 9

o 10 Highest importance

11. How long is your annual pledge campaign (not counting behind the

scenes planning)?

o One Sunday

o 2-3 Sundays

o 4 or more Sundays

o Year round

o Other (please specify) ___________________________

12. Have you sought support or resources from the Diocesan Stewardship


o Yes

o No

If so, what type of resources or support did you request/receive?


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13. If so, were you satisfied with the support or resources your parish

received from the Diocese Stewardship Commission?

o Yes

o No

14. In the most recent year, which of these activities did your parish use in

seeking annual stewardship pledges? (check all that apply)

o Description of goals and purpose for giving

o Pledge cards

o Letter from lay leaders

o Letter from clergy

o Faith reflection by members

o Sermon

o Personal request by lay leaders

o Personal request by clergy

o Social event

o Teaching event

o Guest preacher or speaker

o Diocese Stewardship Commission help

o Consultant (not Diocese)

o Proportional giving grid or step chart

o Pledge cards filled out during worship

o Pledge cards offered on the altar

o New Consecration Sunday

o TENS programs

o Project Resource material

o Report results to congregation

o Express thanks to donors

o Celebrate after

o No specific effort

o Other (please specify) ___________________________

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15. In the most recent year, what was the primary reason for giving

expressed by leaders to parishioners?

o Spiritual

o Material

o Spiritual and material

16. In 2018, what was the relative priority of time and talent giving

expressed by leaders to parishioners?

o Time and talent emphasized more than financial

o Time and talent emphasized equally with financial

o Time and talent emphasized less than financial

o Distinction between these was not a major focus.

17. What changes did you see in annual giving (total pledged amount)?

o 25% increase

o 10-25% increase

o 1-10% increase

o No change

o 1-10% reduction

o >10% reduction

18. To what extent were deaths and departures of existing pledgers a

factor in your most recent pledge changes?

o Exceeded our pledge increase

o Reduced our net pledge increase

o Not a factor

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19. In 2019, which of these does your parish intend to use in seeking

annual stewardship pledges? (check all that apply)

o Description of goals and purpose for giving

o Pledge cards

o Letter from clergy or lay leaders

o Sermon

o Faith reflection by members

o Personal request by clergy

o Personal request by lay leaders

o Social event

o Teaching event

o Guest preacher or speaker

o Diocese Stewardship Commission help

o Consultant (not Diocese)

o Proportional giving grid or step chart

o Pledge cards filled out during worship

o Pledge cards offered on the altar

o New Consecration Sunday

o TENS programs

o Project Resource material

o Report results to congregation

o Express thanks to donors

o Celebrate after

o No specific effort

o Other (please specify) ___________________________

20. Are you interested in improving annual giving (stewardship pledges) for

your parish?

o Yes

o No

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C. Major Giving

21. When did your parish begin its most recent major giving or capital


o In progress now

o 1-3 years ago

o 3 years ago

o Long ago, not sure

o None

22. What was the financial goal of your most recent major giving or capital

campaign? (Skip if you answered "None") _____________________

23. Was the financial goal met? (skip if you answered "None")

o Yes, collection met or exceeded goal

o More than half of goal collected

o Less than half of goal collected

o Still in progress

24. Did you use a consultant? (skip if you answered "None")

o Yes

o No

25. If yes, were you satisfied with the support, material and outcome from

the consultant? (Skip if not applicable)

o Yes

o No

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26. In your most recent major giving or capital campaign, which of these

activities did your parish use? (check all that apply)

o Description of goals and purpose for giving

o Letter from lay leaders

o Letter from clergy

o Personal request by lay leaders

o Personal request by clergy

o Faith reflection by members

o Sermon

o Social event

o Teaching event

o Guest preacher or speaker

o Project Resource

o Architect or engineer

o Report results to congregation

o Express thanks to donors

o Celebrate after

o Other (please specify) ___________________________

27. Who had primary responsibility for leading the campaign (pick one)?

o Wardens

o Vestry

o Finance or other existing committee

o Special team organized for this purpose

o Rector

o Consultant

o Other (please specify) ___________________________

28. Name a way your parish benefits today from a past major gift or capital

campaign. _________________________________________

29. Are you considering starting a major giving or capital campaign in the

coming three years?

o Yes

o No

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30. Why (or why not) is your parish considering a major giving or capital

campaign? _________________________________________

31. Are you interested in support to explore or start a major giving or capital


o Yes

o No

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D. Planned Giving

32. What year did your parish most recently asked for planned gifts - will

inclusions, bequests, new endowments or other planned gifts?

o In progress now

o 1-3 years ago

o 3 years ago

o Long ago, not sure

o None

33. Has your parish requested the support of the Diocesan Planned Giving


o Yes

o No

34. If so, were you satisfied with the support your parish received from the

Diocese Planned Giving Team?

o Yes

o No

35. Does your parish have an active planned giving program such as a

legacy society?

o Yes

o Have or had one, but no new gifts requested or received in prior two


o No

36. Does your parish track all planned gifts?

o Yes, in writing

o Yes, but not all in writing

o Not sure

o No

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37. In your most recent planned giving program, which of these activities

did your parish use? (check all that apply)

o Description of goals and purpose for giving

o Letter from lay leaders

o Letter from clergy

o Personal request by lay leaders

o Personal request by clergy

o Faith reflection by members

o Sermon

o Social event

o Teaching event

o Guest preacher or speaker

o Project Resource

o Consultant (not Diocese)

o Report results to congregation

o Express thanks to donors

o Celebrate after

o Other (please specify) ___________________________

38. Who had primary responsibility for leading the campaign (pick one)?

o Wardens

o Vestry

o Finance or other existing committee

o Special team organized for this purpose

o Rector

o Consultant

o Other (please specify) ___________________________

39. Name a way your parish benefits today from a past endowment,

bequests, or other planned gifts. _____________________________

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E. Marks of Mission

40. The members of our parish have a good understanding of the

relationship between our parish and our diocese.

o Strongly agree

o Agree

o Don’t know

o Disagree

o Strongly disagree

41. The members of our parish have a good understanding of how the

budget of the diocese is funded.

o Strongly agree

o Agree

o Don’t know

o Disagree

o Strongly disagree

42. The members of our parish have a good understanding of the meaning

of the term Marks of Mission as used by the Anglican Communion.

o Strongly agree

o Agree

o Don’t know

o Disagree

o Strongly disagree

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43. Those in our parish having responsibility for preparation of the parochial

report, budget and calculation of Marks of Mission Giving to the diocese

have read and understand Canon 16, including the definition of “Income


o Strongly agree

o Agree

o Don’t know

o Disagree

o Strongly disagree

44. Our parish leadership believes that the Marks of Mission Giving formula

set out in Canon 16 is fair for parishes like ours.

o Strongly agree

o Agree

o Don’t know

o Disagree

o Strongly disagree

45. Our Marks of Mission Giving pledge is a high priority in making up our

annual parish budget.

o Strongly agree

o Agree

o Don't know

o Disagree

o Strongly disagree

46. All parishes should pledge not less than ten percent (10%) of their

operating income to the diocese.

o Strongly agree

o Agree

o Don’t know

o Disagree

o Strongly disagree

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47. High income parishes should pledge a greater percentage of their

operating income to the diocese than low income parishes.

o Strongly agree

o Agree

o Don’t know

o Disagree

o Strongly disagree

48. Our budget for local outreach is a higher priority than our Marks of

Mission pledge.

o Strongly agree

o Agree

o Don't know

o Disagree

o Strongly disagree

49. Our parish will have to draw down from its endowment to meet its

operating expenses this year.

o Yes

o No

o Don’t know

o Not applicable

50. Marks of Mission Giving should incorporate a credit for local parish

outreach expenditures.

o Strongly agree

o Agree

o Don’t know

o Disagree

o Strongly disagree

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51. Marks of Mission Giving should incorporate a credit for service to the


o Strongly agree

o Agree

o Don’t know

o Disagree

o Strongly disagree

52. It is helpful to our parish that the Marks of Mission Giving formula is

based on a three-year average of the Income Base rather than one year.

o Strongly agree

o Agree

o Don’t know

o Disagree

o Strongly disagree

53. Our delegates to the annual diocesan convention report on the

convention to the Vestry

o Strongly agree

o Agree

o Don’t know

o Disagree

o Strongly disagree

54. A majority of the members of our Vestry subscribe to the Diocese’s

weekly newsletter, “Good News in the Garden State”

o Yes

o No

o Don’t know

55. A majority of the members of our Vestry subscribe to the Diocesan

Finance Office newsletter, “Resources for Mission”.

o Yes

o No

o Don’t know

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F. Contact Information

* 56. Parish name __________________________________

* 57. Parish town __________________________________

58. Contact for Annual Giving

Name ______________________________

Email Address ______________________________

Phone Number ______________________________

59. Contact for Major Giving

Name ______________________________

Email Address ______________________________

Phone Number ______________________________

60. Contact for Planned Giving

Name ______________________________

Email Address ______________________________

Phone Number ______________________________

* 61. Primary person completing this survey

Name ______________________________

Email Address ______________________________

Phone Number ______________________________

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62. Names or titles of additional people helping complete this survey.

Name or Title ______________________________

Name or Title ______________________________

Name or Title ______________________________

Name or Title ______________________________

Name or Title ______________________________

Name or Title ______________________________

Name or Title ______________________________

Name or Title ______________________________

Name or Title ______________________________

Name or Title ______________________________

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