Digital Software Competence Portfolio



Portfolio comprised of short digital assignments. Fall 2014.

Transcript of Digital Software Competence Portfolio

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Page 3: Digital Software Competence Portfolio


MantraDieter rams once said “good design is as little design as possible. I

believe the way something looks should determine it’s purpose. Since

form follows function, then function should influence design. Every

object was designed for a purpose. Sometimes even unknowingly.

But a good product designer is part artist and part engineer,

combining both aesthetics and function. They must be rational,

ethical, relevant, and innovative and therefore, must appreciate

the extensive development beyond that of pure design, which is

industrialization, marketing and sales.

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journal 1 font analysis

journal 6economy of line

journal 8collage diagram

journal 2compression of event into image

journal 5grasshopper selfie

journal 7celebrate a subject

journal 9revit floor plans

journal 11film analysis

journal 12infographic

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01Font AnalysisExtracting Proportions and relationships

Proportions and unspoken geometries are living in the world all around us. This exercise was meant to expose that in some of the simplest for we use every day, fonts. Once I choose a font of my liking, I then had find a quote that spoke towards my design lifestyle and relay that in to my chosen font.

Needed for task

While using illustrator, I began to overlay hidden geometries and reoccurring forms of relatable letters. Such as E, F, R and P.

Task completed

28August, 2014

Rhinoceros 5

Adobe illustrator cc

Time of task


j o u r n a l

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The final resulting image to the left, you can perceive the relationship of the letters to each one another from the overlaid geometric grid and begin to understand the relevance of their form.

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of Event into

Image“Capturing Time and Action”

Part of a designer essences is his or her ability to comprehend in time and space. In this exercise I begun to set up a camera in a stationary setting and engaged space through time. Once captured, I presented that motion with five different scenes in five different moments and then overlaid those moments on top of each other.

Needed for task

Task completed

05september, 2014

adobe photoshop cs6

Time of task


j o u r n a l

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As individual graphics and progressive lower the opacity of the next graphic and forever compressed them together to get this resulting image (to the left). Furthermore I altered it’s exposure and contracts to get an effect representation of time through space.

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SelfieThe integration of parametric design to a digital graphic allows you to see the breakdown of an image into points. Enabling you to highlight resolutions in desirable areas of a graphic. I began by taking a quick simple picture of myself and started manipulating it in Photoshop by adjusting its color settings and height scale. From there, I brought it into rhino and started up a given grasshopper definition. I targeted an area on my face where I wanted more definition by adding more points for grasshopper to pick up and attempted to ripple more points outwards from there on out.

Needed for task

Task completed

24september, 2014

Rhinoceros 5/Grasshopper

Adobe photoshop cs6

Time of task


j o u r n a l

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06Economy of

LineThe negative result of an image is that it may say too much, to the point where it is distracting or counterintuitive from what it needs to say. With that in mind, I took an image of a male model where I really did not need disruptive facial definition or his lower body and begun to trace it to show what I wanted to attract

Needed for task

the viewers’ attention towards. Here I have my bowtie and a cardigan that I used in assignment 3, Fashion + Form.

Task completed

10octoober, 2014

Rhinoceros 5

Adobe illustrator cc

Time of task


j o u r n a l

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Finally, I started to fill in areas of my products with color to hopefully add appeal and to catch the attention.

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07Celebrate a

SubjectThe result of a presentation is ultimately dependent on perception of your audience. Making a product or space relatable to them is to show them with it/using it or in it. We have to impact our audience’s perception by manipulating imagery. I starting by selecting two very different but relatable images. One of the space of a UK

Needed for task

Task completed

17october, 2014

adobe photoshop cs6

Time of task


j o u r n a l

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Pavilion Expo in 2010 by Heatherwick, the other of a hedgehog. With the hedgehog, I begun to crop out the existing foreground and back ground to just get my beast. I then overlaid that onto the background structure of the Pavilion and furthermore manipulated the hedgehogs foreground with shadow and added filters and different color elements.

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Showing development and processes of a product can be critical to a client. Diagrammatically simplifying and condensing that processes is just as important. With an image of my finalized fashion show attire, I manipulated several processes graphics and overlaid them onto that image. I tried to account for the geometry in my graphics to properly conform to the



collage process

Task completed

23OCTOBER, 2014

Needed for task

adobe photoshop cs6

Time of task


j o u r n a l

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models figure. And overlaying one by one, I altered each and every process image’s opacity and began to with filter settings and color to get my resulting collage diagram.

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09Revit Floor

PlansAfter in class help and online lecture, I began to understand the importance of the Aligned Dimension tool. I started by first laying out what seemed to be the basic dimensions for the walls and then went back with Aligned Dimension and oriented to wall of the given dimensions.

Needed for task

Task completed

31october, 2014

revit autodesk 2015

Time of task


j o u r n a l

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I discovered difficulty’s early on with several of the walls either not adding up of not given any sort of distance from another. Then ultimately resulted in a lot of guessing and checking.

2' - 5 1/2"

2' - 5 1/2"

6' - 5" 8' - 1"

3' -


9' - 1" 11' - 0"7' - 11" 12' - 6" 5' - 1"

16' - 6"

22' - 11" 10' - 6"9' - 5"11' - 5"

11' - 11"

19' - 8"

7' -


' - 1


14' -


4' -


6' - 8" 14' - 8 1/2"

6' -


46' -


7' -


11' -


12' -


21' -

5 1


9' - 1"

140' - 0"

23' -


11' -


18' - 1"

21' - 0"

31' - 10"

1' - 9 1/2"

6' - 8"

25' - 5 1/2"

3' -


13' - 2 1/2"

45' - 0"

10' -

2 1


12' - 9 1/2"

8' - 11"

3' -


9' -


7' -

3 1/


21' - 5 1/2"

4' - 2"

5' -


8' - 11" 7' - 10"

7' - 4"5' - 0"

16' -

5 1


5' -


13' - 8 1/2" 9' - 0"

9' -


33' -

4 1


11' -

6 1


6' -

1 1/


11' - 0"

7' - 10"

14' - 3"

15' - 0"



Drawn By

Checked By

Project Number






1/8" = 1'-0"



14 1





Journal #9

Christopher Garcia

Revit Floor Plans


Issue DateProject Number

No. Description Date

1/8" = 1'-0"1 Level 1

1/8" = 1'-0"2 Level 2

Page 20: Digital Software Competence Portfolio

11Film AnalysisV for vendetta

Discuss the critique of government?

The British government was corrupt system and oppressed one of that showed several similarities to a dictatorship.

Discuss the difference the film and its source material?

The one capitalized difference of the two would be the films present time period. Alan Moore originally staged the setting to be in Britain in the 1980’s and 90’s while the film took place in Britain in the years of 2028 to 2038.

How is the relationship between “idea vs man” used to

propel themes in the film?

V possessed a figure of a man, walks and talks like a man and also died like a man. The similarities of an idea to a man is that V’s idea carried through himself and the citizens, they walk and they talked but the ideas will never die.

“Behind this mask there is more than just flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea… and ideas are bulletproof.” – Alan Moore, V for Vendetta

How does this challenge contemporary notions of “terror-


Although V’s action reflected terrorism but his idea did not. The corrupt government that which blinded their citizens with dishonesty and unfair laws needed to be revealed.

Needed for task

Task completed

01december, 2014

V for Vendetta

Time of task


j o u r n a l

Page 21: Digital Software Competence Portfolio

Considering the time period of the film release. What is it questioning?

The film is question government and their rein and power over their citizens, causing an oppression towards the people.

How are words used in clever ways to reframe discussions in increase their impact?

When V speaks, he speaks very well educated, fluent and also in a low volume, forcing the viewers to have to pay close attention to what he is saying.

How is architecture and spatial design (product placement) used to inform the narratives?

It spoke well with the store line, the medieval ideas and gothic mind reflected greatly with confidence and revenge filled main character of V for Vendetta.

Discuss the use of symbols?

The mask symbolizes fearlessness

The “V” symbolizes as number five, 5 as in the room number he was in while in prison as a test subject. He was the only test subject survivor.

The building he blew up symbolizes a new era the freedom of the people.

Explain the importance of v’s favorite film?

Monte Cristo, and it is about a fearless young man who is falsely imprisoned by his jealous “friend”, who escapes and seeks revenge.

What is the reference when the military commander “cannot recall” specific information?

It is a reference to the prison which V was help captive in and used as a test subject for the governments benefit.

Discuss the role of authority figures and their representation. How does this forward themes in the film?

The High Chancellor represented the lack of freedom and was the only face of their government, or should I say, dictatorship.

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Throughout the entire semester, I have kept a log of the amount of hours I have spent in each and every software for every Journal entry and Project assignment and put together a hunting diagram that even suprised me. I decided to relate the amount of hours that I have spent in the various software’s used in Digital Applications and put together and infographic. In my infographic, I related to the time spent working in a particular program to the length of time spent on a specific flight to one major city to another.

Needed for task

Task completed

17december, 2014

Adobe illustrator cc

Time of task


j o u r n a l

10,000 hours

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10,000 HoursThe amount of waking hours spent in each program used for Digital Applications (fall 2014) for Journals and Projects compared to the

lengths to some of the flights around the world.

Adobe Illustrator cs6

Rhinoceros 5

Adobe photoshop cs6

Adobe indesign cs6`

3DS Max



Dallas Dubai

Los ANgeles Singapore

Dallas New york city

Chicago London

Kansas City Atlanta

los angeles bangkok

New york copenhagen

1 One-Way trip = 16.5 hours

6 Round trips = 114 hours

1 Round trip = 6.5 hours

1 Round trip = 16 hours

1 One-Way trip = 2 hours

1 Round trip = 35 hours

2 Round trip = 39 hours

Christopher Garcia journal 12

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Assignment 1

Digital Website

Assignment 2

Form vs Play

Assignment 3

Fashion + Form

Assignment 4

I, Revit

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01digital website

Needed for task

In a design driven field, you must be able to show your ability and skill set to anyone, anywhere and at any point in time. And having a personalized website at your fingertips in the easiest way. Using the mainly blogger dominate site,, I begun to make my creative, almost technological-savvy mind open to the public to see.

Task completed

2August, 2014

Time of task


a s s i g n m e n t

Page 27: Digital Software Competence Portfolio

Explain how you approached the problem stylistically and hierarchically?

Stylistically, I knew I did not want to make any page too cluttered with unnecessary widgets and wordy para-graphs. By the words of van der Rohe, “Less is more.” I decided that by integrating good imagery to draw the eye of the viewer, it would help me decide the hierarchy of my site.

How were other resources engaged to develop the most successful graphic design? What were those

sources and why did you use them?

I watched the video provided to attempt to understand how to work and manipulate the blogs pages. Once I did that, I looked at professional peoples’ work online, for example the work that has been done by Architectural Digest Magizine ( The Daily AD does a wonderful job with organization and attracting readers to make it all the way down their pages without taking a breath. So from this example, I wanted to integrate some of the same strategies to my own blog.

Describe the challenges that this project presented, specifically Dreamweaver and the basic html. How

were these overcome?

For myself as a first time user, I had trouble navigating myself around the website. This presented a true challenge for me and I believe the organization of this site could use an updating. Although for the basic html, it is actually a simple concept when it comes to the address and locating pages. I would not say this was over-came but I was able to further understand the website itself more easily the more I used it. I have started up a webpage before on another site, so I had a little familiarity with it.

Describe the challenges with the getting your WordPress account running and posting to the web?

Once on the starting line of personalizing my own blog, I immediately wanted to click on the pages imaginary boxes and text boxes to make them my own, but unfortunately I could not. I had to leave the desired space to find the actual category on the dashboard to put the text where I wanted it to go. Then once I was on the dashboard page, I was still confused as to what areas correlated to the actual positions of where it would show up on my blog. I have been on other “make your own website applications” before, but personally I believe I struggled the most with

questions and analysis of the website project are posted underneath the

webpage heading loacted in the organization bar

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02form vs play

Needed for task

This project was to introduce the software, sketchup. We were given guidelines to develop the buildings structure but as for everything inside, we had to connect back to our childhood and combine function and form to eight different action verbs to produce children’s play equipment. One strong recommendation for our play equipment was to have numerous multi-use products. Meaning, with the given eight verbs, several of those actions had to be designed into one product.

Task completed

12setember, 2014

Time of task


a s s i g n m e n t


adobe illustrator cs6

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Needed for task

Today’s digital era, fashion and technology are colliding and morphing into forms that some of us never thought imaginable. But with the help of developed technology we are able to do things such as 3D body scan to further understand the human form and movement to take into consideration of what we wear. This project I was paired with a partner to design a piece of jewelry and a garment

Task completed

14OCTOBER, 2014

Rhinoceros 5

Time of task


a s s i g n m e n t


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to wear in our upcoming college fashion show. Me and my teammate, both being males and with interest of the male formal attire. We built a conceptual design based off a specific cut of a diamond. Then copied and manipulated its form and created a repetitive geometry that caught both of our interests. Finally we composed that geometry into a garment that perfectly fit to the topography of my partner’s torso.

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04I, Revit

In the process of getting familiar with the software of Revit, this project, I designed a robot to take place in modern day. With being a lot larger than the average human and with vacuum suckers in place of hands, this robot is fueled off of the materialistic people in today’s society. He senses needed people and searches them out with his lonesome eye. Once approaching, he activates his vacuum arms and cleans them up along with their unnecessary items. And then within a few moments, spits them out in an almost stone-age frame of mind and empty handed. Just desiring the bare essentials to get by.

needed for task

a s s i g n m e n t


Time of task



REvit Robot

Task completed

21november, 2014


Project numberDateDrawn byChecked by



14 3


43 A


A1Cover Sheet

004Christoper Garcia


No. Description Date


Ground Level0' - 0"

Knee Level29' - 0"

Hip Height61' - 0"

Vacuum Level49' - 0"

Cockpit Level100' - 0"

Top of Robot119' - 0"


- 0"

19' -


39' -


12' -


20' -


29' -



65' - 6"

22' - 0"21' - 0"22' - 6"

Level 10' - 0"

Ground Level0' - 0"

Knee Level29' - 0"

Hip Height61' - 0"

Vacuum Level49' - 0"

Cockpit Level100' - 0"

Top of Robot119' - 0"

19' -


39' -


12' -


20' -


29' -



- 0"

1 2

26' - 0"


Project numberDateDrawn byChecked by 3/64" = 1'-0"



14 3


04 A


A2Elevation - Dimensons

004Christoper Garcia


No. Description Date

3/64" = 1'-0"1 Elevation - Front - Dimensions 3/64" = 1'-0"2 Elevation - Slide - Dimensions

3DS Max

Page 33: Digital Software Competence Portfolio

I, Revit


Project numberDateDrawn byChecked by 3/64" = 1'-0"



14 4


40 P


A2Elevation N&S

004Christoper Garcia


No. Description Date

3/64" = 1'-0"1 North 3/64" = 1'-0"2 South


Project numberDateDrawn byChecked by 3/64" = 1'-0"



14 4


57 P


A3Elevations E&W

004Christoper Garcia


No. Description Date

3/64" = 1'-0"1 East 3/64" = 1'-0"2 West


Project numberDateDrawn byChecked by



14 4


04 P


A4Movement Axons

004Christoper Garcia


No. Description Date

1 leg movement axon 2 {3D}


Moving Cockpit

Holding Chambers


Painted Steel

Tinted Glass


Vacuum Cell

Holding Chamber



Project numberDateDrawn byChecked by 3/64" = 1'-0"



14 3


42 A


A2.3Elevation - Annotated

004Christoper Garcia


No. Description Date

3/64" = 1'-0"1 Elevation - Front - Annotated 3/64" = 1'-0"2 Section 1


Project numberDateDrawn byChecked by



14 3


08 A


A3Robot Axon

004Christoper Garcia


No. Description Date


Page 34: Digital Software Competence Portfolio

CGchristopher Garcia

(785) 643 [email protected]

1825 Leavenworth St.Manhattan, KS 66502

Thank You!

This portfolio is comprised of some of the techniqual digital work that I completed

Fall of 2014. For further conceptual and physical

design work, please contact me.

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