Digi-pak Evaluation


Transcript of Digi-pak Evaluation

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The colour of the background is black and white. I used black and white to represent the past, black and white traditionally is used to show past times in movies, as the narrative our music video is about a young boy growing up and developing in boxing black and white works particular effective

The writing on the front cover is red. Red can symbolise strong emotions, like energy, strength, danger or passion. These meaning all fit in with the type of music video it is, the colour helps to push the thought of emotion and passion more.

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Our Album name is ‘Ambition’. Ambition represents our narrative of the music video, about succeeding in winning. The word ambition gives the strong feeling of being victorious, instantly giving off an impression of the album to the target audience.

The name of our artist is ‘Adam Wiles’. I put his name at the top of the cover so the audience can instantly see. Usually CD covers feature the image of the artist but in this case it is important to have the name quite big.

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The image used is boxing gloves, boxing is the link between all three of my products, the digi-pak, the poster and the music video itself.

The are featured to the right hand side of the page as it needs to be a main attraction and focus to the CD cover, but the album name needs to be more focused on.

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The font used, is a plain but effective font. I used white so therefore it stands out against the background, the first song is the song that we made the music video to. The word ‘ambition’ relates to the front cover, i

used the same word so there is this instant connection between them both, also ambition has such a strong meaning for our whole media production.

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For the background of the back cover i used the same brick wall as used on the front, this shows they belong together and not to different images completely. It shows the end to something, at the beginning of the song he is training to win a fight as a small boy (which reflects the boxing gloves on the front ) and on the back cover there is no boxing gloves (representing he has won the fight)

The side panel just says the name of the album several times, it is quite simple with the colour of red on.

The use of the barcode can be found on pretty much every cd cover, it is a conventional item, with other little things of the record labels logo and details.

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Would this digipak be appropriate to your target audience?

My target audience is around the age of 16-21 year olds, both female and male. This album cover is not aimed toward one sex more than the other. The use of the boxing gloves fits in with the album and contrast the usual pop colours you would expect to see.

Contradicting usual pop genre conventions of bright colours on CD covers may not work as the cover could be seen towards another genre, but as boxing and the colour red give off an energy feel it is effective. Overall I think this cd cover is appropriate.

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It relates to our target audience research as the following;

• 1. the majority of people said the like the colour of red on cd covers.

• 2.the majority of people would like the track names on the back

• 3. 64 percent of people said they would like props, e.g. boxing gloves.

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How does it combine with the music video?

• The colour of black and white is representing the past, which is a big part of the narrative in our music video. The use of colour in this digi pak relates to our music video the most, the red symbolises passion, strength and anger.

• The image represents what the music video is about