Dieting With Astrology

Dieting with Astrology: Weight Loss Tips by Zodiac Sign Zodiac Sign matters for Dieting 1 Struggling, hungry, and no redundant weight go? May help Zodiac diet! Select the best diet according to your zodiac sign and lost weight without too denial. Lets Start >> ARIES Nature 2


Dieting With Astrology

Transcript of Dieting With Astrology

Dieting with Astrology: Weight Loss Tips by Zodiac Sign

Zodiac Sign matters for Dieting1

Struggling, hungry, and no redundant weight go? May help Zodiac diet! Select the best diet according to your zodiac sign and lost weight without too denial. Lets Start >>ARIES Nature2

Aries is impatient by nature, and this is true when it comes to nutrition. Do not want to prepare food in the kitchen but will ask what you can eat right away. They will be delighted to throw any new, even radical diet, but also fast and will stop because they want quick results.Diet Tips: Aries3

Diet: In the morning eat two apples, and for lunch and dinner mix the rice with the remaining 100 grams of cucumber salad. It is important to enter lots of fluids: water, vegetable soup, mix fruit juices or vegetables. Tips: Tip: instead of swallowing the food, learn to enjoy it. Before each meal relax, close eyes, breathe deeply ten times the nose, mouth and breathe out.TAURUS: Nature4

Taurus love knowingly make mistakes, and those sins include the food. Eating is a pleasure for them: taste and appearance must be conjoined. Leave much time for eating and most enjoy eating at home.However, Taurus are difficult to separate from favorite foods. I love chocolate, ice cream and cakes.TAURUS Diet Tips5

Ideal diet: sweet snacks are very important for Taurus. It is the best diet to insert plenty of fruits, which will provide enough sugar. Prepare rich salads seasonal vegetables, and once a day you are free to eat and juicy piece of meat, but prepared on the grill. Tip: Taurus should control your desire for sweets. Before eating smell green apple or oil of mint. They reduce odors a sweet tooth.GEMINI by nature6

Gemini are spontaneous, not like patterns, neither in life nor in the daily menu. But because fast food was invented just for them. As for weight, most Gemini are lucky, their internal unrest prompts the exchange of substances and they are uninterruptible burning fat. Diet is considered a boring and because few Gemini will decide on it.GEMINI Diet Tips7

Ideal diet: to be tailored to the Gemini, the diet must be practical and versatile. We recommend dairy products, yogurt (can fruit) and cheese. Avoid pasta. The diet can start with more fluid intake, drink two to three liters of fluid a day, for example. mineral water and vegetable soups. Tip: Try to always eat at the same place and slowly. Avoid fast food restaurants.CANCER by Nature8

The cancer emotions rule: at one point the seventh heaven, and already the next how to hit rock bottom. If prevailing negative energy, then use food as medicine. Sweet heal stress.Cancer Diet Plans9

Ideal diet: take seven meals a day. Between meals you must allow yourself a snack, for example. salad of seasonal vegetables to pour a little olive oil and fruit vinegar. In the hall you can put a teaspoon of mustard, chopped white onions, and those who want a little taste of unusual salad can pour a teaspoon of honey. Tip: cancer need to learn how to control their mood. Sport can help you get rid of negative energy. Best would feel if at least twice a week to go swimming or driving a bicycle.LEO by Nature10

The lions have a lot of energy. To remain in full form, and must eat well. The want to be the center of attention, and it is true they eat. They are great debauchery and most want to eat in restaurants where they will be ready. You should learn something and cooked, as this will easily control how much you ate and how many calories you entered.LEO: Diet Tips11

deal diet: it is important to take your meals at the same time always. This will balance the metabolism, which will certainly affect weight loss. The lions should not deny the energy of food, they need to occasionally eat meat or pasta dish. Eat slowly and before every meal drink half a liter of water. Tip: the lions are prone to cholesterol so we can take care of fats. You can prepare this salad with yogurt and lemon juice instead of oil and acid, and better prepare the meat on the grill.VIRGO: By nature12

Virgos are perfectionists. We attach great attention to healthy eating. Know how to recognize what suits their body and what harms. Avoid coffee, alcohol and sweets. Rare are the virgos expressed great weight. If suffering from excess weight, do not hold radical diets because they have problems with metabolism and stomach.VIRGO: Diet Plan13

deal diet: eat more times a day less. Breakfast devised to yourself, because you know best what it means to eat healthy. For snacks you can drink low calorie yogurt or fruit to eat 100 grams of low-fat cheese with olives. It is food to enter it in small quantities and enjoy every bite. For dinner prepare tomato salad. Tip: Make sure the fluid intake, drink at least two liters of mineral water per day. Ideally it to add a few cups vegetable or fruit tea.LIBRA: by Nature14

Libra born tasters. The parties always end of table. However, do not eat are a little picky. If you do not find what they are eating at that point, it is better to remain hungry. A typical problem is that Libra difficult to decide on a diet, because they are afraid that diet food will be delicious. Motivation can be found in some kitchen supplies.LIBRA: Diet Plan15

Ideal diet: the Libra need very few meals to have something to rejoice. Food should be seasoned, sometimes with exotic flavor. Try something new this weakening will make a simple example of a Japanese sushi, which is a low calorie cheese or chopped tofu with soy sauce, honey and spices. Serve with rice. Tip: Make exercise motivation if the diet is not keeping you attractive idea: every morning look in the mirror and imagine how they would look after a few days.SCORPIO: By Nature16

Scorpions want to go from extreme to extreme. When it comes to food or overeat or starve. It is certainly not justified health. Scorpions primarily have to learn how to feed healthy. It will have a big problem because you have the advantage over other characters: if you decide to lose weight, their spirit will help them withstand the end. To satisfy their appetites, should be allowed some sweet sins.SCORPIO: Diet Plan17

Ideal diet: during the diet drink more fluids, at least two liters a day, herbal and fruit teas. Five meals a day will satisfy your need for food. Instead of candy, banana drink cocktail: Mix 150 ml of milk and a banana. Drink tea for weight loss that you can buy at the pharmacy. Tip: scorpions are prone to cellulite. Therefore you should avoid salty foods such as ham, sausages and the like. The plate should have more muesli, integral bread, vegetables. These foods are healthy and at the same time encourage and metabolism.SAGITTARIUS: By Nature18

Sagittarius are very sociable. Most want to eat outside the home, with friends in town. Indeed, if you find yourself in the kitchen to prepare something for an hour and simply delicious. Irregular feeding, and few meals often heavier than it should. Lucky that many move, most of them dealing with a sport that contributes to fat burning. However, after each activity they go to the fridge.SAGITTARIUS: Diet Plans19

Ideal diet: diet menu sagittarius must contain energy-rich foods. The recipes should be that simple. The sagittarius are very important breakfast, for example. muesli without sugar, two crackers with jam and low calorie margarine or integral piece of bread with egg. Tip: In the circle of good friends often eat more than they should. The restaurant take meat or grilled fish and salad with diet dressing. So enjoy the company and will eat diet.CAPRICORN: By Nature20

Capricorns want simplicity. I love simple and inexpensive food. Eating does not play any particular role in their lives, because few are those who have problems with obesity. However, stress and problems are compensated by overeating. If its often, the result is visible in the mirror.Capricorns are very self-critical and have no self-pity.CAPRICORN: Diet Plans21

Ideal diet: Capricorns are skeptical of diets. Using small simple meals successfully reduced diet. Because of their weight loss program consists of several meals a day with a mandatory four snacks: an integral delicacy of bread with cheese, tomatoes, basil and yogurt. Tip: Movement is very important for capricorns. Before going to bed do a few exercises for the hips and legs.AQUARIUS: By Nature22

There are three types of Aquarius. Adventurers from diet that make competitive discipline, constantly try new recipes and going to new exotic restaurants. Tasters who constantly eating something and can not wait for lunch time. The third stereotype, prone to routine food and do not mind. All have a common weakness for sweets. Aquarius also want to eat in the circle of friends.AQUARIUS: Diet Plans23

Ideal diet: many small meals suit their quick temper. Plan sweet snacks, for example. from strawberries. Mix 100 grams of cleaned strawberries, 100 g low calorie cheese, 2 tablespoons orange juice and pour a teaspoon of honey. Tip: Let your imagination help to lose weight. If you eat a cake with icing, cake imagine exactly what you eat and gradually turn fantasy into much fat a person. You see, this view you drove a sweet tooth.PISCES: By Nature24

Pisces are not fastidious. Will they eat it is at hand, which will then lead to more weight. This is particularly apparent in stressful situations or when they have love problems. Pisces are not very disciplined, fail to implement the diet to end and very easy to forget it as if friends invite to dinner.PISCES: Diet Plans25

Ideal diet: eating a lot of fluid is ideal for fish, at least three liters a day. Think about that hot drinks more you saturate from cold. Drink herbal teas, water or lemonade. It is enough to take five meals a day. Hunger can always lie about the whole nuggets or flakes. For dinner prepare tomato soup. Tip: Pisces are important to feel sieve, because hunger is not filed. A good trick is to drink fluids frequently, so you will not feel hungry.26