Diary of Karana Survival for 7 days

Diary of Karana Survival for 7 days BY: Geraldo V.T and Leonardo B.F Class: 8.2


Diary of Karana Survival for 7 days. BY: Geraldo V.T and Leonardo B.F Class: 8.2. Prologue. It’s been a very hard day since Ramo’s death. I will have to survive in the island on my own . I started to think to collect things and survive on my own . Day 1. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Diary of Karana Survival for 7 days

Page 1: Diary of Karana Survival for 7 days

Diary of Karana

Survival for 7 daysBY: Geraldo V.T and

Leonardo B.FClass: 8.2

Page 2: Diary of Karana Survival for 7 days


It’s been a very hard day sinceRamo’s death. I will have tosurvive in the island on myown. I started to think tocollect things and survive on myown.

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Day 1The first thing that come to my mind is food. So, I startto find food at the beach. After I search between somerocks, I found a lot of abalones. I also try to catch somefish which is so hard because I catch it with my barehand. After I found some food, I start to collect sticks tomake fire. Then, I start to cook the fish and abalonesand eat them all. That night I sleep on a high rock.

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Day 2When I wake up, I make a stone spear with thesticks I found yesterday, a sharp stone that I justfind beside the high rock, and vines not far fromthe high rock. With that spear I can catch thefish easier. I collect food for a week. I also collecta bunch of sticks to make fire for a week. I alsofind a bit of fresh water under the rocks.

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Day 3Today I start to travel the island. I find a hot spring onthe way to the top of the cliff and I also find a placewhere the sea elephants are, just below the cliff on theother side. Before I come back to the high rock, I take abath in the hot spring. I came back to the high rock andtake all of my belongings to a place near the hot springbelow the tree. That night I sleep on a tree branch andthe wild dogs is disturbing me all night long.

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Day 4This morning, after I eat, drink and take a bath on thespring, I try to get some sea elephant’s tusk to makeweapon. Using the stick, the vine, and the seaelephant’s tusk, I made a stronger spear to protectmyself from the wild dogs. After I finished this spear, Istart to collect the material to make a small house ofmy own. I start to collect a bigger and stronger wood,more vines, and palm leaves.

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Day 5Like usual I take a bath, drink and eat some fishand abalones. I start to build my house besidethe tree. While I’m doing my work, the wild dogsare disturbing me. So, I kill them one by one. Atnight I tried to find the wild dog’s lair and makea fire in front of their lairs to scared them.

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Day 6Like yesterday after I take a bath, drink and eat, Icontinue to build my house and finish my house. After Ifinish my house the wild dogs start to come and attackme. I killed some of them, but they’re a lot morecoming, so I burn the vines and stick that I have left andthrow it to them. They all go away. After the battle, Ibailed water on the fire to blew them out. This night Isleep in my house that I just build.

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Day 7Today I wake up late at noon. I eat, drink, take abath, and rest for the whole days because todayI don’t feel like doing anything. I just want torest all day long. I also have thinking to make aboat and leave the island for the next day