Diary of a Survivor...A cruise ship is about to set sail on a cruise from Southampton to New York...

Diary of a Survivor

Transcript of Diary of a Survivor...A cruise ship is about to set sail on a cruise from Southampton to New York...

Page 1: Diary of a Survivor...A cruise ship is about to set sail on a cruise from Southampton to New York with stops at the Canary Islands and Bermuda. The ship is a very large and grand vessel.

Diary of a Survivor

Page 2: Diary of a Survivor...A cruise ship is about to set sail on a cruise from Southampton to New York with stops at the Canary Islands and Bermuda. The ship is a very large and grand vessel.

Here is a map of the ship’s route. You can colour it in if you wish. Make a list of up to TEN things you could not travel without. This might include your mobile phone and other gadgets, your favourite clothes or footwear, make-up, jewellery etc.











It is the 15th June. A cruise ship is about to set sail on a cruise from Southampton to New York with stops at the Canary Islands and Bermuda. The ship is a very large and grand vessel. Her crew are all very experienced sailors but the ship is getting old and some of her equipment is no longer safe. You are one of the passengers on board the luxury liner. What you and the other passengers do not know as you set out is that this will be her final voyage. Your diary will serve as a very personal record of the events of the ship’s last days.

Page 3: Diary of a Survivor...A cruise ship is about to set sail on a cruise from Southampton to New York with stops at the Canary Islands and Bermuda. The ship is a very large and grand vessel.

Have you ever been on a cruise before? If you have, write about your experience including details about what you saw and did on board ship, the places you visited, the people you met, what the food was like etc. If you have never been on a cruise, write down what you think it would be like to live on board a passenger ship and whether or not it is something you would like to do and why. I have / have never been on a cruise before.




























Page 4: Diary of a Survivor...A cruise ship is about to set sail on a cruise from Southampton to New York with stops at the Canary Islands and Bermuda. The ship is a very large and grand vessel.












Study the plan of the ship. Decide where your cabin is. Find out how to get from your cabin to: 1. THE RESTAURANT





Mark the routes on the plan. Look at the pictures of life on board a cruise liner and the plan to see what the ship offers in the way of entertainments and activities. There is an empty room between the library and the 1st class bar. What would you like there to be in that room? Add it to the plan. Decide how you would like to spend your time on the ship and list up to TEN things you would do.

Page 5: Diary of a Survivor...A cruise ship is about to set sail on a cruise from Southampton to New York with stops at the Canary Islands and Bermuda. The ship is a very large and grand vessel.

Now write your diary for the 15th and 16th of June. Describe all the different things you see as you find your way about the ship.

June 15 Today we set sail from Southampton on our 4 week cruise to New York. As soon as we were out to sea, I

decided to have a look around the ship.




























Page 6: Diary of a Survivor...A cruise ship is about to set sail on a cruise from Southampton to New York with stops at the Canary Islands and Bermuda. The ship is a very large and grand vessel.

How was your first night on the ship? Did you sleep well? Do you feel sea-sick? How do you spend your first full day on board?

June 16

Internet connection on board a cruise ship is not always very reliable. You decide to go old-school and write a postcard which you will post when the ship docks at the Canary Islands.


















Page 7: Diary of a Survivor...A cruise ship is about to set sail on a cruise from Southampton to New York with stops at the Canary Islands and Bermuda. The ship is a very large and grand vessel.

Look at the pictures of people on the ship. Who are they? What are they like? How did each of them come to be on the ship? Are they all enjoying the cruise? What would they be like to talk to?

You meet and talk to at least two of the people in the pictures above. Describe how you meet, what they are like and what you talk about.

June 17























Page 8: Diary of a Survivor...A cruise ship is about to set sail on a cruise from Southampton to New York with stops at the Canary Islands and Bermuda. The ship is a very large and grand vessel.




























On June 18th the ship arrives at the Canary Islands. You can decide whether or not you get off the ship. If you do disembark, do you head for the beach or do you do some sightseeing? Do you stay with your family or go with friends you have made on board? You can use your imagination or check out some websites: https://www.roughguides.com/article/a-first-timers-guide-to-the-canary-islands/

June 18

Page 9: Diary of a Survivor...A cruise ship is about to set sail on a cruise from Southampton to New York with stops at the Canary Islands and Bermuda. The ship is a very large and grand vessel.

June 19

Today we sailed from the Canaries, on our way to Bermuda. I felt …………………………….. to be back

on board the ship because

Back at Sea












I went to the ship’s cinema to see ………………………………………………………………………………………….

Here’s my film review: (Write about the most recent film you have seen or your favourite
















Page 10: Diary of a Survivor...A cruise ship is about to set sail on a cruise from Southampton to New York with stops at the Canary Islands and Bermuda. The ship is a very large and grand vessel.

The Explosion You are just about to tuck in to a fabulous breakfast in the 1st class restaurant when you hear a loud noise. Although you do not know it yet, there has been an explosion on board. Look at the plan of the ship below and think about the following:

Where does the explosion take place?

What damage does it cause?

What effect does it have on the 1st class restaurant?

How might the people escape from the 1st class restaurant?

Where would they go?

In your diary entry for June 20 you write a description of what happens. Set the scene by writing about what you were doing before the explosion. Then include the following:

What you hear, see and feel when the explosion takes place;

The effects of the explosion on the restaurant and the people there (remember there will be passengers and members of the crew);

Whether or not you stop to help people who are shocked and injured;

Where and when fire breaks out;

Details of your escape to the Boat Deck.

Escape route to boat deck

Page 11: Diary of a Survivor...A cruise ship is about to set sail on a cruise from Southampton to New York with stops at the Canary Islands and Bermuda. The ship is a very large and grand vessel.

June 20

Something terrible happened to us today. It was breakfast time. I was in the 1st class






























Page 12: Diary of a Survivor...A cruise ship is about to set sail on a cruise from Southampton to New York with stops at the Canary Islands and Bermuda. The ship is a very large and grand vessel.

June 20 continued.

You are on the Boat Deck, looking at the fire. Think about the following:

What can you hear, see, smell?

How are you coping emotionally with what is happening?

Is it hot where you are and if so, how does this affect how you are already feeling?

Is the smoke beginning to make it difficult to see what is going on and/or having an impact on you and the others on deck?





















I had just made my way to the far end of the Boat Deck, beyond the Bridge, when suddenly the

whole of the funnel caught fire. The centre of the Boat Deck was a mass of flames. I saw

Page 13: Diary of a Survivor...A cruise ship is about to set sail on a cruise from Southampton to New York with stops at the Canary Islands and Bermuda. The ship is a very large and grand vessel.

Suddenly there was a commotion. A woman was

screaming. She had just realised that her five-

year-old daughter, Tracy, was still in her cabin.

Their cabin was located just under the 1st class

lounge - on the other side of the flames.

I volunteered to help rescue the little girl.

Write a description of what happens. Begin from the point when you offer to rescue Tracy and continue until you get back to where you started from – with or without Tracy.
























Page 14: Diary of a Survivor...A cruise ship is about to set sail on a cruise from Southampton to New York with stops at the Canary Islands and Bermuda. The ship is a very large and grand vessel.

Abandon Ship

Think about the following:

What would it feel like to be on a lifeboat on the open sea, especially as the hours passed and darkness fell?

People would probably react in lots of different ways. Who are the people on your lifeboat? How do they behave?

What happens when you lose contact with the other lifeboats during the night?

Write your diary entries for the remainder of June 20th and for the following day when you wake up to find yourself adrift at sea with no other lifeboats in sight.

The captain gave the order to abandon ship. By this time we all had our lifejackets on and the ship

was listing badly. After what seemed like ages, I got into a lifeboat.
























Page 15: Diary of a Survivor...A cruise ship is about to set sail on a cruise from Southampton to New York with stops at the Canary Islands and Bermuda. The ship is a very large and grand vessel.































Page 16: Diary of a Survivor...A cruise ship is about to set sail on a cruise from Southampton to New York with stops at the Canary Islands and Bermuda. The ship is a very large and grand vessel.

The Island

Think about the following:

How do you and the others on your lifeboat feel when you first see land?

How do you and the others feel when you discover you have landed on a small, uninhabited island?

You will need to find food, water and shelter. What do you do first?

How will you signal for help if you should see a ship or a plane?

Write your diary entry for your first day on the island.

June 22

Having drifted through a second, horrible night at sea, I awoke to a wonderful sight – land!


























Page 17: Diary of a Survivor...A cruise ship is about to set sail on a cruise from Southampton to New York with stops at the Canary Islands and Bermuda. The ship is a very large and grand vessel.

The Island

Draw a map of your island and label all the points of interest.

Page 18: Diary of a Survivor...A cruise ship is about to set sail on a cruise from Southampton to New York with stops at the Canary Islands and Bermuda. The ship is a very large and grand vessel.

Island Life

Describe a typical day on the island.






























Page 19: Diary of a Survivor...A cruise ship is about to set sail on a cruise from Southampton to New York with stops at the Canary Islands and Bermuda. The ship is a very large and grand vessel.

Things I’d Miss

Make a list of the people and things you would miss most if you were stranded on a desert island. You might include pets, food, music, films, books, technology etc. Give your reasons for missing the things on your list.






























Page 20: Diary of a Survivor...A cruise ship is about to set sail on a cruise from Southampton to New York with stops at the Canary Islands and Bermuda. The ship is a very large and grand vessel.


How long have you been on the island when at last someone spots a boat on the horizon?

How do you alert the ship to your presence on the island?

How do you feel when you leave the island?

Now write your diary entry.

Rescued at last


























Page 21: Diary of a Survivor...A cruise ship is about to set sail on a cruise from Southampton to New York with stops at the Canary Islands and Bermuda. The ship is a very large and grand vessel.

It seems as if the whole world wants to hear your story.

How do you feel about being a celebrity and a social media sensation?

Who would you like to be interviewed by and why?

Which famous people would you like to meet and why?

Write a final account about what it is like to be off the island and in the media spotlight.

I’m a Celebrity

























