Diaries 2015-final

Kurutziaga, 1- Apartado 3 - 48200 Durango. Tel 946 810 050 - Fax 946 810 304. E-mail: [email protected] 2015 OUR VISIT TO STONYHURST -DIARIES ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AT OUR SCHOOL AND IN OUR AREA

Transcript of Diaries 2015-final

Kurutziaga, 1- Apartado 3 - 48200 Durango. Tel 946 810 050 - Fax 946 810 304. E-mail: [email protected]




Kurutziaga 1 - Apdo. 3 - 48200 Durango · Tel: 946 810 050 – Fax 946 810 304 · e-mail: [email protected]

Aitor Zuricaray 12th of January 2015

When we arrived at Stony Hurst we met our partners, it was great. Then our partners took us to a tour in

the college, I realized that it is so big.

After that we played some games called ‘’Ice Breakers’’ to know more about our partners, I liked so much

because doing that I spoke a lot with TJ, who is my partner.

Later we went to classes with our partners, that was difficult at the start, but at the final part of the class I

understood almost all the explanations.

After morning classes I went to lunch, I didn’t really like the food but I was so hungry so I ate it.

Then, we went to Avenue farm to take our luggage, when we arrive at Stony Hurst again we had to wear

our track suit and go to do fitness. That was so hard, it was 40-45 minutes jogging, sprinting and crawling

without putting our knees on the floor.

Finally, we had dinner, we had a shower and we went to sleep.

Kurutziaga 1 - Apdo. 3 - 48200 Durango · Tel: 946 810 050 – Fax 946 810 304 · e-mail: [email protected]

January the 13th Bidane Abad

Today was our second day in Stonyhurst College. I woke up at 7 o’clock in

the morning, got dressed and had breakfast with my partners. After that

my partner’s father took us to school. First we had a meeting with all the

people in Grammar. In that meeting we prayed and talked a little bit about

After that we had two hours of class, there were really different of ours.

Then we had a break. In that break we went to the playing room, bought

some sweets and spoke with our friends. After that we had some more

lessons. Then we had lunch and went rapidly to the bus. We went to

Clitheroe and played Treasure hunt. I played with Elene, Maite and Jone. I

Then we returned home, had a shower and had dinner. It was really good,

I liked it so much. Finally I spoke with my partner a little bit and sleeped.

Kurutziaga 1 - Apdo. 3 - 48200 Durango · Tel: 946 810 050 – Fax 946 810 304 · e-mail: [email protected]

14th of January Elene Atutxa I’m Elene Atutxa. Today is 14th of January. In the morning we had toast, cereals, milk and hot chocolate for breakfast. Then, after that we had classes of maths, biology abd chemistry. In maths, I stayed with Jone and we did the homework, then in biology we stayed in the computer doing same as we did in class and in chemistry we did the homework. After that, we had lasajna and meat for lunch, it was delicious. Then again, we had classes. It was boring and then we had duck for dinner, also hot chocolate. After we worked on the project of environment. It was funny because the English student spoke in Spanish. Then, we went to the playroom all Spanish students and the English students started playing football. The day was perfect!

Kurutziaga 1 - Apdo. 3 - 48200 Durango · Tel: 946 810 050 – Fax 946 810 304 · e-mail: [email protected]

Paul Uriarte Bikandi 2015/01/15 We woke up at seven o’clock. We had a shower, and then we went to have breakfast. After that, we went to mass, where they practiced some songs. Then we took the bus to go to the Southport Eco Centre. In the Eco Centre, they explained us about sustainability and how to take care of the environment, and how much water and other things we waste and how to avoid it. We built some motors powered by solar panels, and we also did some other things. Then we took the bus again to go to Liverpool. They gave us the packed lunches, and we went shopping. First we went to a NIKE shop. Then to a McDonald’s, and after that to the Beatles Store, where I bought a teddy bear. And finally we went to an Apple Store, where there was free WiFi so we could talk to our family and friends. At ten for four, we returned to the bus, and we went back to the school, where we had dinner. After dinner, Peter explained us some things, and then we talked about the next day. Finally, we went to bed.

Kurutziaga 1 - Apdo. 3 - 48200 Durango · Tel: 946 810 050 – Fax 946 810 304 · e-mail: [email protected]

16th January 2015 | Itxaso Alonso Today, in the morning I woke up at 7pm. First, I got dressed. Then, I went to take the breakfast. I ate

some biscuits and some cold milk. I don’t like cold milk, because in my opinion hot milk is better than

cold milk. The family was very kind with me, because they bought some biscuits only for me.

After that, we went to school by car. We had a talk in the playroom with a teacher. Later, we took the

bus and we went to a factory called Bowland Bioenergy. In this factory, they work with wood. They

make some process and, finally, the wood can be used in the houses and, for example, in Stonyhurst

College . They use to heat school. The Stonyhurst College is the best client of the factory. It was very

interesting, because they only do things that don’t contaminate the environment.

Then, we took the bus again and we came to school. We went to an English class until 12:45pm. In this

class we read a poem about a “Highwayman”. It was boring.

After, we had lunch, we went to the library, because I didn’t see my exchange partner. At 5pm we went

to the swimming pool to see the competition.

Finally, I went home with Katie at 6pm.

Kurutziaga 1 - Apdo. 3 - 48200 Durango · Tel: 946 810 050 – Fax 946 810 304 · e-mail: [email protected]

2005 JANUARY17TH -Jasone Lasuen Dear diary, Today, I woke up at 6:50 o’clock to take a shower with Elene and Jone. Then, we took the breakfast and we returned to our bedrooms. Later, we went to the Grammar Room, where we meet the others. After that, we were to the reception to be with the teachers, because it was the day to do shooting. First the Sir, he teach us how to use the arm. All the girls, we were a little bit scared, because we

thought that it was dangerous. The Sir, he did 4 groups and in each group there were 4 people. My group was: Itxaso, Maria, Jone and

me. And we were the last ones. When we entered, the Sir was checking if all was well. He entered the bullet, I pointed the arm to the

cardboard and I shoot the bullet. When we watched the points of all of the teams, we saw that the best one was our with 75 points. As we won this competition of shooting, the Sir, he gaves us a tin of orange and chocolate. It was

delicious. Then, we went to eat. I think that the food of this day it was the best one. Later, we went to the library and we did a lot of homework. After that, we had the dinner and finally, we went to bed.

Kurutziaga 1 - Apdo. 3 - 48200 Durango · Tel: 946 810 050 – Fax 946 810 304 · e-mail: [email protected]

Jokin Garcia Saturday 17th JANUARY 2015 Today I got up at 6:30. I had a shower and I had breakfast. I ate a toast with chocolate and coffee I went to school and at 8:45 we started with the shooting activity. At the beginning the instructor explained us how to shoot and then in groups of four we shot 5 shots. Then we went four lunch. After eating we stayed at the playroom tile quarter to three. At quarter to three we get on the bus and at three o clock we started the trip to the stadium. We ar4rived to AJ bell stadium and we saw both team getting down the bus and going to the stadium. Before that we went to the shop, some people bought something, and then we went to the stadium. When we entered we bought a hot dog to eat. We saw all the game and it was great. Finally, we get on the bus and went home. It was a fantastic day!

Kurutziaga 1 - Apdo. 3 - 48200 Durango · Tel: 946 810 050 – Fax 946 810 304 · e-mail: [email protected]

Inazio -Sunday 18th of January

On Sunday morning my partner Thomas, his father and me went to treetop trek, Treetop trek are three trails, the trails are between the trees and there

are ropes in the air and you have to pass from these ones and in the end there was a zip-line that has 250 metres long. This experience is really good. Then we went with all the family to eat to a restaurant and the food was delicious. Finally when we come to house we saw a film that the name is: X MAN and then we had dinner and at 22:00 o’clock we went to the bedroom to sleep.

Kurutziaga 1 - Apdo. 3 - 48200 Durango · Tel: 946 810 050 – Fax 946 810 304 · e-mail: [email protected]

Diary by Paul Bengoetxea Jan 19th, 2015

Today’s been a completely different day from the rest of the days. First, because we could wake up at 9:30, not as the usual seven o’clock. Then, because we’ve had to wear smart clothes, because we’ve been to mass between 10:30 and 11:30. The most surprising thing of mass has been that they’ve spent almost all the time singing. When it’s finished, we’ve had brunch. It’s a mixture between breakfast and lunch. There you could eat pancakes, ice cream, bacon, fried eggs and many more things. After that, the boarding people have taken the bus to go to Trafford Centre Mall near Manchester. The travel has lasted over an hour. We had heard that it was the biggest shopping centre in of Europe, and, effectively, when we’ve arrived, we’ve realised that it was huge. There, we’ve had lots of time for doing some shopping or for eating something in the big variety of restaurants that the mall has. We’ve come back at 17:15, have dinner and go to bed. In conclusion, it’s been an amazing day.

Kurutziaga 1 - Apdo. 3 - 48200 Durango · Tel: 946 810 050 – Fax 946 810 304 · e-mail: [email protected]

Monday 19th of January 2015, Jon Ander Obeso We woke up at seven o`clock as usual in the school, we had a shower and we dressed up for half past seven. After that, we went to the refectory to have the breakfast. It was a poor breakfast comparing with the one we had the Sunday. That was amazing, with a lot of things to eat like sausages omelettes etc. Later we went to class with our partners. I had studies, that is like a particular class were they study. I went there with my partner Benedict Franke, he is so nice. I was alone in that class, I mean, I was the only Spanish exchange in the class. When the class finished i met all the Spanish students and we went to a class. We read about fast food, geography and some history of the college. At half past seven, some Spanish students went to Spanish class so it was so easy for us. At quarter to one, we went to the refectory to have lunch, that was good. In the afternoon, we went to Peter`s class where we do the project about the environment. And to finish the day, in our free time we went to some rooms of the school to chat with our friends. It was fantastic! A great day!

Kurutziaga 1 - Apdo. 3 - 48200 Durango · Tel: 946 810 050 – Fax 946 810 304 · e-mail: [email protected]

JANUARY 20th JONE ASTARLOA This morning, I got up at 7:00 o’clock. I had a shower and I had breakfast with Jasone and Elene. Then, the Basque people had an art class only for us. We worked with sgraffito and environmental drawing. I liked it very much. After that, I had a geography lesson with my partner Poppy. It was quite boring. Then, my friends and I went to the library to do some homework. We had lunch and immediately after we went to Old Trafford stadium by bus. I really liked it! It was amazing! We visited the museum, the shop, the stadium… My friends bought some t-shirts and presents for the families, friends… We took the bus again and we returned to the Stonyhurst College. We had dinner and at 19:00 o’clock we went to Peter’s class to do the homework and we spoke about the day. It was a fantastic day!

Kurutziaga 1 - Apdo. 3 - 48200 Durango · Tel: 946 810 050 – Fax 946 810 304 · e-mail: [email protected]

21ST JANUARY –Lidia Sobrino Today I got up at nine o’clock in the morning , then I went to breakfast and I had some cereals

and milk, for breakfast.Later at ten thirty I went to mass with my partner, and that was boring

because I didn’t understand what the prayer was saying. After that I went to brunch with my friends, the brunch was strange because it was like

breakfast and lunch at same time. At twelve fourty five we took the bus to go to Trafford

centre, that is located in Manchester. The trip was fun because we were talking with some

spanish girls and they were very nice. At one ten we arrived to the Trafford centre, there we

bought some presents for our parents and also some thing for us. At five o’clock we took the bus to go back to Stonyhurst, in the bus we were so tired, because

we walked a lot.At six o’clock we arrived to Stonyhurst, there I talked with my partner. When I

arrived home I started to talk with my parents by whatsapp, and at seven o’clock I had tea: I

ate meat with chips. Finally at nine o’clock I went to bed.

Kurutziaga 1 - Apdo. 3 - 48200 Durango · Tel: 946 810 050 – Fax 946 810 304 · e-mail: [email protected]

22nd January, 2015 Maite Ollo Today I wake up at 7 o’clock. At usual we arrive late. Today we do something special because we go to the church to sing. We never do this before, so it was interesting. Later we had a special class only for the Spanish students. In that lesson we continue with the activities about “The Highwayman”. It was a little bit boring, but I won a chocolate biscuit. Then I had computer lesson with my partner. I finish the class and continued, I had break of 30 minutes. Later I had games, but I don´t play, so I help the teacher with some exercises. When they finish the lesson, we go to have lunch. After lunch I had 2 lessons of Biology and history. They are very funny comparing with our classes, so I like them. To finish well the day we had a party with all the students´ exchanges. We eat some cookies and drinks and we say goodbye to our new friends. A perfect day to finish the travel!!

Kurutziaga 1 - Apdo. 3 - 48200 Durango · Tel: 946 810 050 – Fax 946 810 304 · e-mail: [email protected]

23232323rdrdrdrd of January 2015| Maria Albizuriof January 2015| Maria Albizuriof January 2015| Maria Albizuriof January 2015| Maria Albizuri Today we are really sad, because it´s the last day here, but we are also happy because we are going to meet again with our families. The best thing here I think that was the trip to the Old Trafford, because I love watching football matches and I would never thought, that I should be in such as an important stadium. The worst thing here, I think that was the moment that we need to say good-bye to our English families and English friends, because I think that they are really good people. The only things I had missed, are the family and the home food. But I think that the food is not very bad. I think that I have improve my English to a certain extent, because I am more fluent now. I recommend this exchange to everybody, because it´s a fantastic experience. I know that the marks are going to take down, but what happens? The marks you can get it better, you can recover it, but not the experience. WHAT I DID TODAY I woke up as usual, at 7 o´clock. Then I have breakfast and I came to school. We said good-bye to everyone and we took the bus, at 8:45. We arrived to the airport very early. We checked in our suitcases and we had time to watch the shops. We got on the plane and we had returned. When we met again with our families, we were really happy. Finally we said good-bye and we returned to our houses.

Bye-bye Stonyhurst ´15!!!!