di Retail K and Q-rocery Blme. T -...

y C i U l f 6 i u i i r t - - 3 i r » i ' a i s a j j d . <*ol«l. ' Tho WasMugton Union igives n letter from Gsli- foriiiu, diitoi! Dec. 20; from wliiuh we ext.raot: "Within'sis weeks, moyo tlum twenty murders have occurred hi n. white population of Iras than 15.000souls: The people arc now noting in self- defence; anil taut 1 or fivo (lays.sinoo three men-were Jiung by -Lynch l a w , 60 miles from this place. It. is of the last liiliportanoe that the distressing condition of California should bo impressed upon those at Washington who have thoipower of applying a irem- eiy. The people are now preparing to organize a .provisional government * * but should Con- gross give us a territorial organization at tho present session, it will 'Supersede tliopopulnr local organiza- tion now Kiting place, but which cannot go into ef- fect before tho ensuing summer. The United States revenue laws are now in force here, and will yield an income of say S300.O00 the ensuing year, and p e r h a p s move, and four-fifths of this amount will be collected at this port. Much dissatisfaction exists nt the payment of such n tax on the part of the in- habitants, without cither a government, or a repre- sentation. Tins feeling is gaining ground front day to day. 1 wrote you a very long semi-official letter some, time since, (Sept. 18th.) going at length into the history of tltogold mines. 1 trust that you have re- ceived that communication, its i t accompanied o.ther official papers, all of which, T am informed, were correctly seat from Mnzatlnn to Vera Cruz about six weeks since. I have only time now to inform you thai every thing stated in that letter has been m o r e than rdtlize-l up to this date. The gold mines oontintte to boas rich as before, although thorainy season has caused m a n y to suspend their work t There cm ho no d o u b t but that nt least SJ,000,000 ' of gold, at Sid per ounce troy, has been taken, from , thymines. The most accurate estimates I am able to make show that SI.500 000 have been sent from the couutry,nnd $1,000,000 of it has gone from this port. One vessel took 6100,000. "Twothirds of till that lias been exported has gone to foreign coun- tries, and, consequently to foreign mints. I am. dear sir, in great haste, yours trulv, J. L. FOLSOM. 3% Days Later fro HI San Frmiciscc. Rout. Atlierton. a merchant of San Frnnoisco. ar- rived in Now York yesterday. He left on the 10th . D e c , a n d brings 3.1-days later advice from the gold region. Entire credit is accorded to hisstatcments. Mr. A. know one company which went out from San Francisco, with all the proper tools, maoliincs and accessories, whose members after digging some- time, returned without paying expenses—neverthe- less with fair luck, and hard work n man may obtain 3 oz of gold on an average per day. It is not ofton found in lumps, still M r . A . has seen on« miss weighing 7 lbs, and a friend one of 21 lbs. T h e number of persons who had been to the mines when ho left, wore 10,000, hut there had not been >nore than 2500 digging at any one timo. One man of his acquaintance, a blacksmith, got SI 0,000 worth in 3 weeks. A good many Indians had boon em- ployed by tlto miners, but they are poor assistants as they do not work steadily. Mr. A. brings with him the bills of lading of S20.000 in gold, s h i p p e d on English account, on which lip proposes to effect an insurance here. ' H e nls > confirms the account of the gold in the U. S. ahip Lexington; he states she has S500,000. Cin- nabar H also found in great abundance. A rich mint) lias been found within 3 miles of Sun Francisco. There was nothing doing at tho mines when he left owing to the rainy season. There was much sickness in the gold diggings, and no disturbances. Good hoard can be obtained nt S.in Francisco at SIO per week. Provisionsplenty at fair prices. The population about 1000. An extensive " P l a c e r " has been discovered in Oreaou. and it was reported at San Francisco, that all the inhabitants of Oregon city had gone there. Ships drawing S feet can sni! one hundred and fifty miles up IheS.toraincnto. Nr.w YORK, Feb. 15. California. T h e dispalolt of Com. Jnnes appears in the papers of to-day. Ho advises the sale of the gold regions as the hast, if not t h e only practicable disposition to . h e m u l e of thorn in the present disorganized state of society. T e n of t h e fifteen murders ho mentioned, were the entire household ol'a respectable rancltero. consisting of hi» wife, two children and six servants. T h o man. whose name was Reed, had been very successful in tlirdiggins during the summer, nn'l had returned to his homo near Santa Barbara, with a largo amount or gold. I-Iis house was surprised by an armed party, and the whole family, as above staled, barbarously mur- dered, and gnl'l t a k e n . The perpetrators of this horrid deed aro still at large. Of the other five eases, four arc highway robbe- ries committed on persons returning with gold from the mines. E m i a r a n l i from the United Stales, vmiaway sail- v»rp. lUglnndcd snliti.-rs and deserter; from the army and navy, are believed to lie the jruiltv persons. T h e mutinies. nltetnU'.i with murders, alluded to an a nrerimwilinpiteh. were o"tifirm"d and he issued a circular unlering :i elo^e search of nil the vc-spls •on the co'ist, who«e movi'monti were suspicions. Tie -sivs a secret arrival from C ill in reports that the Ad-ilini had been taken intothat port, and tho muti- neer-', eight in number, promptly executed. Rumors aro current of two more murders Six American vessels have been wreekM at Ghagros, out of oight arrivals there, i n a short time. Thostcamei'California was !i0 days mid 19 hours going from New York to Panama. She and two ships t h e r e would t a k e all the passengers for San Francisco, numbering some 700. She brought from CaUao and Paytn, SllS.GOO for California. •A. Card. M. tillNgST PUPIKOFER, from Switzerland, is desirous of receiving a limited number or Ladies and Gentlemen .to instrucl in the Gprmtiu and French Languages. For further particulars, enqiiho at llic ofliec of MulliaS. Goodale, Iron Blockiwbcre Mr. P'b- testimonials can be seen/ Watoilown, Feb. 14, 18'I0, 27w4 SAnD&KoAM.s—When these inflamed tumors become I roue lesome, mid w ill not yield tool her romedics, flTercbant's Gar- gling- Oil will jmiiridv I'euiov.o iliein, us iL also will callous lYomolliorpuirsof the aunii.il. Secailroiliso.mtut in this paper. A pamphlet or description may he hud grai it- of the agent. TVpOTICE OF'APPIICATION FOR THE X \ discharge of antil'solve'iit from his debt's, pursuant to the provisions of (he 3-1 article of the 1st title nfthe Slh chap- torof the 2d part ot, the He vised Statutes. ELUK-riW iVWUSR,ittOrlcaps, ill the Count; ot Jefferson, elotlee, fir t published January 9,1849. Creditors to ap- pear and show, caitrfo-hoioi-e l he Hon. Hubert Lansina. Cnmi- ly Judge nt" JBliorsou. County, Counsellor, 4sn., at hic'nfficoan Wimii-low.n(in said County, oll'.tho 1 St day of March, I819,al lOilV-tnul: in tho forenoon,. 'JlwlS. OH.U.I), WRIGHT, Att'ylor Insolvent. NEW-YORK MARKET. Ki;w Vonit, Feb. 17—7 P . M . FLOUR—The inquiry to day was good, and the market, firm nt S5 06 |hS5 GL'£ for common and good brands and SO 87.JaS(i 1BJ for pure. Tho sales add up 4000 bids. For fut.uredeli.very the market is firm. Within a month or two the stock of Canadian has been considerably decreased, by shipments to the British provinces. GRAIN--Sales 2000 bushels wheat via N. O., at 11210, 000 do W. C. at 100al09p, 1000 clo\Long Island UOnlSO; in addition to the Genesee quoted yesterday there have been sold lately SOOO b u s b o l s prime at 132c for milling. Corn is in fair inquiry; white is heavy; sales 35,000 bushels nt 40n-17c for damaged, 83a0dc for white and GOc for yellow north- ern, and G<la65 for southern. Sales 1200 bushels rye nt OGo. There are rumors afloat that the sales of Genesee whent.during thepastmonth have reach- ed 40.000 bush, but these sales are exasperated 15,- 000 bushels. PROVISIONS—The market is firmer for pork to •day ; mess is up to S11 50 an improvement of 50 to 75c per bid; sales 500 bids at 611 25aSll 50 and Sll 37J was offered for 1000 bids; prime is scarce nnd nominal; city mess sells in small lots ntSJ3nS13 50. Beef is without, further change; sales 300 brls at previous rates. Sales 100 brls beef hams at S10, and 100 do prime mess beef nt S17. Lard is 6Ja 0}o witli small sales. About 250 hhds pork hams sold nt7Ja8c. Dressed hogs are 7JaSc and scarce. Butter and cheese no change. F RESH FROM TnK MARKET. AT THE NEW Boulc Sinre, nccl door in r.lie Post Ortiee, a largo and choice iissoi'tmcnt of Buolcs, adapted to private, common and Sumiy School Libraries. The public arc invited to call and ex.imiiio. 27tf MACAULY'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND. P RICE, SHEEP $2.50. MUSLIN §2,00 PER VOLUME.—For Said by J. C. STKltUNG. WEKSTER'S DICTIONARY UNABRIDGED. "PRICE $8—FOR SALE BY J. Q. STERLING. f^IIAPMAN'S DRAWING BOOK, THE BEST W w o r k on Drawing yet published—prieeiiO,: per No. For rule by J. C.STISKLIKG. MARSH'S TEMPERANCE ANECDOTES. A N INTERESTING BOOK FOR CHILDREN.— Far admit the NEW BOOK STORE. A DMWISTRATOR'S NOTICR-NOTICE JC.JL. 1-* lmr«tjy yi von ionllp arsons Inlying dbmi)nilH ngiiiimt blijuiiIIiims,dei:eaKC'itnf Adum.s, Jefiurson nonnty, to pre- som'ilia saioo to lh'*iulinii)isLr;itorSj6nor before ihe'kh d.\y of A|jriLn..KSt, ai iheir I'tihiiluiuie in Adums. Dated,Sopt27, 18J8 WILLIAM HAKK1S, SIMI30N H. HARRIS, ?'«6 Administrators. H OUSE TRIMMINGS.—HAVING BECOME the Agents rnvlhcsHle ol Price & Dana's celebrated LOOKSam\ LATOHJ3St w e n o w OHVT lo the pnblielhc largesiiissovtmenl over nflercd in this mtirkor; nn<l whiil IP imporlani, we- are aiilhorised lo sell Iliein at the saviiprices Hfpniaiiuritctm-erspcllilifim at in Uiiaa. ThoPcbuildin»7Jw Oo/^cpwilldo well lo call,indcxamiiiothoJ2«rai!Lockand LiilchjAirsnleatNo. 2, Iron Block, by Fob 1-1, lS-10, Ooorun & WOODRUFF, rjARRIAGE TRIMMINGS.—BROADCLOTH, V y brhml iinil nil .-row Lace, Rubber (Jlolli.FiciifedLiniilgs Fringe,Oil Cloth, Door Fastenings, brass and plated banilr, Carriage Un^-s, and M-illoable Iron in groat variety, just re coivoilulNo Ijlrou Block, by Eeb. IT, 1848. Coooeur. 5: WOODHOFP. M ALLEABLE CASTINGS.—A GOOD AS- sornnenlat J. S. VAN B U R E N ' S Feb. G, 1849. . 25|f BROWN SHEETINGS. (CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND FOB SALE \_J by the Bale, at Factory prices, liy UPHAitf k LAWYER, No, I, Iron Bloclc. 25tf CUeapest A ND BEST PLACE TO BUY GOODS, IS AT UPHAM & LA WYE It'S, „„ No. 1, Iron Block. N. B. Heavy Brown Sheeting, at Gil peryard. di Retail and Q-rocery Blme. At THE S'IG.N OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN, UNDER THE BAI>T1ST CHURCH. The following comprises b u t a small part*of the Articles kept at his Store Druss & Medicines g hae Camphor Culi i m el Pl»ium Morptiino Rtr.vchnino Peperine Quinine Quick Silver Niirnte or Silver OH Rhodium Oil Peppermint Oil Wintersrecn OilLniuon OilBftrgamot Oil Lavendyr Oil Oitmamon Oil Cloves Oil Organum Oil Cctiar Oil Wormwood "Fe\"T Oil Fndideoflron Iodine Iodide of Pot. Counter Flesh Nail Comb HHt Lather Horse Scrub Pain i Varnish Sash Striping Marking do -tio do do do do do do do do do do do do Imperial do Briinsvvirk do Prussian Bine Ultramarine do Chinese • do Jlosf Pink Persian Iirow Verdig •« Vermjllion Drop Lake Carmine nnd Oils, Log Wood Cam Wood Red Wood Kustitk Quercitron bark Lacdyo Curcuma Red Sanders Patent Medicines, g l l ^ " Co.^ch Varnjsh Furniture do Dye-Woods, PaiiitsIiX i,,s f„ Turptutine Winter SncrmOJI Kail do "Whale (Bleached) do Olive do Casior do Linseed do Hal h Brick RTaUOies "T^JOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT THE OF" X ^ HCEof'TliclKTOtanil Limerick Plank Road Com- panr," will btluoLtttlltli Stun of Levi Smith, In Limerick, tiiilit rm-llior noltfo according to Law. By order nf the Di rectors.—Dated, LmoWck, Jan. 3t, 1849. 2Dw3 * L. SMITH, Treasurer. MAHOGANY CLOTH. J UST RECEIVED A QUANTITY OP SUPERIOR Miillo?aiij. Clmli. rurl'iaiin, Tablenittl Sland covers, va- rying in width from 22 Indies to -1 ft>et. It is al.-'o an excel, leiilarlicle for Bar anil Kci-ess counters, being aoreparalion that is not injured hylliaapplicalion of boiling waler or spir* its. For sale at No. I, Iron Bloclc, l,v Mlf UfcHAM & LAWVER. Ri>«i;iria o f M r . EJicIiiKSon, in tSsc IT. s. ScuiUo on s5«o USiJl to reduce tiic rates of I'oslagfo. M r . Dickinson, in answor lo the suggestion of tlto Senator from Murylnrnl, [Mr Pcurcej that the pro- posed nmemlinutit, allowing n free circulation, of pa- pers throughout the county where pulilishol, or for thirty miles, would ho partial and unequal. I should bo g l a d to he informed what portion of t h e whole post office system docs not to some extent, operate partial- ly aud unequally. [ am one of those who regard the exercisu of this function by Government as ar- bitrary and ollioious, and withal unnecessary; and I believe there are. n o w lull-grown men within the hearing of my voice who will live to sec the whole post office system, ns at present conducted by Gov- ernment superseded by one more cheap, safe, and ef- ficient, regulated by free competition and conducted by private enterprise. And when the new sections of the country arc more fully setlled.it will certain- ly he adopted. The amendmeut under consideration is, to be sure, pnrtiiil in one sense, but it in fact is an approach to impartiality anil justice, as nearly as may b e , i n a system where, from the very 'nature of tho case, perfect equality is impossible. There is a good reason for the discrimination which the amend- ment seeks. The small country sheet ought not to pay the same postage as the heavy commercial sheet of the large cities. One is taken by merchants and others in cities nnd villages; the other by those in humble circumstances beyond tho hills and the moun- tains. One is sought for its commercial news—to learn the rates of t h e stock exchange and the state of the markets; the other mainly for its fund of mis- cellaneous intelligence and instructing reading mat- ter, and serves us a school for children nnd acircula- ting library for t h e neighborhood. Besides, since the country hits been checkered with railroads and traversed by steam conveyances, and the improve- ments in machinery introduced into the large print- ing establishments, the local .press unaided by large circulation and commercial advertisements, cannot compete with that of the cities. It brings steam and sinews in competition, a n d tho first must triumph.— The daily pipers of the cities, at tho close of the week, throw together selected articles from their daily editorials, and print a weekly issue, which they sow broadcast throughout the country nt a price lower by half than a local paper can possibly he afforded. But this issue is much of it made up of stale items of city news, of comparatively little interest iu n family—too' often of police reports, and kindred intelligence, which furnish an unhealthy al- iment, both prolilless nnd injurious; while the coun- try press usually contains much valuable miscellany, useful to all, anil especially to the young. That one class of papers may not have nn undue advantage over another at least equally useful and discerning, and that the rending public, separate from commer- cial pursuits, tuny not be deprived of their favorite means of amusement and instruction, I favor the pro- posed amendment permitting country journals to cir- culate, with tho proposed limitation, free. If I can- not obtain this, I shall then move that this olass of papers pay one-quarter of a cent, and I urge this view to mako the advantages extended to public journals by Government, as far as may bo under the circumstances, cqnal. I repeat, 1 know that it. will, after all, be pnvtinl, b u t t h e whole system is founded on partiality; it is artificial at the best, and legisla- tion cannot mako it otherwiso; but it will romain so Until Government surrenders the usurpation of this function, and the conveyance of letters and uowspapers shnll be left, as it ultimately will bo, to free competition," L,ieut. Maury cites immorous fncts to prove tho existence of a rook very near the surface of the wa- ter directly on the track to Kuropo. Cnpt. Walsh is almost positive ho saw i t on his last trip and des- cribes it as appearing about tho size of tho hull of a ship of 500 tons, O UTLINES OF PHYSIOGNOMY, BY J. S. IlGDFIEt.O—lllnsliiiii'il. Science Ail amll-cmcnl pinihiiiMl-prlcpa.'ic. FnrMlchy J. C. STIiliUNG. WEDDING CAKE BOXES. S OMETHING NEW FOR THIS LATITUDE, Qilitoaeunvcu.cnccto 1 bote about lo be mariird.—For sale t.y J. C. STERLING. S TRAYED FROM THE SUBSCRIBER, THE 1ST Volume of Piescotl's "Kordinand nml Isabella." The nri'sriit li'issossor is rcqiieste,! to return it wiihnnl delay. Feb. M, 18-10. S7«'4 E.Q.SEWALL. ATTENTION, FARMERS!! PLOVER SEED.—25 BUSHELS CLOVER \J Seed, lai ge kind, Irom Onoadaua (',,., for sale hv J. S. VAN I1URFN. Feb. an, IS ID. No. 3, WondrulPs Bl"ck. THE STUDY Or VEARS IlEDUOEn TO A FEWMIOUltS. Waiting ®CMOQI. Messrs. C. It Packard & A. 0* Goss, PROFESSORS OF PEKMASSWP, IN ALL ITS VARIETY, W ILL oppii theirOIHRH For iiWnifHon in ilienlinvcmm- ttnitnl An.nn Tuesday, Vcli.27, at No.2, mlnUTs Blnek, (uiuler Wlnvlnck--.) Knom fipen frnm 9 A. IW.,lo 0 P. M. All admirers of gooil wri*IMJT me ror-pccifnlly mvitetl to nttrnil. CS^Privuii' iuMructimis lo ihose who cannot convcntttilly niioml nf tin* rnrrni. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.—Pimsu- ,,/TA AiN'Tinun HI dor of l.ysamk-r H. Htii\vn,Siirrop;itcof liit c .tinty nf J flV'on: N*>'|T i:< l i r i r l v ? n - n 1>> ad f't-r .-nn-. titmtigrlumsor tloinnntls ngniiiM ihco-iarniif Charl*" 1 [Junt, hiicor'lie m u n f'f Aniv.iv[i, in paid rnuni.v.iirm i'^- t-p,ispi), in i\\iii!.i> ilif ram** with vum-hers ilu r^uf in AWon Ad !pi>t nnrnfili* Ailiiiinl-tiatnis ol the Kii<1 <!i'C<*nt-Pil,Htthi* CMiltiiofitir I!H< said A'hi.ini'U.vr-i- in ill* MI id town of A tit- we* p , « n rn licPitf ilip twi'iiij-fifih i'av i-f Alans' nr-xi—Da* Mil. rM.runi.v2l, IMO. AL1M.N ADAMS, jtisKPii n.iirr.VT, 2~t, R A<Imini-ira'«»vp. "jVJ'OTM'] is nnui-nY oivrx THAT APPLIC.V- 1^1 llmiWlllWincVtiillirLiKi-liinr-wf New Vmk.A* »- ji..*-. t (r HI. i-i i. f.i.'ih- iiV'Mi .ti.tn ( .f n *• Stivii-gj, Ihmk" Mh -l.tM'-O HI Hi.-viU.it:''"f W-i.Mtn\vn. M.H.,!. Wat.-rr..\. i. I»i F> U. ]^<P WnO %J()t[(!i-;.—Tin: prune, AXD I-NPLCIALLY t 1 ^""i M'fii_.r . (I t u p <iMi'™!».».,! ..i!t-i ilniiL-i t . r m i i e Uli k j : i v i r . i l ' « i r m v #! m i . u ill t.-ife^ n»iti -. .ili.it 1 lml>id the wine- i»l » IMII 1>"11 .ill HH.«P U II*. il>t it i .-p-.i.-il.V. Tiiis I'U'I'I- ji, |i."nvi'ep»''|iei-iy, nml ln-lt-uur, tn indivi'linls tvss .*""-^lifilv n* th-* I'i'iiis "ii IN funk', aii'l th« iltmsni'e a*: ri'if--tly p-tvitf i>r-..|..%iy aviltp Ml;H \-u\ AT"\**Iinn*rv e n n * ntvri .1 %iiriir|)p<n. The puiiiit'liaKii.inir'it hi pi»:. hi?* nn tln> viV"i f uro Caiili:i£.* t" I>i-S'er, ami n.i npil-jrvorrXeHKe I'm- rn. ililiii'-Mirn t',^tiim|'s f biu«ll ) nml atmvo .ill t\\<* i-.ffi- «.-cnr ile-il.nti.Yt.iIs. N<irL'fl'ciiur!;:ind i!f'•••!« m'o « i'l il>i iln« |,M fo-il .u-i. . C1U1UXS E. CLAnKH. MvLtiev mitl Cheese* FOR SALE 60 Thermonipler Churns, 213 Kendiill'K Patent Cheese Prcsa 33 Tin Milk Vats, 87 Tin Cheese Hnnps, (warranted,) 2-t Tin Curd Cutters, 3J Tin Milk CSalers, 500 Mntl's Palenl Dairy Ketllc.1, G351 Tin p..ns.r,, lOanU 11 quart, 110 Strainer P01I3. The mib eribers having made nrrangomcnls wiihL. C.i«. for tlio sale nl his Tliermnmeter Churn,and having inannl'ac lured 2J more of those celelmitcd Cheese presses, with Moll's Dairy Sieve, and the ntlier artieles eninnci-ated above, are pieiiarcd lo.fit out complete my Farmer \ilimii»hes logo in- to the Dairy business. The Churn not having beeome nil mi s the Press not liavinc pressed itself to iUulh; tho Dairy Ketllc not having evupontted in steam; anil as we have not spent onr «n/i'rc t,ub*Umcc in hawUing them round the coun- try, ('hereby iiiereniiie the rnit of the irttcliitu tile ruvto- mer Ticaitji-foc per rem,) we shall coniinueto sell the above articles.ice// «i«»u/(ic/iir«/ uvd fa for u, e, for cash or on l imc, lower than Ihey can be purchased at an v oilier esinl.lislimenl in this eounly. COOPElf & WOOOUUl-'F. Watortown, Feb. 13,1819. 20tJ B Y vi •if it. Great liniil, Jnivurv 29, IS19. ffil»3 Ui\ST»"J» S T A t 1B.I5; Wholesnlf. Clolliins Warehouse! ! LEWIS & JKAWFOaiD. Sfos. S 5 3 a II A 2 5 6 Penrl Street, (Between Fnl'on-st. and Hurling Slip,) A'EW roRUT HAVE ON IIANn, THG LARGEST ASSORTMENT or O !- O 'B' II 5 N «i IN THE UNITED STATES, Adapted to tho Western Market 11 In the article of S H I R T S A N D D R A W E R S , Wc keep an entllcss windy.. JLL30 TUB i n ^ T nKTCNiIVE MAN'TAfTITIIEJU OT ©is caoTHiss 1 © • AND C O V E R E O m A T S In ihu WnrW. Plain ami Fashionable Clothing of nil liinds. UiWtS & H'-VNFO'tn, A'>-.-. 2SS .5- 2of> Pearl St. VIUTUE OF AN EXECUTION ISSUED OUT __ tlio Supremu t'tmrtof the sii.iienfNew Vork,! imllsi'H at public vemltiOjHt th- Attwririin H.itel in the vil- lage or Wiiiurtown, in llio C o u n t y of JelTL'.-miii, on the 31st day of Mnccli* ISia.alioiiMVlnclc in the foieno.m. all the nslu, tiilo Hint hiiercst of William Su.ililim. whit?h ho Imtt. on UKjlSilnlayur Jttinwry, 1H-I0 o f titumliothu C)llowing ile^cribetl \iwcca and piiieelsol* laudj viz: All ilio^c twoccriahi Idts, pieces or jjarcels of land, situ- ate, lyincaiii! beiiiH in ilie ioi\n of Klfj^bnrali, in (he tlnmi- ty nf JeflW-snn,aml Statu ofNt-w York,InMiteilia nok-Uiwest cnfimi'fjC lot Wimih'Tfifly-two, n n d t h e pijinTiwe.vt c o r n e r nf l>.t N n m b - ' r ftity-Muvt*, MIR fin* partuf which eaidluisis bnnnik'ilas lulluws, tn wit: bL , _tnmii':ai tho imrthweMeor* nem e a n l l«»t,,11 a stob', i.t;nkptl ui5a fill01—thoncu somh piRhiy-une degrees cavt, tweiuy fivechaini am! rnrty-ilirce links nn the trees arc innikml io A Mako sUtmtint; in i h r nurtli tinenfsui.1 In'—theneu xonth f,(,.lv ehains lus'the trceaaro marlct'Jtoa slake—tlioncfiiorili eishty-rmettcgrcfs wot twen- ly-fiverliainsnndforty-ilitce links as the netware marked ton stake suimling in ihowe-M Jine nf sniiltm—ihenco norih l'»i tycli.iins an thetrec^ are marked to the placenrb-gimiin!j, rniiiaiiilnst'iie linnilreilnr.rr.sur land. The other of find lots is bounded as follows, to w i t : be* einniiit:ai the so tit inv wt corner of tot Number fii'iv-ihi oo.it ] aMaliPiiM-ke.ir>-2.",jmt3i—[h.-rirc nortit twenty chains an<l t seveuiy-five link a« t|>.' trees are nnrki-il ttias'akoatthe j Mtnthwrsi rornrr or Nml StIM>ury*D laiul-tlienee fiomli i e|^tty..)iio itei-ieiR r.isi tweut> (,iiir ehims ami chrhtv-fivo link-s to a sink'-—'hence soiiilt twenty tii;iiiis(iiul«;f.ven'V-five links lo « Flakestain'ii't: in tiicpontb lineoi'^ni lo-—-henee ipivlll el^h'y-niieil £ft.-,.\i west tu only loiirelnliisand eiplifv fivi- links ii- the irt-s .reimirkr-d t ',ihr> nl.iroiil IK Mruiinr, ( ennia.iiiHi£!U ly-oiu- .tereKand turutv-rhrcepeivlus i*f I.iinl,! , nnkineto -illi-nr ln.ndicil and lilty-.n*' acics und twenty- i tiH.ep.-eli.-,..,| hml. J Al-o.ntltt.v et r ' . u j f . u t n , l ' < t , p i e c ' • n r r ^ t v M i d l i m * »-!»**- f i n,'e. t>ni..-,iod N IMS: in tliet «w„ „f KftiOen.-li. t'.eintv ».t" Jef. ' I' iMm,anil SNUri.f Nrw Ymk. kn-.w n ;ui.l iisl^iirn'f .[T-I! A- \ , (attiif I»*M\iVMttr.. Ijo'iii'li'd a s J" flM'.v.viz: h-,.mtii;i**:i! iliev(.,»| 1ei'.f »*.(.'i,»*r..i'lmdilpeii.Nl J.iiiii!tK'p.Jn, n. .i .d r»M- j , niilllll-'uee n elhue-K-.iy almsj 111- stvuh line »i< tit-*- i( 'irli- , I WPM e.irnev—i!(fiit-c ? MHthaiiiii'iilif,„sr hmnf lan.l d-edtd i Sri ft ]Jn-w-t<-..t..bis'>..i , irli r..»iier—tiien-'u Min'hew* tiv a- l>.nj the li'iith line .if lauil d-eded Niithun f'mnrfl r<i T!H> i tmuihwrj-t c-iiier >»T Iin-1 »Iei*d'd S i i h ikrw.sifv—tle'ii?.- no. th nl«mi: lie- v-*t hnnd ».n.l fi^va-'H *,lortie pj n:.- of I'lviiinnirei.nflining twenly three O-'-Wu.UT.si.n.iiid tethe , haii.l-li.ii.-i-«. less. , i AKo.idl tli.it iot.pKi—.nr pir*cl«ntn',ri'nnt".U'i 1 ir,n*id | brill'' ill Hie town id'Tdll-loncb, in I l l t e . i l l ' l l y <»f j. t'. ^.to. : and State nf New York, hein?a pirti«i"]tir IV.. •>i\!\-.-ne in i scii.l inwn au-1 l.-Hinded as hittuws, (viz:) l<i'stonto^iiiMie j renterof the hiihunv,!iii(i iiitln uotfli imenl faid U ' , Hid J mini? tlu'ifce n*ii-th«e>terly in <s.ui1 b i t e («• the n-t ihe.i«t ' Creum Tartar Webster's Sarsnparilla Cochineal Bristol's do Chloride Limo Sand's do Oil Vitrol Townaend's do NiiricAcitl Uolmsiock's do Niti-ns do Swaim's Panaeea Mnrtalic do Divlley's PainExtractor Alum Andrew's Pain Killer Copperas Balsam Wild Cherry ' " ' " ' IniliairOinlmcrtt Dr. JaynesMetlicincs Hum's LineEmout YrrTwmcry Olio or Rose Oil Neroli Oil Pat^honly I.nbin Extract Fi-eneii Cologne German do Mask Gohlsmiih'fidQ Heman's do Lonafellow's do Wilfls's da Gold Pens GoM Pencilg Silver rio S^eel Pens Quills Letter Paper Cap do Note do Tisane do Drawing do Bri.^t.-d unanl Perforated do Envelopes Scaling Wax "W-lers Reals and Slampa Ink Siands Sand I3oxe9 File Bands' Columbian Ink Pen Knives do Holders Fancy Articles PiUty &i Gl;issli-omGXSto2GX Card Cases 31 or any size cut lo Port nlonaic order. "Wallets BoOliS & S t a t i o n e r y B S ' S Note Cases Portfolios Blue Vitrol Indigo Mad. do Bene;. do S p a n , float Nut Gall Verdigris Gum Shellac Harper's Biblo Scott's Com. Henry's do no;lridpe's do Cruden's Conrordance Webster's Dictionary (ID 1* .*;»(« White Lead Pry do do Ground Hcd do Ven. toil Indian de HairOil.agreat vanel/ Spill i s h rj rown &c &c - do White Clothes Brushes Hair do Tooth do Table do Paris do French Yellow Yellow Ocre Chrome Yellow Chrome G.-een Walker's do Ure's do Loverelt's Lexicon Liddell & Scott's do Imperial Tea ir/nneeiin'i! tio OKI Hypeji do Brande 1 ^ Bnoyopedta Voting do do Headley'.s Works Hyson Skin do T. S. Arthur's do Biaek do Chavlolia Elizabeth J a v a Oofll'e Abhnll'rf do Lagnyra do Sh ikespeare Illustrated Jlio do Byron do St Dom. do Bryant's Poems Crush Sugar Burn's do Lonf do Ossian's do P.iw'cd do Cowpor's do Clarified do Pop'.-'s do Havana do Port Rico do • K Orleans do Cuba do Neuv Molnssen Iberia do Cuba, do Honey Mackerel Codfish Herring. Siilaniiiis S'ida Curb Starch Soap Brown do white, casiHo Cocoa CftrociH Itiii ons Almonds Grapes Mai Lomons Cnirants Plumbs Figs Spic*s, Coadiuients I\Ince Nutmegs Cloves Cinnamon Pepper Spice Ginger Mustard Coriander Seed Carui S.-ed Cassia Buda Ext L--mon do Vanilla Orange Water Uictclics Gracciics,Si)ices,&c T^O! 11001 Cojtfarttiersliijt. K NOWLTON & RICE HAVE THIS DAVTA- k«K JOHN II. RICK, („UII ul Cliirku TliceJ-inlo'lho raiii- 1 '•"'"" fe biisiiieas, linrnofwif ciiidiwloil by "Milliilcrrlipll|.|«.nfKiimv' KNQWLTON JcIUCE. atli'uus parhii,'!' in. t hesuii.ij\villUBcoiuinucil IUHIPI-rhertimnfKnnwf- pK lliera,iiu'u i Bin, Rico & Go, Waterumri, January 2,18-19. TTNOWLtOW, R|CF& Co. mu CONTIN- JJt. ue tlu> b u s i n e s s o! I'apm-mnkn.g. Bt.„ks,llius, Print. ingttiid HoiiMiliiiluii; on icrmsuloiiliciilfoi. lilmnHnyWoio- foro cuuon.l»t lo lhe linblii' bv RliowlCon & lSi,.« GGOHOK WILLABD KN.IWI.TUN,} CiiAitKS RICK, \ K JOHN HOLUUUOK "Rica-. } Waturlowh, Juuiiitry 2,1R-I9.- J KNOWLION, RIOK & Co. 50i r . HASTINGS COMPOUND SYRUP OP NAPHTHA.. HTHIS WIRY POPULAH MRDICINE- FOR f n E -JL. curaol Asihm..i,Ooiisiimplion,necIiiiiHiiid«|l Dltmuei. of ilia Lungs nnd Gliosl, and wliicli has hod a very lures snlo in this County and been aitcmleil with eteat success, is con- stanlly kept (of sale at our Book Slnro." K-N'0\VLTON, KICK k CO. J a n u a r y ^ , 1S19. o| P.nvdor boxes & Puftli Toilet Powder Th.:rmomoier3 Water Cul Paints Dravvhi" Pencils Abridgment ^j"''* & d PearlBarley Ktuvian IsinfJasB Cuoper's [do Irish Moss Iceland do Inexpressibles Cisars Tobacco SuutT Black do Scotch Nursing tubes & bottles Syringes, nil sizes J3ed PatiSj &c. Bellowes •1 SjplenMel Assortment or G-lfl Moofzs. Ilarp'T's Pictorial Biblo Wrcith uf Friendship Christmas Keepsake Splendid Clasp do Proverbial Philosophy nlay Flower Leaflets of Memory Ghristmi* Blo-ssom Gem ol Beauty Christmas Uoaes Opal Fairy Puoj Atricrirnn Flora Ainar.in'h Sacred j\Tountains Friendship OfTorhifj Wntertowrij November 23. 18*18. Revolution Guide loHipptnesa Judae Capta American Poets Jinlah's Lion Allonns II*ney Suckle Pnrilolios Youn? Lulics' OuVrin? IMissionary Memorial Women of thoAineicani Rough & Heady a u n u Prayer Book.T ^loni's Intfrprelcr L'lii-ilVlIim-'s Poems J^Tiltou's Poetical works "Willis's do do Bryant's do do "Wreaths of Friendship 14 tf For Sale or to Let. T HE FARM KNOWN AS THE HUNTINGTON Island Farm, situated two utiles untheriverframtlic village of Watertown. Tl.isFiirn.roiitains about 81 acres offirsl ratf. land, ucarlyslxty of which are undcreuUvation, Thereisuponit a hom>oanU luru.undatso a fewIHrmhig tools. Termdvcryryasotinblr-. J. G, SEWALL, Excrulor of JI. D. Scwidl. Emporium of Fashion. ROBINSON'S, HAIR-DRESSING AND SHAVING SALOON. J . ROBINSON WOULD RESPECTFULLY AN- nrmneu to the citizens ot Watertown ami vicinity that he has fitted up in tho neatest style, an EMPORIUM OF FASHION, ill the New Iron BUck, directly o-^r the S.oro of BCIIKAP, whore he will at all limes be in readiness to wait on biscit-i- lomers. He believes his Shaving Saloon and Toilet is not surpassed in beauty and richness, dy nnythincnf the kind west of New York city. His skill ins been tested for years, In the principal eittes of the Union. Gentlemen wlio wish the srimt ifietouch UnliQ linool his profession, will favor him with a call. His toilet embraces every variety of Perfumery that the heart ran desire 2?. mum^m:, No. 3 TroBB B ! o « ! c , W a t o r t o w n , IV* Y. WtiolcutU and JtctttU Dealer in Groreriet, Teas, H'I'HW; J.iquors and Procmoiis. J UST RECEIVED A LARGE AND GENERAL assortment which he issel'injr «t Ilie lowest prices iur Co*7r,approved credit,m incxebnn;:^ for Farmers prndiifo. Persons desiring choice Family Groceries and WIMOM, are in- vilcd toe.illand cxaminf* gnosis and prices before purclmsini'. Watertown, lice. iW IJIIJ, 19 /C/"\ Onxes Refined mould Candles, also, Patent Ki»»rm nud *J\J '••trnmnn nimlles.nl MVXOY'S. No3rr.nBlocIi. l'j 'THE.SUESCRIBERS KEEP CONSTANTLY B on hand n greatvaru-lyof Mwocltanooiis, Lilimrv. nnd hehooHi iol;s, sueli ns are advertised in Clrcnlnrs ami r.nn- Pllels generally. Amonjr ilieir Seliuol smelt rany lie round all the popular wni ks used ill stiidving Ihu Eneliili, French, Gri>pknrLtil|iilangii>j,i-s. ' Teacliors (supplying sclmoli.) or Scholars may depend upon the lowest prices tor evervlliin^. - . ,_,„ KNOWLTON, RICE & CO. Jan. 8, 1813. ' o1 B IBLES' „ _ of all sixes and prices, at 1 Blyles of binding. J a n . S, 1« 10. A GOOD ASSORTMENT OP BlBLBS ""'• ""»»., also Te=|.iments in iliffi'vcnt ICNOWLTOiNf, RICE & CO. 21 NEW BOOH .STORK *i* Watertown, T Nctct door West, of the Post Office. HE SUBSCRIBER-1 ilonfur the sale of stamlml wockVoa tJtSeeiicime'i iS&JPST OPBNE& A DRAWING MATERIALS, ( CONSISTING OK DRAW- J ing Piiperand liri.-l,.l Ihuuil , ofall qualities and viv.es; I'ooimh Uruslies. Faber's Drawine IVueils, ^08.1,2,3.^4; Co- hen's, Reavers* Cu's. nnd Urn vers & Son's llraivins Pen- ills, H.HH,F,n,BB. Ciniel's Hair Unishes; India lute; In- dia Rubber, in cakes; Ne\viunn , I ,riiinls,ill boxes; Drawing Books, nnd Ciuds, can be found, eheip for cash, ai ihe Rook- Sl """> 1 . , KHOWLTON, 1UCE & CO. A\ aterlown, Jan. 8,1340. 2V Slntiouery and Fancy Arlielns. 1849. . 1849. ' I Ullli MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF THE J_ fidlowin? articles may be found at our Book Store, on Washington Street—at very low prices-: L A M I ' O I L . I W . Bleached Winier Sperm ami common at MUrtOY,S,N»niinn Blnek. IO/"* '-'a.ksoU XAJ\J auicli-nt fle.-.O'l.Ht^. Old H'lllfcki.y single nml ,l.,nl,l, a superior MUMiJY'S No 3 Iron Block, 13 Q(\ Boxes superior Uiveuili-li Tolneeo, llWdoz. Selinils iO\J fine cm chewing tobacco, ion dm. Church & Burilick do do do S>J.l,j7..S,-hotlsaiidClmicli and iiurdicKsmokin do Al<o G-ioilivinspitenf pressed tobarro; Also, Extra Honey Dow, half pinind hands at '9 MUNOY'S.NoS.JroriJJInpk^ lea Hum and Wines, "Dl'liE Bi-an.ly.tTin.Slt'roixandJj J- for olcilu-al and other pin r ot-es. i His Saloon is none ofyeur ordinary country Barter Shops,! •_.'!'„., ,, K J W U N H Y ' S .N'o ,1 I r o n Bl irk, wlu'V i?»/ntazors and ifmVer operators make the hole! hide- ' ( ]Um-ISH k , j i atid-,illack"r«>l, ous. But call and satisfy joiirsch'.stlialsoniei"liine;scnn bo ' j l 10 Ml T Xr doiicnpin ciiy style in Watertown:.* well as clsewh'cre. , / t U O U N H C.ifTe Hair Cutting ami Shn.npoouing done m a new style alto- gether to correspond wliii the Jfi*w \ >''• k Fall Kd^lifon J.ite papers »[way*J»\t.^ found up-.n Ins Centre T.ilde. Watcttovvn, Nov.*23,16-13. Htf Shad nnd Herrtnzal DY*S Nn3,rron Block. , fwflwrjSj'icej Cass w. Clove?. MaePtOm* get nnd Mnstarit t at _ MUNUY'S. CjTEWARTS S'Min KefincJ'Susar H-imTe"Svrnn A choice >J arliclofi'rUld.>ti5eat No3,Inn hl..ck. Eee d's Saloon ia P. MUNIU\ JSAOS4. T rr i 757 i n , « , Tir , \ O^fl p ^ n « n d Cotton B!1Ss, a fiist rntonrlirV. atNo3, In Hayes' Bloc/;, Court St. Watertown. ^•JU^ronUiork. ia P. MVNUY. T HE PROPRIETOR OF THIS SALOON RETURNS 4i()0(rSftSS ; Mssinraretlmnksforthe hh-r-l patrona?Mi fveto|oro . \„t\*{ri\ mawu, ' uiurid 'tnlcJ him,ami InMSKiiie-uhMi'niun'tliatiio ptiti^Avill \>o Bnnri'donhi*partto neririt.^rontnncil favor ot his fiicmN, , lit-is now prp|i;ii"ed and will t»eliai t«y t<» t-eenli' hi8C"Hioiu- ers with all the varieties ot fi^lt, i'o^t,WUtlC»Mne, Frnn-, Meat?. Icr., served tip, niutiml, ^t ^11 ho'irs of Urn «hy anil pvfiiins.tn -very-tesirtide hivJe <»| e.nk.'ry—"-e.l<ivi*-jinran tiiQsnii.H'.mtnUniiff rnri?!••(*.•(' Ut<->*- is'-n. I'i Klmit,lnsloir- ili'i-will tti*ro;js[auttyj!iippltetluiiotlic I.--' the i.i:uk<-t »t* fiirds; (tii't IIM n^inivs lil« ni*tnio»*>--tli«» *«•»? h»ny itlWHyji ( rr-u ..ri fii.**'Xf*-i(t?n"«f«if Iiurtr^ptuaMii prompt ami re^perr- t fill* <tt^rif fin t*> Mmir nMii**. | LADIES' SALnGX—Willi a ref.>r»m'e>'Mhe pani?u]ir ffeomt't.tilatioiuil th** f.Hili' Vjhflia^lifentMcrriie.vf'Ciist in I fittiii*i'p,eiitiN-ly separnle, a Saloon wiie.ithrv.-aul't'.if*- ' >-o,noiiid n e t l \\ ttli Ice C inns, Sidr Wator, ind alM fi»* *U It«- tMisiiI Lite s*»a«!Mn. I I i « X<i I:i Foou'Jin H iri.inr>"I *h.tt ] thfVe.in pan.ikeof its^nirVdue. nstti-nt«.»\i'l 1Mi'ttn«-ojm"ii- ( iflieriVotn lliecrowd^lV'i-T.iiij.-rpin tVG nUfu,r>ir« S ili»iii. Fie It Outers, r.'fi-niil>-'i:*ibrly T.v Esi-t-. -.*,\\i'iKn*eri*- j ed op many sty lo to «m(iii* v tri"il ».ts*e-ij f 1 i- •'W^n^rs, , N.TJ. Farmers c<»minc»o(mvn nit t^i'ifl^v.wul *;>,d ,Li«; j fnlo-ni a v e r y e n n v n i ' - t i t a n d iirre. al>Ir>t-e.«i*' tfnr«h.*t-t .-h'*s aiiiU-MtiHifH," fiH-|<i'Vmin?rcfri'$!ttftunt**if ;t'l kin-'- »n.i at : ttli-"oust reasoned. r.ite-\ H.M. KKEl', \V.itt*riowii,Mav t^, <•'.*. .tt*i FARMS FOR~S"A"L"E7 THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SU.F. THE A. l"lloniMr |,f'.,„ ,rv. .1^.:—Vp'vir,l<.,flhi t,.,p-..l I ntiisin Barrels ami Half Barrel:. in Upvrero.a.i ivif„.r!..r arlicle MUNUY'.S,N.i3 1 Iiull Bl..ck. 13 A (\ l!i««>».H .If llov.-aiid Q-nrirr Bo-iesFreJh K.i si H<V also,soiu-in layers fortlu-table. "" ^Steav^ NEW HABS-W^RE ST0HE NO. 2, IRON BLOCK, Wa tcrfoien, j\*. l r . T HE snli^rril ors Inve (he ph .tsitrc of announcing tr their rfncn'feati.l he pnMic io c"'i«ral,i!iat thovare now re- .•••iv.n-..itilinr4N'e\vSlore.N..2,It«!nHlnek.iheUr;ej<t.is. ^•tu-nt..f Hai .hvare ever olT.-ml fur fate tn this t-'uutity.— l heir «iork eiultrares every lanetynml pniiernrif Caoldnz n Parlor, EalW Plate and Box STOVES, Tnp-tVsr with tnmmincs, Stove piper&c.,&e. Also.slarge ?tidUe?*ir.ti<Ieas«:mtn-,cnti.r ° Cittlrry and S7ic7f Goods, Window fHt-„-,.ff wry vanity i*»f sfz». Lrad pipe and I ump J irii.u- Tiiinrr.in^, &.-. Door Trfmminc-*iu great Tli^|io'di«*ati:ni\it.'d to mil nn'l examine our.-tock^f Tin, Copper and S/tect Iron Ware, Almanacs Alliums , Blotting Paper Brushes Ponnah " Painta BlnckSand JJass ViolSirinca Boxep, Fancy Bill Books Iflanlt Books Black Lines Caroline Saiiccw Camiino Ink Conversation Cards Card*, Plain Caril«,nlutto Car'I.-.Painted Card Cases Court Plaster C o p y SMj»& Dividers Envelope Note Paper Envelopeii, Letter » Note I'oKlcrs, Ivon* FooNcap | taper, various qnah nioi.fs CM Pap Pr Ink. Black » Bhin « Ketl Ink Powder Tndetiidi-Ink Inksinmla " Pocket Letter Paper, Whito " Blue " Gilt Eil=* " Fancy Col. Letter Stamps Lead r«ii(*tN f/uhopraph Prima Le'ter flips "Watertown, Jan. 8, IfttO, Motto Seals iUa'hemitieal Instrumenta Ulusie Paper ]\Iemoiaii{lum Books Maps of N e w Y o r k " ft . States Note Paper Outline Maps Perforated Paper " Cards Pen HoluVrs Penknives Poucil Leads Pnpn tries Pamta in boxes ,( in cakpji Pearl Curd Cascn PortfolioF, rap size " letieriizo Pen Hacks Pat* Books Prim rs 1'icnires, nil ^i^ee Pocket Books Qtiilh Quill Pfns lt37.»M KedTipa Sand Buxes Silvtr S'als .S«aling W a x , ret! " Fancy Steel Pens hVissr.rip Shaving Sonp Shies Slate Pencils Tisfliii- P a p e r Tooth Brnshea Violin S»rinpi Wafers, RPII u Fancy (f White WafiT Boxes KNOWLTON. RICE A. CO. 21 And all the various Sciences; also for tk* scile 'of Miscellaneous Books, School Booh,,Blank Pooks,and Stationery, Drawing Pooks, Paper and Pen- oils. Water Colors, cj-e,, , Jr .n.,,,,SI0. ^"^WfERIg^ PIANO FORTES, niELODEONS, MUSIC, Misiealinstrmnonis cei.onill.v. WPM .'fNewVm'l- W 0 kM . ,. 0 sl ntl ,. 0 lm ; )(| SMrln . , v „7 30 Pinn AH'nf I ,?II, U 'V Bt ""I'™" 1 """.'* "i Kiueli.iono ami finish All of whip.li have been selecieil w 11 sn-ai carcfro-.i llicce . cl>ral«l Factories ofChiekorilK,!,. G'llierl, in 1 T Gill"r Bosloiji Slo.aril&D„nl„i„, lTaeni, & llaven, U'r,, IJllioi, anil olliers, New York, an.l are nfti W|, „!,!,' „ „ • o„'o," ll lional warrantee al pi-eeiKelv inanufeein'rers priere f ilmrSy saving lie purchaser all rlht, eosl uf Iral.snorlnii.m'. i" ' «.S, i 'i" ,S ,' 'Voo' >'»''«!•• MiwiiR which may lie limnd a n . ! p e r f f i w i l " ! 6 " l T '»Provo.liHStiuint..r.tWilli njldingjega A.ffrealaspnrlmcntofGinlars.Vii.linc.Hnnlne v;«i C n cr [j 0S Fifes, ,0|>h- Baniis supplied u pnn liberal terms. The lulest wmle re- celvc.1 weeltlA". I2lf SEP, PUTTON & SON. T HE SUPERINTENDENTS OF THE POOR OI< JellereunCoiinly hereby f.r iho in Ihrninli'-lu.fi lieOver- erers nt Hie Pour of Towns, civo uoiiee—Tli.it uhen an Oversecron lnsown responsibiliiy grams reiiefm a pauper, neh aecoilnt will not tie aiiilit.-,l ur i«i.l liy ilie Snnoriiilon- i-enlajjnt onutbe presented to llw Duinl nf S u n e r t i»or« When snefi Overseer be-.uws relief „p,„, ihr.„nler of n h,s. tice,siiellorilcris asiillimenl voneher Ihrllie Cuuiitr Trea- surer sndslimiW be pr.-senled lo Iiim C.r payment. Orders eMeiiilmq Inrllier relief lo the ami, expended upon en or- dor will bo paid by th.- SiiperimenileWs and thnaV-eonnlsnf Overseer anil Ju,ho- lor MrKiialmriM will h u audiloil by s.ud boardol biiperuilendeiilsainl iioue,ilhe|., 31 _^HAS ; _P L SYaiON , ns, Sn|il. A XES.—12 DOZ., "SIMMONS." WIUTFI & Olmslrd's, HaU.-oelt's, DomMss's, fee., i " . " Nnv.27,1818. iff • J. M VAN BUirEN'S. N EW GRAaiMAR.—A NEW ABR1DG- SIENTol I'lerce's ciU-brateil Grammar of the Eu'4li6li I-ancnafip. " To aave the young lrarnor from Wine ilisconrnffed by a larcr-book, and Ilie parent fi-.-ni th«expeu-;ftand we;u ot the entire work, while the elnld In loarmnsonly a part, is itte oh- jer'orthiaabrlilijn-.int. - ' Tli^ '• entire work" alio for sale: and losluiw l.a'v it is ap- preciated by Ih.ise who understand Ihe sobj.-el, tht less than thr.'.T,7r,ipi/mhavr.rereutiye,iii Wi) their works tol.epnb- ishcj, idled wiih plagiarisms,,r p,rieu< fu.m Mr. I'nirr's book. Will Seh..ol tcaehers lake t he trouble lo cxamino the smallwork.wilhaviewof Kelllin;ariiuaiuled with Hie lar- Gert rorsal..|.ytlicinibIisli.r-, 'g'f KN'OWLTON, RICE » CO. A ItKANSAS OIL STONF^HEnEAtGnf 1 X A . uiuo nitiele. In-1 r •, n \ n l aud lor sale by J. S. V.\ND'-iIiEN,Ho.31\V.>o,i,-,ilTsIJ;..ck. ^Te."lianh-Vr.|....-erj|l. Juioi.i>. 1. Ihtj. jerf TMIEMIUM" PARLORSTOV11—Tun SCLP"- i l.-liiUiiiiel'irbo Sim., uhi,-|, i„.,k the r. . iuliii..nt tli»IateJ'ff-rs«u I'.oiiv fur. r,.n-iiio's t, -s v,,.il end eiv-s uo'.^'ioilo.iu liMt lliau any other Muvo. I..rsali X. v . ^ and 1), (.'-"irt S* -f.-f. Wat.-rl.nv 11.Oet,1, t>.i-\ S-f n.n.OTI"! nrsw WEXVTSR S-OOBS AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE, JVo, 1, lron % BMocJ&. CucoEssons TO UTLEY & UPHAM, Ann KJ .!'»«t reepfvinu » sp^ndid a^soiiiiiem of U INTER. GOOnSjiowhieh tli^yinritciho ntriKMiUr attention of Mm inhabitants nfJefT'r««m and tli<* iul1>iiiiiii?ct.iiiitli*vt w ith tlm as.viran<'etlwt they will hewdd at tin- I.i\v.>st Cw-ii prire. Among our Blnek m a y he (mind at vll dm >s, , rich assort- mentof L\D1ES PRESS GOOPS of th* latest imp'Kfat'O.is BUO\D CLOTHS. CASSIMERES \Nfl VESTINOS at ruluceJ prices fijr Cash, W A N T 13 I) , ii vtor, w nl and m ,st kinds of produee al cash price, S. B. UPIUal. J.A.MWKII. _pee1C.J9)<)! iiiif COTTAGE HOUSlTS •A2CTST ^ 3 ^ . JJEKT rXT /^OTTAGE PARLOR STOVES IM THEM TO \ J .-...-respond. Tlvy aictabehadat Jiu,S.UtOM BLOOK. Oct.31,lbH. nil C ANDLES—A SCTEiuon ARTICLE FOR KALE wholesale and r. n i l l.y A. J. I'Kt'K, «.-pt.a'?, im rn QHEET ZINC.—A sui'Eiiioa ARTICLE JUST kJJ rceeiveil.and forfaaleatthe JSe.v II .i.lwa,.-Sti.ie, No. 3, Woodruffs Block. Watertown,Oft.9, i«-R {. S. VAN n r U B N , ( UIA1NS.—LOG,TRACE AND WILL C \J nov.inaiiiitv,jn^t ree..i\..,l utK,,. 2 Utl.N N..v. St, 15 H. Pa.VIVO F O U T E r«K SALE. T HE SUBSCRIBER HAS A FIRSTT RATE PI- nn.i Furte, (n^irly new,)'*> n'-tuvi--, ni'ii'ilntguiy rase, •ttiihlnirnnnd 2h.<if .-\\cll j t.ir rn.- h "r mm*} aju^rMV. d n' \VatPirtowtuJan-2tf, t^H' •his ninth ho wiltnli •lit. *>Jv ANMir.WAKIiXUiMW limp mi THAT AIV Al»- I.'-.l-him.' .•('fliHKtfttO l.il.tu.-t'.'t 1.11- HiKlllo OTICE IS IlERI-HY GlVl'K; If.lll-in UlU J.rTii'iIi-Litlf ati^pr ii-tii-r -i-.r(.t".'t it.« r J **--*• •• IMWItifBliiWJtllH^-*•••!*•* Kvti'X lilt MMUMt^.ffjt.H^flddl. ti-mtittlieitrc-mt Li\ -"(^.iff .I l.y 1 i n , for f;i»*p"»p«.;i*«f p^Jii'-r the dr 11 v.hj. ). V2'ttii>v I.I.UI f..i t uuii.y .Ji. bvidgft arr,.*H I M n»,ti k lUi- r. a' tie \ ill.^.- vi V M..I J a n . 2 1 , IK lit. ctvfi First JRaio FariH. T A3I AN\70I T S' TO BJSPOSK OP THAT ; iL f(it*TV.liiut.I.'»J li.-Hrln.uU 'I ."iVH'MHillT,,,, l-H'S- > r-'Ti i.itf.B.nvii' •!».. .•••II'.MIJI.. ri '.HI' *.;•'•* J lv nil i'.i pif, m h t ii.-ii!, 111-tl j.ii.n lin; '^. j tilhp>-i.ri}i**uriiiil> . p.irlnf \\»uf tun, li. \ ., ,i»..| r,3l£« lJuaffisiJS* v . rr- . ,0.11/, .'. I ' y may remain h>r v< ars. I'»*. dsi»n u..i i^iii.,,Hv. ^*~' w "^s«fc7 JN.i.&rmti-tst,Avjtertnwn. <j\y) } h NIGHT Alw, f-tr sat' 1 nr r.^nt a -'"mil fr.ime h<»iKe, mul B | u*L-.inith ft ...ly; SIIMM^ in the viht^ft Ii nun* Hiry f.'i>U"t; n»|>tii of \vjlm^.-lu-.l Ih,r- •iS' 1 -^! WV-MHK, '»ic new Shi-u: «ti rxn ij.nn ft>a«tiro Carmr»;nBii?^vauJ Cutter. Allnhi-h wIM h'M.M rlieap if opi'l^form*!.. GEO. I. KNKJHr. JnmiaryUdf ISltf. 2!n.2 H){) BBLS. OF SUPERIOR OLD ALCOHOL. siC.plViiha.er.'r J . V / V / f ,r K;.|e by th* 1 b*d. .0 ^>h, tie cheiif us r^n be \ ill,-; R.-v.-ial j*oo>t boil^Iilm Watrrlo\vll,at^C<l.5Collr^.st.• "" aol.kli- I.IUYKS. A PEWC l\, !...• lal.V CASES OK SUPERIOR RHINE WINE. QI*t>RS,f.triUeiliein.il and roli.-r r.ur,..,.|.--t eon-.rmillv o.i laud. «.f S. WITTGEKhTr.IN & fi). 2Gm2 L IST OF LETTERS REMAINING LV THE POSTOFFIUE, Waterluwn, Feb. I Alexari'lcr, John Amlrew, F . W . Bidillecum, L. Bi.lell, Catliorino Gent, Silns Bailey, Lyman Bachns, J . P . Bissell Mrs Alauson Blakcslco, J . N . Barry, Miss S. Buiini, Solomon Barnes, Gsorgo S. Bissell, Alnnson Bass, ffi. Bow. Wfti. A. Brundaeft Miss AJelia Boycr. John W. Browii, Glius. V- Bowe, Elijah S. Buck,' Clms. E. Blodgett. Lewis Chnpin, Mnry E. Chapman, Morrison , 1S49. Johnson, George Larned. Win. Z. Locklinpr, Levi L. Lee, Mrs. Molcnn Lane, Almon Lewis, Richard Lawton. Franklin Locke, Mary Ann Miller, Joseph Marshall, Emmalisss NoManiis, John Miller, Joel Marshall, Joseph Mason, W. H. Mosher, Isaac L. Oimra, Ellen Owens, O. J. Overtoil, Mrs. Fanny Peck, Monroo Ponder, Jane Phelps. Hannah H. Perkins, Russell, Phelps, G. Yale Clark ; DesterorCromivellPenrl. Mnry P. 0To«*ei'soi» County Institute. the. Spring Qnarlnr will commence on Monday,Fcb. IMIi. Tin,- Pi-Innfpal wlllintlmlt inlo his family a few young I.ailies and Gentlemen wishing fiir board, at SL.76 per week, where they will lio milk the constant ear" and supervision of Hie Teachers. r>. JI. UNSI.KV, Principal. ?0w2 Crake, Patrick Craven, Patrick Cole, J. W. Church, P . A . Cook, Margaret Cook, Jesse Cummins, Alexander Colo, Mary Aun Colo, C . M. Conklin, Henry G. Dicks. Matthew Davis,' P . C. Dudley, Josinh Fuller, Jacob Fuller, Albert Fuller, Daniel Frank. Alexander Follansbee, Eboneeser Fuller, Eli Green, James Griffin. Peter V. Griffin. Peter Gallagher. Daniel Grow, Abigail Gotham, Caroline Glass, Lorenzo G. Grow, Jacob Hall, Sylvester Higginson, S. C Harter, Jacob Hownrd. Wni. H. Html, Hiram Hodgkin, John Flolmes, AVilliam T-Toover, Lydin Holbrook. David A. , Hodges, Win. D. j Howard. Michael j Jarvis, Agar Pay, William Palmer. Jerome Potter, Lydin E. Potter Mr. Riley, Catherine Riley, Martin Russell, John Root, Lyman M. Reed, I leorge Stiles, Brother Stevens, A . J . Seymour. G W . & Son Smith, Mrs. Harriet Simmons, George Smith, Alice Sholl, Wm. Snyder, Peter Scott, Luther Tompson, Jenks P . 2 Tomlinson, R. Taylor, E. Thomas, Laura Townsend, Hiram Tripp, Martin W. White. W m . 2 Wescott, Sarah Weaver, Samuel S. "W.-iite & Hopltinson Wilson, W m . H . White, Hirnm C. Williams, G. Waltz, Dnvid Webb, James Ward, A . C . Whitney, E . & P . Weldon, Mary , Wood, Burton Woolwnrth. Wm. P. MtrtfPY.P. M. SI dec west twenty-four eliiilrisanil eiErhly-five Itults along ihe souih line of said lot lot he place of b.-smnlnc—ennlain- inir filly-one a c r e s and twenty three perches of lend, r."-'er- vinj-lheicfrnin l.vcntyae.el on tho iiottlii,iiIe,li,inn parallel with the smith hue of paid lot No. r-3. Also, nil that oilier |.ieen or pirer I of land.sitinvjvin?and heiuriiLlllo town of Hlli--liiirgh,afore&at.i,aii,lnp.rfi.l>aiil lot No 5.?,bonhd.-.tft.follow*! ton-ilinitijala^oke in the north- casi eorner of the above drErribr-,1 prftiii.es.iu die p'.^spssion of Udrna Wood, and ruiiMhriir-e north lour chain;* and ?ev- c n l i n k ^ l - n m l w — I h i i r e n.ulh Si di-j. west twenty four ehaiiis and ei:rh.,-!i. e Saks /.. a sr.ijje—uVncesouth four- chaiu'. and seven Iiuksfnautakoin ihe noilhue-t c .rnerol Ihe last above de-e, il»-d premise.—lb, neesoiilli Si <l.-c. c.i^l t.v.-nty-f..n rlnn,^ and Rtiiity-Fivfi ln,k.-i toiln-pljcc t.f begin ninr. colli^'ninirl.'n atocunf Inml. Al-o, all Ibat c,.| lain lol, pieeo or parrel of land, situate, ly- in^ and brlnr m Ibotownof Ellt^lin, ch. eounly of Joffei-un and S'ale ol 7^..\. York, kn.ovn and ilisiinenislird as part of lot pixly-one. boni.i'(tl a* fitllowp, (viz:> befrinuitiir nt the norih east corner of i- .id lol, aud vnnoinc ilnnrc north west- erly nlnilcl lie north line thereof loilic centre of the highway —lilen e south wclorly down tbe renter of said Road to Ihe nnril. line of land deeded Seth firmvstcr—Mienee srufth east- .•rly tilon^said line lo the eaej ]mo ol said lot sixly-nne— thenrenotth oilman! lineloilie place nf bepiniiing.eotitaining nlneceies a n d u half of hunt, be I ho same more or less. And al«n all that ceruiin piece or parcel of land, situate, ly- iiman.l brinuinthc townuf Ellisbiirsh.eoiuiiy of Jefferson and Suit of New Y-, k.heins part of lot N o . IftH.-n s a i d t o w n , anil hounded as follows, n. wit: he^iiniimial a re.1 cedar slake al Ihe south west corner of a piece uf land horclofoic deeded In E.I ward Boomer, in links norih east frnm a while cedar, marked K N HI and J—llicnce nni Ih 81 den. we-t ten cltaintaiiil Ihirlcen links In a slake norih wcsl 9 links from a sp.ltcc marked, nl N and S T—ihonce north 5 chains t o a red cedar stake, marked L IU U S—f hence south SI de";, cast 10 chains and thirteen links lo a whi-e cedar tree—thence soulh r> chains to the place of bcEtnninir.cnntnininjr five acres of laud ho Hie same more or less.''—Dated, Feb. 0\ IR49. WALTEIt flOLLINS. 25w7 Sheriff of Jeff. Co. JLmuls For ®ale! A RARE OPPORTUNITY IS NOW OFFERED to Settlers who wnin lo buy Lands CHEAP, with a good chance to pny. Tho Subscriber has 200,000 AO^S Of Liml in the (owns of CHOGHAN, NEW-BRBMEN" nnd TVATSOJf.in tht'Connlyof Uwis l amlSrat*'orNi'w Vork, which lie urtl-rs lbi- salp in lots to suit purchasers, at prices nccortljnp to locatinn strut quality, ffcncnUly frnm § 4 , t o § 5 , pp)* acrr>; 60 cenM on »n acrfl payablt; down,anil ihi* balance with anmml pitere«t, in yearly payments not exceeding sfv- en. One lit If of the first and second yearly payments will ber^reived in labor nt fair pries, from those persons who may desire it, and who will buy in the course of-the present year. Tli^sp Lincl-! ni-n situated in the renrral part of Lewis C'"»n* tv: thny arc lionnded-on the Black River, and join the flour- tahitmand rfch towns of Denmark, Lowville and Martins- bnrgli; they are watered hy the Beaver, Tndrin, Oswcsarch- if and IndRp^nilpiieeRiver^nnd by Crystal,iu>irmnr,731ae]t and Swiss Creek-J, with their niim.'rouptrihiiiarics. All of them nrc Mill Stre mp, afibrdin<r Water Potcer to avert/ great extent, and not one-hundredth p/irt of it occupied. The Rlnck River, adjoininp these Lands, and above them, has a good and uninterrupted n'tvicatiun of 45 miles, a n d i s by Law a part of the BLACK RIVER CANAL, now nearly finished. These Lands ar<* fertile and .well timhered, and very heal- UiVj and are free from I hose kinds of Fevers sn common in new countries. The climate is mild; the atmosphere is pure, and the Tract a bounds with living PI reams of the purest wa- ter. The lands a,*e generally level or rolling, ilmre being no considerable hills or mountains, ami they are well adapted t-i raising all kinds of cvain and erass. They abound in many parts wiihMdple Treofe, and some o f the finest s u g a r o r c h - ards arc to be found here, irom which, during the past sea- son.the inhabitants made more that50.O00 \hs of Su;rar* Thiroare now over 500 families living on the Tract, and as a proof of their prosperity, ihoy challenge a. comparison with any seitlemcm in KorthernNcw York of the same agci and sine. The people arc industrions, and belong: to that class known as goad settlers, Thnir buildinehjfences, clear- ings, roads, school honFcnnd mills present to the new-com- er theappearancerathei'ol an old ami wealthy-country than a now one. There is no coun'y in the Slate that raises finer catrlej and none of equal population which turns out annually more Butter ami Cheese than the County o f Lewis. The advantages above mentioned which these landspo?- ness. their hcition beins; abniu half way "between the Erie Canal at Rome, and Lake Ontario atSacket's IIirbor,aud from 35 to 40 miles from each, will, it it believed, iu-iuee peo- ple looking.for lands to come and see them before purchasing elsewhere. For the purchase, or ativ infbrmtaion r.oncorninir these T*ntl*Rpp1ytomv A«nr,Mr.P.S.STEWART,HTCarthage, i 'efP»rsonCauniy,.Statenf New York.fftdviiniiip'lKspL'in'is.l * , „ V\ LK R A V DB OH M'aTON'T. Dated Feb. 1,1 ft 10. -s lU o. Hardware, Cutlery, Iron Nails, &c. J. S. VAST BUEE^ T , Xo.3 Woodruff Black—next doot cait of Ketlar .J- Fuller. •eater In AMERICAN, GERMAN, AND ENGLISH H A R D- W ARE, &An every Turiely'of Patterns nncl Styles. HOUSE TiuanirNG---. GUN TllIMMIN-GS. FASur coons. 7!AI 2il. 3J. -td. Gil Si. I'M. 12.1. 2 M . 3.1J. 41W. J-.S. Swede*, Unglish, and American Iroi^-Sitovch, Spades »J-c 18^j'AIJr-48 T7XTRA GENESSEE FLOUR FOR FAMI- JLU LV u-e. O^weso Superfitif vUmr. O^wejn Wnti*r Lime,Mnnlin* Water Lime,(isupnrior article.) Solar Salt, in IJasrs and Birrcte. Conimun and IJairv .Salt; Nails and Spikes by ihe Keg^-Sail ClothrBii£.*inff, H.".op^t round t-andp. Bar aud Pig Iron, PhtwP.Stoviv, Firch,Tir, Unpin:«ml Coal Tar, for sale very eh^ap lor raj h, t.y E.&E. B.CAMP. Sackets Harb«tr,Oct.3, lSl^r- 0[| H SIGMAN, No 3, WHITE'S RLOCIi, L..vvi« nn.l S-. L'1'ir.-ncc •MIUIIIM. that In- ]m ro'isiwl IHH jhwknf Winn-, b.mlir.ntidhr. n,|l j.^Mrc ilKmlirhMlhr tare-rt an.l hjsl• «cl--rtp.l st.„:k o f F u r Goods thatmn be Imilul ^.lrlh nr N,-\v T.irk Cny, Tlii> r<ill>i<n'i^- i-iimpnsc J .1 tvir of his .irllclcs -• nia.'kanil Natural Lynx 5IiilT<. I Kih.-lh B-jr. £ate Arrival of KTew Goods! No. 12, Court-Street, Watertown. S'ltrriiin Sq-iirrrt,Fitch,Ch'incI.Jll»,Woir,OrpnMoa.O™- W H0 . h ? s r , r??'' n i rih -' ! M n r ' ;<n<l O n m y M u f T - . t »* est ftm-knf Or.nilsm An hnrcst wfll*;^|f-rieil.arnlrhca]t. Hicrn Nf*. V n r k . wliii-ti 1^- Siifc, Oi-rman ami Mnhair Phwli, Fnr.Clo'h an.l ' wl " rat; '" f'l™«""" ••' ^" n < n - "!"' ""'•niii >•• tin- puMic t.-n- ri!p>crii tmnof Cap*. 1 crallv.at i'?.«sp ir,esthan s:ti...ls liavpi-vcr l-trfurt'h.-cu -.iMiil UOBESj.—A li-eo and splendid ^sorln-fnt nr Biimilr. W j «»«". Noltumh.walx.iitll.isi lit.I„<-).I.S jiwi nl,..; Im K.il«.«_a|.„ F.n- U».inili.|saii<I G!.>vrs, BufTato Cnaw anil V'5\ c »'' inl ""' **'"» "'•'ffli'"-. ' " li« «-«-k will 1 H-vc-y nlh, i-arrirlo in the linn nf f u r CTOOIIB, timnumorniistn ' r "" n ' 1 ,s »«»•» vnnciynf CTJI.IIR aa is niiullyli p- n, anv . (.APS.- i>vi-iy,.:hpri! T II B CASH PAH) FOR SHEEP SKINS. §S, THE HIGHEST CASH PKICR PAID S r 5 , fcEfIl.^S. I S>l , y>e Morww Factory of mi-ii'imi. Tiic I.a.lio- ivilln.l.Iat IIK SWO. heller Aluflxanil al Ifiu-m pni-ov Mian can he funiiil clai-irlinrc. Co-intry Jlcclianti! aro pirlli-ularl; invited tn cxaminoliis Morkanil pnc-B hel.ircmakiufrihcir purelmm. Mr. .Si^ruan maniifaclnres I n s o w n comb and %yarr!nls lliom In h.j \\ hat t hoy arc rcpresTitciI. Fursclcancil ahcrcdand rcraireil. Cash paid for Shipping Fttr.i, Shivp Pelts and Grass Sped. Watcitinvri, Nov. Nli. |4jf FEMALE SEMINARY. Misses BB.TGHT, Principal. Rev. J . A . NASH, Teacher of Latin. Mr. MANN, Teacher of Music. ^«?, H ^&A^iKlfSSi?Sj M " M A R I E ALLEN, Assistant Pupil of Moroeco con^htmlv stock of pMods in.toivn. Tin-1- , toe.illand examine his -to._k«J Fniland Winter TJi^s(J<«xN. Hif«'tiirk' , oibr.ire':at'r*-.irL 5 r vaiiel); than'*.Mi v.vilbernnn *r« at'-il i n a handbill. He uo'ihl a!sn solicit fit*- an.-irioii "j the G*;iit|*'inpn i-Jc-.irtmitMfpm'chai'inff any kind t.f i-ailand Win- t<*r Cl<«! tunc, in rail in bePa'c purcliasm_' CIJ-O^IKTC, a n d *•,*<- anmi" his stork of Chith-i, Cassimere", Sheep's Greys, K«MI- tii'-ky Jeans,Tweeds, Heav«-r Chilli, Pilt-t Cluthx heavy Kn* (jhfh an-l Blanks CottHIS; Vt-siinL'-*of every pattern, sryle •nnd q u a l i f y . Ami in fitet, every thiinrin th'i way of Drr«=s G.mds that iRenlleman candesire.ajw;heapa<iF.ind- Walk in Gi-niie.nen, and examine l»i< ^tork; von will not regret it and he witilake Rr^at nlf*a«iirc in Rluwtn? ym hiscunfts. V>.u will find fbar yo'ihflvi« coHu al.iut (tterichi phc*'flir I»KV GOODS AND VANKCB NOTIONS. PnMlrritwppIted at New Vnrk Prices. A good article o[ TEA at only 23 centB per p .und. Watertown, Nor. 1.1M9. HmG CLOTHING STORE. T HE PLACE TO BUY ALL KINDS O F C L 0 " THtN'Ui'u kt-xi.v-w*}' thaiMver Ufli.iesf'iJuHliiare- gtoiijis aWlie Coriiter Store* N o. 4 M E C H A N I C & E X C H A N O E Wheremav lie iVjml a vcr> i-xlcndic \ai-h-iy nt" READY-MADE OLOTH1N0, Tnsnlicr with a f.ill sfurk of FFRXISmXa GOODS', n.ait-« use ot lur ue.iilt r»t* .»*s w t a r . Al e u,aij c:£if*HMvernrf6* ty of G *odrS!itir<btf t.f YOUTHS'AND BOYS' CL0THHTG, AnilmnMkiril.-nf !)..>•-_'I'l.ill.iu;mi li.im' r.-atlj iu.nlc. AI- sn, a pfm'l a^>in'(n'i-»il *:i" One Cloth.'!, Ca.°"/mrrr*, ami Vt--.fi,is:?, Tn lie rnailo up hi i,r.!,-i. .< ml Hml l. ti.tr/ tho.? in t'iCSl'itt '*.'h' i'." tli.T* t.ii»ii(« k «.-iBr.-..mi'l'-y i -', riTMl»«» itn-i. IVf lur; i»Wh..i.kl.!M«r Hiellh..Mlp.n.nn-'- llrri.'yhl- S l„.l.,I, I wuiil.1 mini liiiili- Hi" .ll'iii'l. 11 i.l ill >\ ti.imnj- ITOarer^r^riillylni lliil j ),,„',.„ ,. aM„iii„p„r..ii .~r lu ll. " j-er-'ini wl... un'il.l - * cloipetl plnre ..t A'u CT " ! '"'*"STREETER'S, On lite Cornt-r, X<>. i Mi-rianirx' Erclia-ngc. The lien! slvl.'s r.( U. -,il (In mnik-l <iir..ril- are hr-rr toho f.uiiii. ami tile miiiiri-.r n " ' " m wliirliiln-j aiil.oih rnlitnil ir.a.lcnr., r. mlnrn ilu-. !-l<--!: '«•' H < w l ' lf "- a"';"""" "f <'«y- cm 6arPlr:i>f nrnr. I ei il,.; ii'ia ii.iieeni is not, iimler anvcircurn.Iarier*|,i I., nnil'is-il.'. Done on shr-rt n'-'i-''" ai-ito-i^.nfid Btiir't attention p-tidtofcll hranclusof Hiethi|oiii*e*' l,E,, ""»'* <intitt>Jenot inferior to \ ciniitii-fei.t \MiriinuUi lor If Hltlll. .ll'cu'H.i •'p-k ii'"v on J"inl, rndall .nv ri (br--* uii] mid the Xcir Yoik to but/ a I stylet of .ta%^m'J5SS^-^ fi ^|^^^«is T r a vssessa TEKW or THIS sonooi. wn* favoro T RTPHirnvn -K commence on \VPilne-i1aytihe21HtnrJanuary tn*xtrand Watertown Nov. 15 1RJ9. lii^umuisu. ^ nfffirevi'ii Creator facilities then hefore fur obtaining a -.. , —- —.' 1 ' * - bill I rhftriiitffti fiflnciilmn. B LONDON'S JHesir Restorative* OH PIRCFS OP FRFWH. Hvfiricu I-V-T^ n ™ . i inslnirJiun wili he civen in ihe English Branehes.willi ^ U „Vn. (VntaS ««.l hlaelo Br',art%,?? ^ f e Frenrh nn.1 Lain, a. tl.o rclneeil price nf, per .erm, S l.no .t.... «.\_... ; _ ., ! ..., !.._• » - . - , '"> ".' *y». i««ci Piuiitin^and Drawing, ear li t*xfi*a, than everofP-»*ed in tins market, hist open! renin,* Mrf NEW YORK CITV DRY OOpPS STOTMS. P AMELIA AND EVANS MILLS PLANK ROAD COMPANY. i-XJa.XM^ •Wa^nowiijFph. 1,1849. Tli* 1 Sioekholijfrf of this Compiny will ploase take nntiVc that 15 pe.r c u t upon th" sineknf each Shareholder is re- quired to be paid nn rtic 1st d a y nf i\Tireh. Shareh'ilders rePidinc nt Evan* bill's, ean pay to Jtldgn Buyer, If mnrcennvenicnt. By ordei nr the Board. 2>u3 I. H. F1SK, Sec'y. i.na Bi^nrd, per term of ele\*en week", 1 "*' ,,f, .,« Yonn? Lidies boarding in the family of the Prineipal!*, will be under all necc-'ary but iiotccrcrcreMi-ictumijand particu- lar earo will be taken nf the physic-il health nf w h pnp'li as well as pvcry aiiention given to h^r moral and menial culture For fiirther particulars"mrpiire at the. residence of tho teach- ers on State Street, next the Baptist Church. TEXT BOOKS. F OR SALE—THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR sale, a Farm in the town of Ly..je.one mile east of Mib lin's Bay, containing 263 acres, 100 of which is improved with a large framed Barn, 36 hy 43, dwelling Honso,30by 24, with wood House and Kitrhen in rear. Also, a Farmnf in5 acres,about 40 of which is improved, iiiMcComb's settlement, adjoin ins the farm of Geo. McComb in said town, with a cood framed Barn and Los Hotice. Also, about 40 acres wild land on the road leading from Shepard Warrens to the French Church. The above Farms are the property of th* late firm of Far- well & Baker, and will be sold at a bargain to settle and close that concern, and ir not sold at private sale previous to the, 8th d i y o f March n°xt, will be sold at public auction, on that day. at I o'clock P. M., at the dwelling House of Adison M. Far welt on tbe first above named premises. About one-fourth or fifth part of tho purchase money will be required on giving possession, and the remainder may i«- m&inon Bond and Mortgage for aterm of years, Definite conditions made known on the day of sale. Tjf |e indisputa- ble. - ELI FARWELL. Watertown, Feb. I, 1849. 25w4 fURPETING AND OIL CLOTH.-THE V/ hugfisl assortment ever before ottered in the County, at prices corresponding wiltt the present low prices* nf Wool.— Also for sale by [G UPHAM & LAWYEtt. ONE CORD SHOVELS. A ^IB'S, square and round pninls, short aninoiigllaiTMcp. ^"X Rowland's do do do do do Rail Koad do " do 20 do Manure Forks, For sale at Nm-.27,181S. No. do do do do 2, IKON BLOCK. WHO WAKTS GOOD EYES? 4 SUPERIOR ASSORTMENT OF GOLD. Silver, Silver plated, Gorman Silver and Steel frame icIePjWith white,biueandirreenglaf-seB.. Ateoroncare classes for near sighted pcruinH| _ ju**t reciv-'d at the wa»*h, Cltie-i., Jcwelrvano Fancy Store'*ff *"•'• GtNXBT. Wdtcnown, Oct.27, ISIS- u 1 Itf T HE SUBSCRIBHR HAVING DEVOTED MANY ye-trs to thehlndy of Hie nkin and th" tn-airmiit of the Im- man hair,ai]tl uaed varioos Cdiupri'inds.A; pnm'-of the ••Nos- trums*" of the day, has finally r-mnd in ihe"IIAlK UIJSTO* HATIVE 1 ' th<? great J ' d«.«hl»***a• 11rrt '* f»n I n p p .--oi'fflii f»r, but never, heretofore, funwU The HATU KKSTOllATiVK tf enniposed of many vepetabb' iusredieuts of opposite q<iali- * ii'-^and po-^-esBesIhe magi" powered"nvtorinir 'he hair to ttB original beauty ami lustre, imnartinff life and animation to the diseased and dyinr hair. It eleahf- the pnres o( (he (*ltin. anil cn-esabealthyariion tnttie blood v'-psej«t( nerves, &c, wlneh imparts life to the Ivir, tlir>r»by preventing bahlnenH and gray hair,anil in all case*-producer thei^fovvtJi of new tiftiijAvhereitisnof b-yond ihi- power of a n to »!o. h fre^s Adams'and Perkins' Arithmetic, Brown'** and Bullion's j the xfcm from scurf, daudrofr.nnd MIMT eutar^oni-f'iseafies, Rrammer, iMitchcll"** Gt-ngraphy, Cutter's Physiology, Olm- whWi are lite incipient rant-c nf baidup-^, and will keep the •-read's PhiIo*-ophv,SiNiman'BCHemii=try,Bitrrei'«fieo^r«ipliy hair hi a healthy and luxuriant state Until the latent period of of the Heavens. Wood's Botany, Perkins' and Day'« Algebra Hie. Every ona will find t h e I U m RESTORATIVE a pr»m and Geometry. Way land's Moral Science, Abercromhie's fn- addition to their toiler, not only nn^ account ofjts delieate>nd Geometrv, Wayland-s Moral Science, Abfrcrotnhie-s fn- tcllccliial l-hilosophy, Kane's Elements of Critici?im, Parker s Progressive Exercises in English Composition, Newman's Rhetoric. , „ , _ . ,, FJIRNCH—OHcndorPs French Gi ammer, Snreme'f- Diction- ary, Rowan's French Reader, Coriimc and Life of Wasliing- LATIS—McClintock'sExorcises,Bunion*sC!esar,Fo7Kom'e ivy. 2*f Watertown Bee 28, ISJS, DRY GOODS & MILLINERY ABRAHAM WELCH, AND MRS. WELCH, rt Street, Watertown. Co rpHEY arc just returned from New York ivithihe b«stfie- X lection hi the two branches believed to be ever seen in the Country, and will pay tolhcir friends and the public, in short, (hat it is FtiU their slutJy to accommodate and sell on the very lowest cash terms. Mrs. W. has taken the greatest pains to procure Ihe newpBt fashions in Bonnet.s, Hoods, Dress Caps, Hood Dresses&c, ami will bo constantly informed of the varied bfyleB. KJ-iHi)liners can be supplied with every avticlein their line to great ad vantage, and they will doAvell to takelheearli- est opportunity for making their selections. Eyeletfiinserted and Bonnets-made or altered althe shortest notice. 7y Watertown, Sopt. 30,1B-13 FAIRBANKS' PLATFORM SCALES.-A I Iresh aupply ol the^o uuriVitHi'd Scales, jilet received, inihidin^ Groccrd Scalij3,ant;w arli'li',i?t the Hardware Slore,No's.SamKOrCuililSU'ert. U.ij. QTI9. W4iwto^n l Or..af]l31S. Ptf aprt'raljlc pcriume, but the great facility it a(T>riln in ilreflB- iriff t h e h a i r . A. BLONDON. Thr-HAIUBESTOnATIVEiskeptotlhaml anil Tor sale nt BLON'DO.V'S Barbi-raml II Ur-drensfnE I'Blaliliilini.'nt on Arsenal street, firfctiloor W'.stuf the American Holelljtiild- inc. Walerfown.Dce.etlt, 1S!S. lOlf. WK the undersigned havine nncd the Hair Heslorative made by Mr. Blonilon, take pl'-asiire in testifying to its pood qualities anil eonsidor it a useful article for the purpose for which it is intended. Charl-.-s fc'ord, A. Wilson, Hovt &c Grecory, G. C. Jaekson, lLCamp, * J.M. OAileieh, R. Ton Eyck, Wm. Hatlnvay, H. Failine, D.D.Otis, Waller Failius, A . S . GIT™, J. K. Smith, A. Mc'Bratney, S. S.Wiecins, James H. Heics, R. Buekley, Wm. Uurehard, James Cole. Jtilton Clark, T.P. Carter, John Mucklc, T . T . Turner, h. H. Brown, Q. Hewitt, N.Jones, V.Dlirkeo, E. B. Wait, K. A. Crmvnnr, K.Hannahs. "W.. T O SADDEBRS & HAItNJES&MAXERS.— We havejitsl received a Iai% r e and u'ell selected asri'-rt- mentofS'idtllery Hardware of all descripiione, which we are prepared to seltto Saddlers at prices which eauiiolbuf, be.'atisfactory tolhcm. Callandsecus. June 3, ISIS. J- B. & 13. F. HOTCHK1W. A LARGE LOT OF STONE WARE JIJST X V . received ami for sai« by b. tfAYES* i^' Xo. 15, Court Street, Wutertonm. COUNTER SCALES.-50, No. 1,2. AND 3, \J just Tcceived at Ko. 2 Iron Block Utf I>I 1.U09ID CUT DIAMOND. A FEW SIJPERTOR GLAZIER'S DIA- Jt\. MOSD for Hi. lo»-»t tlio Waieh, Clock, Jewelrv am Kan-.y Store of ' W. OEHStT. a-t i7,l6U Iftf T,ULorr« sriEAUR. •neeacenrjfortliesalofilHl.INi'-t.H'^ri.'i.ntTAri.OIlS' RIlKAJ:S,r.irllirnnnh. tn i-eelinn i.l K. Y.,13 atSir<-<'lfr'ir, w h e r e Shi-ari* nf alls,>.iH eal, I.-- hml a' tin iiianilfarriirer'H prl..'.'; a!uu*mall Pi.liil^ ofih.-saint n.airt ru-l,c. Ilisal* l.iWe-1 liy all who are i-'qnalo'eil wiMi ileiutseli's .SIn-arn tliattheyarelhe hcslarti' t"tnt'Jieliriei.f Slnnri now inniio K. W. S>TCEETbIl, T,<tert,-m-n May83, TSI3. "Tl-IE"" Cheap Cash Siore 9 N o . 5, WASIIINC*TO:> Sr.j WATEUIOIITI. W. HERRICK HAS JUST RECErVFD . , , alarceiu ii rirh sdjrkr.i Dry Gricds, wlii.K liem- Tilesihcinhahirarit^of JrAerprm ami Ihe adjoinii.e t'oiiiilios to examine. Theue enui's were pnrchai-ed wiijiin ih* 1'if-t few days, in New York and RoFmn, at Ilie present li-.w r«ri»- rc<*. Thy Goods never were cheaper, am] in- i s (li.'f->si*d to sella! a small advance finm first cost. Ho feels cimfiileiil ha raunol fail lo sati'Iy all ivliodefikefyiod good* a f cluap rales. Amonc his sleek may I,.. f mod- the nelje^t lol nf. Li,»*> G-ioila- everoftered in this market, eoiwislitic, in part, as follows:. ' Sadies* Dress (woods. Black & Colorwl Bomliaxines, Ch'ebl" &Bl'kTure Sirlins,. " " Frenrhlvfennoes, Slnptit & FienreJ Silks, Plain & Fignr«l Cishmers. Silk Lustre Mmlormas, " " Belains,, l'l'u-& Ch'eMc Lorone OfH,. " " Thid Ljlslros, " "• Mohair, 4e^ lee. Indiana Cloth, A splendid assortment ul sllltiv Lustre De Soys^ < ^aslnncrs, Brorlia ic Woven- I'Veneh A; Seoleh Ringhnns, Shawls. ,_,. Bl'k.Bluei Brah I'arameUos, A very larco slock ofrririla Uhanjcable & Bl'tc Sillts, from 1 to 12J cents per yard. GEKTS.' GOODS-- French, OormanandEnKlish, Wiwleii Vcilinge, Biack.Olive.Drahfc Brawn Rl'k t Oj.lureil feilk Telvtls,. Broad GlotliSf Treneh Iliid, Cashmer, &. Ser- Black Una Skin and FoiKy lin Gloves, Cassimereo, fc'uM'jn & Wool under ShirU, Satinets ami TwccJ-, .„", ". I-Hawers, Bl'k and fancy Silk Cravat«, Woolen Comforters, Bl'k Salin,,sUk, Cashme'ei. IIotii..,y,i;r,&c. Brown & Bi'ai'lied Unslin, Co'ton Varn, BaHin.?, Wiclt- inff, Carped, Warp, Battcinff, Browii & Stitped Drillilifis,. Brown and Bleached Tal,le Linens, White,Red and Vellim- Fiannels,Plaid Linings,Carpcl8,DiMi?3et,andfloor fjll Ciolli r Bed Ticking, Woolen Blankets, tec, &c. Together wilh nearly every other article usually krpl in- an exlensivc firy Goodtf establirfhii.eiit. AIso,aUrEeaj..-ortmentof frrocerirFjnu-h aft Teas,Sugar.-.' Coffee, Molatses, Tobacco, Salaratus, Jiaisins, Spires, Ac, &c.,together with a good :-toek of Onckery and Glass Ware, All tho above, together with an endless variety of other ar- ticles which aretoo numerous to mcnuon in an adverliscmenl, call be had at grcal.barc;ains,.at Herriek's Cheap Cash Wore, Ho. 5, Washinglon si., next door west of the. Black Kivor Watortown,Doo.,18l8. I s t? N. B. Pasll|iaidfor^nyn;'iaulilyoffOO'?ri01n2adeJBill'ar. PHllE—'PoK^rUij: At lKVTwar.F.aov.v. f\!L -BUODinH—I A T the cltcl|i Drug Stu e '.* «> A-iyiMt 10. 1!<15.

Transcript of di Retail K and Q-rocery Blme. T -...

Page 1: di Retail K and Q-rocery Blme. T - …nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn85054388/1849-02-21/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · about 1000. An extensive "Placer" has been discovered in Oreaou. and it


C i U l f 6 i u i i r t - - 3 i r » i ' a i s a j j d . <*o l« l .

' T h o WasMugton U n i o n igives n l e t t e r from Gsl i -

fori i iu, diitoi! Dec. 20; from wliiuh we ext.raot:

" W i t h i n ' s i s weeks , moyo tlum t w e n t y murders h a v e occurred hi n. w h i t e populat ion of Iras than 15 .000souls : T h e people a rc now noting in self-d e f e n c e ; anil taut1 or fivo (lays.sinoo t h r e e men-were J i u n g by -Lynch law, 60 miles from t h i s place. It. is of t h e last liiliportanoe t h a t the d is t ress ing condition of California should b o impressed upon those at W a s h i n g t o n who h a v e thoipower of a p p l y i n g a irem-e i y . T h e people a r e now p r e p a r i n g to organize a .provisional government * * b u t should Con-g r o s s give us a t e r r i t o r i a l organization a t tho present session, i t will 'Supersede t l iopopulnr local organiza­t i o n now Kiting p l a c e , b u t which canno t go into ef­fect before tho ensuing summer. T h e Uni ted States r e v e n u e laws are now i n force here, a n d will yield a n income of say S300.O00 the ensu ing year, and p e r h a p s move, and four-fifths of th i s amount will be col lected at this p o r t . Much dissatisfaction exists nt t h e payment of such n tax on the p a r t of the in­h a b i t a n t s , without c i t h e r a government, or a repre­s e n t a t i o n . Tins f ee l i ng is gaining g r o u n d front day to d a y .

1 wrote you a ve ry long semi-official letter some, t i m e since, (Sept. 18th.) going at l eng th into the h i s t o r y of tltogold m i n e s . 1 t rust t h a t you have re­ce ived tha t communication, its i t accompanied o.ther official papers, a l l of which, T am informed, were c o r r e c t l y seat from Mnzat lnn to V e r a C r u z about s i x weeks since. I h a v e only time now to inform y o u t h a i every t h i n g s ta ted in that l e t t e r has been m o r e t h a n rdtlize-l up t o this date. T h e gold mines o o n t i n t t e to boas r i ch a s before, a l though t ho ra iny s e a s o n h a s caused m a n y to suspend t h e i r work —

t T h e r e c m ho no d o u b t b u t that nt l ea s t SJ,000,000 ' of go ld , a t Sid pe r o u n c e troy, has b e e n taken, from , t h y m i n e s . The mos t accurate est imates I am able

t o m a k e show that S I . 5 0 0 000 have been sent from t h e couutry,nnd $1 ,000 ,000 of i t has gone from this p o r t . O n e vessel took 6100,000. "Twothi rds of till t h a t lias been e x p o r t e d has gone to foreign coun­t r i e s , a n d , consequently to foreign m i n t s .

I am. dear sir, i n g r e a t haste, yours t ru lv , J . L . F O L S O M .

3% D a y s L a t e r f r o H I S a n F r m i c i s c c .

R o u t . Atlierton. a merchan t of S a n Frnnoisco. a r ­r i v e d in Now Y o r k yes terday. H e lef t on the 10th

. D e c , a n d brings 3 .1 -days later advice from the gold r e g i o n . Entire c r e d i t i s accorded to h i s s t a t cments .

M r . A . know o n e company which wen t out from S a n Francisco, w i t h a l l the proper tools, maoliincs a n d accessories, whose members a f te r digging some­t i m e , returned w i t h o u t paying expenses—neverthe­l e s s w i t h fair luck, and ha rd work n m a n may obtain 3 o z of gold on an a v e r a g e per day.

I t i s n o t ofton found i n lumps, still M r . A. has seen on« m i s s weighing 7 l b s , and a friend one of 21 lbs .

T h e number of p e r s o n s who had been to the mines w h e n ho left, wore 10,000, hut t h e r e had not been >nore t h a n 2500 d i g g i n g a t any one t imo. One man of h i s acquaintance, a blacksmith, got SI 0,000 worth in 3 weeks. A good many Indians had boon em­p l o y e d by tlto miners, b u t they a re poor assistants as t h e y do not work s t e a d i l y .

M r . A . brings w i t h h im the bills of lading of S 2 0 . 0 0 0 in gold, s h i p p e d on Engl i sh account, on w h i c h lip proposes to effect an in su rance here. ' H e nls > confirms the a c c o u n t of t he gold in t he U. S . a h i p Lexington; h e s t a t e s she has S500,000. Cin­n a b a r H also found in g r e a t abundance .

A rich mint) lias been found within 3 miles of Sun F r a n c i s c o . There was nothing doing a t tho mines w h e n he left owing to t h e rainy season.

T h e r e was much s ickness in the gold diggings, and no disturbances. Good hoard c a n be obtained nt S . in Francisco a t SIO per week.

P rov i s ionsp l en ty a t fa i r prices. T h e population a b o u t 1000.

A n extensive " P l a c e r " has been discovered in O r e a o u . and it was repor ted at San Francisco, that all t h e inhabitants of Oregon city had gone there. S h i p s drawing S feet c a n sni! one h u n d r e d and fifty m i l e s up IheS.toraincnto.

Nr.w Y O R K , Feb. 15.

C a l i f o r n i a .

T h e dispalolt of Com. Jnnes appears in the papers of t o - d a y . Ho advises t h e sale of t h e gold regions as t h e hast , if not t h e o n l y practicable disposition to

. h e m u l e of thorn i n t he present disorganized state of s o c i e t y . Ten of t h e fifteen murders h o mentioned, w e r e t h e entire household ol'a respectable rancltero. cons i s t i ng of hi» wife, t w o children a n d six servants.

T h o man. whose n a m e was Reed, h a d been very successfu l in t l i rdiggins dur ing the summer , nn'l had r e t u r n e d to his homo n e a r Santa B a r b a r a , with a l a r g o amount or gold .

I - I i s house was s u r p r i s e d by an a r m e d party, and the w h o l e family, a s above staled, barbarous ly mur­d e r e d , a n d gnl'l t a k e n . The pe rpe t ra to r s of this h o r r i d deed aro sti l l at l a rge .

O f t h e other five ea se s , four a rc h i g h w a y robbe­r i e s committed on p e r s o n s re turning w i t h gold from the m i n e s .

E m i a r a n l i from t h e U n i t e d Stales, vmiaway sail-v»rp. lUglnndcd snliti.-rs a n d deserter; from the army a n d n a v y , are believed to lie the jruiltv persons.

T h e mutinies. nltetnU'.i with m u r d e r s , alluded to an a nrer imwil inpi teh . w e r e o"tifirm"d and he issued a c i r c u l a r unlering :i elo^e search of nil the vc-spls •on t h e co'ist, who«e movi'monti were suspicions. Tie -s ivs a secret arr ival from C ill in r epo r t s that the A d - i l i n i had been t a k e n in to tha t port, and tho muti­neer- ' , e igh t in number , promptly executed.

R u m o r s aro cur ren t o f two more m u r d e r s Six A m e r i c a n vessels h a v e b e e n wreekM a t Ghagros, out of o i g h t arrivals t h e r e , i n a short t ime.

T h o s t c a m e i ' C a l i f o r n i a was !i0 days mid 19 hours g o i n g from New Y o r k to Panama. S h e and two s h i p s t h e r e would t a k e a l l the passengers for San F r a n c i s c o , numbering some 700. S h e b rough t from C a U a o and Paytn, SllS.GOO for Cal i fornia .

•A. C a r d . M . tillNgST PUPIKOFER, from Switzerland, is desirous

of receiving a limited number or Ladies and Gentlemen .to instrucl in the Gprmtiu and French Languages. For further particulars, enqiiho at llic ofliec of Mull iaS. Goodale, Iron Blockiwbcre Mr. P'b- testimonials can be seen/

Watoilown, Feb. 14, 18'I0, 27w4

SAnD&KoAM.s—When these inflamed tumors become I roue lesome, mid w ill not yield tool her romedics, flTercbant's Gar­gling- Oil will jmiiridv I'euiov.o iliein, us iL also will callous lYomolliorpuirsof the aunii.il.

Secailroiliso.mtut in this paper. A pamphlet or description may he hud grai it- of the agent.

TVpOTICE OF'APPIICATION FOR THE X \ discharge of antil'solve'iit from his debt's, pursuant to the provisions of (he 3-1 article of the 1st title nfthe Slh chap-torof the 2d part ot, the He vised Statutes.

ELUK-riW iVWUSR,ittOrlcaps, ill the Count; ot Jefferson, elotlee, fir t published January 9,1849. Creditors to ap­pear and show, caitrfo-hoioi-e l he Hon. Hubert Lansina. Cnmi-ly Judge nt" JBliorsou. County, Counsellor, 4sn., at hic'nfficoan Wimii-low.n(in said County, oll'.tho 1 St day of March, I819,al lOilV-tnul: in tho forenoon,.

'JlwlS. OH.U.I), WRIGHT, Att'ylor Insolvent.

NEW-YORK MARKET. Ki;w Vonit, F e b . 17—7 P . M .

F L O U R — T h e inqu i ry to day was good, and the market , firm nt S5 06 |hS5 GL'£ for common and good b r a n d s and SO 87.JaS(i 1BJ for p u r e . T h o sales add u p 4000 bids. F o r fut.uredeli.very t he market is firm. W i t h i n a mon th o r two the stock of Canadian has been considerably decreased, by shipments to the Br i t i sh provinces.

G R A I N - - S a l e s 2000 bushels w h e a t via N . O. , at 11210, 000 do W. C. at 100al09p, 1000 c lo \Long I s l and UOnlSO; in addition to t h e Genesee quoted yes terday there have been sold la te ly SOOO busbols p r i m e at 132c for mi l l ing. Corn i s in fair i n q u i r y ; w h i t e is h e a v y ; sales 35,000 bushe l s nt 40n-17c for damaged, 83a0dc for whi te and GOc for yellow n o r t h ­e rn , and G<la65 for southern. Sa l e s 1200 bushels r y e n t OGo. T h e r e a re rumors afloat that the sales of Genesee whent .during t h e p a s t m o n t h have r each­ed 40.000 bush, b u t these sales a r e exasperated 15,-000 bushels.

P R O V I S I O N S — T h e marke t is firmer for po rk to •day ; mess is up to S11 50 an improvement of 50 to 75c per bid; sales 500 bids a t 6 1 1 25aSl l 50 and S l l 37J was offered for 1000 b i d s ; prime is scarce nnd nominal; city mess sells in small lots n tSJ3nS13 50. Beef is without, further c h a n g e ; sales 300 brls at previous rates . Sales 100 br ls beef hams at S10, and 100 do pr ime mess beef nt S17. Lard i s 6Ja 0}o witli small sa les . About 250 h h d s pork h a m s sold n t7Ja8c . Dressed hogs a r e 7JaSc and scarce. B u t t e r and cheese no change.

FR E S H FROM TnK MARKET. AT THE N E W Boulc Sinre, nccl door in r.lie Post Ortiee, a largo and

choice iissoi'tmcnt of Buolcs, adapted to private, common and Sumiy School Libraries. The public arc invited to call and ex.imiiio. 27tf


PRICE, SHEEP $2.50. MUSLIN §2,00 PER VOLUME.—For Said by J . C. STKltUNG.



f ^ I I A P M A N ' S DRAWING BOOK, THE BEST W w o r k on Drawing yet published—prieeiiO,: per No. For rule by J . C.STISKLIKG.



A DMWISTRATOR'S NOTICR-NOTICE JC.JL. 1-* lmr«tjy yi von ionllp arsons Inlying dbmi)nilH ngiiiimt blijuiiIIiims,dei:eaKC'itnf Adum.s, Jefiurson nonnty, to pre-som'ilia saioo to lh'*iulinii)isLr;itorSj6nor before ihe 'kh d.\y of A|jriLn..KSt, ai iheir I'tihiiluiuie in Adums.


?'«6 Administrators.

HOUSE TRIMMINGS.—HAVING BECOME the A g e n t s rnvlhcsHle ol P r i c e & D a n a ' s celebrated

LOOKSam\ LATOHJ3St w e n o w OHVT lo t h e p n b l i e l h c l a r g e s i i i s s o v t m e n l over nflercd in t h i s mtirkor; nn<l whiil IP i m p o r l a n i , we- a r e aii lhorised lo sel l Iliein at the saviiprices Hfpniaiiuritctm-erspcllilifim at in U i i a a . T h o P c b u i l d i n » 7 J w O o / ^ c p w i l l d o wel l lo c a l l , i n d c x a m i i i o t h o J 2 « r a i ! L o c k a n d L i i l c h j A i r s n l e a t N o . 2, Iron B l o c k , b y

Fob 1-1, lS-10, O o o r u n & W O O D R U F F ,

rjARRIAGE TRIMMINGS.—BROADCLOTH, V y brhml iinil nil .-row Lace, Rubber (Jlolli.FiciifedLiniilgs Fringe,Oil Cloth, Door Fastenings, brass and plated banilr, Carriage Un^-s, and M-illoable Iron in groat variety, just re coivoilulNo I j l rou Block, by

Eeb. IT, 1848. Coooeur. 5: WOODHOFP.

MALLEABLE CASTINGS.—A GOOD AS-s o r n n e n l a t J . S. VAN B U R E N ' S

Feb . G, 1849. . 2 5 | f

B R O W N S H E E T I N G S . (CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND FOB SALE \_J by the Bale, at Factory prices, liy

UPHAitf k LAWYER, No, I, Iron Bloclc. 25tf


UPHAM & LA WYE It'S, „ „ „ No. 1, Iron Block. N. B. Heavy Brown Sheeting, at Gil peryard.

di Retail and Q-rocery Blme.

A t T H E S'IG.N O F T H E G O O D S A M A R I T A N , U N D E R T H E B A I > T 1 S T C H U R C H .

T h e f o l l o w i n g c o m p r i s e s b u t a s m a l l p a r t * o f t h e A r t i c l e s k e p t a t h i s S t o r e

Druss & Medicines ghae

Camphor Culi i m el Pl»ium Morp t i i no Rtr .vchnino P e p e r i n e Qu in ine Qu ick S i l v e r N i i r n t e o r S i l v e r OH R h o d i u m Oil P e p p e r m i n t Oil W i n t e r s r e c n O i l L n i u o n Oi lBf t rgamot Oil L a v e n d y r Oil O i t m a m o n Oil C l o v e s Oil O r g a n u m Oil Cct iar Oil W o r m w o o d "Fe\"T Oil F n d i d e o f l r o n Iodine Iodide of P o t .

C o u n t e r F l e s h N a i l Comb HHt Lather Horse Scrub Pain i Varnish Sash Striping Marking

do -tio do do do do do do do do do do do do

I m p e r i a l do B r i i n s v v i r k do P r u s s i a n Bine U l t r a m a r i n e do C h i n e s e • do J los f P i n k P e r s i a n I i row Verd ig •« Vermjl l ion D r o p L a k e C a r m i n e

nnd Oils, Log Wood Cam Wood Red Wood Kustitk Quercitron bark Lacdyo Curcuma Red Sanders

Patent Medicines, g l l ^ "

Co.^ch Varnjsh Furniture do

Dye-Woods, PaiiitsIiXi,,sf„ Turptutine

W i n t e r SncrmOJI Kai l do "Whale (Bleached) do Ol ive do C a s i o r do Linseed do Hal h B r i c k RTaUOies

" T ^ J O T I C E IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT T H E OF" X ^ H C E o f ' T l i c l K T O t a n i l L i m e r i c k P lank R o a d Com-p a n r , " wil l b t l u o L t t t l l t l i S t u n o f Lev i Smith, In L i m e r i c k , tiiilit rm-llior no l t fo according to L a w . By o r d e r n f the Di rectors .—Dated, LmoWck, J a n . 3 t , 1849. 2Dw3

* L . S M I T H , T r e a s u r e r .

M A H O G A N Y C L O T H .

JU S T RECEIVED A QUANTITY OP SUPERIOR Miillo?aiij. Clmli. rurl'iaiin, Tablenittl Sland covers, va­

rying in width from 22 Indies to -1 ft>et. It is al.-'o an excel, leiilarlicle for Bar anil Kci-ess counters, being aoreparalion that is not injured hylliaapplicalion of boiling waler or spir* its. For sale at No. I, Iron Bloclc, l,v


R i > « i ; i r i a o f M r . E J i c I i i K S o n , in tSsc I T . s . S c u i U o o n s5«o USiJl t o r e d u c e t i i c r a t e s o f I ' o s l a g f o .

M r . Dickinson, in answor lo the suggest ion of tlto S e n a t o r from Murylnrnl, [ M r Pcurcej t h a t the pro­posed nmemlinutit, a l l o w i n g n free circulation, of pa­pe r s throughout t h e c o u n t y where pul i l i shol , or for t h i r t y miles, would ho pa r t i a l and unequa l . I should bo g l a d to he informed w h a t portion of t h e whole post office sys tem docs n o t to some extent, opera te partial­ly a u d unequally. [ am one of those who regard the exe rc i su of t h i s function by Gove rnmen t as ar­b i t r a r y and ollioious, a n d withal unnecessa ry ; and I be l ieve there are. now lull-grown m e n within the h e a r i n g of my voice who will live to s e c the whole post office system, n s at p resen t conducted by Gov­e r n m e n t superseded by o n e more cheap, safe, and ef­ficient, regulated by free competition a n d conducted by p r i v a t e enterprise. A n d when t he new sections of t h e country arc more fully set l led. i t will certain­ly h e adopted. T h e amendmeut unde r consideration is, t o be sure , pnrtiiil in o n e sense, but i t in fact is an a p p r o a c h to impartial i ty anil just ice, a s nearly as may b e , i n a system w h e r e , from the v e r y 'na ture of tho c a s e , perfect e q u a l i t y is impossible. T h e r e is a good reason for the d iscr iminat ion which the amend­m e n t s eeks . The s m a l l count ry sheet ought not to pay t h e same postage as t h e heavy commercial sheet of t h e la rge cities. O n e is taken by merchan t s and o t h e r s in cities nnd v i l l a g e s ; the o the r by those in h u m b l e circumstances beyond tho hills a n d the moun­t a i n s . O n e is sought for its commercial news—to l e a r n t h e rates of t h e s t o c k exchange a n d the state of t h e m a r k e t s ; the o t h e r mainly for i t s fund of mis­ce l l aneous intelligence a n d instructing read ing mat­ter, a n d serves us a school for children n n d acircula-t ing l i b r a r y for t h e neighborhood. Besides, since the c o u n t r y hits been checkered with ra i l roads and t r a v e r s e d by steam conveyances, and t h e improve­m e n t s in machinery in t roduced into t h e large print­ing establishments, t h e local .press una ided by large c i r cu l a t i on and commerc ia l advert isements , cannot c o m p e t e with that of t he cities. I t b r ings steam and s i n e w s in competition, a n d tho first m u s t triumph.— T h e d a i l y pipers of t h e cities, a t t ho close of the week , th row together selected ar t ic les from their dai ly editorials, a n d p r i n t a weekly issue, which they sow broadcast t h roughou t the coun t ry nt a p r i ce l o w e r by half t h a n a local paper can possibly he a f forded . But t h i s i s sue is much of i t made up of s t a l e items of c i t y n e w s , of comparat ively little i n t e r e s t iu n family—too' often of police reports , and k i n d r e d intelligence, w h i c h furnish an unhea l thy al­imen t , both prolilless nnd injur ious; w h i l e the coun-try p r e s s usually c o n t a i n s much va luable miscellany, useful to a l l , anil espec ia l ly to the young . T h a t one class of papers may no t h a v e nn u n d u e advantage over a n o t h e r at least equa l ly useful a n d discerning, and t h a t t he rending p u b l i c , separate from commer­cial p u r s u i t s , tuny n o t be deprived of t h e i r favorite m e a n s of amusement and instruction, I favor the pro­posed amendment p e r m i t t i n g country j o u r n a l s to cir­cu l a t e , wi th tho proposed limitation, free. If I can­not o b t a i n this, I shal l t h e n move t h a t this olass of p a p e r s p a y one-quarter of a cent, a n d I urge this view t o mako the advantages ex tended to public j o u r n a l s by Government, a s far as may bo under the c i rcumstances , cqnal. I repeat, 1 know t h a t it. will, after a l l , be pnvtinl, b u t t h e whole sys tem is founded on p a r t i a l i t y ; it is a r t i f ic ia l at the best, and legisla­tion c a n n o t mako i t o therwiso ; but i t will romain so U n t i l Government su r r ende r s the usurpat ion of this funct ion , and t h e conveyance of le t ters and uowspape r s shnll be left, a s it u l t imately will bo, to free competi t ion,"

L , i eu t . Maury c i tes immorous fncts t o prove tho ex i s t ence of a rook v e r y n e a r the surface of the wa­ter d i r e c t l y on the t r a c k t o Kuropo. Cnp t . Walsh is a l m o s t positive ho saw i t on his last t r i p and des­cr ibes i t a s appearing a b o u t tho size of t h o hull of a ship o f 500 tons,

OUTLINES OF PHYSIOGNOMY, BY J. S . I lGDFIEt .O—ll lns l i i i i i ' i l . S c i e n c e A i l aml l -cmcnl

p i n i h i i i M l - p r l c p a . ' i c . F n r M l c h y J . C. S T I i l i U N G .


SOMETHING NEW FOR THIS LATITUDE, Q i l i t o a e u n v c u . c n c c t o 1 bo te about lo be m a r i i r d . — F o r

s a l e t .y J . C. S T E R L I N G .

ST R A Y E D FROM THE SUBSCRIBER, THE 1ST Volume of Piescotl's "Kordinand nml Isabella." The

nri'sriit li'issossor is rcqiieste,! to return it wiihnnl delay. Feb. M, 18-10. S7«'4 E.Q.SEWALL.

ATTENTION, FARMERS!! PLOVER SEED.—25 BUSHELS CLOVER \ J Seed, lai ge kind, Irom Onoadaua (',,., for sale hv

J. S. VAN I1URFN. Feb. an, IS ID. No. 3, WondrulPs Bl"ck.


Waiting ®CMOQI.

Messrs. C. It Packard & A. 0* Goss, PROFESSORS OF PEKMASSWP,


W ILL oppii theirOIHRH For iiWnifHon in ilienlinvcmm-ttnitnl An.nn Tuesday, Vcli.27, at No.2, W« mlnUTs

Blnek, (uiuler Wlnvlnck--.) Knom fipen frnm 9 A. IW.,lo 0 P . M. All admirers of gooil

wri*IMJT me ror-pccifnlly mvitetl to nttrnil. CS^Privuii' iuMructimis lo ihose who cannot convcntttilly

niioml nf tin* rnrrni. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.—Pimsu-

,,/TA AiN 'T inun HI dor of l .ysamk-r H . Ht i i \vn ,S i i r rop ; i t co f liit c .tinty nf J flV'on: N * > ' | T i:< liri r l v ? n - n 1>> a d f't-r .-nn-. t i t m t i g r l u m s o r tloinnntls ngniiiM ihco - i a rn i i f Charl*"1

[ Jun t , h i i c o r ' l i e m u n f'f Aniv. iv[i , in pa id rnuni .v. i i rm i '^-t-p,ispi), in i\\iii!.i> ilif ram** w i t h v u m - h e r s ilu r^uf in AWon Ad !pi> t n n r n f i l i * Ai l i i i in l - t i a tn i s ol t h e Kii<1 <!i'C<*nt-Pil,Htthi* • CMiltiiofitir I!H< said A'hi.ini 'U.vr-i- in ill* MI id town of A tit-we* p , « n rn licPitf ilip twi ' i i i j-fifih i'av i-f A l a n s ' nr-xi—Da* Mil. r M . r u n i . v 2 l , IMO. AL1M.N ADAMS,

j t i sKPi i n.iirr.VT, 2~t, R A<Imini-ira'«»vp.

"jVJ'OTM'] is nnui-nY oivrx THAT APPLIC.V-1 ^ 1 l l m i W l l l W i n c V t i i l l i r L i K i - l i i n r - w f N e w Vmk.A* » -

ji..*-. t(r H I . i-i i. f . i . ' ih- iiV'Mi • .ti.tn ( . f n *• Stivii-gj, Ihmk" M h -l . tM'-O HI Hi.-viU.it: ' '"f W-i .Mtn\vn.

M.H.,!. Wat.-rr..\. i. I»i F> U . ]^<P W n O

%J()t[(!i-;.—Tin: prune, AXD I-NPLCIALLY t 1 ^ " " i M'fii_.r . (I t u p <iMi'™!».».,! . . i! t-i ilniiL-i t . r m i i e

U l i k j : i v i r . i l ' « i r m v #! mi. u ill t.-ife^ n»iti -. .ili.it 1 lml>id t h e wine- i»l » IMII 1>"11 .ill HH.«P U II*. il>t it i . - p - . i . - i l .V .

T i i i s I'U'I'I- ji, | i ."nvi 'ep»' ' | iei-iy, nml ln-lt-uur, tn i n d i v i ' l i n l s tvss .*""-^lifilv n* th-* I ' i ' i i is "ii I N f u n k ' , a i i ' l th« i l t m s n i ' e a*: r i ' i f - - t l y p - tv i t f i>r-..|..%iy av i l tp Ml;H \-u\ AT"\**Iinn*rv enn* n tvr i .1 %iiriir|)p<n. T h e pui i i i t ' l i aKi i . in i r ' i t hi pi»: . hi?* n n tln> viV"i f uro Caiili:i£.* t" I>i-S'er, ami n.i np i l - j r vo r rXeHKe I'm- r n . ililiii'-Mirn t ' , ^ t i i m | ' s f b i u « l l ) nml a t m v o .ill t\\<* i - . f f i -« . - cn r ile-il.nti.Yt.iIs. N<irL'fl'ciiur!;:ind i!f'•••!« m ' o « i'l il>i iln« | , M fo-il .u-i. . C 1 U 1 U X S E . C L A n K H .

MvLtiev mitl Cheese* F O R S A L E

60 Thermonipler Churns, 213 Kendiill'K Patent Cheese Prcsa 33 Tin Milk Vats, 87 Tin Cheese Hnnps, (warranted,) 2-t Tin Curd Cutters, 3J Tin Milk CSalers,

500 Mntl's Palenl Dairy Ketllc.1, G351 Tin p..ns.r,, lOanU 11 quart, 110 Strainer P01I3.

The mib eribers having made nrrangomcnls w i i h L . C.i«. for tlio sale nl his Tliermnmeter Churn,and having inannl'ac lured 2J more of those celelmitcd Cheese presses, with Moll's Dairy Sieve, and the ntlier artieles eninnci-ated above, are pieiiarcd lo.fit out complete my Farmer \ilimii»hes logo in­to the Dairy business. The Churn not having beeome nil mi s the Press not liavinc pressed itself to iUulh; tho Dairy Ketllc not having evupontted in steam; anil as we have not spent onr «n/i'rc t,ub*Umcc in hawUing them round the coun­try, ('hereby iiiereniiie the rnit of the irttcliitu tile ruvto-mer Ticaitji-foc per rem,) we shall coniinueto sell the above articles.ice// «i«»u/(ic/iir«/ uvd fa for u, e, for cash or on l imc, lower than Ihey can be purchased at an v oilier esinl.lislimenl in this eounly. COOPElf & WOOOUUl-'F.

Watortown, Feb. 13,1819. 20tJ

BY vi •if it.

Great liniil, Jnivurv 29, IS19. ffil»3

• U i \ S T » " J » S T A t 1B.I5;

Wholesnlf. Clolliins Warehouse! ! L E W I S & J K A W F O a i D .

S f o s . S 5 3 a I I A 2 5 6 P e n r l S t r e e t , (Between Fnl'on-st. and Hurling Slip,)


O !- O 'B' I I 5 N «i IN THE

U N I T E D S T A T E S ,

Adapted to tho W e s t e r n M a r k e t 11

In the article of

S H I R T S A N D D R A W E R S , W c k e e p a n ent l lcss w i n d y . .


©is caoTHiss1© • AND

C O V E R E O m A T S In ihu WnrW.

Plain ami Fashionable Clothing of nil liinds. UiWtS & H'-VNFO'tn,

A'>-.-. 2SS .5- 2of> Pearl St.

VIUTUE OF AN EXECUTION ISSUED OUT _ _ tlio S u p r e m u t ' t m r t o f t h e s i i . i i e n f N e w V o r k , ! imllsi'H at pub l i c vemltiOjHt t h - At twr i r i in H.itel i n t h e v i l ­

l age or W i i i u r t o w n , in llio C o u n t y of JelTL'.-miii, o n t h e 31st day of Mnccli* IS ia .a l io i iMVlnc lc in t h e foieno.m. all t h e n s l u , tiilo Hint h i i e r c s t of W i l l i a m Su.i l i l im. whit?h h o Imtt. on U K j l S i l n l a y u r J t t inwry, 1H-I0 o f t i t u m l i o t h u C)l lowing ile^cribetl \iwcca a n d piiieelsol* l a u d j v i z :

All ilio^c t w o c c r i a h i Idts, p i e c e s o r jjarcels of l a n d , s i tu­a t e , ly inca i i i ! beiiiH in ilie i o i \ n o f Klfj^bnrali, in ( h e tlnmi-ty nf JeflW-snn,aml Statu o fN t -w York,InMiteil ia nok-Uiwest cnfimi'fjC lot Wimih 'Tf i f ly- two, n n d t h e pijinTiwe.vt c o r n e r nf l>.t Nnmb- ' r ftity-Muvt*, MIR fin* p a r t u f which e a i d l u i s i s bnnn ik ' i l a s l u l l u w s , tn wi t : bL , _tnmii ' :a i tho i m r t h w e M e o r * n e m eanl l«»t,,11 a s t o b ' , i .t;nkptl u i 5 a fill01—thoncu s o m h piRhiy-une d e g r e e s cavt, t w e i u y fivechaini am! rnr ty- i l i rce l inks nn the t rees a r c innikml io A M a k o sUtmtint; in i h r nurtl i t i nen f su i . 1 In '—theneu xonth f,(,.lv e h a i n s lus'the t r c e a a r o mar lc t ' J toa s lake—tlioncfi ior i l i eishty-rmettcgrcfs w o t t w e n -l y - f i v e r l i a i n s n n d f o r t y - i l i t c e l i n k s a s the n e t w a r e m a r k e d t o n s take su iml ing in ihowe-M Jine n f sni i l tm—ihenco n o r i h l'»i tycl i . i ins an t h e t r e c ^ are m a r k e d t o the p l a c e n r b - g i m i i n ! j , rn i i i a i i i lns t ' i i e l innilreilnr.rr .sur l a n d .

T h e other of find lots is b o u n d e d a s follows, to w i t : be* einnii i t :ai the so tit inv w t co rne r of tot Number fii'iv-ihi oo.it

] aMaliPiiM-ke.ir>-2.",jmt3i—[h.-rirc nor t i t twenty c h a i n s an<l t seveuiy-f ive l i n k a« t|>.' trees a r e nnrk i - i l t t i a s ' a k o a t t h e j Mtnthwrsi r o r n r r o r Nml StIM>ury*D l a i u l - t l i e n e e fiomli

ie|^t ty. . ) i io itei-ieiR r . isi tweut> (,iiir e h i m s ami chrhtv-f ivo link-s to a s ink ' -—'hence soiiilt t w e n t y tii;iiiis(iiul«;f.ven'V-five l inks lo « F lakes t a in ' i i ' t : in t i i c p o n t b l i n e o i ' ^ n i lo-—-henee ipivlll e l^h 'y-ni ie i l £ft.-,.\i west t u on ly l o i i r e l n l i i s a n d eiplifv fivi- l inks ii- the i r t - s . re imirkr-d t ',ihr> nl.iroiil IK M r u i i n r ,

( ennia.iiiHi£!U ly-oiu- .tereKand t u r u t v - r h r c e p e i v l u s i*f I . i in l , ! , n n k i n e t o - i l l i -nr ln.ndicil a n d l i l ty - .n* ' acics und t w e n t y - i

t iH . ep . - e l i . - , . . , | h m l . J A l - o . n t l t t . v et r ' .u j f .u tn , l '< t , p i ec ' • n r r ^ t v M i d l i m * »-!»**- f i n,'e. t>ni..-,iod N IMS: in tliet «w„ „f KftiOen.-li . t ' . e in tv ».t" Jef. '

I' iMm,ani l SNUri . f N r w Y m k . kn- .w n ;ui.l iisl^iirn'f . [T - I ! A - \ , ( a t t i i f I»*M\iVMttr.. Ijo'iii'li'd a s J" f lM' .v .viz : h-,.mtii;i**:i!

iliev(.,»|1ei'.f »*.(.'i,»*r..i'lmdilpeii.Nl J.iiiii!tK'p.Jn, n. .i .d r»M- j , n i i l l l l l - 'uee n e lhue -K- . iy a lmsj 111- s tvuh line »i< t i t-*- i ( ' i r l i- , I WPM e.irnev—i!(fiit-c ? MHthaii i i i ' i i l i f ,„sr h m n f lan.l d - e d t d i

Sr i ft ]Jn-w-t<-..t..bis'>..i ,irli r. .»iier—tiien-'u Min 'hew* t i v a-l>.nj the li ' i i th l ine .if lauil d - eded Niithun f 'mnr f l r<i T!H> i tmuihwrj-t c - i i i e r >»T Iin-1 »Iei*d'd S i i h ikrw.sifv—tle ' i i? .-no . th nl«mi: lie- v - * t h n n d ».n.l fi^va-'H * , lo r t i e p j n:.- of I ' lv i i inn i re i .n f l in ing twenly three O- ' -Wu.UT.si .n . i i id t e t h e , haii.l-li.ii.-i-«. l e s s . , i

AKo.idl tli.it iot .pKi—.nr p i r * c l « n t n ' , r i ' n n t " . U ' i 1 i r , n * i d | b r i l l ' ' ill Hie t o w n i d ' T d l l - l o n c b , i n Illte.ill ' l ly <»f j . t'. ^ . t o . : a n d State nf N e w Y o r k , he in?a pirti«i"]tir IV.. •>i \ ! \ - . -ne in i scii.l inwn au-1 l.-Hinded as h i t t u w s , ( v i z : ) l<i 'stonto^ii iMie j r e n t e r o f t h e h i ihunv , ! i i i ( i i i i t l n uo t f l i i m e n l faid U ' , Hid J

min i? tlu'ifce n*ii-th«e>terly i n <s.ui1 bite («• the n-t ihe.i«t '

Creum T a r t a r W e b s t e r ' s S a r s n p a r i l l a C o c h i n e a l Br is to l ' s do Chloride Limo S a n d ' s do Oil Vi t ro l T o w n a e n d ' s do N i i r i c A c i t l U o l m s i o c k ' s do Niti-ns d o S w a i m ' s P a n a e e a Mnr ta l i c d o Divlley's P a i n E x t r a c t o r Alum A n d r e w ' s P a i n K i l l e r Copperas Balsam W i l d C h e r r y ' " ' " ' In i l i a i rOin lmcr t t Dr. J a y n e s M e t l i c i n c s H u m ' s L ineEmou t

YrrTwmcry Olio o r R o s e Oil Ne ro l i Oil P a t ^ h o n l y I.nbin Extract Fi-eneii Cologne German do Mask

Gohlsmiih'f idQ H e m a n ' s do Lonafe l low's do W i l f l s ' s da Go ld P e n s G o M Pencilg S i l v e r rio S^eel P e n s Q u i l l s Le t te r P a p e r C a p do N o t e do T i s a n e do D r a w i n g do Bri.^t.-d unanl Pe r fo ra t ed do E n v e l o p e s S c a l i n g W a x "W-lers Rea l s a n d Slampa I n k S iands S a n d I3oxe9 F i l e Bands ' C o l u m b i a n Ink P e n Knives

d o Holders

Fancy Articles PiUty &i G l ; i s s l i - o m G X S t o 2 G X C a r d Cases

3 1 o r a n y s ize cut lo P o r t nlonaic o r d e r . "Wallets

B o O l i S & S t a t i o n e r y B S ' S Note C a s e s P o r t f o l i o s

Blue Vi t ro l Ind igo M a d .

do Bene;. do S p a n , float

N u t Gall Verdigr is Gum S h e l l a c

H a r p e r ' s Biblo Sco t t ' s Com. H e n r y ' s do n o ; l r i d p e ' s do C r u d e n ' s C o n r o r d a n c e W e b s t e r ' s Dictionary


1* .*;»(« White Lead Pry

do do Ground Hcd do Ven. toil Indian de HairOil.agreat vanel/ S p i l l i s h r j r o w n

&c-» & c - do White

Clothes Brushes Hair do Tooth do Table do

Paris do French Yellow Yellow Ocre Chrome Yellow Chrome G.-een

Walker's do Ure's do Loverelt's Lexicon Liddell & Scott's do Imperial Tea ir/nneeiin'i! tio OKI Hypeji do Brande1^ Bnoyopedta Voting do do Headley'.s Works Hyson Skin do T. S. Arthur's do Biaek do Chavlolia Elizabeth Java Oofll'e Abhnll'rf do Lagnyra do Sh ikespeare Illustrated Jlio do Byron do St Dom. do Bryant's Poems Crush Sugar Burn's do Lonf do Ossian's do P.iw'cd do Cowpor's do Clarified do Pop'.-'s do Havana do

Port Rico do • K Orleans do Cuba do Neuv Molnssen Iberia do Cuba, do Honey Mackerel Codfish Herring. Siilaniiiis S'ida Curb Starch Soap B r o w n do w h i t e , cas iHo

Cocoa CftrociH Itiii ons Almonds Grapes Mai Lomons Cni rants Plumbs F igs

Spic*s, Coadiuients I\Ince Nutmegs Cloves Cinnamon Pepper Spice Ginger M u s t a r d Coriander S e e d Carui S.-ed Cassia Buda E x t L--mon do Vani l la Orange W a t e r

U i c t c l i c s

Gracciics,Si)ices,&c T^O!11001

Cojtfarttiersliijt. KNOWLTON & RICE HAVE THIS DAVTA-

k«K J O H N I I . R I C K , („UII ul Cliirku TliceJ-inlo'lho raiii-1 ' • " ' " " f e biisiiieas, linrnofwif ciiidiwloil by

"Mil l i i lcrr l ip l l | . |« .nfKiimv' K N Q W L T O N J c I U C E .

atli 'uus parhii,'!' in. t

hesui i . i j \v i l lUBcoiuinuci l IUHIPI - rhe r t imnfKnnwf -pK

lliera,iiu'u i Bin, Rico & Go,

Waterumri, January 2,18-19.

TTNOWLtOW, R|CF& Co. m u CONTIN-J J t . ue tlu> b u s i n e s s o ! I ' apm-mnkn .g . B t . „ks , l l ius , Print . i ng t t i i d HoiiMiliiiluii; on icrmsuloi i l ic i i l foi . l i l m n H n y W o i o -foro cuuon.l»t lo l h e l inbli i ' bv RliowlCon & lSi,.« G G O H O K W I L L A B D K N . I W I . T U N , } CiiAitKS R I C K , \ K J O H N H O L U U U O K "Rica-. }

Watur lowh , Juui i i t ry 2,1R-I9.-

J K N O W L I O N , R I O K & Co.

50i r .


H T H I S WIRY POPULAH MRDICINE- FOR f n E -JL. curaol Asihm..i,Ooiisiimplion,necIiiiiHiiid«|l Dltmuei. of ilia Lungs nnd Gliosl, and wliicli has hod a very lures snlo in this County and been aitcmleil with eteat success, is con-stanlly kept (of sale at our Book Slnro."

K-N'0\VLTON, KICK k CO. January^, 1S19. o|

P.nvdor boxes & Puftli Toilet Powder Th.:rmomoier3 Water Cul Paints Dravvhi" Pencils

Abridgment ^ j " ' ' * & d

PearlBarley Ktuvian IsinfJasB Cuoper's [do Irish Moss Ice land do

I n e x p r e s s i b l e s C i s a r s Tobacco SuutT Black do Scotch

N u r s i n g t u b e s & bottles Syr inges , nil s i z e s J3ed PatiSj & c . Bel lowes

•1 SjplenMel Assortment or G-lfl Moofzs. I l a r p ' T ' s P ic tor ia l Biblo W r c i t h uf F r i endsh ip C h r i s t m a s Keepsake Splendid C l a s p do Proverb ia l Phi losophy n l a y F l o w e r Leaflets of M e m o r y Ghr i s tmi* Blo-ssom Gem ol B e a u t y Chr i s tmas Uoaes Opal Fa i ry P u o j Atricrirnn F l o r a Ainar. in 'h Sacred j \Tounta ins F r i e n d s h i p OfTorhifj

Wnter towr i j November 23. 18*18.

Revolut ion G u i d e l oHipp tnesa

J u d a e Capta A m e r i c a n Poets J i n l a h ' s Lion A l l o n n s I I * n e y S u c k l e P n r i l o l i o s Y o u n ? L u l i c s ' OuVrin? IMiss ionary M e m o r i a l W o m e n of thoAine ican i R o u g h & Heady a u n u

P r a y e r Book.T ^ l o n i ' s I n t f r p r e l c r L'lii-ilVlIim-'s P o e m s J^Tiltou's Poet ica l works "Willis's d o do Bryan t ' s d o do "Wreaths of F r i e n d s h i p

14 tf

F o r Sale or to Let.

THE FARM KNOWN AS THE HUNTINGTON Island Farm, situated two utiles untheriverframtlic

village of Watertown. Tl.isFiirn.roiitains about 81 acres offirsl ratf. land, ucarlyslxty of which are undcreuUvation, Thereisuponi t a hom>oanU luru.undatso a fewIHrmhig tools. Termdvcryryasotinblr-. J. G, SEWALL,

Excrulor of JI. D. Scwidl.

E m p o r i u m o f F a s h i o n . ROBINSON'S,

H A I R - D R E S S I N G A N D S H A V I N G S A L O O N .

J . ROBINSON WOULD RESPECTFULLY AN-• nrmneu to the citizens ot Watertown ami vicinity that

he has fitted up in tho neatest style, an

EMPORIUM OF FASHION, ill the New Iron BUck, directly o-^r the S.oro of BCIIKAP, whore he will at all limes be in readiness to wait on biscit-i-lomers. He believes his Shaving Saloon and Toilet is not surpassed in beauty and richness, dy nnythincnf the kind west of New York city. His skill ins been tested for years, In the principal eittes of the Union. Gentlemen wlio wish the srimt i fie touch UnliQ linool his profession, will favor him with a call.

His toilet embraces every variety of Perfumery that the heart ran desire

2?. mum^m:, N o . 3 TroBB B ! o « ! c , W a t o r t o w n , IV* Y . WtiolcutU and JtctttU Dealer in Groreriet, Teas, H'I 'HW;

J.iquors and Procmoiis.

JU S T RECEIVED A LARGE AND GENERAL as so r tmen t which he i s s e l ' i n j r «t Ilie lowest p r ices iur

Co*7r,approved c red i t ,m i n c x e b n n ; : ^ for F a r m e r s prndiifo. Pe r sons d e s i r i n g choice Family Groce r i e s and WIMOM, are in­vilcd t o e . i l l a n d cxaminf* gnosis a n d p r i ces before purc lms in i ' .

W a t e r t o w n , l i c e . iW IJIIJ, 19

/ C / " \ Onxes Refined mould C a n d l e s , a lso, Patent Ki»»rm nud *J\J '••trnmnn n iml les .n l M V X O Y ' S .

N o 3 r r . n B l o c I i . l 'j

'THE.SUESCRIBERS KEEP CONSTANTLY B on hand n greatvaru-lyof Mwocltanooiis, Lilimrv. nnd

hehooHi iol;s, sueli ns are advertised in Clrcnlnrs ami r.nn-Pllels generally. Amonjr ilieir Seliuol smelt rany lie round all the popular wni ks used ill stiidving Ihu Eneliili, French, Gri>pknrLtil|iilangii>j,i-s. '

Teacliors (supplying sclmoli.) or Scholars may depend upon the lowest prices tor evervlliin^.

- . ,_,„ KNOWLTON, RICE & CO. Jan. 8, 1813. ' o1

BIBLES' „ _ of a l l sixes a n d p r i ce s , at1

Blyles o f binding. J a n . S, 1« 10.

A GOOD ASSORTMENT OP BlBLBS ""'• ""»». , also Te=|.iments in iliffi'vcnt


NEW BOOH .STORK * i * W a t e r t o w n ,

TNctct door West, of the Post Office.

H E S U B S C R I B E R - 1 i l o n f u r the s a l e of s t a m l m l wockVoa



D R A W I N G M A T E R I A L S ,

(C O N S I S T I N G O K D R A W -J ing P i i p e r a n d liri.-l,.l Ihuuil

„ , „ o fa l l qual i t ies a n d viv.es; I 'ooimh U r u s l i e s . F a b e r ' s D r a w i n e IVuei ls , ^ 0 8 . 1 , 2 , 3 . ^ 4 ; Co­h e n ' s , R e a v e r s * C u ' s . n n d Urn ve r s & S o n ' s l l r a i v i n s Pen-i l l s , H . H H , F , n , B B . C i n i e l ' s Ha i r U n i s h e s ; India lu te ; In­dia R u b b e r , in c a k e s ; N e \ v i u n n ,

I , r i i i n l s , i l l b o x e s ; D r a w i n g B o o k s , nnd Ciuds , c a n be found, e h e i p for cash , ai ihe Rook-S l " " " > 1 . , „ K H O W L T O N , 1UCE & CO.

A\ a t e r l own , J a n . 8 ,1340 . 2V

Slntiouery and Fancy Arlielns. 1849. . 1849. ' I Ull l i MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF THE J _ fidlowin? articles may be found at our Book Store, on

Washington Street—at very low prices-:

L A M I ' O I L . I W . Bleached Winier Sperm ami common at MUrtOY,S,N»niinn Blnek.

I O / " * ' - 'a .ksoU XAJ\J auicli-nt

f l e . - .O ' l .Ht^ .

Old H'lllfcki.y s i n g l e nml ,l.,nl,l, a super ior M U M i J Y ' S N o 3 I r o n Block ,


Q ( \ Boxes s u p e r i o r Uiveui l i - l i T o l n e e o , l lWdoz . Selinils iO\J fine c m c h e w i n g tobacco, ion d m . Church & Buril ick

d o do do S>J.l , j7. .S,-hotlsai idClmicli and i i u r d i c K s m o k i n do Al<o G-ioil ivinspitenf pressed t o b a r r o ; Also , E x t r a Honey D o w , h a l f pinind h a n d s a t

' 9 M U N O Y ' S . N o S . J r o r i J J I n p k ^

lea Hum a n d Wines , " D l ' l i E B i - a n . l y . t T i n . S l t ' r o i x a n d J j J - for olcilu-al a n d other pin r ot-es. i

H i s Saloon i s n o n e o fyeu r ordinary coun t ry B a r t e r S h o p s , ! • _ . ' ! ' „ . , , , K J W U N H Y ' S .N'o ,1 I ron B l irk, w l u ' V i ? » / n t a z o r s a n d ifmVer operators m a k e the hole! h ide- ' ( ] U m - I S H k , j i a t id- , i l lack"r«>l , ous . But c a l l a n d satisfy jo i i r sch ' . s t l i a l son ie i" l i ine ; scnn bo ' j l 10 M l T X r d o i i c n p i n c i i y s tyle in Wate r town : .* well a s c l sewh 'cre . , / t U O U N H C.ifTe

H a i r C u t t i n g a m i Shn.npoouing d o n e m a new s t y l e a l to ­gether to correspond wliii the Jfi*w \ >''• k Fall Kd l̂ifon

J . i t e p a p e r s »[way*J»\t .^ found up-.n Ins Cent re T . i lde . W a t c t t o v v n , Nov.*23,16-13. H t f

S h a d nnd H e r r t n z a l DY*S N n 3 , r r o n Block.

, fwf lwr jSj ' ice j C a s s w. Clove?. MaePtOm* get nnd M n s t a r i t t a t _ M U N U Y ' S .

C j T E W A R T S S ' M i n K e f i n c J ' S u s a r H-imTe"Svrnn A choice > J a r l i c l o f i ' rU ld .> t i 5 ea t N o 3 , I n n h l . . c k .

E e e d ' s S a l o o n ia P. MUNIU\

JSAOS4. T rr i 757 i n , « , T i r , \ O ^ f l p ^ n « n d Cotton B!1Ss, a fiist rntonrlirV. atNo3, In Hayes' Bloc/;, Court St. Watertown. ^ • J U ^ r o n U i o r k . ia P . M V N U Y .


Mssinraretlmnksforthe hh-r-l patrona?Mifveto|oro . \„t\*{ri\ m a w u , ' u i u r i d

'tnlcJ him,ami InMSKiiie-uhMi'niun'tliatiio ptiti^Avill \>o Bnnri'donhi*partto neririt.^rontnncil favor ot his fiicmN, , lit-is now prp|i;ii"ed and will t»eliai t«y t<» t-eenli' hi8C"Hioiu-ers with all the varieties ot fi^lt, i'o^t,WUtlC»Mne, F r n n - , Meat? . Icr., s e r v e d t i p , n i u t i m l , ^t ^11 ho ' i r s of Urn «hy ani l pv f i i i n s . t n - v e r y - t e s i r t i d e hivJe <»| e.nk.'ry—"-e.l<ivi*-jinran tiiQsnii.H'.mtnUniiff rnri?!••(*.•(' Ut<->*- is ' -n. I'i Klmit , lns loir -ili'i-will t t i * ro ; j s [ au t ty j ! i i pp l t e t l u i io t l i c I . -- ' the i.i:uk<-t »t* fiirds; (tii't IIM n ^ i n i v s lil« ni*tnio»*>--tli«» *«•»? h»ny itlWHyji ( rr-u ..ri fii.**'Xf*-i(t?n"«f«if I i u r t r ^ p t u a M i i prompt ami r e ^ p e r r - t

fill* <tt^rif f i n t*> Mmir nMii**. | LADIES' SALnGX—Willi a ref.>r»m'e>'Mhe p a n i ? u ] i r

f feomt ' t . t i la t ioiui l th** f.Hili' Vjhf l ia^l i fentMcrr i ie .vf 'Ci is t in I fittiii*i'p,eiitiN-ly sepa rn le , a Saloon wi ie . i th rv . -au l ' t ' . i f* - ' >-o,noiiid ne t l \ \ ttli I c e C i n n s , S i d r W a t o r , ind alM fi»* *U I t « -tMisiiI Lite s*»a«!Mn. IIi« X<i I:i F o o u ' J i n H ^» iri.inr>"I *h.tt ] thfVe.in p a n . i k e o f i t s ^ n i r V d u e . nstti-nt«.»\i'l1Mi'ttn«-ojm"ii- (

iflieriVotn l l iecrowd^lV'i-T.i i i j . -rpin t V G nUfu,r>ir« S ili»iii.

Fie It Outers, r . ' f i -nii l>- ' i :*ibrly T.v Esi-t-. - .* , \ \ i ' iKn*er i*- j ed o p m a n y s t y lo to «m(i i i* v tri"il ».ts*e-ij f 1 i- •'W^n^rs, ,

N.TJ . F a r m e r s c<»minc»o(mvn nit t ^ i ' i f l ^ v . w u l *;>,d ,Li«; j fnlo-ni a v e r y e n n v n i ' - t i t a n d iirre. al>Ir>t-e.«i*' tfnr«h.*t-t . -h '*s aiiiU-MtiHifH," fiH-|<i'Vmin?rcfri'$!ttftunt**if ;t'l kin- ' - »n.i a t : ttli-"oust r e a s o n e d . r.i te-\ H . M . K K E l ' ,

\V . i t t* r iowi i ,Mav t^ , <•'.*. . t t*i


A. l" l loniMr | ,f ' . ,„ , r v . . 1^ . :—Vp 'v i r , l< . , f l h i t , . , p - . . l I

n t i i s i n B a r r e l s ami Ha l f Barrel: . in U p v r e r o . a . i i v if„.r! . .r arl icle

M U N U Y ' . S , N . i 3 1 I i u l l Bl. .ck. 13

A (\ l!i««>».H .If l l o v . - a i i d Q - n r i r r Bo- iesFreJh K.i si H < V also,soiu-in layers fortlu-table. "" ^Steav^ NEW HABS-W^RE ST0HE

NO. 2, IRON BLOCK, Wa tcrfoien, j \ * . l r .

THE snli^rril ors Inve (he ph .tsitrc of announcing tr their rfncn'feati.l he pnMic io c"'i«ral,i!iat thovare now re-

.•••iv.n-..itilinr4N'e\vSlore.N..2,It«!nHlnek.iheUr;ej<t.is. ^ • tu -n t . . f Hai .hvare ever olT.-ml fur fate tn this t-'uutity.— l heir «iork eiultrares every lanetynml pniiernrif Caoldnz n

Parlor, EalW Plate and Box

STOVES, Tnp-tVsr with tnmmincs, Stove piper&c.,&e. Also.slarge ?tidUe?*ir.ti<Ieas«:mtn-,cnti.r °

Cittlrry and S7ic7f Goods, Window fHt-„-,.ff wry van i ty i*»f sfz». Lrad pipe and I ump J i r i i . u - Tiiinrr.in^, &.-. Door Trfmminc-*iu great

Tli^|io'di«*ati:ni\it.'d to mil nn'l examine our.-tock^f Tin, Copper and S/tect Iron Ware,

A l m a n a c s A l l i u m s , Blo t t ing Pape r B r u s h e s Ponnah

" Painta B l n c k S a n d J J a s s Vio lS i r inca B o x e p , F a n c y Bil l B o o k s Iflanlt Books B l a c k L ines C a r o l i n e Sai iccw C a m i i n o I n k Conver sa t ion C a r d s C a r d * , P l a i n C a r i l « , n l u t t o Car ' I . - .Pa in ted C a r d C a s e s Cour t P las t e r C o p y SMj»& Div ide r s E n v e l o p e Note P a p e r Enve lope i i , Letter

» Note I 'oKlcrs , Ivon* F o o N c a p | taper, v a r i o u s q n a h nioi.fs C M P a p P r

I n k . B l a c k » B h i n « Ketl

I n k P o w d e r Tnde t i id i - Ink I n k s i n m l a

" Pocket Let ter P a p e r , Whi to

" Blue " Gilt Eil=* " F a n c y Col .

Let ter S t a m p s Lead r«ii(*tN f /uhopraph P r i m a L e ' t e r f l i p s

"Wate r town, Jan . 8 , IfttO,

Motto Sea l s i U a ' h e m i t i e a l I n s t r u m e n t a Ulusie P a p e r ]\Iemoiaii{lum B o o k s M a p s of N e w Y o r k

" f t . S t a t e s Note P a p e r Out l ine M a p s Perforated P a p e r

" C a r d s Pen HoluVrs P e n k n i v e s Poucil L e a d s Pnpn tr ies Pamta in b o x e s

, ( in cakpji Pea r l Curd Cascn PortfolioF, r a p s ize

" l e t i e r i i z o Pen H a c k s Pa t* B o o k s Pr im r s 1'icnires, nil ^i^ee Pocke t B o o k s Qtii lh Quill P f n s lt37.»M K e d T i p a Sand B u x e s S i l v t r S ' a l s .S«aling W a x , ret!

" F a n c y Steel P e n s hVissr.rip S h a v i n g S o n p S h i e s Slate P e n c i l s Tisfliii- P a p e r Tooth B r n s h e a Violin S»r inpi Wafe r s , R P I I

u F a n c y ( f W h i t e

WafiT B o x e s K N O W L T O N . R I C E A. CO.


And all the various Sciences; also for tk* scile 'of

Miscellaneous Books, School Booh,,Blank Pooks,and Stationery,

Drawing Pooks, Paper and Pen- •

oils. Water Colors, cj-e,,

,Jr.n.,,,,SI0. ^ " ^ W f E R I g ^


Misiealinstrmnonis cei.onill.v. WPM .'fNewVm'l-W0 kM. ,.0„sl„ntl,. 0„ lm;)(| „SMrln . , v„7 30 Pinn

AH'nf I ,?II, U 'VBt " " I ' ™ " 1 " " " . ' * "i Kiueli.iono a m i finish Al l of whip.li h a v e b e e n selecieil w 11 sn-ai c a r c f r o - . i llicce . cl>ral«l Factor ies o f C h i e k o r i l K , ! , . G'l l ierl , i n 1 T Gil l" r Bosloi j i S l o . a r i l & D „ n l „ i „ , lTaeni, & l l a v e n , U'r,, IJ l l io i , ani l ol l iers , N e w Y o r k , an.l a r e n f t i W | , „ ! , ! , ' „ „ • o „ ' o , " ll l iona l war ran tee al pi-eeiKelv inanufeein'rers p r i e r e f i l m r S y s a v i n g lie p u r c h a s e r a l l r l h t , eosl u f I ra l .snorlni i .m' . i " ' « . S , i ' i" , S , ' ' V o o ' >'»' '«!•• MiwiiR w h i c h m a y lie limnd an.! p e r f f i w i l " ! 6 " l T '»Provo.liHStiuint..r.tWilli nj ldingjega

A.ff realaspnr lmcntofGinlars .Vi i . l inc .Hnnlne v ; « i C n c r [ j 0 S

Fifes, ,0 |>h-

Ban i i s suppl ied u p n n l ibera l t e rms . T h e lu les t w m l e re-celvc.1 weeltlA". I2lf S E P , P U T T O N & SON.

THE SUPERINTENDENTS OF THE POOR OI< Je l lereunCoi in ly hereby f . r iho in Ihrninl i ' - lu . f i l ieOver-

e r e r s nt Hie Pour o f T o w n s , civo uoiiee—Tli.it u h e n a n O v e r s e c r o n l n s o w n responsibi l i iy g r a m s r e i i e f m a pauper, n e h aecoilnt will n o t t ie aiiilit.-,l ur i«i.l liy i l ie Snnor i i i lon-

i - en l a j jn t o n u t b e p r e s e n t e d to llw Du in l nf S u n e r t i»or« — W h e n snefi O v e r s e e r b e - . u w s relief „p,„ , i h r . „ n l e r of n h,s. t i c e , s i i e l l o r i l c r i s a s i i l l i m e n l voneher Ih r l l i e C u u i i t r Trea­s u r e r snds l imiW be pr.-senled lo Iiim C.r p a y m e n t . Orders eMeiii lmq Inrllier r e l i e f lo the ami, e x p e n d e d u p o n en or-dor wi l l bo paid by th.- SiiperimenileWs and thnaV-eonnlsnf O v e r s e e r anil J u , h o - lor MrKiialmriM w i l l h u audiloil by s .ud boa rdo l b i iperu i lende i i l sa in l i ioue, i lhe | . , 31

_ ^ H A S ; _ P L S Y a i O N , n s , Sn|i l .

AXES.—12 DOZ., "SIMMONS." WIUTFI & Olmslrd's, HaU.-oelt's, DomMss's, fee., i " . "

Nnv.27,1818. i f f • J. M VAN BUirEN'S.

NEW GRAaiMAR.—A NEW ABR1DG-SIENTol I'lerce's ciU-brateil Grammar of the Eu'4li6li

I-ancnafip. " To aave the young lrarnor from Wine ilisconrnffed by a

larcr-book, and Ilie parent fi-.-ni th«expeu-;ftand we;u ot the entire work, while the elnld In loarmnsonly a part, is itte oh-jer'orthiaabrlilijn-.int.- '

Tli^ '• entire work" alio for sale: and losluiw l.a'v it is ap­preciated by Ih.ise who understand Ihe sobj.-el, tht less than thr.'.T,7r,ipi/mhavr.rereutiye,iiiWi) their works tol.epnb-ishcj, idled wiih plagiarisms,,r p,rieu< fu.m Mr. I 'n i r r ' s

book. Will Seh..ol tcaehers lake t he trouble lo cxamino the smallwork.wilhaviewof Kelllin;ariiuaiuled with Hie lar-Gert rorsal.. | .ytlicinibIisli.r-,

' g ' f KN'OWLTON, RICE » CO.


X A . uiuo nitiele. In-1 r •, n \ n l aud lor sale by J. S. V.\ND'-iIiEN,Ho.31\V.>o,i,-,ilTsIJ;..ck.

^Te."lianh-Vr.|....-erj|l. Juioi.i>. 1. Ihtj. jerf

T M I E M I U M " P A R L O R S T O V 1 1 — T u n S C L P " -i l . - l i i U i i i i e l ' i r b o S i m . , u h i , - | , i„ . ,k t h e r. . iuli i i . .nt

t l i » I a t e J ' f f - r s « u I ' . o i i v f u r . r , . n - i i i o ' s t , -s v , , . i l e n d e iv-s u o ' . ^ ' i o i l o . i u l i M t ll iau a n y o t h e r M u v o . I . . r s a l i X. v . ^ a n d 1), (.'-"irt S* -f.-f.

Wat . - r l .nv 11.Oet,1, t>.i-\ S-f n . n . O T I " !


JVo, 1 , lron%BMocJ&. CucoEssons TO UTLEY & UPHAM, Ann KJ .!'»«t reepfvinu » s p ^ n d i d a^soiiiiiem o f U I N T E R . G O O n S j i o w h i e h t l i ^ y i n r i t c i h o ntriKMiUr a t t e n t i o n of Mm inhab i t an t s nfJefT'r««m a n d tli<* iul1>iiiiiii?ct.iiiitli*vt w ith tlm as.viran<'etlwt they w i l l h e w d d at tin- I.i\v.>st Cw-ii prire.

A m o n g our Blnek m a y he (mind at vll d m >s, , r i c h assort-m e n t o f

L \ D 1 E S P R E S S G O O P S o f th* latest imp'Kfat 'O.is

B U O \ D C L O T H S . C A S S I M E R E S \ N f l V E S T I N O S a t r u l u c e J pr ices fijr C a s h ,

W A N T 13 I) , ii vtor, w nl and m ,st kinds of produee al cash p r i c e ,

S. B. UPIUal. J . A . M W K I I . _pee1C.J9)<)! iiiif


/^OTTAGE PARLOR STOVES IM THEM TO \ J .-...-respond. T l v y a i c t a b e h a d a t J i u , S . U t O M B L O O K .

O c t . 3 1 , l b H . n i l

CANDLES—A SCTEiuon ARTICLE FOR KALE wholesale and r. n i l l.y A. J . I'Kt'K, «.-pt.a'?, im rn

Q H E E T ZINC.—A sui'Eiiioa ARTICLE JUST kJJ rceeiveil.and forfaaleatthe JSe.v II .i.lwa,.-Sti.ie, No. 3, Woodruffs Block.

Watertown,Oft.9, i«-R {. S. VAN n r U B N ,

( UIA1NS.—LOG,TRACE AND WILL C \ J nov.inaiiiitv,jn^t ree..i\..,l utK,,. 2 Utl.N

N..v. St, 15 H.

P a . V I V O F O U T E r « K S A L E .

THE SUBSCRIBER HAS A FIRSTT RATE PI-nn.i Furte, (n^irly new,)'*> n'-tuvi--, ni'ii'ilntguiy rase,

•ttiihlnirnnnd 2h.<if .-\\cll j t.ir rn.- h "r mm*} aju r̂MV. d n'

\VatPirtowtuJan-2tf, t^H'

•his ninth ho w i l t n l i •lit. *>Jv

A N M i r . W A K I i X U i M W


mi THAT AIV Al»-I.'-.l-him.' .•('fliHKtfttO

l . i l . tu . - t ' . ' t 1.11- HiKlllo

O T I C E IS IlERI-HY GlVl'K; If.lll-in UlU J.rTii ' i I i -Lit lf

a t i ^ p r i i - t i i - r -i-.r(.t".'t it.« r J **--*• •• IMWI t i fB l i iWJ t l lH^ - * • • • ! * • * Kvt i 'X lilt MMUMt^.f f j t .H^f lddl . t i - m t i t t l i e i t r c - m t L i \ - " ( ^ . i f f .I l.y 1 i n , for f;i»*p"»p«.;i*«f p^J i i ' - r the dr 11 v .h j . ). V2'ttii>v I . I . U I f..i t uui i .y .Ji . bvidgft

arr,.*H I M n»,ti k l U i - r . a ' tie \ ill.^.- vi V M . . I J a n . 2 1 , IK lit. c t v f i

F i r s t J R a i o F a r i H .

T A3I AN\70ITS' TO BJSPOSK OP THAT ; i L f(it*TV.liiut.I.'»J li.-Hrln.uU 'I . " i V H ' M H i l l T , , , , l-H'S-> r-'Ti i.itf.B.nvii' •!».. .•••II'.MIJI.. ri '.HI' *.;•'•*

J lv n i l i ' . i pif, m h t ii.-ii!, 111-tl j . i i .n l i n ;

' ^ . j t i lhp>-i.ri}i**uriii i l> . p . i r l n f \\»uf t u n , l i . \ . , ,i»..| r,3l£«

lJuaffisiJS* v . rr- . , 0 . 1 1 / , . ' . I ' y may remain h>r v< ars . I'»*. dsi»n u..i i^iii.,,Hv. ^*~'w"^s«fc7 JN.i.&rmti-tst,Avjtertnwn. <j\y) } h NIGHT

— Alw, f-tr sat'1 nr r.^nt a -'"mil fr.ime h<»iKe, mul B| u*L-.inith ft ...ly; S I IMM^ in the v i h t ^ f t Ii nun*

Hiry f.'i>U"t; n»|>tii of \vjlm^.-lu-.l Ih,r-•iS'1-^! WV-MHK, '»ic new Shi-u: «ti r x n ij.nn ft>a«tiro

Carmr»;nBii?^vauJ Cutter. Allnhi-h wIM h'M.M rlieap if opi ' l^ form*! . . GEO. I. KNKJHr .

JnmiaryUdf ISltf. 2!n.2

H ) { ) BBLS. OF SUPERIOR OLD ALCOHOL. siC.plViiha.er.'r J . V / V / f ,r K;.|e by th*1 b*d. .0 ^>h, tie cheiif us r^n be \ ill,-; R.-v.-ial j*oo>t boil^Iilm Watrrlo\vll,at^C<l.5Collr^.st.• " "

a o l . k l i -

I . I U Y K S .

A PEWC l \ , !...• l a l .V

CASES OK SUPERIOR RHINE WINE. QI*t>RS,f.triUeiliein.il and roli.-r r.ur,..,.|.--t eon-.rmillv o.i laud. « . f S. WITTGEKhTr.IN & f i ) .



Alexari'lcr, J o h n Aml rew, F . W . Bidillecum, L . Bi.lell , Catliorino Gent, Silns Bai ley , Lyman B a c h n s , J. P . Bissel l Mrs Alauson Blakcslco, J . N . B a r r y , Miss S . Buiini, Solomon B a r n e s , Gsorgo S . Bissel l , Alnnson Bass, ffi. Bow. Wfti. A . Brundaef t Miss A J e l i a Boyc r . John W . Browi i , Glius. V-Bowe, Elijah S. Buck,' Clms. E . Blodge t t . Lewis C h n p i n , Mnry E . Chapman , Morrison

, 1S49. Johnson, George Larned . W i n . Z . Locklinpr, L e v i L . Lee, M r s . Molcnn Lane , A l m o n Lewis, R i c h a r d Lawton. F r a n k l i n Locke, M a r y A n n Mil ler , J o s e p h Marsha l l , Emmalisss NoMani i s , J o h n Mil ler , J o e l Marsha l l , Joseph Mason, W. H . Mosher , I saac L . Oimra, E l l e n Owens, O. J . Overtoil, M r s . F a n n y Peck, Monroo Ponder, J a n e Phelps . H a n n a h H . Perk ins , Russell , Phelps , G . Y a l e

C l a r k ; D e s t e r o r C r o m i v e l l P e n r l . M n r y P .

0To«*ei ' soi» C o u n t y I n s t i t u t e . the. Spring Qnarlnr will commence on Monday,Fcb. IMIi.

Tin,- Pi-Innfpal wlllintlmlt inlo his family a few young I.ailies and Gentlemen wishing fiir board, at SL.76 per week, where they wi l l lio milk the constant ear" and supervision of Hie

Teachers. r>. JI. UNSI.KV, Principal. ?0w2

C r a k e , Patrick C r a v e n , Patr ick Cole, J . W. C h u r c h , P . A. Cook, Margaret Cook, Jesse Cummins , A lexande r Colo, Mary A u n Colo, C . M. Conk l in , Henry G. D i c k s . Matthew Davis,' P . C. D u d l e y , Josinh F u l l e r , Jacob F u l l e r , Albert F u l l e r , Daniel F r a n k . Alexander Follansbee, Eboneeser F u l l e r , Eli G r e e n , James Griffin. Peter V . Griffin. Peter Ga l lagher . Dan ie l Grow, Abigail G o t h a m , Caroline Glass , Lorenzo G. Grow, Jacob H a l l , Sylvester Higginson, S. C H a r t e r , Jacob H o w n r d . Wni . H . H t m l , H i r am H o d g k i n , John Flolmes, AVilliam T-Toover, Lydin Holbrook . David A.

, H o d g e s , Win. D . j H o w a r d . Michael j J a r v i s , Agar

Pay , W i l l i a m Palmer. J e r o m e Potter , L y d i n E . Pot ter M r . Riley, C a t h e r i n e Riley, M a r t i n Russell , J o h n Root, L y m a n M . Reed, I l eo rge Stiles, B r o t h e r Stevens, A . J . Seymour. G W . & Son Smith, M r s . Harr ie t Simmons, George Smith, Al ice Sholl, W m . Snyder , P e t e r Scott, L u t h e r Tompson, J e n k s P . 2 Tomlinson, R . Taylor , E . Thomas, L a u r a Townsend, H i r am T r i p p , M a r t i n W . Whi t e . W m . 2 Wescot t , S a r a h Weaver , Samue l S. "W.-iite & Hopltinson Wilson , W m . H . W h i t e , H i r n m C. Wi l l i ams , G . W a l t z , Dnvid W e b b , J a m e s W a r d , A . C . W h i t n e y , E . & P . Weldon, M a r y ,

Wood, B u r t o n Woolwnr th . W m .

P. M t r t f P Y . P . M.

SI d e c w e s t twenty-four el i i i l r isani l eiErhly-five I tu l t s a l o n g ihe souih l ine of s a id lot lo t he p l a c e o f b . - smnlnc—ennla in -inir filly-one a c r e s a n d twenty t h r e e perches of l end , r."-'er-vinj- lheicfrnin l . v c n t y a e . e l on t h o i iot t l i i , i i Ie , l i , inn p a r a l l e l w i th the smi th h u e o f paid lot N o . r-3.

Also, nil tha t o i l ier |.ieen or p i r e r I of l a n d . s i t i n v j v i n ? a n d heiuri iLll lo t o w n of Hlli--liiirgh,afore&at.i,aii,lnp.rfi.l>aiil lot N o 5.?,bonhd.-.tft.follow*! t o n - i l i n i t i j a l a ^ o k e in t h e nor th-casi eorner o f the a b o v e drErribr-,1 p r f t i i i . e s . iu die p ' . ^spss ion of Udrna Wood, a n d ruiiMhriir-e n o r t h lour chain;* a n d ?ev-cn link^ l - n m l w — I h i i r e n . u l h S i d i - j . west t w e n t y four ehai i i s and ei:rh. ,-! i . e Saks /. . a s r . i j je—uVncesouth four-chaiu ' . and s e v e n I i u k s f n a u t a k o i n i h e n o i l h u e - t c . r n e r o l Ihe last above de -e , il»-d p r e m i s e . — l b , neesoiilli Si <l.-c. c.i^l t.v.-nty-f..n r l n n , ^ a n d Rtiiity-Fivfi ln,k.-i to i ln-p l jcc t.f beg in n i n r . col l i^ 'n inir l . 'n a tocunf Inml.

Al-o, all Ibat c,. | l a in lol, pieeo o r p a r r e l o f land, s i t u a t e , ly-in^ and b r l n r m I b o t o w n o f El l t^ l in , c h . eounly of Jof fe i -un a n d S'ale ol 7^. . \ . Y o r k , kn.ovn a n d i l isi inenisl ird a s p a r t of lot p ix ly-one . boni . i ' ( t l a* fitllowp, (viz:> befrinuitiir n t the norih east c o r n e r o f i- .id lol, aud v n n o i n c i l n n r c n o r t h wes t ­e r ly nlni lcl lie nor th l ine thereof l o i l i c centre of the h i g h w a y —lilen e sou th w c l o r l y down tbe r e n t e r of said Road t o Ihe nnr i l . line of land deeded Seth firmvstcr—Mienee srufth east-.•rly t i lon^said l ine lo the eaej ] m o ol said lot s i x l y - n n e — t h e n r e n o t t h oilman! l ineloi l ie p l ace n f bepini i ing .eot i ta in ing n l n e c e i e s a n d u h a l f of hunt, be I h o s a m e more or l e s s .

And al«n all tha t cerui in piece o r p a r c e l of land, s i t u a t e , ly-i iman . l b r i n u i n t h c t o w n u f E l l i sb i i r sh . eo iu i iy of Je f fe rson and S u i t of N e w Y-, k .heins pa r t o f lot N o . IftH.-n sa id t o w n , anil hounded a s fol lows, n. w i t : he^i ini imial a re.1 c e d a r s l a k e al Ihe sou th w e s t corner of a p iece uf land horc lo fo ic deeded In E.I wa rd Boomer, in l i n k s n o r i h east frnm a w h i l e cedar , marked K N HI and J — l l i c n c e nni Ih 81 den. w e - t ten c l ta in ta i i i l Ih i r lcen l i n k s In a s l a k e n o r i h wcsl 9 l i n k s from a sp . l t cc m a r k e d , n l N and S T — i h o n c e north 5 c h a i n s to a red cedar s t a k e , m a r k e d L IU U S—f h e n c e south SI de";, cas t 10 cha ins a n d th i r t een l inks lo a w h i - e cedar t r e e — t h e n c e soulh r> cha in s to the place of bcEtnninir.cnntnininjr f ive a c r e s of laud ho Hie s a m e more or l e s s . ' '—Dated , Feb . 0\ IR49.

W A L T E I t f l O L L I N S . 25w7 Sheriff of Jeff. C o .


to Settlers who wnin lo buy Lands CHEAP, with a good chance to pny. Tho Subscriber has

2 0 0 , 0 0 0 A O ^ S Of L i m l in t h e ( o w n s of C H O G H A N , N E W - B R B M E N " nnd TVATSOJf. in t h t ' C o n n l y o f U w i s l a m l S r a t * ' o r N i ' w V o r k , which lie urtl-rs lbi- sa lp in lots to s u i t p u r c h a s e r s , a t p r i c e s nccortljnp to locat inn strut qual i ty , ffcncnUly frnm § 4 , to § 5 , pp)* acrr>; 60 cenM o n » n acrfl payabl t ; d o w n , a n i l ihi* b a l a n c e wi th anmml pitere«t, in yearly p a y m e n t s not exceeding s fv -en . One lit If of t h e first and s e c o n d yearly p a y m e n t s w i l l be r^ re ived in l abor n t fair p r i e s , from those p e r s o n s w h o may desire it , a n d w h o will buy in t h e course of-the p r e s e n t year .

Tl i^sp Lincl-! ni-n s i tuated in the r e n r r a l part of Lewis C'"»n* t v : thny a rc l ionnded-on the Black R i v e r , and join t h e flour-tahitmand rfch t o w n s of D e n m a r k , L o w v i l l e and M a r t i n s -bnrg l i ; they a r e w a t e r e d hy the B e a v e r , Tndrin, O s w c s a r c h -if a n d IndRp^ni lp i ieeRiver^nnd b y Crystal , iu>irmnr,731ae] t a n d Swiss Creek-J, w i t h their n i im . ' roup t r ih i i i a r i c s . Al l of t h e m nrc Mi l l S t r e mp, afibrdin<r Water Potcer to avert/ great extent, and not one-hundredth p/irt of it occupied.

T h e Rlnck R i v e r , adjoininp these L a n d s , and above t h e m , h a s a good and un in te r rup ted n ' tv ica t iun of 45 mi les , a n d i s by Law a par t of t h e BLACK R I V E R CANAL, n o w n e a r l y finished.

These L a n d s ar<* fertile and .well t i m h e r e d , and v e r y h e a l -UiVj and a r e free from I hose k i n d s o f F e v e r s sn c o m m o n in new countr ies . T h e climate is m i l d ; t h e a tmosphere i s p u r e , a n d the Trac t a b o u n d s with l iving PI r e a m s of the p u r e s t w a ­ter . T h e lands a,*e general ly l eve l o r rol l ing, ilmre b e i n g n o considerable hi l ls o r mounta ins , a m i t h e y a r e well a d a p t e d t-i ra is ing all k i n d s of cvain and e r a s s . T h e y abound in m a n y p a r t s w i i h M d p l e Treofe, and some o f the finest s u g a r o r c h ­a r d s a r c to be found here , irom w h i c h , dur ing the p a s t sea­s o n . t h e i nhab i t an t s m a d e more that50.O00 \hs of Su;rar*

T h i r o a r e n o w o v e r 500 families l i v i n g on the T r a c t , a n d as a proof of their prosper i ty , i h o y c h a l l e n g e a. c o m p a r i s o n wi th any sei t lemcm in K o r t h e r n N c w Y o r k of the s a m e a g c i and sine. T h e people a rc i n d u s t r i o n s , and belong: to tha t c lass known as goad settlers, T h n i r bui ldinehjfences, c l e a r ­ings , roads, s choo l h o n F c n n d mi l l s p r e s e n t to the n e w - c o m ­e r t h e a p p e a r a n c e r a t h e i ' o l an old a m i weal thy-country t h a n a now one.

The re is no c o u n ' y in the Slate t h a t r a i s e s finer ca t r le j a n d none of equal popu la t ion w h i c h t u r n s out annua l ly m o r e But te r ami Cheese t h a n the County o f L e w i s .

T h e a d v a n t a g e s a b o v e mentioned w h i c h these l a n d s p o ? -ness. their h c i t i o n be in s ; abniu ha l f w a y "between t h e E r i e Canal at Rome, a n d L a k e Ontario a t S a c k e t ' s I I i r b o r , a u d from 35 to 40 miles f rom each, wi l l , i t it believed, iu-iuee p e o ­ple looking.for l ands to come a n d s e e t h e m before p u r c h a s i n g e l sewhere .

F o r the p u r c h a s e , o r ativ in fbrmta ion r.oncorninir t h e s e T*n t l*Rpp1y tomv A « n r , M r . P . S . S T E W A R T , H T C a r t h a g e ,

i 'efP»rsonCauniy, .Statenf New York . f f tdv i in i i ip ' lKspL ' in ' i s . l * „ , „ V\ LK R A V DB OH M'aTON'T .

Dated Feb . 1,1 ft 10. - s l U o .

Hardware, Cutlery, Iron Nails, &c.

J . S . VAST BUEE^ T , Xo.3 Woodruff Black—next doot cait of Ketlar .J- Fuller.

• •eater In


&An eve ry Tur ie ly 'of Pa t t e rns nncl Sty les . H O U S E TiuanirNG---.


FASur coons. 7!AI 2il. 3 J . -td. Gil Si. I'M. 12.1. 2 M . 3.1J. 41W. J - . S .

Swede*, Unglish, and American Iroi^-Sitovch, Spades »J-c

1 8 ^ j ' A I J r - 4 8

T7XTRA GENESSEE FLOUR FOR FAMI-J L U L V u - e . O ^ w e s o Superf i t i f vUmr. O^wejn Wnti*r L i m e , M n n l i n * W a t e r L i m e , ( i s u p n r i o r article.) So l a r S a l t , in IJasrs a n d B i r r c t e . Conimun and IJairv .Salt; N a i l s a n d Sp ikes by i h e Keg^-Sail ClothrBii£.*inff, H.".op^t round t -andp. Bar a u d P i g I r o n , P h t w P . S t o v i v , F i r c h , T i r , Unpin:«ml Coal T a r , for s a l e v e r y e h ^ a p lor r a j h , t.y E . & E . B . C A M P .

S a c k e t s H a r b « t r , O c t . 3 , lSl^r- 0 [ |

H SIGMAN, No 3, WHITE'S RLOCIi, L..vvi« nn.l S-. L '1 ' i r . -ncc • M I U I I I M . t h a t In- ]m r o ' i s i w l IHH j h w k n f Winn- , b . m l i r . n t i d h r . n , | l j . ^ M r c i l K m l i r h M l h r tare-rt an.l hjsl• «cl--rtp.l st.„:k o f F u r Goods t h a t m n b e Imilul ^ . l r l h nr N,-\v T . i r k Cny,

Tlii> r<ill>i<n'i^- i- i impnsc J .1 tvir o f h i s .irllclcs -• n i a . ' kan i l N a t u r a l L y n x 5IiilT<.

I K i h . - l h B - j r .

£ a t e A r r i v a l of KTew G o o d s !

No. 1 2 , Court-Street, Watertown.

S'ltrriiin S q - i i r r r t , F i t c h , C h ' i n c I . J l l » , W o i r , O r p n M o a . O ™ - W H 0 . h ? s r , r ? ? ' ' n i r i h - ' ! M n r ' ;<n<l O n m y MufT-. t » * es t f tm-knf O r . n i l s m A n h n r c s t wfl l*;^ | f-r iei l .arnlrhca]t .

Hicrn Nf*. V n r k . wliii-ti 1^-S i i f c , Oi-rman ami M n h a i r Phwl i , F n r . C l o ' h an.l ' w l " rat;'" f ' l™«""" ••' ̂ " n <n- " ! " ' " " ' • n i i i >•• tin- puMic t.-n-r i !p>cr i i t m n o f Cap*. 1 c r a l l v . a t i'?.«sp i r ,es than s:ti...ls l iavpi-vcr l-trfurt'h.-cu -. iMiil

UOBESj.—A l i - e o and s p l e n d i d ^ s o r l n - f n t n r Biimilr. W j « » « " . N o l t u m h . w a l x . i i t l l . i s i lit .I„<-).I.S jiwi n l , . . ; Im K . i l « . « _ a | . „ F.n- U».inili.|saii<I G! .>vrs , BufTato C n a w anil V'5\ c » ' ' i n l " " ' **'"» " ' • ' f f l i ' " - . ' " l i « «-«-k wi l l 1 •

H-vc-y nlh, i -a r r i r lo in the linn n f f u r CTOOIIB, t i m n u m o r n i i s t n ' r " " n ' 1 , s » « » • » v n n c i y n f CTJI.IIR aa i s n i i u l l y l i p- n , anv

. ( .APS . -i>vi-iy,.:hpri!



S r 5 , f c E f I l . ^ S . I S > l , y > e M o r w w F a c t o r y o f

mi-ii'imi. T i i c I .a.l io- iv i l ln . l . I a t I I K S W O . heller Aluflxanil a l Ifiu-m pni-ov Mian can he funiiil c la i - i r l inrc .

Co-intry J l c c l i a n t i ! aro p i r l l i - u l a r l ; invited tn c x a m i n o l i i s Morkani l p n c - B he l . i r cmak iu f r ihc i r p u r e l m m .

M r . .Si^ruan man i i f ac ln res Ins o w n c o m b a n d %yarr!nls lliom In h.j \\ h a t t hoy a r c r cp re sT i t c i I .

F u r s c l c a n c i l a h c r c d a n d r c r a i r e i l . C a s h paid for S h i p p i n g Fttr.i, S h i v p P e l t s and Grass S p e d .

Watci t invri , N o v . N l i . | 4 j f

FEMALE SEMINARY. M i s s e s B B . T G H T , P r i n c i p a l .

R e v . J . A . N A S H , T e a c h e r o f L a t i n .

M r . M A N N , T e a c h e r o f M u s i c .

^ « ? , H ^ & A ^ i K l f S S i ? S j M " M A R I E A L L E N , A s s i s t a n t P u p i l of Moroeco con^htmlv

s tock of pMods in. toivn. T i n - 1 - , t o e . i l l a n d examine h i s -to._k«J Fn i l and W i n t e r TJi^s(J<«xN. Hif«'tiirk' ,oibr.ire':at 'r*-.irL5r vaiiel) ; than'*.Mi v . v i l b e r n n n • *r« at'-il i n a handbi l l . H e u o ' i h l a!sn solicit fit*- an.-irioii " j the G*;iit|*'inpn i-Jc-.irtmitMfpm'chai'inff a n y k ind t.f i - a i l and Win-t<*r Cl<«! t u n c , in rail in bePa 'c purcl iasm_' CIJ -O^IKTC, a n d *•,*<-a n m i " h i s s t o r k of Chith-i , Cas s imere" , S h e e p ' s Greys , K«MI-tii'-ky J e a n s , T w e e d s , Heav«-r Chilli , Pilt-t Cluthx heavy Kn* (jhfh an-l B l a n k s C o t t H I S ; Vt-siinL'-*of e v e r y pa t te rn , sryle •nnd qua l i fy . Ami in fitet, e v e r y th i inr in th ' i way of Drr«=s G.mds tha t iRen l l eman candes i re .a jw;heapa<iF. ind- Walk in Gi-niie .nen, and examine l»i< ^ t o r k ; von wil l not r egre t it and he w i t i l a k e Rr^at nlf*a«iirc in R l u w t n ? y m hiscunf t s . V>.u will find fbar yo'ihflvi« c o H u a l . iu t ( t t e r i ch i phc* ' f l i r I»KV G O O D S A N D V A N K C B N O T I O N S . P n M l r r i t w p p I t e d at N e w V n r k P r i ces . A good a r t i c l e o[ T E A a t only 23 centB per p . u n d .

W a t e r t o w n , N o r . 1 . 1 M 9 . HmG


T H t N ' U i ' u kt-xi.v-w*}' tha iMver Ufli.iesf'iJuHliiare-g to i i j i s aWlie

Coriiter Store* N o . 4 M E C H A N I C & E X C H A N O E

Wheremav lie iVjml a vcr> i-xlcndic \ai-h-iy nt"

READY-MADE OLOTH1N0, T n s n l i c r with a f.ill s f u r k of FFRXISmXa GOODS', n.ait-« u s e ot lur ue.iilt r»t* .»*s w t a r . Aleu,aij c:£if*HMvernrf6* t y o f G *odrS!itir<btf t . f

YOUTHS'AND BOYS' CL0THHTG, AnilmnMkiril.-nf !)..>•-_'I'l.ill.iu;mi li.im' r.-atlj iu.nlc. AI-sn, a pfm'l a^>in'(n'i-»il *:i" One

Cloth.'!, Ca.°"/mrrr*, ami Vt--.fi,is:?, Tn lie rnailo up hi i,r.!,-i. .< ml Hml l. ti.tr/ tho.? in t'iCSl'itt ' * . ' h ' i ' ." tli.T* t.ii»ii(«k«.-iBr.-..mi'l'-yi - ' , riTMl»«» itn-i.

IVf l u r ; i » W h . . i . k l . ! M « r H i e l l h . . M l p . n . n n - ' - l l r r i . ' y h l -S l „ . l . , I , I wuiil.1 m i n i li i i i l i- Hi" . l l ' i i i ' l . 11 i.l ill >\ t i . imnj-

I T O a r e r ^ r ^ r i i l l y l n i lliil j ) , , „ ' , . „ , . a M „ i i i „ p „ r . . i i .~r lu ll. " j - e r - ' i n i wl... un ' i l . l - * cloipetl plnre ..t A'u

CT"!'"'*"STREETER'S, On lite Cornt-r, X<>. i Mi-rianirx' Erclia-ngc. T h e lien! slvl. 's r.( U. -,il (In mnik- l <iir..ril- a r e hr-r r toho f .u i i i i . ami tile miiiiri- .r n " ' " m wli ir l i i ln- j a i i l . o i h rn l i t n i l ir.a.lcnr., r . mlnrn ilu-. !-l<--!: '«•' H < w l ' l f " - a " ' ; " " " " "f <'«y-c m 6 a r P l r : i > f n r n r . I ei i l , . ; ii'ia i i . i ieeni i s n o t , i imler a n v c i r c u r n . I a r i e r * | , i I., nn i l ' i s - i l . ' .

D o n e on shr-rt n'-'i-''" a i - i to- i^ .nf id Btiir't a t t e n t i o n p-tidtofcll

h r a n c l u s o f Hie th i |o i i i*e* ' l , E , , ""» '*

<intitt>Jenot inferior to \ ciniitii-fei.t \Miri inuUi lor If Hltlll.

.ll'cu'H.i •'p-k ii'"v on J " i n l , rndall

. n v ri (br--* u i i ] m i d the Xcir Yoik to but/ a I stylet of

. t a % ^ m ' J 5 S S ^ - ^ f i ^ | ^ ^ ^ « i s T r a vssessa TEKW or THIS sonooi. wn* favoro T RTPHirnvn -K commence on \VPilne-i1aytihe21HtnrJanuary tn*xtrand

Watertown Nov. 15 1RJ9. l i i ^ u m u i s u . ^ nfffirevi'ii Creator facilities then hefore fur obtaining a -.. , —- —.' 1 ' * - b i l l I rhftriiitffti f i f lnci i lmn.

B L O N D O N ' S JHesir Restorative*

O H P I R C F S OP F R F W H . H v f i r i c u I-V-T^ n ™ . i inslnirJiun wili he civen in ihe English Branehes.willi ^ U „Vn. ( V n t a S ««.l hlaelo Br' ,art%,?? ^ f e Frenrh nn.1 La in , a. tl.o rclneeil price nf, per .erm, S l.no .t.... «.\_...;_ ., ! . . . , !.._• »- . - , '"> ".' *y». i««ci Piuiitin^and Drawing, ear li t*xfi*a, than everofP-»*ed in tins market, hist open! renin,*



• W a ^ n o w i i j F p h . 1,1849. Tli*1 Sioekhol i j f r f o f this C o m p i n y wil l ploase take nntiVc

that 15 pe.r c u t upon th" s i n e k n f each Shareholder i s r e ­quired to be pa id nn rtic 1st d a y nf i \Tireh.

S h a r e h ' i l d e r s rePid inc nt E v a n * b i l l ' s , ean pay to J t ldgn Buyer , If m n r c e n n v e n i c n t . By o rde i nr the Boa rd .

2 > u 3 I . H. F1SK, S e c ' y .

i.na Bi^nrd, pe r t e r m of ele\*en week" , 1 "*',,f,.,« Yonn? L i d i e s boa rd ing in the family of the Prineipal!*, will

be under all n e c c - ' a r y but i io tccrcrcreMi- ic tumijand par t icu­lar earo will be t a k e n nf the physic-il health nf w h p n p ' l i a s

well as pvcry a i ien t ion given to h ^ r m o r a l and menial c u l t u r e F o r fiirther par t iculars"mrpi i re a t the. res idence of t h o teach­ers on State S t r e e t , next the Bapt i s t C h u r c h .

T E X T B O O K S .

FOR SALE—THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR s a l e , a F a r m in t h e town of Ly. . je .one mile east o f M i b

lin's B a y , c o n t a i n i n g 263 acres, 100 of which is improved wi th a large framed B a r n , 3 6 hy 43 , dwe l l ing Honso,30by 24 , w i th wood H o u s e a n d K i t r h e n in rear .

Also, a F a r m n f in5 a c r e s , a b o u t 40 o f which is i m p r o v e d , i i i M c C o m b ' s se t t lement , adjoin ins the farm of Geo. M c C o m b in said t o w n , w i t h a cood framed Barn and Los Hotice.

Also, a b o u t 40 a c r e s wild land on t h e road leading from Shepard W a r r e n s to t h e French C h u r c h .

T h e a b o v e F a r m s a r e the proper ty o f th* late firm of F a r -well & B a k e r , a n d wil l be sold at a bargain to settle a n d c lose that c o n c e r n , a n d i r not sold at p r iva te sale previous to the, 8th d i y of M a r c h n ° x t , will be sold at pub l i c auction, o n that day. at I o ' c lock P . M . , at the dwel l ing House of Adison M . Far wel t on t b e first a b o v e named premises.

About one- four th o r fifth par t of tho p u r c h a s e money wi l l be required on g iv ing possession, and t h e remainder m a y i « -m&inon B o n d a n d Mor tgage for a t e r m of y e a r s , Def in i te conditions m a d e k n o w n on the day of s a l e . Tjf |e ind i spu ta ­ble. - E L I F A R W E L L .

W a t e r t o w n , F e b . I , 1849. 25w4

fURPETING AND OIL CLOTH. -THE V / hugfisl a s s o r t m e n t ever before ot tered in the Coun ty , a t prices c o r r e s p o n d i n g wil t t the present low prices* nf Wool .— Also for sale b y [G U P H A M & L A W Y E t t .

O N E CORD S H O V E L S . A ^ I B ' S , s q u a r e and round pnin ls , s h o r t aninoi igl la iTMcp.

^"X R o w l a n d ' s do do do do d o Rail Koad d o " do 20 do M a n u r e F o r k s ,

F o r s a l e a t N m - . 2 7 , 1 8 1 S .


do do do do



4 SUPERIOR ASSORTMENT OF GOLD. Silver, Silver plated, Gorman Silver and Steel frame

icIePjWith white,biueandirreenglaf-seB.. Ateoroncare classes for near sighted pcruinH|_ju**t reciv-'d at the wa»*h, Cltie-i., Jcwelrvano Fancy Store'*ff *"•'• G t N X B T .

Wdtcnown, Oct.27, ISIS- u 1 Itf

TH E SUBSCRIBHR HAVING DEVOTED MANY ye-trs to thehlndy of Hie nkin and t h " tn-ai rmii t of the Im-

man ha i r , a i ] t l uaed v a r i o o s Cdiupri'inds.A; pnm' -o f the ••Nos­trums*" of t h e day, h a s finally r-mnd in i h e " I I A l K UIJSTO* H A T I V E 1 ' th<? great J ' d«.«hl»***a• 11rrt'* f»n Inpp .--oi'fflii f»r, but never , heretofore, funwU T h e HATU K K S T O l l A T i V K tf enniposed of many v e p e t a b b ' ius red ieu t s o f oppos i te q<iali-

* i i ' -^and po-^-esBesIhe mag i " powered"nv to r in i r ' h e h a i r to ttB original beau ty ami l u s t r e , imnartinff life a n d an imat ion to the d i s eased and d y i n r ha i r . It eleahf- the p n r e s o( (he (*ltin. anil c n - e s a b e a l t h y a r i i o n t n t t i e blood v'-psej«t( n e r v e s , & c , wlneh i m p a r t s life to t h e I v i r , tlir>r»by p r e v e n t i n g bahlnenH and g r a y ha i r , an i l in all case*-producer thei^fovvtJi o f new t i f t i i jAvherei t isnof b - y o n d ihi- power of a n to »!o. h fre^s

A d a m s ' a n d P e r k i n s ' Ar i thmet ic , Brown'** and Bu l l i on ' s j the xfcm from scurf, d a u d r o f r . n n d M I M T eutar^oni-f ' iseafies, Rrammer , iMitchcll"** Gt-ngraphy, Cu t t e r ' s Physiology, Olm- • w h W i a r e lite incipient rant -c nf baidup-^, a n d will keep the •-read's PhiIo*-ophv,SiNiman'BCHemii=try,Bitrrei '«fieo^r«ipliy hair h i a hea l thy and l u x u r i a n t state Until the latent period of of the H e a v e n s . W o o d ' s Botany, P e r k i n s ' and Day'« Algebra Hie. E v e r y ona will find t h e I U m R E S T O R A T I V E a pr»m and Geometry. W a y land ' s Moral S c i e n c e , Aberc romhie ' s fn- addition to the i r toiler, not o n l y nn^ account o f j t s de l iea te>nd

Geometrv, W a y l a n d - s Moral S c i e n c e , Abfrcrotnhie-s fn-tcllccliial l -h i losophy, Kane ' s E l e m e n t s of Critici?im, P a r k e r s Progressive E x e r c i s e s in Engl i sh Composition, N e w m a n ' s Rhetor ic . , „ „ , _ . ,,

F J I R N C H — O H c n d o r P s French Gi a m m e r , Snreme'f- Diction­a ry , R o w a n ' s F r e n c h Reader , C o r i i m c and Life of Wasl i ing-

LATIS—McCl in tock ' sExorc i se s ,Bun ion*sC!esa r ,Fo7Kom'e

ivy . 2 * f Wate r town B e e 28, ISJS,



MRS. WELCH, rt Street, Watertown. Co

r p H E Y arc j u s t r e t u r n e d from N e w Y o r k i v i t h i h e b«stfie-X lection hi t h e t w o branches b e l i e v e d to be e v e r s e e n in the Count ry , a n d w i l l pay t o l h c i r f r i e n d s and the p u b l i c , in shor t , (hat it is FtiU the i r slutJy t o accommoda te a n d s e l l on the very lowest c a s h terms.

M r s . W . has t a k e n t h e greatest p a i n s to p rocure Ihe newpBt fashions in Bonne t . s , Hoods, D r e s s C a p s , Hood D r e s s e s & c , ami will bo cons t an t ly informed o f t h e varied bfyleB.

KJ- iHi ) l ine rs c a n be supplied w i t h e v e r y avt iclein t he i r l ine to grea t ad v a n t a g e , and they w i l l doAvell to t a k e l h e e a r l i -est oppor tuni ty for m a k i n g their s e l e c t i o n s . Eyeletfi inserted and Bonne t s -made o r altered a l t h e s h o r t e s t notice. 7 y

W a t e r t o w n , S o p t . 30,1B-13

FAIRBANKS' PLATFORM SCALES.-A I Iresh a u p p l y ol the^o uuriVitHi'd Sca l e s , jilet rece ived ,

i n i h i d i n ^ G r o c c r d Scal i j3 ,ant ;w ar l i ' l i ' , i ? t the H a r d w a r e S l o r e , N o ' s . S a m K O r C u i l i l S U ' e r t . U . i j . Q T I 9 .

W 4 i w t o ^ n l O r . . a f ] l 3 1 S . Ptf

aprt 'raljlc pcr iume, b u t the g r e a t facility it a(T>riln in ilreflB-iriff t h e h a i r . A. B L O N D O N .

T h r - H A I U B E S T O n A T I V E i s k e p t o t l h a m l anil Tor sa le nt BLON'DO.V'S Ba rb i - r aml I I Ur-drensfnE I 'Blaliliilini. 'nt on Arsena l s t r e e t , firfctiloor W' . s tu f the A m e r i c a n Holel l j t i i ld-inc .

W a l e r f o w n . D c e . e t l t , 1S!S. lOlf.

W K t h e unders igned h a v i n e nncd t h e H a i r Hes lo ra t ive made b y M r . Blonilon, t a k e pl '-asiire in test ifying to i ts pood qual i t ies anil eonsidor it a useful a r t i c l e for t h e p u r p o s e for w h i c h i t i s in tended. Charl-.-s fc'ord, A. W i l s o n , H o v t &c Grecory , G. C. J a e k s o n , l L C a m p , * J . M . OAile ieh , R. Ton E y c k , W m . Hat lnvay , H . Fa i l ine , D . D . O t i s , W a l l e r F a i l i u s , A . S . G I T ™ , J . K. S m i t h , A . M c ' B r a t n e y , S . S . W i e c i n s , J a m e s H . H e i c s , R. B u e k l e y , W m . U u r e h a r d , J a m e s Co le . J t i l t o n C l a r k , T.P. C a r t e r , John M u c k l c , T . T . T u r n e r , h. H. B r o w n , Q. H e w i t t , N . J o n e s , V . D l i r k e o , E . B . W a i t , K. A. C r m v n n r , K . H a n n a h s .


TO SADDEBRS & HAItNJES&MAXERS.— W e have j i t s l r ece ived a Iai%re a n d u 'e l l selected asri'-rt-

m e n t o f S ' i d t l l e r y H a r d w a r e o f all d e s c r i p i i o n e , w h i c h we are p r e p a r e d to selt to S a d d l e r s at p r i c e s w h i c h eauiiolbuf, b e . ' a t i s f a c t o r y t o l h c m . C a l l a n d s e c u s .

J u n e 3 , I S I S . J - B . & 13. F . H O T C H K 1 W .

A LARGE LOT OF STONE WARE JIJST X V . r e c e i v e d ami for sa i« b y b . t fAYES*

i ^ ' Xo. 15, Court Street, Wutertonm.

COUNTER SCALES.-50, No. 1,2. AND 3, \ J j u s t Tcceived a t K o . 2 I ron Block U t f

I > I 1 . U 0 9 I D C U T D I A M O N D .

A FEW SIJPERTOR GLAZIER'S DIA-J t \ . MOSD for H i . lo»-»t tlio Waieh, Clock, Jewelrv am Kan-.y Store of ' • W. O E H S t T .

a-t i 7 , l 6 U Iftf

T,ULorr« sriEAUR. • n e e a c e n r j f o r t l i e s a l o f i l H l . I N i ' - t . H ' ^ r i . ' i . n t T A r i . O I l S '

R I l K A J : S , r . i r l l i r n n n h . t n i-eelinn i.l K. Y.,13 atSir<-<'lfr'ir, w h e r e Shi-ari* nf al ls ,>. iH eal , I.-- hml a ' t in i i iani l farr i i rer 'H p r l . . ' . ' ; a !uu*mal l P i . l i i l^ o f i h . - s a in t n . a i r t r u - l , c . I l i s a l * l.iWe-1 liy a l l w h o a r e i - ' q n a l o ' e i l wiMi i l e i u t s e l i ' s .SIn-arn tliattheyarelhe hcslarti ' t"tnt'Jieliriei.f Slnnri now inniio

K. W. S>TCEETbIl, T,<tert,-m-n May83, TSI3.

" T l - I E " "

Cheap Cash Siore9 N o . 5, WASIIINC*TO:> Sr . j W A T E U I O I I T I .

W . H E R R I C K H A S J U S T RECErVFD . , , a l a r c e i u ii r i r h sd j rk r . i Dry Gricds, w l i i . K l i e m -

T i l e s i h c i n h a h i r a r i t ^ o f J rAerprm ami Ihe adjoini i .e t 'oiiiil ios to e x a m i n e . Theue enui ' s we re pnrchai-ed wi i j i in i h * 1'if-t few d a y s , in N e w Y o r k a n d RoFmn, at Ilie p r e s e n t li-.w r«ri»-rc<*. Thy Goods n e v e r w e r e cheaper , am] in- i s (li.'f->si*d to s e l l a ! a small a d v a n c e f i n m first cost. H o feels cimfiileiil ha r a u n o l fail lo sa t i ' Iy a l l ivliodefikefyiod good* af c l u a p ra les . A m o n c h i s s leek may I,.. f mod- the nelje^t lol nf. Li,»*> G-ioila-e v e r o f t e r e d in this m a r k e t , eoiwislit ic, in par t , a s f o l l o w s : .

' Sadies* D r e s s (woods. B l a c k & Colorwl B o m l i a x i n e s , Ch ' eb l " & B l ' k T u r e S i r l i n s , .

" " F r e n r h l v f e n n o e s , S lnp t i t & F i e n r e J S i l k s , P l a i n & F ign r« l C i s h m e r s . Silk Lus t r e M m l o r m a s ,

" " B e l a i n s , , l ' l 'u-& Ch'eMc L o r o n e O f H , . " " T h i d L j l s l r o s , " "• M o h a i r , 4 e ^ lee.

I n d i a n a Cloth, A splendid a s so r tmen t u l sll l t iv L u s t r e D e Soys^ < ^aslnncrs, Bror l i a ic Woven-I 'Veneh A; Seoleh R i n g h n n s , S h a w l s . , _ , . B l ' k . B l u e i Brah I ' a rameUos , A very larco s l ock o f r r i r i l a U h a n j c a b l e & Bl'tc S i l l t s , from 1 to 12J c e n t s p e r y a r d .

G E K T S . ' GOODS--F r e n c h , O o r m a n a n d E n K l i s h , Wiwleii Vci l inge ,

B iack .Ol ive .Drahfc B r a w n Rl'k t Oj.lureil feilk T e l v t l s , . Broad GlotliSf Treneh Iliid, C a s h m e r , &. S e r -

B l a c k Una Skin and F o i K y l in Gloves, Cass imereo , fc'uM'jn & Wool u n d e r S h i r U ,

Sa t ine t s ami T w c c J - , . „ " , „ " . I - H a w e r s , B l ' k a n d f a n c y S i lk C r a v a t « , Woolen Comfor te rs , B l ' k Sal in , , sUk, C a s h m e ' e i . I I o t i i . . , y , i ; r , & c .

B r o w n & Bi'ai'lied U n s l i n , Co' ton V a r n , BaHin .? , W i c l t -inff, C a r p e d , W a r p , Battcinff, Browii & St i tped Drillilifis,. B r o w n a n d Bleached T a l , l e L inens , W h i t e , R e d a n d Vellim-F i a n n e l s , P l a i d Linings ,Carpcl8 ,DiMi?3et ,andf loor fj l l Ciol l i r

Bed T i c k i n g , Woolen B l a n k e t s , tec, &c. T o g e t h e r wilh n e a r l y every o t h e r a r t i c l e u sua l ly k r p l in- an e x l e n s i v c firy Goodtf establirfhii.eiit.

AI so , aUrEea j . . - o r tmen to f frrocerirFjnu-h aft Teas ,Sugar . - . ' Coffee, M o l a t s e s , T o b a c c o , Sa l a r a tu s , J i a i s i n s , S p i r e s , A c , &c . , toge ther with a good :-toek of O n c k e r y and G l a s s W a r e ,

A l l tho above, toge the r w i t h a n endless var ie ty o f o t h e r ar­t icles w h i c h aretoo n u m e r o u s to mcnuon in a n a d v e r l i s c m e n l , call b e had at grcal .barc;ains, .at H e r r i e k ' s C h e a p C a s h Wore, H o . 5 , Wash ing lon s i . , n e x t door w e s t of the. B l a c k Kivor

W a t o r t o w n , D o o . , 1 8 l 8 . „ I s t ? „ N . B . Pas l l | i a id fo r^nyn ; ' i au l i lyo f fOO'? r i01n2adeJBi l l ' a r .

P H l l E — ' P o K ^ r U i j : A t

lKVTwar.F.aov.v. f\!L -BUODinH—I A T the cltcl | i D r u g S tu e '.*


A-iyiMt 10. 1!<15.