Development goals of the Millennium Declaration global problems of the world.

Development goals of the Millennium Declaration global problems of the world global problems of the world

Transcript of Development goals of the Millennium Declaration global problems of the world.

Page 1: Development goals of the Millennium Declaration global problems of the world.

Development goals of the Millennium Declaration global problems of the worldglobal problems of the world

Page 2: Development goals of the Millennium Declaration global problems of the world.

What is the connection between the environment and development?

Environment - that is all around us. This is the air we breathe and the water we drink and the land on which grow what we eat, and all living beings. The development of the same - this is what we do with these resources to improve their lives. We take actions that we believe can make our lives more comfortable, but everything we do changes us and our environment.

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We do not always notice how we relate to the land and to each other. However, the relationship exists. Drug-saving someone's life in Germany, possibly made from plants that grow in the forests of Costa Rica. Exhaust from vehicles on the streets of London or Mexico can influence the weather in Rabat or Tokyo. Today, we know that carbon dioxide and other gases emitted by cars and factory chimneys that increase the atmospheric temperature. Higher temperatures could change the climate of the planet. In purifying the air of carbon dioxide involved forests, but many of them are being cut down for timber or for farmland.

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What is the UN doing to protect

the environment?

Wildlife around us is a fragile system, which requires every person, no matter what country he lives, care, respect and understanding. Air pollution, diseases transmitted through water, toxic chemicals, and natural disasters - these are just some of the environmental problems facing humanity.

UN has a key role in determining the content of international efforts to protect the environment, and sends this global effort, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). UN conducts research, evaluates the state of the environment and encourages Governments ways to preserve their natural resources. And most importantly - it brings together governments to develop international laws to address specific environmental problems.

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Some achievements of

the UN in protecting the environment

The Kyoto Protocol to the Convention on Climate Change in 1997 aims to reduce global warming. In 2004, he gained legal force. The protocol requires countries by 2012 to reduce emissions of dangerous greenhouse gas emissions by 5.2 percent.

Declaration and Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States in 1994 requires countries to take concrete measures for 40 small island developing States to promote their social and economic development. Many of these small islands have very limited resources and therefore could not take advantage of globalization.

The Convention to Combat Desertification in 1994 aims to address the problems associated with over-cultivation, deforestation, overgrazing and inadequate irrigation. Threatened by desertification, a quarter of the planet. Lost productivity of agricultural and grazing land livelihood may lose more than 1 billion people in more than 100 countries.

The United Nations Convention on Biological raznoobrazii1992 year aimed at protecting and preserving the rich diversity of animals and plants, to the survival of humanity.

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What is sustainable development?

This is understood as a model of development that present needs are met without compromising future generations. In other words, to manage the available resources should be reasonable. Sustainable development requires us to retain more and spend less. In developed countries, many people live at the limits of nature. For example, one resident of a rich country consumes as much energy as 80 people in a poor country. Excessive consumption leads to a lot of waste that pollute and consume our resources.

Tremendous impact on nature is also extreme poverty and population growth. When the possibility of land and forests, which provide food, natural resources and employment, are exhausted, people become more difficult to survive, and not everyone succeeds. Many are sent to the city and settle in hazardous to health and life of the slums.

If poor people are forced to kill for the sake of its own survival environment, the consequences will affect all countries.

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Fuel from coconut oil: Sustainable Development in


At the heart of the South Pacific island nation of Vanuatu is having a precious resource that can help her through the tough times. Australian Tony Deamer, engineer and entrepreneur with an environmental slant, pins hopes for a better future inhabitants of Vanuatu with coconuts. Vanuatu - a 80 beautiful tropical islands teeming with coconut palms, but due to fluctuations in world prices of coconut farmers can not count on a steady income, and the local economy suffers.

Tony found out. He successfully uses a refined coconut oil instead of diesel fuel in car engines. In the end - good for the environment and the local economy. According to Deamer, if Vanuatu will produce coconut oil as a fuel, the local market will increase demand for copra, ie dried coconut pulp, it will stimulate economic growth and job creation. Copra - perfect fodder derived from it fiber has many uses, and coconut husk can be converted into charcoal.

Tony project can reduce the need for imported fuel and improve the financial situation of local farmers growing coconut palms. Vanuatu now has to import diesel fuel at $ 12 million per year, which is a lot for a tiny island nation with limited resources and weak purchasing power. Vanuatu Government considers the project perspective and it has some support.

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Water, water ...

The value of water is so large that it is often called the source of life. If the water is contaminated, it can cause severe disease. Many countries lack safe drinking water. As a result, each year in developing countries from diseases caused by pathogens that spread in the water, dying at least 4 million children. In 1980, the United Nations has launched an international campaign to ensure by 2000, safe drinking water for all people. This campaign is already clean drinking water is available to more than 1.3 billion people. Another 1.9 billion people gained access to sanitation to enjoy.

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Awareness of disaster risk

The United Nations immediately rushed to help the people affected by the tsunami in Asia in December 2004. For three days the UN team to assess the disaster arrived in the Indonesian province of Aceh, the hardest hit by the disaster. Here, about 165 000 people were killed and 600,000 people were left homeless. In the ensuing six months, the UN food provided 2 million people to be vaccinated more than 1.2 million children and provided work for more than 30 000 people in special programs in Indonesia, Sri Lanka and other countries. More than 561,000 children have started to study again thanks sent by training kit "school in a box", and the fishermen and farmers were assisted to rebuild their farms. UN agencies continue to support the activities of rehabilitation and reconstruction.

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Global issues

Greenhouse effect

Nuclear weapons

Acid rain

Pollution of the seas and oceans

Solid waste

The problem of noise in cities and people

Atmospheric pollution

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