Developing leaders from the inside out. 1. Personal Organizational Cultural Developing leaders...

Grasping the Correlation Between Spiritual Awakening and Mission Developing leaders from the inside out. 1

Transcript of Developing leaders from the inside out. 1. Personal Organizational Cultural Developing leaders...

Grasping the Correlation Between Spiritual Awakening and Mission

Developing leaders from the inside out.1

Developing leaders from the inside out.2

Personal Organizational Cultural

The correlation’s impact

Developing leaders from the inside out.3

A might fortress 4th stanza

That word above all earthly powers,

No thanks to them, abideth;

The Spirit and the gifts are ours

Through him who with us sideth:

Let goods and kindred go,

This mortal life also;

The body they may kill;

God’s truth abideth still,

His kingdom is forever.

Spiritual awakening in the church is the precursor to sustained mobilization initiative of the church toward the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

◦Engage abundant life – John 10:10

◦Turns infectious – 2 Corinthians 2:14-15

◦Exhibits the fragrance of Christ – Luke 4:18-19


Developing leaders from the inside out.4

Spiritual awakening emerges around the margins of institutions as individuals respond to the hope of the gospel.

◦Pharisees – a movement gone awry

◦Apostles – Acts 4: 13-14 (differentiated)

◦Early church expansion – irrepressible expansion

Corollary 1

Developing leaders from the inside out.5

Developing leaders from the inside out.6

Early church expansion

Acts 1 Acts 3 Acts 2:47 Acts 4:4 Acts 5:14 -







Growth of the Jerusalem Church AD 30-35**Includes estimates based on the descriptions like

"daily addition" and "multitudes"

Developing leaders from the inside out.7


◦ Devotion to prayer (1:14)

◦ Submission to the guidance of the Holy Spirit (1:24)

◦ Repentance (2:38)

◦ Dedication to the scriptures (2:42)

◦ Consistent and contagious public fellowship (2:43-46)

◦ Commitment to praise and worship (2:47)

◦ Authentic and honest behavior (5:1-11)

◦ Presence of signs and wonders (5:12)

◦ Commitment to reproduce leaders (6:1-6)

Characteristic marks of awakening

Fulfillment of the Great Commission is primarily a function of relationship that moves in love of God and love for others. To confuse strategy and tactics for the motivation of love is to replace the grace of God with the ambition of the leader and or the drives of organization.

Corollary 2

Developing leaders from the inside out.8

Peter’s Cornelius encounter (Acts 10:34)

◦Paradigm shift

◦Holy Spirit authenticated

Failure of Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-11)

The Antioch reality (Acts 11:19)

Corollary 2 continued

Developing leaders from the inside out.9

The organizational development that supports mission must reflect the gifts God gives to the church versus the corporate structures reflected in international commerce.

◦Understand the times

◦What kind of structure is needed?

◦Recognize and release the gifts God gives

Corollary 3

Developing leaders from the inside out.10

Developing leaders from the inside out.11

Developing leaders from the inside out.12

Developing leaders from the inside out.13

Developing leaders from the inside out.14

Developing leaders from the inside out.15

Reframe organizational roles around gifts

◦Apostles who unleash the church’ potential and extend it borders

◦Prophets who see God’s will

◦Evangelists who recruit others to God

◦Shepherds who nurture and protect

◦Teachers who understand and explain

Rethink organizations

Developing leaders from the inside out.16

Anytime we organize we create four forces

◦Drive to grow



◦Self preservation

These forces will support or undermine mission -

Corollary 3 continued

Developing leaders from the inside out.17

The process of spiritual formation is the root of being effectively contagious in the cause of cross-cultural mission.

◦Hope that is eschatological

◦Empowerment in the Holy Spirit


Personal awareness

Suffering and evil

Corollary 4

Developing leaders from the inside out.18

What have you heard today? Why is it important to you? What steps will you take next?

Follow up

Developing leaders from the inside out.19

May the presence of the Most High overshadow you and protect you,

May you know and understand God’s great love and concern for you.

May the Holy Spirit fill you and empower you.

May God’s abiding presence embrace you with healing, provision, and strength.

Thank you

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