Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH - VDZ – … Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH Representative...

(( Akkreditierungsstelle Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH Representative according to § 8 Section 1 AkkStelieG in connection with § 1 Section 1 AkkStelleGBV Signee in multilateral agreements of the EA, ILAC und IAF with mutual recognition Accreditation The Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH herewith certifies that the testing laboratory Forschungsinstitut der Zementindustrie GmbH Tannenstrasse 2 40476 Duesseldorf has the competence according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 to perform checks in the following areas: Civil engineering Construction products This accreditation certificate is only valid in connection with the notification dating 24.07.2012 with the accreditation D-PL-16069-01 and expires on 18.06.2017. It consists of this cover page, the back of the cover page and the following Appendix, with in total 8 pages. Registration number of this docurnent: D-PL-16069-01-02 Thls document Is a translation. The definitive version Is the original Gennan accredftatlon certlflcate. Berlin, 24.07.2012 gez. Norbert Barz Managing director

Transcript of Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH - VDZ – … Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH Representative...

Page 1: Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH - VDZ – … Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH Representative according to 8 Section 1 AkkStelieG in connection with 1 Section 1 AkkStelleGBV Signee in

(( DAk!~SChe Akkreditierungsstelle

Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH

Representative according to § 8 Section 1 AkkStelieG in connection with § 1 Section 1 AkkStelleGBV Signee in multilateral agreements of the EA, ILAC und IAF with mutual recognition


The Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH herewith certifies that the testing laboratory

Forschungsinstitut der Zementindustrie GmbH Tannenstrasse 2 40476 Duesseldorf

has the competence according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 to perform checks in the following areas:

Civil engineering Construction products

This accreditation certificate is only valid in connection with the notification dating 24.07.2012 with the accreditation n~mber D-PL-16069-01 and expires on 18.06.2017. It consists of this cover page, the back of the cover page and the following Appendix, with in total 8 pages.

Registration number of this docurnent: D-PL-16069-01-02

Thls document Is a translation. The definitive version Is the original Gennan accredftatlon certlflcate.

Berlin, 24.07.2012 gez. Norbert Barz Managing director

Page 2: Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH - VDZ – … Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH Representative according to 8 Section 1 AkkStelieG in connection with 1 Section 1 AkkStelleGBV Signee in

Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH

(( DAkkS Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle

Annex of the Accreditation Certificate D-PL-16069-01-02 according to DIN EN ISO/lEe 17025:2005

Validity period: 24.07.2012 to 18.06.2017

Holder of the certificate:

Forschungsinstitut der Zementindustrie GmbH Tannenstrasse 2 40476 Duesseldorf

Testing in the area of:

Domain dviJ engineering I Construction products

Area: Constructlon products and materials with the test types chemical analysis, physical-technological analyses

Abbreviations used: see last page

Thls document 15 a translation. The definitiva versfon ts the orlalnal German annex to the accredtlatlon certlficate.

Page 3: Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH - VDZ – … Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH Representative according to 8 Section 1 AkkStelieG in connection with 1 Section 1 AkkStelleGBV Signee in

(( DAkkS Deutsche

Annex of the Accredltatlon Certlflcate D-PL-16069-01-02

1. Domain: Civil engineering / Construction products

1.1 Chemieal analyses

Sfandllril/Issue date' In-house procedure / Title of the standard or in-house procedure


HM-No. 0006 FIZ 2005-08 Ion chromatographie determination of anions (Rev.-5) and catlons in aqueous solutions, determination

of LI, Na, K, Ca, CI, NO" 50, DIN EN 196-7:2008-02 Methods oftesting cement - Part 7: Methods of

takingand preparing sampies of cement

DIN 1164-31:1990-03 Portland-, Iron Portland-, blast furnace- and trass cement; withdrawn determination of granulated blast-furnace si ag of iron

Portland and blast furnace cement and trass content of trass cement

HM-No. 0029 FIZ 2001-08 Determination of the glass conte nt of granulated blast (Rev. 1) furnace slag

HM-No. 0007 FIZ 2001-08 XRF analytical determination von maln and minor

(Rev. 1) constituents in cement and other solid substances

Determination of SiO" AI,D" no" P,O., Fe,O" Mn,O" CaO, MgO, 50" KzO, NazO, 52., CI, O2 equivalent, C,S, C2S, C,A, C,AF, C,F, KS, TM, SM, 5G, CUE and calculation of the composltion of cements with more than one maln constituent

HM-No. 0008 FIZ 2002-09 IR-spectroscopic carbon dioxide and (Rev. 2) water content determination

HM-No. 0009 FIZ 2002-09 IR-spectroscopic determination of sulphate using the Leco


HM-No. 0010 FIZ 2002-06 Flow injection atomic absorption spectrometry (Rev. 1) (determination of mercury)

HM-No. 0011 FIZ 2002-06 Determination of metals and semi-metals using

(Rev.2) a graphite AAS (additions method); Determination of As, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sb,

Se, TI, V, Zn

HM-No. 0012 FIZ 2003-08 Flame AAS (determination of metals and

(Rev. 1) semi-metals), determination of AI, As, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, er, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Sb, Si, Sn, TI, V, Zn

DIN EN 196-2:2005-05 Methods of testing cement - Part 2: Chemical analysis of cement; Section 7: Determination of loss on ignition; modifjcation: the test specimen is slowly heated to glowing temperature without platlnum lid

DIN EN 196-2:2005-05 Methods of testing cement - Part 2: Chemical analysis of cement; Section 8: Determination of sulphate

DIN EN 196-2:2005-05 Methods oftesting cement - Part 2: Chemieal analysis of cement; Section 9: Determination of the residue insoluble in hydrochloric acid and sodium carbonate

Valldlty period: 24_07.2012 to 18.06.2017 Translation

Akkred iti e ru n gsste 11 e

Test item


BInding agents


Granulated blast furnace slag

Solid matter

Cement, binding agents contalning cement

Cement, binding agents contalnlng cement

Solid matter, solutions

Solid matter, solutions

Solid matter, solutions

Solid matter

Solid matter



Page 4: Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH - VDZ – … Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH Representative according to 8 Section 1 AkkStelieG in connection with 1 Section 1 AkkStelleGBV Signee in

(( DAkkS Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle Annex of the Accredltatlon Certiflcate D-PL-16069-01-02

Stanifard Iissue date

In-house procedure I litle oHhe mndard or In-house procedure Testltem


DIN EN 196-2:2005-05 Methods of testing cement - Part 2: Chemical analysis of Solid matter cement; Sectlon 11: Determination of sulphide; Modificatlon: Ammoniac cadmium chloride solution is used instead of zinc sulphide solution

DIN EN 196-2:2005-05 Methods of testing cement - Part 2: Chemieal analysis of Solid matter cement; Section 14: Determination of the chloride content;

DIN EN 196-2:2005·05 Methods of testing cement - Part 2: Chemical analysis of Solid matter cement; Section 18: Determination of the alkaline content (alternative procedure)

HM-No. 0013 FIZ 2002-06 Determination of 21 metals and semi-metals using Solid matter, solutions (Rev.2) ICP-MS, determination of As, Ba, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu,

Mn, Mo, NI, Pb, Pd, Pt, Rh, Sb, Sn, Sr, Te, TI, V, Zn

HM-No. 0014 FIZ 2005-02 Benzole, toluol, ethyl benzene, xylene (0-, m-, po), Air, solid matter (Rev.4) unbranched C8-C10-alkanes / Gaschromatographie

analysis / elution using CS, with C.HFs as internal standard / splitinj. Detection: FID

HM-No. 0015 FIZ 2007-01 PCB-PAH determination in mineral oil according to DIN EN Solutions (Rev.1) 12766-1

HM-No. 0016 FIZ 2007-01 PCB-PAH determination in solid waste, soil and sludge Solid matter (Rev.1) according to DIN EN 15111

TRGS 613 TRGS 613 - Substitute materials, replacement procedures Cement Issue 10/2002 cancelled and restrietions in use of cements containing chromate and

12/2006 of cement preparations contalnlng chromate, photometrie determination of the Cr(VI) ion

DIN EN 196-10:2006-10 Methods of testing cement - Part 10: Determination of the Cement water-soluble chromium (VI) conte nt in cement

DIN EN 196-5:2011-06 Methods oftesting cement - Part 5: Pozzolanicity test for Cement pozzolanic cement

HM-No. 0017 FIZ 2002-02 Determination of the free lime content in cements and Cement, dinker (Rev.1) dinkers

HM-No. 0030 FIZ 2003-04 Sem i-quantitative determination of chloride in cement Cement (Rev.1)

DIN EN 196-8:2010:07 Methods of testing cement - Part 8: Heat of hydration - Cement Solution method

HM-No. 0018 FIZ 2005-04 Determination of the heat of hydration of cement using a Cement (Rev. 1) heat now calorimeter TAM-Air

DIN EN 933-9:2009-10 Tests for geometrical propertles of aggregates - Part 9: limestone Assessment of fines - Methylene blue test

DIN S1900-1; 2000-04 and Testing of solid and liquid fuels - Determination of gross Fuel Amendment 1: 2004-02 calorific value by the bomb calorimeter and calculation of

net calorific value - Part 1 Prlnciples, apparatus, methods

DIN EN 15400:2011-05 Solid recovered fuels - Determination of calorific value Solid recovered fuels

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(( DAkkS Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle Anne. of the Aeeredltatlon Certilleate D-Pl-16069-01-02

Sfu nda rd IIs'sue date In-house procedure I Tltle of'th,e standard or-in-house procedure Test Itern

Version - ,.,

HM-No. 0042 FIZ 2011-01 Determination of the proportion of ground granulated Cement, binding agents blast-furnace slag in cement using X-rav diffraction / containing cement Rietveld analvsis

HM-No. 0043 FIZ 2011-01 X-rav dlffraction analvsls Cement, binding agents containlng cement

HM-No. 0033 FIZ 2011-01 Determination of the proportion of ground granulated Cement, binding agents blast-furnace 51 ag bV X-rav diffraction analvsis containing cement

DIN EN 450-1:2008-05 FIV ash for concrete - Part 1: Definitions, specifications and Flv-ash conformitv criteria Annex C: Determination of soluble phosphate (P,Os) content

HM-No. 0032 FIZ 2011-01 Fluoride determination according to See I Solid matter

HM-No. 0031 FIZ 2002-02 Gravimetric determination of the sulphite content solid Solid matter (Rev.1) matter

DIN S2170-2:1980-02 Determination of composition of hardened concrete; Concrete, mortar hvdrochloric acid insoluble aggregate, materials used for the concrete not available Determination of the composltion of hardened concrete;

DIN 52170-3:1980-02 hvdrochloric acid insoluble supplement, materials used not avallable

DIN EN 197-1:2004-08 Cement - Part 1: Composition, specifications and Cement, f1V-ash, DIN EN 197-1:2011-11 conformity criteria fOT cammon cements

Reactlve calcium oxide (CaO) according to Sectlon 3.1 pOllolana

Reactive silicon dioxide (SiO,) accordlng to Section 3.2

DIN EN 15167-1:2006-12 Ground granulated blast furnace slag for use in concrete, Granulated blast mortar and grout - Part 1: Definitions, specificatlons and furnace slag conformitv criteria Annex A: Method for determination of moisture content of ground granulated blast-furnace slag

DIN EN 15414-3:2011-05 Solid recovered fuels - Determination of moisture content Solid recovered fuels using the oven dry method - Part 3: Moisture in general analvsls sam pie

DIN 51718:2002-06 Testing of solid fuels - Determination of the water content Solid fuels and molsture of analvsls sam pie

DIN technical report Methods of testing cement - Part 4: Quantitative Cement CEN/TR 196-4:2007-11 determination of constituents

DIN EN 15440:2011-05 Solid recovered fuels - Methods for the determination of Solid recovered fuels biomass content Determination of the biomass content uSing the selective dissolution method Annex 8

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(( DAkkS Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelie Annex of the Aeeredltatlon Certlfleate O-PL-16069-01-02

Stanqafd / Is~ue dat_~ In,l\ouse procedure / :ritle ofthe standar~ or In-house RrOc~du[e Test I~e~

VersIon , , . ,

DIN EN ISO 787-3 :2001-09 General methods of test for pigments and extenders - Part Colour pigments 3: Determination of matter soluble In water, Hot extractlon method Modificatlon: Determination of NO,', 50;- and CI' using Ion chromatogra phy

DIN EN 13639:2002-()7 and Determination of total organic carbon in limestone Solid matter Amendment 1:2006-09 Alternative method 1/ Burning of the hydrochloric residue

and binding of the CO, NaOH, CO, determination gravimetrie

DIN EN 13639:2002-07 and Determination of total organie carbon in limestone Solid matter Amendment 1:2006-09 Alternative method 3 / Burning of the hydrochloric residue

and IR spectrometry CO, deteetion DIN EN 1484:1997-08 Water analysis - Guidelines for the determination of total

organic carbon (TOe) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) Aqueous sampies

DIN EN 15402:2011-05 Solid recovered fuels - Determination of the conte nt of Solid recovered fuels volatile matter

DIN 51720:2001-03 Testing of solid fuels - Determination ofvolatile matter Solid fuels content

DIN EN 15403:2011-05 Solid recovered fuels - Determination of ash content Solid recovered fuels

DIN 51719:1997-07 Testing of solid fuels - Determination of ash content Solid fuels

DIN EN 15407:2011-05 Solid recovered fuels - Methods for the determination of Solid recovered fuels carbon (e), hydrogen (H) and nitrogen (N) Modification: also determination of sulphur (5)

DIN 51732:2007-08 Testing of solid mineral fuels - Determination of total Solid fuels carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen - Instrumental methods Modification: also determination of sulphur

DIN EN 15408:2011-05 Solid recovered fuels - Method for determination of Solid recovered fuels sulphur (5), chlorine (CI), fluorine (F), and bromine (Br) content

DIN EN 14582:2007-06 Characterlsatlon of waste - Halogen and sulphur content- Solid fuels Oxygen combustion in elosed systems and determination methods

VDI 4320 Sheet 2 (2012- Measurement of atmospherie depositions - Determination Solid matter, dust 01) of the dust deposition according to the Bergerhoff method

HM-No. 0019 FIZ 2002-06 Determination of metals and semi-metals using ICP-MS, Solid matter (Rev. 2) determination von As, Be, Cd, Co, er, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Pd, Pt,

Rh, Sb, Sn, Te, TI, V, Zn HM-No. 0020 FIZ 2002-06 Flow injection atomic absorption spectrometry for Solid matter (Rev. 1) determination of mercury

HM-No. 0021 FIZ 2002-06 Determination of metals and semi-metals using graphite Solid matter (Rev.2) AAS, determination of As, Co, Se, TI, V

1.2 Physical-technological analyses

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(( DAkkS Deutsche Akkredltierungsstelle Annex of the Accreditation Certlflcate D-PL-16069-01-02

Stän!!ard / I.ssue date In-house procedure I ;rltle of the Stärf~ard or In-house I!rocedure Test item


DIN EN 196-1:2005-05 Methods oftesting cement - Part 1: Determination of Cement strength

DIN 18506:2002-02 Hydraulic road binders - Hydraulic binding agents Composition, specifications and

eonformity criteria DIN EN 15167-1:2006-12 Ground granulated blast furnaee si ag for use in conerete, Cement, sand, ground

mortar and grout - Part 1: Definitions, specifieatlons and granulated blast furnace eonformity criteria slag Determination of the time to the Initial set aceording to Section Determination of the activity index according to Sectlon

DIN EN 450-1:2008-05 Fly ash for concrete - Part 1: Definition, specifications and Cement, sand, fly ash conformity crlteria Determination of the activity index according to Section 5.3.2 Determination of the time to the Initial set according to Section 5.3.5

DIN EN 413-1:2004-05 Masonry eement - Part 1: Compositlon, Hydraulie binding agents DIN EN 413-1 :2011-07 speeifieations and eonformity erlteria

DIN EN 196-3:2009-02 Methods oftesting cement - Part 3: Determination of Cement, binding agents setting times and soundness eontalning cement

0 Testing soundness 0 Testing normal hardness 0 Determination of setting tlmes using the Vicat


HM-No. 0001-FIZ 2006-01 Determination of the time to the Initial set using the Cement, binding agents automatie Vicat needle apparatus "ToniSET" containing cement

DIN EN 413-2:2005-08 Masonry cement - Part 2: Test methods Masonry cement 0 Determination of consistency offreshly mixed

mortar using the stiftness measuring device, f10w table

0 Determination of the water retaining ability 0 Determination of the air conte nt using the

eaualization of pressure method

DIN EN 196·6:2010·05 Methods of testing cement - Part 3: Determination of Cement, powders fineness

Air porosity procedure (proeedure according to Blaine)

HM-No. 0002 FIZ 2006-01 Determination of fineness using the Blaine apparatus Powders

(Rev.-3) "System Dyckerhoff"

DIN EN 1097-7:2008-06 Tests for mechanical and physieal properties of aggregates Filler

and Amendment 1:2008-- Part 7: Determination ofthe partlcie denslty offiller-

09 Pyknometer method

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(( DAkkS Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle Annex of the AeeredltaUon Certlfleate D-PL-16069-01-02

Standard Iissue .dat~~ In-Ilouse procedure / TItle of the Standard or In-Ilouse pr'ocedure Test-itJ!m


HM-No.0003 FIZ 2002-05 Determination of the slevlng resldue and preparatlon of Powders (Rev.-3) aggregate fraetlons

HM-No. 0004 FIZ 2001-09 Determination of the partide size distribution of dose- Close-gralned (Rev.-3) grained substanees uslng the air jet sleving maehlne substanees

HM-No. 0005 FIZ 2000-09 Determination of the partlde-slze distribution of dose- Close-gralned (Rev.-3) gralned substanees uslng the vlbratory sleve substanees

DIN EN 933-10:2009-10 Tests for geometrlcal properties of aggregates - Part 10: Filter Assessment of fines - Grading of filler aggregates (air Jet sleving)

HM-No. 0050 FIZ 2011-01, Flneness of fly ash for eoncrete aeeordlng to the test In DIN Fly-ash eorresponding to EN 933-10 for geometrieal properties of aggregates

DIN EN 933-10

DIN EN 196-6:2010-05 Methods of testing eement - Part 6: Determination of Cement and binding fineness agents eontaining Sieving method aeeording to Seetion 3 eement Air Jet sieving method aeeording to Seetion 5

Abbreviations used:

DIN German Institute for Standardisation e.V.

EN European Standard

HM KBS In-house method

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