DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE DTAM: Dense Tracking and Mapping in Real-Time Newcombe, Lovegrove...

DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE DTAM: Dense Tracking and Mapping in Real-Time Newcombe, Lovegrove & Davison ICCV11 Amaury Dame Active Vision Lab Oxford Robotics Research Group [email protected]

Transcript of DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE DTAM: Dense Tracking and Mapping in Real-Time Newcombe, Lovegrove...

Page 1: DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE DTAM: Dense Tracking and Mapping in Real-Time Newcombe, Lovegrove & Davison ICCV11 Amaury Dame Active Vision Lab Oxford.


DTAM: Dense Tracking and Mapping in Real-Time

Newcombe, Lovegrove & Davison ICCV11

Amaury DameActive Vision Lab

Oxford Robotics Research [email protected]

Page 2: DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE DTAM: Dense Tracking and Mapping in Real-Time Newcombe, Lovegrove & Davison ICCV11 Amaury Dame Active Vision Lab Oxford.

28.02.2013Amaury DameActive Vision LabOxford Robotics Research Group

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Input :

• Single hand held RGB camera

Objective :

• Dense mapping• Dense tracking

Input image

3D dense map

Page 3: DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE DTAM: Dense Tracking and Mapping in Real-Time Newcombe, Lovegrove & Davison ICCV11 Amaury Dame Active Vision Lab Oxford.

28.02.2013Amaury DameActive Vision LabOxford Robotics Research Group

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System overview

Page 4: DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE DTAM: Dense Tracking and Mapping in Real-Time Newcombe, Lovegrove & Davison ICCV11 Amaury Dame Active Vision Lab Oxford.

28.02.2013Amaury DameActive Vision LabOxford Robotics Research Group

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Depth map estimationPrinciple:

• S depth hypothesis are considered for each pixel of the reference image I


• Each corresponding 3D point is projected onto a bundle of images I


• Keep the depth hypothesis that best respects the color consistency from the reference to the bundle of images


• : pixel position and depth hypothesis

• : number of valid reprojection of the pixel in the bundle

• : photometric error between reference and current image

Page 5: DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE DTAM: Dense Tracking and Mapping in Real-Time Newcombe, Lovegrove & Davison ICCV11 Amaury Dame Active Vision Lab Oxford.

28.02.2013Amaury DameActive Vision LabOxford Robotics Research Group

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Depth map estimation

Reprojection of depth hypotheses on one image of


Example reference image pixel

Depth hypotheses




n in








Page 6: DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE DTAM: Dense Tracking and Mapping in Real-Time Newcombe, Lovegrove & Davison ICCV11 Amaury Dame Active Vision Lab Oxford.

28.02.2013Amaury DameActive Vision LabOxford Robotics Research Group

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Depth map filtering approach


• Uniform regions in reference image do not give discriminative enough photometric error

Idea:• Assume that depth is smooth on uniform regions

• Use total variational approach where depth map is the functional to optimize:

– photometric error defines the data term

– the smoothness constraint defines the regularization.

Page 7: DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE DTAM: Dense Tracking and Mapping in Real-Time Newcombe, Lovegrove & Davison ICCV11 Amaury Dame Active Vision Lab Oxford.

28.02.2013Amaury DameActive Vision LabOxford Robotics Research Group

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Depth map filtering approach


• First term : regularization constraint, g is defined so that it is 0 for image gradients and 1 for uniform regions. So that gradient on depth map is penalized for uniform regions

• Second term : data term defined by the photometric error.

• Huber norm: differentiable replacement to L1 norm that better preserve discontinuities compared to L2.

Page 8: DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE DTAM: Dense Tracking and Mapping in Real-Time Newcombe, Lovegrove & Davison ICCV11 Amaury Dame Active Vision Lab Oxford.

28.02.2013Amaury DameActive Vision LabOxford Robotics Research Group

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Total variational optimisationIm




ngL2 norm L1 norm










Page 9: DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE DTAM: Dense Tracking and Mapping in Real-Time Newcombe, Lovegrove & Davison ICCV11 Amaury Dame Active Vision Lab Oxford.

28.02.2013Amaury DameActive Vision LabOxford Robotics Research Group

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Depth map filtering approach

Formulation :

• Problem : optimizing this equation directly requires linearising of cost volume. Expensive and cost volume has many local minima.

Approximation :

• Introduce as an auxiliary variable, can be optimized with heuristic search

• Second terms brings original and auxiliary variable together

Page 10: DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE DTAM: Dense Tracking and Mapping in Real-Time Newcombe, Lovegrove & Davison ICCV11 Amaury Dame Active Vision Lab Oxford.

28.02.2013Amaury DameActive Vision LabOxford Robotics Research Group

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Total variational optimisation

Classical approaches: • Time Marching Scheme: steepest descent method

• Linearization of the Euler-Lagrange Equation

Problem: optimization badly conditioned as (uniform regions)

Reformulation of regularization with primal dual method• Dual variable p is introduced to compute the TV norm:

• Indeed:

Page 11: DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE DTAM: Dense Tracking and Mapping in Real-Time Newcombe, Lovegrove & Davison ICCV11 Amaury Dame Active Vision Lab Oxford.

28.02.2013Amaury DameActive Vision LabOxford Robotics Research Group

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Increasing solution accuracy ?


Approach: • Q well modeled, perform Newton step on Q to

update estimation a

• Equivalent to using Epsilon ?


After one iteration

Page 12: DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE DTAM: Dense Tracking and Mapping in Real-Time Newcombe, Lovegrove & Davison ICCV11 Amaury Dame Active Vision Lab Oxford.

28.02.2013Amaury DameActive Vision LabOxford Robotics Research Group

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Dense tracking

Inputs: • 3D texture model of the scene

• Pose at previous frame

Tracking as a registration problem• First inter-frame rotation estimation : the previous image is aligned

on the current image to estimate a coarse inter-frame rotation

• Estimated pose is used to project the 3D model into 2.5D image

• The 2.5D image is registered with the current frame to find the current pose.

Two template matching problems

Page 13: DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE DTAM: Dense Tracking and Mapping in Real-Time Newcombe, Lovegrove & Davison ICCV11 Amaury Dame Active Vision Lab Oxford.

28.02.2013Amaury DameActive Vision LabOxford Robotics Research Group

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SSD optimisation

Problem: Align template image T(x) with input image I(x).

Hypothesis: Know a coarse approximation of the template position (p


Formulation: find the transformation that best maps the pixels of

the templates into the ones of the current image minimizing:

are the displacement parameters to be optimized.

Page 14: DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE DTAM: Dense Tracking and Mapping in Real-Time Newcombe, Lovegrove & Davison ICCV11 Amaury Dame Active Vision Lab Oxford.

28.02.2013Amaury DameActive Vision LabOxford Robotics Research Group

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SSD optimisation

Problem: minimize

The current estimation of p is iteratively updated to reach the minimum of the function.

Formulations: • Direct additional

• Direct compositional

• Inverse

Page 15: DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE DTAM: Dense Tracking and Mapping in Real-Time Newcombe, Lovegrove & Davison ICCV11 Amaury Dame Active Vision Lab Oxford.

28.02.2013Amaury DameActive Vision LabOxford Robotics Research Group

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SSD optimisation

Example: Direct additive method

• Minimize :

• First order Taylor expansion:

• Solution:


Page 16: DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE DTAM: Dense Tracking and Mapping in Real-Time Newcombe, Lovegrove & Davison ICCV11 Amaury Dame Active Vision Lab Oxford.

28.02.2013Amaury DameActive Vision LabOxford Robotics Research Group

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SSD robustified

Problem: In case of occlusion, the occluded pixels cause the optimum of the function to be changed. The occluded pixels have to be ignored from the optimization


Method :• Only the pixels with a difference

lower than a threshold are selected.

• Threshold is iteratively updated to get more selective as the optimization reaches the optimum.

Page 17: DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE DTAM: Dense Tracking and Mapping in Real-Time Newcombe, Lovegrove & Davison ICCV11 Amaury Dame Active Vision Lab Oxford.

28.02.2013Amaury DameActive Vision LabOxford Robotics Research Group

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Template matching

Applications to DTAM:• First rotation estimation:the template is the previous image that is matched with current image. Warp is defined on

the space of all rotations. The initial estimate of p is identity.

• Full pose estimationtemplate is 2.5D, warp is defined by full 3D motion estimation, that is .

The initial pose is given by the pose estimated at the previous frame and the inter frame rotation estimation.

Page 18: DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE DTAM: Dense Tracking and Mapping in Real-Time Newcombe, Lovegrove & Davison ICCV11 Amaury Dame Active Vision Lab Oxford.

28.02.2013Amaury DameActive Vision LabOxford Robotics Research Group

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• First live full dense reconstruction system...

• Limitation from the smoothness assumption on depth...

Page 19: DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE DTAM: Dense Tracking and Mapping in Real-Time Newcombe, Lovegrove & Davison ICCV11 Amaury Dame Active Vision Lab Oxford.

28.02.2013Amaury DameActive Vision LabOxford Robotics Research Group

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Important references

• [Pock Thesis08] Fast total variation for Computer Vision• [Baker IJCV04] Lucas-Kanade 20 years on: A unifying framework