Delta Theta Sigma Autumn 2012 Echo

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Transcript of Delta Theta Sigma Autumn 2012 Echo

  • 7/29/2019 Delta Theta Sigma Autumn 2012 Echo


    President Austin KirkVP Austin Bahns

    Secretary Michael Moo

    Treasurer Andrew Metz



    Jordan Schae



    Andy Gest

    Rush Chair Ausn Davis

    Ast. Rush Adam Benne

    Social Chair Travis Unger

    Autumn 2012

    DTS Tops Ag Frats in GPAOnce again, the men of Delta Theta Sigma have risen above the compeon. Through the

    hard work and the late nights, DTS was able to earn a GPA of 3.158, coming in 8th

    place of

    the 37 fraternies on campus, and 1st

    among all agricultural fraternies. While a 3.158 is

    above the all-male average and all Greek male average at OSU, we can do beer. Admied-

    ly, there were certainly issues when it came to the quarter to semester switch. Instead of

    the typical 10 week quarter, students had to deal with 16 weeks of classes. While it aect-

    ed some students negavely by creang the burn-out eect by week 12 or so, DTS put in

    place some new scholasc methods in order to improve GPA, comradery, and brother-


    Of course we have connued the Academic Fantasy Teams. The interest and pressure from

    team members to succeed has increased in recent years. By pushing each other to do

    beer by compeon, our grades and study habits have improved. In addion, we sll

    have scholarship dinner. Members with a 3.0 or higher earn steaks while those below are

    subject to beans and weenies, a reminder that they need to do beer.

    New items in place have been the ulizaon of the chapter room as a study area. Typically,

    we used to think of the chapter room as just a place to use for ocial chapter funcons.

    We did some work between the chapter and music rooms. We moved some of the couches

    from the chapter room into the study room, and purchased a conference table for the

    chapter room. By having a legimate work space, we have been able to consistently bringmembers down to the area to work. Towards the end of the semester when the Ohio

    weather turned against us, members were less likely to trek out to the library. All hours of

    the night in a nice warm atmosphere, members could be found in the chapter room, dili-

    gently working on homework on studying. If the studying did not require a table, some

    members chose the music room to sit back and study in the quiet music room. By establish-

    ing quiet study areas, members have had more opportunies to choose studying over vid-

    eo games.

    In addion, the amount of respect for these areas and those studying has increased. Inter-

    nal social funcons have become more respecul. Furthermore, a majority of the social

    funcons have become externalized, to where members enjoying social sengs have not

    interfered with those studying. Because of all of these factors, DTS connues to be a pow-

    erhouse in regards to GPA.

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    Page 2 Autumn 2012

    The past three and a half years have been incredible. The experiences of watching and helping

    this fraternity grow and seeing myself mature along with and through it, have been very enjoy-

    able and rewarding. I wonder somemes what my me in college would have been like with-

    out this place and this great group of men, my brothers. Would I have as many awesome and

    close friends as I do now? Would I have the same interests, mindsets, abilies, and values as I

    do now? Would I have developed into the man I am today, condent that I can be a leader

    and successful contributor in the real world? Would I have found the opportunies to enrich

    myself and my experience at Ohio State in a beer and more producve way anywhere else

    besides Delta Theta Sigma? Would I even sll be here, in school, closing in on receiving my

    degree? I believe that the answers to a number of these quesons would be doubul, but for

    DTS and what it has done for me.

    I remember when I was new to Ohio State, living in the DTS chapter house, wondering

    what it was all about, not understanding exactly how or why I was there, although I knew

    there had to be a reason. I didnt t in perfectly with the crew at the house. The atmosphere

    of the college fraternity was completely new and strange to me. At least I was able to connect

    with most everyone on the basis that I was from a small town in Ohio, grew up working out-

    doors, usually with animals or crops, and had a passion for what I did back home as well as my

    pursuits here at OSU. It took me some searching to truly nd my place, though. I was acve in

    the Environment and Natural Resources scholars program and spent much of my spare me

    during my rst quarter with that group. They were fun to associate with and a bit more relatable

    early in college, as many of them were rst year students as well. I began to realize, though, that

    those folks came from much dierent backgrounds than myself and my best t was with the guys

    in the fraternity. It was an easy transion and a fun one to look back at now. Many of the same

    acvies, service events, philanthropies, and mes of brotherhood that we sll do today were the

    reasons I became engrossed in the possibility of become a DTS brother, becoming a leader in theorganizaon, and eventually creang great posive change.

    Before all else, I had to rst become a member. The new member training process for Delta Theta Sigma has under-

    gone signicant transformaon over the past six or seven years. The evoluon from a process that involves hazing and tearing

    down type acvies to a process that focuses more on the building up of men, socially and professionally, through challenging

    requirements is dicult and has been faced with many obstacles. I am proud to say I went through that process, took it on, and

    helped to make it beer. It was certainly The most fun I never want to have again.

    Once a member, I have constantly been doing what I can to benet the organizaon and to also receive the benet of

    being an acve member. That is one of the greatest aspects of DTS. A man will receive in return what he puts into the fraterni-

    ty. It is a way to pay forward while being paid back. I believe my me and eorts spent at leadership and ocer trainings and

    conferences and improving the general academic, social, service, philanthropic, and brotherhood standings of Delta Theta Sigma

    have served well for the fraternity and for myself.

    We have connued to come a long way in our growth, improvements, and impact as an organizaon. There have been

    many hills and valleys, successes and struggles, and victories and defeats. But in the end, and for me it is near, I nd sasfacon

    knowing that my short me spent in this organizaon and the resulng inuence in a long, presgious history will be viewed as

    posive, improvement, and growth towards greatness in each aspect of everything that we do. I will be forever grateful for the

    brotherhood, knowledge, and memories I have acquired here at the Alpha Chapter of Delta Theta Sigma Fraternity.

    Austin Kirk [email protected]

    President, Delta Theta Sigma

    Alpha Chapter, The Ohio State



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    Page 3The ECHO

    Over the past year, I have been blessed to have

    the opportunity to serve as Vice President of

    Delta Theta Sigma. To be quite honest, I am sad

    to see my me in this posion come to an end.

    However, I know that my me working with

    Ausn Kirk and the execuve team has not

    been in vain. Over the past year, we have con-

    nued to build upon the successes of the previ-

    ous administraons. One thing that I am most

    proud of for our chapter is our constant place-

    ment in the top er of fraternies in grades.This has had much to do with our Academic Fantasy Teams. I know that there were certainly occa-

    sions in which I was pushed by my brothers in my team to work harder and study longer. The

    compeon amongst ourselves has indeed been a benet to the overall grades of the chapter.

    However, we all met some challenges during the semester switch. Some classes didnt transfer

    properly, and the length

    of the semester was di-

    cult to say the least. Re-

    gardless, we pulled

    through and made 8th


    grades, and 1st

    among all

    of the ag fraternies.

    This is a huge accom-

    plishment, yet there is always room for improvement.

    Either way, we made history by surviving the switch and coming out near the top for grades.

    I believe that we have accomplished much since taking over. I can honestly say that we have worked harder, thought more crea-

    vely, and found beer soluons to issues than we have in the past. I am proud to be part of this rich history of leadership and

    aecng posive change. That being said, I am excited for the next execuve team to take over. Their passion, innovave thinking,

    and willingness to step up to the plate is unprecedented. I have faith that they will connue upon our path to success, and take us

    places we have never been as a fraternity. Good things are coming, and I look forward to connue as an execuve member. Once I

    get back from Brazil (with AZP), I will be serving as

    secretary. I will sll have the opportunity to helpguide the young minds of our newly elected oc-

    ers. We are on an amazing journey, and I look

    forward to assist in any way I can to carry on the

    tradion that is Delta Theta Sigma.

    Austin Bahnsen

    Vice President, Delta Theta Sigma

    Alpha Chapter, The Ohio State


    [email protected]


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    Page 4 Autumn 2012

    Recruitment has always been a challenge. Of course we have 36 or so other fraternies to compete with, but more importantly, we

    have three other agricultural fraternies who are looking at geng the exact same guys we are. Most events that are held have

    each ag fraternity there to recruit. Establishing our own brand and coming up with unique and beer events than these other frater-

    nies has been one of our missions this semester.

    We have done more than usual to say the least. For starters, we have branched out and ulized Ohio State resources beer than the

    other fraternies. We began the year with a very strong showing at the Involvement Fair. All of the freshmen are ushered through

    this fair, whether they want to or not. It is the university that pushes this, and we take advantage of it. This year, our booth was not

    passive, as it has been in the past. For the enrety of the event, most of our members were present; not just passing out yers and

    giving the typical spiel, but acvely conversing with potenal recruits. Going through this day as a freshman is dicult. You shake

    more hands than ever before in your life, sign up for more things than you could possibly have me for, and talk to scores of frater-

    nity guys. What set us apart this year is the fact that we werent just acng like we wanted numbers. We were looking for quality,

    and we told that to the freshmen. We engaged them and made them feel comfortable, important, and necessary for the success of

    the Greek community. Aer an exhausngly long day, our master list consisted of 60 names, numbers, and emails. This is more than

    we have ever had before. Our inial push for guys was the strongest it has ever been.

    We also ulized everything CFAES. We held mulple cookouts, ice cream socials, and other events over near the ag dorms. Though

    the other fraternies were present, our professionalism, yet casual atude aracted potenal new guys to us over them.

    Most importantly, our follow up with these guys has been beer than in previous years. The rst push is usually decent, but staying

    in contact with all of these guys has always proved to be a challenge. Fortunately, this year we spread the names amongst acve

    members thus that the burden on the recruitment team was not too great and unrealisc. We developed a series of excing rushevents, and through the dedicaon of our guys, we were able to bring out members to several of these events.

    One of our big cket events was a paintball trip. We had a good number show up, and it solidied some of our maybes. However,

    we have realized that throwing hundreds of dollars at an event isnt the best way to recruit. We had numerous smaller events such

    as cookouts, movie nights, and just front porch sing kind of events. These garnered beer results at a lower cost.

    One other thing that we worked on was establishing a pipeline from ATI, Ohio States regional ag campus. We have met some chal-

    lenges from the administraon there, who cancelled our visits four mes in a row over a span of a few months. We have not yet

    given up. AGR uses this pipeline eecvely, and there is no reason one fraternity should have a monopoly on this unique opportuni-

    ty. In addion, Conclave yielded talks with naonals for assistance in establishing this pipeline, or perhaps an opportunity to estab-

    lish a chapter. Plans for that are down-the-road at best, yet talks are always a good rst step.

    Because of all of these things, the Alpha Chapter issued 16 bids at the end of the semester. It would turn out in me that only 10

    would accept, yet this is an enormous step up from previous years. We will connue to build upon our successes, with a focus on

    follow through and retenon. We are not there yet, but we have made great strides from years past.

    DTS Steps up Recruitment

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    The ECHO Page 5


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    Page 6 Autumn 2012

    Once again DTS had the opportunity to serve at Farm Science Review. In this event, DTS goes out to the

    event and donates hundreds of hours of me to the organizaon by running the recycling program. Thou-

    sands of pounds of plascs, cardboard, and aluminum are kept out of landlls and instead are recycled. At

    this event, the acve members oen get a unique opportunity to speak with some of the companies pre-

    sent including Case IH, John Deere, and various others. Governor John Kasich is usually present, and some

    of our members have had the opportunity to speak with him about the importance of agriculture to our

    state, our country, and the world at large. Farm Science each year gives DTS members a chance to give

    back to the community by praccing sustainable recycling.

    Once again the men of Delta Theta Sigma execuve team had the oppor-

    tunity to soar to new heights while receiving training and advice from

    both the outgoing ocers as well as the Alpha Board members. The re-

    treat is a dry event, held directly aer nals of the Autumn semester. The

    exec team members this year had the opportunity to head o to Camp

    Muskingum in Carroll County. Some of the acvies included a high

    ropes course, zip lines, target shoong, and plenty of planning. Each of

    these fun events had a message behind it. For example, one of the acvi-

    es was to visit the Pro Football Hall of Fame. While it doesnt exactly

    sound like a leadership building exercise, the idea was to reect upon

    what it takes to be a leader, much like the men in that building.

    The execuve retreat was put into place two years ago to x a

    glaring problem of turnover between administraons. During

    planning sessions, the team takes a look at what its goals are,

    important dates, and how to ll out the appropriate forms and

    documents in order to remain in good standing with the univer-sity. The turnover of power has previously caused issues in that

    everything had to be relearned, and the rst poron of the ad-

    ministraon was just playing catch up. The exec retreat has

    helped address this issue and since has caused a smoother

    transion. Not only that, but it is always a good me for the


    Serving the Community: Farm Science Review

    Execuve Retreat In Its Second Year

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    The ECHO Page 7

    House Improvements,Jordan Schaefer


    Within the hustle and bustle of Columbus, Ohio lies a fraternity at 80 E. 13th

    Ave. that is always full of surprises. If it isnt the members within the

    household that provide excitement, it will be the endless projects that oc-

    cur. Autumn semester was not composed of very many extreme construc-

    on projects, since the kitchen had already been completed the year be-

    fore. However, there is always something to x and keep a house manager


    One of the easiest tasks that always wreak havoc is mowing the lawn. Aer

    the trade/purchase of a used push mower, it would seem that cung the

    grass would be a breeze. On the contrary, mower issues connued to causesteam to build inside everyones head. With the assistance of Alex Davidson, we were able to disassemble the push mower

    engine to explore potenal problems. This shows the ability of Delta Theta Sigma fraternity members to engage in mechani-

    cal/engineering problem solving.

    Over the summer of 2012, two work days were completed once again.

    These involved: painng projects, house cleaning, landscaping, etc. Once

    summer ended and fall began, it was noceable of the chirping within

    the smoke detecon system. New smoke detectors were purchased and

    painful troubleshoong was conducted for hours in order to get the sys-

    tem back up to code. Other mechanical/electrical issues included xing

    two dryers within the household. Tenants like to overload washers and

    dryers, so the belt usually slips o of dryers.

    In the middle of the semester, there was one night that made the house

    smell like home sweet

    home. Through the lead

    of Andy Gest, the grease

    trap was able to be drained and cleaned, leaving the house smelling like a

    pleasant hog farm. The evening also included the removal of an old dysfunc-

    onal garbage disposal. On the subject of stenches, there were also issues

    with the plumbing in the house. The rst oor bathroom received new toiletgaskets to x a leak. A clogged urinal on the second oor was removed and

    fully cleaned, while the bathroom also received a new toilet.

    You would be surprised how busy it can be under the House Manager posi-

    on. It is especially fun in an old historic house that is full of confusing electri-

    cal wiring and other challenging projects. I give thanks to anybody that

    helped, but did not get menoned within this report. We will see what the

    house has in store for Spring 2013 semester.

  • 7/29/2019 Delta Theta Sigma Autumn 2012 Echo


    PaAutumn 2012

    DTS Takes Home Awards, Discusses Important Business

    This Conclave was one of the most producve ones that

    we have had in awhile. The new Naonal President, Andy

    Watland, from Delta, has been very acve in his role thus

    far. First, here are the awards that the Alpha Chapter

    won: Best GPA, Best 5 Year GPA, and of course, Best Pub-


    Now, down to business. One of the most discussed issue

    was the role of Naonals. We have enjoyed their Laissez-

    Faire style of governing, yet with the dues we pay, it

    seems like we should be geng something for our money. Naonals reached out to all of the chapters to ask for feedback. Increased

    communicaon was one of the biggest items. Before Conclave even happened, they were already on their way with that. The Shield hasbeen produced for the rst me in several years, and is now available on Naonals website. In addion, Watland and others came to

    Alpha in between Conclaves to ask for feedback and to discuss issues and other business. While other chapters have rather acve Naon-

    al boards in the sense of mandang regulaons and pung excessive pressure on chapters, our Naonals have not, and the general con-

    sensus is that this is a good thing.

    Another topic, connued from last year, was risk management, given the situaon with

    Epsilon (Epsilon had some alcohol related issues and are struggling to become a recog-

    nized fraternity my UWRiver Falls). One of the great honors for Alpha was that Na-

    onals put us on a pedestal as an exemplary chapter for risk management. We were

    asked to present to those present at Conclave our award winning New Member Training

    Process. Naonals suggested, aer hearing the presentaon for the third or so me

    over the course of the past few years, that they would consider ying two representa-ves from Alpha to Epsilon to train their membership on our New Member Training

    plan, and then sit down with their administraon to present how Epsilon planned to x

    their risk management issues.

    Alpha was also honored in the sense that we were asked to present both our Execuve

    Retreat as an example of how the turnover of power should work, and also our social media / outreach plans as examples to follow. For

    certain points of the meengs, Alpha was asked to lead the discussion and provide informaon as to what we are doing as an example

    for other chapters.

    Some discussions yielded some interesng new iniaves. First, there was a rudimentary plan put forth to begin the process of bringing

    back Zeta (Purdue). In addion, there was input by all chapters as well as Naonals as to how to x the current Epsilon chapter situaon.

    However, there was discussion that not many people would expect-

    the idea of expansion. Obviously funds are dicult to come by and

    it was long term thinking, but the idea of beginning this process is signicant. Ideas were thrown out in three dierent direcons. 1) U-

    lize exisng resources. For this idea, we discussed the potenal of using branch campuses (much like River Falls and Crookston) to ex-

    pand. There was discussion on starng a chapter at Ohio States ATI. 2) Reach out to small, ag related colleges across states like Ohio,

    Kentucky, and PA, such as Morehead State. 3) This one is much

    more long term, but looking at bigger schools if alumni are present

    in the area. Ideas such as West Virginia University, Idaho State, and

    Michigan State were all possibilies.

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    The ECHO Page 9


    DTS Takes on New Energec Leadership

    Once again, we have seen an unconvenonal turnover of power. Aer Jed Bookmans term was over in 2011, a young

    sophomore named Dave Dziak took over as President. We put back the roles in place with the Ausn Kirk administra-

    on to breed the next president from the vice presidenal role. However, in the closest elecon possible, with two

    recounts, sophomore Tanner Schoen won the presidency. Similarly, in another vote that took two recounts, sopho-

    more Michael Moore took over the vice presidenal role. Senior Ausn Davis and sophomore Nick Wise will share

    both the recruitment and new member trainer roles. Sophomore Alex Davidson took over as treasurer, and junior

    Ausn Bahnsen will take over as secretary. The new exec team is very young. Their lack of experience is not necessari-

    ly a bad thing, however. Already the team has put forth ideas to streamline the bureaucracy and eecveness of the

    chapter. New ideas are constantly being put forth, and exisng ideas are being revamped. New events are being

    planned and their energy is outstanding. Commiee and exec meengs have improved, and there has been a greatersense of brotherhood throughout the house. Old tradions are being brought back, and communicaons are become

    more ecient across the board. Look forward to the new exec team as they connue to make our chapter beer.

    There is full condence that these young men could lead us back to a shot at Chapter of the Year. Its a far o goal, but

    with the energy, enthusiasm, and dedicaon of these young members, nothing is impossible.

  • 7/29/2019 Delta Theta Sigma Autumn 2012 Echo


    Delta Theta Sigma

    Agricultural Fraternity

    Alpha Chapter at

    The Ohio State University

    80 E 13th

    Columbus, OH


    Phone: 614-294-2635


    [email protected]

    Dave Dziak


    Delta Theta Sigma

    [email protected]

    As a senior, it is amazing to see how much dierent this fraternity is now than it was when I rst

    came over three years ago. Just wring this, so much nostalgia has come over me. Its truly an

    emoonal me in my life knowing that my days with DTS are numbered. So much has changed,

    some good, some not so good. The dynamic and membership has drascally changed. Our priori-

    es have shied. However, I think overall as a chapter, we are much stronger than we were four

    years ago. Obviously it was not just us, but the ones who came before us. Beginning with Nick

    Aerholt, pieces were set in moon that could not be undone. We took a hard look at ourselves.

    We sat there and thought, where do we want this place to be by the me we leave? I think those

    quesons so long ago have yielded results. Too oen we see great ideas that are swept under the

    rug due to pressures from all sorts of direcons. Im proud to say that we have had leaders thatstood up to that opposion, somemes comming polical and social suicide by making the di-

    cult, but correct choices for our fraternity.

    I think its more than fair to say that this new leadership will connue that trend. I have already

    seen so much from them, some of myself in their eyes as they lead the chapter. We have given

    everything to them that they need to succeed. We have, through our new member process and

    through our brotherhood, trained them to take on the world, and make it beer. All of the philan-

    thropy, involvement, and academics we have tried so hard to improve, will only get beer. We are

    on an immensely important path, and I dont see us deviang from it any me soon. These guys

    are dedicated; they dont care what happens to their image as long as our chapter gets beer. Im

    old and red now, I cant be the change any longer. But these guys, these guys are something spe-cial.

    As far as I know, this may very well be my last Echo. This may be the last me you read my words

    in this publicaon. Its been an amazing ride, guys, and I just want to thank you for literally the best

    experience I have ever had in my enre life. I will connue to try to help the acve chapter

    throughout the rest of my life. Who knows, maybe one day Ill run for Naonals. Unl then folks,

    farewell. Please stay in contact. [email protected], and 216.407.9412. If I can ever help with

    DTS stu, feel free to contact me. Thanks again everyone, and goodbye...for now...

    Delta Theta Sigma OSU


    [email protected]
