Page 1: DEFORMATION MEASUREMENT IN THE HENGILL … · deformation measurement in the hengill region ... deformation measurement






Ulf Sundquist and Eysteinn Tryggvason



Page 2: DEFORMATION MEASUREMENT IN THE HENGILL … · deformation measurement in the hengill region ... deformation measurement






Ulf Sundquist and Eysteinn Tryggvason



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The Hengill central volcano lies within the West Rift

Zone of Iceland, which extends from the Reykjanes peninsula

to the Langjokull glacier in west-central Iceland. It also

lies at or very near the junction between the West Rift

Zone and the South Iceland Seismic Zone (Fig 1).

A prominent fissure swarm extends from Selvogshei6i, south

west of Hengill, across Hengill and Pingvellir towards

Langjokull. The recent volcanism in Hengill is closely

related to this fissure swarm, and the high frequency of

earthquakes in the area is also believed to be associated

with the fissure swarm.



0 50 100 km

22W 20W

Fig. 1. Map of southwest Iceland showing the volcanic and

seismic zones in the area. SE=SeZvogsheioi.

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The area of investigation extends from �ingvallavatn

in the north to Hellisheioi and Hverageroi in the south,

and from Mosfellsheioi and Svinahraun in the west to the

Sog river in the east. The most active part of this area

with respect to the recent volcanism and faulting is a

zone roughly 3 km wide extending from Hestvik to St6ra

Reykjafell (Fig 2). The Hengill central volcano is a

topographic high, reaching 800 m elevation. It consists

of pleistocene and recent volcanic products mostly of

basaltic composition. The most recent volcanism is less

than 2000 years old (S�mundsson K, 1962)

A large high temperature geothermal field is located in

the Hengill area and drillings have shown base temperature

of about 300°

c (T6masson J et al, 1974, Steingrimson et al,

1979) •

The recent tectonics is related to thQ fissure swarm.

Normal faults with recent displacement exceeding 100 m,

are found in the nothern part of the area (J6rukleif).

Otherwise, the area is characterized by parallel fault

scarps and graben with strikes N30°

to N35°

E and eruption

fissures and hyaloclastite ridges of same strike.

The geology of the Hengill area has been described in

details by Einarsson (1960a, 1960b) and s�mundsson (1962,

1965, 1967a, 1967b) and we wish to refer to these papers

for futher information on the region.

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/ Fault ,, ... =:::., Shield volcano

O Levelling station

a Area covered by geodimeter network

l I I I I

O 2 3 4 km


Fig. 2. Map showing the geodetic networks of HengiZZ,

established during July to December 1979. Names of the

leveling stations: D=Draugatjorn, O=Orusth6Zshraun,

N=Nesjavellir. Map from Saemundsson (1967).

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The investigation of ground deformation includes measurements

of both horizontal and vertical components of the deformation.

The horizontal component is observed by repeated measurements

with a geodimeter over a number of lines between permanent

bench marks. The vertical component is observed by repeated

leveling along several short profiles.

Two networks have been established for distance measurements,

a northern network covering the area between H�6ir and the

river Sog immediately to the south of lake �ingvallavatn and a

southern network between Svinahraun and Hverager6i, south

of Hengill. These networks are shown in details on figure 3.

The leveling profiles consist of rows of bench marks,

permanently fastened in solida lava. These bench marks form

six leveling lines, each 300-480 m long with 7 to 11 bench

marks. Two leveling stations, Draugatjorn and Orusth6lshraun,

have two lines each forming an L configuration. The station

Nesjavellir consists of two lines, perpendicular to each

other but seperated by a distance of 1400 m. The profiles

lie roughly perpendicular or parallel to fault scarps and


The approximate locations of the leveling profiles are shown

on figure 2 and the profiles are plotted in detail on figure

4 to 6. The coordinates are given in table 1.


The instrument used in the distance measurements are a

geodimeter model AGA 6BL and a theodolite model Wild T2.

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-9p.h . LM 3179

�,f�Q ............ ---­",,





' \ \


- 5 -


490000 495000

LM 3180 NE79075

480000 485000 490000

Fig. 3. Schematic maps showing the geodimeter networks in the

HengiZZ area. The main roads and the southern shore of the Zake

ingvaZZavatn are shown. The circles indicate bench marks and

the lines between between bench marks show measured distances.

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The observed distance is corrected for temperature and

pressure. The corrected distance between the geodimeter

and mirror is projected down to the station marks (slope

distance) and finally down to a sea-level of the reference

ellipsoid,using equations given by Tryggvason (1978).

Those formulas use the vertical angle between theodolite

and target. This angle is measured at the geodimeter

station and is reduced down to the bench mark. Calculating

the elevation difference between two bench marks a general

correction is made for refraction of light.

Certain measured vertical angles in the nothern network

showed big errors. This can partly be explained by long

distance between theodolite and target. However, the main

reason was probably the refraction of light. The formula

used in the calculation of elevation difference assumes a

general value of refraction, accurate enough during weather

conditions with normal negative gradient of temperature.

During the measurement in December the gradient was positive

shortly after sunset and the temperature was unstable.

Those conditions may give great refraction of light and

large error in the measured elevation difference.

The western part of the nothern network, where the biggest

errors in vertical angles were observed, intersects the

triangulation network established by Forverk H.F. This

network has its base in the Reykjavik network. The altitudes

of the stations, relative the Reykjavik network, have a

maximum inaccuracy of 30 cm, but the elevation difference

of the stations in the Nesjavellir area are only a few

centimeters. It has been possible to use the network of

Forverk to improve the elevations in our network.

Some vertical angles had to be remeasured, and to improve

the accuracy, the vertical angles were measured in both

directions. The two measurements along the same line are

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made with shortest possible time difference and during

stable weather conditions. This method, described in App

2, makes it possible to calculate an approximate value of

the refraction of light. To obtain the correct value of

refraction, simultaneous observations of the vertical

angles are required.

In the eastern part of the network no improvements have

been made to the vertical angles. The results indicate

that the errors of station elevations may reach a maximum

value of 30 cm, which is not significant when calculating

the sea-level distance. The southern network is measured

during late sununer and temperature measurements indicate

that refraction conditions were normal.

Further the coordinates of the bench marks have been

calculated. When all sides in a triangle are measured, the

method described in App 3 can be used. If calculation of

coordinates from distance measurements alone are impossible,

horizontal angles measured with theodolite have been used.

This method does not have the same accuracy as that based on

distance measurements only.

The coordinates are given in Table 3, where the Transverse

Mercator System has been used with the Gauss-Kruger projection

equations (see Appendix 4).

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The instruments used are a Wild N-3 level, a good sturdy

tripod and two Kern invar leveling rods. The optical

micrometer of the level allows readings to the nearest

1/100 mm. The leveling rods have two scales, one is

displaced 2 96. 2 5 cm relative to the other. This factory

specified displacement was checked by comparing all

simultaneous readings of the two scales in the present

work. The average value of the observed scale displace­

ment was found to be 296.251 cm.

The leveling rods are placed on two adjacent bench marks

during observation, and the tripod with the level is

placed between the rods at equal distance from both rods.

First reading is taken on the lower scale on the back­

ward rod, then on lower and higher scale on the fore­

ward rod and finally on the higher scale of the backward

rod. This makes one observation. Three such observations

are usually made without moving level or rods. If any of

the three observations gives an elevation difference of

more than 0.1 mm from the average of all three observa­

tions, one or two additional observations are taken. Also,

if the readings of the two scales of a measuring rod

indicate a displacement of the scales which deviates more

than 0.1 mm from the average value, additional observa­

tion is taken.

When observation of one bench mark interval has been

completed, the backward rod is moved to a bench mark in a

foreward position and a new level station is selected,

at equal distance from both rods.

When a leveling profile has been completed from one end

to the other end, the whole measuring procedure is repeated,

going along the profile in opposite direction. If the

elevation difference of two adjacent bench marks, as

observed by the two levelings, differs by more than 0.1

mm, the leveling is repeated for this bench mark interval.

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The purpose of the calculation is to find the most probable

value of the elevation difference of the bench marks, and

to obtain measure of the accuracy of this elevation diffe­

rence. There are several observations, usually six, of

elevation differences of two adjacent bench marks. These

observations are of varying quality, and we wish to reduce

the influence of "bad" observations on the calculated

elevation difference.

The quality of individual observations can be estimated from

the observed difference of the readings on the two scales of

the measuring rod. This difference should be 296.25 1 cm, and

if the observed difference deviates from this value by more

than 0.01 cm, the observation is judged as imperfect.

However, these imperfect observations are too many to cancel

them completely, so a weight factor is calculated as follows:

where 6A

and 6B

are the deviations of the observed scale

displacements from the correct value in units of 1/ 1 00 mm

for the two leveling rods. If weight is calculated as

greater than 1.0 then we use 1.0 for the weight. This weight

w1, is used to find the first average value H

1 for the

elevation difference of two adjacent bench marks.

A second weight, w2

, is calculated from the deviation of

each observation from the first average value, as follows:

where 6C

is the deviation, in units of 1/ 1 00 mm, of a single

observation of elevation difference, from the first average, H1


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A final value of the elevation difference is calculated by

using the weight factor w2 on the individual observations.

The standard error of elevation difference of adjacent

bench marks (£ ) is calculated from standard deviation s.e (a) of individual observations from the accepted average

as follows:

£ = a!V'N s.e

where N is the number of individual observations.

The total error of a measured profile consisting of n+1

bench marks is then calculated as:

£ tot = · � I < £ ) � i=1v s.e i

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The bench marks have been measured with a theodolite from a

number of stations in order to calculate the coordinates of

the leveling lines. The coordinates of these base stations

are calculated from measurements done with a geodimeter or

a theodolite. The stations in the geodimeter networks have

been used. A Draugatjorn

Base stations: X(N), m

LM 3180 7105576.28 NE 79030 7105458.917 NE 80037 7105601.189

Coordinates of the leveling lines:

NE 79074 7105576.465 NE 79021 7105542.212 NE 79022 7105510.391 NE 79023 7105483.342 NE 79024 7105453.831 NE 79025 7105417.175 NE 79026 7105379.455 NE 79027 7105345.971 NE 79028 7105378.820 NE 79029 7105421.634 NE 79030 7105458.917 NE 79031 7105495.333 NE 79032 7105540.111 NE 79033 7105571.523 NE 79034 7105599.479 NE 79035 7105630.585 NE 79036 7105680.405 NE 79037 7105713.400 NE 79038 7105311.535 NE 79039 7105283.453

� � � � � V) (',._� •


ll NE 80037 •



Y(E), m

479315.72 479653.563 479510.791

479315.695 479353.196 479382.555 479423.377 479462.285 479496.028 479523.842 479550.593 479599.599 479624.459 479653.563 479689.734 479710.646 479748.584 479786.050 479823.473 479825.197 479862.641 479605.772 479635.240

Fig. 4. The position of

the bench marks in the

Draugatjorn ZeveZing Zines.

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B Orusth6lshraun

Base stations: X (N) , rn

NE 79080 7103215.219 NE 80038 7104618.852 NE 80039 7104769.483

Coordinates of the leveling lines:

NE 79059 7104546.368 NE 79060 7104531.482 NE 79061 7104532.305 NE 79062 7104546.583 NE 79063 7104540.741 NE 79064 7104507.159 NE 79065 7104496.786 NE 79066 7104460.063 NE 79067 7104418.311 NE 79068 7104378.914 NE 79069 7104341.646 NE 79070 7104295.487 NE 79071 7104249.636 NE 79072 7104200.511 NE 79073 7104135.595

4 NE 80041


• •

500 •

(::) •

�...... � ,.,


� 100

Y (E) , rn

480907.450 483098.345 483324.348

483394.470 483353.529 483300.173 483264.600 483221.470 483169.128 483102.685 483132.526 483156.968 483166.480 483183.928 483188.065 483206. 848· 483193.021 483210.990

Fig. 5. The position of the bench marks in the Orust­

h6lshraun leveling lines.

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c Nesjavellir

Base stations:

NE 79042 NE 79050 NE 79088 NE 80040 NE 80041

Coordinates of the

NE 79040 NE 79041 NE 79042 NE 79043 NE 79044 NE 79045 NE 79046 NE 79047 NE 79048 NE 79049 NE 79050 NE 79051 NE 79052 NE 79053 NE 79054 NE 79055 NE 79056 NE 79057 NE 79058


7113000 Nesjavellir


NE 80040


� ... .

- 13 -

X {N) , m Y (E) , m

7112284.195 487633.747 7113619.794 488204.653 7113473.661 488889.928 7112262.106 487276.386 7113103.202 488273.982

leveling lines:

7112359.440 487687.064 7112318.953 487662.560 7112284.195 487633.747 7112237.324 487606.705 7112199.930 487578.308 7112170.582 487563.319 7112119.306 487535.838 7112077.324 487505.671 7112046.296 487484.004 7113629.327 488155.596 7113619.794 488204.653 7113591.465 488249.393 7113561.680 488283.743 7113560.287 488333.303 7113552.043 488381.112 7113543.837 488426.874 7113540.682 488467.847 7113531.836 488503.392 7113495.860 488528.266

Fig. 6. Sahematio map showing the NesjavelZir area.

Triangles indioate base stations and dots indiaate the

bench marks of the leveling lines.

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Stations Accumul elevation Elevation

79074 79021 79022 79023 79024 79025 79026 79027 79038

79027 79028 79029 79030 79031 79032 79033 79034 79035 79036

cm cm

NE 79074 0.000 +- .000 NE 79021 49.485 +- .003 49.485 NE 79022 87.888 +- .004 38.404 NE 79023 - 186.174 +- .005 98.286 NE 79024 - 223.955 +- .006 37.781 NE 79025 - 170.079 +- .006 53.877 NE 79026 - 291.339 +- .006 - 121.260NE 79027 - 225.553 +- .007 65.786NE 79038 - 342.831 +- .008 - 117.278NE 79039 - 241.095 +- .008 101.736

NE 79027 - 225.553 +- .007 NE 79028 - 387.339 +- .007 - 161. 786NE 79029 - 462.490 +- .008 75.152NE 79030 - 524.594 +- .008 62.104 NE 79031 - 521.155 +- .008 3.440 NE 79032 - 317.715 +- .009 203.440 NE 79033 - 336.277 +- .010 18.563 NE 79034 - 298.318 +- .010 37.959 NE 79035 - 329.606 +- • 011 31.288 NE 79036 - 382.984 +- . 011 53.379 NE 79037 - 363.364 +- . 011 19.620


The elevation is given in cm and with error calculated with the standard error method.


+- .003 +- .002 +- .004 +- .002 +- .002 +- .002 +- .003 +- .003 +- .002

+- .001 +- .003 +- .003 +- .003 +- .004 +- .003 +- .002 +- .004 +- .002 +- .001

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Stations Accumul elevation Elevation difference

cm cm

NE 79074 0.000 +- .000 NE 79074 NE 79021 49.494 +- .002 49.494 +- .002 NE 79021 NE 79022 87.879 +- .003 38.386 +- .002

NE 79022 NE 79023 - 186.171 +- .004 98.292 +- .002 NE 79023 NE 79024 - 223.946 +- .004 37.775 +- .002 NE 79024 NE 79025 - 170.054 +- .005 53.893 +- .003 NE 79025 NE 79026 - 291.312 +- .006 - 121.258 +- .003 NE 79026 NE 79027 - 225.555 +- .006 65.757 +- .002 NE 79027 NE 79038 - 342.835 +- .007 - 117.280 +- .002 NE 79038 NE 79039 - 241.127 +- .007 101.708 +- .001

NE 79027 - 225.555 +- .006 NE 79027 NE 79028 - 387.352 +- .006 - 161.797 +- .002 NE 79028 NE 79029 - 462.523 +- .007 75.171 +- .002 NE 79029 NE 79030 - 524.625 +- .007 62.102 +- .002 NE 79030 NE 79031 - 521.184 +- .007 3.441 +- .001 NE 79031 NE 79032 - 317.739 +- .007 203.445 +- .002 NE 79032 NE 79033 - 336.314 +- .008 18.575 +- .002 NE 79033 NE 79034 - 298.354 +- .008 37.960 +- .003 NE 79034 NE 79035 - 329.658 +- .008 31 . 304 +- .001 NE 79035 NE 79036 - 383.068 +- .008 53.410 +- .003 NE 79036 NE 79037 - 363.438 +- .009 19.630 +- .002

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Stations Accumul elevation Elevation difference cm cm

NE 79059 0.000 +- .000 NE 79059 NE 79060 29.012 +- .002 29.012 +- .002 NE 79060 NE 79061 94.059 +- .003 65.046 +- .002 NE 79061 NE 79062 90.979 +- .004 3.079 +- .002 NE 79062 NE 79063 - 125.849 +- .005 34.870 +- .003 NE 79063 NE 79064 52.535 +- .005 73.314 +- .002 NE 79064 NE 79065 31.189 +- .006 21.345 +- .004

NE 79064 52.535 +- .005 NE 79064 NE 79066 66.941 +- .005 119.476 +- .002 NE 79066 NE 79067 95.262 +- .005 28.321 +- .002 NE 79067 NE 79068 8.377 +- .006 - 103.639 +- .001 NE 79068 NE 79069 13.727 +- .007 5.351 +- .004 NE 79069 NE 79070 31.558 +- .007 17.832 +- .002 NE 79070 NE 79071 25.796 +- .007 57.354 +- .002 NE 79071 NE 79072 71 . 541 +- .007 45.746 +- .002 NE 79072 NE 79073 4.290 +- .007 67.251 +- .002


NE 79059 0.000 +- .000 NE 79059 NE 79060 29.040 +- .001 29.040 +- .001 NE 79060 NE 79061 94.068 +- .002 65.028 +- .001 N.E 79061 NE 79062 91.008 +- .003 3.059 +- .002 NE 79062 NE 79063 - 125.883 +- .003 34.875 +- .001 NE 79063 NE 79064 52.568 +- .004 73.315 +- .002 NE 79064 NE 79065 31.199 +- .005 31.359 +- .003

NE 79064 52.568 +- .004 NE 79064 NE 79066 66.930 +- .004 119.498 +- .003 NE 79066 NE 79067 95.236 +- .005 28.306 +- .003 NE 79067 NE 79068 8.410 +- .005 - 103.646 +- .002 NE 79068 NE 79069 13.728 +- .006 5.319 +- .002 NE 79069 NE 79070 31.564 +- .006 17.836 +- .002 NE 79070 NE 79071 25.781 +- .007 57.345 +- .002 NE 79071 NE 79072 71.538 +- .007 45.757 +- .002 NE 79072 NE 79073 4.227 +- .007 67.311 +- .001

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Stations Accumul elevation Elevation difference cm cm

NE 79040 0.000 +- .000 NE 79040 NE.79041 135.902 +- .002 135.902 +- .002 NE 79041 NE 79042 237.299 +- .003 101.397 +- .002 NE 79042 NE 79043 395.981 +- .004 158.683 +- .002 NE 79043 NE 79044 569.489 +- .005 173.508 +- .003 NE 79044 NE 79045 706.544 +- .005 137.055 +- .002 NE 79045 NE 79046 882.099 +- .006 175.555 +- .002 NE 79046 NE 79047 1008.083 +- .006 125.984 +- .002 NE 79047 NE 79048 1087.588 +- .006 79.505 +- .001

NE 79049 0.000 +- .000 NE 79049 NE 79050 35.785 +- .005 - 35.785 +- .005 NE 79050 NE 79051 6. 104 +- .007 41.890 +- .005 NE 79051 NE 79052 67.480 +- .007 - 73.585 +- .002 NE 79052 NE 79053 52.523 +- .007 14.957 +- .002 NE 79053 NE 79054 - 150.315 +- .008 - 97.792 +- .003 NE 79054 NE 79055 - 214.311 +- .009 - 63.996 +- .004 NE 79055 NE 79056 - 312.773 +- .010 - 98.461 +- .005 NE 79056 NE 79057 - 314.800 +- .010 2.027 +- .003 NE 79057 NE 79058 - 302.850 +- .010 11 • 950 +- .003


NE 79049 0.000 +- .ooo

NE 79049 NE 79050 35.873 +- .002 - 35.873 +- .002 NE 79050 NE 79051 6.010 +- .005 41.883 +- .005 NE 79051 NE 79052 67.466 +- .006 - 73.476 +- .004 NE 79052 NE 79053 52.660 +- .007 14.806 +- .002 NE 79053 NE 79054 - 150.478 +- .008 - 97.818 +- .004 NE 79054 NE 79055 - 214.486 +- .009 - 64.009 +- .004 NE 79055 NE 79056 - 312.935 +- .009 - 98.449 +- .004 NE 79056 NE 79057 - 314.944 +- .010 2.009 +- .002 NE 79057 NE 79058 - 303.028 +- .010 11.916 +- .001

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Stations Accumul elevation Elevation difference cm cm

NE 79074 0.000 +- .ooo

NE 79040 NE 79041 135.915 +- .002 135.915 +- .002 NE 79041 NE 79042 237.291 +- .003 101.376 +- .002 NE 79042 NE 79043 395.964 +- .004 158.673 +- .003 NE 79043 NE 79044 569.442 +- .004 173.478 +- .002 NE 79044 NE 79045 706.516 +- .005 137.074 +- .002 NE 79045 NE 79046 882.056 +- .005 175.540 +- .002 NE 79046 NE 79047 1008.019 +- .005 125.963 +- .002 NE 79047 NE 79048 1087.528 +- .006 79.508 +- .002

NE 79049 0.000 +- .000 NE 79049 NE 79050 35.761 +- .002 - 35.761 +- .002 NE 79050 NE 79051 6. 158 +- .003 41.919 +- .002 NE 79051 NE 79052 67.433 +- .004 - 73.591 +- .003 NE 79052 NE 79053 52.437 +- .004 14.996 +- .002 NE 79053 NE 79054 - 150.236 +- .005 - 97.799 +- .003 NE 79054 NE 79055 - 214.235 +- .005 - 63.999 +- .002 NE 79055 NE 79056 - 312.712 +- .005 - 98.478 +- .002 NE 79056 NE 79057 - 314.753 +- .006 2.041 +- .002 NE 79057 NE 79058 - 302.777 +- .006 11.976 +- .002

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Slope distances, elevation differences and sea-level

distances in the Hengill network, July-December 1979.

Horizontal Slope Elevation sea-level

Date Stations distance difference distance rn rn rn

July 20 A - NE 79075 6351.016 112.94 6349.653 A - NE 79076 4832.673 108.82 4831.177 A - NE 79080 7437.966 206.99 7434.605 A - NE 79081 6937.363 265.67 6931.807

Aug 15 NE 79081 - NE 79079 5903.972 -149.77 5901.614 NE 79081 - NE 79080 2748.576 - 58.30 2747.725 NE 79081 - LM 3180 3525.549 -309.60 3511.701

Aug 16 NE 79080 - NE 79079 3598.467 - 91.43 3597.032 NE 79080 - NE 79082 2854.675 NE 79080 - LM 3180 2858.718 -251.30 2847.479

Sep 3 NE 79081 - NE 79082 4456.316 NE 79081 - NE 79084 2808.709 -113.14 2806.204

Oct 13 FV 338 - FV 337 2146.115 - 29.78 2145.856 FV 338 - FV 342 2296.438 249.54 2282.735

Oct 14 LM 91 - FV 337 3494.348 -233.96 3486.371 LM 91 - FV 342 2791.665 45.51 2791.122 LM 91 - TU 2 3448.882 4 3. 19 3448.398 TU 2 - FV 342 1726.343 2.23 1726.229

Oct 15 FV 337 - FV 342 3651.048 279.32 3640.188 FV 337 - NE 79050 4155.074 5.84 4154.976 NE 79088 - FV 337 4032.798 - 14. 52 4032.679 NE 79088 - FV 342 3423.565 264.80 3413.156 NE 79088 - NE 79050 700.775 8.68 700.704

Oct 20 NE 79050 - FV 342 2900.764 273.48 2887.716 Nov 1 FV 337 - LM 3225 5007.343 25.30 5007.159 Nov 7 NE 79089 - FV 337 4706.154 - 98.44 4704.984

NE 79089 - NE 79050 4958.332 - 92.60 4957.317 NE 79089 - LM 3219 2454.991 169.64 2448.964 NE 79050 - LM 3219 3193.589 262.86 3182.624

Nov 8 LM 3225 - NE 79089 3067.352 73.15 3066.382 LM 3225 - NE 79090 5874.125 72.9 5873.486 LM 3225 - NE 79091 3558.498 5.7 3558.399 NE 79091 - NE 79089 5203.240 67.45 5202.635 NE 79091 - NE 79090 4350.133 67.2 4349.474

Nov 10 FV 338 - NE 79089 6602.515 68.66 6601.946 FV 338 - NE 79091 10676.848 1.2 10676.558

Nov 11 NE 79089 - TU 1 4273.887 210.05 4268.493 NE 79090 - TU 1 4139.462 210.3 4133.894 NE 79090 - NE 79089 4861.360 0.25 4861.178

Dec 28 FV 330 - LM 3219 3804.505 96.74 3803.060 FV 330 - NE 79050 2729.410 -166.01 2724.259 FV 330 - FV 322 2027.129 128.41 2022.939 NE 79088 - FV 322 3188.634 285.74 3175.657

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Gauss-Kruger projection

Stations X (N) Y(E) Elevations m m m


NE 79050 7113619.794 488204.653 146.35 NE 79088 7113473.661 488889.928 155.03 NE 79089 7113765.475 493159.835 238.95 NE 79090 7110704.063 496935.921 238.7 NE 79091 7114850.905 498247.985 171 . 5 FV 322 7112174.409 485992.212 440.77 FV 330 7110961. 033 487610.859 312.36 FV 337 7117325.593 490083.721 140.51 FV 338 7117906.457 488017.980 170.29 FV 342 7116065.161 486668.712 419.83 LM 91 7118842.610 486944.700 374.4 LM 3219 7112384.148 481137.621 409.1 LM 3225 7116239.35 494971.64 165.8 TU 1 7109500.728 491981.041 449.0 TU 2 7116034.827 484942.746 417.6


A 7100364.903 487773.991 304.57 NE 79075 417.51 NE 79076 413.39 NE 79079 7103041.682 477314.587 420.30 NE 79080 7103215.219 480907.450 511.75 NE 79081 7105200.368 482807.250 570.05 NE 79082 7100768.442 482373.970 407.4 ,409.6 NE 79084 7104896.169 485596.917 451.17 LM 3179 7106966.84 476317.15 243.51 LM 3180 7105576.28 479315.72 260.45


Tangent meridiane in the Mercator projection is 500000.0 through Selfoss, 21

°0'W Greenwich.

Base station for calculation of elevation in the nothern network is FV 337 and in the southern network LM 3180. Base station for calculation of coordinates in the nothern network is LM 3225 with direction toward NE 79090 and in the southern network stations LM 3179 and LM 3180 have been used.

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Description of bench marks in the geodimeter networks of



LM Bench mark belonging to Landrna!lingar Islands

FV Bench mark belonging to Forverk h.f., Reykjavik

NE Bench mark belonging to Norr�na Eldfjallastooin

TU Bench mark belonging to Technical University,

Braunschweig, F.R.G

If not otherwise stated in the text, the bench mark consists

of a copper or another metal rod, which is fastened in a

drilled whole in lava or hyaloclastic material by concrete.

Above, or close to the bench mark stands a cairn, mostly of

a small size.

I& geodimeter bench mark

A cairn, mound or stones

/ sheep fence

/ vegetation edge

<f? crack. fissure

a tuft

LM 91 Mosfellsheioi (H�oir)

An iron pipe approximately 3 m NW of the top cairn.

The pipe is somewhat inclined and measuring is done

from the centre of the top.

LM 3180 Draugatjorn

The bench mark lies about 5 m north of the road.

Observe that close to this marker is another marker

(NE 79074), which is used in leveling.

LM 3219 Sandfell

A copper marker in a small stone. A cairn with a

wooden pole is placed over the marker, which is

situated on the highest part of the mountain, close

to the southern end.

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LM 3225 Lambhagi

A copper marker in a small stone. A three armed

stone pavement shows the place, which is on the

west side of the highest part.

LM 91 LM 3225

r 0


0 , l \ ..

SOm 0

FV 322 Dyrafjoll

The marker is placed on a small rise on the

"m6berg" ridge which extends from Skeggi in a

northerly direction, approximately 2500 m from

the top of Skeggi. Close to it stands a red flag.

FV 330 blfusvatnsskyggnir

Marker in a stone, situated on the gentle slope

towards the north, approximately 25 m east of

the steep descent to Koldulaugargil. A white cloth

and a red flag show the marker.

FV 337 Stapi

Marker approximately 40 m SE of the highest point

on Stapi. Marked with a white cloth on the ground.

FV 338 Sfrnonarbrekka

Marker on the southermost ridge of the road.

The marker is placed approximately 2 m south­

west of a big cairn.

FV 342 Haitindur

Marker on the east side of the top. Observe that

it may cause some difficulties to get free sight

to LM 91 and TU 2.

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FV 337 FV 342

NE 79050 Nesjavellir W

Marker in lava approximately 0.5 m north of an

E-W fissure about 50 m north of the road. This

marker is also used in the leveling line.

NE 79075 Alutur

The marker is placed on a small hill on the Alutur

ridge about 1 000 m SSE the top of Kl6arfjall.

The distinct hill is overgrown with white lichen.

NE 79076 Reykjafell

The marker is placed close to a small cairn. For

exact position contact Halld6r 6lafsson.

NE 79079 Lambafellshnukur

Marker in m6berg. The marker is not placed on the

highest part, but roughly 30-40 m lower, on a

minor extending towards ENE. Some 10 m further

north is another minor crest. Marked with a cairn.

NE 79080 St6ra-Reykjafell

A bench mark in m6berg on the northern part of

the highest point. A cairn is placed over the

bench mark.

NE 79081 Skar6smyrarfjall

The bench mark is placed in m6berg on a top

approximately 1 250 m south of the highest part

of Skardsmyrarfjall. The exact position is 20 m

SE of the big top cairn in direction towards Surtsey.

Marked with a small cairn.

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NE 79082 Lakakr6kur

Bench mark in lava on the plateau. Marked with a

cairn on the bench mark.

NE 79083 Hverahlio

Bench mark in lava close to the plateau rim on a

minor hill. The bench mark lies under a cairn with

a wooden pole.

NE 79084 Litla-Skarosmyrarfjall

Bench mark in lava on the south-eastern part of

the highest top. Marked with a small cairn

NE 79088 Nesjavellir E

Bench mark in lava approximately 1 m SW of a power

line pole and about 15 m E of a big open fissure

with north-south strike. Close to the bench mark

is a small cairn.

NE 79082 NE 79088

1.. -


NE 79089 tllfusvatnsfjall

Bench mark in lava close to the steep slope towards

west. The bench mark is placed under a small cairn

about 5 m NNW of a large stone.

NE 79089

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NE 79090 Olflj6tsfell (Gnipur)

Bench mark in a minor lava stone in centre of

the marking of the bench mark LM 3217. Some white

painted stones show the location.

NE 79091 Bjorgin


Bench mark in a minor lava block in centre of

the marking of LM 3224. The marker is placed on a

minor grassed hill and a white cloth and some

stones show the exact position.

NE 79091




t A

[EJ f- 30c.m4

An old foundation of concrete with four

iron bars. The north-easterly bar is used

for the measurements and the exact point

is marked with a small dent. The founda­

tion lies on a minor hill approximately

900 m N10°

E from the highest part of

NG.pafjall and on the north side of a track.

TU 1 Sulufell

TU 2

The bench mark is located on the top of the

mountain under a big cairn.


The bench mark is located at the southern end

of the highest crest, where a minor butress

extends to east. The marker lies under a big cairn.

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If vertical angles are measured at both ends of a line simultaneously, the refraction angles are almost identical. This method make it poosible to calculate the angle of refraction.

Fig. 7. The effect of refraction on vertiaai angles.

If both zenith distances (vertical angles) ZA and ZB aremeasured, we have

where y stands for central angle and a for angle of refrac­tion. The correct zenith distance ZA can be expressed

ZA = ZA +a= ;zA - ;zB + 100g + ;y

The cosine theorm gives the elevation difference between the two points

h = J {R 2 + L 2 + 2RLcosZA} - R

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There are several different methods to calculate coordinates. In a triangulation system, where all sides are measured with high accuracy, it is possible to use following method.

The coordinates for A and B are known, as well as thedistances from point A and B to the unknown point C.

x B

The cosine theorem gives:

The coordinates of point C can be expressed:

x = xA + dAcosaA

dAcosVA = x'

dAsinVA = y'

cosaAB = (xB - xA)/dAB

sinaAB = (yB yA)/dAB

Finally the coordinates of point C can be expressed:

x = xA + {x'(xB - xA)-y'(yB - YA) }/dAB

y = YA + {x'(yB - yA)-y'(xB - xA) }/dAB

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When calculating coordinates over a large area it is necessary

to project lines on to a reference ellipsoid. It is convenient

to consider the earth as a mathematical sphere, with a radius

corresponding to average bending in the midle of the area. In

this report a radius of 6388000 m has been used. This gives

sufficient accuracy if the linear extent of the area does not

exceed a few tenths of kilometers.


Fig. 8. Projection of a Line on a sphere.

With symbols as i figure 8 the cosine theorem gives:

sin(y/2) =V (L 2 - �h 2)/(4RA�) = SLD/2R,

where �h = RA - R B

The length of the chord: SLD = R J (L 2- �h2

) I (RA�)

The length of the curve: L = b 2R arcsin(SLD/2R),

series expansion can be expressed: which with

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In Iceland two methods of projection are used. The cylindrical

projection is used by Landinc"£lingar Islands and it has the

advantage of minor correction comparing with a conic projection.

In this report the cylindrical projection is used.

One of the cylindrical projections is called the Mercator

Projection, which in its normal form has the origin on the

equator. Except near the equator this projection is of no

general use, but is the basis of other more useful projections.

In nothern countries the Transverse Mercator Projection is

more useful. This projection uses a meridian as a great circle

and tangent line and at this tangent line the scale distortion

is zero. The generally adopted method of projecting the

spheroid is the Gauss-Krilger projection.

In the ordinary Transverse Mercator Projection the central

meridian is a standard great circle along which there is no

scale distortion. The small circles parallel to it are

represented by vertical lines of the rectangular grid and

thus there is a scale increase away from the central meridian.

The projection from a spheroid to the projection plane needs

an additional correction, expressed:

where YA and YB

are distances from the end points of line AB

to the central meridian according to figure 9. R stands for

the radius of the reference ellipsoid and L for the length

of line AB.


( Xa,O) - - -


- - - _YA_ -(XA,O)



Fig. 9.



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