SAVE THE DATE Employee Newsletter Employee Newsletter Employee Newsletter December 2019 December 31 First Night Celebra�on January 24 & 25 Strange Brew Fest A NOTE FROM JOHN COMMUNITY HAPPENINGS For more informaon about any of these events visit Date: Thursday, March 5 th Time: 12:45 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Loca�on: Co�on Building WASHINGTON STATE PAID FAMILY & MEDICAL LEAVE ACT TRAINING Sixteen of our personnel policies were recently updated. Several of these updates were necessary to comply with recent employment law changes, including the state’s new Paid Family & Medical Leave law. Other updates were made to more accurately reflect our current prac�ce, or to more closely mirror policies/prac�ces of represented staff. The policy dra�s were reviewed with department heads, the City Manager, and union representa�ves prior to finalizing. Final policies were adopted by Council on December 2. These changes are effec�ve January 1 and will be updated on our website around that �me. For more informa�on about these updates, please see the email and summary of changes distributed December 16. Personnel Policy Manual Updated Effective January 1 I wish I could say we’re winding down for the holidays, but for many of us, it’s still full sprint. I hope you’re able to put the finishing touches on your work so you can make the time to relax, rejuvenate and recharge. In doing so, be sure to look out for yourself and your loved ones over the break. Even during Christmas Day, the City doesn’t stop running so I’d like to recognize those on-call who work extra hard during the holidays to keep us moving. Your service to all residents is not lost on me every time I turn on the tap or count on my safety and well-being while traveling around town. It’s been a busy year full of challenges and accomplishments. Thank you for your work in getting us to this point and setting us up for success into the future. I’m looking forward to a bit of recharge myself with my family and friends – and then moving ahead together with you on our best year yet in 2020. Happy Holidays, Team.

Transcript of December 2019 Employee Newsletter · PORT TOWNSEND PUBLIC LIBRARY HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE 2019 SAVE MORE...

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Employee NewsletterEmployee NewsletterEmployee NewsletterDecember 2019

December 31First Night Celebra�on

January 24 & 25 Strange Brew Fest



For more information about any of these events visit

Date: Thursday, March 5th

Time: 12:45 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.Loca�on: Co�on Building


Sixteen of our personnel policies were recently updated. Several of these updates were necessary to comply with recent employment law changes, including the state’s new Paid Family & Medical Leave law.

Other updates were made to more accurately reflect our current prac�ce, or to more closely mirror policies/prac�ces of represented staff. The policy dra�s were reviewed with department heads, the City Manager, and union representa�ves prior to finalizing. Final policies were adopted by Council on December 2.

These changes are effec�ve January 1 and will be updated on our website around that �me. For more informa�on about these updates, please see the email and summary of changes distributed December 16.

Personnel Policy Manual Updated Effective January 1

I wish I could say we’re winding down for the holidays, but for many of us, it’s still full sprint. I hope you’re able to put the �nishing touches on your work so you can make the time to relax, rejuvenate and recharge. In doing so, be sure to look out for yourself and your loved ones over the break.

Even during Christmas Day, the City doesn’t stop running so I’d like to recognize those on-call who work extra hard during the holidays to keep us moving. Your service to all residents is not lost on me every time I turn on the tap or count on my safety and well-being while traveling around town.

It’s been a busy year full of challenges and accomplishments. Thank you for your work in getting us to this point and setting us up for success into the future. I’m looking forward to a bit of recharge myself with my family and friends – and then moving ahead together with you on our best year yet in 2020.

Happy Holidays, Team.

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Dec - Page 2

In November 2019 the following people began employment with the City:Chad Holbrook........................Equipment Operator – Wastewater TreatmentKurt Dimon-Hardesty..............Head Swim Team CoachJohn Mauro.............................City ManagerLiz Downey..............................Swim InstructorEmily Bufford...........................Youth Services Library Associate (Temp)


Happy Holidays! Happy Hanukkah! Happy Kwanza! Happy Omisoka! Happy Saturnalia! Happy Fes�vus! Happy Christmas! However you choose to celebrate this season, I hope you have a very joyous �me. If you put up a tree, light a menorah, par�cipate in feats of strength, or celebrate in some other way, I hope that you do it surrounded by loved ones and full of good cheer.

Just a couple of reminders about the holidays and holiday decora�ons here at the City. If you choose to decorate for the holidays, par�cularly in public areas, please keep your decora�ons non-denomina�onal/non-sectarian. In other words, limit your decora�ons to things like snowflakes, candy canes, wreaths, wrapping paper, and stockings. But remember, cookies are always appropriate.

You may also receive gi�s from contractors, consultants, and community organiza�ons. Remember that as a municipal employee, you are bound by the City and State ethics codes found at Port Townsend Municipal Code 2.80 and RCW 42.52.150 and you may not accept gi�s related to your employment outside of the excep�ons listed in those codes. Generally, gi�s valued under $50 are okay. If you have a ques�on about gi�s or decora�ons, or you have cookies, please come talk to me! - Heidi Greenwood

February 2020, the Clerk’s office will be implemen�ng/embedding a new technology tool through the City website called NextRequest. The purpose is to create a central dashboard for funneling and processing requests bringing efficiencies and internal and external customer experience. A users training is set for January 28 for staff who are involved in collec�ng documents/processing requests to become familiar with the tool.What’s changing: • Requesters receive acknowledgment and can track the status of their request • Be�er tracking/communica�on among staff, including reminders for due dates • Automa�cally logs all correspondence and ac�ons related to a request • Time tracking and cost calcula�on to comply with state repor�ng requirements • Single sign on for staff involved in collec�ng and uploading electronic documenta�onWhat’s stays the same: • Website access to make a request, paper forms also available • Two channels for requests: City Clerk (all City Hall records) and Police Department (for incident and accident reports) • Payments processed through cash or check. Credit card payment module may be part of future plans. • Paper records/files will s�ll be distributed in the format they are maintained and electronic files if available are uploaded for access.

Not sure if someone is making a records request? Clarify, “are you asking for a record?” If yes, tell them the City Clerk’s office is happy to help and offer access to the portal on the web or hand them a paper form. Note, legally we cannot require an individual to complete a form. If this is the case, do your best to communicate the informa�on being requested to the Clerk’s Office.

The City recognizes employees for service anniversaries in five year increments. In December of 2019 the following employees reach milestones:5 Years......................Alex Wisniewski................Parks, Recrea�on & Community Services5 Years .....................Jon Stuart..........................Police DepartmentCongratula�ons and thank you for your service to the City!

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The Deferred Compensa�on Program (DCP) is a special type of savings program that helps you invest for the secure and stable re�rement you want to achieve. Unlike tradi�onal savings accounts, DCP is tax-deferred — it lowers your taxable income while you are working and it delays payments of income taxes on your investments un�l you withdraw your funds. DCP is a great way to save!

With the approach of the new year, it’s a great �me to evaluate your Deferred Compensa�on Program contribu�ons. Are you saving enough to meet your re�rement goals?The IRS has increased the amount you can defer into DCP. In 2020, you can contribute up to the following maximum amounts: • $19,500 annually if you are under age 50 • $26,000 annually if you turn 50 or older in 2020

Even if you don’t want to contribute to the maximum, it’s a good idea to check your deferral amounts and consider saving a bit more in 2020. You can start saving by star�ng a DCP account and adding as li�le as $30 per month.

It can take up to 30 days for your account changes to go into effect. So for the new year, you might want to start your changes now!

The Library staff have put together a fun variety of their favorite books to give as gi�s, as what could be be�er than a wonderful book to cuddle up with this �me of year. Did you know that Iceland has a holiday called Jólabókaflóð, meaning the Yule flood of books? On December 24th they give books to read and chocolates to enjoy. Hopefully, our holiday guide will inspire you all to create your own book giving tradi�ons. May your holidays be filled with happy reading moments!

Fic�on- A list of un-put-down-able stories that are page turning adventures with characters you want to know and worlds you want to explore. • A boy and his dog at the end of the world by C.A. Fletcher • Circe by Madeline Miller • Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern • A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles • Whiskey When We’re Dry by John Larison • The Seven Secrets of Cottage by Jim Tolpin • Milkman: A Novel by Anna Burns • Asymmetry by Lisa Halliday • Strange Planet by Nathan Pyle, for anyone who likes funny graphic novels

Nonfic�on - For the curious nature lover: • The Soul of an Octopus: A Surprising Explora�on into the Wonder of Consciousness by Sy Montgomery • How to Catch A Mole : Wisdom From A Life Lived In Nature by Marc Hamer

For the history lover: • The Last Palace: Europe's Turbulent Century in Five Lives and One Legendary House, by Norman Eisen

For that baseball lover: Incredible Baseball Stats: • The Coolest, Strangest Stats and Facts in Baseball History Paperback, Ken Reavy

For folks who love fish, fishing and explora�on of wild places: • Fly-Fishing the Olympic Peninsula by Doug Rose – Both a fishing and travel guide as well as just great wri�ng. • Fly-Fishing the 41st: Around the world on the 41st parallel by James Prosek – Travel wri�ng/literature. Did you know you can fish for na�ve trout in Morocco? • Trout and salmon of North America by Robert Behnke – Everything you could ever want to know about North American salmon and trout species. *This includes Mexico’s na�ve trout in the Sierra Madre drainages.

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Wellness CommitteeWellness Committee



End of Year Potluck

2020 Planning

Celebrating Safety - Accident Prevention Program (APP) Update

Elections in January

Dec - Page 4



The Safety Commi�ee has annual elec�on in January. Each Commi�ee members serves a term of at least one year, but can con�nue to stay on the commi�ee if they like. If you are interested in represen�ng your department for 2020, let your safety commi�ee department representa�ve or your supervisor know.

Our End Of Year Potluck is Thursday December 19th. The Wellness Commi�ee will be providing baked potatoes and yummy toppings. Bring your favorite side dish and join us for our last gathering of the year

There will be great prizes that the commi�ee will be giving away.

Hope to see you all there!

The Commi�ee has our 2020 wellness planning session in January.

Do you have any feedback for us? What were your favorite wellness ac�vites? Is there anythig you would like to see from this commi�ee? Email any ideas or feedback to Kelly G.

Thank you to everyone that par�cipated in wellness ac�vi�es in 2019!

As the year comes to a close, I would like to acknowledge the contribu�ons of everyone who helped raise the bar for employee safety. A hear�elt thank you to our Safety Commi�ee, who took on several projects related to the implementa�on of the new Accident Preven�on Program, including helping to replenish and inspect first aid kits and update department SDS manuals. And “hats off” to our Public Works Opera�ons Managers and Parks, Rec and Community Services Director who meet regularly to address specific APP policy requirements. Here is a par�al list of some key items we crossed off our to-do list in 2019: • Reviewed fire hydrant loca�ons; iden�fied and resolved hook up issue at Biosolids • Implemented hot work permit process for all jobs; purchased fire blankets • Installed new “No Smoking/Open Flames” signage • Reviewed storage to comply with flammable/combus�ble liquids sec�on of Fire policy; purchased 2 fire safe cabinets • Implemented monthly fire ex�nguisher inspec�ons and log form • Ordered new hard hats and life jackets/vests • Ordered eye wash sta�ons • Created basic new hire safety orienta�on program delivered by HR • Created division new hire safety training delivered by hiring department • Coordinated hands-on prac�ce rescue for confined spaces • Conducted respirator exams and fit tes�ng • Conducted training on Confined Space, Respirator, LOTO, Electrical, BBP, Fire As we head into 2020 we will begin “Phase II” of our APP implementa�on project, with an emphasis on silica and asbestos awareness, fall protec�on and hearing protec�on. Thanks again for your work! - Robin Hake