De-Stress Spring 2010

De-Stress Spring 2010 ‘Bring on the new year’ - some great tips to start making changes in your life today Gratitude - an Antidote for Stress In-House Magazine The Benefits of a Good nights sleep Learn to become Breast Cancer Aware And much more.......


The spring issue of De-Stress is full of great articles with hints and tips to decrease stress.

Transcript of De-Stress Spring 2010

Page 1: De-Stress Spring 2010

De-Stress�Spring 2010�

‘Bring on the new year’ - some great tips�to start making changes in your life today�

Gratitude - an Antidote for Stress�

In-House Magazine�

The Benefits of a Good nights sleep�

Learn to become Breast Cancer Aware�

And much more.......�

Page 2: De-Stress Spring 2010�The No.1 Irish Business Directory online.� is an online business directory for Ire-�land and businesses that supply a service to Ireland.� provides a service to the general pub-�lic and other companies that are searching for a�business, product or service in Ireland, e.g. Plumb-�ers, Hotels, Electricians, Accountants, Pet Shops,�Cinemas and much much more. The user can search�locally or nationally.�

Having been online over 8 years we now have over�70,000 businesses listed and are getting more than�6,500 visits a day. We are bringing at least 300 of our�750 categories to the first page of results�and there are at least 25,000 companies on those�categories – to the first page of!!! These�figures are growing daily.� is the first Irish online directory to�provide Social Media Links on our directory – Twit-�ter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Youtube. All paid ad-�vertisers can avail of this extra service at no extra�cost to their normal subscription.�

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Page 3: De-Stress Spring 2010

De-Stress Magazine - Spring 2010 - Page 3�

A Word from the Editor�

De-Stress is an in-house magazine and is published quarterly by Stress Solutions 4 Life. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without�the permission of the publisher. Every effort has been made to ensure that all the information in this magazine is factual and correct at the�time of press.�

The opinions expressed in this issue are not necessarily those of the editor or Stress Solutions 4 Life. Articles, advertisements and information�in ‘De-Stress are provided for education and debate only. The information contained with the magazine in not intended to be used by�non-medically qualified readers as a substitute for, or basis of, medical treatment, since some material may be speculative and/or not in�agreement with current medical practice. Always check with your GP before trying any remedies and in particular always seek medical advice�if you are pregnant or taking medication before following the advise given in articles or advertisements in this magazine.�


Page� 4� Bring on the New Year�

Page�6� Gratitude - an antidote for� Stress�

Page� 8� Getting a good nights sleep�

Page� 12� 5 quick ways to make room in� your life for the abundance� of spring�

Page�13� Don’t wish it was easier� Wish it was better�

Page�14� Get your boobs out ....� And become Breast Cancer� Aware�

Page�16� Book Review� The Power of Now by�

Eckhart Tolle�

To learn more about Catherine A Connors and her�work please visit her website at -��

You can also read more about�Stress Management and Natural solutions by�

visiting Catherine’s blog sites -���

You can email Catherine directly on�[email protected]

Hi, I'm Catherine A Connors and�like many of you, I know first-hand�what it's like to live with the challenges�of today’s modern and fast paced�world.  Many people are now turning�towards a more holistic and natural�way to live and deal with day to day�life.�

I'm a Stress Management Consultant,�Time Management Consultant and a�holistic therapist, trainer and teacher. �This combination puts me in an�

unique position where I can offer professional guidance with the added touch of deep�understanding that can come only through personal experience and knowledge.�

This magazine is an in-house magazine and was created to bring advice and knowl-�edge to anyone suffering from stress. This magazine is lucky to have many highly ex-�perienced contributors and you can read and enjoy their articles here.�

As a Stress Consultant and holistic health expert, I have much experience dealing�with health issues relating to the mind-body connections and welcome any questions�you may have as regards health, holistic living or therapies and natural solutions.�These questions will be answered either on the magazine or on my web-site, please�remember to put ‘Ask Catherine’ in the subject heading.�

If you would like to see a particular article appear within this magazine, are special-�ized in a particular area which may interests our readers and your would like to con-�tribute, you are welcome to send your suggestions by emailing�[email protected]

Page 4: De-Stress Spring 2010

De-Stress Magazine - Spring 2010 - Page 4�

So we have had a tough year all round.�Some more than others, and those of�you who have been concentrating on�your levels of fitness will know how dif-�ficult it can be to keep the momentum�going.�

Someone said to me recently: “I saw a�new car the other day and it had “Zero�Ten” on the registration plate”. She then�realised her mistake (one zero) and�claimed it was difficult to pinpoint a�name for the year.�

So what do we need to consider when�we embark on the New Year ahead.�Firstly, we need to decide what we are�going to call the year:- Two thousand�and Ten? Or Twenty Ten? It’s important�to have this clear in your mind, so you�can plan ahead and the name of the year�remains consistent. The problem with�not deciding on a definitive name for�yourself, is it conjures up uncertainty,�and that is the last thing we need coming�into a new year with a new routine and�new ideas. Consistency!�

The first thing we can do to get us on�the right track is a basic all over check�up with our GP. This will outline any�deficiencies in Vitamins or Minerals�(including all important Iron).�

12 ways to maintain good fitness and�health, with remarkable results:�

1. Breathe:�

Breathing can reduce stress and counter-�act possible high confrontation. We all�heard the saying “take a deep breath and�count to ten” when in stressful situa-�tions. Dr. Robert Epstein, instructor at�the Rady School of Management at the�University of California San Diego, ex-�

plains: “As your rage swells, exhale fully�and then, just as you're at the end of�your exhale, blow hard. This expels the�remaining air that's trapped in your�lungs and counteracts the dangerous�tendency to breathe shallowly when you�feel threatened. Shallow breathing circu-�lates toxins in your bloodstream and�makes you panicky."�

2. Water:�

Research by AXA PPP Healthcare�shows that 25% of children don’t drink�enough water, which can result in a 10%�drop in performance. So it must begin�with education. Teach your kids and�yourself that foods such as lettuce and�cucumbers contain high percentages of�water and are rehydrating. Also remem-�ber that just because it’s cold outside,�does not mean you do not need to drink�water. Central heating and open fires dry�out the air in a room, so it’s just as im-�portant to drink the standard 8 glasses�per day to remain hydrated.�

3. Stress:�

US research shows that exercise fools�your body into thinking you are escaping�the source of stress, making you feel bet-�ter immediately. Plus your circulation�improves, and damaging stress hor-�mones are flushed from the body. We�should exercise at least 30 minutes a day,�and build it into our daily routine.�

4. Exercise:�

As well as being a stress eliminator and�feel good booster, exercise raises the�body’s temperature, causing  you to feel�more calm and comfortable. For exer-�cise to work, a proper plan must be set�

out. It can be helpful to enlist a friend to�exercise with you, so help with routine.  �

5. Planning:�

Nothing like a good plan to get you in�action. Planning focuses you on the�tasks at hand and creates the path for�completion of those tasks. Visualising�the outcome will put you in far better�mood about achieving your goals and�better equip you for positive action.�

6. Detox:�

A short sharp detox is a great way to�cleanse the body. Make sure you keep�your body rehydrated. Detox is for get-�ting rid of toxins, which regular drinking�of water will help flush out as you go�through the program. A great simple�detox for your liver (before you hit the�hay on a Sat night) is to drink 8 drops of�Milk Thistle in a glass of water.�

7. Herbal Boost:�

Herbal remedies are excellent for�strengthening any weak areas of the�body. If you suffer from cold hands and�feet, that is a sign of poor circulation.�Ginger infusions are great for boosting�the circulation. Others include Cayenne�and Ginkgo.�

8. Immunity :�

Give your immune system an extra�boost by topping up on your levels of�Vitamin C (citrus fruits, kiwis, peppers,�broccoli, mangoes, papaya) and Echina-�cea which is great for combatting bacte-�ria, viruses and fungus infections. A�great all-rounder! It works hard to stim-�ulate the production of white blood�cells, whose job is to fight infection.�

Bring on the New Year�By Elaine Rogers�

Page 5: De-Stress Spring 2010

De-Stress Magazine - Spring 2010 - Page 5�

9. Defense:�

As well as disease defense, it is impor-�tant that we learn how to defend our-�selves physically and look after our�immediate safety. It’s a good time to�embark on a First Aid course, and take�up a fun-fitness-personal safety class�such as Judo or Karate or Kick-Boxing.�You will learn the basic skills of self-�defense, you will be active at lease once�a week, and you will meet others so-�cially also.�

10. Socialise:�

Another way to meet new people and�make new contacts is to join a social�group or attend a weekly night course.�Spending time with others allows us to�discuss different topics, increase our�overall general knowledge, engage in�debate and accept others’ points of view.�We gain a healthier mental attitude. We�are sociable beings and not meant to�spend excessive time alone.�

11. Eat Colour:�

We have all heard the term “Eat your�greens”. Other colours such as Red, or-�ange, yellow, blue also have much-�needed benefits:�

Green:� Chlorophyll helps suppress in-�flammation, prevent cell mutation and�strengthen immunity. Eat artichokes,�asparagus, curly kale, avocados, apples,�grapes.�

Red:� Lycopena (carotenoid) turns into�the antioxidant vitamin A which helps�guard against damage by free radicals.�Eat tomatoes (cooked), beetroot, red�onions, cherries.�

Orange:� Carontenoids and Biofla-�vonoids. Bioflavonoids help decrease�imflammation and work against the de-�velopment of cancer, and heart disease.�They also act as a natural antibiotic, and�help against food poisoning. Eat carrots,�peppers, squash, apricots, mangoes.�

Yellow:� Carotenoids, Lutein and Zeax-�anthin. Counteracting effects of blind-�ness later in life.Limonene found in the�rind of citrus fruits boosts liver enzymes�involved in detoxifying cancer-causing�chemicals. Eat peppers, sweetcorn, pine-�apples, lemons, grapefruit�

Blue:� Rich in Anthocyanins that help�reduce inflammation related to the for-�

mation of malignant�tumours. Helpful for�memory. Red grapes�are rich in polyphe-�nols, helpful in re-�ducing blood�pressure and the pre-�vention of blood�clots. Eat aubergines,�blackberries, purple�grapes, blueberries,�plums and blue cab-�bage.�

12. Leave SAD be-�hind:�

SAD (Seasonal affective Syndrome)� is�a recognised condition and can leave us�unmotivated and sullen at the best of�times, especially after the huge indul-�gence over the Christmas and New Year�period. Symptoms are over-sleeping,�over-eating, lethargy and depression.�You can counteract the symptoms by�getting out in the fresh air more and in-�crease the levels of eggs, milk and nuts�in your diet to boost serotonin levels,�thereby enhancing your mood and eas-�ing tension. Low levels of Vitamin D�also contribute to SAD, so your GP may�recommend a dose of daily Vitamin D�to supplement the body. Light therapy�has been known to help and you could�embark on a daily dose of Siberian Gin-�seng – a proven herbal tonic. �

So there are 12 different ways you can�boost your health and fitness. Even if�you took on one a month over the�course of 2010, you are giving your�body, mind and soul a better chance to�survive the daily toils of modern living.�Setting goals in advance helps us plan�our goals for throughout the year.�Coaching plays a key role here in goal�setting and action planning. But nothing�happens without action, get the ball roll-�ing and coach yourself into being pro-�active in your health. �

“You may never know what results�come of your action, but if you do�nothing there will be no result” - Ma-�hatma Gandhi� �

Best of luck!�

Elaine Rogers� of� is a qualified�Business Coach and Trainer. She works closely and�

empathetically with her clients to help them develop�and enhance crucial aspects of their personal & busi-�ness effectiveness. This ensures they achieve their�

maximum potential, and be the change they want to�be. You can contact Elaine by the following means:�

Phone: +353 86 1955660� Skype: elainearogers� E-mail: [email protected]

Web:� LinkedIn:�

Page 6: De-Stress Spring 2010

De-Stress Magazine - Spring 2010 - Page 6�

We all have times of stress in our lives, for some it is a passing�phase, for others it can be a more prolonged experience. I, for�the most part tend to fall into the first category, though that is�not always the case. However many years ago I had a profound�experience which taught me a valuable lesson in how to cope�with times of stress, a lesson which, to this day, I continue to�apply.�

Allow me if you will, relate a little story. Many years ago I was�working in a large mission hospital in Uganda. I had been in the�country for some time, the initial delight and fascination of the�honeymoon period was well behind me and I was struggling with�many issues, both personal and work related; being away from�home, living and working in a difficult cross cultural situation,�feeling powerless to making any impact on the great inequalities�and injustices as I saw around me. Suffice to say I wasn't a happy�bunny and the stress levels were building. One day a notice came�around to the department announcing that the hospital�management had decided to run workshops for staff on 'Coping�with Stress', fantastic I think as I rush to sign up, this was exactly�what I needed.�

By the time the workshop comes around my stress levels were at�a nice simmer and I have a mental list of the many things which�are contributing to my stressful situation. I join a small group of�fellow colleagues and we begin. I don't remember much about�the detail of the day itself and yet for one blinding revelation,�memories of that day have stayed with me. I recall I was poised�to launch into my list of woes but had to wait my turn as each�member of the group were asked to outline what were the�contributing factors to stress in general or their situation�specifically. My Ugandan colleagues found it difficult to grasp the�concept of stress, it wasn't really in their vocabulary. To them�their lot was their lot. There was an unquestioning acceptance�

that this is your life and you�just get on with it. But�slowly they began to tell�their stories.�

And so began my dawn of realisation, as person after person�relayed their story. Stories of poverty, suffering, injustice. In a�country rampant with HIV, almost without exception every�family has been directly effected by it. A country where everyone�over the age of 10 remembers the horrors of the most recent war�waged on their doorstep, where money is short and the demands�on it are great, food, clothing, medicine, school fees etc. and�there is no social welfare. A reality where the present is hard and�the future is uncertain. And for all that Ugandans live in the�present, appreciating and celebrating even the small glimmers of�hope.�

By the time it came round to my turn I struggled to find anything�to say. My earlier stress simmer had dissipated and in it's place an�overwhelming feeling of gratitude, gratitude for what I had in my�life, the opportunities I had been afforded, my health, my family,�the awareness that I had much to celebrate in my life. Now don't�get me wrong I'm not trying to say that my or anyone else's�feelings of stress aren't valid and that by just feeling grateful and�positive the bills will miraculously get paid or the children will�stop yelling at each other or you, stress will always be part of our�lives unless you are one of the lucky few whose pulse rate never�rises above a purr.�

However what I learnt that day, many years ago, is that if I focus�on the positive and remind myself daily of all the things be they�great or small for which I am grateful, it switches my focus. Since�then I have had many very dark days and yet I feel I have come�through them on balance, positively and stronger because I start�

and/or end every day with a mental gratitude�list. It isn't a very time consuming exercise, you�are not required to meditate for hours, just take�a quick mental time out, maybe when you are in�the shower or while having your morning�coffee. Write it down if you wish but it isn't�necessary, just try to connect to your feelings of�gratitude. Consider all the things you have to be�grateful for, family, friends, health, a sunny day,�a funny incident. Or even feel grateful for�something that is really bothering you which�you want resolved, think of what kind of an�outcome you would like and watch the real�miracle happen. It is not fool proof but on the�balance of things it tends to help me focus on�the good and not get bogged down in the�negative.�


By Catherine Ullwer�

Catherine Ullwer�, lives�between Ireland and Ger-�many and as well as work-�ing freelance as a project�manager, she also runs�her own business as a�Lifemax Independent�Distributor supplying�Mila – The Miracle Seed�to the Irish and German�

markets. Mila is a natural raw whole food, high�in Omega 3, fibre, antioxidants, minerals, with�a wide range of health benefits including�though not limited to improved heart health�with lower blood pressure, blood sugars and�cholesterol, soothing of digestive disorders,�better hormonal balance for the relief of symp-�toms of PMT and menopause, reduction in�anxiety and stress with improved quality of�

sleep and major energy boosting properties.�Mila also helps with other inflammatory disor-�ders like arthritis, osteoporosis and helps ath-�letes trainer harder, recover faster and reduce�injuries.�

Although Catherine is relatively new too the�business world she loves the flexibility her en-�terprises affords her and finds her work pro-�vides amazing opportunities for her creative�energy and skills.�

To learn more about Mila – The Miracle Seed�and it's extraordinary health benefits or to find�out more about becoming a Lifemax Indepen-�dent Distributor check out the� or email:�[email protected] or phone Catherine on +�353 86 835 0172.�

Page 7: De-Stress Spring 2010

New Food Maximizing Plan seeing AMAZING RESULTS�


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Date - Sat, March 6th�At The Clarion Hotel, IFSC, Dublin 1�10am-5pm�

Special Price - €49�

About the day-� This highly interactive�and fun workshop looks at effortless�ways in which we can set and more im-�portantly achieve our goals. The day�looks at the reasons why we may have�

failed to succeed in the past and how we can ensure success in the�future. Other aspects of the day include how to rid ourselves of�limiting beliefs and how we can live every day with confidence.�Finally, we have a few simple techniques that will help you deal�with stress and how you can even excel in stressful situations.�

About the presenter-�Greg Fry is runs a company called Careers�Coach and has over 10 years training and recruiting experience in�Ireland and the US. He is a fully qualified Life Coach and is pas-�sionate about�helping people excel in life.�

By the end of the day you will:�

· Be able to set clear attainable Goals and achieve them.�

· Overcome stressful situations.�

· See how our Values can assist but sometimes block our�path to success.�

· Rid yourself from any limiting beliefs in your life.�

· Be able to reduce stress in your life considerably.�

· Be more energised and motivated.�

· Be aware of any areas of your life that require a positive�focus.�

· Live a more satisfying and productive life.�

Here is what people who have attended this workshop said:� "Extremely Eye opening and very Inspiring" - Jasmine� "Motivating and Thought Provoking" - Derek� "The Exercises were extremely Powerful" - Anne� "Got me going again. I feel Great. I feel Empowered" - Jenny�  "In a word....INVALUABLE" - Brendan�


Live Life with Confidence & Achieve your Goals�This Saturday�

Page 8: De-Stress Spring 2010

As a holistic therapist and Stress Consul-�tant I always advise my clients of the�importance of having a good night’s�sleep, and not ‘just’ as a special treat ev-�ery once in a while. But isn’t it amazing�how just a few sleepless nights can truly�affect us, both mentally and physically.�

At some stage in our lives we will suffer�from sleep deprivation, for various rea-�sons, such as having a baby, illness,�stress, worries, external noise etc. This�

article will give a general view of sleep�and some simple changes you can make�in your life today that will enhance your�nights sleep tomorrow.�

Why do we need to sleep? Like a having�a healthy diet and drinking water, sleep�is so important to keep us healthy, men-�tally sharp and able to deal with stress�more effectively. Sleep gives your body�a chance to rest and allows it to prepare�for the next day. Although scientists are�still not entirely sure how ‘sleep’ works,�nor are they sure that they understand all�the functions of sleep, however they�have become convinced that sleep is�necessary to survival. It has also been�

hypothesized that sleep offers important�restoration to the brain.�

The fact is most people do not get�enough quality sleep. In order to get a�more detailed idea of how we, in Ireland�

and the UK, are affected by sleep I set�up an online survey with some basic�questions and even I was surprised with�some of the results. Out of all those�that took the survey;�only 12.7% felt�they get enough sleep at night�, 50.8%�felt they did not get enough sleep and�the rest said that from time to time they�did get enough sleep.�Sleep deprivation is a term used when�we suffer from a lack of necessary sleep,�and the effects of too little sleep are�

linked with:�

Hypertension – High blood�pressure�

Irritability, mood swings and�emotional outbursts�

Slurred speech�


Increased risk of motor vehicle�accidents because of slower re-�action time (also falling asleep at�the wheel)�

Increase in body mass index – a�greater likelihood of obesity due�to an increased appetite caused�by sleep deprivation (its true�folks)�

Increased risk of diabetes and�heart problems�

Increased risk for psychiatric�

De-Stress Magazine - Spring 2010 - Page 8�

Getting a good night’s sleep�

© Catherine A Connors�

By Catherine A Connors�

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De-Stress Magazine - Spring 2010 - Page 9�

including depression and sub-�stance abuse�

Decreased ability to pay atten-�tion, react to signals or remem-�ber new information�

So how much sleep do we really need?�This is a common question and the gen-�eral response is 8 hours. But in reality�this is slightly different from person to�person. Sleep needs vary depending on�age, lifestyle and of course health. The�average adult�needs between 7 to 8.5�hours sleep per night. According to my�survey, only 33.3% get this much sleep�per night with most only averaging be-�tween 5 to 7 hours (61.9%) and shock-�ingly the rest get less than 5 hours sleep�per night. So how do we measure how�much sleep we need to get, one trick is�to start with 7 hours sleep per night in-�creasing by 20mins each week until you�find a time that works for you best.�

To get the most benefit from your sleep�why not try the following –�

Going to bed a little earlier – I know�that this is hard for most people and the�late evening and night are perhaps the�only time we get to ourselves all day.�And a lot of people like to benefit from�this by watching TV, catching up on�emails, reading a book etc. But going to�bed earlier (even by 30 mins) can have a�big impact on us the next day�

Developing a sleep routine – try getting�to bed and waking up around the same�time every night and morning, this will�stabilize your internal clock and you will�find that your sleep pattern will improve.�(This might be difficult for the first�week or so) Try to create a ritual before�going to bed, (having a bath/shower,�brushing your teeth, reading a few pages�of a book), your mind will create a rela-�tionship with your sleep ritual and sleep�

so that by the time you slip between the�sheets you will already feel sleepy.�

Bed is for sleeping – Many people have�admitted to me while I was researching�this article that they often bring their�phones, computers, video games etc to�bed with them and end up surfing on�the internet or playing their games into�the wee hours of the morning. This is�not a good idea as these electronic gad-�gets will stimulate your brain and make�sleeping harder.�

Take a look at your sleeping conditions -�Is your bed big enough to stretch and�turn comfortably? If not then consider�investing in a larger bed. Likewise for�your mattress, you may need to shop�around to find a mattress that feels right�for you. Consider soft, cotton sheets�and a warm duvet. Get into the habit of�making your bed in the morning time,�it’s always nice to get into a made bed as�opposed to a crumpled mess left over�from the morning. Change your sheets�and pillowcases every week. Your bed-�room should be clean and clutter free,�turn the light off at night and make sure�that you have heavy curtains that cuts�the morning light.�

Exercise during the day - (not within the�final 3 hours before bed), aside from the�great health benefits, it does help by�making it easier to fall asleep and to�have a more restful night. You don’t�have to start training for the Olympics�either, even just a brisk walk during the�day for 20 minutes or doing an hour of�gardening can do wonders.�

Avoiding Alcohol, caffeine and smoking�before you go to bed - Many people�think that a little ‘nightcap’ will help�them to sleep better; whereas it may help�you fall asleep faster it does reduce your�quality of sleep.�

Caffeine in general is a big NO before�bed, caffeine is a stimulant and trying to�have a restful night of sleep after a cup�of coffee is almost certainly doomed to�failure.�

Nicotine also is a stimulant which dis-�rupts sleep, and smokers should be�aware that when you ‘have that last cig’�before bedtime your body will experi-�ence withdrawal during the night waking�you up and making it hard to sleep.�

Try not to eat or drink too much before�bedtime - Evening meal in general�should be light; carbohydrates are gener-�ally good and also calcium. The old�wives tale of a glass of milk before bed-�time does have some merit to it. Try�not to drink too much before bedtime�though as your sleep will be disrupted�with trips to the bathroom, in my survey�28.6% of people woke in the night be-�cause of ‘the call of nature’. Last drink�should be about 3 hours before you go�to bed.�

Unless you do suffer from a serious�sleep disorder, making some of these�simple changes in your life can really�help you have a better night’s sleep. De-�velop a good bedtime routine that suits�your needs and stick to it, making these�changes today can help to avoid prob-�lems in the future and nothing really�beats the feeling of having had a great�night’s sleep.�

A good laugh and a long�sleep are the best cures in�the doctor's book. ~Irish�


Page 10: De-Stress Spring 2010

De-Stress Magazine - Spring 2010 - Page 12�

Beverley�is a personal coach helping people�to incorporate more meaning and simplicity into their�

lives.  After completing a BA (hons) in philosophy and�psychology followed by the Diploma in Business, Execu-�tive and Personal Coaching she started Logos Coaching.�Currently working with individuals who wish to make�changes in their life to honour their talents, simplify life�through conscious choices and move towards living the�way they always felt the were meant to, she enjoys each day�and travels. She writes a weekly blog musing on life and�how to live more consciously and simply at��

Spring is one of the most magical of times of the year. It�offers renewal both of nature and also of our selves as part�of nature. As the light begins to shine more each day we�feel a sense of brightness within ourselves and we become�imbued with a feeling of lightness and revitalisation.�

Whilst it is nice to have the house cosy and welcoming dur-�ing the winter months, now that spring has arrived and�summer is heading our way, it is good to clear out some of�the heaviness which we appreciated during the cold.�

In order to incorporate extra energy into our lives we can�begin by clearing away things which are no longer needed.�This allows for new possibilities to come into our lives,�both emotionally and spiritually as well as materialistically�and financially.�

5 quick and easy things to do to clear the way for the abun-�dance of springtime and to make you feel more energetic:�

House Go around your home with a bag and get�rid of 5 things that do not add joyfulness to�your life or are not totally useful. Give�them to a charity shop, to some one who�will appreciate them or to the bin.�

Inner Self What drains your energy? Pick something�or someone who de-energises you when�

you make contact and change some of your�choices to phase it or them out of your life.�

Wardrobe What did you not like wearing this last win-�ter? What didn’t make you feel fantastic�when you put it on? Donate it, chuck it or�give it away. There is no point in keeping�it for another six months so it can make�you not feel fantastic again.�

Eating What one thing do you eat too much of�during the week that you can push back to�only have as a weekend treat? You don’t�have to not eat it, just have the option of�eating it 2 days instead of 7.�

Financial Where can you save 10%? One day each�week bring your lunch to work or maybe�not buy that coffee. If you already bring�your lunch to work then don’t take your�purse/wallet when you leave your work-�place at lunch time (you will more often�than not buy something). Buy the next�brand down of something you would nor-�mally buy – if you buy €€€brand then buy�€€brand.�

The extra 10% saved can go towards mak-�ing yourself financially free or towards a�big purchase etc.�

Health Incorporate exercise extras into your nor-�mal routine. When you brush your teeth�do squats or when you are waiting for the�kettle to boiling do a few standing push�ups off the bench or a few star jumps. If�the radio is on get a quick bit of cardio to a�song.�

5 quick ways to make room in your�life for the abundance of spring�

By Beverley Rowland�

Page 11: De-Stress Spring 2010

De-Stress Magazine - Spring 2010 - Page 11�

All of us would at some time thought, life is hard. We�would have wished that things were, well easier. That�things would just happen for us. ”I would love to win�the Lotto then all my problems would be solved” We�would not have to go to work in the morning and all�my debts would be gone and we could sit there and�wait and wait for it to happen. The Lotto win might�happen sometime but sitting there waiting for it to�happen is going to achieve nothing. Recently I came�across another super quote from Jim Rohn and it re-�ally does capture the essence of what we need to do to�succeed in Life.�

“Don’t wish it was easier; wish you were better. Don’t�wish for less problems; wish for more skills. Don’t�wish for less challenges; wish for more wisdom”. I�collect these sayings for my motivational speaking and�of course I also use some of the better saying for my-�self in my everyday life and this is among my favorites.�Why ?It says everything to me that I need to do on a�daily basis and if I am to be true to myself the senti-�ment in the quotation would now become the mantra�for the rest of my life.�

We are on a one shot deal in this life, there is no sec-�ond chance. We do not get to go back to the begin-�ning and start over and correct the mistakes of the�first effort. Life is not like tennis, we do get a second�serve. Recently while twittering I was told to take this�view was quite morbid and not very happy clappy and�positive and all the hyped rubbish that you get from�the positive thinking people. Well while I am a Per-�sonal and Executive Coach I do not subscribe to the�view that if you make people feel good about them-�selves for a few minutes and do not deal with the�problems in their lives then a short time later they will�find themselves back dealing with the same problems�they came to me with in the first place. Which in my�view would be very unprofessional of me.�

When people engage a coach they are looking for an-�swers and not waffle, but not all are willing to embrace�the fact that they are the problem and to solve the�problem needs them to take responsibility for their�actions. As it is their very actions that have brought�them to the coach in the first place. Consciously they�may not be aware of this but subconsciously they are�and it is how we would deal with that during the�coaching sessions that would dictate the success of the�sessions.�

If we examine the saying of Jim Rohn’s we find all the�skills that we will need to get thru all of life’s challeng-�es. This may strike some as hard, it may strike some�as unrealistically simple but that is life, very simple.�We manage to complicate life by not facing up to its�challenges all the time. This is not easy I accept and�take it from somebody who ran away from these same�challenges on a number of occasions myself in the�past, it is not easy, but that is exactly what JimRohn is�saying it is not easy but it will be fulfilling and when�you achieve all of what he is proposing in his saying�you will have a better life and it will be easier. If you�deal with all life’s challenges head on and do not let�them drag you down by putting off dealing with them.�Life will get easier and more fulfilling.�

If this article raise’s your interest in having a Coach,�you can contact me at [email protected] and I�would be delighted to talk to you.�

Don’t wish it was easier�wish you were better.�

John Twohig is the director�of Fresh Start, who offer�Personal and Executive�Coaching. You can visit�John’s blog for more infor-�mation about the type of�work John does - http://��

By John Twohig�

Page 12: De-Stress Spring 2010

De-Stress Magazine - Spring 2010 - Page 12�

What are your new year’s resolutions, to�become richer, to advance in your ca-�reer, to lose 14 lbs to fit into that new�bikini for the summer….. What if I told�you that I would like you to consider�this New Year’s resolution –�‘Get your�boobs out and start feeling them’.�

Have I caught your attention? Continue�reading to see why I want you to get�your boobs out….�

Cancer is a silent enemy; it creeps up�upon us without much warning in many�cases and the shock that it brings indi-�viduals and their families can rock peo-�ple to their very core. Breast cancer is�the second most common cancer in Ire-�land. Irish statistics note that breast can-�cer accounts for 28% of all cancers in�Irish women, with over 1700 new diag-�nosis each year. Breast cancer continues�to be responsible for an average of 644�Irish female deaths each year.�

So let’s change that statistic starting�now……�

Despite all that doom and gloom the�survival rate of Breast cancer is very�high and ultimately the best way to beat�breast cancer is to prevent it….. so what�can we do to achieve that…..�

Become breast aware�It is important that every woman from�an age as young as 20 should be breast�aware. This means knowing what feels�and looks normal for you so that if any�unusual change occurs, you will recog-�nize it immediately. The sooner you no-�tice a change the better, because�generally when breast cancer is found�early, treatment is more likely to be suc-�

cessful. Get into the habit of looking at�your breast in a mirror and make a men-�tal note of them. Feel your breasts of-�ten, the more often you feel your breast�the more familiar you become with�what’s normal for you.�

What changes should I be looking�of?�It is widely accepted that a good time to�look at your breasts is about one week�after your period or the same time each�month if you have reached menopause.�These are the changes you should be�looking for when you look at and feel�your breasts:�

§ A lump of any size, thickening�in your breast or skin�

§ Constant pain in one area of�your breast�

§ A change in size or shape of�your breast�

§ Changes in the shape of your�nipple and/or unusual dis-�charge, especially if it contains�traces of blood�

§ Any changes in the skin condi-�tion – dimpling, puckering, rash�or redness�

§ ‘Orange Peel’ skin caused by�unusually enlarged pores�

§ Veins that have become more�noticeable or prominent�

§ Lumps, swelling or constant�pain in your armpit especially�around the area of your lymph�nodes�

Looking for changes� �· Place your hands by your sides�

and turn yourself from side to�side while carefully and with�great detail look at your breasts�in the mirror.�

· Raise your arms above your�head and again look at your�breasts, don’t forget to look�around the area of your armpits�too to detect any changes there.�

· Place your hands on your hips�with your elbows pushed for-�ward and again look at your�breasts not forgetting to turn�from side to side.�

Remember that most breast changes are�not cancer and over eighty percent of�breast lumps are benign such as fibro-�cystic breast disease, but all lumps and�changes should be checked out with�your doctor.�

How to feel for changes�

Feel each breast in turn. Keeping your�fingers together and flat, firmly move�over the whole breast, including the nip-�ple and armpit. Feeling your breast is�often easier to do the bath or shower�especially with a soapy hand. Some�women prefer to feel for changes while�lying down but either way is ok. If you�are starting to feel your breasts for the�first time then really take the time to go�over every area maybe several times ev-�ery month, this will familiarize you very�well with your breasts.�

.�And become Breast Cancer Aware�

By Catherine A Connors�

Page 13: De-Stress Spring 2010

.�And become Breast Cancer Aware�

It’s amazing how little�we know our own�bodies sometimes – a�simple test is this, put�your hands behind�your back and now�describe what your�right hand looks like,�what’s is the texture of�

your skin, condition of your nails, any�freckles? Yes, where? …… harder that it�seems right.�

Likewise anyone who is lucky enough to�be able to feel a woman’s breasts (be�that boyfriend, husband or girlfriend)�should point out if they feel something�that’s not quite right.�

Remember to always keep these�thoughts in your mind –�

· I know what’s normal for me so�therefore I can spot when�something changes�

· I know what to look for and to�feel for�

· I will discuss any changes with�my doctor without delay�

· If I am at the age for routine�breast screening I will attend�and make my appointments�without delay�

Life changes�

With the time our bodies change and a�woman’s body is constantly changing�with the natural menstrual cycle so it’s�important to know what’s normal for�you. Here are some of the natural�changes to watch out for.�

·� Menstrual cycle� – every�month your breasts change dur-�ing menstruation, they can be-�come bigger, tenderer and�sometimes lumpy; this is more�often the case before your peri-�od. Some women have tender�breasts throughout their cycle�and if you are concerned about�this then a chat with the doctor�is in order.�

·� Pregnancy & breast-feeding�– during pregnancy and breast-�feeding your breasts may be�very enlarged, firm and tender,�remember this is normal at this�time. But you should continue�to check your breasts and note�any changes with your doctor.�

·� The menopause� - after the�menopause breasts will feel�softer and they may change, for�example get smaller and in�other cases bigger. Continue�your breast checks during and�after menopause and discuss�any changes big or small with�your doctor.�

What to do if you find something�First of all do not panic, many lumps�and changes found are not cancerous at�all. In fact many lumps end up been be-�

nign and are no risk, I had a lumpec-�tomy myself 9 years ago and my lump�was benign. Although I remember how�it was a frightening situation to find my-�self in, I have not forgotten so can un-�derstand how others feel when they�discover a lump.� Make an appointment to see your doc-�tor as soon as possible, never leave�something like this on the long finger.�After the doctor examines your breasts�he/she is often able to reassure you that�there is nothing to be alarmed for. You�may be sent to a breast clinic for a more�detailed examination and again this isn’t�something to be alarmed about.�Never be afraid that you are making a�fuss when it comes to your health, nine�out of ten breast lumps are harmless but�peace of mind that comes with a full�examination is priceless. Irish women�have a 1 in 12 chance of developing�breast cancer at some point in their lives,�so remember the old saying ‘prevention�is better than cure’…..�And for you guys� – breast cancer af-�fects you too and you should also be�checking your chests for unusual�changes or lumps, around 14 men de-�velop breast cancer in Ireland each year.�Always remember that your health is�your wealth……�

"Early detection is key, and if I hadn't found�my lump early, I don't know what would have�been. I am still here and I want to encourage�

women to do that on a regular basis."� -�

So what are you waiting for – get those�boobs out……�

De-Stress Magazine - Spring 2010 - Page 13�De-Stress Magazine - Spring 2010 - Pae 15�

Page 14: De-Stress Spring 2010

De-Stress Magazine - Spring 2010 - Page 14�

The Power of NOW�by Eckhart Tolle�

I wrote the following review before I finished my Coaching Training some�years ago. I am including it as a heartfelt personal experience before I had�crossed over to “the other side” and bought into the concept of coaching. I�hope it helps to portray an account of a young woman’s feelings about a�book she has read when challenging her own inner sense of being:�

The moment I began reading this book, I sensed that I had�really hit on something that was going to define for me the�importance of relying on the NOW and not constantly striv-�ing for a better life in the future, racing to get there… or delv-�ing into the past and allowing those incidents or reactions�repeat themselves, conjuring up mislaid images and forgotten�true memories. This book in 200 pages, clearly (if you are will-�ing to be open minded) puts into perspective for me, the�

power of the pres-�ent moment.�

I have always had a�problem with the�word God, and�now I suddenly see�a way to accept it�just as a word –�that’s all it is.. just a�signpost. I feel�lucky however, that�I was able to dis-�cover what God�really is in past�months – God is�my God, deep in-�side me – my spiri-�tual self which I�had ignored for a�long time, and sub-�sequently forgot-�ton. Tolle’s book�had raised aware-�

ness within me that I had been denying for so long. However,�for this I thank not Tolle, but myself, as I have allowed myself�to look inside again and see true beauty, integrity, love, respect�and belief.�

I enjoyed the parables, analogies and metophors he uses�throughout the book, and his emphasis on FEAR. He has ex-�plored all levels of fear and all it’s guises – now I see fear in-�side me that I had labelled as something else – now I can�finally face those fears, and go and DO MY THING anyway!�“Loss of Now is Loss of Being” – what a thing to say, and�how he says it! The complete book for me is contained in that�sentence.�

Since reading this book, I am noticing that I am much more�conscious, thinking much more in the present, especially�when I am inclined to think, think, and wander with my�thoughts. That’s how my emotions were controlling me, and�my ego being massaged all this time. I feel free of all that now,�and trust in myself (OK at least I am getting there!). By resist-�ing what is, we are turning the present into an enemy, this can�only cause unhappiness and conflict. I truly believe this.�

Tolle compares feeling to thinking – “Feeling will get you�closer to the truth of who you are than thinking.” I agree that�we need to look inside more – at our inner selves – that is�where all the answers are. He firmly states that he “cannot tell�me anything that deep within I don’t already know”. This�concept seems to permeate through the coaching world – we�all have our own answers! We just need to trust in our in-�stincts, and enjoy being in ourselves. Next time someone�apologises for keeping me waiting, I can say I was not waiting,�I was “enjoying myself – in joy with my self”�

When will we love ourselves, others and our world?�When will we trust in ourselves, and not live in fear?�When will we stop feeding our egos?�

Well, I am certainly going to start trying, from the inside out!�

I still agree with all that I wrote above, and still refer to Tolle’s great�book from time to time. Since, I have also read “A New Earth”�

(another day’s article)�

By Elaine Rogers�

Page 15: De-Stress Spring 2010� On-line shopping in Ireland� was launched in November 2008 by local Businesswoman Sian�Maloney. Sian is originally from Bettystown,Co Meath and realised that there was a need�for an online business that promoted local shops and businesses that may not have an�online presence. She began with just over 20 businesses on and�this has now grown to over 60.� sell luxury Gift Vouchers and Gifts on their behalf and these�can be sent to anywhere in Ireland. They also have a Wedding and Gift List facility�allowing clients to select their gifts from any of their huge Partner Business database and�compile one Gift List that their guests can choose from and have them delivered at a�time and date that suits them.� have a huge selection of gifts covering every special occasion.�They have everything from Newbridge Silver and John Rocha to Handmade Chocolate�Wine Hampers. And for the more outdoor types you can select from golf at the�prestigious Baltray Golf Course or Hot Air Balloon Rides anywhere in Ireland. They also�have vouchers that you can purchase which can be spent in any of the stores. Perfect for�those Staff schemes and tax breaks also!�

Sian is presently looking at expanding the delivery option�to the UK market and also developing an online E-�Voucher system which will enable shoppers to email their�vouchers and spend them online. She is also launching�her new Shopping Forum�

Sian can be contacted for any gift queries at�[email protected] or on Twitter at http://��

Please support Local Businesses.�

Page 16: De-Stress Spring 2010

Be sure not to miss our upcoming�Summer issue .....�

Taking care of your skin during the hot�summer months�

Some great Summer BBQ Recipes�

Keep Fit with great�summer sports�

And lots more.....�