DBZ in Rifts

New Rules There are many new rules that I have created for this game. These help make characters stronger and it also adds a twist to the game. Chi Regeneration Chi is the warrior's main asset. Once chi is used, it can only be naturally regained. After one full day of rest, half of the chi is regained, in another full day of rest it will all be regained. After one full day of slight exertion (walking, running, or flying) one quarter is regained. If the warrior is involved in one fight where he uses more thann ten PE points, only 10% of his chi is regained in that day. This is just a general guidline, if the GM wants to change the rules, by all means feel free. Character Class A Character's class, of which there are five, determines the character's power level: minor, major, galactic, intergalactic, and godlike. A character that is minor has an extremely hard time damaging a character that is intergalactic or godlike. A character that is minor does 50% damage against a major, 25% against galactic, 12.5% against intergalactic, and 6.25% against godlike. For example Goran a minor does 100 damage to Korak an intergalactic being, he only does 13 damage (rounding up) because of his class. For every level lower the character is, they do half damage. For every class higher your character is they get +2 strike and dodge. Note this rules must be used, it gives a real balance and a better playability, trust me it is necessary. PE Count A characters physical endurance indicates many things. In the Dragon Ball RPG, it tells how many melee rounds a character can engage in combat. A character with a PE of 25, can fight non stop

Transcript of DBZ in Rifts

New Rules

There are many new rules that I have created for this game. These help make characters stronger and it also adds a twist to the game.

Chi Regeneration

Chi is the warrior's main asset. Once chi is used, it can only be naturally regained. After one full day of rest, half of the chi is regained, in another full day of rest it will all be regained. After one full day of slight exertion (walking, running, or flying) one quarter is regained. If the warrior is involved in one fight where he uses more thann ten PE points, only 10% of his chi is regained in that day. This is just a general guidline, if the GM wants to change the rules, by all means feel free.

Character Class

A Character's class, of which there are five, determines the character's power level: minor, major, galactic, intergalactic, and godlike. A character that is minor has an extremely hard time damaging a character that is intergalactic or godlike. A character that is minor does 50% damage against a major, 25% against galactic, 12.5% against intergalactic, and 6.25% against godlike. For example Goran a minor does 100 damage to Korak an intergalactic being, he only does 13 damage (rounding up) because of his class. For every level lower the character is, they do half damage. For every class higher your character is they get +2 strike and dodge. Note this rules must be used, it gives a real balance and a better playability, trust me it is necessary.

PE Count

A characters physical endurance indicates many things. In the Dragon Ball RPG, it tells how many melee rounds a character can engage in combat. A character with a PE of 25, can fight non stop for 25 melee rounds. This equates to about 25 minutes of combat. There are many things that can reduce this count. You need to keep a PE count. For each round of combat, subtract one from thee PE count. If a character takes over 100 Mega Damage in one action round, subtract 1 from the PE count. When the character's PE count reaches 0 he begins to feel the effects of his activity. For every melee round that a character fights after his count reaches 0, add the following penalties. -2 to HTH damage, -2 to strike, and -2 to parry and dodge. Note that these bonuses are cumulative. Example: A character with a PE of 15 is starting the 17th melee round of combat. He should be -4 to HTH damage, -4 to strike, and -4 to parry and dodge. Eventually the character will reach 0 on all of these things. Then he will probably get pummeled by his enemy.

Combat Bonuses

The charts stop at +15 to HTH damage so I decided to continue them. For every 5 after 30, give +1 to damage. For example Gotenks has PS 45 so he is +18 HTH damamge. This goes the same

for PP. A character with PP 40 will be +10 to strike, parry, and dodge (excluding training). So now you are not limited to a small bonus like that. I also created a new bonus that would help strenghten Chi based attacks. A high mental endurance is equally valuable in the world of Dragon Ball. ME will use the same chart as PS. A character with a ME of 30 gets a +15 Chi damage bonus. And like the rest of the bonuses, for every five after 30 the character will receive +1 to chi damage. Now fireballs won't be short-changed in combat.

Bonuses for Chi Based Attacks

Chi comes from your mind and body. Besides the ME bonus, Chi based attacks also receive the same bonuses to strike as normal HTH attacks. So a character with a PP of 30 will recieve +8 to strike on HTH and chi attacks.


I decided to adopt a universal attack system instead of having varying dice to roll for different characters.Attacks include Punch 1d6, Power Punch 1d8, Kick 2d8, Ram 2d6+SPD, Double axe handle 2d6, Dropkick 3d6, Elbow 1d4, and Knee 1d10. There are certain restrictions though. Ram can only be performed once per melee. You may be wondering, why even use the regular punch? Well if you use just one pair of limbs they would tire, so that's a reason.

The Humor Rule

Despite the massive life and death situation, the Z warriors find some way to goof around. If you're campaign is just straight up fighting, it will get boring real fast.

The Death Factor

If characters die, let them come back some how. Also when a character drops below 0 it doesn't necessarily mean he is dead. Just take his bloodied body to the nearest capsule corp building and put him in a healing tank. Give them a 50% chance of survival.

Power Levels

There is no formula that was used to make the power levels of Akira Toriyama's characters so I had to make up my own. (PS+PP)x(Chi+MDC)=their power levels. When a Saiyan goes Super Saiyan, its a little different. At SS1 multiply the power level times 2. At SS2 multiply by 3 and so on. This will make their power levels a lot higher.

Unique Abilities Chart

By: Reed Schaffer

Unique Abilities:

1-5% Good At Chi Control: +3 to Strike with chi Attacks and +100 chi also starts with the appropriate ki guidance skills (homing Kamehameha, Souki-Dan, or what ever).

6-10% Wild Chi:Your Chi is powerful but uncontrollable- -2 to strike with chi blasts, +40 chi, (under stress all of your Ki blasts are +4 to strike and +3D6x10 to Damage!!!)

7-15% Pioneer: You have +30% to Chi Invention Skill

16-20% Unbridled Fury/ Weakling: -20 chi -1 to Strike, Parry, Dodge, minus one damage die ( But when you get mad: +100 chi, +3 to strike, parry, and dodge and x2 damage...however you must fail an insanity roll in a moment of stress)

21%-25% Natural Strength: You were born strong: +3 to all physical attributes and +1 to strike, parry and dodge, + 45 MDC.

26-30%: Slowly but surely...you become stronger: -3 strike, parry and dodge, -20 MDC, -20 chi, 1 less power. +1 to Strike, Parry, and Dodge, +10 MDC, +10 chi and 1 power more per level.

31-35: Coupe De Grace: Your fighting style is beautiful and effective- +2 to Strike, Parry, and Dodge, on a natural 20 your character stuns his opponent for 1 round as well as the normal bonuses, +2 P.B., +2 P.P.

36-40: Chosen!You will be the next Super of your race (Super Saiya-Jin 4, Super Nameck, Super Human, etc.) under tremendous stress during the course of an adventure the game master will design and make you a new form! All other characters will not reach this level until two levels after you have had it.

41-45%: Very Fast!!!-add two attacks, +4 to P.P, +10 to Spd, -2 to P.S. and P.E. and you start with Zanzoken, Combat Teleport and Multi-Fireball attack.

46-50%: Super Weapon- You start with a major rune weapon that you happen to have mastered to the third level.

51-55%: Hero!!!- You have +4 to strike, parry, and dodge as well as +50 MDC and PPE if you are fighting specifically to save someones life if they are in immediate danger of dying.

56-60%: Extremely Strong: +4 to P.S., +10 P.E., +75 MDC, (Starts with Bulk Up even if human or Saiyan)

61-70%: Fierce Style: Your attacks are fierce and animalistic- add two attacks, criticals strikes do x3 damage, +4 M.A. (very intimadating to be around), +2 to strike,-2 to parry, +2 to dodge.

71-75%: Final Ki Attacker: You perfer to finish your opponents off with big Ki blasts instead of pelting them with smaller ones- +100 cih and the largest chi attack is at +4 to strike and x2 damage if it is done after 5 rounds of pure hand to hand attacks only.

76-80%: One Smooth Mother*&%&*#- Your attacks are +4 to strike as long as you say something smooth before you attack (arrogant, clever, funny, just has to be smooth), +4 to P.B. and M.A. 'cause your so cool!

81-85%: Very Small: Your stature belies your true power- -2 feet off of height, -5 P.S. and P.E. but also your P.P. and Spd are at +5, -50 MDC, +100 chi (also you are very sensitive about your height and if anyone jokes about it your attacks suddenly go up one die in damage).

86-90%: Very Calm- Under normal circumstances you cannot be suprised by an attack and you are +4 to any defensive action and +2 attacks because of this. However if you under go some sort of tradgedy you will go berserk and go to -5 to defensive actions but you gain +8 to strike, x2 damage, 2 extra attacks, and +100 chi and MDC as well as two tries at ki invention but this must be a tradgedy, at least one person must be killed or in SERIOUS trouble. If he kills an opponent he will be depressed and reluctant to fight.

91-95%: Quick Learner- has 4 Ki Invention tries per level and can learn skills from any style and knows two styles of combat.

96-00% Saint- You are Princapled, +3 to all atributes and people always save your ass at least once in the adventure and you always save someones ass each adventure, you are also favored by most enabling you to learn techniques from the most secretive masters and get supplies and contacts from the best of NPC's however you are also the most hated by villans and are constantly called to help against them.

Ki Technique Invention Skill

By: Reed Schaffer

Ki Technique Invention: This is the study of the internal workings of Ki. In order to do this a character needs to roll within a given percentile to create a new attack or improve on an old one. Each experince level has only two of these tries to make\improve a technique, if it fails... that is that, no Ki technique, since the penlties are cumulative a character can have a chance to create that technique as powerful as he or she wants to, but those who choose powerful techniques may find themselves regularly failing they're roll while others make and improve techniques gradually and prudently probably succeed at there rolls more often than not either way it is a risk in losing a powerful technique or falling behind in power. However if it is a pivotal moment in a adventure a character may summon up another try or two in a heartbeat with a little dramatic role-playing ( YOU BASTARD, YOU WILL PAY!!! KABOOOOM!!!!). 60%/+10% per level

Damage: Range:

+1d6-3d6 -2% each die touch +5%

+4d6-9d6 -3% each die 100-5000ft -0.5% each 100 feet

+1d6x10 -10% 6000-10000ft -1% each 100 feet

+2d6x10 -15% 11000-25000ft -1.5% each 100 feet

+3d6x10 -25% 26000-50000ft -2% each 100 feet

+4d6x10 -30% 51000-75000ft -2.5% each 100 feet

+5d6x10 -35% 76000-100000ft -3% each 100 feet

+6d6x10 -40%

+7d6x10 -50% Ki Expendance:

+8d6x10 -60% + 1-5 ki -6% per point

+9d6x10 -70% + 6-20 ki -8% per point

+1d6x100 -80% + 21-40 ki -10% per point

+2d6x100 -90% - 1-infinity ki +0.5% per point Sample Special Abilities:

Invisible attack ( -5 to defend against without ki sense) -15%

Armor Piercing -10%

Shield Piercing -20%

Remote Attack (roll to strike again if you miss for half original ki) -20%

Gathers Energy (halfs charge up time) Willing -40%/Unwilling -70% (save vs. psionics)

Stasis Attack -.5% per strength point times duration in rounds

Wide radius -5% per minus to dodge against up to -15

Multiple attack -50% times each six sided die

Abnormally Angled (-6 split between parry and dodge) -20%

Rapid Attack (charge for one melee to double or triple attacks) -5%/-50%

Optional: two "tries" may be given up for an established power if that character has a teacher, of coures it is of varying difficulty to get a teacher to show you that technique. Also a GM may limit more powerful attacks by coming up with reasons such as "You are too inexperianced to wield such an attack as of yet, but later it will be available" or "that much Ki sent from your body is a wracking experience for some one who is not used to it, if you do you risk (insanity, fainting, misfire or whatever)".

Schools of Technique

There are many schools throughout the world that teach many forms of fighting The following is a list of schools, there location, and the techniques they teach.

Kamesennin- The Turtle School

This school is taught by the infamous Master Roshi. It is not a school at all Master Roshi lives in the middle of the Pacific ocean. His house, wich says Kame House on the side is where he trains students. Master Roshi wished for immortality so that he could try to hit on women forever. He lives on his island with whatever students are there and his turtle. The first part of training is for students to carry a large turtle shell on their back for the month of training. Carrying the shell for a full month, will give the characeter +5 STR, +5 PE, and +5 PP. The main part of training is improving the mind and body so that they become strong and ready for combat.Roshi will teach students the Rapid Punch technique the first week. It allows them to punch 1d6 times per action. They are kind of like actions within an action. All of the punches do the regular amount of damage. The characters can use this once per melee. During the second week, Roshi will teach the students the art of dodging. It allows the character to dodge without using an action. The final two weeks will be spent learning how to focus chi into balls of energy. The character's initial fireballs will cost 5 chi per 1d10 MD. The Martial Artist can only use 30 times his level in chi. The characters have now recieved enough training to become an official member of the Kamesennin school. Because of their physical training give the students +5 ME, +10 PS, +10 PP, +5 PE, and +25 chi.

If Master Roshi likes the students (any alignment good, selfish, or an aberrant) he will ask them to stay for further training. Roshi will now teach the students more advanced techniques. The characters will learn how to do the KameHameHa fireball. It is very powerful and allows the character to throw a large ball of chi at his opponent. KameHameHa: 1d6x10 MD +1d6x10 per level chi: 30. The character must yell KameHameHa very loudly. It takes one action. This fireball can be used as many times per combat as his chi will permit. It takes a full two weeks to master the fireball. The next technique Roshi will teach is the Zanzoken. This lets the user move so fast that he leaves an after image. This will allow the character to attack from a different spot while the enemy is confused. This technique will take the character three weeks to master. For

every 25 points of SPD the character has he leaves two after images each after image costs 5 chi.For every two after images, the character gets +4 to strike. The character can also try to move outside of his enemies' LOS. If he does there is a 60% chance that the enemy will not know and will fire at on of the after images. The last technique that Master Roshi will teach the students is the Mafuba. This is a special blast used to imprison a demon. The character must use half of their chi to imprison the demon. The attack is +4 to strike. After the demon is hit, the blast must be directed into a container. The demon is now imprisoned until it is released. Note that the enemy must be a real demon not just an enemy or it will not work. The main downside to this technique is that the attacker dies. This technique takes one month to master. The character has now completed the advanced training for Kamesennin. After leaving the school, the character will recieve a Martial Arts Gi with the Kamesennin symbol on it. The character's final bonuses are +10 to ME, +5 to PS, +5 to PP, and +25 chi. The further training focuses more on the mental than the physical Tsurennin- The Crane School

Here are the basic techniques, for now!!

Dodonpa- starts 2d6x10 and costs 30 chi. The Dodonpa gains 1d6x10 damage each level.

Taiyoken- costs 20 chi, and blinds anyone who doesn't close their eyes for two actions. After the first time the characters get to roll a saving throw versus the Taiyoken. Greater than 12 means they closed their eyes in time.

Shin-Kikoha- this is the most powerful blast of the Tsurennin school. This attack uses 15 PE points and 45 chi. It inflicts 3d6x10 +1d6x10 MD per level. If the character keeps using it and drops below 0 PE points, they have a 50% chance of dying.

Multi Punch- 1d6 punches, only usable once per melee.

Split form technique-check special tech page

Minor ESP- allows the character to communicate through his mind with other people at the cost of 5 chi per minute.

Attribute bonuses- +15 ME, +15 PS, +15 PP, +15 PE, and +15 SPD for a Martial Artist.

Martial Artist

Martial Artist Occ/Rcc

The Martial artist is a human trained in the fine arts of combat. They can't become as strong as Saiyans and Nameks, but they can get very tough. They have trained long and hard for their abilities. Roll the attributes and add the following bonuses. ME +5, PS+5, PP+5, PE+3, and SPD+10. countless hours of training MDC: PEx4+15 per level. He has also gained an inner connection with the Earth and his mind, body, and spirit. Chi: MEx15+10 per level. Because of his focus, the Martial Artist gets +1 attack per melee. Class: Minor, at level three they become major and at level 10 they become Galactic.


HTH:Martial Arts, Boxing, Acrobatics, Athletics, WP Sword, WP Knife, and Gymnastics. Other 5: Physical:one, WP:one, Domestic:one +5%, Wilderness: one+25%, and Technical:language or literacy+15%. Choose one school of technique. The Martial Artist will know the Techniques taught there and will also recieve the bonuses from training.


1. The Martial Artist's chi acts as a shield. All damage is subtracted from his chi and then goes on to his MDC. 1 pt of chi= 1 pt MD.

2. Martial Artists can only be trained by a Martial Artist Master. To become a Master, he must be level 10. He can learn techniques over the course of a month. He must devote most of his time to training for the techniques.

3. The Martial Artist has the potential to focus his chi into balls of energy Most schools of technique teach the students how to focus their chi.

4. For every level the Martial Artist gains, he gets +2 PS, +2 PP, and +3 SPD

5. Martial Artists naturally regain chi at the rate of ten chi per 5 melees. Equipment The Martial Artist will have a gui with the insignia of his school of technique. He will also have 100-250 credits, a backpack, a knife and rations for a week.


Once they recieve basic training, they can begin to learn the following skills. Pick one at each level including level 1.

1.Flight: The Martial Artist can fly 100 mph. Flying costs one chi per hour.

2.Advanced Flight: Must have flight. The Martial Artist can fly at Mach 5 tops. It costs 5 chi per hour. This generates a blue aero field around the character.

3.Multi-Fireball: This takes one action. It shoots 1d6 fireball lev. 1-3, 2d6 lev.4-6, and 3d6 lev. 5-15. Each fireball inflicts 1d10 MD. Costs 35 chi. Must have discharge.

4.Charge: This allows the character to gain chi from their surroundings. The character will gain 25 chi per action. This is put into a seperate pool. They can never gain more than their limit and it goes away after the battle is over. A Saiyan can only use this 2x his level during a battle.

5.Aura of Protection: For every point of Chi used the MA gains 5 MDC. It only lasts for one action. It costs no actions to use and can be put up automatically. He can never spend more than twenty five times his level. A level one character can only have 125 MDC.

6.Sense Chi: The MA can detect a chi trace across an entire planet. It costs 10 chi. There is a 50% chance that he will recognize the chi trace of someone familiar to them like a friend or an arch enemy.

Saiyan Rcc

Saiyan Warrior RCC/OCC

Attributes: IQ 4d4, ME 3d6+2, MA 2d6+5, PS 3d6+20, PP 2d6+20, PE 3d6+15, PB 3d6, SPD 6d6. MDC: PEx10+25 per level. Hit points: PE(mega damage) Don't throw extra dice for having over a 16.Chi: ME+PEx5+25 chi per level. +1 attack per melee. Class: Major, at level 8 they become galactic, and at level 12 they become intergalactic. Each level of Super Saiyan adds one class so A level 8 Saiyan turns Super Saiyan 2 and his class is Godlike.



HTH: Martial Arts level 2, Wrestling, Gymnastics, Acrobatics, Body Building, Athletics, and 3 WPs.If the Saiyan is from the Freezan society, he or she will have Read Sensory

Equipment(Scouter)75%. Select 2 other skill: 1 Physical and 1 domestic.

Saiyans usually don't pursue many other areas of interest. They find studying very dull and stick to the physical. Saiyans only have one caste, the warrior. No OCC can be chosen because it would make them too powerful. Note that you should treat all bonuses to HTH combat damage as MD since Saiyans are superstrong. For example, Gotenk's strength is 30 and he gets +15 to damage. If he rolls 5 on his punch add the 15 so it makes 20. I don't know if this is already a rule or not but it is now. Since the chart stops at 30, add one for every five levels after that and do the same for every other physical attribute.


1. After each battle if the Saiyan won he gains 200 exp.

2. Saiyans are born with a tail. It gives them the ability to turn into a giant were-gorilla during a full moon. Attributes while in this form: PS 1d4x10+PS, PP: 1/2, PE: 5d6, PB: 1d4, Spd: same, and MDCx2. The Were-Gorilla's tale will have 10 MDC, and is -5 to strike There is a 60% chance that the character will lose control while in this form. If they lose control their IQ becomes 3. GM can take control. If the player mantains control they gain the ability to shoot fireballs from their mouth at 1d8x10. They also keep the rest of their chi powered abilities. The ape is 40ft+1d6, dark brown fur and a snout. The Saiyans tail will grow back even it is cut off until he reaches the age of 12. After this it doesn't grow back.

3. Saiyans have a 6th sense unlike the psychic power, it costs no ISP. It comes naturally to them.

4. Each time a Saiyan is brought below 0 MDC, they recover stronger than before. After they recover they gain 10 MDC, +1 PS, +2 PE, +1 PP, +10 chi, and 150 exp. They only gain theses bonuses when they don’t try to lose.

5. For each level they improve a Saiyan gains 5 points that he can add to any of his physical attributes (PS,PP,PE, and Spd)

6.If a Saiyan's tail is grabbed, they suffer from penalties. The enemy must hold their tail tightly. The Saiyan becomes paralyzed with one action per melee. They are -15 to dodge, their PS becomes 3, and they can't use their powers. They can only get out if the enemy lets go. Note that this is a very serious weakness and often results in death.

7. For every twenty chi the character has(including that fom Kaioken and Charge) they gain +1 STR. For example, Gotenks has 120 chi, he charges and gets 50 and uses the Kaioken for 200 chi, so he gets +19 to STR. Remember to add the new bonuses when attacking. Once they use some of their chi the bonsuses will drop with the number of remaining chi points.

8.Auto-dodge: the Saiyan can dodge as many times per melee as he likes. Dodging an attack from behind costs one action.  


Powers are abilities that Saiyans can gain through training and experience. Choose two at first level, and one for every level after that

1.Flight: The Saiyan can fly 100 mph. Flying costs one chi per hour.

2.Advanced Flight: Must have flight. The Saiyan can fly at Mach 5 tops. It costs 5 chi per hour. This generates a blue aero field around the Saiyan.

3.Discharge: Saiyans have the ability to discharge chi as balls of energy. The balls inflict 1d6 MD per 5 chi spent. A Saiyan can never use more chi than 15x his level.

5.Multi-Fireball: This takes one action. It shoots 1d6 fireball lev. 1-3, 2d6 lev.4-6, and 3d6 lev. 5-15. Each fireball inflicts 1d6 MD. Costs 35 chi. Must have discharge.

6.Combat Teleport: This allows character to move extremely fast for a short period of time. It is not an actual teleport. They can only teleport within their line of sight and it does not use an action. Make dodge roll. If they fail they can try to use normal dodge. Costs 8 chi and must have SPD 45+.

7.Super Saiyan: Super Saiyan is usually achieved in a high pressure situation. When the Saiyans heart is filled with fury he undergoes this transformation. The Saiyan is covered in a gold glowing energy field. Their hair stands straight up and turns golden. While Super Saiyan, the Saiyan recieves +3d10 PS, +3d10 PP, +4d10 SPD, +100 MDC, +200 Chi, and +1 attack. It can be cut off at will and the Saiyan must have at least 1 chi left in his pool. While in this form,his chi can act as an aura of protection 1 chi=1 MDC. They can choose at the begining of a round if the damage will go to their chi or MDC. The character must be level 4 to select this.

8.Super Saiyan2: This is the similar to SS1 but the character has a lot more muscle mass. The Saiyan gets +4d10 PS, +2d10 PP, +125 chi, +100 MDC and +1 attack.(Note: these are all added to the bonuses of SS1 This level has the same restrictions as SS1 and can't be picked until level 6 and you must have SS 1.

9.Super Saiyan3: Character's hair grows down to his waist and remains golden. Bonuses to SS1 +4d10 PS, +3d10 PE, +3d10 PP, SPD +3d10, Chi +150, +100 MDC and +1 attack.(Note the bonuses of SS1 and SS2 are added to these) Because this form is so powerful it costs 5 chi per melee to keep it up. It takes 3 melee rounds to do the first time then only 1 melee any time after that. This cannot be selected until level 8. Must have SS1 and SS2.

10.Super Saiyan4: This is the strongest level achieved by any Saiyan warrior. A character must have a tail to reach this level. The arms, torso (except for upper abs and chest), and tail become covered with red fur. The Saiyan's hair becomes twice as thick and turns jet black. They get +4d10 STR, +3d10 PP, +4d10 SPD, +200 chi, +200 MDC and +1 attack.

11.Charge: This allows the character to gain chi from their surroundings. The character will gain 25 chi per action. This is put into a seperate pool. They can never gain more than their limit and it goes away after the battle is over. A Saiyan can only use this 2x his level during a battle.

12.Aura of Protection: For every point of Chi used the Saiyan gains 5 MDC. It only lasts for one action. It costs no actions to use and can be put up automatically. He can never spend more than twenty five times his level. A level one character can only have 125 MDC. This can't be used while in Super Saiyan mode.

13.Sense Chi: The Saiyan can detect a chi trace across an entire planet. It costs 10 chi. There is a 50% chance that he will recognize the chi trace of someone familiar to them like a friend or an arch enemy.

14.Tail Training: The character takes time to train his tail for use in combat. Tail damage is now 4d6 +1 to strike. They now can get a saving throw if someone grabs their tail. If they roll over 11 then they are fine, anything below makes them suffer from usual penalties.

15.Create Moon: Yeah this creates a moon. It is a shining light in the air that substitutes for the moon and allows the saiyan to turn into their were ape form. It has 50 MDC. It costs the creator 10 chi per melee to keep up.

Half Breed Saiyans

Saiyans that are part human are even more powerful than regular Saiyans. Add 1d6 to all physical attributes, and they can select Super Saiyan powers at 2 lower levels. There only drawback is that they cannot go past Super Saiyan 2.



The Saiyan battle pod travels at 100 light years an hour. It has 500 MDC and space for one person.

There will be more stuff later so check back every once in a while.

Namek Rcc

Namek Warrior RCC

Attributes: IQ 3d6, ME 4d6, MA 4d6+2, PS 4d6+5, PP 3d6+15, PE 5d6+3, PB 3d6, SPD 5d6. MDC: PEx10+25 per level and Hit Points: PE (in mega damage). Don't throw extra dice for having over a 16. CHI: MEx15+30 chi per level. +2 action per melee. Class: Major, at level 4 they become Galactic, and at level 8 they become intergalactic.


HTH:Martial Arts, Acrobatics, Gymnastics, Athletics, Running, Wilderness Survival +20%, Literacy +30%, 2 WPs, and Land Navigation +34%. Related Pick 3:1 Physical: any, 1 Domestic: any, and Prowl +30%.


1. Nameks have the ability to discharge their chi as beams of energy. Regular blast 1d6 MD and costs 5 chi.

2. Nameks also have the ability to re-grow limbs by using their chi. Arm 20 chi, Leg 30 chi, finger 5 chi, and hand 10 chi.

3. Nameks regenerate damage at the rate of 1d6 MD every 2 melees.

4. Nameks are born with the ability to fly. They can fly at a top speed of 250 mph. Add 50 mph every level.

5. For each level gained the Namek gets +1 ME, +1 MA, +1, PP, and +2 SPD. For every two levels they gain the Namek gets +1 STR.

6. Nameks can add 15 chi to any fireball to add 1d6 MD, except eye beams. He can never use more than 30 times his level in chi. Ex:Lev1 can only use 30 chi.

7.Fuse: The Namek can fuse with another Namek forever. This is usually done if one is dying. This cannot be forced upon the other Namek. The Namek gets the average of his and the other Nameks chi divided by two. This is the same for MDC. Take 1/4 of the dying Namek's attributes and add them to the other. GM Note: This is very powerful and should not be done very often.



Powers are abilities that the Namek can gain through experience and training. Select three at first level and one for every level after.

1.Eye beams: The Namek can blast small beams of energy through his eyes as a counterattack. 3d6 MD 10 chi. +1d6 every two levels.

2.Mouth Blast: This is a strong attack let loose through the Namek's mouth. 4d8 MD 25 chi.

3.Homebrew Fireball: Choose gestures and name. 1-5d10 MD for every die chosen it costs 8 chi. +1d10 each level

4.Enhanced Healing: The Namek can now regenerate 2d6 MD every 2 melee rounds.

5.Combat Teleport: This allows character to move extremely fast for a short period of time. It is not an actual teleport. They can only teleport within their line of sight and it does not use an action. Make dodge roll. If they fail they can try to use normal dodge. Costs 8 chi and must have SPD 45+.

6.Charge: This allows the character to gain chi from their surroundings. The character will gain 50 chi per action. This is put into a seperate pool. They can never gain more than their limit and it goes away after the battle is over.

7.Advanced Flight: The Namek can fly at Mach 8. It costs 5 chi per hour.

8.Bulk Up: The Namek can spend 5 chi to give himself +1 to HTH combat damage for that action.

9.Super Bulk Up: Must have Bulk Up. The Namek can spend 10 chi to give himself +3 to HTH combat damage for that action.

10.Sense Chi: The Namek can sense chi traces across the planet. There is a 50% chance that he will recognize specific traces like friends and foes.

11.Multi-Fireball: This takes one action to set up. It shoots 1d6 fireball lev. 1-3, 2d6 lev.4-6, and 3d6 lev. 7-15. Each fireball inflicts 1d6 MD. Costs 35 chi.

Android RCC

IQ 4d6, ME 4d6, MA 4d6, PS 3d6+25, PP 3d6+25, PE*, PB 3d6, SPD 3d6+30. MDC: 350+25/level. Chi: 350+25/level. Class: Galactic, at level 7 they become intergalactic. * The Androids never tire, they can only run out of chi or be destroyed. Damage can slow them down, but it is only from the damage to the internal structure.

Each level the Androids get 5 points to add to any attributes.

Androids start with the flight and Discharge. Their Discharge costs 5 chi per 1d10 MD and they can use 25x their level.

Choose 2 at level one and 1 each following level

1. Advanced Flight: The Android can fly at Mach 10 tops. It costs 5 chi per hour. This generates a blue blast field around the Android.

2. Trademark Fireball: The Android can make his own fireball. It needs a name and specific gestures. Choose from 1-3d10 MD+1d10 per level. If you choose 1d10 MD it costs 10 chi, 20 chi for 2d10 and 30 chi for 3d10. Must have discharge.

3. Multi-Fireball: It shoots 1d6 fireball level 1-3, 2d6 level 4-6, and 3d6 level 5-15. Each fireball inflicts 1d6 MD. Costs 35 chi. Must have discharge.

4. Sense Chi: The Android can detect a chi trace across an entire planet. It costs 10 chi. There is a 50% chance that he will recognize the chi trace of someone familiar to them like a friend or an archenemy.

5. Eye beams: The Android can blast small beams of energy through his eyes as a counterattack. 3d6 MD 10 chi. +1d6 every two levels.

6. Bomber Blast: The Android can create balls of Chi that are explosive. There are three sizes, small 2d6 MD with a blast area of ten feet 15 chi, medium 4d6 with a blast area of thirty feet 25 chi, and large 6d6 with a blast area of sixty feet 35 chi. All of these are -4 to strike.

7. Multi-Bomber Blast: With this the Android can create multiple blasts. The blasts do the damage of the small blasts. 1d6 blasts at level 1-4, 2d6 levels 5-9, and 3d6 at levels 10-15. Costs 50 chi.

8. Multi Punch: Because of the Android's great speed and dexterity it can attack multiple times. 1d6 punches at level 1-7, 2d6 punches at levels 8-15. These do the damage of a normal punch. This can only be used once per melee.

9. Multi Kick: 1d6 kicks levels 1-7, 2d6 levels 8-15. Can only be used once per melee.


Choose one at level one

These are very powerful techniques. They are what identifies an Android from another.

Barrier: This creates a barrier of energy around the Android for one action. For every point of Chi used the Android gains 5 MDC. He can never spend more than twenty-five times his level. A level one character can only have 125 MDC. Basically this is for one time protection against an attack that may otherwise kill you.

Energy Absorption: The Android must choose not to dodge a blast, but instead try to absorb it. If the character successfully parries the blast then he can absorb it. He gains the entire chi that the fireball was made of. They can also roll it as an attack and try to grab the person to absorb his chi. For every action they steal 25 chi.

Hell's Flash: The Android can remove his hands and make his blasts do triple damage. While he has his hands removed, he cannot punch.

Absorb Parts: If another Android is destroyed, the Android can absorb its parts and become stronger. It will absorb the main engine (a cylinder) into its chest, and a circuit board into the side of its head. The Android will learn the others super ability and one of their power. He gains +100 MDC, and +100 Chi.



HTH:Martial Arts level 3(Programmed into their system), Basic Mathematics, Advanced Mathematics, Pick 3 languages at 100%, 4 WPs, Land Navigation +14%, and Robot Combat: Basic. Skills also programmed into their system are wrestling, athletics, running, boxing and gymnastics. They recieve the bonuses from these skills.

Related Skills

Choose 2 at levels 2,4,6,and 8. Choose these according to the Androids experiences.

All attacks generated by the Android receive the bonuses from HTH combat. These are very powerful characters, but they can also be dangerous enemies.

Triclops RCC

Triclops RCC

Roll attributes normally, but add 5 to all except for IQ and PB. MDC: PE x5 and Chi: ME x15. Class: Minor, at level 4 they become major and at level 8 they become Galactic. Select one school of technique. Starts with two powers and select 1 for each level after.

Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, bodybuilding and HTH: Martial Arts.


1. The Triclops' third eye gives him many advantages. He is always +1 to strike and can distinguish between Zanzoken images.

2. Triclops have the ability to regrow limbs. It costs nothing and takes one hour no matter what the size. Note that the head is not a limb!

3. Triclops start with the Split form technique.


1.Flight: The Martial Artist can fly 100 mph. Flying costs one chi per hour.

2.Advanced Flight: Must have flight. The Martial Artist can fly at Mach 5 tops. It costs 5 chi per hour. This generates a blue aero field around the character.

3.Multi-Fireball: This takes one action. It shoots 1d6 fireball lev. 1-3, 2d6 lev.4-6, and 3d6 lev. 5-15. Each fireball inflicts 1d10 MD. Costs 35 chi. Must have discharge.

4.Charge: This allows the character to gain chi from their surroundings. The character will gain 25 chi per action. This is put into a seperate pool. They can never gain more than their limit and it goes away after the battle is over. A Saiyan can only use this 2x his level during a battle.

5.Aura of Protection: For every point of Chi used the MA gains 5 MDC. It only lasts for one action. It costs no actions to use and can be put up automatically. He can never spend more than twenty-five times his level. A level one character can only have 125 MDC.

6.Sense Chi: The MA can detect a chi trace across an entire planet. It costs 10 chi. There is a 50% chance that he will recognize the chi trace of someone familiar to

7. Quadrasplit technique: This amazazing technique allows the Triclops to split into four separate entities to allow for greater chances in battle. Each of the four triclops produced have 40% of the original Triclops' excluding IQ, MA, ME, and PB which remain the same. MDC is 40% as well as chi. This costs 40 chi and 8 PE points.

Konackan RCC

IQ 3d6, ME 3d6+20, MA 3d6, PS 3d6+10, PP 3d6+10, PE 4d6+10, PB 3d6, SPD 3d6+20. MDC: PE x10 and Chi: ME x12. Class: Major, at level 5 they become Galactic, and at level 10 they become intergalactic.

Skills: WP Sword level 2, HTH: Martial Arts, Gymnastics, Acrobatics, and athletics.


1. Konackan warriors are all granted a holy sword. This sword does 1d20 MD and receives the characters HTH damage bonus and striking bonus.

2. For every 25 chi the character has, he receives +1 HTH damage.

3. Konackans can go five days without sleep and are unaffected.


Select two at level 1, and 1 for each level after.

1.Flight: The Konackan can fly 200 mph. Flying costs one chi per hour.

2.Advanced Flight: Must have flight. The Konackan can fly at Mach 5 tops. It costs 5 chi per hour. This generates a blue aero field around the character.

3. Barrier: For every point of Chi used, the Konackan gains 5 MDC. It only lasts for one action. It costs no actions to use and can be put up automatically. He can never spend more than 30x his level. A level one character can only have 125 MDC.

4. Charge: This allows the character to gain chi from their surroundings. The character will gain 30 chi per action. This is put into a separate pool. They can never gain more than their limit and it goes away after the battle is over. A Konackan can only use this 3x his level during a battle.

5. Sense Chi: The Konackan can detect a chi trace across an entire planet. It costs 10 chi. There is a 50% chance that he will recognize the chi trace of someone familiar to them like a friend or an archenemy.

6. Tapion's Dragon Fist: This is a very powerful attack that summons a golden dragon to aid in the punch. It is +4 to strike, does 1d6x50 MD, and costs 50 chi. If the attack is successful the character should roll on the critical strike table and apply those penalties to the enemy. This cannot be picked until level 5.

7.Combat Teleport: This allows character to move extremely fast for a short period of time. It is not an actual teleport. They can only teleport within their line of sight and it does not use an action. The combat teleport can be used for attacking or dodging. Make a normal roll for whatever you are doing (attacking or dodging) if that roll fails you can still use your normal attack or dodge roll. Costs 8 chi and must have SPD 45+.

8. Multi Punch: 1d6 punches at level 1-7, 2d6 punches at levels 8-15. These do the damage of a normal punch. This can only be used once per melee.

9. Multi Kick: 1d6 kicks levels 1-7, 2d6 levels 8-15. Can only be used once per melee.

Background: Tapion the Brave -from movie #13 or Exploding Dragon Fist: If Goku can't do it who can- is the most well known Konackan warrior. The planet is located in the southern galaxy and is largely composed of deserts. They look almost exactly like Kaioshin, not the character but the race. Hair colors cover the whole known spectrum. Skin color is a light brown or light green. Many of the warriors have mohawks.

Farmak-jin Warrior RCC


IQ 2d6, ME 4d6+3, MA 3d6, PS 4d6+2, PP 6d6+3, PE 7d6, PB 3d6, and SPD 8d6. MDC: PEx12, Chi: ME+PEx10. +2 attack per melee because of their speed and agility.

Class: Starting Class is major, at level 6 they become galactic and at level 10 they become intergalactic.

Skills: HTH: Martial Arts 3, Acrobatics, Gymnastics, Athletics, and Boxing, and 2 WPs.



1. Farmak-jins will pass out once they hit 0 MDC. They will only die if they reach -50 MDC. For every level that they gain, subtract 5 from their dying limit. (A level 2 can go to -55 MDC.)

2. Farmak-jins have the ability to discharge chi as balls of energy. The balls inflict 1d6 MD per 5 chi spent. A Farmak-jin can never use more chi than 25x his level.

3. Auto-dodge: the Farmak-jin can dodge as many times per melee as he likes. Dodging an attack from behind costs one action.

4. For every level that a Farmak-jin gains, he gets +1PS, +2 PP, +1 PE, +2 SPD, +10 MDC, and +15 chi.



Powers are abilities that Farmak-jins can gain through training and experience. Choose three at first level and one for every level after that.

1. Flight: The Farmak-jin can fly 500 mph. Flying costs one chi per hour.

2. Advanced Flight: Must have flight. The Farmak-jin can fly at Mach 8 tops. It costs 5 chi per hour. This generates a blue aero field around the Farmak-jin.

3.Trade-mark Fireball: The Farmak-jin can make his own fireball. It needs a name and specific gestures. Choose from 1-3d10 MD+1d10 per level. If you choose 1d10 MD it costs 10 chi, 20 chi for 2d10 and 30 chi for 3d10. Must have discharge.

4.Multi-Fireball: This takes one action. It shoots 1d6 fireball lev. 1-3, 2d6 lev.4-6, and 3d6 lev. 7-15. Each fireball inflicts 1d6 MD. Costs 35 chi. Must have discharge.

5.Combat Teleport: This allows character to move extremely fast for a short period of time. It is not an actual teleport. They can only teleport within their line of sight and it does not use an action. Make dodge roll. If they fail they can try to use normal dodge. Costs 8 chi and must have SPD 45+.

6. Charge: This allows the character to gain chi from their surroundings. The character will gain 25 chi per action. This is put into a separate pool. They can never gain more than their limit and it goes away after the battle is over. A Farmak-jin can only use this 2x his level during a battle.

7. Sense Chi: The Farmak-jin can detect a chi trace across an entire planet. It costs 10 chi. There is a 50% chance that he will recognize the chi trace of someone familiar to them.

8. Increase Strength: For every five chi that the Farmak-jin's use, they can add +1 to HTH damage. Can only use 20x his level in chi.

9. Increase Speed: For every five chi that the Farmak-jins use, they can add +1 to strike or dodge (depending on the situation). Can only use 20x his level in chi.

10. Illusion: The Farmak-jin can create an Illusion to trick his opponent. This could involve anything from making multiple images of himself, creating giant lizard images, and the appearance of a character having a double. This takes one action to create and 10 chi per illusion. The illusion will automatically be broken if someone attacks it.

11. Mind Control: This technique takes longer to master. Roll 1d20 and add the Farmak-jin's ME. Have the opponent do the same. If he beats the character then he can implant simple suggestions. If he beats the character by 5 he can give him a more advanced command like completing a task. He however cannot tell his victim to harm his friends or himself. If he beats the character by ten, the Farmak-jin can command him to attack his friends for one action. If the character is beaten by twenty, the Farmak-jin can take over for a full melee round, but he still cannot make his victim harm himself. Costs 20 chi per attempt.

12. Invisibility: The Farmak-jin can become invisible for up to ten minutes. For every level that the Farmak-jin gains add another five minutes. The maximum time is thirty minutes. Cost 1 chi per minute.

13. Chi Masking: The Farmak-jin can hide their chi for 1 melee round at the cost of five chi.

14. Absorb Chi: The Farmak-jin can choose not to dodge the chi attack and instead absorb it. Roll the same as a dodge. If he successfully absorbs it he gains the chi used to create the attack. This can either be added to the Farmak-jins chi or to his MDC. The roll to absorb cannot be augmented by the Increase Speed power.



Background: Before the Saiyans sent Goku to earth. Before Piccolo even was A thought, there were the Farmak-jin. The Farmak-jin, were once a people of peace. But when the Saiyans sought to 'prepare' their planet for a buyer, they fought back. The entire population join up in arms and prepared themselves for the onslaught. But even after numerous victories, the Farmak-jin home world fell into chaos, causing the once peace loving people, to turn to more desperate measures. A plan was formed, and as last ditch effort, combined their magic talents and watched in horror, as their entire planet was destroyed. They then sought the employment of Freeza, who, by years of manipulation, earned the trust of the Saiyan and attempted to exterminate them. But by Bardok's interference, the plan was only half-successful. During that same time, Buu was created. Buu was meant to find a perfect planet so that the Farmak-jin could have a home once again.

He failed. So after many years of traveling, and training and bloodshed, the Farmak-jin brought their remaining population, to earth, sought on destroying the remaining Saiyans by cloning more, and re-unleashing evils that had previously failed in order to take out a few. Once that was done, they would have settled down and quietly began to rule a small section of land. Now, they are bent on taking over the planet, for fear of more Saiyans coming. Now will they succeed? Or will they fail?


Note: This race is from an alternate timeline created by Great Saiyaman X. To read his fan-fic follow this hyperlink. The Final Battle of Son Goku?


IQ 3d6, ME 4d6, MA 4d6, PS 3d6+15, PP 3d6+15, PE 2d6+15, and SPD 3d6+20.

MDC: PE x10, Chi: (ME+PE) x5. Class: Galactic, at level 8 they become Intergalactic.

Skills: Athletics, Acrobatics, two languages, and HTH: Expert.


Pick two at level one and one each level after.

Flight: The Icer can fly at 250-MPH tops. It costs 10 chi per hour. This generates a blue aero field around the Icer.

Advanced Flight: Must have flight. The Icer can fly at Mach 5 tops. It costs 5 chi per hour. This generates a blue aero field around the Icer.

Discharge: Icers have the ability to discharge chi as balls of energy. The balls inflict 1d10 MD per 5 chi spent. An Icer can never use more chi than 25x his level.

Multi-Fireball: This takes one action to set up. It shoots 1d6 fireball level 1-3, 2d6 level 4-6, and 3d6 level 5-15. Each fireball inflicts 1d10 MD. Costs 45 chi. Must have discharge.

Sense Chi: The Icer can detect a chi trace across an entire planet. It costs 10 chi. There is a 50% chance that he will recognize the chi trace of someone familiar to them like a friend or an archenemy.

Combat Teleport: This allows character to move extremely fast for a short period of time. It is not an actual teleport. They can only teleport within their line of sight and it does not use an action. Make dodge roll. If they fail they can try to use normal dodge. Costs 8 chi and must have SPD 45+.

Charge: This allows the character to gain chi from their surroundings. The character will gain 25 chi per action. This is put into a separate pool. They can never gain more than their limit and it goes away after the battle is over. An Icer can only use this 4x his level during a battle.

Change Form: Icers have the ability to disguise their power by changing forms. The form will resemble the Icer, and can be either smaller or larger. For each form lower, subtract 10 from all physical attributes, and subtract 75 MDC and 75 chi. When the Icer changes into a higher form, he is +2 to strike for a whole melee round. Note that the Icer cannot change through five forms and receive +10 to strike. It is only +2 no matter how many forms, but if the next melee round he changes to a higher he retains the +2 for changing.

Piercing Blast: This is an extremely powerful attack that many Icers use. It shoots a blast that inflicts 2d6x10 MD. The blast is -2 to strike and costs 30 chi. If it hits the Icer gets to roll on the critical strike chart.

Super Telekinesis: Icers have the ability to move objects with their mind. They can use it to throw people or hit people with a telekinetic blast. A telekinetic blast costs 30 chi for 1d6x10 MD, and is +3 to strike.

Cell RCC


IQ 4d6, ME 6d6, MA 4d6, PS 4d6+30, PP 4d6+30, PE 4d6+20, PB 3d6, SPD 4d6+30. MDC: PEx10 and Chi: ME x10. +1 Attack per melee. Class: InterGalactic. Skills: HTH: Martial Arts, Wrestling, Boxing, Acrobatics, Gymnastics, and three languages of you choice.


1. Cells regenerate 2d6 MD every two melee rounds.

2. Cells are born with the ability to fly. Top speed 300 MPH and costs 1 chi per hour.

3. Cells have the ability to commit suicide by massive explosion. They will only do it if they are about to die or have no hope. It takes 1 minute to and then it releases a blast of 2000 MD. The planet is destroyed and everything on it.

4. Cells have the ability to power up to a massive size. In this stage, PS is doubled and PP is halved.

5. Cells can only be killed if their head is destroyed. This would usually result in a large chi blast dropping the Cell's MDC to 0 or lower.


Select two at level 1, and one for each level after.

Barrier: For every point of Chi used the Cell gains 5 MDC. It only lasts for one action. It costs no actions to use and can be put up automatically. He can never spend more than 25x his level. A level one character can only have 125 MDC. This can only be used 2x the character's level per battle.

Advanced Flight: Must have flight. The Cell can fly at Mach 5 tops. It costs 5 chi per hour. This generates a blue aero field around the Cell.

Discharge: Cells have the ability to discharge chi as balls of energy. The balls inflict 1d10 MD per 5 chi spent. A Cell can never use more chi than 25x his level.

Multi-Fireball: This takes one action to set up. It shoots 1d6 fireball level 1-3, 2d6 level 4-6, and 3d6 level 5-15. Each fireball inflicts 1d10 MD. Costs 45 chi. Must have discharge.

Spawn Jr.: This is an extremely powerful technique used to create a Cell Jr. that can help in the battle. For each Cell Jr. spawned it costs 50 chi. Their attributes vary according to the "father's" attributes. IQ =, ME =, MA -3, PS 75%, PP 75%, PE *, PB =, SPD 75%. MDC 40% and Chi 40%. This cannot be selected until level 5.

Charge: This allows the character to gain chi from their surroundings. The character will gain 25 chi per action. This is put into a separate pool. They can never gain more than their limit and it goes away after the battle is over. A Cell can only use this 3x his level during a battle.

Instantaneous Movement: At the cost of 25 chi, the Cell can teleport himself to anywhere in the Universe, heaven, hell, or somewhere in between. For each other person brought it costs an extra 15 chi.

Advanced Regeneration: The Cell can now regenerate 3d6 MDC each melee round at no cost.

Sense Chi: The Cell can detect a chi trace across an entire planet. It costs 10 chi. There is a 50% chance that he will recognize the chi trace of someone familiar to them like a friend or an archenemy.

Combat Teleport: This allows character to move extremely fast for a short period of time. It is not an actual teleport. They can only teleport within their line of sight and it does not use an action. Make dodge roll. If they fail they can try to use normal dodge. Costs 8 chi and must have SPD 45+.

Taiyoken: costs 20 chi, and blinds anyone who doesn't close their eyes, for two actions. After the first time the characters get to roll a saving throw versus the Taiyoken. Greater than 12 means they closed their eyes in time.

Absorb: This is an extremely powerful technique that a Cell can use to become stronger. Any organic life form can be absorbed. Take one fifth of the life form's attributes and add it to the Cell's. This cannot be picked until level 7.

Kaioshin RCC IQ 4d6, ME 3d6+15, MA 5d6, PS 4d6+20, PP 4d6+20,PE 2d6+20, PB 3d6, SPD 3d6+20. MDC: PEx12, Hit points: PE(in mega damage) and Chi: MEx12. Class: Godlike. Skills: HTH: Martial Arts level, Gymnastics, Acrobatics, Athletics, and select 3 languages. Special:

1. Kaioshin are very arrogant, and they have just cause, they are the higher gods of the universe. They have the ability to magically create any amount of any substance, except for Dragon Balls and Senzu beans.

2. Kaioshin know exactly where all other Kaioshin are in the universe at any given time, and can send out a distress signal at will. It being answered is another story.

3. Kaioshin live on their homeworld in the afterlife. It is the cleanest, purest, most beautiful planet in the universe.

4. Kaioshin are powerful beings, and their strength is increased by their chi. For every 25 chi, the Kaioshin get +1 to physical combat damage.

5. Each level, Kaioshin gain 4 points that they can add to any of their attributes, +20 MDC, and +25 chi.

6. Kaioshin have +2 actions per melee because they are gods.

7. Five new Kaioshin have been born. So in totalt there are 6 living Kaioshin, and Dai-Kaioshin (the old dead guy).


1.Flight: The Kaioshin can fly 250 mph. Flying costs one chi per hour.

2.Advanced Flight: Must have flight. The Kaioshin can fly at Mach 5 tops. It costs 5 chi per hour. This generates a blue aero field around the Kaioshin

3.Discharge: Kaioshin have the ability to discharge chi as balls of energy. The balls inflict 1d10 MD per 5 chi spent. A Kaioshin can never use more chi than 15x his level.

4.Combat Teleport: This allows character to move extremely fast for a short period of time. It is not an actual teleport. They can only teleport within their line of sight and it does not use an

action. Make dodge roll. If they fail they can try to use normal dodge. Costs 8 chi and must have SPD 45+.

5.Charge: This allows the character to gain chi from their surroundings. The character will gain 25 chi per action. This is put into a separate pool. They can never gain more than their limit and it goes away after the battle is over. A Kaioshin can only use this 3x his level during a battle.

6. Aura of Protection: For every point of Chi used the Kaioshin gains 5 MDC. It only lasts for one action. It costs no actions to use and can be put up automatically. He can never spend more than twenty five times his level. A level one character can only have 125 MDC.

7.Sense Chi: The Kaioshin can detect a chi trace across an entire planet. It costs 10 chi. There is a 50% chance that he will recognize the chi trace of someone familiar to them like a friend or an archenemy.

8. Multi Punch: Because of the Android's great speed and dexterity it can attack multiple times. 1d6 punches at level 1-7, 2d6 punches at levels 8-15. These do the damage of a normal punch. This can only be used once per melee.

9. Multi Kick: 1d6 kicks levels 1-7, 2d6 levels 8-15. Can only be used once per melee.

10. Multi-Fireball: This takes one action to set up. It shoots 1d6 fireball level 1-3, 2d6 level 4-6, and 3d6 level 5-15. Each fireball inflicts 1d6 MD. Costs 35 chi. Must have discharge.

11. Intimidating Aura: A Kaioshin has the ability to project an aura that intimidates his opponent. For every 5 chi the Kaioshin uses, it increases the power level his opponent is feeling by 100,000. The enemy is -1 to strike, parry, and dodge for every 5 chi the Kaioshin uses (opponent can only be at -5) for the first two melee rounds of combat. Even if all Kaioshins do it the opponent can only be dropped to -5.

12. Instantaneous Movement: At the cost of 25 chi, the Kaioshin can teleport himself to anywhere in the Universe, heaven, hell, or somewhere in between. For each other person brought it costs an extra 10 chi.