Davis County Iowa Genealogy - IAGenWeb

Another successful fair has passed us by, and what a great time had by all. The Davis County Fair is grander than all around. This event is a terrific way to get folks out and to talk and visit about local History and family heirlooms, along with remembrance of those that came before us. Each year we exhibit a genealogy booth, we raise the awareness to the need of preserving our past. Talking with folks as they stop by the booth, is a wonderful chance to reminisce and to learn more about the people and History around us. Hope to see more of you engage in next years Fair. See page 3 for results. I was called away mid July to attend a funeral for a nephew on the east coast. Although a sad affair, it was an opportunity to visit the cemetery that my g- grandparents rest in. I had never been there before and was astonished when I drove directly to Yonkers, NY., with inter- net directions! My 2nd astonishment was soon forthcoming, riding on my adrenaline, as I walked up to the section directed by the cemetery curator, to find the headstone with 3 Sur- names on it! I took my photo graphs and went right back to the cemetery office, and asked, “Do you have any plot information, and can you explain whom else is buried in this lot?”. I recognized that these were relatives, and I had very little information, the gentleman at the cemetery, gave me first names, and years of death, but no obituaries, funeral homes, etc., was to be had. Oh, this day gives and this day takes away, another few weeks of research! So, as you can imagine, I am searching high and low for information on the other sur- names, Census, Passenger Lists, etc., which most have led me to the Boroughs of NY City. What a melting pot that must have been in the day. Wish me luck. Deb Barker From the President The Genealogy library has a new updated computer thanks to JoAnn Aug- spurger. We have a much faster system, to keep up with our internet surfing de- mands. Also available is Ancestry.com searches for free from this PC. I spent some of the summer transcribing the Index to Births Books 1 & 2 from the courthouse. Also just completed is the Death Index from the same. These are available in booklet format, for $12.50; or the Births can be found on CD Volume 4. I have the 1885 and 1925 census images, and plan to transcribed them this winter. Any volunteer willing to help, please contact me. Available NOW! Pioneer History of Davis County. 1924 History Reprint is Available, $70.00 shipped to your door! Enclosed inside this newsletter is the order form. Don’t miss out. We only have a few 1882 History books left. And we also have an abundant supply of CD’s with county records avail- able. A new Volume of CD is available also, the Index to Births 1 & 2, and the 1925 Census Index. Items for Sale 2 Fair Results 3 1924 Letter to Drakesville Postmas- ter 4 1880 Marion Twp Census Continued from pre- vious, and To be completed next newsletter. 5-9 Inside this issue: July August September 2007 P O Box 94 Bloomfield, IA 52537 Volume 24, Issue 3 Davis County Iowa Genealogy Library Hours Mon, Tue, Thurs, Fri 1:00-4:00 Saturdays 9:00-1:00 Closed Wednesdays

Transcript of Davis County Iowa Genealogy - IAGenWeb

Another successful fair has passed us

by, and what a great time had by all. The

Davis County Fair is grander than all

around. This event is a terrific way to get

folks out and to talk and visit about local

History and family heirlooms, along with

remembrance of those that came before

us. Each year we exhibit a genealogy

booth, we raise the awareness to the need

of preserving our past. Talking with folks

as they stop by the booth, is a wonderful

chance to reminisce and to learn more

about the people and History around us.

Hope to see more of you engage in next

years Fair. See page 3 for results.

I was called away mid July to attend a

funeral for a nephew on the east coast.

Although a sad affair, it was an opportunity

to visit the cemetery that my g-

grandparents rest in. I had never been

there before and was astonished when I

drove directly to Yonkers, NY., with inter-

net directions! My 2nd astonishment was

soon forthcoming, riding on my

adrenaline, as I walked up to the

section directed by the cemetery

curator, to find the headstone with 3 Sur-

names on it! I took my photo graphs and

went right back to the cemetery office, and

asked, “Do you have any plot information,

and can you explain whom else is buried

in this lot?”. I recognized that these were

relatives, and I had very little information,

the gentleman at the cemetery, gave me

first names, and years of death, but no

obituaries, funeral homes, etc., was to be

had. Oh, this day gives and this day takes

away, another few weeks of research! So,

as you can imagine, I am searching high

and low for information on the other sur-

names, Census, Passenger Lists, etc.,

which most have led me to the Boroughs

of NY City. What a melting pot that must

have been in the day. Wish me luck.

Deb Barker

From the President

The Genealogy library has a new updated computer thanks to JoAnn Aug-spurger. We have a much faster system, to keep up with our internet surfing de-mands. Also available is Ancestry.com searches for free from this PC.

I spent some of the summer transcribing the Index to Births Books 1 & 2 from the courthouse. Also just completed is the Death Index from the same. These are available in booklet format, for $12.50; or the Births can be found on CD Volume 4.

I have the 1885 and 1925 census images, and plan to transcribed them this winter. Any volunteer willing to help, please contact me.

Available NOW! Pioneer

History of Davis County.

1924 History Reprint is

Available, $70.00 shipped

to your door! Enclosed

inside this newsletter is

the order form. Don’t

miss out. We only have a

few 1882 History books

left. And we also have an

abundant supply of CD’s

with county records avail-

able. A new Volume of

CD is available also, the

Index to Births 1 & 2, and

the 1925 Census Index.

Items for Sale 2

Fair Results 3

1924 Letter to Drakesville Postmas-



1880 Marion Twp Census

Continued from pre-

vious, and To be completed next



Inside this issue:

July August September 2007

P O Box 94 Bloomfield, IA 52537

Volume 24, Issue 3

Davis County Iowa Genealogy

Library Hours

Mon, Tue, Thurs, Fri 1:00-4:00 Saturdays 9:00-1:00

Closed Wednesdays



Reprint of




Compiled and Published by the Federated Women’s

Clubs of the County 1924-1927, Printed and Published by

the Bloomfield Democrat. Reprint 2007 by the Davis

County Genealogical Society. Order yours now.

NAME: _______________________________________

$70.00 ___________________





The Bloomfield Public Library celebrated its 95th Anniversary on Saturday, August 11, 2007. We have been hosted by

this fine establishment since 1978. Almost 30 years, they have been grand enough to allow us the vacancy of a room in

the basement. Any one who has the opportunity to thank them, please do. On April 20, 1978, The Davis County Genea-

logical Society met for the first time in our Genealogy Room at the Bloomfield Public Library. 12 Members were pre-

sent. The dues were only $1. 1978 Officers were– President, Phyllis Thomas; Vice Pres– Ina Thompson; Secretary–

Beverly Horn; Treasurer– Sue Spilman. The treasurer’s report for the month of April, 1978, showed a balance of

$769.57. The first Microfilm reader had been purchased and was awaiting delivery. The 1882 History book had also

been reprinted, and was a hot item. They started out with 2 cards tables, and also purchased the microfilm rolls of court-

house records for $7.50 each, as they had just become available through the LDS. The society exhorted much effort, to

have this great feat accomplished. The Davis County Genealogical Society was originally chartered in May 1974.


President– Deb Barker

[email protected]

Vice President– Lana Doll

[email protected]

Secretary– Alice Huffman

[email protected]

Treasurer– Pat Howk

[email protected]

Corresponding Secretary–

Dorothy Goldizen

August 16

September 20

October 18

November 15

December TBA;

Annual Christmas Party

2007 Officers 2007 Meetings Society Items For Sale

1924 History Book

Page 2 Volume 24, Issue 3



ERAL CENSUS FOR DAVIS COUNTY . . . . . .. . . .13.00


VOLUME 3: 1937 TAX LIST & 1850 CENSUS . . . .. . .15.00


. . . AVAILABLE IN PAPER FORMAT. . . . . . .. . . . 15.00


FLOPPY). . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 15.00



SSDI DAVIS COUNTY IOWA 1964-2005 . . . . . . . . . . 15.00



The Davis Co. Genealogy Society had a booth again at the County Fair. The exhibits are judged on Monday evening. This

year we had 50% more exhibitors for a total of 21 with an increase of 12 exhibits representing an increase of 25% over past

years. The exhibit draws a lot of comments about things of history that the fairgoers possess. One of the purposes of the

Society is to encourage preservation of family history as well as area history.

Winners of the drawing were Shawn Hartman of Ottumwa 18 month of membership

Susan Warner of Bonaparte, t shirt

Richard Grim of Bloomfield, family tree chart.

The exhibits placing were:

Pictorial Family History—Rosalie Kinney, blue; Kate Batterson, red; Dennis Liles, white

Land Legal Document—Pat Howk, blue; Shirley Willcoxson, red

Military Legal Document—Pat Howk, blue

Vitals Legal Document—Pat Howk, blue

Family Records—Ione Friend, blue, Shirley Willcoxson, red; Wayne Richardson, white

Family Religious—Deb Barker, blue; Dennis Peterson, red

Family Certificate/document—Christine Richardson, blue; Pat Howk, red; Alice Huffman, white

Pedigree/Ancestor—Ione Friend, blue; Clark Barker, red

Lineage—Pat Howk, blue

Genealogical Record Book—Wayne Richardson, blue

Research Material—Pat Howk, blue

Photo, 2 or less people—Clark Barker, blue; Dale Taylor, red; Lana Doll, white

Photo, 3 or more people—Ione Friend, blue; Joann Phillis, red; Joan Hutchings, white

Photo, Ancestral home, building, school, church—Pat Howk, blue; Lana Doll, red

True Story—Lana Doll, blue

Article from non-local publication—Lana Doll, blue; Clark Barker, red; Pat Howk, white

Story Timeline—Deb Barker, blue; Kate Batterson, red

Photo, Davis Co. History—Pat Howk, blue; Joan Hutchings, red; Deb Barker, white

Written Davis Co. History—Deb Barker, blue

Scrapbook—not new type—Deb Barker, blue; Joann Phillis, Eileen Taylor, white

Document relating to Davis Co. History—Deb Barker, blue

Documents relevant to each other—Pat Howk, blue; Clark Barker, red

Miscellaneous—Shirley Willcoxson, poem, blue; Joann

Phillis, coat, red; Dan Hutchings, display of business re-

ceipts, white

The group invites interested persons to attend their meetings on the third Thursday of every month at the Bloomfield Public Library at 7 p.m. Check out the website at www.iagenweb.org/davis or contact them at [email protected] or P.O. Box 94, Bloomfield IA.

BEST OF SHOW went to Joann Dicting Phillis and the coat that her father wore when arriving on the Orphan Train in New Sharon, Iowa. Joann has much memorabilia concern-ing her father’s journey, and family information after his arri-val here. See Photo.

More information can be found at http://iagenweb.org/


An IAGenWeb Special Project.

New Sharon, IA 29 Jan 1904


Bloomfield Democrat Page 4 Thursday June 26, 1924

Was Baby Traded Peculiar Circumstances Told in Letter to Drakesville Postmaster

Ironton MO

March 11, 1924

Post Master, Drakesville Iowa

Dear friend:

I am writing asking you to give me the names of some Indians living in or near Drakesville in 1876, and see if you can

find any one who knew a Dr. Leslie and wife and niece Molly Mayes.

Dr. Leslie often visited among the Indians. He was medium height, very fair complexion, yellow hair and beard, or some might call it light brown. His head was bald down almost to his ears. Mrs. Leslie was medium sized, fair complex-ion with rosy cheeks, keen black eyes and black hair. The young woman was of small stature below medium, very deli-cate , fair complexion, and dark brown or auburn hair, grey eyes. She had a child born at Drakesville January 5, 1876. They went from Drakesville to Minnesota, living in the lumber woods, 60 miles from any town for 1 winter. I think probably a part of a winter; from there they moved to St. Cloud, Minn. I think for a short time they lived in Ottumwa, Iowa. Some of the names of people I have heard them speak of were: Mr. Quigley, Mrs. Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. Weaver and son, Mr. Joe Merit, Mrs. Dick Parrot, I have their pictures: Mrs. Estes and daughters, Mrs. Thompson.

Give me an account of the Indians who were around that place at that item. I would like to know if any of them had a girl baby stolen or gave one away to Dr. Leslie or if any of the Indian women gave birth to a baby boy on January 5, 1876. I would like to know the complexion and average heights of the Indians, and if some of the most prominent ones are still living.

Dr. Leslie and family went to Iowa from Knobnoster, Johnson county, Mo., when the child was three years old.

This may all sound crazy to you, but I have good reasons for wanting to find out.

Molly Mayes died soon after they came back to Missouri having contracted tuberculosis while in Minnesota. Mrs. Les-lie died 27 years ago and Dr. Leslie 26 years ago.

Mrs. Lela Lee Keith

Ironton Mo., Box 314

Later: My theory is that Mollie Mayes' baby was a boy and that in some way by Dr. Leslie or a hired nurse or some one, the babies were exchanged a short time after birth. Dr. Leslie and wife both almost hated boys and were crazy about girls so as they were to raise Mollies baby I can readily see where they would not want a boy. I feel that Mollie was de-ceived and knew nothing of the transaction, but the girl that grew up as Mollie's child, or rather as Dr. and Mrs. Leslie's child, surely is an Indian woman, with high cheek bones and piercing grey eyes, an arden admirer of fringe, tassels, beads and such likes, and a beautiful worker with beads and basket maker, all of which came natural to her.

The rocks and hills and caves have always had a weird enchantment for her, and the flowers and trees have always whispered wonderful secrets. The wild has always been calling and in great crowds she has always felt alone. She also loves fine horses, is passionately fond of them though she has had no chance to develop her desires. Her diseases are different to the other women with whom she was brought up. At 48 she has the vitality and strength of endurance of most girls of 20, and in looks could pass for 20. She has long dark brown hair, and was noted wherever she lived for her beautiful hair. She can read people like books and has many secrets learned from the night and nature all around that no one could know who had not Indian blood in their veins.

Please see the Indians and try to find out these things for me.

Probably an Indian woman died and gave her girl baby to Dr. Leslie and Mollies' baby may have died, and the other baby have been put in its place. I must know! Oh, I must know!


61 Mary CAMERN Self W Female W 25 IA Keeping House OH OH

Edward E. CAMERN Son S Male W 2 IA Home IN IA

Henry CAMERN Son S Male W 1 IA Home IN IA

62 William CARNELL Self M Male W 30 OH Farmer OH OH

Martha CARNELL Wife M Female W 31 OH Keeping House ENG OH

Dora CARNELL Dau S Female W 6 IA Home OH OH

Mattie CARNELL Dau S Female W 3 IA Home OH OH

63 Harriet JACKMAN Self W Female W 50 OH Keeping House OH VA

Matilda A. JACKMAN Dau S Female W 18 OH Keeping House IN OH

John W. A. JACKMAN Son S Male W 10 IN In School IN OH

64 John WOOD Self M Male W 79 CAN Retired Farmer --- ---

Mary WOOD Wife M Female W 77 OH --- ---

65 Fredrick LAROW Self M Male W 46 PRUSHA Farmer PRUS PRUS

Minnie LAROW Wife M Female W 33 PRUSHA Keeping House PRUS PRUS

Fredrick LAROW Son S Male W 9 IA In School PRUS PRUS

Frank LAROW Son S Male W 6 IA In School PRUS PRUS

Henry LAROW Son S Male W 2 IA Home PRUS PRUS

66 George GARVIN Self M Male W 29 IL Farmer PA KY

Mary GARVIN Wife M Female W 22 IA Keeping House VA IN

67 Isaac MASON Self M Male W 65 NY Farmer NJ VT

Elizabeth MASON Wife M Female W 60 KY Keeping House KY KY

68 Barton SMOOTS Self M Male W 31 MD Farm Hand KY KY

Sarah E. SMOOTS Wife M Female W 29 OH Keeping House VA OH

Ida M. SMOOTS Dau S Female W 9 IA In School MD OH

George L. SMOOTS Son S Male W 4 IA Home MD OH

Leona SMOOTS Dau S Female W 2 IA Home MD OH

John A. SMOOTS Son S Male W 4M IA Home MD OH

69 Joseph L. FLETCHER Self M Male W 43 MD Farmer KY KY

Nancy J. FLETCHER Wife M Female W 42 IA Keeping House KY KY

Charlie FLETCHER Son S Male W 11 IA Farm Work MD IA

Addie B. FLETCHER Dau S Female W 8 IA In School MD IA

Edgar FLETCHER Son S Male W 5 IA In School MD IA

70 John A. CATON Self M Male W 27 IA Farmer OH OH

Louisa CATON Wife M Female W 21 MO Keeping House OH IA

71 Conard M. THARP Self M Male W 43 OH Farm Hand OH OH

Margret THARP Wife M Female W 42 IL Keeping House KY KY

Sarah THARP Dau S Female W 18 IA House Work OH IL

William THARP Son S Male W 14 IA Work On Farm OH IL

Laura THARP Dau S Female W 11 IA In School OH IL

Eddie THARP Son S Male W 4 MO In School OH IL

Charlie THARP Son S Male W 4 MO Home OH IL

Maggie THARP Dau S Female W 1 IA Home OH IL

72 Charles F. AHEE Self M Male W 56 IL Farmer --- ---

Elizabeth AHEE Wife M Female W 45 IN Keeping House NC IN

Henry T. AHEE Son S Male W 22 IN In School IL IN

Marietta AHEE Dau S Female W 19 IA House Work IL IN

73 John W. PROCTOR Self M Male W 34 IA Farmer OH ENG

Catharine PROCTOR Wife M Female W 29 IA Keeping Hosue PRUS PRUS

Charles H. PROCTOR Son S Male W 6 IA In School IA IA

Fredrick PROCTOR Son S Male W 3 IA Home IA IA

74 ... WARD Self M Male W 40 NY Farmer IRE IRE

Phebe WARD Wife M Female W 43 IN Keeping House SC SC

John WARD Son S Male W 13 IA In School IRE IN

Lorrence WARD Son S Male W 12 IA In School IRE IN

David H. WARD Son S Male W 10 IA In School IRE IN

James A. WARD Son S Male W 8 IA In School IRE IN

75 George W. TREASURE Self M Male W 42 OH Farmer OH OH

Malinda J. TREASURE Wife M Female W 33 IN Keeping House VA IN

76 Emly NIXON Self W Female W 38 OH Keeping House VA VA

Amordela NIXON Dau S Female W 22 IN Farm Work VA OH

George W. NIXON Son S Male W 16 IA Farm Work VA OH

77 Roley SIMMONS Self M Male W 65 KY Farmer VA KY

Cintha A. SIMMONS Wife M Female W 45 IN Keeping House IN TN

Rowley G. SIMMONS Son S Male W 14 IA Farm Hand KY IN

Nancy C. CROSS SDau S Female W 13 IA House Work OH IN

Marion Twp, 1880 Davis County, IA Census


78 Joseph H. SIMMONS Self M Male W 32 IA Farmer KY IN

Laura E. SIMMONS Wife M Female W 29 KY Keeping House KY KY

Della I. SIMMONS Dau S Female W 8 IA In School IA KY

Edgar J. SIMMONS Son S Male W 5 IA In School IA KY

Henry A. SIMMONS Son S Male W 9M IA Home IA KY

79 Smith LEONARD Self M Male W 69 OH Farmer OH OH

Eliza J. LEONARD Wife M Female W 36 OH Keeping House PA PA

Minnie LEONARD Dau S Female W 2 IA Home OH OH

Aaron LEONARD Son S Male W 1 IA Home OH OH

80 William H. LEONARD Self M Male W 23 IA Farmer OH OH

Sarah E. LEONARD Wife M Female W 20 IA Keeping House IN IN

81 Mary A. COMMONS Self W Female W 56 VA Farming VA VA

Landon COMMONS Son S Male W 18 IA Farm Hand IN VA

82 Daniel LOWE Self M Male W 42 IN Farmer KY KY

Sarah A. LOWE Wife M Female W 36 OH Keeping House OH OH

John E. LOWE Son S Male W 16 IA Farm Hand IN OH

Acy MONTS Uncle W Male W 63 OH Retired Miller OH OH

83 Scott S. MCFARLING Self M Male W 26 OH Farmer VA OH

Roda A. MCFARLING Wife M Female W 22 IA Keeping House IN IN

Frances E. MCFARLING Dau S Female W 2 IA Home OH IA

Garfield MCFARLING Son S Male W 1M IA Home OH IA

84 George H. ADAMS Self M Male W 42 IN Farmer MD MD

Sophia L. ADAMS Wife M Female W 36 PA Keeping House PA OH

Happy E. ADAMS Dau S Female W 12 MD In School IN MD

John Q. ADAMS Son S Male W 7 IA School IN PA

Samuel L. ADAMS Son S Male W 5 IA School IN PA

Francis C. ADAMS Son S Male W 3 IA Home IN PA

85 Samuel T. ADAMS Self M Male W 36 IN Farmer MD MD

Mary A. ADAMS Wife M Female W 35 NC Keeping House NC NC

Saroal L. ADAMS Dau S Female W 13 IA In School IN NC

Mable M. ADAMS Dau S Female W 12 IA In School IN NC

Oliver S. ADAMS Son S Male W 8 IA In School IN NC

Lenna J. ADAMS Dau S Female W 1 IA Home IN NC

86 John M. SMITH Self M Male W 35 TN Farmer TN TN

Adline SMITH Wife M Female W 34 PA Keeping House PA PA

Sarah E. SMITH Dau S Female W 14 IA In School TN PA

John W. SMITH Son S Male W 10 IA In School TN PA

Moses H. SMITH Son S Male W 8 IA In School TN PA

Mary A. SMITH Dau S Female W 6 IA In School TN PA

Martin W. SMITH Son S Male W 3 IA Home TN PA

William W. SMITH Son S Male W 3 IA Home TN PA

Charles E. SMITH Son S Male W 1 IA Home TN PA

Daniel SMITH Brother Male W 21 IA Farm Hand TN TN

87 David GLASBOURNER Self M Male W 61 PA Farmer PA PA

Martha E. GLASSBOURNER Wife M Female W 49 IN Keeping House KY KY

Martin V. GLASSBOURNER Son S Male W 25 IA Farm Hand PA IN

David GOODWIN Other Male W 26 IA Works On Farm IN IN

88 Samuel T. ADAMS Self M Male W 63 MD Farmer MD MD

Sarah A. ADAMS Wife M Female W 61 MD Keeping House MD MD

Lewis T. ADAMS Son M Male W 23 IA Farmer MD MD

Nancy J. ADAMS DauL M Female W 25 OH House Work OH OH

Louie M. ADAMS GDau S Female W 1 IA Home IA OH

John MARROW Other S Male W 64 PA Farm Hand PA VA

Jacob WHOVER Other S Male W 24 IN Farm Hand PA PA

Allen V. DAY Other S Male W 8 NE In School OH OH

89 Nevista DEMAR Self W Female W 43 TN Farming TN TN

Jane DEMAR Dau S Female W 23 IA House Work MD TN

James D. DEMAR Son S Male W 20 IA Farm Hand MD TN

Alie M. DEMAR Dau S Female W 19 IA House Work MD TN

Ida T. DEMAR Dau S Female W 17 IA MD TN

William G. DEMAR Son Male W 17 IA MD TN

Rosa B. DEMAR Other S Female W 11 IA In School MD TN

90 Andrew J. MELLINGER Self M Male W 27 PA Works On Farm PA PA

Susan E. MELLINGER Wife M Female W 22 IA Keeping House MD TN


Marion Twp, 1880 Davis County, IA Census


91 David T. BEAGLE Self M Male W 36 OH Farmer VA MD

Rene F. BEABLE Wife M Female W 36 IN Keeping House PA IN

Emma J. BEAGLE Dau S Female W 12 IA In School OH IN

Daniel A. BEAGLE Son S Male W 10 IA School OH IN

Freddie BEAGLE Son S Male W 8 IA School OH IN

92 George GLASSBOURNER Self M Male W 43 PA Farmer PA PA

Hannah GLASSBOURNER Wife M Female W 41 VA Keeping House VA VA

Ruben COOP SSon S Male W 18 IA Farm Hand VA IL

Margret COOP SDau S Female W 14 IA In School VA IL

Catharine COOP SDau S Female W 12 MO In School VA IL

Benjamin COOP SSon S Male W 10 MO In School VA IL

Nancy A. PARK MotherL W Female W 76 VA Retired VA VA

Rachel GLASSBOURNER Mother W Female W 68 PA Retired PA PA

93 John FORSYTH Self M Male W 66 PA Farmer PA NJ

Mary A. FORSYTH Wife M Female W 65 PA Keeping House PA PA

Alice M. PIERCE Dau M Female W 23 IA House Work PA PA

94 Henry ADAMS Self M Male W 24 IN Farmer KY IN

Sarah J. ADAMS Wife M Female W 26 IA Keeping House OH OH

Hony ADAMS Dau S Female W 7 IA In School IN IA

Martha E. ADAMS Dau S Female W 5 IA Home IN IA

Charlotty ADAMS Dau S Female W 4 IA Home IN IA

Henry A. ADAMS Son S Male W 2 IA Home IN IA

Daniel ADAMS Other S Male W 3M IA Home IN IA

95 Henry WINBURN Self M Male W 43 KY Farmer KY KY

Mary E. WINBURN Wife M Female W 38 KY Keeping House KY KY

Harriet E. WINBURN Dau S Female W 18 KY House Work KY KY

Elizabeth WINBURN Dau S Female W 16 KY In School KY KY

Margret WINBURN Dau S Female W 14 KY In School KY KY

Ettie WINBURN Dau S Female W 6 IA In School KY KY

William WINBURN Son S Male W 4 IA Home KY KY

Samuel C. WINBURN Son S Male W 1 IA Home KY KY

96 David ZIGLER Self M Male W 33 IA Farmer PA OH

Harriet M. ZIGLER Wife M Female W 29 IA Keeping House TN TN

Oscar ZIGLER Son S Male W 10 IA In School IA IA

Henry ZIGLER Son S Male W 8 IA In School IA IA

Charles ZIGLER Son S Male W 6 IA In School IA IA

John ZIGLER Son S Male W 3 IA Home IA IA

97 William COLLINS Self M Male W 25 IA Farmer OH OH

Carline COLLINS Wife M Female W 24 IA Keeping House PA IN

Rosa COLLINS Dau S Female W 4 IA Home IA IA

Charlie COLLINS Son S Male W 2 IA Home IA IA

Effy COLLINS Other S Female W 6M IA Home IA IA

98 John W. KING Self M Male W 29 KY Farmer KY KY

Eliza KING Wife M Female W 26 IA Keeping House IN KY

Inda KING Dau S Female W 7 IA In School KY IA

Abert KING Son S Male W 5 IA Home KY IA

Nelie KING Dau S Female W 1 IA Home KY IA

99 Thomas W. DALL Self S Male W 28 IA Farmer OH OH

100 James M. JONES Self M Male W 38 MO Farmer KY TN

Mary E. JONES Wife M Female W 34 AR House Keeping IN IN

Linis E. JONES Son S Male W 17 IA Farm Hand MO AR

Emma O. JONES Dau S Female W 13 IA Home MO AR

James W. JONES Son S Male W 9 IA In School MO AR

Marvin M. JONES Son S Male W 7 IA In School MO AR

Allie B. JONES Dau S Female W 3 IA Home MO AR

101 Samuel GLASSBOURNER Self M Male W 44 PA Farmer PA PA

Mary P. GLASSBOURNER Wife M Female W 50 PA Keeping House PA PA

Amanda F. GLASSBOURNER Dau S Female W 21 IA House Work PA PA

William L. GLASSBOURNER Son S Male W 16 IA Farm Hand PA PA

Rachel E. GLASSBOURNER Dau S Female W 14 IA In School PA PA

Rebeca LOVE Aunt W Female W 66 PA Retired PA PA

102 Madison M. BOYER Self M Male W 50 IL Minister PA PA

Mary B. BOYER Wife M Female W 45 KY Keeping House KY TN

Herman G. BOYER Son S Male W 20 IA Farmer IL KY

Madison S. BOYER Son S Male W 17 IA Farmer IL KY

Mary D. K. BOYER Dau S Female W 14 IA In School IL KY

Sarah M. A. BOYER Dau S Female W 12 IA In School IL KY

Marion Twp, 1880 Davis County, IA Census


Antha L. B. BOYER Son S Male W 5 IA In School IL KY

Minnie H. BOYER Dau S Female W 1 IA Home IL KY

103 William HART Self M Male W 39 PA Farmer PA PA

Belinda HART Wife M Female W 30 PA Keeping House PA PA

Charles E. HART Son S Male W 12 PA Farm Hand PA PA

Joseph T. HART Son S Male W 7 VA Home PA PA

James S. HART Son S Male W 2 VA Home PA PA

Sarastia HART Dau S Female W 1M VA Home PA PA

104 John H. HOOVER Self M Male W 30 IN Farmer PA OH

Florence HOOVER Wife M Female W 25 IA Keeping House IN IN

William H. HOOVER Son S Male W 7 IA In School IN IA

Manerva HOOVER Dau S Female W 5 IA School IN IA

Eldridge HOOVER Son S Male W 3 IA Home IN IA

Daniel HOOVER Son S Male W 8M IA Home IN IA

105 Daniel HOOVER Self M Male W 67 PA Farmer PA PA

Martha E. HOOVER Wife M Female W 59 OH Keeping House IRE PA

106 Christian GLASSBOURNER Self M Male W 45 PA Farmer PA PA

Eliza J. GLASSBOURNER Wife M Female W 44 PA Keeping House PA PA

Rachel P. GLASSBOURNER Dau S Female W 22 IA House Work PA PA

Mary A. GLASSBOURNER Dau S Female W 16 IA House Work PA PA

David M. GLASSBOURNER Son S Male W 9 IA In School PA PA



107 Andrew F. SIMPBON Self M Male W 38 IN Blacksmith OH IN

Margret A. SIMPSON Wife M Female W 32 IN Keeping House OH KY

Mary E. SIMPSON Dau S Female W 5 IN In School IN IN

Rosell D. SIMPSON Dau S Female W 2 IA Home IN IN

Clarra A. WOODS SDau S Female W 10 IN School IN IN

108 John A. CORSBY Self M Male W 65 PA Farmer PA PA

Nancy A. CORSBY Wife M Female W 33 MO Keeping House MO VA

Mary E. CORSBY Dau S Female W 9 MO House Work PA MO

Frances E. CORSBY Dau S Female W 8 IA School PA MO

Analiza CORSBY Dau S Female W 7 IA Home PA MO

George W. CORSBY Son S Male W 5 IA Home PA MO

Perry L. CORSBY Son S Male W 1 IA Home PA MO

109 James H. WORRELL Self M Male W 32 IA Farmer MD MD

Amanda E. WORRELL Wife M Female W 27 IA Keeping House KY KY

Andrew A. WORRELL Son S Male W 3 IA Home IA IA

110 David L. HANNAH Self M Male W 58 IN Farmer PA NJ

Thedosha A. HANNAH Wife M Female W 60 NJ Keeping House NJ NJ

111 Alonzo HANNAH Self M Male W 34 IN Farmer IN NJ

Elizabeth HANNAH Wife M Female W 23 OH Keeping House PA PA

Clara L. HANNAH Dau S Female W 4 IA Home IN OH

Mary E. HANNAH Dau S Female W 3 IA Home IN OH

Sarah E. HANNAH Dau S Female W 1 IA Home IN OH

112 William J. HENDRICKSON Self M Male W 33 IN Farmer KY ---

Louia E. HENDRICKSON Wife M Female W 32 MO Keeping House KY KY

Minnie M. HENDRICKSON Dau S Female W 15 IA In School IN MO

William H. HENDRICKSON Son S Male W 12 IA School IN MO

Douglass D. HENDRICKSON Son S Male W 10 IA School IN MO

Annie M. HENDRICKSON Dau S Female W 6 IA School IN MO

Bell HENDRICKSON Dau S Female W 1 IA Home IN MO

113 Eligha OWENS Self M Male W 26 IA Farmer --- ---

Manerva A. OWENS Wife M Female W 24 OH Keeping House OH OH

Mary E. OWENS Dau S Female W 4 IA Home IA OH

Alnora OWENS Dau S Female W 8M IA Home IA OH

Edward W. HUFFMAN Other S Male W 10 IA In School IA OH

Deliah S. GOOD Sister Female W 17 IA House Work IN MD

114 Godfrey BURCKBAUGH Self M Male W 64 FRA Farmer PRUSSIA FRA

Mary BURCKBAUGH Wife M Female W 64 RETTENBURG Keeping House



Annie ROEMEMANN GDau S Female W 12 IA In School BRUNSWICK OH

Minnie ROEMEMANN GDau S Female W 8 IA In School BRUNSWICK OH



115 Aurelius V. HON Self M Male W 24 KY Farmer KY KY

Marion Twp, 1880 Davis County, IA Census


Elizabeth A. HON Wife M Female W 18 IA Keeping House OH IN

Moses J. HON Son S Male W 2 IA Home KY IA

116 John LEFFLER Self M Male W 65 PRUSSIA Farmer PRU PRU

Mary LEFFLER Wife M Female W 64 PRUSSIA Keeping House PRU PRU

Henry LEFFLER Son S Male W 38 PRUSSIA Farmer PRU PRU

William LEFFLER Son S Male W 28 WI Farm Hand PRU PRU

Gust LEFFLER Son S Male W 22 WI Farm Hand PRU PRU















118 Henry ABEGG Self M Male W 51 SWITZ. Farmer SWITZ. SWITZ.

Magdelina ABEGG Wife M Female W 36 OH Keeping House FRA OH

119 Washington SMITH Self M Male W 63 PA Farmer PA PA

Sarah SMITH Wife M Female W 58 OH Keeping House DE NJ

John W. SMITH Son S Male W 24 OH Farmer PA DE

Emma M. SMITH Dau S Female W 16 OH House Work PA DE

Joel SMITH Other S Male W 6 IA In School IN IN

120 Fredrick GLASER Self W Male W 64 WIRTEMBURG Farmer --- ---

Jack GLASER Son S Male W 32 IA Farm Hand WIRT WIRT

Henry GLASER Son S Male W 18 IA Farm Hand WIRT WIRT

121 John F. GASSER Self S Male W 26 OH Farmer WIRTEMBURG ---

James CAMPBELL Other S Male W 17 IA Farmer IN IN

122 Robert TOMPSON Self M Male W 36 OH Farmer NJ OH

Letty J. TOMPSON Wife M Female W 35 OH Keeping House OH OH

Jonnie TOMPSON Son S Male W 11 IL Farm Hand OH OH

Lona A. TOMPSON Dau S Female W 7 IA In School OH OH

Jesse TOMPSON Dau S Female W 4 IA In School OH OH

Robert TOMPSON Son S Male W 1 IA Home OH OH

123 Zephniah WOOD Self M Male W 40 IN Farmer IN KY

Carline WOOD Wife M Female W 39 OH Keeping House MD OH

William N. WOOD Son S Male W 17 IA Farm Hand IN OH

Julia A. WOOD Dau S Female W 14 IA House Work IN OH

Jenettie WOOD Dau S Female W 13 IA In School IN OH

James WOOD Son S Male W 11 IA In School IN OH

Lewis A. WOOD Son S Male W 8 IA In School IN OH

Author WOOD Son S Male W 6 IA In School IN OH

Harry WOOD Son S Male W 3 IA Home IN OH

Harlan W. WOOD Son S Male W 9M IA Home IN OH

124 John D. BLAKE Self M Male W 70 KY Retired Farmer KY TN

Margret BLAKE Wife M Female W 68 OH KY KY

James BLAKE Son S Male W 28 IL KY KY

125 Nelson H. BRADSHAW Self M Male W 52 IN Farmer PA PA

Mary BRADSHAW Wife M Female W 50 IN Keeping House KY KY

William H. BRADSHAW Son S Male W 24 IN Farm Hand IN IN

Lydda BRADSHAW Dau S Female W 22 IA House Work IN IN

Robert BRADSHAW Son S Male W 18 IA House Work IN IN

Lucy J. BRADSHAW Dau S Female W 16 IA In School IN IN

Marion Twp, 1880 Davis County, IA Census


Davis County Genealogy Society

PO Box 94

Bloomfield, Iowa 52537