Dated::18.06.2012 Consequent upon the resignation of … · 2016. 11. 7. · Dated::18.06.2012 N O...

N O T I C E Dated::18.06.2012 Consequent upon the resignation of Sh.Buddhadev Gangopadhyay from the post of Secretary of the Society on account of personal reasons, BOD has since selected and appointed Md.Mustakim as Secretary Of the Co-Operative Society with immediate effect and until further notice. ChairPerson Note:- To be displayed at Web site(

Transcript of Dated::18.06.2012 Consequent upon the resignation of … · 2016. 11. 7. · Dated::18.06.2012 N O...

  • N O T I C E Dated::18.06.2012

    Consequent upon the resignation

    of Sh.Buddhadev Gangopadhyay

    from the post of Secretary of the

    Society on account of personal

    reasons, BOD has since selected

    and appointed Md.Mustakim as

    Secretary Of the Co-Operative

    Society with immediate effect and

    until further notice.


    Note:- To be displayed at Web site(

  • Dated::18.06.2012

    N O T I C E

    As per the decision taken at the AGM held on 10.06.2012, following are

    the different charges payable by the members for the year 2012-13. All dues

    have to be cleared latest by 31st of July 2012 failing with which interest @2%

    per month will be levied.

    Sl. No.

    Item of Charge AGM Approved


    Already Paid by


    Balance payable by 31.07.12 (Rs.)

    1. Maintenance Charge 3600/- 3000/- 600/-

    2. Car Parking Charge 1200/- 1000/- 200/-

    3. 2-wheeler parking Charge 500/- 400/- 100/-

    4. Tenancy Charge 8000/- 5000/- 3000/-

    7200/- 800/-

    2. It is Found that some members have not paid their past dues even

    after long expiry of due date(s). They are requested once again to please pay

    their dues along with accrued interest at the earliest.


  • 27.06.2012

    Niravra Co-Operative Housing Society Ltd.

    Sub.:- Data On 4-wheeler/2-wheeler under ownership of members and Air Conditioners installed at the

    Residential Flats of the Society.

    All members/residents are requested to kindly furnish requisite information as per the format below.


    Flat No.

    4 –Wheeler with Regn.


    2 – Wheeler with Regn. No.

    Air - Conditioners

    Signature Tel.No. Split Window

    Nos. Capacity Nos. Capacity

  • 27.06.2012

    N O T I C E

    As approved at the AGM held on 10.06.2012, the following charges are

    intimated for information and necessary action of all concerned.

    Sl. No.

    Item Of Charge Amount Effective from

    1. Overnight car parking fee for guests/visitors

    4-wheeler: Rs. 200/Day

    2-wheeler: Rs.100/Day

    1st July 2012

    2. Penalty for Offence under section 93(2) (b) Of WBCS Act’2006 in letting out of flats.


    With Immediate Effect

    3. For continuance of the offence mentioned at Sl.No.2 above for period exceeding two months.

    Rs.1000/- Per Month



  • Dated::25.06.2012

    NIRAVRA Co-Operative Housing Society Ltd.

    There will be an inspection from CESC Officials of the Electrical Installations

    including the main switch/meter box area in each building. To facilitate the same the

    meter box/main switch area at the ground floor of each building need be kept clean as

    well as be kept easily accessible. All the bi-cycles parked in that area are, therefore, to

    be shifted immediately. For parking the bi-cycles, a part of the Security Rest Room has

    been cleared and specially earmarked.

    All the members/residents are therefore requested to shift their bi-cycles

    immediately to the earmarked place.


  • 17.07.2012

    Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Limited


    Sub.:- Non–Payment of Maintenance and Other Charges.

    It is found that many members (both resident & non-resident) are not paying the Co-operative dues for quite a long time. Some members have not paid their dues for years together. Repeated requests/reminders in this regard have been/are being ignored. It may be noted that there have been all round increase in all the recurring expense heads and in absence adequate fund it has become difficult to meet both ends. Besides, the developmental work undertaken cannot be sustained unless all members co-operate and pay their dues in time. There are stringent provisions in the WBCS Act’2006 to deal cases of continuous default which we do not want to invoke and neither do we want to embarrass the members by notifying publicly their names and flat nos. We earnestly, once again, request all the members to clear their dues at the earliest.


  • 17.07.2012

    Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Limited


    Sub.:-Relatives staying at member’s flat

    As per the provisions of the WBCS Act’2006 all relatives staying at member’s flat have to enter into tripartite agreement to be signed by the relative, member and the Co-operative. All concerned are therefore requested to please do the needful at the earliest.


    1.Flat No.1/15.

    2.Flat No.6/7

    3.Flat No.3/10

  • 5.08.12

    Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Limited


    This is to inform that the enclosures for the Meter Boxes and the Electric Main switches, recently installed in all the Buildings of the Society, have been put under lock and key. The keys have been handed over to the security personnel. The residents in need of access to the meter box/main switch may obtain the same from the security duly recording details in the register kept for the purpose. However, once done with they may return the key on the same day positively. All are requested to kindly co-operate.


  • 01.09.2012

    Niravra Co-Operative Housing Society Ltd.


    It is noticed that some members are not displaying the logo of the Society on their cars. The

    appeals made in this regard have so far been ignored.

    The concerned members are once again requested to

    please display the logo of the society on their cars

    without any further delay. They may collect the logo-

    stickers from the Security Post.

    All are requested to co-operate.


  • 01.09.2012

    Niravra Co-Operative Housing Society Ltd.


    This is to inform that with effect from 1st September 2012, one of our security peronnel will be

    on round-the-clock duty at the Northern Main Gate

    i.e Manjulika – ‘A’ Gate. This will facilitate

    unrestricted 24x7 entry of members/residents of our

    Society to the Campus.


  • Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Limited

    Urgent Notice Sub.:- Celebrating a Pollution free Dewali

    This Year the City Police in no uncertain terms has directed all concerned to refrain from bursting the banned firecrackers during the festival of Kalipuja/Dewali. The Police administration specifically has asked the residential complexes to remain vigilant in this regard and enforce strictly that the acoustic pollution is within the prescribed limit. In view of the above the residents of the Co-operative are herewith requested not to light/burst such crackers for our own safety and to ensure that the directives from the City Police are complied with both in letter and spirit. All are requested to cooperate.


  • 27.11.2012

    Niravra Co-Operative Housing

    Society Ltd.

    N O T I C E

    It is informed that

    Md.Mustakim has since

    resumed as Secretary w.e.f



    Copy to: Web site(

  • 28.11.2012

    Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.

    N O T I C E

    As per the decision taken at the AGM, the Deep Tubewell Resinking

    Charge (Last Installment) is to be collected from all the members. The

    amount may be paid latest by 31st December,2012 failing with which

    interest @2% per month will be levied.

    Sl. No.

    Item of Charge Amount (Rs.)

    Payable by

    31.12.12 1. Deep Tubewell Resinking Charge(Last



    2. It is found that some members have not paid their past

    installments even long after the expiry of due date. Repeated reminders in

    this regard have been ignored. These members are requested once again

    to please pay their installments and other dues along with accrued

    interest at the earliest.


  • Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.


    Sub.:-Disposing off the Junk Bi/Tri-cycles

    Attention of all concerned is invited to the notice issued earlier for disposing off the bi/tri-cycles which are

    in dilapidated condition. The owner residents are once

    again requested to please take suitable action at the

    earliest and latest by 31st Dec.’2012. In the event of non-

    compliance BOD will take necessary action as may be

    deemed fit to clear off the occupied space.



  • Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Limited


    The roof-doors of all the buildings will

    henceforth be kept under lock and key. The keys

    will be available with the security. Anyone

    desirous of access of the terrace may obtain the

    key from the security. Once done with, the key

    may be returned on the same day and latest by

    the evening.

    It is also informed that duplicate key can be

    provided to any willing member, on requisition.

    The measure has been taken to ensure security and safety of the residents.



  • 19.12.2012

    NIRAVRA Co-Operative Housing Society Ltd.

    N O T I C E

    Reproduced below is the extract of a letter received from Satellite

    Communication, 344 RR plot Kol-700107 for information and necessary action by the

    concerned residents.

    Ref.No…. Dated 17.12.2012

    To, The Secretary Niravra Co-oprative Housing Ltd. Kol-107

    Sub.:- Price of Set Top Box Dear Sir, We are to inform you that few members of our cable subscribers of your complex have so far not taken their set top box till date. On the other hand, the price of set top box has increased and hence we are constrained to supply the said box to rest of our subscribers at the price of Rs.800/- from …..14th Nov.2012. We, therefore request those subscribers to collect their set top box at the above mentioned price. ………………………………………………… Thanking You,

    Yours faithfully, Sd/-

    Satellite Communication”


  • No.hGM_13/Niravra Dated. 9.01.2013

    Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.

    Half – Yearly General Meeting

    N O T I C E

    In terms of Section 30 of the West Bengal Co-operative Societies Act’2006,

    notice is herewith given to all members informing that the half-yearly General Meeting

    will be held on 03.02.2013 (Sunday) at 10:30 AM in the premises of the Society to

    transact the following business.

    Agenda for the meeting:

    To review the activities of Society on the basis of the report placed.

    To consider the latest audit report.

    To review the financial position on the basis of provisional accounts and consider proposal for raising fund for the proposed relaying of inner campus

    road and to meet extra expenditure incurred for developmental work.

    To consider any other matter as may be brought in the meeting in accordance with the provisions of the Act as well as bye-laws of the Society.

    (Md.Mustakim) Secretary

    To, All Members.

  • Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Limited


    No. Dated. 5.02.2013

    As decided in the Half-yearly General meeting held on 03.02.2013, an amount of Rs.3500/- is to be paid by each member towards relaying of inner campus road, various developmental activities and replenishment of maintenance fund as per the following schedule.

    Sl. No. Amount (Rs.) Payment Due Date

    1. 2000/- Latest By 28.02.2013

    2. 1500/- Latest By 30.04.2013

    All are requested to kindly co-operate and pay the amount within the due date. Kindly be informed that failure to make payment within the due date will attract penal interest of 2% per month.


  • Niravra Co-Operative Housing Society Ltd.

    N O T I C E 17.02.2013

    It is informed that Smt. Rajalakshmi Ray,

    the Chairperson of the Society will be away

    from the campus for a period of about a

    month and a half. During this period Sh. Sunil

    Mitra, Vice-Chairman will look after the office

    of the Chairperson.


    Copy to: Web site(

  • 20.03.2013

    Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Limited


    The following items of work have been undertaken and

    are underway.

    1. Repair/replacement of soil/rainwater pipes, pipe-bends,

    joints etc.

    2. Repair of damaged/cracked sunshades, railing-

    bases at balcony, worn out plaster at outer walls etc.

    While the plumbers/masons have been asked to be careful

    so that no damaged portions are left out,

    members/residents are also requested to remain alert in

    order to ensure that all damages/cracks in and around their

    flats are adequately attended.

    All are requested to cooperate.


  • 28.03.2013

    N O T I C E

    All members are requested to pay the following charges latest by 30th April 2013.

    Members are also reminded that the due date for payment of amount of Rs.1500/- as decided

    at Half - Yearly General Meeting and notified on 05.02.2013 also falls on 3oth April 2013.

    Delay in the payment of dues will attract penal interest @2% per month.

    2. The above charges are for the year 2013-14 and are subject to ratification at AGM. In

    case it is decided to enhance the charges, the balance has to be paid by the due date to be

    fixed at AGM.

    3. It is found that some members have not paid their past dues even long after the expiry

    of due date(s). These members are requested once again to please pay their dues along with

    accrued interest at the earliest.


    Sl. No.

    Item of Charge Amount(Rs.)

    1. Maintenance Charge 3600/-

    2. Car Parking Charge 1200/-

    3. 2-wheeler parking Charge 500/-

  • 02.05.2013

    Niravra Co-Operative Housing

    Society Ltd.

    N O T I C E

    It is informed that Smt.

    Rajalakshmi Ray has since

    resumed as Chairperson

    w.e.f 01.05.2013.


    Copy to: Web site(

  • 8.05.2013

    Niravra Co-Operative Housing Society Ltd.

    Members are herewith informed that the

    Annual General Meeting of the Society has been

    decided to be held on 30.06.2013. The election of

    the new BOD will also take place in the meeting.

    JRCS has already appointed an ARO for the

    purpose. Further action as per the requirement of

    statute will follow.


    Copy to: Web site(

  • 8.05.2013

    Niravra Co-Operative Housing Society Ltd.


    The draft Voters’ list has been published and put up at the Office Notice Board as well as at the

    Notice Board at Security Post. As has been

    mentioned in the last page of the list, the members

    are free to submit their objections, if any, on

    18.05.2013 between 7 PM to 9 PM.


  • Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.


    Sub.:- Postponement of Election of new BOD.

    Joint Registrar of Co-Operative Socities, K.M.A.H Cell have communicated that Co-Operative Election Commission,

    WB have passed an order vide no. 429-CEC/IV-01/2012-13

    dated 24.05.13 that election of Co-Operative Societies at all

    stages in the State to be held under their supervision and

    control will remain postponed until further orders.

    Accordingly, the election of the new BOD of the Society

    scheduled to be held on the day of the AGM on 30.06.2013

    will also stand postponed. The AGM, however, will be held

    as scheduled on 30.06.2013. Notice for the same will be issued




  • Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.


    An Aluminum extensible wall ladder Of 24ft x 40ft

    (24 ft – nominal length to be extended up to 40 ft) has

    been purchased by the Society and is kept at the Security

    rest room. Members/residents can put the ladder into use

    at a charge of Rs.50/- per day. Requisition for the same

    can be given to Security outpost.


  • Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.

    Annual General Meeting

    N O T I C E

    In exercise of the authority conferred on the undersigned under sub-section (2)

    of section 29 of the West Bengal Co-operative Societies Act, 2006, notice is hereby given to

    all members of the society that the Annual General Meeting for the Co-operative year 2013-

    2014 will be held on 30/06/2013(Sunday) at 2:30 P.M. in the premises of the society where

    the following business will be transacted.

    Agenda of the Annual General Meeting (2013-2014)

    Confirmation of the proceedings of the last Half-Yearly and Annual General Meeting


    Consideration of the latest audit report (2012-2013) and audited statement of accounts

    referred to in section 98, if received before the date fixed for the annual general meeting.

    Consideration of the Annual Report prepared by the Board;

    Approval of the Annual Budget (2013-2014);

    Consideration of any other matter which will be brought at the meeting as miscellaneous

    items in accordance with the provisions of the Act and the Bye-Laws of the Society.




  • Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.

    Schedule of Charges


    As per the decision taken at the AGM held on 30.06.2013, the SCHEDULE OF

    CHARGES for 2013-14 are herewith notified for information and necessary action of

    the members. Failure to make payment on or before the due date will be charged with

    interest @2% per month.

    Sl. No.

    Item of Charge Amount (Rs.)

    Already Paid(Rs.)

    Balance (Rs.)

    Payable By Remarks

    1. Maintenance 5000/- 3600/- 1400/- 31stJuly’13

    2. Tenancy 10000/- 8000/- 2000/- -do-

    3. 4-wheeler Parking 1300/- 1200/- 100/- -do-

    4. 2-wheeler Parking 550/- 500/- 50/- -do-

    5. Building Restoration Fund

    2000/- - a. 1000/- b. 1000/-

    a. 30th Sept’2013 b. 28th Feb’2014

    Will continue in 2014-15

    6. Penalty for defaulters

    1.Maintenance: 2.Tenancy: 3.Parking Fee(4-wheeler): 4.Parking Fee(2-wheeler):

    a. 250/- b. 500/- c. 150/- d. 75/-




    This is in addition to the interest usually charged and have to be paid on failure to make payment during the year in which the amount is due. This comes into force with retrospective effect.

    2. It is found that some members have not paid their past dues even

    long after the expiry of due date. Repeated reminders in this regard have

    been ignored. These members are requested once again to please pay

    their installments and other dues along with accrued interest and

    penalty at the earliest.



  • Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Limited

    Notice The tenure of the present BOD will come to an end on 3rd Oct’2013. The BOD however decided to relinquish office in June’2013 so that the Election of the new

    BOD and the AGM could be held on the same date. The idea was to avoid extra

    expenditure. Accordingly, we took up the matter with JRCS vide our letters dated

    11.12.2012 and dated 16.01.2013. Subsequently, we personally met JRCS and as

    per suggestion,BOD on 16.04.2013 proposed 23rdJune’13 for AGM/election. As an

    alternative, 30th June was also suggested. JRCS however accepted the later date

    i.e. 30th June’2013 and appointed an ARO(Asst. Returning Officer) for the election.

    Accordingly, the process of election was initiated and draft and final Voters’ list

    was published. However, the ARO on 24.05.2013 forwarded an WB Govt. Order

    wherein all elections under Co-operative Election Commission were put in

    suspension in view of State Panchayat Polls until further orders. From our side,

    however, on 16.07.2013 we proposed two dates e.g. 8th Sept. and as an alternative

    - 15th Sept’13 for election. We kept in touch with ARO and ultimately the ARO on

    8.08.2013 informed that the above mentioned Govt. order is yet to be revoked

    and as such an uncertainty has cropped up in the holding of the Co-operative

    elections. However, there is a chance of review of the order at the end of the

    current month.

    In view of the above the election cannot be held on any of the two dates

    (i.e.8th /15th Sept’13) proposed by us. On the other hand the end of tenure date of

    the present BOD is fast approaching. Under this circumstance and considering that

    a minimum of 21 days’ period is to be provided between notice and actual election

    – appropriate action

    need to be taken else Special Officer will be appointed in place of the present

    BOD once its tenure gets over. Thus, for no fault of ours we’ll end up at the

    receiving end.

  • One way out, perhaps can be to seek legal redress. We also plan to meet

    JRCS on the matter.

    This notice is given to keep members abreast of the development and they

    are also requested to inform the BOD of any alternate suggestion to tide over the


    Secretary Dated.11.08.2013

  • Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.

    Building Restoration Fund(2013-14)


    Members are reminded that in the AGM held on

    30.06.2013 collection of Rs.2000/- payable in two

    installments respectively in months of sept’2013 and

    Feb’2014 @Rs.1000/- under Building Restoration Fund

    was decided and approved.

    Accordingly, the first installment of Building

    Restoration Fund amounting Rs.1000/- is due to

    be paid latest by 30th Sept 2013. All are requested

    to please pay the amount within due date.



  • 6.10.2013

    Notice for Special General Meeting

    In exercise of the authority conferred on the undersigned as per provision of the WBCS Act

    2006, Rules 2011, notice is hereby given to all members of the society that a special

    General Meeting has been convened on 14/11/2013 at 3 the

    premises of the society with a single point agenda to hold election for

    electing Board Of Directors of the Society.

    Copy of the election schedule is enclosed.


  • 6.10.2013

    Election Schedule Of

    Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.

    1. No. of Vacancies to be filled up by election: 13.

    2. Qualification for eligibility for membership of the Board: As per relevant provisions of WBCS Act

    2006, Rules 2011 and Registered Bye-Laws Of the Society.

    3. Date, Time and Place for issue of Nomination Papers:

    Date:- 30.10.2013 to 04.11.2013

    Time:- 8 PM to 9 PM.

    Place:-Office Of the Society.

    4. Date, Time and Place for filing of Nomination Papers:

    Date:- 30.10.2013 to 04.11.2013

    Time:- 8 PM to 9 PM

    Place:- Office Of the Society.

    5. Date, Time and Place for Scrutiny of Nomination Papers:

    Date:- 06.11.2013

    Time:- 2 to 3 PM

    Place:- Office Of the Society.

    6. Date of publication of valid nomination after Scrutiny:

    Date:- 06.11.2013

    Time:- After 3 PM.

    Place:- Office Of the Society.

    7. Date, Time and Place for withdrawal of Nomination Papers:

    Date:- 07.11.2013

    Time:- 2 to 3 PM

    Place:- Office Of the Society.

    8. Date, Time and Place for publication of list of contesting Candidates:

    Date:- 07.11.2013

    Time:- After 3 PM

    Place:- Office Of the Society.

    9. Date, Time and Place for Election:

    Date:- 14.11.2013

    Time:- 4 to 6 PM.

    Place:- Office of the Society

    (Biswajit Pramanik) Asstt. Returning Officer.

  • 14.11.13

    Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Limited

    O R D E R

    In terms of regulation 3(17) of West Bengal Co-Operative Election regulations 2012, I do

    hereby declare that following candidates are elected as directors from the Niravra Co-

    Operative Housing Society Ltd..

    Sl.No. Name Flat No. 1. Abdul Samad D-6/3 2. Sh. Bikash Roy Chaudhury D-11/5 3. Sh. Devadatta Sinha D-13/3 4. Sh. Gautam Das D-7/14 5. Sh. Mahadeb Kumar Basu D-13/9 6. Sh. Mrinal Kanti Bhadra D-13/15 7. Sh. Piyal Nandi D-10/9 8. Sh. Prabir Kumar Chattaraj D-9/10 9. Sh. Sujoy Kumar Basu D-5/3

    10. Sh. Sunil Kumar Mitra D-4/4 11. Sk.Md.Mustakim D-1/16 12. Smt. Namita Das D-6/11 13. Smt. Rajlakshmi Ray D-1/9

    (Sh.Biswajit Pramanik)


  • 7.12.2013

    Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Limited

    N O T I C E

    In the meeting of Board Of Directors held on 7.12.2013 at

    4 PM wherein Sh.Biswajit Pramanik , ARO was also present, Office

    bearers of the Society were unanimously elected. Accordingly, the

    constitution of the BOD stands as hereunder.

    1. Smt. Rajlakshmi Ray D-01/09 Chairperson 2. Sh. Devadatta Sinha D-13/03 Vice-Chairperman 3. Sh. Sunil Mitra D-4/04 Panel Chairman 4. Sk.Md.Mustakim D-1/16 Secretary 5. Sh. Bikash Roychoudhury D-11/5 Treasurer 6. Sh. Prabir Kumar Chattaraj D-9/10 Director 7. Sh. Sujoy Kumar Basu D-5/3 Director 8. Smt. Namita Das D-6/11 Director 9. Sh. Mrinal Kanti Bhadra D-13/15 Director

    10. Sh. Mahadeb Kumar Basu D-13/9 Director 11. Sh.Piyal Nandi D-10/9 Director 12. Abdul Samad D-06/03 Director 13. Sh. Gautam Das D-07/14 Director

    Sd/- Secretary

  • 17.01.2014


    Half-yearly General Meeting


    In exercise of the authority conferred on the undersigned as per provision of the WBCS Act 2006, notice is

    hereby given to all members of the society that the half-yearly General Meeting will be held

    on 16/02/2014 at 4 the premises of the society to transact business as per

    the agenda points mentioned hereunder. Members are requested to please

    attend the meeting.

    Agenda for the meeting:

    To review the activities of the Society on the basis of report placed. To review the financial position on the basis of the provisional accounts and

    to consider proposal for raising of fund for the implementation of sanitation project.

    To consider any other matter as may be raised in the meeting in accordance with the provisions of Bye-Laws and the Co-operative Act.



    To, All Members

  • Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.



    In the Half-Yearly General Meeting held on 16.02.2014,

    the proposed Sanitary Project (i.e. work relating to taking

    out of the U-pipes of kitchen and toilets from inside the

    flats) and the charges payable thereof, was discussed and


    As approved each member has to pay an amount of

    Rs.9500/- for the implementation of the project. The

    amount will be collected in instalments and as per the

    mode mentioned hereunder.

    1st Instalment: Rs.5000/- to be paid by 31st


    2nd Instalment: Rs.4500/- to be paid by 30th


    Members are requested to kindly make payment



  • Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.



    All members are informed that before installation of Air-Conditioner(s), the connected load at the respective

    Flat may be increased suitably to avoid any disbalance in

    the distribution of power inside the campus. It is also

    reminded that intimating CESC about installation of AC is a

    statutory requirement.

    Members are requested to take necessary action





    N O T I C E

    All members are requested to pay the following charges latest by 30th April 2014.

    Members may kindly note that delay in the payment of dues will attract penal interest @2%

    per month.

    2. The above charges are for the year 2014-15 and are subject to ratification at AGM. In

    case it is decided to enhance the charges, the balance has to be paid by the due date to be

    fixed at AGM.


    Sl. No.

    Item of Charge Amount(Rs.)

    1. Maintenance Charge 5000/-

    2. Car Parking Charge 1300/-

    3. 2-wheeler parking Charge 550/-



    N O T I C E

    Recently there have been two instances wherein the toilet taps/wash-basin taps were found to be left open in closed flats. Apparently, the residents ‘forgot’ to close the taps

    before going out – in one occasion, for work and in other for long excursion. The end result of

    the carelessness – the overhead tank drained out in no time and in this summer, the family

    members in different flats had to suffer. Temper ran high. Several complaints were lodged and

    the BOD, obviously, was at the receiving end. To cope with the situation, the pump was run

    several times to lift adequate water. But for the carelessness and callousness of few

    individuals the situation would not have arisen. Residents are requested to be more careful

    that all water outlets are tightly and firmly closed after use and that there are no leakages at

    the taps or cisterns.

    2. Empty liquor/beer bottles have been found to be strewn about, in the terrace and at the top of the staircase. This is objectionable as well as dangerous. While we have no

    comment about the drinking habits of the residents but littering of terrace, stairs or campus

    with empty bottles is certainly a matter of concern. Attention of all concerned is drawn to this


    3. Complaints have been received that there had been attempts to deliberately damage the outdoor unit of AC located at the rooftops. This is rather serious and was thus far unheard

    of. Members are requested to remain vigilant and such incident must not recur in future.

    All are requested to kindly co-operate on the matters mentioned above.


  • Niravra Co-Operative Housing Society Ltd.


    N O T I C E

    In spite of extensive discussion at AGM and half-yearly GM, certain

    points and FAQs need to be clarified for information of the members. The

    same are mentioned here under .

    Scope Of Sanitary Project: The aim is to take out of the boundary

    wall of the buildings, the waste lines of kitchen and toilets which

    appear as U-shaped pipe-bends at the ceilings of the flats at 2nd,1st

    and ground floor of each building. In this way the menace of

    occasional dripping of dirty water the residents at these flats face,

    will be gotten rid of.

    The Work:

    1. Partial chipping away of the kitchen, main toilet and WC


    2. Dismantling the main – toilet embedded in the platform at

    the main bathroom. Dismantling the platform.

    3. Removing the U-bends.

    4. Installing a new WC at the dismantled site.

    5. Fixing new waste lines and taking the same outside the flats.

    6. Sealing the gaping holes on the floor.


    a. All costs for the above will be borne by the society out of the

    fund being collected.

  • b. The new WC will be of standard type and will be selected out

    of the best available but according to the available fund. In

    case any member desires to install something different then

    the extra cost has to be borne by him/her.

    c. The making good of the floor for damaged tiles/marble is

    outside the scope of the project. The floor will be finished

    with cement plaster. As such,cost of preparation of the

    damaged floor with marble/tile has to be borne by the flat-


    d. In flats where WC (S-trap type) has already been installed,

    still it needs to be dismantled.

    e. A project committee has already been formed and notified.

    f. Tender for the job has already been published in leading


    g. Project will take off once all essentialities are completed by

    the committee.

    h. For any further querry, members are free to contact at the

    office with the convenor of the Project Committee.


  • Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Limited

    An Appeal

    The green grass at the Children’s Park in our campus is under destruction, thanks to the game of football being played regularly by the few of the boys of the Society. The green stretch that was built with considerable effort and money are being ravaged. Our efforts to desist them went in vain as these boys ignored requests from all of us. It pains to see that boys from an HIG-campus have urchin like attitude and body language of defiance. Because of them the rightful users of the park (i.e. the children) do not find entry inside. The matter was also brought to the notice of the guardians of these boys but to no avail. The park belongs to all of us. As such the responsibility to protect also lies with all the residents. Therefore, all the residents including the Ladies may please come forward and make a concerted effort so as not to allow playing of such games that may damage the green grass or destroy it. This appeal is a last ditch effort to protect the park as otherwise we do not find any other way to protect it. Dated:-08.07.2014 Secretary. To, Personal attention of all residents.

  • Niravra Co-Operative Housing Society Ltd.

    Sub.:- Sanitary Project - Progress reg.

    Though the work of the project took off at the intended time i.e immediately after the press tender and selection of vendor on the basis of submitted rates but

    abruptly the work stopped as the selected vendor refused to continue work at the

    quoted rate of Rs.3000/-(excluding Material Cost) per flat. Instead,for the

    continuation of work he asked for a rate of Rs.4400/- per flat. In the meeting with

    Project Committee, he submitted his inability to continue with the work and

    accordingly the work order placed on him was cancelled. The second lowest rate

    was Rs.3500/- per flat. We tried to contact the particular vendor but he could not

    be traced/contacted. The project committee then decided to offload the work to

    two other vendors who approached us for the work. Unfortunately, they also

    backed out. Next Project Committee/BOD members through personnel contacts

    and through known sources approached plumbers of known acumen. Several

    turned up but backed out. Finally, after several rounds of discussion, two

    plumbers viz. M/s Entazul Khan and M/s Pradip Naskar were selected. The Project

    Committee approved these plumbers for the work at the rate of the second lowest

    quote of Rs.3500/- (excluding Material) per flat. The work has since started and is

    being carried out independently by these two teams. Since then there has been

    steady progress. Already work has been completed in 25 nos. Of flats. We have

    hired a person to supervise the work, issuance of materials and to keep record of

    day to day jobs. Convenor of Project Committee and BOD members also keep track

    of day to day activities as far as possible. But needless to say that best Supervision

    has to come from the residents themselves in whose flats the work is underway.


  • 2. For the successful implementation of the work, it is imperative that the

    work takes Off simultaneously at flats in all the floors and located in a vertical line

    i.e at the four flats one top of another. Refusal to let do the work or closed flat

    jeopardise the project work in all the flats in that line. Members are therefore

    requested to co-operate for the completion of the project. Residents are informed,

    in advance, prior to the commencement of the job.

    3. It may kindly be noted that work involves the following jobs:

    Dismantling the existing system.

    Taking out the U-bends.

    Digging holes across the wall.

    Jamming the gaping holes on the wall.

    Sealing the gaping hole on the floor and allowing setting time.

    Chipping the floor for a positive slope.

    Installing new WC, cistern etc.

    Fitting Pipes, bends etc. And connecting the outlines as well as

    the WC with the outside pipes.

    Sundry plumbing work.

    It takes usually 4 to 5 days to complete successfully all the above. This period

    might extend if flat owners go, additionally, for tile-fitting of the floor.

    All are requested to bear the discomfort / inconvenience for the period of

    work. Once the work is completed the menace the residents faced will be taken

    care of permanently. If everything goes as planned, ALMIGHTY willing, the project

    will be completed by August or 1st week of September’2014.



  • Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Ltd. N O T I C E

    The installment of Building Restoration

    Fund amounting Rs.1000/- is due to be

    paid latest by 30th Sept 2014. All are

    requested to please pay the amount within

    due date else interest @2% P.M will be


    The members who have not yet paid dues

    under different Heads e.g. Maintenance(’13-

    14,’14-15), Sanitary Project(Mar’&June’14) etc.

    are once again requested to pay their dues

    without any further delay. It may be noted

    that outstanding dues now stands at




  • Dated.02.09.2014

    Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.

    Annual General Meeting

    N O T I C E

    In exercise of the authority conferred on the undersigned under sub-section (2) of Section 29 of the West Bengal Co-operative Societies Act,2006, notice is hereby given to all

    members of the Society that the Annual General Meeting for the Co-operative year 2014-15

    will be held on 28.09.2014 at 3:00 PM in the premises of the Society.

    Agenda for the meeting is as mentioned hereunder,

    Confirmation of the proceedings of the last Half-Yearly and Annual General Meeting


    Consideration of the Audit Report (2013-14) and audited statements of accounts.

    Consideration of the Annual Report prepared by the Board.

    Approval of the Annual Budget (2014-15).

    Consideration of any other matter as may be raised in the meeting as miscellaneous

    item in accordance with the provisions of the Act and Bye-Laws of the Society.

    (Md.Mustakim) Secretary.

    To, All Members.

  • Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.

    Building Restoration Fund


    As per the decision taken at the AGM held on 28.09.2014, the CHARGES for

    Building Restoration Fund have been revised. The rate now stands at Rs.1500/- in

    place of Rs.1000/- and is to be paid by 30th September and 28th February every

    year. The details are as indicated below.

    Sl. No.

    Item of Charge Amount (Rs.)

    Payable By

    1. Building Restoration Fund

    1500/- 30th Sept.

    2. -do- 1500/- 28th Feb.

    2. For the current year, the amount due at Sept’2014 can be paid

    by 31st December’2014. Those who have already paid the amount at the

    old rate of Rs.1000/- can pay the balance amount of Rs.500/- latest by

    31st Dec’2014.

    Dated 29.09.2014


  • Niravra Co-Operative Housing Society Ltd.


    Sub.:- Dengue outbreak

    Four cases of dengue have been reported in our campus. KMC volunteers/personnel have already visited the campus and have spread insecticide

    for killing mosquito larvae. As a precautionary measure we’re also applying

    bleaching powder at the drains/accumulated water in the campus. Residents are

    also requested to remain vigilant so that there is no accumulated water in and

    around their flats. The places to be particularly careful about are:

    At the outlet container of refrigerator compressor which holds water.

    The container must regularly be emptied.

    The plastic containers under the flower pots that hold the excess water

    from the watering of the plants. The water can be germinating spot for


    Bottle/container at indoor containing plants like money plant or any

    other decorative saplings. Regularly, fresh water need be used.

    Plastic Cups, sweat meat cups or other plastic/metal containers thrown

    carelessly in and around the buildings. Rain water or accumulation from

    other sources at these cups can be safe breeding place for mosquitoes.

    All are requested to co-operate.



  • Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.

    Parking Charge(2014-15): Clarification

    N O T I C E

    In the light of the decision taken at the AGM/BOD meeting, following clarifications are issued for information and necessary action of all concerned.

    Members: There is no change in the parking fee either for 2-wheeler or 4-wheeler. Full

    charge will be levied irrespective of the period of parking i.e. be it full year or part of the



    1. 4-Wheeler: Four wheeler parking is not allowed.

    2. 2-Wheeler: Annual Parking Charge is Rs.6600/-. Full year’s charge is payable

    if the period of parking is more than six months. However, for period of parking of

    six months or less, half of the above amount i.e. Rs.3300/- is to be paid by the

    concerned tenant.



  • Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.

    N O T I C E

    Fire extinguishers of 4 Kg. capacity MAP powder-based ABC type

    have been installed at an accessible height at the first landing of staircase

    of each building. Residents are requested not to pull the ring attached to

    the cylinder or unhook it except at the hour of need. If so done, the

    extinguisher may be rendered useless. Already such an episode has

    happened in Building No.11 with the result that Mono Ammonium

    Phosphate powder were thrown out of the extinguisher resulting in

    lowering of its pressure inside the cylinder thus jeopardizing its

    effectiveness. Residents may remain vigilant that such things do not recur

    in other Buildings.

    All are requested to co-operate.



  • Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.

    N O T I C E

    Sub:- Interest for late payments.

    Members have been found to be reluctant in the payment of accrued interest for the delayed payment of Co-operative dues. Rather the predominant tendency is to evade the payment of the interest at one pretext or another. It is informed that the Bye-Laws of the Society provide for payment of 2% interest on all late remittances of Co-operative dues. As such, members who have not yet paid the accrued interest amount on delayed payments are requested to pay the same at the earliest.

    All are requested to co-operate.



  • Niravra Co-Operative Housing Society Ltd.

    N O T I C E

    Sub.:- Extra Commode-Payment Reg.

    During the course of Sanitary Project many of our members opted for Commodes (WCs),which were different

    to the standard WCs supplied as part of the project. Similarly,

    some members took extra WCs beyond their eligibility.

    Extra sums on both these accounts have to be paid by the

    concerned members. The details are as indicated at pages

    hereunder. Respective members are requested to kindly pay the

    due amount forthwith through A/c payee cheque to the Co-




  • Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Limited.

    Co-Operative Dues: Defaulters’ Statement As On 16.01.2015


    Members are herewith informed of the perennial problem being faced by the Society i.e. Non –payment of co-operative dues. Time and again the matter

    has been brought to the notice of the defaulting members but to no avail. A

    statement is again displayed for attention to all concerned.


    Maintenance: 4 nos.

    Road (2nd Installment): 9 nos.

    Building Restoration Fund (Sept): 9 nos.

    Building Restoration Fund (Feb): 16 nos.


    Maintenance: 12 nos.

    Sanitary Project (Mar.): 6 nos.

    Sanitary Project (Jun): 19 nos.

    Building Restoration Fund (Sept.): 64 nos.

    Building Restoration Fund (Sept –AGM Raised): 102 nos.



  • Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.

    N o t i c e

    Sub.:-Building Restoration Fund –

    Feb.’15 Instalment

    Members are reminded that the 2nd instalment of Building Restoration Fund is due to be paid latest by 28th

    Feb’2015. All are requested to kindly pay the amount of

    Rs.1500/- within the due date.



  • Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.

    N o t i c e

    Sub.:-Renting out Co-operative Space.

    It is herewith informed that the BOD has decided that members can use the space at the Indoor Games’ Room

    i.e. the room below the Co-Operative Office for holding of

    private family functions. The schedule of charges for such

    use is as indicated hereunder.

    Rent: Rs.2000/- for single use for a day or less.

    Electricity: No charge for use of fans or lights fitted at the room. However, for additional

    connections an amount of Rs.100/- per use per day

    will be levied.




    Half-yearly General Meeting


    In exercise of the authority conferred on the undersigned as per provision of the WBCS Act 2006, notice is

    hereby given to all members of the society that the half-yearly General Meeting will be held

    on 29/03/2015 at 10:30 A.M. at the premises of the society to transact business

    as per the agenda points mentioned hereunder. Members are requested to

    please attend the meeting.

    Agenda for the meeting:

    To review the activities of the Society on the basis of report placed. To review the financial position on the basis of the provisional accounts.

    To consider any other matter as may be raised in the meeting in accordance with the provisions of Bye-Laws and the Co-operative Act.

    (Md.Mustakim) Secretary

    To, All Members.

  • Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.

    N O T I C E

    Sub.:- Campaign to link Aadhar Card & Voter


    A Campaign has been launched to link the Aadhar and EPIC Card under the National Electoral Roll Purification

    and Authentication programme. Accordingly, the Election

    Office, Kasba has supplied us with the requisite form. Each

    member/resident is herewith requested to please fill in

    the proforma. The filled-in proforma may be submitted to

    the Election office representatives on

    30.05.2015(Saturday) 10AM onwards at the collection

    Office at the Indoor Games’ Centre (the space below

    the Co-Operative Office) in the campus. The residents

    may also bring alongwith Aadhar cards and Voter cards for

    necessary verification, if required.

    Dated.27.05.2015 Secretary


    All members. A copy of proforma is also send alongwith.

  • Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.

    Reg.Children’s Park.


    Attention of all conscientious residents, gents and ladies alike, is drawn to the problem we are facing in the upkeep of the Children’s Park. The grown up

    boys of the campus, in defiance to all requests and appeal/notice, regularly play

    the games of Football and Cricket. They play these games daily and for prolonged

    periods of about 4-5 hours. As a result the green surface that was built with

    considerable efforts, care and money has all but destroyed fully. Already the

    green surface, in large patches, has given way to the sandy brown surface. Thus

    we are back to square one and the huge sum that was spent has gone to waste.

    2. Ironically, the rightful owners of the park i.e. the children are not allowed

    entry by these boys. As a result they play on the road and over the underground

    reservoir. This is dangerous as anytime some untoward accident may happen

    and our children, God forbids, may suffer injuries. The cast Iron covers on the

    reservoir can also give way and in that event fatality is not ruled out.

    On behalf of the BOD, a fervent appeal is therefore made to all residents to

    come forward and make a concerted effort not only to save the green top of the

    park but also restore the park for play to the children only. Actions are required

    to be taken forthwith to prevent any untoward happening.



  • Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.

    Maintenance & other Charge(2015-16)

    N O T I C E

    As per decision at the Annual General Meeting held on 26.07.2015, the

    charges, those are to be remitted by members/residents, are as mentioned

    hereunder. All are requested to please pay the due amount within the last date

    mentioned failing with which an interest of 2% will be levied.

    Head Approved Amount at AGM(Rs.)

    Amount already paid(Rs.)

    Balance Payable(Rs.)

    Last Date for Payment

    Maintenance 6000 5000 1000 31.08.2015 4-wheeler

    Parking Fee 1400 1300 100 -do-

    2-wheeler Parking


    600 550 50 -do-

    2-wheeler Parking


    7200 6600 600 -do-

    2. Members are also reminded that they are welcome to pay the September Installment of

    Building Restoration fund along with.



    Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.

  • N O T I C E

    Sub.:- Voluntary Group for Healthcare Needs(VGHN).

    As per decision taken at the AGM’2015 and subsequent discussion at the BOD meeting, a Voluntary Group for Healthcare Needs(VGHN) in the Society is

    herewith formed. The following residents of the Society will be the members of

    this group.

    1. Sh. Suresh Chandra Sharma – Flat no.D-07/01.

    2. Sh. Sibendu Dey – Flat no.D-03/04.

    3. Smt. Anima Mondal – Flat no.D-12/13.

    4. Sh.Sujay Basu – Flat no.D-05/03.

    5. Sh.Goutam Das – Flat no.D-07/14.

    6. Abdul Samad – Flat No.D-06/03.

    7. Sh. Ranjan Roy – resident – Flat no.D-06/02.

    8. Sh. Piyal Nandi – Flat no. D-10/09. --------Convenor.

    Broad Terms of Reference for the group:

    i. To keep in regular touch with the senior residents, especially the

    single lady members.

    ii. To maintain database of hospitals, doctors, healthcare

    amenities/facilities etc. as available in the neighbourhood.

    iii. To upkeep the equipments e.g wheelchair, stretcher etc. as available

    with the Society.

    iv. To provide assistance at the hour of medical emergency of any

    resident of the Society.

    v. To undertake any other activity commensurate with the objective of

    the Group.

    Dated.16.11.2015 Secretary


  • N O T I C E

    Draft Bye – Laws Of The Society

    The Committee for the amendment of the Bye-Laws has submitted the draft

    to the BOD on 29th Dec’2015. Members are requested to kindly study the draft

    and suggest their valued opinion. It is proposed to discuss the draft Bye-Laws in

    the next General meeting before finally placing the Bye-Laws in the AGM/special

    GM for approval.

    2. To facilitate the study, a copy of the draft Bye-Laws as submitted by the

    Committee has been uploaded at the Society Web-site

    ( The uploaded draft is in pdf format and is

    password protected. Desirous members may obtain the password from the

    office of the Society.

    30.11.2015 (Md.Mustakim)



  • Half-yearly General Meeting


    In exercise of the authority conferred on the undersigned as per provision of the WBCS Act 2006, notice is

    hereby given to all members of the society that the half-yearly General Meeting will be held

    on 07/02/2016 at 10:30 A.M. at the premises of the society to transact business

    as per the agenda points mentioned hereunder. Members are requested to

    please attend the meeting.

    Agenda for the meeting:

    To review the activities of the Society on the basis of report placed. To review the financial position on the basis of the provisional accounts.

    To discuss the draft Bye-Laws of the Society.

    To consider any other matter as may be raised in the meeting in accordance with the provisions of Bye-Laws and the Co-operative Act.

    Sd/- 22.12.2015 (Md.Mustakim)

    Secretary To, All Members. Copy to: JRCS for information.




    N O T I C E

    All members are requested to pay the following charge latest by 29th February’ 2016. Members may kindly note that delay in the payment

    of dues will attract penal interest @2% per month.

    2. The above charge is for the year 2015-16 and creditable to the

    Head ‘Long Term Development Fund’.


    Sl. No.

    Item of Charge Amount(Rs.)

    1. Building Restoration Fund 1500/-


    N O T I C E Sub.:-Schedule of Charges 2016-17

    The following table depicts the charges payable by members for the year 2016-17. All Charges except that mentioned at are to be

    paid latest by 30th April 2016. Any delay in the payment of dues will

    attract penal interest @2% per month.

    2. The charges mentioned at,2&3 are subject to

    ratification/revision at AGM. In case it is decided to enhance the charges,

    the balance has to be paid by the due date to be fixed at AGM.

    3. Members, are welcome to pay the full year’s charge at one go.


    Sl. No.

    Item of Charge Amount(Rs.) Remarks

    1. Maintenance 6000/- Payable by 30th April’2016.

    2. Car Parking 1400/- -do- 3. 2-wheeler parking 600/- -do-

    4. Building Restoration Fund

    @1500/- Payable in Sept’16 & Feb’17

  • Dated.29.06.2016

    Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.

    Annual General Meeting

    N O T I C E

    In exercise of the authority conferred on the undersigned under sub-section (2) of Section 29 of the West Bengal Co-operative Societies Act,2006, notice is hereby given to all

    members of the Society that the Annual General Meeting for the Co-operative year 2016-17

    will be held on 24.07.2016 at 3:00 PM in the premises of the Society.

    Agenda for the meeting is as mentioned hereunder,

    Confirmation of the proceedings of the last Half-Yearly and Annual General Meeting


    Consideration of statements of accounts.

    Consideration of the Annual Report prepared by the Board.

    Approval of the Financial Proposals and Annual Budget (2016-17).

    Consideration of any other matter as may be raised in the meeting as miscellaneous

    item in accordance with the provisions of the Act and Bye-Laws of the Society.

    (Md.Mustakim) Secretary.

    To, All Members Copy to: The Jt. Registrar of Co-Operative Society, Kolkata Metropolitan Area Housing Cell, 245, B B Ganguly Street, Kolkata – 12.

  • Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Limited Notice

    Sub.:-Organising of Pujas at the Children’s Park.

    On 14.08.2015 during the BOD meeting some of the senior members of the

    Society including members of the Puja Committee came to the Office and

    requested for the accordance of the permission for holding of the Pujas as well

    as other festivities at the Children’s Park Of the Society. The matter was

    discussed at length at the BOD meeting. However, while the members were

    unanimous that the Pujas must be celebrated at the Society Premises but there

    was difference of opinion as to whether the festivities be allowed to be held at

    the Park.

    2. In view of above, opinion of members is herewith sought as to whether

    the Pujas will be allowed to be held at the Children’s Park. The BOD will abide by

    the opinion of the majority of members. We again emphasize that all are

    unanimous about the holding of the Pujas at the Society premises. Only bone of

    contention as to whether the festivities be allowed to be held at the Park.

    Members may kindly opine at the enclosed sheet.


  • Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Limited Notice

    Sub.:-Organising of Pujas at the Children’s Park.

    We have since received the opinion expressed by the member-residents on the matter mentioned in the subject

    above. All concerned are informed that the response is

    overwhelmingly in favour of holding of the pujas and allied

    festivities at the Children’s Park of the Society. In line with

    the decision taken at the meeting on 14.08.2016, the BOD

    therefore unequivocally accepts the response expressed

    by the member-residents.

    It is desired that all members and residents amicably and

    joyfully will participate at the festivities in the Campus.



  • Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Limited


    Members are informed that the following amounts are to be paid by each. The last date for payment of these dues has been fixed at 30th September 2016.

    Maintenance ----------------------------Rs.500/- (as was raised at AGM)

    Building Restoration Fund----------------Rs.1500/- (September Installment) Dated.27.08.2016


  • Niravra Co-Operative Housing Society Ltd.

    N O T I C E

    Consequent upon the resignation of

    Smt.Rajlakshmi Roy from the post of

    Chairperson of the Society, BOD has since

    Co-Opted Sh. Sunil Mitra as the Chairman

    Secretary Of the Co-Operative with

    immediate effect and until further notice.



  • Niravra Co-Operative Housing Society Ltd.

    N O T I C E

    Sub.:-Formation of Committee on court case


    As per approval accorded at the Annual General Meeting, a Committee has been constituted to deal with the

    court case on matter of M/s Aashiana Vs. Our Society in the

    light of the recent proposal received from the Vendor for an

    out-of-court amicable settlement. The Committee after

    necessary deliberations/negotiation will recommend further

    action that need be taken by the BOD. It is expected the

    committee will safeguard the interest of the Society and

    extricate it from the litigation. The Constitution of the

    Committee is as mentioned hereunder.

    1. Sh.Buddhadeb Gangopadhayay (1/8): Chairman.

    2. Sh.Manoranjan Roy(8/15):Member.

    3. Sh. B K Chakroborty(1/15):Member



    Copy to : Committee Members.

  • Greetings From BOD for the ensuing Festivities.


    Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.

    A U T U M N



  • N O T I C E

    Once the functions (family or otherwise)

    organized in the campus get over, the place

    has more often than not been found to be

    littered with waste-food, left-over food,

    plates etc. together with materials like

    wire-nails, pins, wooden pieces etc. arising

    out of the dismantled pandals. The garbage

    of waste food material etc. are unhygienic

    and presents an ugly untidy sight. The

    strewn materials like wire-nails, pins may

    cause injury or may result in flat tyres in


    The hosts/organisers of such functions are therefore requested to ensure that the

    caterers/decorators clean the site properly before

    departing the campus with their amenities.

    Dated.:02.11.2016 Secretary

  • Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Limited

    Urgent Notice Sub.:- Celebrating a Pollution free Dewali

    The Govt. Administration in no uncertain terms has directed all concerned to refrain from bursting the banned as well as high decibel firecrackers during the festival of Kalipuja/Dewali. The residential complexes have been specifically asked to remain vigilant in this regard so as to keep the acoustic pollution within the prescribed limit. In view of the above the residents of the Co-operative are herewith requested not to light/burst such crackers for our own safety and to ensure that the directives are complied with both in letter and spirit. All are requested to cooperate.


    N O T I C EN O T I C E

    27.06.2012N O T I C ENiravra Co-Operative Housing Society Ltd.N O T I C ENiravra Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.N O T I C E

    19.12.2012NIRAVRA Co-Operative Housing Society Ltd.No.hGM_13/Niravra Dated. 9.01.2013Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.Half – Yearly General MeetingNiravra Co-Operative Housing Society Ltd.N O T I C EN O T I C E

    Niravra Co-Operative Housing Society Ltd.N O T I C ENiravra Co-Operative Housing Society Ltd.Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.Annual General MeetingNiravra Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.Schedule of ChargesNiravra Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.Building Restoration Fund(2013-14)NIRAVRA CO-OPERATIVE HOUSING SOCIETY LTD.Dated.02.04.2014N O T I C ENIRAVRA CO-OPERATIVE HOUSING SOCIETY LTD.Dated.12.04.2014Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.Building Restoration Fund

    Niravra Co-operative Housing Society Limited.Co-Operative Dues: Defaulters’ StatementNIRAVRA CO-OPERATIVE HOUSING SOCIETY LTD.Dated.02.02.2016N O T I C ENIRAVRA CO-OPERATIVE HOUSING SOCIETY LTD.Dated.02.04.2016N O T I C E

    Niravra Co-Operative Housing Society Ltd.Niravra Co-Operative Housing Society Ltd.